Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x5 - Emanuel, Madigan react *** House overrides Rauner tax hike veto with 71 votes
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*** UPDATED x5 - Emanuel, Madigan react *** House overrides Rauner tax hike veto with 71 votes

Thursday, Jul 6, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Roll call…

The House also just overrode the governor’s veto of the BIMP bill. And then they overrode the spending bill.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Republican Reps. Cavaletto, Davidsmeyer, Meier and Reis all switched from being “Yes” on 3rd Reading to being “No” on the override. So, they lost 5 Republicans (Rep. Pritchard was absent) and still approved the motion.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Democratic Reps. Halpin, Manley, Mayfield and Scherer switched from No to Yes. Scherer had said repeatedly that she was a “No” vote and is considered a target, so that one is really interesting.

*** UPDATE 3 *** Check out the big board games…

*** UPDATE 4 *** From Speaker Madigan’s remarks

Today, Republicans and Democrats stood together to enact a bipartisan, balanced budget and end a destructive 736 day impasse.

Our budget agreement was made possible by legislators on both sides of the aisle who looked beyond partisan differences and put the best interests of our state and its residents first.

The people in this chamber did not do what was easy today, but we did what was right for the future of out state. There are a lot of things that will be said about this vote, but the most important thing I can point to is that Republican legislators and Democratic legislators got this done together.

*** UPDATE 5 *** Mayor Emanuel…

“I want to thank Senate President Cullerton and Speaker Madigan for their leadership, and I want to thank Democrats and Republicans in the Illinois House and Senate for coming together to put the people of Illinois before party politics. Like so many others across the state, I wish the governor had been willing to actually compromise at some point in this process because the only thing his my-way-or-the-highway approach has gotten Illinois is nearly three years of gridlock and $15 billion in unpaid bills. Thankfully, today’s bipartisan, balanced budget is the first step in bringing stability and certainty back to Illinois and putting our state back on track.”


  1. - Flippy - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:30 pm:


  2. - Norseman - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:31 pm:

    Thank god. 2 to go.

  3. - Norseman - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:32 pm:

    1 to go.

  4. - Back to the Mountains - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:33 pm:

    Who flipped?

  5. - Actual Red - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:33 pm:

    Thank goodness. Now lets get legal marijuana and a progressive income tax.

  6. - Norseman - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:34 pm:

    We have a budget. Nobody is happy with a tax increase, but the state can now can move forward from the devastating impact of Rauner’s intransigence.

  7. - Doedoa - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:34 pm:

    Plugged the whole. Now it is time to fix it. Re-amatorize the pension ramp would be a good start.

  8. - Grand Avenue - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:34 pm:

    Cavaletto Davidsmeyer Meier & Reis flipped

    Pritchard no vote

  9. - Saluki - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:35 pm:

    and that’s how you make a budget in Illinois.

  10. - A State Employee Guy - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:35 pm:

    Davidsmeyer just voted himself out of a job. Sad, because he was something of a moderate fiscal republican–a dying breed.

  11. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:36 pm:

    ===Nobody is happy with a tax increase===

    I’m happy with it.

    Income taxes need to be higher and or progressive but at least it’s better than what it was.

  12. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:36 pm:

    This Is good and needed, but we need reforms. We will be right back here without real focus next year.

  13. - Blue dog dem - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:36 pm:

    A sad day for the middle class. Atta boys and girls. You Dems and Repubs are really looking out for the working person.

  14. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:37 pm:

    Fantastic and thanks to the brave Republicans who put the state first. Excellent news. Great work by all involved, on both sides of the aisle, and those who lobbied.

    “Time to leave the state.”


  15. - IllinoisBoi - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:37 pm:

    The first step, I hope, towards Illinois becoming a normal, functioning state. Yea I know, too much to hope for….

  16. - Grand Avenue - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:37 pm:

    Halpin, Manley, Mayfield & Scherer flipped from no to yes to pick up the slack.

  17. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:37 pm:

    ===Time to leave the state.===

    We’re probably better off without you if the income tax rate going up by 1.2% was your deal breaker given what the alternatives were.

    You are aware of what the alternatives were?

    You’re probably about to move to a state with a higher tax rate, so, heh, good luck.

  18. - Northsider - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:37 pm:

    Blankster @ 4:35:

  19. - Dome Gnome - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:37 pm:

    This should have happened two years ago, but I’ll take it.

  20. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:38 pm:

    ==Davidsmeyer just voted himself out of a job.==

    If you think siding with the Governor is bad for him here, you must not be familiar with who actually votes in his district. Now his vote earlier in the week, that vote will hurt him.

  21. - Lady Katherine de Bourgh - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:38 pm:

    The aristocracy can sleep in safety tonight.

  22. - Blue dog dem - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:39 pm:

    Again I ask, whats the over/under on the next income tax increase?

  23. - J IL - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:39 pm:

    To the people that flipped their vote from Yes To Know the attack ads will come out that you’re a flip-flopper… Congrats you’re the new John Kerry in that you voted for it before you voted against it.

  24. - Ron - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:39 pm:

    - Actual Red - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:33 pm:

    Thank goodness. Now lets get legal marijuana and a progressive income tax.

    And end all government worker benefit mentions in the Constitution while we’re at it.

    And a 0% corporate income tax rate would help too.

