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Inside the Senate Democrats’ minds

Thursday, May 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bernie’s column quotes Sen. Andy Manar, but he’s far from the only member of his caucus who believes this. These are all widely held notions..

Does [the Senate’s tax hike/budget bill votes] make the Democrats political targets?

“I’ve come to the determination that there’s always going to be criticism … no matter what we do,” said Sen. ANDY MANAR, D-Bunker Hill. “That comes with the turf of being an elected official. … I don’t lead with the idea that I’m here for self-preservation. I’m here to weigh the pros and cons of every issue … and then be accountable for the decision that I make to voters. … Our budget protects education. It protects health care. The governor has proposed devastating cuts to higher education. We protect higher education. … And we live within the governor’s spending limits that he put in his own budget in February.” […]

And in an interview Wednesday with the Illinois News Network — an independent project of the right-leaning Illinois Policy Institute — Rauner called the Senate action “a massive mistake. … The Democrats have been on a mission to just raise taxes without any significant reforms for years.” He said the “biggest failing” was the lack of property tax relief.

Property taxes go to local governments, not the state, but Rauner has been pushing for a freeze.

But, Manar said earlier, “It’s always a changing demand from the governor. We could have passed a property tax freeze bill yesterday, and it would have been something else today.”

I agree totally with the first part. Sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do. Rauner’s coming after them with tons of dough anyway, so whatevs.

But if they thought Rauner was bluffing on the property tax freeze, they should’ve called him on it and passed something that was more in line with the governor’s demand.


  1. - winners and losers - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 12:24 pm:

    Andy Manar: there is “dramatic over-identification” for special education in Illinois.

    The special ed parts of Senate Bill 1 (giving funds for special ed based on the number of GENERAL education students AND assuming that each school district has EXACTLY THE SAME percentage of students in special education) are attempts to reduce special ed in Illinois.

    To really reduce special ed, you have to go after the causes of disability (toxins including lead, pre-mature births, stress of violence, parental drug use, etc.), not just pretend you can prevent disability through Response to Intervention (RTI).

  2. - The Captain - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 12:31 pm:

    I get that they were frustrated and fed up but if you’re going to take that much grief in the campaigns whatever you voted for better be worth it. If the package doesn’t pass the House, which seems unlikely, it’s hard to see these votes as worth it.

  3. - Texas Red - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 12:34 pm:

    They created this Frankenstein - let them face the wrath of the voters in 18

  4. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 12:36 pm:

    Here is what I would say;

    “Candidate Rauner and newly elected Rauner asked us to let the rate drop to 3.75%. He said he could balance the budget at that rate. He has yet to fulfill that pledge or his constitutional obligation to produce a balanced budget while admitting new revenue is needed. Had he not killed the grand bargain, we would not be in this situation. Therefore we took action as further delays would require an even higher rate. We can not allow our colleges and social service providers to sustain further damage.”

  5. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 12:37 pm:

    ===If the package doesn’t pass the House, which seems unlikely===

    Again, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

  6. - Sideline Watcher - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 12:37 pm:

    People either want a budget or they don’t want to raise taxes. There are people who say they want a budget but refuse to admit that means there will be taxes. And there is very little thorough coverage about the fact that last year, the Gov said what he really wanted was fair maps and term limits. Now he’s saying all he wants is a tax freeze. At every stage of the game, the Gov’s demands have changed. So it doesn’t matter what they do. It will be distorted anyway. And for folks who are screaming for a budget, the Senate Dems are the ONLY ones who can say they actually passed one. A real one. Fully funded. Balanced. They are the only ones who can say they spent the most time trying to compromise. I still can’t figure out how people defend letting this happen. I can see how you run on you did everything you could to solve it.

