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The approp bill is booby trapped

Sunday, Jul 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Will Davis (D-Homewood) brought this up on the House floor tonight…

* Basic summary of what Rep. Davis said…

If there is no evidence-based model in place, the appropriations for K-12 aren’t any good.

They drafted the approp bill so that only an evidence based model can spend the appropriations.

The Illinois State Board of Education can’t distribute any money if an evidence-based model distribution formula isn’t passed.

So, the governor has to sign something or schools get no cash.

The Republicans have their own evidence-based model bill, but it’s not yet going anywhere and Speaker Madigan has repeatedly insisted that Rauner sign SB1, the Democrats’ school funding reform bill.


*** UPDATED x6 - Mendoza responds - Stay in town - ILGOP, Emanuel respond - Durkin says it’s a 2011 repeat - Madigan praise “bipartisan” vote *** Rauner: “I will veto Mike Madigan’s permanent 32 percent tax hike”

Sunday, Jul 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE ***  I’m told by the governor’s office that should the Senate pass the tax hike bills the governor will take “immediate action” when it hits his desk. “So members shouldn’t plan to go anywhere.”

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Press release…

Governor Bruce Rauner today issued the following statement following the House of Representative’s passage of a 32 percent income tax hike without any reforms to grow the economy, create jobs, or provide property tax relief:

“When I took office, I promised the taxpayers of Illinois that I would fight every day to take this state in a new direction after decades of failed leadership from both parties. Today, Springfield has decided to give the people of Illinois the largest tax hike in history and continue out of balance budgets with no real reform.

“Under Speaker Madigan’s direction, legislators chose to double down on higher taxes while protecting the special interests and refusing to reform the status quo. It’s a repeat of the failed policies that created this financial crisis and caused jobs and taxpayers to flee.

“I will veto Mike Madigan’s permanent 32 percent tax hike. Illinois families don’t deserve to have more of their hard-earned money taken from them when the legislature has done little to restore confidence in government or grow jobs. Illinois families deserve more jobs, property tax relief and term limits. But tonight they got more of the same.

“For two and a half years we have been working to find common ground on a balanced budget. As recently as two days ago we believed that was possible.

“The legislature could have passed a no reform budget like this one two years ago. Instead, they allowed Mike Madigan to play his political games, passed phony budgets, racked up our debt and inflicted pain on the most vulnerable. All of this to force a permanent, 32 percent tax increase on Illinois families.

“Moving forward, this vote shows that if the legislature is willing to pass the largest tax hike in state history with no reforms, then we must engage citizens and redouble our efforts to change the state. “​

*** UPDATE 1 ***  Press release…

“Today, Democrats and Republicans stood together to take a crucial step toward reaching a compromise that ends the budget crisis by passing a fully funded state budget in a bipartisan way. While none could say this was an easy decision, it was the right decision; it’s clear that a budget package that cuts billions of dollars in state spending and also provides new revenue is the only path forward. I’m grateful legislators worked together to provide for our schools, protect medical care for the frail elderly, services for survivors of domestic abuse and others in great need.

“There is more work to be done, and we will continue working with Republicans to ensure the issues still on the table are fully resolved.”

*** UPDATE 2 ***  House Republican Leader Jim Durkin…

“You have all heard the following statement: ‘it’s Déjà vu all over again.’ It has never been more true than today. What transpired is a repeat of the Illinois Democrats infamous temporary tax of 2011, with the only difference being today’s tax increase is permanent - yes, permanent. These votes confirm that the Illinois Democrats will never accept change and are only interested in the status quo – the status quo that placed Illinois in this squalid condition. The fight for Illinois families, workers and employers is not over.”

Except 15 of his own members voted for the bill today, unlike the 2011 tax hike when it was a purely Democratic vote.

