Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 - Radogno responds - GOMB responds *** Harris wants budget working group reinstated
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*** UPDATED x2 - Radogno responds - GOMB responds *** Harris wants budget working group reinstated

Tuesday, Dec 6, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Subscribers were tipped to this earlier today, as well as the reason why…,

State Rep. Greg Harris, D-Chicago, released the following statement Tuesday, after delivering letters to Gov. Bruce Rauner and Democratic and Republican legislative leaders urging a working group of lawmakers to immediately begin negotiations on a state budget:

“With only weeks before the stopgap budget expires, passing a responsible and comprehensive budget for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2017 and a full-year budget for Fiscal Year 2018 must be a priority. The governor and caucus leaders have been open to forming a bipartisan, bicameral budget working group. House Democrats are ready to do their part to end this gridlock and pass a budget that protects vital programs and services for families throughout Illinois. I am hopeful this group will begin meeting immediately and work throughout the coming weeks to achieve a budget solution.”

The letters are here.

*** UPDATE 1 ***  GOMB’s response…

The Governor’s Office of Management and Budget Chief of Staff Scott Harry released the following statement in the lead-up to today’s budget presentation from Speaker Madigan to the Governor and legislative leaders:

“The budget working group has gone as far as it can in putting together a balanced budget framework to accompany key reforms that grow the economy, lower property taxes, improve education and bring government pensions under control,” Harry said. “Now it’s time for the four leaders and the governor to reach agreement on these key reforms and give final parameters for a balanced budget framework.”

Yesterday, GOMB Director Tim Nuding met with budget directors from all four legislative caucuses to answer any remaining questions about the stopgap funding bill or issues needed for final decision-making on a FY17-FY18 balanced budget framework. The administration looks forward to seeing Speaker Madigan’s budget proposal in today’s Four Leaders meeting, including specific parameters for funding levels, cuts, revenue and/or reforms.

Notice there’s no mention of revenues in that budget framework. There were, but they don’t like to talk about that.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno…

Dear Representative Harris:

Thank you for your most recent letter regarding budget working groups. I refer you to my letter sent to you last week that already addresses the topic. I am attaching a copy of that letter.

I look forward to seeing you at today’s meeting at 2pm to discuss the budget.

Her letter from last week is here. Basically, she said that she already did the working groups thing and now it’s up to the leaders.


  1. - anon - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 11:30 am:

    Never been more clear that Madigan’s intention is to stall and never reach a reasonable compromise.

  2. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 11:34 am:

    ===Never been more clear that Madigan’s intention is to stall and never reach a reasonable compromise.===

    I’m sure he would love to get to the point of being able to compromise, but the governor won’t even discuss a budget. What is there to compromise on? What we can give the governor to actually do his job?

  3. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 11:38 am:

    I asked for this yesterday. Great minds think alike. :)

  4. - Dude - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 11:39 am:

    Please… somebody put forth a balanced budget to start negotiating from. Include whatever reforms, cuts, tax increases you think are appropriate. Negotiating can happen from there, but until someone at least proposes a balanced budget, we’ll get nowhere. It won’t happen because nobody has the balls to put their name to anything.

  5. - Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 11:49 am:

    Good. A bipartisan working group seems more likely to agree on a tax increase than either Rauner or Madigan proposing one.

  6. - Skeptic - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 11:52 am:

    Cue “…with reforms” in 3….2….1…..

  7. - Deft Wing - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 11:53 am:

    It took a supposed “budget expert” to come up with that lame “strategy?”

    It is absolutely and unmistakably clear that Madigan wants to stall. He doesn’t want a budget, he doesn’t want detente, and he doesn’t care that the State is in rapid decline.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 11:55 am:


    - Deft Wing -

    ===“I will insist that those be part of any stopgap plan, Rauner said. “Be ready, because that’s where we’re going.”===

    Rauner is holding the whole state hostage.

    Harris is trying to figure out the terms of releasing the hostages.

    What is the cost.

    Pay attention, please.

  9. - In 630 - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 11:57 am:

    == It won’t happen because nobody has the balls to put their name to anything. ==

    Which is extra aggravating because any group of legislators willing to do just what you described and put forward an alternative budget would look like heroes just for trying.

  10. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 11:59 am:

    No one wants to own the necessary cuts and the necessary tax increase. That is why “Gov slings and arrows” is asking for MJM to present a budget (despite the Constitution stating; no Governor, you do that first). If MJM presents an actual balanced budget, then the Gov gets to hang those cuts and taxes on MJM. And the Gov can continue his role of helpless victim my saying he only agreed to those things in order to save the hostages that MJM was holding.

  11. - hmmm - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 12:05 pm:

    So why did Madigan invite “budget expert” Greg Harris to these meetings, if all along Madigan wanted budget working groups? Another mistake by Madigan. He inadvertently proved that he just wants to grind the state into the ground.

  12. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 12:08 pm:

    I vote yes great idea with the precondition that if they fail to come to a bipartisan agreement, both sides submit their budget recommendation as is and the Senate and House vote on it no amendments

  13. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 12:12 pm:

    Now they need to flip the narrative.

    Make it clear that the state needs a budget, and the working groups will be charged with that goal.

    As such, extra-budgetary items will not be discussed.

  14. - Norseman - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 12:19 pm:

    Kiddie games continue.

    Show me your plan.

    Show me yours.

    No, you show me yours.

    I’m not showing you mine until you show me yours.

    Alas, our leaders continue to play rhetorical gotcha. Maybe we, should reach out for leadership from some older children who’ve learned to move beyond playground games.

  15. - Wow - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 12:24 pm:

    MJM should say today “the House Democrats are prepared to work with the Governor on passing his budget once HE gives us his revenue projections.

