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The approp bill is booby trapped

Sunday, Jul 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Will Davis (D-Homewood) brought this up on the House floor tonight…

* Basic summary of what Rep. Davis said…

If there is no evidence-based model in place, the appropriations for K-12 aren’t any good.

They drafted the approp bill so that only an evidence based model can spend the appropriations.

The Illinois State Board of Education can’t distribute any money if an evidence-based model distribution formula isn’t passed.

So, the governor has to sign something or schools get no cash.

The Republicans have their own evidence-based model bill, but it’s not yet going anywhere and Speaker Madigan has repeatedly insisted that Rauner sign SB1, the Democrats’ school funding reform bill.


  1. - JS Mill - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 8:43 pm:

    As the world turns.

    Democrats just couldn’t help themselves.

  2. - ChicagoTaxPayer - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 8:46 pm:

    So does this mean if Rauner Vetoes, schools don’t get funded?

  3. - Really - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 8:51 pm:

    So this is the ethical way to write legislation? Booby trap it. Wow. Lot of bad people in this state starting with the Speaker.

  4. - My New Handle - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 8:53 pm:

    Just a legislated MOU, that’a all.

  5. - Montrose - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 8:53 pm:

    If he vetoes and it’s not overriden, schools don’t get funded.

  6. - Responsa - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 8:54 pm:

    So where are the proud comments on the ethics and heroics of this little booby trap?

  7. - Western IL - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 8:56 pm:

    Excellent question!

  8. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 8:57 pm:

    Appears to be framed like an MOU…


    Not much trust going on by anyone I suppose.

  9. - Anong - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 8:59 pm:

    If he vetoes, no money anyway, so what’s unethical about that, Responsa? You need to think about the ethics of vetoing the funding of his own Government! Nutty.

  10. - Western IL - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:01 pm:

    One does wonder…did the Repubs read the bill? Or did they have to pass it first to see what was in it?

  11. - SignTheBudget - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:02 pm:

    It doesn’t matter because Rauner won’t sign SB-1 anyway. Rauner said he wouldn’t sign SB-1 unless it contained School Vouchers, etc.. SB1 does not give permission to use School Vouchers. Plus SB1 does not cut all of the school mandates. I’m not sure if SB1 gives CPS less money or not. Rauner will not sign the K-12 education bill.

  12. - Worried Sup - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:03 pm:

    I am more concerned this year than last; right now I have no idea if, when, or how school districts will be funded through ISBE??!! Also, federal money has not been released for Title 1 districts:(

  13. - cdog - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:05 pm:

    If an evidence based model puts Illinois schools on track to have better outcomes then they do currently, then that requirement could be a good thing.

    33% are prepared for next grade level, now. Think of how many kids are being harmed by that failure.

  14. - Dr X - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:07 pm:

    Well at least Rauner is fulfillin’ his campaign promise to cut K-12 and colleges. Remember when he ran on that?

  15. - California Guy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:07 pm:

    What if the Senate passes it, Rayner vetoes, and both House and Senate override? Why does it”require” a signature from Rayner?

  16. - not again - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:07 pm:

    Mackey’s statement isn’t entirely accurate. For FY17 the formula was set out in the appropriation. It’s essentially the same thing in this appropriation bill. The appropriation specifies the formula.

  17. - Opiate of the Masses - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:09 pm:

    =I am more concerned this year than last; right now I have no idea if, when, or how school districts will be funded through ISBE??!!=

    they are all scared of k12…if rauner vetoes the GA will have to look hard at an override. they need 7 votes to make that happen.

    ==Also, federal money has not been released for Title 1 districts==

    it will be once there is a state budget in place. ISBE has said you can start your spend even though there is no money, but can’t file a claim until budget in place (and of course, have your plan approved).

  18. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:10 pm:

    ===What if the Senate passes it, Rayner vetoes, and both House and Senate override? Why does it”require” a signature from Rayner?===

    Why would they override?

    They already have ONE tax increase vote against them, now you want a second vote so Rauner will hammer and shake multiple tax increase votes?

