* The governor did much the same thing right before his special session on the budget in a failed attempt to hold his people together. The state party gave much of Rauner’s contribution to the House Republicans back then, so we’ll see what happens with this cash…
Amends the Vital Records Act. Defines “intersex condition”, “licensed health care professional”, and “licensed mental health professional”. Changes provisions concerning the issuance of new birth certificates for individuals that have undergone gender transition treatment. Provides that in order to change an individual’s sex designation on the individual’s birth certificate, a licensed health care professional or licensed mental health professional must make a declaration concerning the treatment. Requires that the licensed health care professional or licensed mental health professional sign and date a specified statement. Provides that newly issued birth certificates may reflect a name change if the documents for a name change are submitted. Changes a reference from “sex change” to “change of sex designation”. Provides that following the issuance of a new birth certificate, the individual may request the original certificate and evidence of adoption, paternity, legitimation, or change of sex designation for inspection or certification purposes. Makes corresponding changes.
Oh, some heads are gonna explode on the far right this weekend.
*** UPDATE *** Press release…
State Senator Toi Hutchinson – 40th District:
“Transgender and intersex persons in Illinois deserve to live their lives with dignity and safety, consistent with their gender identity. It is an honor to have worked with so many others to pass this legislation, especially as we see other states and the White House attempt to enshrine discrimination based on gender identity into law.”
State Representative Greg Harris – 13th District:
“I’m proud to be part of a team in Illinois that is expanding equality and fairness for all our citizens. Especially in a time when so many are trying to roll back legal protections and foster intolerance and hate, it is important that we stand together.”
Brian C. Johnson, CEO, Equality Illinois:
“With the simple act of bringing Illinois law up to date with modern medical standards, the lives of transgender and intersex people have become meaningfully better. Every year, we hear stories about how the outdated requirement to undergo surgery before updating the gender marker on your birth certificate placed an onerous burden on transgender Illinoisans. The American Medical Association and many other respected professional organizations said this burden was unnecessary and inconsistent with modern medical standards.
“We heard from a transgender high school senior in Springfield who said the costs of the unnecessary surgical procedures required by the old law means he’d have to sacrifice a year of college. We listened to a mother in Urbana who lamented that the state will deny her child’s authentic self if the law was not modernized. And we read a letter from a transgender woman born in Illinois who now lives in Arizona about how she has no agenda other than to live authentically and without burden.
“Now, transgender and intersex individuals born in Illinois can update their birth certificate, and align all their relevant identification documents, consistent with modern medical standards. Thank you to Governor Bruce Rauner for signing the bill into law today and to our chief sponsors Rep. Greg Harris and Sen. Toi Hutchinson for their fierce leadership and tenacity.”
Today, I return House Bill 302 with specific recommendations for change to provide a clear, constitutional threshold to help Illinois families receive insurance benefits and to stop the inappropriate payment of contingency fees to private auditing firms.
Few things are more traumatic than the death of a loved one. Life insurance provides an important resource for financial assistance after such a loss. As public servants, we have a duty to protect beneficiaries and ensure they receive the benefits they are owed. That is why I signed legislation (Public Act 99-0893) creating the Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits Act, which took effect January 1, 2017. The Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits Act requires life insurance companies to continually cross check in-force policies with the Social Security Administration’s Death Master File to determine potential beneficiary eligibility. If a potential match is identified and a beneficiary has not yet come forward, insurers are required to make a good faith effort to locate the beneficiary or beneficiaries and provide claim assistance.
While the current law is forward-looking for all policies in force as of January 1, 2017, HB 302 retroactively would require insurers to cross check policies that have lapsed or terminated. For those insurers with electronically searchable records, records must be searched back to 2000. However, if an insurer does not have electronically searchable records, the search must be conducted back to only 2012.
While I support the intent of this legislation, HB 302 is inequitable and potentially unconstitutional. Illinois’ administrative rules only require insurance companies to keep lapsed or terminated policy records for the current year, plus the five prior years. See Title 50, Section 901.20. Creating a two-tiered enforcement timeline creates an arbitrary and discriminatory requirement that does not uniformly impact the life insurance industry. An insurer’s obligation to comply with HB 302 should not depend on differences in its record retention policies. Such differential enforcement violates due process. See Nat’l Endowment for the Arts v. Finley, 524 U.S. 569, 588-89 (1998) (due process protects against “arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement” of legal standards). To avoid this inequitable and constitutional flaw, I support a clear and logical threshold that mirrors the current five-year administrative recordkeeping requirements so that all insurers — regardless of their record-retention policies and capabilities — are required to retroactively search for policies in force at any time on or after January 1, 2012.
Additionally, this legislation does nothing to stop the continuing overreach of private auditing firms that currently contract with the Illinois State Treasurer’s Office, and they are reaping great rewards that would otherwise benefit taxpayers. Throughout the country, including Illinois, states have retained private auditors with contingency fee arrangements for the identification of unclaimed property, including life insurance policies. The expansion of these private auditors, however, incentivizes behavior that rewards private companies at the expense of state taxpayers. One such company has made more than $20 million in finder’s fees in Illinois since 2011. That money could have (and would have under current state law) gone to pay down our state’s desperately underfunded pension liability. We should stop this practice and pursue more responsible financial arrangements. This will ensure that we are conducting searches of unclaimed property in a fiscally appropriate manner and in a way that best serves our state’s taxpayers.
