Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Paper says candidate is owned by Rauner, and that’s a good thing
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Paper says candidate is owned by Rauner, and that’s a good thing

Wednesday, Oct 19, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A highly unusual endorsement by the Quad City Times

Tony McCombie doesn’t like to admit that she’s Gov. Bruce Rauner’s candidate in House District 71. But, it’s for that reason that Illinois voters should choose the Republican Savanna mayor over incumbent Democrat Rep. Mike Smiddy on Nov. 8.

There’s a proxy war raging in District 71 between Rauner and Speaker Michael Madigan. And, in that fight, we’ll side with Rauner almost every time. […]

Smiddy was bought and paid for years ago.

The same will probably be said for McCombie in two years. But, at the very least, she’s owned by the people demanding reform.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen an endorsement like that.


  1. - illini97 - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 9:43 am:

    Strange times. So now we are all OK with bought and paid for politicians, as long as the buyer is “our guy?”

    A low water mark for editorial boards.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 9:45 am:

    Dear Tony McCombie,

    You just don’t matter.

    That’s hysterical.


    Your psyche

  3. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 9:46 am:

    Why is it that so many papers have gone Raunerite? Is it corporate control of the media? I’m hoping someone will let me know.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 9:46 am:

    Any editorial board that thinks one branch should own the other branch must think the separation of powers is a joke too.

    Very telling.

  5. - The Way I See It - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 9:51 am:

    McCombie isnt the only guy like that.

  6. - former southerner - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 9:52 am:

    Maybe the QC times is experiencing cash flow issues and is vying to become the newest member of the IPI “not really a newspaper” family of pseudo-papers.

  7. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 9:53 am:

    This provides more honest reasoning than a lot of editorial endorsements provide, however unseemly it may come across.

  8. - DS - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 9:53 am:

    Oswego Willy in top form today lol

  9. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 9:54 am:

    Two points. First - given the QC Times leanings this is surprising. They have had some choice words for Rauner in the past few months and they essentially blamed him for the Exelon announcement (which made little sense but whatever). Second - the concept of an executive wanting people to support his or her agenda should be surprising. Rauner spent a fortune getting himself elected so why would he stop there? Willy - your concerns are duly noted and have been delineated many times but if Rauner spent that kinda cash to get in why would he be okay with constantly and consistently facing off with a GA that refuses to work with him on his issues? Whether we as a blog dislike that is immaterial. He was elected and wants to implement his policies and initiatives. It is impossible for him to do that if the House and Senate are completely tilted in the opposite direction. Presidents have been stumping for and trying to get their preferred candidates elected for years. Neighboring states have had governors who do the same. Why it is so strange for an Illinois governor to try and do the same is lost on me. Governors own, right?! Well…then Governor Rauner may be taking that literally.

  10. - Paddyrollingstone - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 9:54 am:

    It’s editorials like this, and the striking ignorance of those writing them makes me think that the newspaperless futire won’t be as bad as I had thought.

  11. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 9:55 am:

    That should have read “the concept of an executive wanting people to support his or her agenda should NOT be surprising”. Sorry about that.

  12. - Rabid - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 9:56 am:

    An endorsement from an iowa newspaper maybe she should move like her brother did

  13. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:00 am:

    So the Quad City Times is in favor of right-to-work? Abolishing prevailing wage? Unconstitutional pension “reform?”

  14. - Mal - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:01 am:

    I think that editorial board was bought and paid for.

  15. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:03 am:

    Meh, Lee Enterprises has always been interested in owning public officials for themselves. Perhaps they see McCombie as a joint venture.

  16. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:05 am:

    Mal - then you need to read some of their stuff. Their ed board is nowhere near “bought and paid for” by anyone. They hate Trump and they have railed against a lot of Rauner’s personal agenda.

    Smiddy’s problem is that he is aloof and comes across as combative. His inability to defend his own “no strike” bill without extensive staff help also makes him look circumspect.

  17. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:05 am:

    ==she’s owned by the person demanding reform.==

    Typo fixed.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:13 am:

    ===His (Smiddy’s) inability to defend his own “no strike” bill without extensive staff help also makes him look circumspect.===

    You described just about every single GA member at one time or another speaking to “their” bill(s) on the floor.

    You do realize that, right?

    If this the case about Smiddy… what does that say about both bodies? lol

  19. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:16 am:

    “Presidents have been stumping for and trying to get their preferred candidates elected for years.” If all Rauner were doing was stumping, there’d be no problem. It’s the fact that he’s buying his way in…*that’s* the problem. It’s ok if it’s your guy but corrupt if it isn’t.