    Rauner will own his veto. It leaves it there. That’s it.

    Sadly, that’s the politics now.

  19. - Opiate of the Masses - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:11 pm:

    i should have said, 7 votes in the house for an override of rauner’s veto on SB1.

  20. - No easy fixes - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:14 pm:

    There are a couple of easy ways to come to agreement on SB1 and get the same GOP House Reps to override that voted for the revenue and spending bills or even pass an agreed trailer bill- the pension payment for CPS should come out of the funding bill and be put in a pension or BIMP bill and that could provide nice change for GOP to get behind- a good catch by Rep Davis though

  21. - Busy mom - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:16 pm:

    I saw the EBM info in the senate bill yesterday. I asked a few people who follow education policy about it. If I saw it, the legislatures knew about it.

  22. - Opiate of the Masses - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:16 pm:

    =the pension payment for CPS should come out of the funding bill and be put in a pension or BIMP bill and that could provide nice change for GOP to get behind=

    agreed. those talks have been ongoing.

  23. - Norseman - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:22 pm:

    Hopefully, the tax vote will hold during an override. A permanent tax hike is necessary to provide some stability to the state. We definitely need it after the damage caused over the last two years. They’ve now gone on record, so complete the action.

  24. - Roman - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:25 pm:

    Set ideology and policy aside, and your inner political junkie can’t help but admire Madigan’s sheer legislative brilliance. Tonight is one of his masterpieces. It’s difficult to state just how decidedly he out maneuvered Rauner and his frat boys.

  25. - Responsa - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:32 pm:

    Roman–this was the comment I was waiting for and knew was coming. It’s difficult to state just how decidedly it flies in the face of all the feel good, bi-partisan, “best interests of the state” talk that was filling this space tonight.

  26. - JoeMaddon - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:32 pm:

    **Why would they override?**

    Because the state needs a budget. I’d much rather have my members vote for a tax hike that becomes law, and funds services, rather than a tax hike that doesn’t become law and the state dies.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:35 pm:

    ===Because the state needs a budget. I’d much rather have my members vote for a tax hike that becomes law, and funds services, rather than a tax hike that doesn’t become law and the state dies.===

    There was only a spare 2 votes, and Rauner has none of the backs of the “Brave 15″

    Not every Dem voted for the revenue either.

    So… “Why would they override?”

    Maybe it’s… Can they EVEN override?”

  28. - ILPundit - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:35 pm:

    For the record, this language was in Amendment #2, which 90 members voted for which everyone patted themselves on the back. That vote was 3 days ago. No one can claim this was slipped in at the last minute.

    And for the record, by making reference to “evidence based” rather than SB1, it provides incentive to stay at the table and negotiate the non budget issues. Only now, the budget isn’t a hostage.

  29. - Fax Machine - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:36 pm:

    If Senate passes tomorrow & Rauner vetoes tomorrow night, it’ll be overridden by both houses on July 4th.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:40 pm:

    ===If Senate passes tomorrow & Rauner vetoes tomorrow night, it’ll be overridden by both houses on July 4th.===

    Show me your 71 for another tax increase vote…

  31. - 360 Degree Turnaround - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:41 pm:

    Why would you override a veto of this the next day? If the Governor vetoes this…his veto should hang out there until Veto session. His decision.

  32. - Fax Machine - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:41 pm:

    Looks like Rauner has said he’ll take immediate action, so we’ll have a budget & 4.95% rate on the 4th of July.

  33. - 360 Degree Turnaround - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:42 pm:

    And then I run ads

  34. - Fax Machine - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:42 pm:

    Its right here, duh

  35. - 360 Degree Turnaround - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:43 pm:

    Let his rotten veto hang out there. Then one person to blame.

  36. - Fax Machine - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:44 pm:

    I am jumping the gun by assuming Senate passage tomorrow, which is a really tough ask for the Dems in marginal districts like Tom Cullerton who are up in 2018.

  37. - Fax Machine - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:45 pm:

    Rank & file won’t go home to be lynched by constituents just to “let his rotten veto hang”

  38. - 360 Degree Turnaround - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:47 pm:

    “We’ve done our job, the House and senate adjourn”. Why will they return before veto session?