  25. - 33rd Ward - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:39 pm:


    The “Governor” has lost all credibility.

    Time to start “overriding” a lot more things. Time to start getting the Democratic agenda of jobs, regulations (hello!), and tax plans poised to help middle class families, and not the rich elite (don’t forget, Mr. Ruiner made $90,000 an hour last year).

  26. - Northsider - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:40 pm:

    BDD: How would the middle class be served by allowing the state to implode thanks to one man’s crusade to gut unions?

  27. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:40 pm:

    So Sue Scherer just broke her pledge on taxes. That’ll be fodder for next election.

  28. - JTF - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:40 pm:

    Even with the devastation of the last two years, most of the repubs in the legislature are too cowardly to vote for a budget and tax increase that they know is needed.

  29. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:40 pm:

    “You’re probably about to move to a state with a higher tax rate, so, heh, good luck.”

    It’s possible, but seeing as Illinois is top 5 in state and local tax burden, unlikely.

  30. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:41 pm:

    Madigan’s “persuasion” skills must’ve gotten to Scherer.

  31. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:41 pm:

    Thanks for the seat, Rep Scherer.

  32. - Ron - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:41 pm:

    Northsider, the middle class is not served by a top 5 or so state and local tax burden that will be going up.

  33. - Grand Avenue - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:42 pm:

    So the 6 Dems who have their backsides “double-covered” are Connor, Costello, Moylan, Mussman, Stuart & Yingling.

  34. - sensen - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:42 pm:

    So now, for those already living paycheck to paycheck, just got that much harder. Yep, take away another $830/year.

  35. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:43 pm:

    =Madigan’s “persuasion” skills must’ve gotten to Scherer.=

    Or, more likely, she’s just a loudmouthed fraud like most of the rest of these ‘brave’ souls.

  36. - Huh? - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:43 pm:

    Now that the general assembly has overridden the governor’s vetoes there is no guarantee that the money will be spent. Money has been appropriated but that doesn’t mean it must be dispersed. 1.4% can still continue throttling of Social Services and higher education as a means to leverage his personal agenda.

  37. - d.p.gumby - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:44 pm:

    I’m w/ you Actual Red and will send Scherer a contrib.

  38. - Flipper - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:44 pm:

    To Back Of The Mountains: One who flipped was Sue Scherer, who has always said she would not vote to put a tax hike on the backs of the hard working men & women of her district. I guess they better firm up those back muscles!

  39. - Ron - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:45 pm:

    Illinois’ future just got bleaker.

  40. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:45 pm:

    This is a shot to mask the symptoms and an attempt to stabilize the patient temporarily. Much better than letting everything go critical. However it’d be great if we could actually target the actual cause of the sickness. Bitter sweet with a side of “finally”

  41. - 33rd Ward - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:45 pm:

    Moving to junk status, losing schools, and lotteries; come on. We needed a budget. If the Governor had even tried to play fairly, he would have earned something. He instead decided to play rich hard ball, and he lost, at least for now. He simply didn’t deserve to win anything. He makes things worse.

  42. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:46 pm:

    Time to move out of Illinois. The sooner the better.

  43. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:46 pm:

    So this is basically an up day for the Governor, amiright?

  44. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:46 pm:

    Bruce Rauner should be the happiest man in Illinois. The Dems just assured his re-election and most likely will lose control of House and Senate.

  45. - Northsider - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:47 pm:

    Anonymous @ 4:46:

  46. - RNUG - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:48 pm:

    == there is no guarantee that the money will be spent. ==

    Just going to repeat my post from another thread:

    Nothing (except some consent decrees for some programs) is stopping Rauner from spending less than the budget allows.
    Guess we’ll see what kind of restraint he has … or if it will be a lot of pinstripe patronage, insider software deals, and overpriced real estate.

  47. - Ron - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:48 pm:

    I guess that’s the best that could come of it Anonymous.

    Madigan has basically destroyed Illinois. And the State Dem party must be punished.

  48. - Robert the 1st - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:48 pm:

    The increased tax rate is from 7/1/2017 and moving forward, correct?

  49. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:48 pm:

    Sweet… Now I dont have to stress over where to take the family vacation next year. Besides, Im sure that extra money will be used wisely.

  50. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:49 pm:

    ===Time to move out of Illinois. The sooner the better.===

    If a 1.2% tax increase is enough to make you move, I’ll help you pack.

  51. - honestabe - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:50 pm:

    that’s appx 15.00 a week

  52. - lake county democrat - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:50 pm:

    Had to be done but it’s still primarily kicking the can yet again. And taxpayer spines are stiffening. I don’t know if Rauner has a long game, but I have no idea where this state is heading with these two in power.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:50 pm:

    We went from the “Brave 15″…

    To “The Perfect 10″

    That you to “The Perfecf 10″,

    You chose your state, your districts, over an un-passable Agenda.

    I thank you.

    Oswego Willy

  54. - illini - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:51 pm:

    Thanking my Rep Meier for showing himself for what I suspected he was.

    And to think I gave him a great compliment on this site just a few days ago for voting yes. I knew it was a difficult vote for him. He issued a principled and reasoned statement after that first difficult vote.

    Charlie, I’ll be in touch.