* The governor also vetoed the attorney general’s bill…
Today, I veto Senate Bill 1351, which seeks to create the Student Loan Servicing Rights Act.
While the intent of this bill to support struggling student-loan borrowers is laudable, the bill, as written, encroaches on federal government’s responsibilities and would add confusion to the already complex student loan process.
This legislation would require servicers to be licensed by the state, adding another layer of Illinois state bureaucracy without any guarantee the change would improve service. In fact, this requirement may push smaller servicers out of business. The recent U.S. Department of Education decisions regarding student-loan borrowers have been cause for concern. Therefore, my staff will continue to work with the department and members of Congress to address these concerns as the federal government moves to reauthorize the Higher Education Act.
Students do need additional support in understanding their loan repayment options, but loan servicers are not the appropriate actors for the role. Instead of adding another layer of state bureaucracy in the form of a student loan ombudsman, the General Assembly should consider allocating those funds to nonprofit counselors who are far more effective at advising students than any government agency.
There are several important components of the Student Loan Bill of Rights contained in SB 1351. Students should not be defrauded – purposely or through incompetence – by their loan servicer. I urge the sponsors to work with members of the Department of Education and my office to ensure a set of common-sense student protections that will not conflict with evolving federal regulations and to craft a more narrowly tailored bill to support student-loan borrowers in Illinois. Therefore, pursuant to Section 9(b) of Article IV of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, I hereby return Senate Bill 1351 entitled “AN ACT concerning education,” with the foregoing objections, vetoed in its entirety.
Today, I veto Senate Bill 1720, which would make failure to pay wages a Class 4 felony instead of a misdemeanor.
Every worker is legally entitled to wages earned, and there should be penalties for employers who fail to make due on wages owed. However, there is little evidence that the current system of making failure to pay wages a misdemeanor requires a major shift to making it a felony.
Today, I veto Senate Bill 1714, which would add reporting requirements for consultants retained by retirement system, pension fund, or investment boards.
This legislation is a classic example of multiplying red tape without first demonstrating any benefit. Retirement system, pension fund, and investment boards all hire consultants to help identify investment opportunities. Under this bill, all consultants now will have to report to the boards that hired them on their engagement with investment services provided by a minority-owned business, a female-owned business, or a business owned by a person with a disability.
Today, I veto House Bill 2462, which would prohibit employers from enquiring about previous salary and compensation of prospective employees.
The gender wage gap must be eliminated, and I strongly support wage equality. Massachusetts already has established a best-in-the-country approach to the issue of employers inquiring about salary history. Illinois should model its legal regime on Massachusetts’ model.
Today, I veto HB 1797, which would remit the $15 million debt owed by the Illinois International Port Authority to the State of Illinois. HB 1797 is requesting the State of Illinois absolve the port authority of its debt with no clear plan for future profitability.
Furthermore, the International Port Authority was cited in 2013 by the Illinois Auditor General for numerous findings, indicating reasons for limited profitability through financial and ineffective governance. Additionally, Auditor General Holland cited the port authority for a nonexistent, long-term plan for economic development of water or rail to pay the debt owed to Illinois. This bill does not address the broken aspects driving the port district’s current financial instability, but instead masks the endemic problems with false hopes of increased economic opportunities.
The Illinois taxpayers deserve transformational changes at the International Port Authority before we should consider forgiving this debt. Internationally, new port management models have been created to deliver greater private sector participation and investment in ports. New management models could increase port utilization and create new jobs, while reducing operating costs and eliminating risks to the taxpayers. I look forward to working with the International Port Authority and the City of Chicago to find a solution to benefit the people of Illinois and our economy in the near future.
Today, I veto House Bill 2525, which addresses Illinois’ Workers’ Compensation System.
Illinois remains in a fiscal and economic crisis that taxes and regulations cannot solve. The only way to truly improve our state’s financial status is to grow our economy through the creation of jobs and opportunity. Our workers’ compensation insurance is one of the most expensive in the nation, and the statutory scheme underlying these costs is riddled with problems and stakeholders that stand in the way of getting injured employees back to health and encouraging employers to invest in Illinois again. We need thoughtful reform of this system, and we must focus our efforts on solutions that encourage economic growth while also making sure we are providing efficient and effective care to injured workers.
Unfortunately, this bill does not make the changes necessary to achieve those goals. It fails to acknowledge the cost-drivers that are putting our state at a competitive disadvantage for jobs and growth. Instead, it imposes additional regulatory structures where they are not needed.
This legislation does not represent real reform. It does not address the competitive disadvantages that are resulting in the disappearance of jobs in our manufacturing sector, where middle-class workers once could find opportunities for growth and advancement. It will not stop the flood of hardworking individuals who are leaving our state when these opportunities are lacking.
Today, I veto House Bill 2567, which creates the Automobile Dealers’ License Task Force to study licensing and oversight of nontraditional vehicle dealers in Illinois.
Regulations for vehicle dealers in Illinois must be fair for traditional and nontraditional vehicle dealers. However, this bill excludes nontraditional vehicle dealers from participating on this new task force. Instead of creating a task force comprised of a diverse representation of the automobile dealers industry, this task force only welcomes traditional industry groups to have a seat at the table in this discussion. Unfortunately, this one-sided approach could facilitate damaging public policy that protects traditional automobile dealers at the expense of nontraditional dealers and, potentially, consumer and market preferences.
