* Liberal Rapper whose father worked for Obama has unproductive meeting with Republican governor who never provides a straight answer to questions on just about anything. Surprise!…
* Sun-Times…
The West Chatham native left Rauner’s Thompson Center office Friday feeling “flustered” after a 30-minute conversation with the governor that centered on funding from Chicago Public Schools.
Chance said he discussed the $215 million that had been earmarked for CPS in a budget deal that collapsed earlier this year.
“He asked me where I thought the $215 million was supposed to come from,” the rapper said, frowning, as a scrum of reporters crowded around him at the elevators.
Asked as he stepped onto an elevator what his message was, Chance said, “Take our kids off the table.”
* Tribune…
“I’m here cause I just want people to do their jobs,” the musician told reporters after the meeting. “And I did speak with the governor. I asked him about funding CPS with that $215 million that was discussed in May of last year and was vetoed in December over, you know, political arguments and (stuff).”
* From a friend at the Thompson Center…
The most media I’ve seen on the 16th floor, they are stacked past the elevators.
This was the most over-hyped Chicago media event of the year.
* Be careful with this video. It’s got some words which are not safe for work, but if you can deal with that, have a look…
* He did have some valid criticisms of the media…
CTR: I want you all to do your jobs. Like, seriously, all your publications that you guys work for… If you guys could give a comprehensive history on how we ended up here
Reporter: What did the governor say, may I ask you?
CTR: He gave me a lot of vague answers. So we’ll see what happens. He has my personal number. He told me that in 48 hours that, you know. Springfield is in session next week, so we’ll see.
* Rauner had a far more upbeat take…
“We had a discussion about education and education funding,” Rauner said. “Good exchange of views on what the options are, what the possibilities are.”
Rauner said Chance the Rapper was “very focused on getting quickly more money for CPS right now, and I share his passion.” The governor said he had offered to work over the weekend with the music artist to find a solution to the funding problem. He said the two agreed to remain in communication.
“I think we agreed that we’re going to talk further in the coming days, and we talked about working together,” Rauner said.
* The governor also told reporters he asked the rapper to work with him…
I said it’s an incredible opportunity to change our system. If we stood together, Chance, I have some power. I have power in some ways, you have great power in other ways. If we stood together, worked together to figure this out, then we could get big things done.
…Adding… As a commenter notes, that sounds a lot like Darth Vader’s infamous offer to Luke Skywalker.
*** UPDATE 1 *** Oh, for crying out loud…
For his part, Rauner said the pair had agreed to talk more with Chance over the weekend on a school funding solution that the two could present to the legislature when it reconvenes Tuesday.
*** UPDATE 2 *** Doomed! Doomed, I tells ya. Doomed!…
*** UPDATE 3 *** Raw video from WTTW. Again, several not safe for work words…
- Pelonski - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:06 pm:
“He gave me a lot of vague answers.” - that’s pretty much the Governor in a nutshell
- wordslinger - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:10 pm:
Gee, Chance, didn’t you know the purpose of the meeting was to take a smiling photo with Rauner so he could tweet it out?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:13 pm:
Good on Chance for chiding the media.
Speaks volumes that Chance understands where the media is failing… and the media seems unfazed by their own culpability.
- jimk849 - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:14 pm:
A rapper and a bull-crapper what did we expect?
- Clark - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:17 pm:
Definitely agree it was the most over-hyped event of the year. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so people shouldn’t expect that after one 40 minute conversation that our budget woes would be solved.
- P. - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:19 pm:
This convo has a very Luke & Vader Empire Strikes Back feel to it. Doesn’t sound like Chance have in to the dark side … yet.
- Arsenal - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:20 pm:
I really wonder how Team Superstar let this get so hyped. What a dumb move.
- Stumpy's bunker - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:21 pm:
(Media event): “Governor, I’d like to ask a few questions about how your much-hyped “outreach” adventure went with Chance The Rapper….”
- Earnest - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:21 pm:
>Rome wasn’t built in a day
True, but how long did it take to tear it down? /s
Some of our media outlets could improve their reporting by hiring Chance the Rapper.
- winners and losers - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:24 pm:
==The governor said he had offered to work over the weekend with the music artist to find a solution to the funding problem==
Rauner will not work with anyone else to solve CPS funding problems, but he will work with Chance over the weekend to do that???