*** UPDATE 3 *** Mayor Emanuel…

“I want to thank the host of Democrats and Republicans who came together tonight in bipartisan fashion to put the people of Illinois ahead of political party. This bipartisan budget is a major step forward to ending three years of inaction in Springfield. This bipartisan budget will prevent Illinois’ most vulnerable from losing their safety net, keep road projects active and keep people at work, ensure schools across the state open next month, and prevent Illinois from being downgraded to junk status. And this bipartisan budget will provide much needed stability to people in every corner of Illinois and from all walks of life.”

*** UPDATE 4 *** Press release…

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider released the following statement after the Illinois House of Representatives passed Speaker Mike Madigan’s permanent 32% tax hike without reforms:

“Today, Springfield politicians led by Speaker Mike Madigan voted to permanently raise taxes by 32% on the hard-working families of Illinois without passing property tax relief for homeowners, job-creating reforms, or term limits on politicians.

“Make no mistake about it - this historic vote was not the product of negotiation and compromise focused on pro-growth, citizen-empowering reforms. Last night, Madigan broke away from good faith budget negotiations with the intent of pushing his own plan to protect the broken status quo. Today, Madigan then introduced his massive 1,241-page tax-and-spend plan and gave lawmakers only hours to read, debate, and vote on the package.

“This 32% permanent tax increase, the largest in Illinois’ history, was the product of insider deal-making between special interests and entrenched politicians. Next year, voters will hold those politicians accountable for choosing Madigan over the people of Illinois.

“Now more than ever, Republicans across Illinois are standing with Governor Rauner and redoubling our efforts to end Madigan’s corrupt status quo.”

I don’t see how they can keep claiming this is the largest tax hike in Illinois history. 2011’s was larger.

*** UPDATE 6 *** Press release…

Comptroller Mendoza’s Statement on Sunday’s Budget Votes in the State House of Representatives

I want to thank all the members of the Illinois House of Representatives who courageously voted to step back from the fiscal disaster of the last two years and to take back their constitutional power of appropriation. In particular I want to thank the 15 Republican profiles in courage who were true heroes today, standing up for the people of Illinois and not for a Party of One.

We still have a long road ahead to a comprehensive budget plan to pay down our $15 billion backlog of unpaid bills that has tripled in the two years since Governor Rauner took office. I am disheartened but not surprised that he, as a Party of One, has announced that he will veto the bill. I hope that all the legislators who showed true courage on Sunday’s tough votes stay strong and steadfast in overriding his irresponsible veto.

Sunday’s vote sends a strong message to the financial markets that Illinois is serious about getting its fiscal house in order. I strongly encourage Republicans and Democrats in the state Senate to likewise forge ahead working together. Our office will continue working with members of the General Assembly to help in whatever capacity we can. When we come together in a bipartisan fashion, great things are possible for the state. Let’s keep this positive momentum going.


*** UPDATED x1 - Spending bill passes with even larger margin *** House passes tax bill with strong bipartisan roll call

Sunday, Jul 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The House passed an amended SB 9 tax hike bill on a vote of 72-45 today. 15 Republicans voted for the proposal. [Click here for the roll call.] The bill now heads to the Senate.

Several Republicans broke with the governor today. This bill was truly the result of a movement by the rank and file.

Reps. Andersson, Bryant, Cavaletto, Davidsmeyer, Fortner, Hammond, David Harris, Hays, Jimenez, Meier, Mitchell, Phillips, Pritchard, Reis and Unes all voted for the bill. Several of those members are also members of House GOP leadership.

The bill permanently raises the income tax rate to 4.95 percent. Gov. Rauner has opposed a permanent income tax hike if it’s not tied to a permanent property tax freeze. Brian Mackey hit the highlights of the bill on Twitter today. Click here for that.

* Quite a few of the members who spoke in favor of the proposal were Republicans. “This is the sword I’m willing to die on,” said Rep. Mike Unes (R-East Peoria). “If it costs me my seat, so be it”

“Come tomorrow morning at the opening of business, if we don’t get this done, we will be the first state in the history of the United States of America to be in junk bond status.”