  55. - quincy - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:51 pm:

    Happy its over time to move forward. Not happy about the income tax. But if that’s what it takes to pay down our bills. Thanks to the Gov.Rauner it should not have lasted this long. Now ho wears the pants in his family maybe its Mrs Rauner or is it becasuse its an election year. Just Glade Its Over

  56. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:51 pm:

    =If a 1.2% tax increase is enough to make you move, I’ll help you pack.=

    Heck of a job shoring up that taxpayer base there. When you are done, stop by my house and help me pack as well.

  57. - doofusguy - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:51 pm:

    Thanks to those who voted yes - and bon voyage to everyone (allegedly) moving out of Illinois because of it.

  58. - Illinois Small Business Owner - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:51 pm:

    They will be back at the trough in less than 5 years. The interesting question is at what % will revenue actually fall?

  59. - Rabid - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:52 pm:

    Will the news be madigan saves state from junk status,or tax hike mike

  60. - TKMH - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:52 pm:

    There’s been some discussion on here about this being the best way out for a guy like Rauner: he can stand his ground as an anti-tax crusader in 2018 and not have presided over the wholesale fiscal destruction of our beloved state. In effect, the wisdom goes, this override strengthens his case as a check on the tax-happy political establishment in Springfield.

    I disagree. People will grumble about a 32% tax hike, one which two Dems running for Governor voted for (Biss and Drury), but the narrative that “Rauner tried to shake up the state, but simply can’t lead his way out of a paper bag” looks a lot stronger to the folks who reluctantly voted for him the first time around and follow IL news. I don’t know if countless college students, families of children with disabilities, etc., are going to forget his intransigence in this whole budget debacle.

    Perhaps a more perverse thing to ponder regarding the voters who didn’t follow this as closely, and still look at Rauner as the doomed hero of this fight: Would this impasse have been resolved a lot faster had there been no consent decrees or K-12 spending package? Had Medicaid been suspended, K-12 schools shut down, driver’s license renewal services put on hold, no road work–had the entire state government ground to a halt, an actual halt, hurting all stakeholders in Illinois–would we have been able to finish this thing by, say, winter of 2015 and moved on? By no means is that hypothetical meritorious, but it’s an interesting thought experiment.

  61. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:53 pm:

    Here’s to the GOP members — strong, brave and true — who ended this deliberate and misanthropic assault on the people of Illinois by their reactionary, zealot governor and his money-grubbin’ band of sycophants in government, media and lobsterdom.

    Yours is a triumph of reason and humanity over cynicism, dishonesty, big money and snake-oil malice.

    You’ve got guts.

    I am thankful, and proud to know you.

    History will be kind.

    You are Illinois Profiles in Courage.

    You are heroes.

    This is your day.

    Play it loud.

  62. - Weary - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:53 pm:

    Thank goodness. Now let’s try to be civil to each other. Oh, let’s legalize marijuana and bring in some additional revenue.

  63. - lake county democrat - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:53 pm:

    Homestable/Anon 4:49PM Suggestions for how the median income family making $60K is going to come up with that extra $620?

    ALDI is happy.

  64. - Grand Avenue - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:53 pm:

    Connor & Moylan were the last 2 Dems to hit no (after 71 was hit) & Mussman pressed Green first.

    So Yingling, Stuart & Costello may have been the only no chance in Hades nos on the Dem side - they might have been prepared to lose 8 of the 15 Republicans.

  65. - cannon649 - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:53 pm:

    The Can has been Kicked again.

    Not a reform or repayment plan insight.

  66. - Lascaux - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:54 pm:

    Every representative in that chamber knew this needed to happen. The GOP will try to beat the Dems over the head as taxers. But I think that slogan’s power on the campaign trail has lost its oomph.

  67. - JohnnyPyleDriver - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:54 pm:

    I’m middle class and I work. The $35 a month more I’ll send to the state is well worth it for me to FINALLY be able to get all the bills from when my daughter was born two years ago. My friends working road projects are going back to work. My local schools will be open. The college will keep accreditation. All middle class wins. Unlike term limits and workers comp reform which means exactly diddly to me

  68. - So tired of political hacks - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:54 pm:

    Never heard so much whining over 1.2% tax increase move to Kansas they just over road their rep gov with 5.7 % anyone making $60,000 or more and 5.1% for 30,000-60,000. All because they had 800 million budget def for 2 years.

  69. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:54 pm:

    I will not forget “The Perfect 10″


  70. - Clark - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:54 pm:

    “Not happy about the income tax. But if that’s what it takes to pay down our bills. ”

    Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but this only balances the budget, not pay down any of our past debt.

  71. - AC - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:55 pm:

    Far from perfect but significantly better than the alternative, thank God.

  72. - Grand Avenue - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:55 pm:

    And Halpin was number 71 (19 second mark)

  73. - Ron - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:56 pm:

    doofusguy, you do realize that Illinois is losing population faster than EVERY state but W. Virginia.

    Higher taxes will only make it worse.

  74. - Blue Bayou - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:56 pm:

    This isn’t the last day of the Rauner Governing Crisis.

    It’s the first.

    Now we dig out, get back to work on investing in the state, its working people, its education system.

  75. - Robert the 1st - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:57 pm:

    =this deliberate and misanthropic assault on the people of Illinois=

    So glad we agreed to tone down the rhetoric.

