Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Edgar didn’t know about anti-Rauner ad prior to its release
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Edgar didn’t know about anti-Rauner ad prior to its release

Thursday, Jun 29, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As subscribers know, Edgar told me much the same yesterday. Here’s Bernie

Former Republican Gov. JIM EDGAR said he didn’t know in advance that his voice would be used on an ad critical of Rauner.

“Do Your Job, Inc.” announced the new ad this week, and the made-for-TV spot includes audio of Edgar in a radio interview saying no budget for two years “has put this state in the worst condition I can ever remember. Even during the (ROD) BLAGOJEVICH years, it wasn’t this bad.”

A narrator says Rauner “has brought Illinois to the brink of collapse.” Rauner has consistently blamed Democrats for not meeting his pro-business conditions to approve a full budget.

Contacted Wednesday, Edgar said he didn’t know about the ad until he read about it on the Capitol Fax blog.

“I guess when you say something to the media and it’s reported, that’s fair game,” he said. “That’s my comment.”


  1. - Highland Il - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 12:40 pm:

    A non-denial denial

  2. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 12:44 pm:

    What did Edgar say that was wrong?

  3. - Allen D - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 12:45 pm:

    I think the main thing is he didn’t give permission for it to be used in advertisement …

  4. - City Zen - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 12:46 pm:

    Do You Job, Inc.

    Who says Illinois can’t attract new businesses?! Do they pay a living wage?

  5. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 12:47 pm:

    Highland, how is that a denial? He said he didn’t know about it.

  6. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 12:48 pm:

    Boy, do I wish Jim Edgar would just be happy with all the money he has made and continues to make from state government and just go the heck away.

  7. - Highland Il - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 12:49 pm:

    More in the sense that he didn’t seem to mind all that much that they used his words.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 12:51 pm:

    ===More in the sense that he didn’t seem to mind all that much that they used his words.===


    It’s his words, what, he’s going to deny he said them?

  9. - GA Watcher - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 12:53 pm:

    Why are some getting worked up over Governor Edgar’s remarks? As our current Governor likes to point out when legislators have complained about his mailers, we are all big boys and girls and should be able to take the heat.

  10. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 12:54 pm:

    Jim ya shoulda ran against Blago - thanks a lot for nuttin.

  11. - Lech W - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 12:54 pm:

    Another Lou Lange production ! No doubt the “Do your Job” 501(c)4 organization enjoys a number of benefactors from the gaming industry.

  12. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 12:58 pm:

    It’s so nice to hear from a governor tethered to reality! His complete lack of spin permits us to completely understand him!

  13. - DuPage Moderate - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:01 pm:

    He’s complicit in the disgrace thrust upon our State. Who cares what he thinks? Three decades of dereliction of duty by all involved and counting.

  14. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:04 pm:

    ==Jim ya shoulda ran against Blago - thanks a lot for nuttin.==

    He jumped ship when it was clear certain issues in his background were floating to the surface. Why risk tarnishing his Boy Scout image with reality if he doesn’t have to?

  15. - sonny chiss - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:12 pm:

    Perhaps Highland’s point was that what he didn’t say seems telling. He could have rebutted the ad in some way or expressed support for the Governor and he apparently did not.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:13 pm:

    ===The Edgar Ramp says hello!!===

    Governors own.

    They always do.


  17. - Piece of Work - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:18 pm:

    Yes they do Willy. In this case, it aint good to own the Edgar Ramp.

    And apparently my post was deleted.

  18. - GlimmerGirl - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:18 pm:

    Gentleman Jim, you are sadly missed.

  19. - Decaf Coffee Party - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:20 pm:

    Shooting the messenger does not detract from the truth of the message.

  20. - Highland IL - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:24 pm:

    Thanks - sonny chiss.

    He didn’t complain that his words were used. He also didn’t take the opportunity to reiterate the dumpster fire that is Illinois politics.

  21. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:35 pm:

    Governor’s own? How does the Governor own the House not passing a the Senate budget and sending it to his desk?