Illinois must encourage competition and innovation, which means embracing traditional and nontraditional business models that provide value to the people of Illinois. That requires including diverse perspectives and inviting traditional and nontraditional entities to have a say in market regulations, which this bill does not accomplish.
* And…
Today, I veto House Bill 3897 from the 100th General Assembly, which will impose a new regulatory burden on Illinois businesses.
House Bill 3897 would create a new mandate on businesses throughout Illinois. The State of Illinois already suffers from a bloated administrative code. Illinoisans will spend at least $250 million in direct license fee costs and fill out more than 4 million pages of paperwork for state agencies over the next decade. Miring small and new businesses in red tape hinders their growth and makes Illinois less competitive than its peers.
In the face of a swollen administrative state, all new legislation mandating more rules and regulations should be held to the highest scrutiny. House Bill 3897 fails to pass this test.
Today, I veto Senate Bill 41 from the 100th General Assembly, which allows municipalities to assign, sell, or transfer their interest in funds received from the State.
Illinois is suffering from one of the most mismanaged and overburdened public finance systems; ranking second worst in the United States by independent outlets. This bill would create a moral hazard that encourages additional borrowing at the local level, while prioritizing bonded debt at municipalities over the provision of services.
…Adding… The provisions of SB41 was in the BIMP bill, which is now law. So the veto means nothing.
There were others, so click here. I’ll post reacts on another post.
* No press release or even a list of signed and vetoed bills from the governor, but there are some press releases…
Assistant Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) released the following statement after Governor Bruce Rauner vetoed legislation that would have increased the statewide minimum to $15 per hour by January 2022.
“Governor Rauner’s veto doubles down on his stance against some of our most vulnerable communities. Throughout his term he has irresponsibly cut the child care assistance program, held up grant money for low-income college students and caused severe damage to our social services through a historic budget stalemate.
“There is no reason why a single parent working full-time should qualify for food stamps and Medicaid. Our workers deserve financial independence and the empowerment that comes from being able to provide for a family.
“Our fight does not end here. I will continue to stand for hardworking people struggling to make ends meet as I have done my entire career because I know the difference a living wage can make in a person’s life, in our communities and in our entire state.”
* And another one…
Following is the statement of SEIU Healthcare Illinois President Greg Kelley following Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of Senate Bill 81, legislation to raise the minimum wage in Illinois to $15 by 2022.
“Bruce Rauner’s veto of a $15 minimum wage for Illinois sets the stage for 2018. More than 2.3 million Illinois workers would have benefited from Senate Bill 81, which was carefully considered and vetted by business groups, workers and economists before its passage by the General Assembly.
“Knowing this was wrong for Illinois he waited to the last minute and, with this veto, Gov. Rauner showed us once again who he is and what his vision is for Illinois: A permanent low-wage economy, where services and infrastructure are slashed, where workers are deprived of dignity and rights and where corporations call all the shots.
“In supporting the $15 wage bill, we understood that raising the wage isn’t a threat to jobs. In fact, it would have immediately provided a BOOST to the Illinois economy. It would have stopped the subsidy of corporations who don’t pay a living wage. It would have slowed population flight by making Illinois a wage oasis. And it would have helped MILLIONS of Illinoisans get a fair shot at entry into the Middle Class.
“The Illinois minimum wage has remained at $8.25 since 2010. This is not even CLOSE to enough to get by and the terrible effects are falling disproportionately on women and people of color.
“The time for a raise to is now. If Gov. Rauner won’t allow this to happen in Illinois, we will join with workers across this state to elect someone next November who will.”
*** UPDATE *** Here’s his veto message…
Today, I veto Senate Bill 81 from the 100th General Assembly, which raises the statewide minimum wage to $15 an hour over the next four years.
Helping low-income families and individuals get out of poverty is a top priority, and I share the passion of many members of the legislature for improving the well-being of those struggling to make ends meet. However, mainstream economic theory and mainstream economic evidence strongly suggest that an increase in the minimum wage of this magnitude will hurt the very individuals it seeks to help.
The most thorough research to date, published earlier this year by researchers at the University of Washington, found that for every 10 percent increase in the hourly earnings of low-wage workers, there was a 30 percent reduction in employers providing those jobs.
This research implies that Senate Bill 81 will result in a net reduction of earnings for low-wage Illinoisans in excess of $1,500 per year. This legislation would cost significant sums of money for the very people it purports to help. Illinois needs to be seeking comprehensive solutions that grow the economy and the number of jobs available where individuals can train, grow and attain better lives for themselves and their families.
* Press release…
Illinois Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Todd Maisch’s statement on Governor Rauner’s veto of SB 81:
“Thanks to the governor’s veto of SB 81 Illinois employers can breathe a little easier today. We applaud the governor for vetoing legislation that would have increased the state’s minimum wage to $15 per hour. This keeps Illinois in competition with our neighbors by helping to maintain our jobs and to recruit prospective employers.
The Illinois Chamber of Commerce is opposed to the legislation because the proposed increase in minimum wage would kill jobs, even for those looking to climb the economic ladder. By vetoing the legislation, the governor is saving thousands of jobs.
A study completed by the University of Washington this summer confirmed that jobs and work hours fell in Seattle after it raised its minimum wage to $13 just last year. If anything, this should be a sign that $15 minimum wage laws do more harm than good. Even St. Louis is expected to roll back its minimum wage from $10 per hour to $7.70 per hour at the end of this month.