  76. - Ron - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:57 pm:

    Anonymous, the state without Chicago is a poor Alabama. A complete and utter backwater with no industry.

  77. - honestabe - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:57 pm:

    Before you move you should probably see what their pay scale is and what their taxes are. You might be surprised to what you find out. You might pay lower taxes but, your pay scale may be lower as well so, in reality you take home pay may not be what you think.

  78. - Original Rambler - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:57 pm:

    Now we get to see the governor put his vaunted business skills to the test. No more blank checkbook. This appropriation caps his FY18 spending at a level below what he has been spending the last two FYs. Roll up those sleeves superstars.

  79. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:58 pm:

    So is Rauners hold on us broken? Or he just wounded and going to go pissed off Grizzlie on AFSCME?

  80. - Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:58 pm:

    “- Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:46 pm:

    Bruce Rauner should be the happiest man in Illinois. The Dems just assured his re-election and most likely will lose control of House and Senate.”

    I’m sure he’s happy because he gets the money and no accountability. But as to the rest of your assertion about Rauner’s re-election and losing the House and Senate, you’re dreaming.

  81. - Ron - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:58 pm:

    “Now we dig out, get back to work on investing in the state, its working people, its education system.”

    Lol, I’m a working person, I won’t be getting anything other than a higher tax bill.

  82. - Wensicia - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:59 pm:

    To the GA, thanks for doing your jobs and putting Illinois first.

  83. - Johnny Tractor - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:59 pm:

    RNUG @ 4:48 - you make a point that is conveniently overlooked by many. The Governor’s position in Illinois is not as helpless as its current occupant makes it out to be. Don’t know if it’s ineptitude or laziness, but he could have made,and could still make, a positive financial impact for the state. Instead, just whining, talking points and photo ops.

  84. - Mittuns - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:00 pm:

    The tax increase would not be necessary had wages rose with inflation. This is not the fault of the average worker.

    Demand your share of the pie that you created through your longer hours and record levels of corporate profits and productivity.

    Your employer’s executives are laughing all the way to the bank and they get to avoid the new tax by being paid in untaxable stock options.

  85. - Sonny chiss - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:00 pm:

    Scherer was red early then flipped green, high drama. Thank to her and the 10 for being statesmen.

  86. - TKMH - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:00 pm:

    Anonymous @ 4:55pm
    ==Can the rest of Illinois break away from Chicago and Springfield? They can keep the crime and the taxes.==

    Cook and its collar counties are responsible for roughly 70% of state tax revenues, as well as the vast majority of Illinois’ gross state product. The state of IL is and will always be, to borrow a slogan, Stronger Together.

  87. - JS Mill - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:00 pm:

    =Higher taxes will only make it worse. =

    Lamest talking point of the wordjumble and completely unsubstantiated by facts.

    If your assertion was true then 2011 through 2015 would have been the greatest outmigration in Illinois history. It wasn’t, that didn’t happen until Rauner started his war on Illinois.

    So if math and facts matter to you, which they clearly are an abstract concept at best, you may want to move on to a different bullet point.

  88. - DuPage Moderate - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:01 pm:

    I’ve now seen it all. We’re celebrating a budget that still has us on the same collision course with insolvency. Horray to the rave legislators. #thumbsdown

  89. - Lovecraft - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:02 pm:

    Don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you, anonymous, as you head out. Texas or Mississippi is probably more your speed.

  90. - Pelonski - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:02 pm:

    Thank goodness we are no longer a complete dead beat state.

    Now, it is time for both parties to work together to find ways to make this State more attractive for both businesses and workers. The key is to focus on the middle ground where progress can be made and not on the extremes that require one side to give up their core values. Those 10-15 Republicans are in a very powerful position if they can focus on what is possible.

  91. - Really - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:03 pm:

    It’s a sad day in Illinois. No responsible behavior, just give us more money. No reforms. No efforts to actually grow jobs. Just more taxes to feed the beast.

  92. - Enviro - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:03 pm:

    This is the day that a brave group of IL House Republicans did what had to be done. They broke away from the Governor of Illinois and joined with Democrats to pass a budget and save us from fiscal meltdown. Thank you!

  93. - Mittuns - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:03 pm:

    Also, a household budget tip to come up with the money for the tax: drop that dinosaur of a cable TV package bloated with 90% of what you don’t watch. Sling TV and Netflix will cost you $30, saving $70+/mo.

  94. - Brian P - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:03 pm:

    This is good. State still needs to be reformed, but it was not comfortable living in a crisis mode. Any hope that reforms might take place, now that the budget is behind us?

  95. - RNUG - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:03 pm:

    == The first step, I hope, towards Illinois becoming a normal, functioning state. ==

    My hope also.

    Now it’s time for the GA to seriously debate the merits of:

    * taxing some retirement income (even though it would hurt me personally)

    * a progressive income tax amendment (ditto)

    * elimination of corporate loopholes
    * lowering the corporate tax rate and/or decoupling from the personal rate

    * using revised school funding to encourage single / overlapping district consolidation

    * increasing state funding of k-12 schools with a $ for $ lowering of the school district property tax levy

    * pension funding reform

    and some other stuff I’ve suggested in the past and forgotten now.

    I don’t expect all of these to happen, or even a majority, but the GA should have a substantive debate on these issues.