    The Speaker is not responsible for not working with Leader Durkin like Senator Cullerton did with Leader Radogno?

    The leader of the Illinois Democratic party as well as a coequal branch of government (who has signed off on all budgets since 1983) is not responsible for the “Madigan meltdown” or passing the Senate bill?

    I guess the Speaker doesn’t own not coming to the table and working with the other leaders.

    I guess not because only Governor’s own apparently

  22. - DuPage Bard - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:35 pm:

    Did the Speaker know he was in that ad from earlier today on the blog? Did the GOP and Rauner ask for his permission for a news clip that he laughed at?
    Anyone complaining his audio got used and you didn’t complain earlier just stop.

  23. - Pundent - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:38 pm:

    =Perhaps Highland’s point was that what he didn’t say seems telling. He could have rebutted the ad in some way or expressed support for the Governor and he apparently did not.=

    I dunno. I kind of find it refreshing to know that not every Republican has been bought and paid for. I feel the same way when it’s a Dem.

  24. - Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:39 pm:

    Edgar could have said his quotes were taken out of context. Or he could have taken a shot at Madigan.

    Instead, he did neither. This was a non-endorsement endorsement of the ad.

  25. - RNUG - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:40 pm:

    Stayed classy, owned his words.

    Wish more politicians would do that.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:42 pm:

    And here is - Lucky Pierre - “following me”? lol

    ===How does the Governor own the House not passing a the Senate budget and sending it to his desk?===

    Read. Slowly. K?

    ===“The governor is the top guy. He is the leader. House Speaker Mike Madigan is not. The governor has to make things happen. If he doesn’t get everything he wants, he’s got to figure out how much he can get. To get something done. He’s got to take the wheel. He’s got to have a plan. It’s like everything in life.”===

    Edgar, in the past…

    ===”He (Rauner) comes from a different background than I do. But I just think it’s very important for a governor, you’ve got to have a good budget and you need it in place,” Edgar told reporters. “You can try to compromise on some issues — and I think there are certain things (Democrats in the Legislature) might give him — but some of the things he’s asking for, they’re not going to give him. They’re just not going to give him.”===

    Is this too difficult to understand? What words confuse you?

    lol.. this is priceless…

    ===because only Governor’s own apparently===

    They don’t call it the Madigan Ramp…

    The rest of your typical drivel can be refuted with…

    “Pat Quinn fails”, lol

  27. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:50 pm:

    Typical Madigan defending drivel. After 2 1/2 years of obstruction, here we are with less that two days waiting on the Speaker to pass something out of the House for the Governor to sign.

    Nothing to see here folks, move along, Rauner owns.

    Exactly how can the Governor own nothing passing the majority Democratic House?

    Always nice to see Saint Jim Edgar give advice about balanced budgets and phony surpluses while passing crushing debt obligations onto the next generation.

  28. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:50 pm:

    ==I guess not because only Governor’s own apparently==

    And I guess we’re in junior high because that’s how you are arguing.

    LP - What is it about some of you that you think the Governor is simply a victim. He’s been the Governor for 2 1/2 years. He is just as much to blame for the current situation as anybody else. You have zero argument anymore except the “yeah, but Madigan” argument. He’s the Governor for crying out loud. If he’s as impotent and incompetent as you make him out to be with your constant propping up of his victim argument then maybe he should step aside and let someone else be Governor.

  29. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:52 pm:

    ==Exactly how can the Governor own nothing==

    He’s done a pretty good job of that. Nothing much to show in 2 1/2 years.

  30. - DuPage Bard - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:53 pm:

    LP watch the ad from 2010 about Pat Quinn. Nothing in there about a pension ramp, nothing about Mike Madigan, nothing about Rod Blagojevich……
    Pat Quinn, lost jobs, $15 billion in debt, 33% income tax increase- Pat Quinn Failed

    It’s the GOP strategy about why Governor’s own. The public believes the same.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:55 pm:

    ===Typical Madigan defending drivel===

    I literally quoted Geo. Ryan AND Edgar?