Elected officials in other states are acknowledging that higher minimum wages are destructive to job growth. Too many lawmakers continue to ignore the truth that raising the minimum wage, like in SB 81, kills jobs.”
* And…
On Friday, Governor Rauner vetoed SB 81, which would have gradually raised the state minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022. Grassroots Collaborative is a labor-community coalition representing tens of thousands of Illinois low-income families whose lives and communities would have greatly benefited from the passage of SB 81. The following is a statement from Amisha Patel, Executive Director of Grassroots Collaborative.
“Governor Rauner has shown once again that he does not care about our communities and the pain Illinois families are experiencing. Raising the wage floor in Illinois to $15 per hour would have created a pathway for 2.3 million Illinois workers to move their families out of poverty. After decades of cuts to vital services, education, and infrastructure Governor Rauner is adding insult to injury for communities that continue to be abused by the Governor and his wealthy clique of political insider friends.”
“Governor Rauner showed his true allegiances by protecting his wealthy friends at the expense of Illinois working families. By vetoing the bill to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, Rauner denies a desperately needed raise to 40% of all Illinois workers - 46% of all female workers in Illinois, 48% of African American workers, and 61% of all Latino workers. After cutting funding to communities across the state by not passing a budget for two years, Rauner’s veto further devastates these 2.3 million Illinois workers. Bruce Rauner cares only about corporate CEOs and their lobbyists - and millions of workers will be the ones who pay the price.”
* Pritzker campaign…
“Today, Bruce Rauner vetoed an opportunity for working families across this state to build better lives,” said JB Pritzker. “Once again, Rauner abandoned Illinois working men and women and stood in the way of progress for those striving to get into the middle class. It is time Illinois’ working families had a partner in Springfield who is committed to the fight for 15. I know we need to raise the minimum wage to $15 and I will make sure Illinois workers have a seat at the table in the work ahead. Rauner’s veto reminds us that our fight is far from over and I look forward to standing with Illinois families every step of the way.”
* Biss campaign…
“Rauner may have proven himself an ally to a few hundred CEOs, but with this veto he’s also confirmed himself as an enemy to the 1.3 million Illinoisans who work at low wage jobs.
“We need a government that works for the rest of us, not for the millionaires—and this election gives us an opportunity to rise up and make our voices heard. To say loud and clear that no one deserves to live in poverty, and all workers deserve a living wage. That’s why I co-sponsored the minimum wage increase in the Senate, why I’ll work to override Rauner’s veto, and why I’ll keep fighting for living wages when I’m governor.”
* Rep. Guzzardi…
State Rep. Will Guzzardi (D-39th) issued the following statement in response to Bruce Rauner’s veto of SB 81, which would have raised the minimum wage to $15 in Illinois:
“I am deeply disappointed but not in the least surprised by this veto. Once again, Gov. Rauner has shown that he’d rather protect the profits of his corporate allies than help lift millions of Illinoisans out of poverty. We, the people of this state, know whose side the Governor is on. It’s not ours.
“We’ll work harder than ever to build support for a living wage in the legislature. I hope we can override the Governor’s veto. And I also hope we can elect a Governor who will put working people before corporate profits.”
* Ameya Pawar…
“When Bruce Rauner was running for governor, he was outspoken against raising the minimum wage in Illinois. Meanwhile, during his time as a venture capitalist, he relied heavily on low wage workers to make hundreds of millions of dollars in profit.
“Now we see him vetoing the graduated increase of a minimum wage for Illinois workers by 2022 at a time when corporate profits are at an all-time high and the Illinois economy continues to struggle. Make no mistake: This is Rauner’s vision for Illinois, a race to the bottom where workers are stripped of wages and rights, where middle-class families are struggling to get ahead while all control of our future is placed in the hands not of everyday Illinoisans, but in corporate boardrooms where scruples fail to reach.
“A $15 wage floor for Illinois workers is needed to keep our state competitive, to grow our economy and to ensure dignity for those whose labor profits others. Rauner’s veto will not end this fight and it will not end mine.”
“Illinois retailers applaud Governor Rauner for standing up for Main Street businesses by vetoing SB 81, legislation that would have forced employers to reduce hours and eliminate jobs. The state’s minimum wage is already the highest in the Midwest and if this measure had become law it would have put Illinois retailers at a competitive disadvantage compared to neighboring states. Unfortunately, we’ve seen the real-world effects of the political campaign for a $15 minimum wage in Chicago and other jurisdictions and the results are in; it deprives economic opportunity from those with few or no skills. We thank Governor Rauner for his actions today on behalf of every retailer across this state.”
* Greg Baise…
“The IMA is strongly opposed to the ‘Fight for $15’ minimum wage increase, a wholly irresponsible measure that would force employers to make cuts and put more middle class families out of work. Across the country, states and municipalities with an increased minimum wage are experiencing the aftermath of that decision, and even in Illinois where Cook County passed a minimum wage increase in 2016, more than half of their municipalities are opting out of this job-killing measure. To create jobs and grow businesses in Illinois, we need sound public policy and meaningful reforms that entice companies to grow within our borders, and not just another mandate that artificially inflates wages. Lawmakers should focus on creating good, high-paying manufacturing jobs that pay more than $74,000 annually in wages and benefits, far more than the minimum wage. We applaud Governor Rauner for standing with employers on this decision.”