  96. - doggonit - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:03 pm:

    It’s a step in the right direction, a big one. It is also an important repudiation of big money steam rolling our democracy, though it’s scary how much one man can destroy a state.

    To all of you who support the ideas of the rauner ta I hope we and our legislators have a democratic debate about those ideas…they should be considered but not imposed.

  97. - Nick Name - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:07 pm:

    A big tip of the hat to the GOP reps who crossed the aisle and refused to be intimidated by Gov. Gaslight and actual death threats. Good going.

  98. - Mouthy - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:08 pm:


  99. - Ron - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:08 pm:

    Number one reason people cited for leaving Illinois was high taxes according to a SIU poll this year.

    JS Mill, people are fed up with the out of control Illinois State Dems. And this is from someone who has never voted for a Republican at the national level.

  100. - ZC - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:09 pm:

    It’s interesting, the number of people claiming on this thread that IL having junk bond status, closed universities and K-12 in ruins would make them more likely to want to -stay- here.

    These are the people who like to ride with Immortan Joe’s caravan in Mad Max: Fury Road? I don’t get it.

  101. - RNUG - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:10 pm:

    == Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but this only balances the budget, not pay down any of our past debt. ==

    I believe part of it is earmarked to repay a bond to be floated to pay the backlog.

    That was part of the plan last time around with the temp tax, but the bond bill (it was separate then) never passed.

  102. - FormerDownstateHack - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:11 pm:

    So, with the state running again and Governor “I vetoed Madigan’s Tax Hike on You” spending whatever it takes, it appears Rauner is the big political winner here. He can still be the anti-tax, pro-business reform, pro-term limits candidate without having to deal with the devastation no budget would have caused. I have to think that the rank-and-file on both sides rising up caused this, because there’s little other reason for Madigan to suddenly be willing to pass a budget. Thank you to the “little guys” for stepping up and forcing a solution over the tone deaf standoff between Rauner and Madigan.

  103. - facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:11 pm:


    I just posted a comment comparing Gov Rauner to Captain Queeg and it is gone?

  104. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:13 pm:

    ===I don’t expect all of these to happen, or even a majority, but the GA should have a substantive debate on these issues.

    An excellent list. I’m sure the Governor will agree to substantive reforms like these.

  105. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:15 pm:

    –Nothing (except some consent decrees for some programs) is stopping Rauner from spending less than the budget allows.
    Guess we’ll see what kind of restraint he has … or if it will be a lot of pinstripe patronage, insider software deals, and overpriced real estate–

    Book it. He’ll run as an anti-tax vigilante who takes credit for spending and a balanced budget.

    Rauner is a thoroughly dishonest man, a misanthropic rich dude.

    Worse than Blago because he’s a lot smarter and not lazy or incompetent.

  106. - FormerDownstateHack - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:15 pm:

    And will the Illinois Conservative Circular Firing Squad rise up again to take out GOP incumbents in primaries along with any chance to regain a majority in the House?

  107. - Anon221 - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:16 pm:

    Robert the 1st- Yes. July 1, 2017 is the effective tax increase date.

    Before we all get too giddy, still gave SB1 to resolve. I heartily applaud all who pressed Green today. Now get to work on all the rest:)

  108. - RNUG - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:16 pm:

    == I’ve now seen it all. We’re celebrating a budget that still has us on the same collision course with insolvency. ==

    We’ve gone from drowning back treading water. It’s an improvement.

  109. - Flapdoodle - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:17 pm:

    Hey Ron — thanks a ton for keeping me laughing through all this — really helped cut the tension — man, I don’t know how you keep up the pace

  110. - Pelonski - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:18 pm:


    I’m not so sure that helps him much. That message will probably still work downstate, but he barely won the last election on that same platform. Now, people know how he seeks to accomplish things. There is a good chance he will lose quite a bit of support in the collar counties.

    And don’t forget, he is losing the votes of the hordes of people leaving the state to avoid the tax increase. :)

  111. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:18 pm:

    ===… we won’t forget either. You 10 more than the Democrats will own this disaster===

    Saving downstate from Rauner?

    If you’re still rooting for no budget, you’re doing it wrong.

  112. - tobias846 - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:19 pm:

    I can’t comprehend the people saying that this is a “sad day.” Does that mean that the previous 736 days of chaos, misery, and destruction were happy days? Seriously?

    I also notice that the commenters above who are vowing to move out of Illinois are all named “Anonymous.” Gonna go out on a limb here and say that they’re all the same person.

  113. - Glengarry - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:19 pm:

    I’m glad the budget is done. RNUG, one question for you sir. If courts were to order Rauner to spend money that is appropriated, I would guess his administration must? Just my take from the pay raise lawsuits.

  114. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:20 pm:

    Speaker Madigan can get things done when he has to. The governor can’t because he won’t. Today’s crisis has much to do with the governor pursuing impossible anti-union legislation for much of his term–by design, apparently.

    One doesn’t have to be a big CEO to know that anti-union, anti-wage legislation can’t pass in the Democratic-controlled GA. That’s one big reason I give credence to the “burn down the state to save it” approach by the governor and his supporters. The governor spent so much time demanding impossible reforms. Surely he’d have to had known they’re impossible. But he didn’t care.