    Are you so dishonest you can’t even respond honestly to what you read?

    ===After 2 1/2 years of obstruction, here we are with less that two days waiting on the Speaker to pass something out of the House for the Governor to sign===

    Read the Edgar Quote, really take time and read the GHR quote. Your comment makes zero sense to two former governors too, lol

    ===Nothing to see here folks, move along, Rauner owns.===

    Candidate Rauner would agree.

    “Pat Quinn fails”… Now you get it.

    ===Exactly how can the Governor own nothing passing the majority Democratic House?===

    See Edgar and GHR quote.

    I don’t think you read. Ever(?)

    ===Always nice to see Saint Jim Edgar give advice about balanced budgets and phony surpluses while passing crushing debt obligations onto the next generation===

    This IS…


    “Governors own”

    You are embarrassing yourself now.

  32. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 1:58 pm:

    The Governor would own a veto of a House budget but not the fact one was never passed.

    Maybe some remedial civics for you and the gentleman from Oswego would be in order about 3 co equal beaches of Government.

    A two legged stool falls over and that is what we have if the only 1/2 of the legislature will engage.

    It is the Speaker who is incompetent, maybe he should step aside.

    Is he not responsible for a budget passing his chamber?

    He has had 40 years to leave his mark and it isn’t pretty

  33. - Baloneymous - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:00 pm:

    Starting to think that Lucky Pierre is the Governor’s nickname when he is in his Canadian Mountie outfit.

  34. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:01 pm:


    When you want to address anything with something other than “yeah, but Madigan” let us all know.

    You have zero interest in honest discussion and are content with accepting a completely laughable premise that the Governor is simply a victim in all of this. I, and everyone else, should be done with your nonsense.

  35. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:06 pm:

    Never understood the victim mentality argument

    The Speaker has proven he cannot work with Senator Cullerton or Governors from his own party. Are they all victims too?

    I repeat, nothing has passed the legislature and now Republican votes are required.

    Any honest discussion would include the one common denominator of all the dysfunction of the past 30 years

    Not completely laughable, completely true

  36. - cover - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:08 pm:

    = It’s his words, what, he’s going to deny he said them? =

    = Stayed classy, owned his words.

    Wish more politicians would do that. =

    Edgar is not Trump.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:08 pm:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    You have yet to refute GHR or Edgar.

    It’s two former governors that refute your dishonesty.

    Also, you think using Edgar owning things is honest to refuting “Gonernors own”?

    You say Edgar owns his… that’s why Rauner doesn’t own his term?


    8 year olds argue like that.

    You have no point, no argument.

    “Pat Quinn fails” seals it. You have nothing. Candidate Rauner is mocking you, lol

  38. - Nobodys Accountable - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:11 pm:

    The “Edgar ramp” was an agreed/voted on and approved plan. Because later administrations and legislatures didn’t adhere to the plan is not his fault. If you are in debt and you consolidate your debt into a new payment plan. Who’s fault is it if the debt doesn’t diminish when future payments are not made?

  39. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:14 pm:

    ===The Governor would own a veto===

    Yep. Rauner purposely hurt Chicago students. Rauner owns that.

    Very good.

    You are so lost in the weeds.

    Like this…

    ===The Speaker has proven he cannot work with Senator Cullerton or Governors from his own party. Are they all victims too?===

    “Pat Quinn failed”

    “Rod’s failures”

    It’s like you are oblivious to facts.

    ===repeat, nothing has passed the legislature and now Republican votes are required.===

    For Rauner’s budget, Rauner needs 30 HGOP votes for the revenue. It’s Rauner’s own budget, lol

    ===Any honest discussion would include the one common denominator of all the dysfunction of the past 30 years===

    So, loser or coward, which are you, - Lucky Pierre -?

    ===Not completely laughable, completely true===

    Your patently dishonest arguments?