  20. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:17 am:

    Willy - yes and no. Some members like Manar or Biss or Barickman know their stuff inside and out. Bradley can hold his own on the House floor and Franks was always good as well. Smiddy’s bill was his legislative baby and he looked lost. And his interview about the video game usage on the floor made him look like a huge toolbox. That has to be in the pipeline somewhere.

  21. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:20 am:

    Skeptic - “stumping” also includes high-level and expensive fundraising. Rauner is using his own money but he has other benefactors as well.

  22. - Saluki - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:20 am:

    Makes Sense to me.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:23 am:

    ===Presidents have been stumping for and trying to get their preferred candidates elected for years.===

    This isn’t stumping. The editorial made it quite clear, the Executive will own McCombie. The encroachment on the government is being celebrated.

    ===Neighboring states have had governors who do the same.

    Really? Neighboring states have the minority caucuses, they bought, and have members vote against their constituents, and those governors also double-cross whole caucuses when funding substantial state services… embarrassing the owned minority caucus members? Interesting

    ===Why it is so strange for an Illinois governor to try and do the same is lost on me. Governors own, right?!===

    Then I’m sure when Rod Blagojevich tried this… you approved? You approved the removing of checks and balances and thought the diminishing independence of the Legislative is ok?

    It’s like surrendering yourself to a 3rd World banana republic mentality. That’s sadly pathetic.

    ===Well…then Governor Rauner may be taking that literally.===


    ‘Nember the “No $&@#% Problems” spiel.

    It’s never been… “May”

    Same with Rod when he wanted a Governor-Owned caucus, same with Rauner actually Owning members and “cheered” for the usurping of separation of powers.

    This endorsement is a left-handed mockery of Rauner owning the state, abc they’re cool with that.


  24. - A guy - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:23 am:

    The Daily Herald has gotten close to this in a few, but not nearly as overt. That is a bit arresting.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:25 am:

    - Team Sleep -

    You listed like 6-7…

    There’s 177 members.

    Just sayin’

  26. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:37 am:

    Willy - do you really want me to pour through tons of bills highlight dozens of members? I named people off the top of my head who have introduced and defended their major legislation. Chris Welch reintroduced Smiddy’s bill and had none of the same issues Smiddy had. Welch eloquently and intelligently defended the bill and its veto override attempts.

    When did Blago actually recruit AND fund pro-Blago candidates? He had a hard time finding people to defend anything he wanted to do and he openly warred with Speaker Madigan. Blago was all about Blago and nothing else. Rauner is at least putting his money where his mouth is and putting workers and staffers in areas where he wants to perform well. This is a team effort. I get your concerns but this is reality.

  27. - Timmeh - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:43 am:

    “people demanding reform”

    Everyone demands reform. I support reform to the Illinois tax system. I doubt Governor Rauner would agree with what I actually want in policy. I guess “reform” is enough for the Quad City Times.

    There’s a lack of ideas from the media these days. You would think if the people are demanding reform, media outlets might run some stories on possible reforms that aren’t being actively considered by either party.

  28. - Deft Wing - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:47 am:

    Wait. Some don’t like that a newspaper endorsement is actually addressing reality?! Well, it’s about time (for the contrary see the Chicago Sun Times’ endorsements that are the exact opposite). In this instance, the Quad City Times calls out things as they are — Madigan vs. Rauner — and explicitly states it is siding with Rauner.

    The temerity of being truthful about the proxy battle and taking a side. How dare they.

  29. - Anon - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:47 am:

    ===But, at the very least, she’s owned by the people demanding reform.===

    I guess it doesn’t matter what the reforms are.

    I sort of assume a news paper endorsement from a pretty large daily to read differently than a rant at the Thanksgiving Dinner Table.

  30. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:53 am:

    Deft - the LaSalle News Tribune has done the same. They have called the Skoog-Long race a proxy war and they are correct.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 10:54 am:

    - Team Sleep -

    If you think Smiddy’s lacking on speaking to a bill is the exception instead of a “norm”… lol.

    ===When did Blago actually recruit AND fund pro-Blago candidates.===

    The “ill-named” PAC that was designed to do EXACTLY what Rauner IS doing imploded do in part to “no funding”

    Diana Rauner, a self-labeled Democrat, the Wisconsinite Richard Uihlein, and the Richest Man in Illinois Ken Griffin are funding the ILGOP at a 95%+ clip.

    Four people, three “families”.