    A governor with fair intentions would focus on the doable. This should have never happened, and a governor, as a president of a state, has a big role in striving to not allow this current crisis. The operative word is current, because this crisis has very deep roots and was caused in very, very large part by Democrats, but it was greatly exacerbated by the governor.

    The numbers don’t lie–the carnage done to social services and their recipients, higher ed and students, vendors, businesses, debt, deficit and the rest.

    Today is a testament to the governor failing the people. We should have never had to come to this, where the GA has done all the heavy lifting.

  115. - Realist - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:25 pm:

    Winners: No one
    Losers: Everyone

  116. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:25 pm:

    “I know Capitol Fax’s readership, and most of you are feeding at the public trough at the public’s expense.”

    Are you psychic?

  117. - Bobby Hicks - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:26 pm:

    CD, you are a disappointment.

  118. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:29 pm:

    Illinois is currently ranked 9th in its tax burden on residents as of 2017, not 5th, as some people are claiming.

  119. - Jolietan Angry - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:29 pm:

    State Rep. John Connor, a Democrat, voted against the 32% tax hike. His father, the former mayor of Joliet and a Republican, would be proud.

  120. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:30 pm:

    No, but I did witness Capitol Fax being copied and passed out to dozens of state employees almost daily. So yes, I am pretty confident.

  121. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:31 pm:

    –This really makes me want to get the heck out of Dodge.–

    Who’s stopping you? It’s a free, mobile society.

    Scared? Just like playing the victim?

  122. - northernwatersports - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:32 pm:

    I strongly believe that if you want to continue to complain, hurl insults & unsubstantiated ‘facts’, innuendo and flat out falsehoods, and do it under the banner of anonymity, then you should move immediately to Kansas, or Mississipi, or Alabama, or anywhere but here.
    In Illinois, we pride ourselves with HONEST hard work to fix problems. Your “anonymous” rants and complaints do nothing to solve anything. Heck, I’ll even drive you to your new home…..Just let it please be anywhere but Illinois.

  123. - Thoughts Matter - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:32 pm:

    Nothing was stopping Rauner from reducing spending for his agencies during the two years we didn’t have a budget. He didn’t/ they kept spending at the 2015 level. So I doubt he will spend less than he is allowed under this new budget. The budget that reduces spending by 10% and was passed by mostly Democrats. A budget I support as a GOP voter.

  124. - PublicServant - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:34 pm:

    I’m very relieved. This is what was needed by the state to begin the long road to recovery after Rauner’s devastation. Please GA, stay strong, continue the bipartisan cooperation, and continue your work to better this state. I salute all of you who voted to save this state from Rauner’s extreme agenda.

  125. - Retired Govt Worker - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:37 pm:

    Missouri announced a 1% income tax reduction this week down to a little over 6%. Should I feel good about an increase to 5 or jealous they get a tax cut? I’m so confused. (I still work, so yes, I pay income tax)

  126. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:38 pm:

    =this deliberate and misanthropic assault on the people of Illinois=

    So glad we agreed to tone down the rhetoric.–

    Bobby 1, am I inaccurate? Untruthful?

    Some brave GOP members in recent days have been talking about the immorality of burning down the state for the Rauner agenda, whatever that is.

    If you’re supportive of the actions Gov. Rauner has taken during his tenure, stand up proudly and make your case.

    Real people have gotten tuned up badly, deliberately and misanthropically.

    I’m not going to concerns myself with your petals falling off, delicate daisy.

  127. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:43 pm:

    “Who’s stopping you? It’s a free, mobile society.”

    Same people have been saying they are leaving for years now. People do not believe you and people do not care if you take that choice.

  128. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:46 pm:

    I just want to know where we go from here. Because we have to go somewhere and closing up shop for 4 months is not an option.

  129. - Rabid - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:49 pm:

    Who owns the senate bill override is this a cullerton tax

  130. - anon616xx - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:50 pm:

    RNUG: “* increasing state funding of k-12 schools with a $ for $ lowering of the school district property tax levy”

    I have been thinking the same thing. This would be *real* property tax relief. I could get behind this, unlike their current ‘freeze with exceptions’ idea. I just don’t see how that’s going to help anything. But, the state funding schools in exchange for property tax dollars 1:1 would actually help, IMO.

  131. - Morty - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:50 pm:

    Just testing to see if it’s me or if I’m using a blocked word in my post

  132. - Morty - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:52 pm:

    Bootstrap Ronnie says “Lol, I’m a working person, I won’t be getting anything other than a higher tax bilL”

    Man you are a self-sufficient dream! Regall us with all you experience of doing without fire and police protection, how you tranverse from home to work without using public roads, how your job uses none of the infrastructure benefits of our society, how you yourself were educated in a log cabin by your parents and taught all you need to know in life…I’m betting it’s an inspiring tale

  133. - Morty - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:53 pm:

    Ok blocked word but I can’t figure out what it is :0

  134. - Prairie Dog - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:53 pm:

    Let’s get a few things straight.
    1. Rauner has never offered a comprehensive plan to end this financial crisis. If anyone believes so, then please explain it in a lucid manner.
    2. Rauner had a chance to be a leader in this and he abdicated his role. He is the big loser in this. Mark my word. He will not win re-election. I see a 15 point margin for his opponent.
    3. Rauner became unreasonable and narcissistic. There will be distancing and rancor amongst the Republicans in the legislature.
    4. As I coined it in the past, Rauner has now become Governor Irrelevant.
    5. I have never seen a Governor so despised by state workers. They have a lot of relatives who vote.
    6. To attempt to make the state workers the scapegoat over the pension crisis is so disengenuous. We all know that it was massive borrowing approved by members of BOTH parties that brought this about. The state workers did not do the borrowing.
    7. I voted for Rauner, but I have never seen a politician that would not compromise in any way. Reagan always said that he would take a half a loaf and try to get the other half later.