    I laugh because your caricature is worth a good laugh.

  40. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:16 pm:

    Pat Quinn did fail to work effectively with Speaker Madigan who called him and his office irrelevant.

    Jim Edgar did succeed in passing a dishonest pension ramp and claiming smoke and mirror budget surpluses.

    I guess if you consider that success, you must be a beneficiary of the ramp.

    Rauner will certainly have to defend his record if he runs for reelection.

    You seem to think he would be more popular if he just raised taxes and did not reform anything. Obviously I disagree.

    I guess you and other democrats still think Pat Quinn won the election because that is what he would have done. Didn’t voters reject that idea?

  41. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:17 pm:

    ===Madigan who called him and his office irrelevant===

    I think that was Cullerton.

  42. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:17 pm:

    ==or Governors from his own party==

    Really? Because he’s managed to pass budgets with every other Governor prior to Governor Rauner.

    ==Any honest discussion would include the one common denominator==

    I’ve never denied Madigan’s culpability. I just don’t subscribe to your nonsense argument that the Governor isn’t to blame for anything. Yes, LP, that contention is laughable.

  43. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:27 pm:

    Demoralized I don’t think you get a medal for passing unbalanced, smoke and mirror budgets for the past few decades.

    I must be a harder grader than you. Rolling over and passing phony budgets is easy. Balanced budgets with cuts and revenues are hard.

    When did I say the Governor is not responsible for his record? Never

    Rauner will certainly own not signing whatever passes the house if that day ever comes. The Speaker will own what passes his chamber too. No rush or anything.

  44. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:32 pm:

    Willy, I know you don’t like Anonamous, and ‘don’t feed the trolls’, but man, LP has you by the shorts. He comments, and you go barking after him every time. He owns you, and he’s got the dog whistle this time. Lol

  45. - Piece of Work - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:35 pm:

    Willy owns us all, we all play in his world!!

  46. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:35 pm:

    ==Balanced budgets with cuts and revenues are hard.==

    Yes, they are. And Governor Rauner figured that out after he took office. He has adopted the same tactic as past Governor’s by introducing budgets that were based on smoke and mirrors. And, while stating he will sign a tax increase (though you’d never know it based on his blitz of anti-tax increase rhetoric), he hasn’t been willing to put his name on any of the revenue plans out there (or even his own plan for that matter). And he wasn’t willing to detail out cuts either. So, yes, budgets with cuts and revenue is hard.

    If you want to lecture past Governor’s and GA’s on that practice be my guest. But you better include the current occupant of the Governor’s office in that lecture.

  47. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:38 pm:

    ==And he wasn’t willing to detail out cuts either.==

    I guess I take that partially back since he did say he supported Durkin’s plan.

  48. - Pundent - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:48 pm:

    =Maybe some remedial civics for you and the gentleman from Oswego would be in order about 3 co equal beaches of Government.=

    If you truly believe (as I do) that these are co-equal branches of government then you have to acknowledge that one side can’t always be wrong or right. That’s the essence of “co-equal”.

    =It is the Speaker who is incompetent, maybe he should step aside.=

    This would be a great suggestion but for the fact that there is no indication that the Democrats as a whole have a fundamentally different state view than the speaker. You seem to ascribe to him the powers of a superhero.

  49. - Arsenal - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 2:49 pm:

    ==I don’t think you get a medal==

    That’s goalpost shifting. You said Madigan proved he couldn’t work with Governors from his own party. Demoralized refuted that point by noting that Democratic Governors at least got some budget passed. Were the unbalanced budgets? Sure. But Rauner’s No Budgets are categorically worse.

  50. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 3:12 pm:

    When LP does his dazzling deflections from the subject at hand, you’re not required to join him in the sandbox.

  51. - Piece of Work - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 3:16 pm:

    Word, mostly LP is correct in his rhetoric. Just because you refuse to realize it does not warrant cheap shots.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 3:20 pm:

    ===…mostly LP is correct in his rhetoric===

    - Lucky Pierre - only lacks in facts, lol

    Mostly correct in rhetoric? What does that exactly mean if it lacks truth to facts?