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:24 pm:
HBO - “Dad’s Home State” - Season 3, Episode 12
Bruce meets award-winning recording artist, Bruce realizes the award-winning recording artist has seen Bruce’s act. Diana oversees the removal of items at the Mansion, wonders out loud if any of the items will fit in the house on the Fair Grounds. Diana’s State Employee gives list of song titles of award-winning recording artist to Bruce and Diana. Lance tweets pictures of the number “3″ to Rep. Lang, “ck” writes parody song press release using new software for the Rauner Word Jumble. Goldberg writes a letter to Price Waterhouse Cooper. Comedy, 63 minutes.
- A guy - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:26 pm:
I guess they’re gonna hook up and chat over the weekend some more. We’ll have to wait and see if that happens.
In the meantime, I’m thinking this wasn’t a “We are the World” moment.
- Shore - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:29 pm:
I thot that was fantastic. Good to see the guy getting involved and speaking his mind. I hope he doesn’t get discouraged. Wished he would’ve spent more time talking and taking questions.
- Honeybear - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:31 pm:
I told Karen we should have sent in Killer Mike. S/
- Opiate of the Masses - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:35 pm:
==The governor said he had offered to work over the weekend with the music artist to find a solution to the funding problem==
=Rauner will not work with anyone else to solve CPS funding problems, but he will work with Chance over the weekend to do that???=
Fork —> us.
- winners and losers - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:36 pm:
==For his part, Rauner said the pair had agreed to talk more with Chance over the weekend on a school funding solution that THE TWO COULD PRESENT TO THE LEGISLATURE WHEN IT RECONVENES TUESDAY (Sun-Times)==
- Stumpy's bunker - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:36 pm:
Note to Rauner’s handlers: All rappers want “street cred” to be considered the Real Deal. You don’t get that by photo-opping and kissy-facing with a gazillionaire vulture capitalist responsible for the obliteration of chemical dependency and life-saving social services in the inner city.
But that’s just a guess on my part.
- Archiesmom - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:37 pm:
I think Bruce underestimated Chance. I bet the Governor’s people thought they would get a Trump/Kanye photo op and some points. Not so much.
- A Jack - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:37 pm:
Chance could do a new song to commemorate the meeting:
“Rauner is a downer,
Goverin’ ain’t his bag,
He’d rather go skin’
And come back to nag”
- RNUG - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:41 pm:
== He gave me a lot of vague answers. ==
Beginning to think Rauner wouldn’t give St. Peter a straight answer ..
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:42 pm:
===For his part, Rauner said the pair had agreed to talk more with Chance over the weekend on a school funding solution that the two could present to the legislature when it reconvenes Tuesday===
Rauner steamrolls Leader Radogno and in turn the Grand Bargain, but Rauner will work over the weekend with Chance, a mere 48 hours, to cobble a funding formula that they, Rauner and Chance, can present to the General Assembly.
Geez, Louise, Rauner is making himself a caricature. No help necessary.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:44 pm:
“I guess they’re gonna hook up and chat over the weekend some more. We’ll have to wait and see if that happens.
In the meantime, I’m thinking this wasn’t a “We are the World” moment”
I dunno. I can see a CPS telethon happening with phone banks and everything.
- Father Ted - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:45 pm:
I think Rauner underestimated Chance and Chance overestimated Rauner. Vague answers? Anyone who has been paying attention knows to expect little more than vagueness or ‘blame Madigan’ from the man who “leads” this state.
- From the 'Dale to HP - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:46 pm:
Rauner out foxed again… you don’t say…
- Been There - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:46 pm:
===For his part, Rauner said the pair had agreed to talk more with Chance over the weekend on a school funding solution that the two could present to the legislature when it reconvenes Tuesday===
I also believe the St. Patrick’s Day Queen made the rounds to all the constitutional offices. I heard Rauner is going to work with her on the pension problem and have something for the legislators soon.
- Honeybear - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:47 pm:
Chance- Rauner can’t get him no act right. Mug ain’t worth it.
- Mr.Black - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:48 pm:
Young black rapper from the south side of Chicago meets with rich white old man from the northern suburbs. What could possibly go wrong? /s
- illini - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:48 pm:
So let me understand this - we have a rapper, that I have never heard of, discussing and negotiating the details of education funding with BVR?
So much for the Grand Bargain and dealing with those in the GA! Sad. Sad. Sad.
- Red Ranger - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:54 pm:
These two couldn’t figure out in one week an issue that countless people haven’t been able to solve for 50 years;shocking.
- Archiesmom - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:55 pm:
Illini, Chance’s father was with Harold Washington, and was also a deputy chief of staff for the current Chicago mayor. The rapper is a born and bred Chicagoan who really cares about the city. He knows what he’s talking about.