* Chicagoland Chamber…
“We applaud Governor Rauner for standing up for Illinois’ business community by vetoing SB 81. At a time when our employers continually see new taxes, fees and mandates at both the local and state level, we cannot afford new laws that would inhibit job growth and business development. In addition, we need to do the harder work of investing in our citizens’ workforce development, including vocational training, community college, and the trades. A politically expedient increase in the starting wage does not provide a road to prosperity over the long term. Our state is in need of sound economic reforms, which will strengthen our communities, and the Governor’s actions today was a major step in protecting our state’s jobs,” said Michael Reever, acting president & CEO, Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce.
* Chris Kennedy…
Governor Rauner has dealt a cruel blow to all working people today by vetoing SB 81, a bill that would raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
Rauner cannot be trusted to serve in the best interest of the people of Illinois. His leadership does not represent our state.
As governor, I will continue to push for a $15 minimum wage and promise to sign such a bill into law. When those most impacted by poverty do better, we all do better. As FDR once said, “In our seeking for economic and political progress, we all go up - or else we all go down.”
* Illinois AFL-CIO President Michael T. Carrigan…
“Governor Rauner’s veto of the bill to increase the state’s minimum wage is another failure in his leadership. Our economy is off balance, with too much wealth in too few hands. The state minimum wage has not been increased since 2010, and it is there to provide for economic stability for working families. Rauner chose winners and losers with his decision today, he once again chose corporate CEOs over working people.”
* From Steve Yaffe at the Illinois Republican Party…
Hey Rich!
This has been an open secret over here for some time, but I wanted you to be the first member of the press to know that Tuesday will be my last day at the ILGOP.
Don’t worry though, I’m not disappearing! I am taking a position at the Republican Governors Association to handle rapid response for Illinois and a number of other states.
The opportunity to work on the national level and in new states to get Republican governors elected while still being involved in Gov. Rauner’s campaign is something I couldn’t pass up.
Some background:
I started by working on Rauner’s campaign January of 2014 as a freshman college intern making phone calls, a bit before the primary. As the general election ramped up, the campaign needed interns to staff the war room. I was lucky enough to be offered a chance to do that, and things snowballed from there, with Mike Schrimpf eventually offering me a Press Assistant job for the rest of the campaign.
I’ll never forget when I called my parents telling them I was taking months off from college at the University of Chicago to work on a political campaign. It took some convincing.
I worked as a Press Assistant up through inauguration before returning to school.
Soon after getting back to college I decided I wanted to stay involved, so I started interning for Mike and Lance at the Governor’s office as a communications intern, taking whatever classes let me spend as much time as possible over there.
In March of 2016 I joined the state party full time as Rapid Response Director. What many people don’t know is that during the last cycle I had not technically graduated from college yet. In fact, I took another 6 months off for that race, and from January-June of this year I worked both full time at the ILGOP and college until (finally) getting my degree.
The best and most insightful thing I’ve learned in my brief time in politics is that it can be incredibly meritocratic and nothing is more satisfying than working on a great team.
Let me know if you have other questions!
- Steven
You may not have agreed with what he wrote, but Steve is one hard working dude. Replacing him will not be easy. I wish him nothing but the best. He’s been providing us with entertaining content for a good long while.
* The governor’s campaign sent this out late this afternoon…
It’s been a busy week in Illinois where we took steps forward on pension reform and criminal justice reform, and legislative leaders came to an agreement on a historic school funding bill that will bring more money and more choice to our education system. Gov. Rauner applauds the legislative leaders for coming together to compromise and looks forward to passing this legislation.
- Team Rauner
* The Sun-Times, by the way, picked up on the governor’s Marion comments…
Gov. Bruce Rauner told Downstate business leaders on Friday that legislators are “very close to a final deal” on education funding reform — but he blasted Speaker Mike Madigan for putting “a bunch of bad things” in the bill — including “money that shouldn’t go to Chicago.”
The governor’s tone is unlike a statement his office released on Thursday in announcing the agreement in which he applauded the leaders and said he looked forward to seeing a deal get passed in both chambers.
On Friday, the governor told the Marion Chamber of Commerce he wants to “fix” problems within the deal in another bill. […]
Madigan spokesman Steve Brown on Friday declined to comment on the governor’s call for another bill, but remained optimistic that the deal could be finalized.
“There’s no reason to believe anything has changed,” Brown said.
* From today’s Marion Chamber of Commerce event we discussed earlier today…
Rauner assistant reviews audience questions before event moderators ask them. So far, he's the only speaker who has done that. #twillpic.twitter.com/ZIkIPYcvOu
Daniel Biss released the following statement in response to Governor Rauner’s inclusion of private school vouchers in the most recent school funding proposal.
“While I am encouraged that we are closer than ever to an agreement on public school funding, it is absurd that, in order to fund public schools, Governor Rauner and his allies are demanding a tax credit scheme that will just put more money in the pockets of millionaires and billionaires. The private school voucher program doesn’t help create a more equitable education system—it’s a false choice, and just the latest example of Rauner putting millionaires over the middle class.
“What we need is equitable school funding for all Illinois students, not more money in the pockets of people like Bruce Rauner and J.B. Pritzker.”
Not a bad political move by Biss because it forces Pritzker to make a choice between the teachers unions and supporting a funding reform bill.