    Rod had none of that, but these three “families” are running the Blagojevich Dream…

    ===Blago was all about Blago and nothing else.===

    … Rauner is all about the Raunerite Agenda and nothing else… as heartless as it is. “That’s reality”

    ===Rauner is at least putting his money where his mouth is and putting workers and staffers in areas where he wants to perform well. This is a team effort.===

    Diana, Uihlein, Griffin. That’s the team. That’s “the list”.

    There’s no team. Its about the Raunerism and destroying all that isn’t… Raunerism.

    It’s a business decision.

    === I get your concerns but this is reality===

    Like the editorial, supporting Rod’s Dream is the reality and OK.

    That’s the saddest way to give up independence… to four people looking to ruin the lives of people unless labor is destroyed.


  32. - Streator Curmudgeon - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 11:04 am:

    Sounds like two hillbillies arguing the culinary merits of muskrat vs. gopher.

  33. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 11:08 am:

    Willy - given that SB 1229 was Smiddy’s bill and his bread-and-butter it was both hilarious and sad to watch him flail on the House floor and listen to Republicans who knew more about his own bill than he did. Sorry but that speaks poorly on him and makes him look foolish. I expect more out of our elected officials - especially on pet issues and projects.

    You were and are correct that elections have consequences. Rauner took full advantage of that (in many ways). We are certainly seeing that. I think we just need to agree to disagree.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 11:12 am:

    - Team Sleep -

    With respect, as always.


  35. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 11:26 am:

    “An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.” — Simon Cameron (1799–1889)

    I guess the Quad City Times thinks Tony McCombie is an ‘honest politician’…

    – MrJM

  36. - Downstate Dem - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 11:37 am:

    Memo to House Dems: this is what happens when you let the Speaker stay on defense for a couple decades.

  37. - Deft Wing - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 11:54 am:

    Noticed no one took issue with the assertion that “Smiddy was bought and paid for years ago.”

    Another uncomfortable truth published by an Opinion Page. Truly outrageous.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 11:58 am:

    ===Noticed no one took issue with the assertion that “Smiddy was bought and paid for years ago.”===

    Or by trying to “accept” that, the editorial board can rationalize the owning of McCombie is “accepted” instead of seeing Rauner as outrageous… as it may be.


  39. - Deft Wing - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 12:22 pm:

    Curiously, the endorsement did not mention Smiddy’s propensity to play video games while on the House floor. That was darn charitable of the Quad City Times because it would have been every bit as truthful as identifying Smiddy as a Madigan flack and the better choice for the 71st Dist.

  40. - Joshua - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 1:51 pm:

    No one likes Madigan. He cares more about unions than the taxpayers of illinois and illionians at all

  41. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 1:53 pm:

    Union workers are taxpayers…

  42. - Tom - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 2:07 pm:

    He’s always had the support of the editorial board before, and now the cut and run? Classic case of distancing themselves from him in order to avoid the guilty by association charge? Your thoughts?

  43. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 2:14 pm:

    Few care what a newspaper editorializes over. This is a reason why newspapers editorials have become laughingstock.

    Worse, the political bias in 2016 is now even sickening Washington Post’s Chris Cizilla, a devote progressive himself. Newspapers are nothing like they were in business or prestige since the Internet, and this year they’ve capped in their own nests for perhaps the last time.

    Ironically since this editorial supports a challenger admittedly a governor’s stooge.

    No one cares anymore. Even my grandmother stopped getting her paper.

  44. - burbanite - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 2:26 pm:

    How many more days?

  45. - Hyperbolic Chamber - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 4:00 pm:

    As Deft Wing alluded, Mike Smiddy has never been a player on Team Madigan. He ran with NO help from MJM in 2012 (it was a throwaway in the remap) & only minimal help in ‘14 and still seems to (and will continue to, no doubt) call his own shots.

  46. - Downstate GOP - Wednesday, Oct 19, 16 @ 4:30 pm:

    Smiddy gets thrown under the bus all of a sudden when running for his third term, wonder what it took to get him tossed to the trash pile

  47. - Honeybear - Thursday, Oct 20, 16 @ 8:57 am:

    –Rauner is at least putting his money where his mouth is and putting workers and staffers in areas where he wants to perform well.–

    Like Intersect Illinois a PRIVATE venture ( It’s technically not an EDC yet.) Look at DCEO’s executive staff chart. How many are “acting”?
    Yet how many former DCEO staff are at Intersect Illinois? I have only rumors since the actual composition of the venture is closed to us.

    So you are exactly right. Rauner is just not putting staff into Government positions for his key area of interest.

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