*** UPDATED x1 *** Rauner folks blitz Peoria doors
Monday, Jun 19, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller * This door-hanger was distributed in the Peoria area over the weekend. Notice anything missing from his priorities? A budget maybe? I mean, it’s not like it’s mid-June or anything… ![]()
Even so, it is interesting that they have people going door-to-door already - even if it is just a blitz piece. …Adding… A Peoria-area reader just sent me pics of the same door-hanger, along with this…
*** UPDATE *** Pritzker just posted a little tweet storm on the door-hanger…
- Arsenal - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:25 am:
That’s a pretty sparse door-hanger, too. Then again, his 2014 ones were too busy, so maybe it averages out to normal.
- slow down - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:25 am:
Would be fantastic if Rauner were as competent governing as he is at campaigning.
- Anon221 - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:31 am:
Seal of the Governor’s office makes me question who paid for the hangers and the walkers? Was any of this on the State dime (or nickel or penny or “debit card”)? Not trying to be intentionally obtuse or naïve, but that was my first thought when I saw it.
Seems like a budget should have gotten at least an asterisk somewhere on the hanger. But since it didn’t that pretty well drives home the case for Rauner not caring if we have on as a State anytime soon.
- Jim Raflowski - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:31 am:
Got the same hanger in Lincoln on Friday. Very odd.
- Harvest76 - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:39 am:
Starting to look like the Rauner camp is worried that the base isn’t as supportive or even interested as they need them to be. You shouldn’t have to work this hard and this early to get the people who already like you to keep liking you.
- a drop in - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:39 am:
Well, the mega-millions being spent has to go somewhere. This must be what Rauner means by job creation.
- Give Me A Break - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:40 am:
If they are walking and hanging door hangers for a GOP Gov. in Lincoln, they are either lost, have no clue what they are doing or looking for something to do.
- Norseman - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:41 am:
It’s good to be rich. You can spend tons of money on a propaganda program that convinces people that up is down.
- Joe M - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:41 am:
Time to add a very hefty “campaign tax” on any TV, radio and online commercials - as well as any campaign mailings, brochures and paraphernalia. Make the tax rate vary high as the upcoming Governor’s election will generate record amounts of campaign spending. And the State could use the money.
- Lt Guv - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:46 am:
Responded to his site to let him know he’s a failure. Now I’m on the mailing list with no unsubscribe. Typical.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:46 am:
==Seal of the Governor’s office==
I think that’s just some faux-official campaign graphic. But I note that there’s no paid-for in this image…
==Starting to look like the Rauner camp is worried that the base isn’t as supportive or even interested as they need them to be.==
Maybe. Or maybe they’ve just got the money and the time, so they can get their people out there practicing early.
- Cindy Lou - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:47 am:
I’m actually surprised that Rauner finds property freezes a hot issue in Peoria County.
I’ve yet to barely see these people turn down a chance to willingly race to the voting booth to vote ‘yes’ please raise my property taxes for ____ or _____ (fill in blank with any ol’ thing) . Yet suggest higher income tax and they squeal like crazy.
- Juvenal - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:51 am:
No “Paid for by…”?
Uh-oh Bernie Schoenberg.
- Henry Francis - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:52 am:
He can’t even keep the syntax consistent on his list of issues he is told polls the best.
What wlll be the top polling issues a year from now that Bruce will be fighting for?
- Curl of the Burl - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:55 am:
GMAB - think for a second. We are in the early part of summer break. Rauner and the ILGOP have a small army of paid campaign interns and with no “announced” candidates in Tier 1 races then the staff and college-aged interns need to do something for the party. Why not get a jump on the general election season? Rauner will not have a primary opponent so his eye is firmly on November 2018.
- Give Me A Break - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 10:59 am:
Curl of the Beef: I bet someone told those interns Lincoln was in play and needed to hit the doors hard. LOL
- hot chocolate - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:00 am:
That testimonial makes it sound like they are doing more than just blitzing the material. Sounds to me like they were hard knocking and gathering data. Instead of scoffing, Pritzker and crew should be doing the same thing. Its called building a massive ground game and it wins elections.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:05 am:
When the last publicly released poll has your negatives at 58%, you need to “blitz” random areas to feel the hill of negativity is beatable… when you want to run for real-election again by having no budget.
Dems better gin up massive turnout come November 2018.
Rauner will be phony in every town, neighborhood, block, and door step.
