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Question of the day

Saturday, Jul 1, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m of two minds on the House Speaker’s plan to allow members to go home if they want until Monday.

1) If rank and file members do go home today, they’ll get an absolute earful from constituents to do their jobs and pass a budget already. That pressure could rattle them enough to shake a few more votes loose for a resolution;

2) It sends a very bad signal to the folks back home, the New York bond rating agencies and just about everyone else that they’re not serious about getting anything done. Legislators should, in other words, at least look like they’re doing their jobs even if their job is to sit around and wait for the leaders and the working groups to wrap this up.

* The Question: Should rank and file be allowed to go home or specifically told to stay in Springfield? Click here to take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.


  1. - doggonit - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:10 pm:

    I think the Reps already know plenty well that it’s urgent without hearing more from home.i also think that they should all be ready to vote right away. This needs to be done ASAP. And it can be.

  2. - Saluki - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:11 pm:

    Keep em in town. Downstate there are just as many who will tell their rep to let the state burn. Keep em where there is a slight bend toward progress.

  3. - CCP Hostage - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:11 pm:

    Yes, they should be marching in the parades while their constituents tell them to do their jobs.

  4. - Texas Red - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:12 pm:

    Stay so they can keep the momentum. Heading home creates total PR quagmire - think about the reaction at the parades !

  5. - Just Sayin' - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:12 pm:

    Told to stay in Springfield. With the state of the State being as it is and if they were employees of any other type of job and took off ’till Monday, they would be fired. This is a work-until-you-get-it-done situation. No more delaying the inevitable.

  6. - Pelonski - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:14 pm:

    I voted yes because a small break is never a bad idea in negotiations. That being said, for some members, it may make them less likely to come to resolution if they go home and talk to their constituents. As pretty much every poll ever shows, their constituents want to keep spending like we have but with no tax increases. That isn’t a possible solution.

  7. - JPC - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:15 pm:

    I voted stay.

    Reasons: The mainstream narrative is that they’re too lazy, corrupt, or partisan to get anything done. Going home at this hour will only further that narrative.

    Besides, I wonder whether exposure to people at home does anything. I’m guessing they manage their social interactions in much the way Rauner does: everywhere they go people tell them they’re doing a good job and to stay the course.

    My apologies if this is a double comment, my first comment didn’t appear.

  8. - Fight Fair - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:16 pm:

    Very bad break for Democrats: As this tax increases looms, Cook Co property tax bills landing in mailboxes today. Big jumps. Neighbors on sidewalks, furious. Cue tar, feathers and boiling oil.

  9. - Markus - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:16 pm:

    Times Up. They should not be allowed to go home until all bills are acted upon and amendatory veto overrides are completed.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:18 pm:

    ===Neighbors on sidewalks, furious. Cue tar, feathers and boiling oil.===

    Link pictures to this!

    Get close-up of the cauldrons, show the naked, featherless chickens!


  11. - SoILL - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:19 pm:

    Keep them in town, the charade is over. This whole thing has become beyond absurd.

  12. - Depressed - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:20 pm:

    I’m not a sadist and I’m not one of the lock em up types but I voted to keep them so that any momentum that seemed to be building won’t be dissipated. I want a budget so badly.

  13. - Anonymous - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:21 pm:

    Only go home on the condition that Madigan has to walk in a minimum of 5 parades in downstate republican districts

  14. - Oswego Willy - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:22 pm:

    ===Very bad break for Democrats===

    When the Republicans vote to implement the Rauner Imcome Tax increase, get back to everyone.

    To the Post,

    Keep them down in Springfield.


    Like a sequestered jury, everyone just wants to go home.

    The pressure is being forced to stay somewhere… anywhere.

  15. - Rabid - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:23 pm:

    Speciel session is over, go home to your congregation and constituents, you don’t have to hide in the dark anymore show your principles

  16. - retired guy - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:25 pm:

    Keep’em focused and local! No going home and presenting “woe is me, ~ I’m working so hard” to their audiences….they can do that when they are finished.

  17. - JPC - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:27 pm:

    Not to be glib, but here’s another option: turn off the ac, the water, etc. It worked in the Papal election of 1268:

    “The papal election from November 1268 to September 1, 1271, following the death of Pope Clement IV, was the longest papal election in the history of the Catholic Church.[1][2] This was due primarily to political infighting between the cardinals. The election of Teobaldo Visconti as Pope Gregory X was the first example of a papal election by “Compromise.”[3] The election was effected by a Committee of six cardinals agreed to by the other remaining ten. The election occurred more than a year after the magistrates of Viterbo locked the cardinals in, reduced their rations to bread and water, and legendarily removed the roof of the Palazzo dei Papi di Viterbo.[1][4][5]”,_1268–71

  18. - Echo The Bunnyman - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:27 pm:

    I voted for stay. Only because there wasn’t an option of it doesn’t matter. You can’t tell bond agency’s you’re close and send people home. I hope they give us junk status today. We get the government and results we vote for.

