Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - “That didn’t happen” *** Rauner makes another claim about Cullerton’s subserviance to Madigan
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*** UPDATED x1 - “That didn’t happen” *** Rauner makes another claim about Cullerton’s subserviance to Madigan

Wednesday, Jul 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the governor’s second press conference of the day, held in the governor’s ceremonial office, speaking about pension reform

I was going to appear with you in this room with President Cullerton to announce that he and I together were going to do his plan. He got a phone call from the Speaker on the way to that press conference and then he didn’t show up. The Speaker said, ‘You’re not gonna do an agreement with the governor for pension reform.’ And that died.

I’ve asked Cullerton’s press secretary for a rebuttal. Speaker Madigan would only say this is part of the “world of Bruce Rauner,” when he was asked about it today.

*** UPDATE ***  John Patterson…

Do you know what bill or when this press conference was allegedly supposed to occur?

The Senate passed the consideration model. It is something the Senate President and the governor agree on. It’s in the House.

The Senate also passed and helped enact all the other pension system changes the governor wanted.

As to the Speaker call: No. That didn’t happen.

The Senate President doesn’t recall ever being invited to a Rauner pension news conference.

* Raw audio files from today’s press conferences…

* Governor Bruce Rauner signs HB 643​, freezing legislative per diems, plus Q & A

* Sen. President John Cullerton discusses special session and school funding reform bill

* Governor Bruce Rauner holds media availability after special session. Audio also includes Sen. GOP Leader Bill Brady and House GOP Leader Jim Durkin

* House Speaker Mike Madigan discusses special session and the education funding reform bill


  1. - Jocko - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:29 pm:

    ==‘You’re not gonna do an agreement with the governor for pension reform.’==

    Does anyone believe this statement (and the fact that Cullerton relayed this to Rauner) to be true?

  2. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:31 pm:

    The dichotomy between the Rauner and Madigan press conference, even Cullerton was great. Rauner had to have people stand on either side of him in both to reassure him. Couldn’t answer questions in any detail. Madigan and Cullerton took several questions, even from the IPI reporter. Rauner is insecure and it shows.

  3. - Gooner - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:32 pm:

    This reminds me of a scene in Braveheart.

    Rauner’s negotiation style seems to focus on picking a fight rather than making a deal.

    When your goal is battle, this is how you act.

  4. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:32 pm:

    Why did the Governor need to do two press events with questions today? The answer is that he flopped in the first one. Insecurity led to the second one. It is showing.

  5. - IllinoisBoi - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:32 pm:

    Seriously, I’m asking: in the real world, not Rauner world, how much political influence does Madigan have over Cullerton and Democrats in the Senate? A lot? A little? Some? I really don’t know the answer at this point.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:33 pm:

    ===He got a phone call from the Speaker on the way to that press conference and then he didn’t show up. The Speaker said, ‘You’re not gonna do an agreement with the governor for pension reform.’ And that died.===

    This is why “Bruce” was never allowed in the writers’ room of “Dad’s Home State”.

    I’m embarrassed for every single GOP member that stood right up there with Rauner to “support” this utterly insane idea of theatre.

    I’ve said this dozens of times.

    Rauner will trade off others’ credibility to give credence to his ridiculousness.

    I guess, when you own caucuses, you own the credibility of those in those caucuses too(?)

  7. - jim - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:36 pm:

    be very skeptical of non-denial denials.

  8. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:36 pm:

    Just a musing… would Rauner have said that absurd statement if Cullerton had been in the front row of the presser looking him in the eye?

  9. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:38 pm:

    I think the new Rauner press corps isn’t very good, aside from locking themselves in the Thompson Center room. If you can’t say what you need to say in the first press conference, #losing.

  10. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:42 pm:

    ===The answer is that he flopped in the first one===

    No. He scheduled two pressers earlier today.

  11. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:42 pm:

    –I was going to appear with you in this room with President Cullerton to announce that he and I together were going to do his plan. He got a phone call from the Speaker on the way to that press conference and then he didn’t show up. The Speaker said, ‘You’re not gonna do an agreement with the governor for pension reform.’ And that died.–

    So who’s eavesdropping on phone calls for Rauner? E. Howard Hunt?

    Blago II. Very creepy.

  12. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:48 pm:

    ==Seriously, I’m asking: in the real world, not Rauner world, how much political influence does Madigan have over Cullerton and Democrats in the Senate?==

    My impression has been that few feel indebted to him, and few feel particularly hostile to him, either.