  39. - Fax Machine - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:48 pm:

    It’s too bad Senator Radogno couldn’t delay her retirement for a week - her vote would have been really helpful tomorrow.

  40. - Fax Machine - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:50 pm:

    Because if schools aren’t opening and they had a chance to override the Governor and they didn’t they will all be primaried.

  41. - Fax Machine - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:52 pm:

    Plus they by and large care about the wellbeing of their constituents, unlike Rauner they take no pleasure in seeing them suffer needlessly just to score political points.

  42. - 360 Degree Turnaround - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:52 pm:

    Schools not opening is still off into the future. Let the Governor’s veto rot. He is triangulated.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:52 pm:

    ===Because if schools aren’t opening and they had a chance to override the Governor and they didn’t they will all be primaried.===

    Where’s your 71?

    Rauner is “already primary-ing” 15 HGOP members, recruiting and “stuff”… Where are you finding the Dems too?

  44. - Fax Machine - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:53 pm:

    It will be the exact same 72

  45. - Blue Bayou - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:54 pm:

    Let me get this straight.

    If Rauner vetoes and it gets overidden, he’s going to run on having tried to wreck the state over a small income tax increase in a state with a regressive tax structure?

    Who is this going to fire up? His downstate hate-all-taxes base and a small number of North Shore plutocrats.

    He’s going to get crushed in the election and hurt his party down ticket, but the 35% who vote for him are going to be VERY committed.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:54 pm:

    ===lus they by and large care about the wellbeing of their constituents, unlike Rauner they take no pleasure in seeing them suffer needlessly just to score political points===

    … and yet the House only had 72 “Green”

    You need 6 or so GOP members to stick, then get 9 Dems.

    Tough lift.

  47. - TopHatMonocle - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:59 pm:

    If Rauner vetoes and it’s not overridden, the blame is his alone. He’s making a huge assumption that they will override right away. Those Do Your Job Inc. ads are ready to roll. They didn’t cut those ads to pressure Rauner, they cut them to assign blame.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:59 pm:

    ===It will be the exact same 72===

    Lotta faith there… Rauner has been successful blocking almost every override.

    Rauner only needs 3

  49. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:01 pm:

    ===Rauner only needs 3===

    Plus… the flip side is… Are members afraid of voters or Rauner more?

  50. - Fax Machine - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:01 pm:

    I think this all sets up well for Kennedy or Biss if the nominee to beat Rauner - they’ll succeed where he failed and actually deliver property tax relief.

    By the way Rich, any reacts from the Dem Guv candidates?

  51. - Arsenal - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:04 pm:

    I imagine they’ll call the override vote right away, but the veto could easily shake loose two Republicans. And no way Madigan makes any of the Democratic Nos pick up the slack.

  52. - Arsenal - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:06 pm:

    ==Rauner has been successful blocking almost every override.==

    One question- how many of those other overrides were on bills that the Governor had publicly said he’d veto before the bill?

  53. - ILPundit - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:06 pm:

    OW, Rauner was trying to keep the GOP votes off all day long. Do you really think the crossovers who bucked him didn’t know he planned to veto?

  54. - Fax Machine - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:07 pm:

    I’m convinced Rauner wants the override, so I don’t see him primarying any of the 15 rebel Republicans.

  55. - Fax Machine - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:10 pm:

    They might get primaried by local conservatives but I don’t think Rauner will back any of those efforts like he did to Sam McCann.

    Interesting question is if Proft, funded by Griffin, U-Line etc go after them in primaries though.

  56. - Arsenal - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:11 pm:

    ==I don’t see him primarying any of the 15 rebel Republicans==

    He’s not the only one they have to worry about.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:11 pm:

    ===how many of those other overrides were on bills that the Governor had publicly said he’d veto before the bill?===

    Dunno, how many?

    ===Rauner was trying to keep the GOP votes off all day long. Do you really think the crossovers who bucked him didn’t know he planned to veto?===

    They knew, but 3 of the 15 only need to consider another tax increase vote will be in front of them. Heavy lift.

