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What’s up with SB1?

Monday, Jul 31, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I was told at about 11 this morning that in twenty minutes or so paperwork would be filed to remove the parliamentary hold from Senate Bill 1, the education funding reform bill. That hasn’t happened yet. Gov. Rauner has said he will immediately issue an amendatory veto once it gets to his desk, but I’m informed that negotiations took place this morning. I’m not sure when exactly that hold will be removed, so stay tuned and keep an eye on the live coverage post for updates.

From the AP

There was little movement last week in the first three days of a special session, though late in the week both parties tapped a handful of lawmakers to negotiate over the weekend.

Sen. Andy Manar, a Bunker Hill Democrat who sponsored the initial bill, said legislators spoke for two days, but declined to elaborate on the details of their discussions until Monday’s session day.

“It was productive,” he said of the talks. “It was time well spent.”

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  1. - cdog - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 12:25 pm:

    Do we dare hope that the true middle class, not Madigan’s OT-rich union contributors, is getting a second look from the negotiators?

    Maybe a property tax freeze and forth-coming tax swap?

  2. - Norseman - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 12:30 pm:

    The high school freshman intern who has yet to take keyboarding class is working on it.

  3. - Robert J Hironimus-Wendt - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 12:57 pm:

    All that is going to unfold over the next few days, could have been resolved last month. The bill will be released. The Governor will veto. The legislature will meet. They will override the veto. Holding the bill since it’s passage makes my fellow Democrats complicit in this faux crisis. If we had acted like representatives of the people, instead of politicians, this coming week would have already played out.

  4. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 12:59 pm:

    ===They will override the veto===

    With what votes? It only got 60 the first time around in the House.

  5. - Curl of the Burl - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:10 pm:

    An override will never happen - especially since the House only has 90 people here today.

  6. - Sideline Watcher - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:14 pm:

    override in the Senate on Aug 13th
    override in the House on Aug 14th

  7. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:14 pm:

    - Robert J Hironimus -

    The reason SB1 is so politically toxic for Rauner, in the overall, is the fact that even the act of accepting the changes with the AV, it’s risky, given Rauner’s AV could, possibly, fail to be accepted and all state funding for schools is lost.

    Nothing is guaranteed.

    It’s the same reason a “double-play” is assumed. There aren’t errors for failed double plays because of that.

    This is a double-play ball, one out (AV Veto) could be completed, doesn’t mean the second out (override or acceptance) is a guarantee too.

  8. - Robert J Hironimus-Wendt - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:18 pm:

    Let’s assume for the moment there is no veto. I would still ask, what purpose was served for the people by my party postponing delivery of the bill until today? I would suggest none - no purpose was served for the people by my party delaying the delivery of the bill until today. It simply makes Democrats complicit in the creation of a faux crisis that could have been resolved properly a month ago.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:18 pm:

    ===override in the Senate on Aug 13th===

    Where’s the 36? Tough, but possible(?), but not a given by any stretch.

    ===override in the House on Aug 14th===

    Even harder, where are the 71?

  10. - DuPage Bard - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:18 pm:

    Today in Springfield Governor Bruce Rauner vetoed the education funding for State of Illinois schools.
    That will be the quote leading all TV news stories today. 5, 6 and 10, plus all of tomorrow mornings newscasts and morning papers. In the papers it’ll say Veto in bold letters and a picture of Bruce.
    There will be some explanation but almost everyone will only hear -Rauner ……..veto…….. education.

  11. - Robert J Hironimus-Wendt - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:19 pm:

    That should have read “no veto override.”

  12. - cdog - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:20 pm:

    do you think Dems will think differently about last-minute amendments, next time?

    Not the best way to run a legislature if your motives and intentions are for the good of the state.

  13. - Valvino - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:27 pm:

    Just like everything else Rauner would rather complain and talk about the negative. He is the worst Governor Illinois has ever had, and the most clueless politician.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:30 pm:

    ===Let’s assume for the moment there is no veto.===

    Stop. There’s at least an AV.

    The rest of your premise is ill-conceived based on that.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:32 pm:

    ===do you think Dems will think differently about last-minute amendments, next time?===


    Governors own vetoes.

    That’s what this is all about.

    ===Not the best way to run a legislature if your motives and intentions are for the good of the state.===

    It’s because Rauner won’t own the veto. Why won’t he?

  16. - Robert J Hironimus-Wendt - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:38 pm:

    @ cdog - It is hard to say. The point I was trying to make last week and above, is that when the rules of parliamentary procedure are used to serve the interests of the majority party or a minority party, the interests of the represented are being ignored for political gain by the few. Parliamentary procedure was created specifically to avoid the tyrany of a majority party and the tyrany of a minority party. In the U.S. Senate, we are now hearing calls for a return to regular order, after nearly a decade of abusing “the rules” for party gain, rather than for the purpose of the commongood. At present in Illinois Government, the goal is to abuse the rules in order to avoid the task of legislating through compromise. In this context, I suggest Democrats and Republican are equally complicit in skirting the purpose of adopting Roberts’ Rules, and the purpose of representative governance.

  17. - Winnin' - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:49 pm:

    Awaitin’ the photo tweet of Rauner sittin’ at his desk waitin’ for the bill so he can make sure he vetoes the bill.