  16. - Christopher - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 12:25 pm:

    I don’t particularly feel like any one side is incredibly serious about negotiating a budget. If they can’t come to an agreement, what will really change?

    Rauner doesn’t seem to care if higher education or social services receive funding. At the same time, democrats don’t truly believe they will be blamed for a budget impasse.

    I always seem to come back to one point. In negotiations, both sides typically get something they want. In the governor’s mind, he gets his reforms and in turn the democrats get a tax increase. Does this make sense to anyone? Why would the democrats go for this?

  17. - Deft Wing - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 12:48 pm:

    A “budget expert” brought in to negotiate and get a deal done has to have more than the weak sauce Harris is stirring.

    Harris was used by the Speaker. #Shocker

  18. - Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 1:05 pm:

    Christopher, I don’t doubt that’s the way many republicans think (”Democrats want a tax increase!”)

    But to be fair, what the democrats would get out of the negotiations/hostage release is the funding of social services.

  19. - A guy - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 1:08 pm:

    To the Update(s): Not sure how long it’s going to take the Speaker to make his way completely to the corner, but he’s just about there.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 1:12 pm:

    ===Not sure how long it’s going to take the Speaker to make his way completely to the corner, but he’s just about there.===

    Nah, - A Guy -

    ===“I will insist that those be part of any stopgap plan, Rauner said. “Be ready, because that’s where we’re going.”===

    When the hostage-taker is at the “Give in or the state gets it”, it’s not the Speaker in the Corner, it’s Rauner telling us the clock is almost at zeroes and hurting people is a-ok with Rauner.

    “Pat Quinn failed”

    “Bruce Rauner takes out hostages”


  21. - LTSW - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 1:12 pm:

    There are only about 10 dems, if that many where funding social services is likely to get you any votes. And that group generally has no electoral opposition. The Republican view in my thinking is that the Dems made this mess they should take the heat. If they had extended the 5% income tax Rainer would have very little to bargain over.

  22. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 1:16 pm:

    Yeah, when Rauner has bargained himself down to two agenda items and a 36% approval rating, he seems like the one on the run. And I don’t think accepting the consequences of no further stopgap budgets will be quite the show of strength he hopes.

  23. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 1:20 pm:

    Candidate Bruce Rauner, and Governor-Elect Bruce Rauner told everyone that he could balance the budget with a 3.75% tax rate. He asked the legislature to not extend the 5% rate. They should ask him for his budget proposal now showing how he will accomplish this feat.

  24. - Skeptic - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 1:31 pm:

    ” a balanced budget framework to accompany key reforms” Boom! There it is!

  25. - Ebenezer - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 1:38 pm:

    No one is willing to put their name behind a balanced budget. Both sides would rather place kick the can than face the realities.
    Both sides can persuade their tribe that the other guy is the real problem. There won’t be 60 votes until the wheels come completely off the bus.

    Its got to get a lot worse.

    I’ll second Honeybear’s comment from another post about failed states.

  26. - A guy - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 1:51 pm:

    ==Nah, - A Guy -=

    Willy, if anyone agreed with you besides you, I might give that more thought.

    At some point, maybe Crains will say it. Then, you can take it to the bank. Oy.

    The Speaker is wobbly. Never seen it before. The last few months is what it looks like. Time catches up to everyone and it’s on his heels. Keep watching. He’s not on offense.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 2:22 pm:

    ===.. if anyone agreed with you, I might give that more thought.===

    That’s not an argument, make the argument.

    I did.

    ===Time catches up to everyone and it’s on his heels. Keep watching. He’s not on offense.===

    … Yet Rauner is prepared to take out hostages?

    Your rationale makes no sense here.

  28. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 2:37 pm:

    The chicken game continues.

    If anyone wants to look more responsible, noble or statesmanlike than the other, then they can actually put a proposed budget out there. Not a lot of competition out there.

    The Constitution explicitly requires the governor to do it, but it’s clear by now that ain’t going to happen with the current governor. He’d prefer that Madigan take the lead on the tough stuff, to hear him talk.

    Umtil somebody steps up, they’re all on the same level of juvenile dreariness.

  29. - Politix - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 2:59 pm:

    MJM has been much more demonstrative this year with his intentions. Accept the stalling or don’t, Mike’s done. Rauner’s not getting a thing.

    And here’s to another year of gridlock!

  30. - Politix - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 3:11 pm:

    I’d agree he was wobbly the first two years. The election season seems to have helped him gain his sea legs. He now gives zero … anything.

  31. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 3:16 pm:

    ==The Speaker is wobbly.==

    You’ve been saying this Since January, 2015, but it’s been Rauner who’s bargained away all but two of his demands.

    As far as that goes, it’s actually exactly what a lot of smart Republicans on this forum predicted.

  32. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 3:30 pm:

    That being said, I agree the Speaker has lost some speed on his fastball, but it’s more in his electoral operation than his negotiating tactics.

  33. - A guy - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 3:47 pm:

    ==ut it’s more in his electoral operation===

    Don’t kid yourself. He’s lost some speed on that fastball too. Just as he is, his operatives are getting long in the tooth. Their techniques aren’t as effective in the newer territories his map making skills earned him.

    He’s wobbly. Never seen him like this. I’m not ready to say “he’s just holding on”, but I wouldn’t immediately disagree with that thought. It’s been an epic run, but we’re in the twi-light.

  34. - vibes - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 4:24 pm:

    We may have to wait this out until February 15th, when the Governor is (next) obligated under law to submit a balanced budget.

    Sec. 50-5. Governor to submit State budget.
    (a) The Governor shall …not later than … the third Wednesday in February of each year thereafter

  35. - MAMA - Tuesday, Dec 6, 16 @ 6:11 pm:

    Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno is there any good reason why you or the governor can not produce a budget to be voted on?

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