    ===I’m convinced Rauner wants the override, so I don’t see him primarying any of the 15 rebel Republicans===

    Tell that to Sam McCann.

  58. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:12 pm:

    ===They might get primaried by local conservatives but I don’t think Rauner will back any of those efforts like he did to Sam McCann.===

    I wouldn’t call Rauner the “turn the other cheek” kinda guy.

  59. - Fax Machine - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:14 pm:

    You’re assuming Rauner doesn’t want the override, which is something I disagree with you on

  60. - 360 Degree Turnaround - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:14 pm:

    Imagine the ads about schools against Rauner. You think the dark money group just popping up was by coincidence? Is the Governor going to call them back into session to override his veto? That doesn’t make sense. He is losing this chess match

  61. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:14 pm:

    ===He’s not the only one they have to worry about.===

    This is most certainly true.

  62. - Arsenal - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:16 pm:

    ==I wouldn’t call Rauner the “turn the other cheek” kinda guy.==

    But is that how he wants to spend the primary? Going around dividing his own party in a tricky election year?

    I mean, *I hope*, but it seems unlikely.

  63. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:16 pm:

    ===You’re assuming Rauner doesn’t want the override, which is something I disagree ===

    “You’re assuming there will be an override, which is something I disagree”

    We’ll see.

  64. - 360 Degree Turnaround - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:22 pm:

    Has a Governor ever called a GA back to override his veto?

  65. - ArchPundit - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:23 pm:

    While I understand your point Willy, I think those Rs who voted yes know what is coming and think voting against it for the veto override paints them as weak on taxes and flip flopper in the general. Even if Rauner says he’ll have your back at this point if you flip

    1) So what? If the state goes to junk status Rauner is useless
    2) Even if Rauner makes that promise what do the Slytherins do like Proft and IPI?

    I think they knew the costs of that vote today and are okay with that even if it means a losing a primary.

  66. - Anonymous - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:24 pm:

    360 Degree @ 10:14

    I agree that Speaker Madigan has won this chess game.

  67. - ILPundit - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:28 pm:

    OW — 1). I think everyone knew going in the Gov was likely to veto. Why string yourself out once unless you intend to override. 2). The negative hit is pretty much the same if you vote for it once or twice. They already stuck their necks out, the deed is done

  68. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:29 pm:

    ===But is that how he wants to spend the primary? Going around dividing his own party in a tricky election year===

    Rauner is also running around trying to excuse himself from all things Republican.

    Rauner does want Raunerites. So does Uihlein, Proft, IPI…

    ===I think they knew the costs of that vote today and are okay with that even if it means a losing a primary.===

    Maybe true. Probably true. Very true.

    It went from 90 to 72. That’s true too.

  69. - 360 Degree Turnaround - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:30 pm:

    Only one man can keep schools open now. Wonder what the all stars are thinking tonight?

  70. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:36 pm:

    Not dismissing the logic, the politics, heck, I believe in my heart of hearts they are the “Brave 15″…

    Putting a great deal of faith that the override can withstand another vote.

    Personally, I hope you’re all right, but you go from 90 to 72 then need all 72 back, again, including vulnerable Dems…

    Hope you’re right, I actually want the state to survive.

    Thinking its a slam dunk easy? Might be tougher than that.

  71. - Arsenal - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:44 pm:

    ==Dunno, how many?==

    Sorry, it was a sincere question.

    I think there’s a qualitative difference between something like the AVR vote, where Rauner’s veto was a bit of a surprise, and something like today, where everyone seemed to understand that he didn’t want the bill.

    ==Rauner is also running around trying to excuse himself from all things Republican.==

    Yeah, but trying to distance yourself from an unpopular national figure seems different from instigating an intra-party state-level conflict.

  72. - 360 Degree Turnaround - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:45 pm:

    How many Repubs will need to vote for override? If I was speaker, I start having some members change their mind and maximize the republican pain.