- Thoughts Matter - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:56 pm:
We have all sort of commissions and so forth, made up of highly qualified people. They’ve been putting together recommendations, which Bruce ignores. We’ve got over a hundred legislators that are elected to develop and pass laws, along with Bruce’s superstars. But, we are going to treat all that as noise and have a rapper present an education plan?
What is Beth Purvis doing?
- Harvest76 - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:57 pm:
“I said it’s an incredible opportunity to change our system. If we stood together, Chance, I have some power. I have power in some ways, you have great power in other ways. If we stood together, worked together to figure this out, then we could get big things done.”
-Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker
- wordslinger - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 1:58 pm:
Is that update for real? Rauner said he and Chance are going to cram over the weekend to devise a school-funding “solution?”
I’ll have what the governor is having. Obviously, he gets the good stuff.
- phocion - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:00 pm:
Chance, the Governor?
- Southside Markie - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:00 pm:
I like Chance. He went to high school with some relatives and they tell me how nice he was. But when things have gotten to the point that the Gov is making him part of the solution to the school funding crisis, it says something. And not something good.
- Chicago 20 - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:02 pm:
- “He asked me where I thought the $215 million was supposed to come from,” the rapper said
Perhaps a budget?
- Birdman Iceberg - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:03 pm:
#Chance2018. Because what else do we have to lose?
- A guy - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:04 pm:
==Beginning to think Rauner wouldn’t give St. Peter a straight answer ..==
RNUG, I’m a little surprised you think they’ll ever meet. lol
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:06 pm:
=== ==Beginning to think Rauner wouldn’t give St. Peter a straight answer ..==
RNUG, I’m a little surprised you think they’ll ever meet. lol===
It’s like Court(?)
You get your Preliminary Hearing, get a ruling, then prepare for Appeal(?)
- CharlieKratos - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:07 pm:
Hey, look on the bright side, maybe Bruce will decide to take up rapping instead of destroying Illinois as his retirement hobby.
- Precinct Captain - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:08 pm:
Wow, so you’re telling me that Bruce Rauner is a grandstander not interested in or capable of formulating solutions to the problems of Illinois? I never would have guessed!
- illini - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:09 pm:
@Archiesmom - thanks for the info. I am just an “old” downstater who is sometimes ( maybe oftentimes ) out of the loop when it comes to some pop figures.
I was not questioning his interest and commitment, but only the fact that BVR seems more interested in working out the details of a very, very complex situation with someone who has no vote on the solution.
Yet, I do wish them well!
- Daniel Plainview - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:21 pm:
What’s the issue? You said yourself Rauner could use the weekend to put together a deal palatable to the Dems.
- Hmm - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:22 pm:
The story is on CNN’s website. Maybe a national news organization can do a story about Bruce Rauner and how he is destroying the state since local news is saying nothing.
- ams - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:24 pm:
All of these comments are too funny…
- Cubs in '16 - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:28 pm:
Ok, I’m really confused. If Madigan is all powerful and solely responsible for all things detrimental to the state, why is Chance meeting with the Gov.? Shouldn’t he have met with MJM instead?
- Flynn's mom - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:50 pm:
@OW……Funny stuff. We need more Dad’s Home State episodes.
- Chicagoan - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:54 pm:
The meeting didn’t go well for Gov. Rauner. Chance isn’t up for re-election, hasn’t been able to work with legislators to pass a budget, vetoed a bill that would have allowed Chicago Public Schools’ students to remain in school until late June.
You can mock Chance the Rapper for not knowing much about politics, but he has his heart in the right place. Rauner seems to lack ANY compassion or consideration for those less fortunate than him.
- @MisterJayEm - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:58 pm:
Why won’t anyone give Jeanne Ives the attention she so desperately craves?
– MrJM
- wordslinger - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 2:59 pm:
Sounds like Ives is fixing to pull out the old Confederate uniform…
- Anon221 - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:05 pm:
At last count, one person “liked” Ives twit;)
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:05 pm:
Jeanne Ives…
“If Gov. Rauner is going to let foul mouthed Rapper help make state education decisions, we are all doomed”
Maybe the Governor needs to let members of the General Assembly that feel the need to recognize confederate contributions to the Civil War first crack at solving problems?
1) Get off Twitter.
- A guy - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:07 pm:
Oh my. Despite the warning, I listened to the video. The language was tamer than what you’d hear in most middle schools, and much tamer than high schools.