Rep. David Harris (R-Arlington Heights), who didn’t vote on the amendment, said during a thunderous speech that he wasn’t elected to the House to preside over the financial destruction of Illinois.

Rep. Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton), who voted against the bill, insisted that the state’s economy was “too weak for a tax hike”

The only people who are going to gain from this are the public sector unions … They are the only ones who are going to gain in this tax increase, not the hard-working people who live down the street from me and our small businessmen.

Another “Yes” vote, Rep. Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro), described herself as being on the right and said “I hate taxes, I hate them.” But, she said, “As someone who’s on the right, who’s a fiscal conservative, we can’t have vendors, mom and pop places to be asked to do services for the state… and then after they perform those services say ‘Whoops, we don’t have the money to pay them’… and allow them to go into bankruptcy.

Bryant’s voice cracked at times, said she’s probably “get primaried” for her vote, but said, ” I don’t have to own what people did before I came here, but I do have to own what’s been done the past three years.”

Rep. Greg Harris, the bill’s Chicago Democratic sponsor, listed all of the calamities the state has survived, then asked as he closed debate: “If we defeat this bill tonight, will the state of Illinois survive us?”

* The bill now moves to the Senate for concurrence. The bill received 32 votes last May, which was two more than required at the time. But it’ll need 36 tomorrow when the Senate returns.

Sens. Tom Cullerton, Hastings, Stadelman and Morrison all voted “No” in May. Sen. Haine was absent and he’s not expected to be in Springfield tomorrow because he’s very ill. No Republicans voted for the proposal when it was last in the Senate.

* This post will likely be updated with reactions from various folks. Stay tuned.

*** UPDATE ***  The ominibus appropriations bill just passed 81-34…

The House has adjourned until tomorrow at 10.

* News coverage…

* Tribune: Madigan’s House approves major income tax hike as Republicans break with Rauner: The Illinois House on Sunday approved a major income tax increase as several Republicans broke ranks with Gov. Bruce Rauner amid the intense pressure of a budget impasse that’s entered its third year.

* Sun-Times: Illinois House approves income tax increase: With the state on the cusp of a catastrophic downgrade, the Illinois House on Sunday cleared the most controversial element of a budget package, a revenue measure that hikes the income tax rate to 4.95 percent to try to end a historic impasse.

* SJ-R: Illinois House approves income tax increase: Immediately after the vote, the House on Sunday evening began debating a spending plan.

* Illinois Policy Institute News Service: House Democrats pass $5 billion tax increase with little GOP support: After more than two hours of heated, often emotional debate, Illinois House Democrats approved a $5 billion tax increase with little Republican support.


*** UPDATED x1 - Harris: Amendment spends $395 million LESS than Friday’s version*** Durkin accuses Madigan of “irresponsible” move

Sunday, Jul 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Illinois Policy Institute’s news service

House Minority Leader Jim Durkin emerged from a Republican caucus meeting Sunday afternoon and said Democrats added a new amendment to their $36.5 billion spending bill.

Late Saturday, Speaker Michael Madigan announced a vote on a tax increase package would be held Sunday. But Durkin said that Republicans couldn’t put votes behind tax increases without knowing what’s in the spending plan.

“The Democrats made matters more complicated by filing a new spending bill within the last 15 minutes,” a visibly agitated Durkin said. “We have no idea what’s in it. To take a tax increase vote before knowing what you’re spending on, to me is irresponsible. As usual, we have not been advised what is in the new spending bill, and I think our caucus feels that is a sign of bad faith.”

Durkin said he wasn’t sure if Madigan would call the tax increase bill for a vote now or not. He said he spoke to Madigan this morning to see how the day would play out. it was “pretty brief.”

“The process gets extremely complicated and I will say it’s a step back in the negotiations on the reforms and bringing the impasse to an end,” Durkin said. “I want to do this in a fair, transparent manner. Today is not the day for it.”