  13. - Undiscovered country - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:48 pm:

    “There is a Constitutional process”….(Rauner) then file a mandamus action to make them. Why Not? because there is nothing unconstitutional about what the Senate Majority is doing.

  14. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:50 pm:

    Is the battle ever over for this guy? How can we ever expect to see progress from someone who is so contentious?

  15. - Gruntled University Employee - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:50 pm:

    He’s Caligula Caesar without the freaky sex.

  16. - Reformed Public Servant - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:51 pm:

    Flailin’ and Name-callin’ ain’t Governin’

  17. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:53 pm:

    Madigan and Cullerton have done plenty of pension reform. One reform failed at the ILSC. We don’t need this type of reform, that has a good chance of being unconstitutional, to stop us from passing something as critical as a budget and school funding.

    Speaking of pension reform, when is Rauner going to lead by example and quit profiting off of those financial tumors that he said are ruining the country?

  18. - Spliff - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:53 pm:

    He has seriously lost his mind.

  19. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:54 pm:

    Rich, I stand corrected. I should have read the email a little further down.

  20. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:56 pm:

    Since Madigan doesn’t use a cell phone, I’ll bet it was Rauner on the phone pretending to be MJM /snark.

  21. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 3:58 pm:

    The specificity of the Rauner lie…shameless.

    Cullerton should offer to hook himself up to a lie detector during his next press conference, and challenge Rauner to do the same.

  22. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:07 pm:

    1) Cullerton passed that plan (the “consideration bill”) out of the Senate. So the alleged Madigan order to Cullerton — “you’re not gonna do an agreement” — makes no sense. Cullerton did do an agreement, he passed the bill.

    2) Even if Cullerton was following Madigan’s orders, who in their right mind believes that Cullerton would tell Rauner about it?

    Bruce Rauner is not only a liar, he’s a bad liar.

  23. - Whatever - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:15 pm:

    ==Since Madigan doesn’t use a cell phone, I’ll bet it was Rauner on the phone pretending to be MJM /snark.==

    It might actually help our bond ratings to learn that Rauner had advanced past the “Do you have Prince Albert in a can?” level of prank calls.

  24. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:16 pm:

    This isn’t even funny anymore. He either:

    1. Knows he’s fibbing and doesn’t care.
    2. Really believes what he’s saying.

    Neither conclusion is good, but the second one is the most concerning. And if I had to chose a conclusion, I’m betting the second one is closer to the truth.

    The man seems to have completely slipped into an alternate reality. It’s scary.

  25. - Morty - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:18 pm:

    Winnin’ friends, influencin’ people

  26. - Spliff - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:20 pm:

    And none of that happened. Does anyone else thing we have crossed the bridge into crazy town? He changed staff to have better messaging and now he is making stuff up to reporters and yet I don’t see any backlash.

  27. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:21 pm:

    “Do you have Prince Albert in a can?” level of prank calls. Sort of puts an interesting twist on the “Is your candidate running?” joke too.

  28. - Undiscovered country - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:21 pm:

    Rauner’s previous body man “Harvey” witnessed the whole interaction between Madigan and Cullerton and will verify every word…. once he gets done with his carrot break.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:25 pm:

    ===As to the Speaker call: No. That didn’t happen.

    The Senate President doesn’t recall ever being invited to a Rauner pension news conference.===

    Patterson isn’t any fun.

    Then again, the truth rarely is as fun as the embellished

  30. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:26 pm:

    Q to Governor’s team: Why did your announcement of the press conference not mention Cullerton’s planned attendance?

  31. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:26 pm:

    To the Patterson update:

    Cullerton actually did “do the agreement” Madigan order him not to do.

    Rauner is lying so much he can’t keep his B.S. straight.

  32. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:26 pm:

    Next up:

    The governor said that took place on Easter, when he went with his family to a South Side church — later identified by his staff as the Apostolic Church of God — and then to a West Side restaurant.

    “We were leaving there and there was an African-American guy (on) a corner … I looked at him, I had my window down, it was a nice Sunday, Easter Sunday … and he looked at me and he said, ‘Wow, it’s Mayor Emmanuel.’ So it’s happened more than once.

  33. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:27 pm:

    Did no one at the press conference ask the governor how he was able to provide direct quotes from an alleged phone call between Cullerton and Madigan?

    The governor claims he knew where Cullerton was when he got the call, and what Madigan said on the other end.