  73. - me - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:47 pm:

    Rauner gets his cake and can eat it too. He wants the override so he gets a budget, a tax increase and the relief it brings. If he didn’t want the override, he would wait to veto the bill.

  74. - Pot calling kettle - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:53 pm:

    Probably the most interesting question is “Does the Gov want an override?”

    It could play very well for him next year: “That darn Madigan increased your taxes again. I tried to balance the budget, but he wouldn’t let me make a single cut.” At the same time, some Republican legislators who were under a lot of pressure to save important economic drivers in their districts (like WIU, SIUC, EIU, NIU) got to be heroic and appear independent. AND we avoid junk bond status and schools not opening, which the Gov would certainly wear. More revenue also ensures no budget fight next year, which also makes things easier for Rauner.

    It will be harder for an opponent to paint Rauner as a disaster when the only “disaster” people notice is the higher tax bill. And, since the Gov didn’t sign it, he’s free to whack away at whoever he wants, even the Dems who did not vote for the increase will be painted with it. There are so many low information voters out there; it’s easy to say how a veto override would work well for Rauner’s reelection.

  75. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:53 pm:

    ===Yeah, but trying to distance yourself from an unpopular national figure seems different from instigating an intra-party state-level conflict.===

    Rauner also ran the first time not as a Republican but someone who wasn’t the status quo.

    - Arsenal -

    ===…and something like today, where everyone seemed to understand that he didn’t want the bill===

    It will be yeomen’s work to keep the 72…

  76. - east central - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:56 pm:

    I cannot see how it makes sense to override immediately if Rauner vetoes. Wait for bonds to be classified as junk and wait for construction (etc) to shut down for a few days. Rauner gets the blame if he vetoes. The legislature overrides to save the state.

  77. - Arsenal - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:58 pm:

    ==If he didn’t want the override, he would wait to veto the bill.==

    Eh, it’s hard to look strong and decisive if you dither.

  78. - Norseman - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 11:00 pm:

    Pot calling kettle, I understand your argument. Rauner will definitely spend his money trying to present himself in the best light. However, there is a plethora of stories and victims for any good opponent to use against him.

  79. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 11:00 pm:

    ===I cannot see how it makes sense to override immediately if Rauner vetoes. Wait for bonds to be classified as junk and wait for construction (etc) to shut down for a few days. Rauner gets the blame if he vetoes. The legislature overrides to save the state.===

    Sadly, that makes the most “sense”…

    … if you call stalling the saving of the state after severe damage is maximized, then save the state… saving the state.


  80. - Arsenal - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 11:01 pm:

    ==There are so many low information voters out there; it’s easy to say how a veto override would work well for Rauner’s reelection.==

    The thing about that is, the low-info voters are going to know that their taxes went up and that Rauner’s the Governor.

    He can try to explain that *he* didn’t raise their taxes, he was just powerless to stop it, but…”when you’re explaining, you’re losing”.

  81. - RNUG - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 11:05 pm:

    Rauner needs the tax bill as much as everyone else does. Maybe I’m over thinking this, but I think Rauner will veto it both wanting and expecting the override; that way he is on record “trying” to stop the “massive” tax hike that even his version of the budget requires.

    I can even see the campaign ads Rauner will run … “Help me elect more GOP members so this never happens again!”

  82. - Norseman - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 11:13 pm:

    Yes, there will be a lot of pressure on the brave 15 to switch. The victims need to mobilize their forces to thank and promise help to them to keep them from changing.

  83. - Why not - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 11:15 pm:

    I could shave a billion from Medicaid if they gave me the means. Yes, MCOs are part of the problem.

  84. - east central - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 11:16 pm:

    “I think Rauner will veto it both wanting and expecting the override” –RNUG

    I agree which is why I think it is in Madigan’s best interest to delay the override and let bad things happen. Maybe letting more Democrats not vote for the override so that more Republicans have to vote yes. While construction shuts down and Illinois bonds fall to junk status, due to an override by Gov. Rauner….

  85. - east central - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 11:17 pm:

    Oops, make that “due to a veto by Gov. Rauner….”