* Raw video

* I checked in with Madigan’s spokesman Steve Brown, who said the amendment “reflects the discussions that the leaders and the budget/spending groups have been holding the past few days.” There have been “daily, multiple meetings,” he said.

Brown said he didn’t think it spent more than the omnibus appropriations amendment which passed Friday, but wasn’t sure.

* The House was about to start debating the new spending proposal (an amendment to SB 6), but the Republicans requested a one-hour caucus. They’ll be back by 4:40 this afternoon.

As always, keep track of updates with our live coverage post.

*** UPDATE ***  I just spoke with Rep. Greg Harris, who is the House Democrats’ budget negotiator.

Rep. Harris said the newly filed amendment includes things like the Tier 3 pension savings the Republicans had asked for. It also increases the cuts in higher education from the House Democrats’ 5 percent to the Republicans’ preferred 10 percent. It does spend more on some stuff, like $15 million for the Department of Corrections.

Harris insisted that everything in the new amendment is identical to what the budget negotiators had agreed to. He said he didn’t know why Leader Durkin wasn’t briefed, but that Durkin would “know that it had to be filed.”

According to Harris, the new amendment spends $36.054 billion, compared to Friday’s spending plan which spent $36.449 billion. So the new amendment, according to Harris, spends $395 million less than the one which was adopted with an overwhelming bipartisan majority a few days ago.

I think people can stop freaking out now.


This Is Illinois

Sunday, Jul 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* TII…


Good advice on a Sunday afternoon

Sunday, Jul 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A Democratic staffer pal of mine texted me: “I’ve done more mental health checks today than a DHS worker.”

I lol’d back and asked how things were going. The reply…

In its most simplistic terms, people just need to stop, breathe, and make decisions. We don’t have time to build a new spaceship; we just need to keep this one from exploding.



The governor’s biggest recent mistake

Sunday, Jul 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a commenter on a previous post today

The Republicans control the executive branch, they can cut or eliminate whatever they want, mostly without legislative approval to do so. The fact that they haven’t is pretty strong evidence that this is just empty rhetoric.

That’s not really true. A lot of cuts require changes in statutes. And as we’ve seen time and time again during this “automatic pilot” era of state spending, judges exert immense control over what the state can and cannot do without a budget.

* But here’s something I wrote this morning for subscribers that wound up getting cut for space…

The single biggest mistake made by the governor over the past five or six weeks was pulling Senate Republican votes off the budget implementation bill that the Senate Republicans had negotiated with the Democrats.

The Democrats fell three votes shy of passing that BIMP bill on their own because it cut so much (particularly out of Medicaid) and the more liberal rank and file members wouldn’t abide passing a bill designed to attract Republican votes without actual Republican votes.

Had the governor not pulled Republican votes off that bill and it had passed, the current situation would be totally different. It would now be the three tops and the governor against Madigan on spending. Now, the spending negotiations are a purely partisan divide at the leadership level.

The bipartisan Senate bills (including the BIMP) reduced spending by $3.761 billion. When the Republicans wouldn’t/couldn’t vote for all the bills they’d negotiated, the Senate Dems passed a package of legislation that reduced spending by $3.032 billion. The Republican “Capitol Compromise” proposal would reduce spending by $4.012 billion (plus a ridiculous non-cut budgetary gimmick of $1.178 billion that I explained to subscribers several days ago).


The great divide

Sunday, Jul 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Review

Traditionally, the 4th of July weekend is reserved for family, fun, and festivals. But Representative Allen Skillicorn (R-Dundee) says Illinoisans have been without a budget for over 24 months, the 2017 financial year ended June 30th, and the state is on the brink of a credit downgrade.

“The politicians who haven’t done their jobs need to stay in Springfield and pass a balanced budget that avoids tax hikes. The current scheme from Speaker Madigan includes massive tax hikes and does absolutely nothing to curb spending or reign in Illinois’ deep structural problems. Illinois has been drowning from inefficient and wasteful bureaucracy, high taxes, and public corruption for the past 30 years,” said Skillicorn.