  7. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 12:37 pm:

    ==passed something that was more in line with the governor’s demand.==

    Why? They tried to hand him a two year freeze and he rejected it. Should principals, superintendents and legislators just throw their hands up and say “welp, the governor wants a permanent freeze, we’ll have to just fold and give it to him”?
    The Illinois governorship isn’t a monarchy, at some point he and his supporters will have to realize state government cannot be run in such a way as to just cushion his re-election chances. If he really wants to kill small downstate school districts, which WILL happen if a permanent freeze is signed into law, he’s going to have to give up a heck of a lot more than “well, he took right to work out of his list of demands”.

  8. - Rod - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 12:45 pm:

    Sen Andy Manar in Bernard Schoenburg’s article says: “Our budget protects education. It protects health care.” A $405 million cut the Medicaid is protecting health care? A $148 million cut to higher education is protecting education? Rich listed those numbers from the Senate Democrats analysis of the budget bill in his post

    Possibly Senator Manar should argue that the agreed budget was more generous than what the Republicans would have wanted, but to argue that the Democrats protected these areas when they were cut is at the best disingenuous.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 12:46 pm:

    ===Rauner’s coming after them with tons of dough anyway,===

    With $70+ million in the bank, it’s not up for discussion or debate. Rauner is coming after everyone. No one will “be safe” from the wrath.

    My confusion also begins with the property tax and not running that, but I guess my confusion is more towards managing the fallout that they knew was coming and the reality that Rauner is coming after them anyway, so be better prepared for the inevitable.

    What do I mean?

    Three years, no Democratic counter messaging, so, you as a Caucus decide to do the absolute “right” thing, and do the important work, the “blame-able” work, the hard and dirty work, and the robocalls and press releases and the headlines are hours, then days old, and the talk is still about Senate Dems raising taxes.

    There’s a great deal to than the Senate Dems for here, including and starting with being the adults, but the framing and messaging and the unfair fallout did this act, that’s on Dems going back 3 years, and even admitting Rauner is coming anyway doesn’t absolve the lack of preparation and messaging that could be seen by being the needed adults in governing.

    Rauner is attacking, ironically, for SDems being more adult then the Governor.

    I’ll watch to see when that point turns and Rauner gets to play defense.

    We’ll see.

  10. - Robert the 1st - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 12:51 pm:

    I thought some of you were off the mark claiming the Senate Dems really messed up politically with the tax hike vote. I didn’t think anyone outside of here paid that much attention. I was wrong. I have state worker Facebook friends sharing IPI articles and claiming they want to move out of IL. Oops.

  11. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 12:52 pm:

    ===A $148 million cut to higher education is protecting education? ===

    That’s from FY 2015. It’s been a 50 percent cut since then. So, choose. Also, if you want cuts, don’t complain when cuts are made.

    But, yeah, it’s a political problem that can definitely be used against them. It’s why it’s always better to get bipartisan cover on this stuff.

  12. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 1:15 pm:

    Going it alone on a tax hike is always the last resort. Unfortunately, thanks to Rauner’s intransigence, that’s where we’re at.

    The two years of budget nightmares are unprecedented. There can’t be too many voters who don’t know about the damage being done all across the state. I think Rauner’s crisis might just help convince people that the Senate Dems did everything they could do to work with him, and in the end, there was no choice but to go forward.

  13. - The Dude Abides - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 1:32 pm:

    Agree with Rich. The Senate Democrats should have included at least a 3 year property tax freeze in that bill.

  14. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 1:39 pm:

    ===included at least a 3 year property tax freeze in that bill.===

    1. You have the home rule issue, which requires a 3/5ths vote.

    2. You might have a problem with single-subject.

    3. Who’s to say they won’t get another chance when the House passes its package?

  15. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 1:40 pm:

    Sorry, bottom line? The SDEMs passed a tax hike and Rauner’s spending cuts. It was essentially the budget he negotiated.

    How long are we supposed to wait for Rauner to take “yes” for an answer?