  53. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 3:20 pm:

    POW, from me to you:

  54. - Southern Wind - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 3:27 pm:

    LP, Pat Quinn did own the problem. He got a temporary tax hike through and paid for it with his job. Why should Rauner be treated any different?

  55. - PoW - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 3:45 pm:

    Word, is the FB post a pic of you on the way to a Cubs game?

  56. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 3:52 pm:

    Madigan is a political fact of Illinois since Thompson was governor. Rauner knew Madigan was going to be speaker even before he announced his gubernatorial run. Rauner knew the Democrats were in the majority across the board before he announced his run. Rauner knew Illinois was struggling economically before he announced his run. Rauner knew the temporary income tax was paying off the bill backlog and pension situation before he announced his run. Rauner knew the entire political situation ahead of any decision to run.

    Since winning, Rauner failed to bring in a new majority, spent millions demonizing the political majority, slandered publically the very people he needed to be on his side, backstabbed Radogno’s attemp at compromise, and has done as much as he could to blame every disaster on others,

    Rauner is a complete failure.
    No plan B on anything.
    No even on a 90% win for education.
    No even as we enter Junk Bond status.
    No even with a $15 Billion plus bill backlog.

    Any governor would do a Radogno rather than a Rauner. Bruce’s supporters are hoping that a man with no plan can create a miracle. Pathetic!

  57. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 4:01 pm:

    OW you could cite with specifics instead of regurgitated snark where my facts are wrong.

    The Senate Democrats seem to have a fundamentally different view than the Speaker. They believe the other party, especially when government is divided, should be engaged and not ignored.

    I have seen so capes or tights in the Senate, have you?

    See the difference?

  58. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 4:04 pm:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    As with both GHR and Edgar,

    The Senate, to a T found common ground, until Rauner, personally, undercut Leader Radogno abs blew up 2 Grand Bargains.

    “See the difference?”

    Rauner refuses to BE the Governor.

    Your last of understanding is still obvious, lol

  59. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 4:08 pm:

    ==where my facts are wrong==

    Well, there’s this “fact” that’s wrong

    ==The Speaker has proven he cannot work with Senator Cullerton or Governors from his own party. ==

  60. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 4:10 pm:

    ==Rauner refuses to BE the Governor.==

    That sums it up pretty well right there.

  61. - @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 5:00 pm:

    Please scroll up and re-read VanillaMan’s post.

    – MrJM

  62. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 5:35 pm:

    Except the Senate has not found common ground with the House for two years in a row because Madigan can’t even work with his own party

    Did I miss somehow how the House and Senate reconciled their budgets last year? Nope Madigan did not even try.

    Same thing this year so far, sorry those are the facts.

  63. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 29, 17 @ 5:42 pm:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    The “Edgar Ramp”

    Rauner will be judged, statewide, as an utter failure.

    You bringing up the Edgar Ramp defeats all your silliness.

  64. - Piece of Work - Friday, Jun 30, 17 @ 7:00 am:

    Yet, a just released article in Money magazine points to 1995 and the…..Edgar Ramp. Declares it badly flawed and says it grew the shortfall by $45 billion.

  65. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 30, 17 @ 7:17 am:

    - Piece of Work -

    I’ve honestly look, and I’m sure it’s out there, can you give a link?


  66. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 30, 17 @ 8:20 am:

    Is this the “Money” piece?

  67. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 30, 17 @ 8:27 am:

    There’s something incredibly wrong with Republicans publically attacking their own policies and governors. I don’t trust people who are disloyal. I personally think that they are also untrustworthy. Republicans who don’t trust their own leaders when those very leaders brought to them the benefits of political majority and government power are unstable to hold either.

    When Republicans attack their own governors they reveal themselves as petty and shortsighted. They signal to their fellow citizens that they are unsuited to be given responsibilities.

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