- Professor - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:06 am:
Well, we will see how uninformed the voters are. The Governor’s talking points: term limits, property freeze etc. are simply campaign nonsense, an insult to Illinois’ citizens. But money and nonsense rather than governance and leadership has been Rauner’s method since taking office. ‘He has bought the Republican Party’. Most Republicans will back whatever he says or wants or he will finance someone to run against them. What can Jim Durkin do? Illinois politics like our national politics has become a comedy and because of this buffoon the people of Illinois are paying the price.
- Annonin' - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:06 am:
The great Compromiser at work in the central IL
Since he does not i.d. who pays for the piece, we guess he does not have to report how much he gave the stooge handin’ the stuff out.
- Meecham - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:09 am:
–where’s the paid for stamp–
Paid for is cropped out, paid with campaign funds. Quit your witch hunt
- Curl of the Burl - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:11 am:
GMAB - to be honest if someone offered me $10 an hour when I was in college to go lit drop I would have jumped at the chance and would not have questioned where I was sent. $10 an hour to work for a sitting governor and get exercise is not a bad deal for a late teen or kid in his or her early 20s. It certainly beats factory work or fast food shifts.
- anon - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:14 am:
The Pritzker response is straight out of the DC modern Democrats playbook. Thats why we lose. Lame!!
- doggonit - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:17 am:
The average voter knows: that Mike Madigan is some kind of Chicago political boss and the state is in terrible shape and it’s gotten worse since Rauner got elected. They don’t like Mike; they don’t like Rauner. Rauner is the Gov. and he’s on the ballot. So Rauner, with no accomplishments to put on a door sign, loses.
I don’t think Rauner understands it the way I’ve laid things out; this is also why I don’t think he’s got a chance at this point.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:29 am:
Blitzing like this only reinforces “Skyhook” - Governors own, they always do.
Rauner’s fear of “Skyhook, in reverse”, is going down to the doorstep level because convincing people to ignore what Rauner ran on 3 years ago is Rauner accepting, “governors own”
- The Captain - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:37 am:
=== Time to add a very hefty “campaign tax” on any TV, radio and online commercials - as well as any campaign mailings, brochures and paraphernalia. Make the tax rate vary high as the upcoming Governor’s election will generate record amounts of campaign spending. And the State could use the money. ===
I worry that this type of proposal would have a 1st amendment speech issue. I would like to see a tax on superpac spending as a test case, it’s a type of luxury political contribution/spending above and beyond the normal political contribution/spending, so it could potentially have a better chance of surviving a 1st amendment challenge. And you could use the proceeds to fund the State Board of Elections and finally give them enough money to actually have the staff to enforce the election code, I believe their current budget is a mix of federal funds and GRF (or GRF-like) funds.
- Dear governor - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:43 am:
You created a budgetary crisis to force failed reforms. Now you want to force budgetary crises at the local government level by freezing property taxes. Local governments depend on those taxes to fund fire and police departments throughout our state.
Please do the honorable thing and resign
- Hamlet's Ghost - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:53 am:
This is good stuff from JB’s Twitter:
== 2.5 years in & Bruce Rauner is ready to hear from Illinoisans whose names don’t just start with Ken & end with Griffin. ==
- ILGOV2018 - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:54 am:
I sure hope the Illinois State Board of Elections gets this door hanger along with a complaint filed against Rauner.
- ILGOV2018 - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:57 am:
- Meecham - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 11:09 am:
–where’s the paid for stamp–
Paid for is cropped out, paid with campaign funds. Quit your witch hunt
How do we know? Should we take your word for it?
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 12:00 pm:
Rauner is doing what he does best — using his cash to buy anything he wants. That’s why I support a real leader like JB. Pritzker has deeper pockets than Rauner and Bruce will find two can play smear and hate. Illinois Democrats are going to kick the Trump/Rauner team to the curb. Clearly polling shows Rauner is in serious political trouble or he wouldn’t be hanging fliers on doors in Peoria and running negative mail pieces against House Democrats 18 months before the election day.
- MR. RJG - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 12:11 pm:
The Senate Dems Budget did not have any PORK Projects in it. This $169 million dollars could be used in the real budget that can prevent cuts or pay down our backlog of bills.
- Carhartt Representative - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 3:03 pm:
I would think that it must be hard to run for reelections on a promise of term limits.
- Southern Wind - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 4:20 pm:
I’m in Costello’s House district and got my second mailer in four days linking Costello to Mike Madigan and telling him to stand up to Madigan, which I thought was odd considering Rauner couldn’t find a Raunerite to run against Costello in the last election.
- peon - Monday, Jun 19, 17 @ 6:44 pm:
What, no “structural reforms” ? That’s my vote gone. /s