  16. - jim - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 1:58 pm:

    Manar has the courage of his convictions, plus he’s a great politician. So he’s not afraid to go out and make his case. As for most of the others, they figure they’re safe in their gerrymandered districts so it doesn’t matter.
    I love this argument that the Dems are falling all over themselves to do what Rauner wants, but he just won’t take ‘yes’ for an answer. Not hardly. Madigan said no victories for Rauner, and that’s the way the Dems seem to be playing it so far, certainly in the House and maybe even in the Senate.

  17. - Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 2:08 pm:

    – A $405 million cut the Medicaid is protecting health care? –

    Rod, that cut was taken out when Republicans didn’t vote for their list of cuts.
    The cuts to health care for retired teachers, medicaid and local government funding were taken out from what was voted down the previous week.

    Do you work for a Proft site?

  18. - TwoFeetThick - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 2:08 pm:

    With all this talk/fighting about property taxes, tax increases, etc., I’m kind of surprised no one has brought up the old Edgar/Netsch tax swap plan. They could raise the income tax to provide additional funds for education and everything else, and provide property tax relief without crippling schools and local governments. Everyone wins, and we get out of this mess.

  19. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 2:09 pm:

    ===maybe even in the Senate.===

    Looks like somebody forgot to tell Radogno, because she did a great job of moving the Grand Bargain closer to Rauner than to Madigan.

    We’re approaching 700 days without a budget. Rauner was the one pulling votes off the deal Sen. Radogno negotiated, not Madigan.

    It’s looking more and more like Rauner said no victories for Rauner.

  20. - Last Bull Moose - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 2:47 pm:

    I don’t think Rauner was bluffing on the property tax freeze/cut. I think he was feinting. He uses his turnaround agenda items the way a matador uses his cape. Get the bull to charge the movement until it tires itself out.

  21. - Truthteller - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 3:05 pm:

    Help me understand. The Senate Dems are wrong because they voted for a tax increase and a budget. TheHouse Dems are wrong because they haven’t voted for a tax increase and a budget.
    And if they both cared about education the way Rauner does, they would support a property tax freeze because that would help the students.

  22. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 3:22 pm:

    === Get the bull to charge the movement until it tires itself out.===

    OODA Loop. Classic.

  23. - Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 3:25 pm:

    Truthteller, go a step further.
    If you wait and elect Republicans, we’ll raise taxes on you the right way … after we slash working families rights and benefits.

  24. - Joe Bidenopolous - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 4:09 pm:

    Governor Gaslight might be serious about wanting a property tax freeze and Manar could still be correct that the Gaslighter in chief would claim something else needs to be part of it.

    Those two things don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Ol’ Carhart has the construction crew to move the goalposts, he’s done it repeatedly

  25. - Jim O - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 5:23 pm:

    On property taxes, Democrats need only pass a simple resolution with the following elements :
    (1) GOP has advocated for local control of collective bargaining & prevailing wage.
    (2) Gov Rauner as about $1 million to invest in a ‘do a freeze’ campaign in every district.
    (3) No law is in place will stops a government entity from voting to freeze it’s property tax rate and/or valuations.
    Thus, Gov Rauner and his GOP tribe should begin an grand ‘tour’ to every government entity to sell how they clearly benefit from a freeze.
    Thus, Each LOCALITY is afforded the choice whether to ‘freeze in place’ or grow rather than another state requirement.

  26. - wordslinger - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 6:27 pm:

    –They created this Frankenstein - let them face the wrath of the voters in 18–

    Whatever that means…

    $16B backlog of bills by June 30, paying juice on all of it. $20B by Christmas.

    Little Franky was just $4.4B two years ago.

    Maybe something should be done about that. What does a responsible fiscal conservative like yourself think?

    Or do you want to tell stories about something that happened 30 years ago, rather than deal with right now?

  27. - Cardsfan - Thursday, May 25, 17 @ 7:49 pm:

    =The SDEMs passed a tax hike and Rauner’s spending cuts. It was essentially the budget he negotiated.=

    This should be the response of every SDem every time they are asked about their yes vote.

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