  86. - Nony - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 11:23 pm:

    As much as this was “political brilliance” by Madigan, doesn’t this give Rauner a better chance at re-election? He can say he did everything he could to try and reform the state and change the status quo but because of Madigan all you got was a tax increase. The ads write themselves.

  87. - Marty Funkhouser - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 11:48 pm:

    I wonder if they have a bit more to work with than just 72. The roll call was up to 74 at one point.

  88. - Wonderful - Monday, Jul 3, 17 @ 7:48 am:

    - Anonymous - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 10:24 pm:

    360 Degree @ 10:14

    I agree that Speaker Madigan has won this chess game.

    You are correct. Madigan wins regardless of how this ends. A veto and then an override or the other possibility( which I think is more likely ) of several republicans switching on their vote for an override. Either way he can and will say ,he did his job !

  89. - Dr. Bronners - Monday, Jul 3, 17 @ 8:24 am:

    Imo this is an insurance policy so the governor cannot simply line item out everything but k-12 in its current form and keep this dragging on. The only way he can line item out everything but k-12 now is if he signs k-12 bill and at a minimum schools are funded at a higher rate, plus it will be so obvious what hes doing that he would have to own dragging this out further.

  90. - Get a Job!! - Monday, Jul 3, 17 @ 8:33 am:

    =Democrats just couldn’t help themselves. =

    JS Mill, this same “booby trap” was also incorporated into Sen. Brady’s GOP budget bill. This isn’t some game by the democrats, everyone expects an evidence based model to pass in one form or another.

  91. - Dick Butka - Monday, Jul 3, 17 @ 8:40 am:

    Wow I didn’t know that there were so many fine and ethical people around state government./SSSSSSSSSS

    If you’re really that offended by this move, which turns up the pressure by presenting the governor with a scenario that is going to happen sooner or later if he keeps up his current course of action, then I’m sorry but you just don’t have the stomach for this business.

    This is how the sausage gets made. Rauner should’ve signed the damn thing already, given that he agrees with 90% of it.

  92. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 3, 17 @ 8:53 am:

    It’s easy for the Governor to amendatorily veto SB 1 and include his version of evidence-based education funding. Then the Democrats are on the spot to either accept or override because its up to them as to whether schools get GSA funding.

  93. - Curl of the Burl - Monday, Jul 3, 17 @ 9:36 am:

    Nony - and on top of that Rauner can say he just wants to fund education and keep schools open but Madigan does not care.

  94. - JS Mill - Monday, Jul 3, 17 @ 9:38 am:

    =JS Mill, this same “booby trap” was also incorporated into Sen. Brady’s GOP budget bill. This isn’t some game by the democrats, everyone expects an evidence based model to pass in one form or another=

    Sorry, but it is a game. That is the plain truth.

    Maybe it is a de facto MOU as OW stated, and it is a clear indication that there is no trust particularly of Rauner.

    I see it as unneeded gaming though.

    Rauner was going to veto the bill anyway. He is an emotional and intellectual coward. 2.5 years of trying to avoid responsibility for anything that might upset his base (which is apparently Ives and Skillicorn, so that tells you about the mental state of his “people”).

    Someone needs to rise above, the booby trap wasn’t it.

  95. - DuPage - Monday, Jul 3, 17 @ 9:52 am:

    They have turned the rudder to avoid the iceberg, a Rauner veto would turn it back into the iceberg, costing Illinois hundreds of millions of dollars in higher interest rates.

  96. - Rod - Monday, Jul 3, 17 @ 10:20 am:

    Why do the Democrats think the Governor is deeply concerned about the school districts that don’t have sufficient reserves to open without GSA dollars? I think they have a confused assessment of the situation.

  97. - Whatever - Monday, Jul 3, 17 @ 4:50 pm:

    This is a suprise? Every bill in the Senate’s grand bargain was contingent on the other bills becoming law. Apparently there was a bipartisan consensus that this kind of “gaming” was necessary.

  98. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 3, 17 @ 4:51 pm:

    ===Every bill in the Senate’s grand bargain was contingent on the other bills becoming law===

    That language was removed.

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