  19. - Anonymous - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:28 pm:

    Riding in a parade inside an armored truck not the “press the flesh” “vote for me” kind of political gig.

  20. - Umbra - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:28 pm:

    The Speaker is overplaying his hand. This is getting ridiculous. He’s forcing a credit downgrade and then will turn around and blame Rauner. I hope we’re smart enough to see through this and not just let this go. Burning down our great state so he can win. Sad.

  21. - illinoised - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:28 pm:

    Stay. The reason is obvious.

  22. - Canon - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:29 pm:

    To me the larger issue for the bigger context is that republican were not part of the discussion. If they can’t communicate on a schedule how are they going to solve the larger issues.

  23. - Annonin' - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:30 pm:

    Probably go home after they learn GOPies changing budget bill, addin’ new wish list items and droppin’ fresh negative mail.

  24. - buffalo soldier - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:31 pm:

    If we believe that the resolution to this crisis will come from the rank and file members, then send ‘em home. It is not the inaction of this weekend that sends Illinois’ credit rating into junk status, it’s the inaction of the past three years. Members who’ve dug in their heels should hear it from their constituents at a time when they can’t hide from their neighbors.

    However, if the solution to this crisis comes from the leaders, then frankly it doesn’t matter where the rank and file are; they’re in the same boat as the rest of us. Make-work legislative action that doesn’t result in anything is patronizing and a waste of taxpayer dollars.

  25. - Rabid - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:32 pm:

    The bond ratings, if the govenor don’t care, why worry. What’s going to happen, trade the titanic in for a Chinese boat, who’s at the helm

  26. - Iron - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:35 pm:

    MM is overplaying it. I get his point, but. Nobody cared the last two years, now it’s an emergency.

  27. - Dick Butka - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:37 pm:

    Voted to let ‘em go. Far be it from me to question The Velvet Hammer.

  28. - weary - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:42 pm:

    I voted to let the rank and file go home. Keeping them here for show isn’t going to fool anyone. I’m sure the rating agencies found CapitolFax a long time ago and know more about what’s really going on than we give them credit for. I don’t think they were swayed at all by Madigan’s request to give us more time before lowering our ratings. I believe they are carefully watching what is going on, and would be smart enough to know that as long as all of the parties involved in the negotiation process are still here and engaged, there’s a chance we may still pass a budget soon.

  29. - NobodysAccountable - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:43 pm:

    Voted no. They can stay in town til their jobs are done. At least give the appearance the State’s future is a concern. They’re going to bill the taxpayer for mileage anyway.

  30. - FormerParatrooper - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:46 pm:

    They should stay. I know there is a Holiday on Tuesday, and maybe they cab draw from what the holiday is about to find a resolution. I am in New Hampshire on a project of less importance than our State budget, but I am not going home for the holiday because it is essential to complete this project.

  31. - Anonymous - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:48 pm:

    Weary voted to keep them in Springfield. They were elected to do a job and if it means working on a weekend or missing a holiday parade, so be it! Get that budget!!

  32. - Christopher - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:50 pm:

    I voted that they should stay. Even if the final language is awaiting the leaders or their working groups, all of the House and Senate should be there and (appear) ready to act on a moment’s notice. But, please, no more phony photos of Rauner sitting at his desk, pen raised.

  33. - OurMagician - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:52 pm:

    Stay-maybe the Democratic members of the House will realize Madigan really is a problem and a fresh voice in the Speakers’ chair wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all. He’s had years to have a bill ready and is now asking for 2 more days? Quit playing games, the time is far past to put up or shut up.

  34. - BIG TOM - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:56 pm:

    It would be best if they all resign, and leave the state. They are incapable, self-serving, and without grit. We do not need them here, we do not need them at all. I do not know who my state rep is, but I do know they have ZERO impact on my life.

  35. - Anon221 - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 1:59 pm:

    Stay. Just based on all the meetings going on, there might be a vote or votes on some issues that will need to be taken or further debated on short notice. So, instead of dispersing hither and yon, just stay put and enjoy the fireworks both political and sky based in Springfield.

  36. - Anonymous - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:00 pm:

    Keep all of them there! Interrupt their holiday and make them do their job. When there is a project at work, we stay until it is done. They need to stay and finish. Enough on both sides.

  37. - nikobey - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:05 pm:

    The GA has had more than its share of vacation breaks this year. It needs to remain in session in Springfield until it approves a budget.I am hard pressed to think of any other higher priority for our legislators at this time.