Representative Skillicorn has voluntarily waived his per diem and travel pay for the entirety of the special session. Skillicorn had planned to take part in the Crystal Lake Parade on Sunday, but instead will stay in Springfield to pass his Right Now balanced budget with no tax hikes.

Skillicorn says, “My top priority is to pass a balanced budget with reforms not unneeded tax hikes. The people deserve legislators that get the job done. I will continue working on my Right Now budget and will stay in Springfield over the weekend to be a part of the solution!”

* Democratic Rep. Kathleen Willis on Facebook

We have been informed that we will be voting on a revenue bill today. As I have been saying for the last two years it is impossible to cut our way to a balanced budget. Additional revenue is necessary. Anyone who thinks differently is just wrong. While no one likes to pay taxes and certainly not more taxes, the reality is that sometimes it is necessary. I have done my best to communicate this to the people in the 77th district. Only with an income tax increase will we be able to care of our seniors, care for people with special needs, provide early intervention in schools, repair our aging infrastructure, fund our state universities, feed our needy, provide healthcare for lower income families and once again be proud of our state.


What’s the “real” deadline?

Sunday, Jul 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mark Brown

That raises the question: What is the real deadline for the Legislature to approve a budget and stave off further financial disaster, now that the June 30 deadline has passed and the state has entered its third consecutive year without a real budget?

The real deadline, if there is one, exists only in the minds of two people, Gov. Bruce Rauner and House Speaker Michael Madigan, who don’t want the rest of us to know what it is because it might weaken their negotiating position.

I personally would think it is 8 a.m. Wednesday, July 5, the day after the holiday, when Wall Street gets back to business.

That would seem to be the earliest the bond rating agencies would lower the boom on Illinois and throw the state into junk bond status over its incompetent governance.

The ratings agencies had threatened to reassess the state’s bond rating as early as Saturday, and there’s nothing that says they will wait, but the betting around here is that the long holiday weekend provides a little more time.

If there’s no real progress demonstrated today, all heck might break loose in New York tomorrow, even though the ratings agencies are closed. We’ll see.


Brady is first Downstate leader since ‘09

Sunday, Jul 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bernie

The fact that state Sen. BILL BRADY, R-Bloomington, will bring a downstate voice to top General Assembly leadership is being welcomed by some of his colleagues. […]

“People from downstate bring a different perspective to the legislative process,” said Rep. TIM BUTLER, R-Springfield, whose 87th House District is part of Brady’s 44th Senate District. […]

“I’m personally not one that denigrates Cook County and the city of Chicago,” Butler said. “I try very hard not to. I think the city itself is a wonderful city. … I would like to see some of the politics of Cook County change, but obviously, Chicago is a vital part of our state.”

Rep. SARA WOJCICKI JIMENEZ, R-Leland Grove, who represents some parts of Springfield that Brady does not, said she has always looked up to Radogno and considers her courageous. But with her leaving, Jimenez said, she thinks Brady’s ascension to leadership “could be great for us here in Sangamon County.” She said he is “someone who lives not too far from us in Springfield and has a lot of the same issues and concerns that we do.”

Brady is the first truly Downstate legislative leader since Frank Watson led the Senate GOP Caucus (Tom Cross was from exurbia). Watson retired in 2009. And like Radogno before him, Brady is the only legislative leader who isn’t an attorney.

* But there’s something else to consider that a friend pointed out to me yesterday. All four legislative leaders are now white, male, financially well-off Irish-Americans.


*** UPDATED x1 - Andersson’s personal phone inundated with “nasty” calls/texts *** Behind today’s House revenue vote

Sunday, Jul 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This was an interesting moment

Several Senate Democrats were holding an upbeat news conference about progress being made in talks when Madigan’s statement about the [Sunday] tax hike vote was issued. None of them knew it was coming. Just before its release, Sen. Heather Steans, D-Chicago, one of the Democrats’ budget negotiators, said, “We think we are really about nailed down now on all of the numbers for the budget and revenue side of this.”