*** UPDATE 1 *** From Galia Slayen at the Pritzker campaign…
JB and Daniel Biss are both in favor of funding our schools and are both against private school vouchers. It’s unfortunate that Daniel Biss is more focused on playing politics than standing up to Bruce Rauner and doing what’s right for Illinois kids.
I asked Slayen if the statement meant that Pritzker was opposed to the negotiated agreement, but haven’t heard back. I’ll let you know.
…Adding… The Pritzker people say they don’t want to comment on the bill itself until it’s finalized.
*** UPDATE 2 *** From the Chris Kennedy campaign…
Here’s video of Chris speaking out against vouchers last week during his interview with Capitol Connection.
At the 2:05 mark, Mark Maxwell asked Chris to weigh in and Chris responds:
“If you read the state Constitution, it makes it very clear in plain language that we’re not allowed to use tax dollars to fund private education and Catholic education. Now, maybe Bruce Rauner can find a way through twists and turns to get around that provision in our state constitution, but once you start violating Constitutions, I don’t know where that game ends.”
Additionally: While it’s certainly a sign of progress that leadership has reached a school funding agreement, it’s concerning that it seems to maintain Governor Rauner’s $75 million school voucher program masked as a scholarship program. Our governor shouldn’t advocate for robbing the public education system to enrich private schools. Our governor should serve the needs of all students throughout the state. We need a leader who will overhaul the way we fund schools so that all students have access to a quality public education.
*** UPDATE 3 *** Ameya Pawar…
“Education funding should be distributed equitably to public schools across Illinois. It is dead wrong to give vouchers and tax credits to private or parochial schools. Using taxpayer money to fund private schools benefits the children of wealthy families at the expense of the rest of the state.”
[ *** End Of Updates *** ]
* I’m hearing that the House Democratic teleconference meeting today was “brutal” on this topic. “Our caucus is going crazy over the quasi voucher [stuff],” said one House Democrat. “I don’t see a path to 71,” said another. “Longest caucus call ever,” said yet another who was on the call.
If Downstate Republicans allied with the IEA start to jump ship (especially now that the governor has given them political cover to do so by essentially saying the bill is another Chicago bailout attempt), then we’re in for some real turmoil.
The tax credit could get pulled out of the bill by the leaders or yet another side deal is cut against the governor’s wishes like what happened with the budget, or… Well, I’m not sure at this moment. Maybe Madigan can work some magic. But this is gonna be tough.
* Gov. Rauner gave a “good news, bad news” speech today at the Marion Chamber of Commerce. Here’s one part…
I think we’re on the verge of what is [pause] largely good education funding reform. Our education funding in Illinois has been broken for decades. We have the largest gap between what low income districts and especially rural small rural districts get per student versus what high incomes districts get per student. We’ve got a new funding formula, we’ve been battling it through. It’s also got more school choice in it. And it’s a funding formula that I believe in, it’s a better system.
Bad news is Speaker Madigan’s caucus took the bill, inserted a bunch of bad things in it, we’re trying to get out as many of those as we can. A lot of, they’re trying to divert a lot of the money that should be coming to southern Illinois and central Illinois and divert it to the broken financial condition of Chicago. So, we’ve been battling, we’ve been battling that. And it’s not been easy. […]
The bad news is, again, there was an insertion to assist Chicago and its financial crisis and diverting money that shouldn’t go to Chicago. Um, in, in, it should be in the classrooms, spread around the state. Some should be in Chicago, but many, much of it should be here in, you know, Williamson County, it should be in Sangamon County as well. It’s not fair, but it’s going to end up being a compromise, it’s not where we’d like it to be, but what I’ll try to do is fix the problems with it in subsequent legislation.
.@GovRauner said today the school funding compromise was “not fair” & he will try to pass “subsequent legislation” to “fix the problems” pic.twitter.com/TlPApg12bV
* Sent to a friend whose name is not Kristina, but the Drury campaign thinks it is…
In June, we launched our campaign with a simple message: Illinois government has been hijacked by politicians like Bruce Rauner and Mike Madigan to serve their own interests, not ours, and it is time to return our State back to its rightful owner – you!
With experienced and trustworthy leadership in the governor’s office, we can rebuild our State, fix the big issues holding Illinois back, and ensure our brightest days are ahead of us. If Bruce Rauner and Donald Trump have taught us anything, it’s that experience and trust matter.
After Labor Day, campaign season really gets going. With our ever-growing base of supporters in every corner of the state, we are ready to end Mike Madigan’s chokehold on Illinois and replace the status quo with fresh ideas that will allow Illinois to thrive.
Illinois yearns for a Democratic candidate who can get things done without being another rubber stamp for Madigan. We stand alone in fitting the bill and, with your support, we will win.
Kristina, as we head into the fall campaign season, we need your help to build on our momentum and seize the chance to bring honest change to Illinois.
Please make a contribution before our August deadline:
In 2014, then-candidate Bruce Rauner made his pitch to business leaders by saying “I’m not a politician” and promising to “take arrows” when things go wrong. Rauner said leaders “take on the responsibility and you take the heat and you take the blame when things don’t go well, but you give the credit to your team.”
Fast forward to today, with an administration in absolute turmoil, the Bruce Rauner who said he would take responsibility is nowhere to be found. Yesterday, Rauner went so far as to name names as he threw his staff under the bus for his own failure to address blatant racism from the Illinois Policy Institute. If leaders “take the blame when things don’t go well,” then what does that make Bruce Rauner?