  38. - siriusly - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:05 pm:

    Stay. Finish it.

    There is so much pain and blame to go around already. Having the budget done or not done actually won’t even matter at this point. But they still have a job to do. A federal court is ordering you to make payments. The state courts have ordered you to pay employees. This is not optional, get this done. Finish it.

    The political games have reasons and I understand them. But if they are close, then finish the job. I am honestly surprised that Madigan’s caucus is even slightly tolerant of any BS at this point.

  39. - Flapdoodle - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:06 pm:

    Too much at stake to risk losing whatever momentum has developed. Perception is everything right now; sending them home sends wrong signals to voters and to legislators.
    Madigan probably misplayed this one.

  40. - Seats - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:06 pm:

    Stay there!
    The credit agency said they probably wouldn’t lower to junk until Wednesday but that they have the option, it would just be unusual.

    By sending them home its almost taunting them and could ruin their willingness to wait until Wednesday

  41. - siriusly - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:08 pm:

    ALSO if the budget falls apart because it cannot pass - or it passes with DEM only votes and the Rauner vetoes it - then Rauner wears the blame. But if Madigan sends them home - this is on him and his caucus.

    I am not a Madigan basher - but this is on him if he doesn’t get something passed one way or another. Pass something.

  42. - Last Bull Moose - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:09 pm:

    I voted to stay in Springfield. I keep hoping, against the evidence, that the rank and file can form alliances across party lines and force a math driven solution.

  43. - Triple fat - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:19 pm:

    I voted let them go home. They should stay there until the GOP have the requisite votes. 23 doesn’t get it.

  44. - cdog - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:20 pm:

    Their sense of duty should tell them the obvious answer–stay.

    By their silent condoning for two years, they are as complicit in this disaster as the leaders and overlords.

    I’ve been out of state for a few days, and the damage that has been done to Illinois’ reputation will be difficult to overcome.

    The compromise should be executed at 2am if that’s what it takes.

  45. - Alternative Logic - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:22 pm:

    We’ll need to broaden our samplin’ population.

    Stay, Go. Almost no one cares or will remember next Election Day.

    93.2% of the electorate isn’t feeling any substantive effect from the lack of a budget and until schools don’t open or government offices close most won’t.

    Maybe we all should get outside and get some fresh air while leadership sorts it out.

  46. - northsider (the original) - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:23 pm:

    Go home. Go to church on Sunday. Pray.

  47. - Timmcg - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:23 pm:

    Keep them there. Enough is enough. How does falling to Junk bond status help anything? Actually curious - is there any strategic reason for allowing the bond status to fall so low?

  48. - RNUG - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:25 pm:

    Voted stay in town. Keeps the pressure focused on all of them.

    Plus, since the State is so far behind paying Springfield businesses, the city needs the hospitality tax revenue!

  49. - wordslinger - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:26 pm:

    The only opinion on the question that matters is Rauner’s. Is he going to sign off on a deal, if one can be made? It’s all academic until that question is answered.

    What’s his status? Is he still seated at his desk, “preparing?” Or is he on the milk carton?

  50. - goofy66 - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:26 pm:

    Regarding the circus in Springfield…..Weather they pass a budget or not it doesn’t make any dufference regarding the credit ratings, etc. The State will still be broke. No dinero, squat, nada, nothing ….I dont know why everybody is so worked up over passing a budget. The State still owes 200 billion, with a B, to the various public pension funds. So who cares about a budget !

  51. - illini - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:26 pm:

    === 93.2% of the electorate isn’t feeling any substantive effect from the lack of a budget ===

    Really. Share your facts and your source.

  52. - :l - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:28 pm:

    Let them have the choice - anyone who isn’t bright enough to know better deserves to have the option to go home and let their constituents see their true priorities.

  53. - RNUG - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:29 pm:

    == Actually curious - is there any strategic reason for allowing the bond status to fall so low? ==

    Pick your answer:

    A) can be used against Governor in campaign

    B) The 1.4% will be able to purchase high interest, guaranteed, relatively risk free, and likely tax free, bonds when the State floats the paper to pay off part of the bill backlog.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:29 pm:

    ===I dont know why everybody is so worked up over passing a budget. The State still owes 200 billion, with a B, to the various public pension funds. So who cares about a budget !===

    “Goofy”… Hmm.

    No budget… means higher education gets closer to ending, no payment for social services, no road construction, K-12 won’t open on time in some cases, won’t stay open in other cases…

    Maybe if you understood why a budget is required you’d look at things rationally?

  55. - goofy66 - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:34 pm:

    As was stated earlier by JBC, the Papal election of 1268-1271 took 3 years. Why not put all of the state legislators in the state capitol cafeteria and force them to eat state cafeteria food for the next three years or until they pass a budget. I bet you will have a budget before tomorrow.