If you missed that Madigan press release, click here.

* Sen. Toi Hutchinson looked stunned when a reporter read Madigan’s press release aloud to the gathered Senate Democrats

State Sen. Toi Hutchinson, D-Olympia Fields, was surprised to hear the “revenue package” would be called. Hutchinson, who sponsored the Senate’s revenue bill, said it shows the “fluidity” of budget talks.

Hutchinson said recent negotiations about the revenue bill weren’t about elements in the measure but more about what Republicans wanted passed before they could declare support for an income tax hike.

“What we’re going to end up seeing when there’s final votes on this is that you will see Democrats who refuse to vote on revenue, and you’ll see some Republicans who change their minds,” Hutchinson said. “It’s going to be one of those situations where people are voting based on their districts and based on what they believe is the right course of action moving forward.”

* Sun-Times

[Madigan spokesman Steve Brown] said the “revenue package” is “the one that the Republicans endorsed.”

“It could be modeled on that,” Brown said. “There may be some changes.”

Top Republicans last month offered up a “compromise” budget plan, which included a four-year property tax freeze. While it assumed an income tax hike, Republicans never filed a revenue bill.

The “changes” reportedly include a permanent income tax hike, which the governor opposes.

* Tribune

The move by Madigan to call a vote without Republicans on board sets him up to collect ammunition against the opposition party, as he will be able to point to people who supported the spending plan on Friday but voted Sunday against the tax hike and accuse them of wanting to spend money without paying for it.

House Democrats who could be Republican targets in next year’s election also could vote against the tax hike in an attempt to inoculate themselves from Rauner-funded GOP attack ads.

Asked why Democrats would call the tax bill without a broader agreement with Republicans, [Rep. Lou Lang] said, “This cannot go on forever.

“There are members of Mr. Durkin’s caucus who are ready, willing and able to vote on a bill, and they want to do it right away, so we are going to oblige them,” he said.

* From Madigan’s spokesman yesterday

I think members have told the Speaker that a number of Republicans are prepared to vote for the revenue bill.

* And from the Illinois Policy Institute’s Facebook page

UPDATE: Our sources tell us there are two Illinois Republicans in the House who are confirmed “yes” votes on the $5 billion tax hike.

Rep. Sara Wojcicki Jimenez
Ph. (217) 782-xxx
Rep. Steven Andersson (Citizens for Steve Andersson)
Ph. (630) xxxxxxx

Andersson is apparently encouraging his colleagues in the House to join him in voting for Madigan’s tax hike.

Please contact both of these lawmakers and tell them to vote “NO” on the $5 billion tax hike.
The vote is expected to take place Sunday at 2 p.m.

The comments are quite something. And as subscribers know, it’s more than two Republicans.

* Rep. Andersson posted a photo of himself on Facebook last night having dinner with his wife. Check out a couple of the comments

You are Madigan’s Toady. Switch parties traitor.

You are selling your soul to the devil. This tax increase will only drive more people out of this state. In fact we are prepared to relocate our entire family, not just my household, entire family. Hang your head low sir, you deserve it!!!!!!

*** UPDATE ***  Rep. Steve Andersson responds to the Illinois Policy Institute Facebook post…


Saw your post. FYI, there are 69 comments to the moment. A few supportive, mostly negative, some very offensive. But what’s far worse is that someone or some group has given out my personal cell phone number. Those calls and texts are about as nasty as you can imagine. Came in all night and day.



*** LIVE *** Overtime session coverage

Sunday, Jul 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The House convenes at 2 o’clock, but the Senate doesn’t come back until Monday Watch it happen in real time with ScribbleLive


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Sunday, Jul 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

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