  18. - Sideline Watcher - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:52 pm:

    OW…I hear you. I’m trying to be positive! lol! But seriously, I think there are some school districts who are in pretty bad shape that are in the exact districts where the Universities are in pretty bad shape and they are in Republican districts. So the time between the veto and the August 13 is plenty of time to come up with some face saving negotiation to make this situation go away.

    And that is the reason I think they didn’t send the bill. Rauner’s been saying he would veto it forever. (the famous Purvis comment). After the intensity of the budget impasse, getting everybody back in town to vote is a tough reality when you have to corral 177 people. Lots of whom had to get second jobs when they went 7 months with no pay, and lots who have family plans and planned vacations and district responsibilities to attend to and have had to deal with the Governor making this so incredibly political. Since when is a bill that you like 90 percent of evil? If he would let people vote their own districts, this wouldn’t be an issue at all.

  19. - Captain Ed Smith - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 1:53 pm:

    “…legislating through compromise” when have we seen that is the last two years? One party has not been allowed to compromise. We are not at the “crisis” point yet.

    I believe the Senate uses Mason’s Manual not Roberts.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 2:00 pm:

    - Sideline Watcher -

    With great respect,

    It’s a game of Chicken

    Rauner knows there probably aren’t 71/36…

    Dems are asking Rauner to “call”… then let it fail… and Rauner owns the school crisis.

    All parties know, this is a “game of blame, then try to explain”

    That’s why the discussions are ongoing.

  21. - Robert J Hironimus-Wendt - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 2:18 pm:

    @ Captain Ed Smith - You may well be right about not being at the point of change yet. Still one can hope for some sort of wakeup moment. *smile* As to Mason’s Rules v. Roberts’ Rules, I tend to use the term Roberts’ Rules generically, as a substitute for parliamentary procedure in general, since it is the original source from which other forms evolve (e.g., Mason’s Stugis, etc). All of these models however are fairly similar in their rules, and exactly similar in their purpose. Also, I just like the sound of Roberts’ rules.

  22. - PragmaticR - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 2:20 pm:

    Votes from downstate are necessary to override expected veto from Governor. Downstate schools are most likely to close first without state education funding. Obvious strategy is to wait long enough for a school shutdown in some districts to become enough of a possibility that downstate legislators have ‘cover’ to vote in favor of override. Something like, ‘I did not want to vote for the override, but what choice did I really have?’ It is not a nice strategy, but I understand how it might function.

    Governor wants AV to reallocate $140 million from CPS to downstate. This amount is less than 5% of state education budget affected by new formula. It is also less than 1% of state backlog of bills. Do downstate Republican legislators really want to support the Governor on this issue? It seems to me that many of the same legislators that voted to override in July to avoid junk status would vote to override in late August to avoid schools closing. This amount of money is just not worth a prolonged crisis.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 2:21 pm:

    - Robert J Hironimus-Wendt -

    You go realize, all you are typing and pontificating really comes down to the Chambers choosing their own rules, passed by the members themselves.

    So there’s that.

  24. - Curl of the Burl - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 2:41 pm:

    Mikki Lindstrom w/ WAND just tweeted that the Senate Dems may not send SB 1 to Governor Rauner today. Come on. Just send him the bill. Unless the talks today made massive or unforeseen progress then just sent Governor Rauner the bill and deal with the aftermath. Nothing is happening until actual movement occurs.

  25. - Curl of the Burl - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 2:43 pm:

    And now Manar says they will send the bill to the Governor if he wants. He asked for it last Thursday. Not sure how Andy Manar and his “education reform” antennae missed that one.

  26. - Robert J Hironimus-Wendt - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 2:50 pm:

    Pontificate - express one’s opinions in a way considered annoyingly pompous and dogmatic.

    No, I do not believe that term applies to my comments, Oswego.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 3:00 pm:

    - Robert J Hironimus-Wendt -

    In this case, the rules are trying to help everyone take a needed pause so everyone understands this game of Chicken can bring serious and “dangerous” consequences if all parties aren’t clear on what steps are next.

    Ignoring that, or ignoring President Cullerton’s “explanation of consequences” and seeing the black and white “Roberts Rules” versus the “Rules of the Chamber(s)”, even decrying the rules (which generally is more than rational, just not with this situation) is pontificating.

    If a deal is made, then what?

    It would be a win for the rules of the Chamber.

  28. - cdog - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 3:04 pm:

    Robert, I agree. Especially when you say, “interests of the represented are being ignored for political gain by the few.”

    I believe that the post today, dealing with all the members leaving the two chambers, is evidence of those same members not wanting to participate anymore with the various rulers’ game rules and being complicit with “political gain of a few” by ignoring the interest of the represented.

  29. - Huh? - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 3:06 pm:

    What would be perfectly delicious for 1.4% to sign SB1 and then fumble around explaining his decision. He would blame Madigan because he can’t take the arrows.

  30. - Way South of I-80 - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 4:14 pm:

    Did anybody else watch the 2 press conferences? Were they even at the same meeting?

  31. - Mama - Monday, Jul 31, 17 @ 5:09 pm:

    - Way South of I-80 - “Were they even at the same meeting?”

    Now you know why nothing is finalized.

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