  56. - Mokenavince - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:35 pm:

    Keep them there until hell freeze’s over. This is beyond a joke. Madigan just does not care about this state. Only about how much he can bleed the state.

  57. - cdog - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:36 pm:

    Rauner doesn’t have to sign, will be veto

    His role in the tragedy of Illinois is to degrade and insult anyone who participated in the compromise.

    Wish Radagno would primary Rauner.

  58. - Dave Kingman - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:39 pm:

    Stay. Get it DONE.

  59. - RNUG - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:43 pm:

    == The State still owes 200 billion, with a B, to the various public pension funds. ==

    That’s a long term debt like your mortgage. It doesn’t have to paid all at once ; it can be paid over decades.

    What’s more important is the $16B or so of backlogged bills from the last two years. To continue the house analogy, they are like your utilities; due and payable this month.

  60. - No brainer - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:43 pm:

    Stay here, get vote done! Too many reps have vacation plans soon and you will lose those critical votes for tax increase plus if they go home the beating up for voting for revenue will reduce votes on revenue- no brainer IF Speaker wants a deal but that is starting to look like a big IF

  61. - Captian Edward Smith - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:46 pm:

    At least with the Titanic I could blame it on an iceberg. With the sinking of the State of Illinois, I don’t know who to blame.

  62. - Anonymous - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:47 pm:

    Voted to let ‘em go. What signal is sent on a holiday Saturday doesn’t matter. Either to bond agency people wake up on Wednesday to news of an agreement or they don’t. At that point, what happened in the days leading up to that point doesn’t matter.

  63. - Leatherneck - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:48 pm:

    Stay in town but take the rest of today (Saturday) off. Adjourn tomorrow afternoon around 1PM or so.

  64. - Pot calling kettle - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:52 pm:

    I voted let them go. However, I am more in agreement with what the Speaker did which is let them know what is likely to happen tomorrow and Monday and allow them to decide for themselves whether to stay or skip out.

  65. - @MisterJayEm - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:54 pm:

    “Should rank and file be allowed to go home or specifically told to stay in Springfield?”

    I voted stay.

    But if I could have voted for “Have my Rep move overseas, never to return” I would have done so.

    – MrJM

  66. - walker - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 2:58 pm:

    From a practical viewpoint, it is hard to know. Madigan and Durkin apparently both knew, prior to the show, that there were no significant bills ready to be called tomorrow. They have already held meetings where some agreements were reached. They might just have to sit around waiting for final bill language to be drafted, legally reviewed, and double-checked.

    However, even if sitting around for a day waiting for bills would be a waste of time for most legislators, it is probably required to please the public right now.

    Also, the ratings people have shown themselves well-informed and sensible about Illinois government over the last two years. It is certain they follow CapitolFax closely.

  67. - Whatupjoe - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:02 pm:

    Lets see Rauner 2 and half years.
    Madigan 34 years. I say blame goes to Madigan!

  68. - Ketser Soze - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:12 pm:

    They should lay low and enjoy the weekend in Springfield. No good can come from walking in their hometown parades.

  69. - Tired Teacher - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:16 pm:

    Stay! Time to stop this!!!

  70. - RunningDad - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:17 pm:

    Where is the poll option for “lock them in the building and bring in subway every 4-5 hours until they get this done”?

  71. - Oswego Willy - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:18 pm:

    ===Where is the poll option for “lock them in the building and bring in subway every 4-5 hours until they get this done”?===

    It’s under “Who wants to commit a felony?” response.

  72. - Kevin Highland - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:21 pm:

    Go Home,

    They need to hear it from their constituents and they rank and file can’t do anything until the leadership presents them with bills to vote on.

  73. - Frequentist - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:21 pm:

    A junk bond rating will destroy any chance for Illinois to recover from the political stalemate, perhaps permanently damaging the social fabric leaving our citizens poor, sick, and uneducated.

  74. - Biker - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 8:17 pm:

    Honestly, there are at least 13 different main stream, tested and verified ways of producing lawful electronic communication. Secure email, gchat, facetime, facebook live, etc. If the statehouse must be in Springfield, which I’m absolutely not convinced it must, especially given the ability for this impasse to take place in a relative media blackout allowing the Mayor of Chicago to not meaningfully engage, I will not believe that a proxy vote system cannot exit. It is 2017. Unless government is looking to prove itself an anachronism that honestly cannot survive in the digital age, there had better be a future way to cast an e-vote.

  75. - StopPlayingGames - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 9:40 pm:

    If it is costing the state money to keep them in Springfield, send them home. If it isn’t costing the state anything, stay put until the Republicans agree to put votes on the revenue bill.

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