  135. - Mike Royko - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 5:55 pm:

    Retired Govt Worker - Missouri 38th state by tax burden after tax decrease they will be about the same, slightly better. After tax hike illinois will be in top 5.

  136. - My New Handle - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 6:00 pm:

    I wear prediction-proof glasses. I tested them with this budget and I was correct that they are prediction-proof. I honestly thought there woukd be no budget, but very glad there is. Illinois is depressing enough with a bully for a governor. Let’s see which appropriations go unspent (his enemies list).

  137. - Ron - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 6:13 pm:

    Illinois is doomed for ordinary working g folks. This budget does nothing for the vast majority of people but cost us a lot.

  138. - Rabid - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 6:18 pm:

    I think the govenor should be called in front of the body to explain

  139. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 6:23 pm:


    The agricultural industry in Illinois would disagree with your brilliant prognostications about Illinois being worthless outside of Chicago.

  140. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 6:32 pm:

    The income tax rate will have to go up again in another 2-3 years, as this one didn’t even balance the budget when you strip away the smoke and mirrors.

    Spending just can’t increase going forward knowing the increasing pension costs every year for about the next 20 years.

    Any and all new revenue is going to go towards those, so it is time everyone get realistic about hte fact that a return to the old days isn’t happening.

    State income tax will probably have to move to 8-10% realistically unless they start massively slashing programs in Springfield.

    I cringe that people think this budget was “courageous” knowing how much pain the state is going to be facing the next 10-20 years at a minimum.

    We will look back on this tax hike as the good old days not long from now.

  141. - Macbeth - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 6:45 pm:

    Illinois is doomed for ordinary working g folks.

    What does this even mean? This means nothing. Working folks will do fine. Rich folks will do fine.

    More importantly, higher ed will start getting funding now. Social services will start getting funding. This — surprise — helps everyone — including the “working folks”.

  142. - Southern Boy - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 6:51 pm:

    Anon-you are correct in saying that we will be paying for this for a long time. How much intellect has left the state over that last 2 years-the state museum, professors from some great universities and let us not forget all the graduating high schoolers who have left and won’t come back. That wasn’t because of today. We need to change somethings I agree but is being where we sit right now worth it? Legalize marijuana and look at a progressive tax system.

  143. - Trainin - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 7:07 pm:

    Does this mean my wife will get her backpay??

  144. - Prairie Dog - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 7:13 pm:

    For the life of me, I cannot understand the logic of legalizing marijuana as a rational answer to our problems. Do you think the tax benefits will outweigh all of the social costs. Please. The gangbangers in Chicago smoke it, sell it and shoot the daylights out of the city. I would not envision any positive effects eclipsing the negative effects. The only winners I see would be the fast-food and pizza delivery businesses.

  145. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 7:32 pm:

    –For the life of me, I cannot understand the logic of legalizing marijuana as a rational answer to our problems. Do you think the tax benefits will outweigh all of the social costs. Please. The gangbangers in Chicago smoke it, sell it and shoot the daylights out of the city.–

    Over weed? You can’t be serious. Or from Planet Earth.

    I live right next to Columbus Park. Ain’t no suburban white people pulling off the Ike into Austin or K-Town to buy weed.

    If you want, though, I can hook you up with some suburban grannies who get primo weed.

    No worries about guns, but you might get stuck having to act interested about pictures of their grandchildren or how their day is going.

    You’ll definitely have to take out the garbage when you leave.

    But seriously — what’s going to become of that Willie Nelson kid, anyway? I worry about him, if he continues on this path.

  146. - Real - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 7:39 pm:

    Rauner wanted to keep the taxes low in order to justify busting Unions. Now that plan is ruined. I wonder how that will impact his argument with AFSCME now in court. Even if Rauner does get re-elected he now has nothing left to hold hostage. He can’t hold anything hostage for term limits or a long term property tax freeze. He failed big time and spending $70 million on re-election is not worth it when you no longer have leverage to hold anything hostage and don’t have the votes.

  147. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 8:14 pm:

    ==Even if Rauner does get re-elected he now has nothing left to hold hostage.== If this tax increase vote swings the House and Senate to Repub that is all he will need to get his agenda passed.

  148. - RNUG - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 8:17 pm:

    == RNUG, one question for you sir. If courts were to order Rauner to spend money that is appropriated, I would guess his administration must? ==

    Depends. If there is a (likely Federal) consent decree, yes, he has to spend it. Otherwise, the answer is likely no since most the State court orders were in lieu of there being an appropriation.

    And to whoever was asking about back pay, the same question applies: is there an appropriation for it?