“In Bruce Rauner’s own words, leaders ‘take arrows.’ What Bruce Rauner has done as governor is take those arrows and hurl them at everyone around him,” said Pritzker campaign spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh. “As we’ve seen time and again from this governor, he takes no responsibility for his failure to lead this state and instead makes his staff, allies, and Illinois families expendable as long as it advances his own interests.”
Emphasis added because, well, that should be obvious.
Yesterday was a little weird for Governor Bruce Rauner. Reeling from his office’s inability to respond to a cartoon published by a close political ally, Bruce Rauner announced he was clearing house for the second time in as many months. Gone were four communications staffers all brought on just over a month ago. Rumors were that more departures were on the way.
The day turned bizarre thereafter. In a conference call with his (temporarily) remaining staff, Bruce Rauner then warned his administration was surrounded by “enemies” like the media and former colleagues:
“‘The reality is in addition to the enemies on the other side of the aisle (Democrats), we have enemies in the media and enemies who should be on our side, some of them former members of the administration,’ the source recounted Rauner as saying.”
And then came the untruths. In the same conference call, Rauner rejected “rumors” that more staffers were headed for the exists, including his (new) chief of staff and general counsel. He did the same to reporters later:
REPORTER: “Are you keeping your chief of staff?”
RAUNER: “We announced some changes in the communications department, and that’s all the changes there are.”
By the afternoon, Rauner’s office issued a press release announcing his General Counsel was also leaving. Throughout the day, Rauner blamed his staff for the Illinois Policy Institute cartoon headache and declared the staffers who were leaving were “not a good fit.” At no time did Rauner take any responsibility himself for the fallout. And this morning did not start any better - The Quad City Times Editorial Board called Rauner’s administration “on the brink of collapse.”
Failing administration. Staff purges. Conspiratorial view of enemies. Blatant untruths. And a lack of personal responsibility. That could describe someone else’s week. Strange how they both have the same disapproval rate in Illinois.
“Governor Bruce Rauner’s operation is falling apart at the seams,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “At no point this week did Rauner show an ounce of the executive leadership he touted in 2014 or the moral leadership required to lead the state. Rauner’s accelerating staff purges and inability to take any responsibility is confirming voters’ impression of him as failed leader. Illinois families are worse-off under Bruce Rauner’s flailing administration.”
* Yesterday, I posted a little piece about JB Pritzker giving away free sunglasses to supporters. Some wondered where the shades were manufactured (China was mentioned) and if they were made by union labor. The topic came up again today on an unrelated post.
So, I asked the Pritzker campaign. They said the sunglasses are made in the US of A by union labor. The glasses even have a union “bug” on them, I was told.
* The Quad City Times editorial appears to have been written before the school funding reform deal was announced…
Bruce Rauner’s administration is on the brink of collapse. Only a deft hand, which Rauner has struggled to produce, can jerk it from the ledge on which it teeters. […]
The past five weeks haven’t gone well.
Nor have the past two and a half years. And, here, is the real threat to Rauner’s political capital and retention of his seat in 2018. Basically nothing of value was accomplished after more than two years of budgetary strife. All those systemic failings Rauner correctly identified remain in place. His messaging — commingling re-election politicking with policy — has undermined any ability to actually make deals with General Assembly Democrats. Republicans in the Legislature are, again, under pressure to break from him on the school funding issue and override his veto.
Wednesday night’s staff shakeup is just another opening for his political opponents. It’s just another excuse for his Democratic gubernatorial challengers to tee off. It’s just another signal of an administration that, after years, just hasn’t been able to gain traction.
Rauner’s general analysis of that which ills Illinois wasn’t incorrect. But his inability to win the argument dogs him. It began with a short-sighted attempt to create right to work zones as soon as he entered office, immediately souring any future relationship with unions. It became more obvious as each piece of his “Turn Around Agenda” fell away. Desperation oozed this summer as Rauner pounded on General Assembly Democrats in stops throughout he state, only to ultimately lose the budget battle because he lost members of his own party.
Bruce Rauner’s administration has been on the brink for weeks now. But, on Wednesday, it became incredibly clear that he has no idea how to salvage it.
* The Question: Assuming it becomes law, do you think Gov. Rauner has saved his political life by agreeing to an education funding reform deal, or is it too late? Click here to take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.
ICYMI: “4 Top Legislative Leaders, Rauner Reach ‘Historic’ School Funding Reform”
Plan Includes School Choice, Proves Bipartisanship Still Possible
Yesterday, Governor Rauner, House and Senate Republicans, and House and Senate Democrats announced a compromise plan to pass historic education funding reform.
It proves that bipartisanship is still possible in Illinois.
And thanks to strong negotiations led by House GOP Leader Jim Durkin and Senate GOP Leader Bill Brady, Illinois is now poised to have a school choice program for the first time – something the Chicago Teachers Union is not happy about.
The Illinois Republican House and Senate announced Thursday that the four top legislative leaders and Gov. Bruce Rauner have reached a “historic” school funding reform.
The governor’s office released a statement, saying, “Governor Rauner applauds the four leaders in coming to a consensus on historic school funding reform that reflects the work of the School Funding Reform Commission. He thanks them for their leadership and looks forward to the coming days when the legislation is passed by both chambers.”