    That’s some mad espionage skills, like Jethro Bodine, Double-Ought Spy.

    Or, it’s just another entry in an increasingly common series of wack-a-doo lies.

  34. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:28 pm:

    We seem to be seeing what happens and sense of a buffer is removed between Rauner’s mouth and the microphone. You thought he was crazy before? Welcome to the real fantasyland.

  35. - Juice - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:30 pm:

    Rich, I do remember one press conference on pensions where Cullerton was supposed to attend with Governor Rauner. But then the Governor opened his mouth about how the agreement removed all sorts of things out of collective bargaining, and then the whole thing go derailed. But it didn’t have anything to do with Madigan.

    Here’s a refresher.

  36. - ILGOV2018 - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:30 pm:

    Come on man. Seriously, Rauner is lurching into Trump territory when it comes to telling the truth.

  37. - Morty - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:32 pm:

    “Did no one at the press conference ask the governor how he was able to provide direct quotes from an alleged phone call between Cullerton and Madigan?”

    I’d love to see that

  38. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:35 pm:

    At this point they might as well complete the transition to full on crazy mode and give Rauner the keys to his Twitter and Facebook accounts.

  39. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:43 pm:

    The governor’s bad month continues. Is this lie a reaction to Cullerton’s comments about Rauner’s mental state? Kinda proves Cullerton is not far off the mark.

  40. - Morty - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:46 pm:

    BVR- heh heh, lightening them up for the closer…
    BB abd JD- uh, you’re supposed to be the closer…

  41. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 4:48 pm:

    It was all laid out in that Election Night victory phone call. And it would have worked too, if it wasn’t for Mike Madigan and you meddling kids.

  42. - Montrose - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 5:07 pm:

    And John was going to hold me and tell me everything would be ok and that he would protect me from Mikey. It was going to be a very sweet, tender moment as we jointly embraced our pension proposal. I just feel empty now.

  43. - Pundent - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 5:07 pm:

    Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it.

  44. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 5:10 pm:

    Is this the new messaging? Obvious, bald-faced lies?

    If that’s the way they’re going to play it, shouldn’t they at least try for the realm of possibility?

  45. - Blue Bayou - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 5:23 pm:

    word, it’s code for the North Shore cocktail party set.

    Mike Madigan is soooo 2015 up there.

  46. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 5:25 pm:

    The Speaker’s actions ignoring the Senate’s consideration model legislation backs up the Governor’s statement.

    What makes this hard to believe?

    The Speaker would not push back on being triangulated by the Governor and Senate President?

    Why not nip it in the bud ?

    What is so hard to believe about this?

  47. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 5:29 pm:

    ===The Speaker’s actions ignoring the Senate’s consideration model legislation backs up the Governor’s statement.

    What makes this hard to believe?===


    How did Rauner get that quote “so perfect”

    Rauner tapping phones? That’s very Trump of him.

    Then a again, Trump later said no tapes existed.

    Rauner may not be well. Normally that’s snark. How can a man say he knows all of something that never happened? lol

  48. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 5:37 pm:

    –The Speaker’s actions ignoring the Senate’s consideration model legislation backs up the Governor’s statement.

    What makes this hard to believe?–


    What backs up the governor’s statement in which he relates the particulars of a phone conversation between Madigan and Cullerton?

    He claimed to know where Cullerton was when he got the call and exactly what Madigan said on the phone.

    How did he get that information?

    Was it you, LP? Did you pick it up on your Secret Squirrel walkie?

  49. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 5:50 pm:

    Clearly, Word, it was the same Sherlock Einstein Holmes that figured out you’re Steve Brown.

    That or the boys in the mess hall.

  50. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 6:19 pm:

    == How did he get that information? ==

    CMS let NSA tap the phones … /s?

  51. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Jul 26, 17 @ 9:39 pm:

    “The most outrageous lies that can be invented will find believers if a man only tells them with all his might.”
    - Mark Twain, Letter to San Francisco Alta California, dated May 17, 1867; published June 16, 1867

    Maybe Rauner just needs to practice some more with Team IPI and the other media consultants. /s

  52. - Demoralized - Thursday, Jul 27, 17 @ 7:48 am:


    Even you can’t be gullible enough to believe what the Governor said. The Governor is so wrapped up in his “blame Madigan” strategy that he apparently has gone the route of making stuff up in order to continue that narrative. And gullible people like you believe it.

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