  149. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 8:21 pm:

    ==This — surprise — helps everyone — including the “working folks”.==
    I hope someone has a whole lot of money to let these working folks know how much they are helped by this tax increase because there will be a whole lot of money spent telling these working folks how much it doesn’t help them. And these working folks will see every week less money in their pay check.

  150. - Courser - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 8:30 pm:

    For a fleeting moment, I was proud of C.D. Davidsmeyer. And, then today…

  151. - RNUG - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 8:41 pm:

    == Ok blocked word but I can’t figure out what it is :0 ==

    Happens to me also sometimes.

  152. - Holdingontomywallet - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 9:11 pm:

    Hilarious, so most of you on this blog think that the guy, who was there for all of the votes that got us into this mess just saved the state? Band-aid at best, not a Rauner fan, but we need reforms for property taxes and education funding. This does very little to solve our problems.

  153. - Watcher - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 9:44 pm:

    One key point that people miss about Rauner, he has been in office two years and Madigan has been in control for decades. So exactly who’s fault is this fiscal mess. How does Madigan get to say it is Rauner’s fault. Why does no one ask Madigan how we got into this mess to begin with? Either way I have the Senate and House roll calls and will make it my personal responsibility to remind everyone come election time. And for those of you that say we need more taxes, there are no laws preventing you from sending your spendable income to the state and asking them to keep it.

  154. - Real - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 9:46 pm:

    If this tax increase vote swings the House and Senate to Repub that is all he will need to get his agenda passed.

    The dems have a good majority in the House and a supermajority in the Senate. He is not flipping anything in 2018. He has too much to spend on his own reelection bid which is not promised and he would have to spend a lot of money running his puppets against the Dems. You also have to keep in mind the 16 republicans he will be trying to primary. I don’t think Rauner is willing to dish out millions doing all of this.

  155. - Real - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 9:49 pm:

    The Watcher
    One key point that people miss about Rauner, he has been in office two years and Madigan has been in control for decades. So exactly who’s fault is this fiscal mess. How does Madigan get to say it is Rauner’s fault. Why does no one ask Madigan how we got into this mess to begin with? Either way I have the Senate and House roll calls and will make it my personal responsibility to remind everyone come election time. And for those of you that say we need more taxes, there are no laws preventing you from sending your spendable income to the state and asking them to keep it.

    That’s very easy to explain. If you paid attention to anything before Rauner was elected and paid attention to anything after he was elected you would understand that this crisis was created by Rauner in order to force his agenda. This is why he vetoed the budget without proposing an alternate budget. He did not want a budget and he was too scared to sign a tax increase although he said one was needed. Atleast Madigan did what was needed rather than watch the state burn as Rauner wanted it to.

  156. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:39 pm:

    Being in Chicago, it really seems like there is an uptick in homelessness since the budget crisis. Today I saw a homeless couple with a young child, no more than two years old. That child is innocent of any of its parents’ faults and totally innocent of any fault of state government. And the reality is that there are hundreds of children suffering because of the budget crisis.

    The act by the GA today ended an immoral path. The budget crisis was immoral, there no two ways about it. It was about punishing blameless people.

  157. - Marty - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:50 pm:

    Public pensions in this State are unsustainable. They use formulas that can not be funded by the contributions of their members. Their contributions for 30 years of employment are used up in the first 3 years of benefits so this benefit fall on the Illinois taxpayers. Stop it, freeze these pensions and let State workers save for their own retirement like everyone else does through defined contribution plans. We need to get rid of Madigan

  158. - RNUG - Friday, Jul 7, 17 @ 1:25 am:

    == Public pensions in this State are unsustainable. … ===

    First, the state is supposed to be contributing also, and combined with the employee contribution, be invested and earn enough to pay the pensions. The math does work *if* the contributions are made on time by the State. The problem is the the State didn’t fully fund it … and you can’t invest money that isn’t put into the system.

    Second, the IL SC has been crystal clear that existing pension promises must be honored. No changing things to welsh on your what was promised. Once you are in the system, you get what you signed up for when hired. Go read the 1975 ITF ruling, Eric Madiar’s “Welshing” analysis, the Kanerva ruling, and the SB-1 decision.

    If you can find a loophole in the State Pension Clause, Federal Contract Law, and the IL SC decisions, then you are doing better than a whole bunch of legal scholars.

  159. - Kippax Blue - Friday, Jul 7, 17 @ 3:37 am:

    RNUGs –Second, the IL SC has been crystal clear that existing pension promises must be honored. No changing things to welsh on your what was promised. Once you are in the system, you get what you signed up for when hired. Go read the 1975 ITF ruling, Eric Madiar’s “Welshing” analysis, the Kanerva ruling, and the SB-1 decision.–

    This should be the default subheading on all future pension threads.

  160. - Visitor - Friday, Jul 7, 17 @ 8:53 am:

    At least Rauner can say that, unlike previous Republican Illinois Governors, he didn’t sign a tax increase and own it.

  161. - Robert the 1st - Friday, Jul 7, 17 @ 10:37 am:

    =he math does work *if* =

    Too funny. 100 million dollar pensions work *if* we tax our neighbors enough. Just be honest. The lawyers, judges, and politicians get the same pension. It’s a giant scam. You know it too.

  162. - Robert the 1st - Friday, Jul 7, 17 @ 10:43 am:

    Does the math work for union lobbyists who substitute teach for one day and get a TRS pension?

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