Foul-mouthed? I’d reserve that for something more than what I heard. Jeesh, the public isn’t demanding a response to everything. There’s a narrative in that video that Rep. Ives may have gotten distracted and missed. It wasn’t the S word. Oy.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:07 pm:
Tips cap to - Flynn’s mom -
There are episodes in the can, HBO really likes to spread out content. I’ll ask when future episodes may reach air.
- Earnest - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:13 pm:
I wish I had an iota of VanillaMan’s talent. This thread is crying out for a rap song. Hmmmm…
I met with Gov’ner Rauner
We split jalapeno nachos
We talked about school funding
And how he beat Radogno’s
Grand Bargain
Ho Ho Hey
Grand Bargain
No no no way
Grand Bargain
Not on my high way.
I talked to the reporters
Right by the elevator
I tried to hold my temper
But they don’t do their jobs
And the Gov had vague old answers
I’m worried ’bout the children
And social service contractors
Bad Bargain, bad bargain
Wo oh oh
Bad Bargain, bad bargain
That’s our Illinois
Our leaders, Our leaders
Bad bargain to elect them.
…I definitely don’t have VM’s talent. And I think I’m running a fever.
- DuPage - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:13 pm:
Total waste of time. On second thought, Rauner has not spent much time doing the job as governor, so I guess Rauner has nothing else to do. (Rauner fiddles while Illinois burns.)
- JS Mill - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:20 pm:
=If Gov. Rauner is going to let foul mouthed Rapper help make state education decisions, we are all doomed.=
“If Gov. Rauner is going to let a shrill and psychotic legislator like Ives help make state education decisions, we are all doomed.”
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:31 pm:
Did Chance also seek an appointment with Rahm Emanuel to discuss the quality people that were at the Chicago Board Education compliments of the Mayor? Good people like Barbara Byrd Bennett and the gang from SUPES?
- Henry Francis - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:35 pm:
Well, at least Jeanne didn’t say he had a bad attitude.
- Boone's is back - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:37 pm:
===At last count, one person “liked” Ives twit;)====
And their twitter handle was …DRUM ROLL PLEASE… Shari A. Law
- ILGOV2018 - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:39 pm:
Jeanne Ives, we are all doomed because of people like you.
- CrazyHorse - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:41 pm:
Droppin’ G’s
I asked Bruce for fundin’
He says he’s really tryin’
If y’all ask Claypool
He’ll say he’s lyin’
I said we need a budget
We haven’t had one lately
Social Services and Higher Ed
They both need it greatly
He’s a billionaire
He don’t feel the pain
How the hell we got here?
It’s kind of insane
Bruce can blame the Dems until our ears bleed
But 60 and 30 is what he really needs
He says he’s bein’ fair
We gotta blame Mike
But look at AFSCME
They about to strike
Bustin’ unions
That’s his big play
Local bargainin’
Is his favorite way
The teachers union
He says they can’t read
But Big B
It’s clear you can’t lead
I’ll give you credit
You sure can hold your ground
I just wish you’d realize
Your state is burnin’ down
- East Central Illinois - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:42 pm:
Does this mean that Chance the Rapper is gonna be in concert in the House on Tuesday?? I can just picture it now . . . Madigan with his pants pulled up to his armpits bustin’ a move while Chance raps the new School Fundin’ Reform legislation to the members for a vote!
- East Central Illinois - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:46 pm:
With a tip of the hat to -Crazy Horse- In concert in the State of Illinois Rotunda on Tuesday . . . introducing Chance the Rapper with Big B performing their new hit “School Fundin’” followed by the up and coming radio hit entitled “Shut It Down”
- Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:46 pm:
Rauner’s Friday’s schedule originally called for a trip to Belgrade to rescue American hostages with Jesse Jackson, then he realized that’d been done so he switched to Plan B.
- CrazyHorse - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:50 pm:
==In concert in the State of Illinois Rotunda on Tuesday . . . introducing Chance the Rapper with Big B performing their new hit “School Fundin’” followed by the up and coming radio hit entitled “Shut It Down”==
LOL. Maybe Big B will perform at the State Fair free of charge to save us some money.
- Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 3:54 pm:
Expect Rauner to next week announce a Motley Crue reunion tour during which Nikki Sixx and Rauner negotiate the deal to save higher education funding.
- Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 4:16 pm:
Rauner’s school funding meetings have a better lineup than the Illinois State Fair.
- Morty - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 4:21 pm:
Boss Madogan and the ganster rappers he controls….
- Morty - Friday, Mar 3, 17 @ 4:22 pm:
Chance….Chance…Chance….Rauner props are nor supposed to express opinions….
Good for you