Daily Herald: State leaders say they’ve got a deal on school funding reform
The Chicago Sun-Times reported that one source said a scholarship program to provide tuition help for parents of children in private schools, through vouchers, was part of the deal. Cardinal Blase Cupich and other religious leaders had lobbied hard for the tax credits — $75 million for donors to the pilot program — long sought by parochial schools.
A separate GOP source with knowledge of the negotiations said that Chicago got nearly everything it sought in exchange for nothing leaders had not already conceded.
And the final package includes none of the collective bargaining changes Rauner wanted.
Rauner appears to have caved under pressure from the House GOP caucus to avoid another disaster like the budget override, the GOP source said.
So, the governor got rolled, but still took a win.
* Eric Zorn might learn from the governor. Zorn penned a column late yesterday which blasted the tax credit proposal for private school tuition programs…
In a statement issued Thursday, Illinois Education Association President Kathi Griffin said, “In an age where accountability means everything — where standards are being implemented to ensure students are being taught what they need to succeed in life — why would Illinois take public money and give it to private schools that have no accountability?”
Because too many lawmakers, including some Democrats, have either given up on the idea of public education, are secretly fond of the idea that taxpayers should support religious indoctrination or are under the delusion that competition for scarce resources will magically make public schools better.
But neither joy nor heartbreak have evidently altered the governor’s enthusiasm for brinkmanship. He’s now threatening to veto key elements of an education funding bill — a bill that gave him 90 percent of what he wanted, according to his education chief — because he feels it’s too generous to the teetering Chicago Public Schools. […]
Yes, crisis creates opportunity. That’s no special trick. All disasters do. Crisis also creates suffering, which those seeking to exploit it should never forget.
It’s a $75 million tax credit. That’s pocket change in the broad scheme of education funding. Take the overall win.
* Yesterday, Dan Proft said this about Gov. Rauner on his radio show…
“If you can’t stand up for yourself, if you can’t lean into criticism and push back, if you’re too busy etch-a-sketching and reinventing yourself every time a snarky tweet is directed towards you, then you’re going to get run over.”
* So, I asked Proft about his comment last night. I agree that Rauner too often allows others to get up in his head. But why would Proft denounce and threaten primary opponents against Republican Reps. Tom Demmer and Grant Wehrli - who always vote “right” - over a couple of tweets about a cartoon? His response via text message…
First, Wehrli doesn’t vote “right” and even when he does it’s often not without drama. Second, and more importantly, the charge of racism in these times and in the present context is a lot more than “snarky” and the communication channel through which it’s made is irrelevant.
My response was precisely the opposite of reinventing or etch-a-sketching based on a tweet, wasn’t it? When race hustlers and identity politics simps try their smear tactics with me I raise their profile so everyone can see that bulljive shoved right back up their hind quarters.
One additional point: Dem pols, Chicago/Springfield govt press corps have been trying to keep this phony story alive for a week and Demmer, Wehrli helped them do it while also allowing the claim of “bipartisan” outrage to be bandied about, didn’t they?
* Meanwhile, the Illinois Policy Institute did its best to keep the cartoon story alive today by issuing this press release…
Pastor Corey Brooks: Statement on behalf of Illinois Policy Institute cartoon
“Racism is all too real for thousands of members of my congregation and community in Woodlawn. We have struggled to bring good job opportunities close to home. We have struggled with a justice system that too often puts punishment over rehabilitation. And for decades, we have struggled to provide quality educational opportunities for our children.
“Most of all, we have struggled to provide hope. And the reaction to the Illinois Policy Institute’s editorial cartoon from a small group of lawmakers in Chicago is not reason for me to hope.
“Instead of fighting against injustice and inequity in our education funding system, our lawmakers have decided to slander the Illinois Policy Institute with accusations of racism and bigotry.
“Witnessing the Institute’s work on behalf of our community, those accusations could not be further from the truth. But sadly it’s not surprising to me that politicians have made them so carelessly.
“The cartoon speaks to a dangerous truth about the nature of TIF slush funds and how they affect our children. And speaking truth to power is not tolerated in Chicago. Especially when that truth shines a spotlight on how politicians have failed our city’s black community.
“I do not agree with all of the policy solutions proposed by the Illinois Policy Institute. But I do know that they are deeply invested in the future of Chicago children. Instead of dividing us with false charges of racism, lawmakers should be working together with groups like the Illinois Policy Institute toward TIF reform that keeps more money in the classroom for our kids.”
* Finke has a good piece today about Rauner’s latest staff shakeup. Here’s one part…
Sen. Jason Barickman, R-Bloomington, one of the negotiators on school funding reform, said there is cause for concern as Rauner and state legislators head into the 2018 election campaign.
“We have approached the period where we’d like to see a first-term governor hitting his stride,” Barickman said. “Significant turnovers is obviously not that. That politically causes concerns. On issues of policy, having a strong and effective governor is clearly important to advancing a Republican agenda.” […]
Rauner ran as an outsider to Illinois politics and first brought in senior staff more familiar with Washington than Illinois, Barickman said.
“Illinois politics is its own breed,” he said. “I think he could benefit from some senior staff who have established relationships with the legislative branch.”
* There’s real worry out there about going into 2018 with an unstable team at the top, and for good reason…
Some political experts say the Rauner Administration is beginning to reflect President Trump’s hiring and firing frenzy in the White House.
More is at issue for Rauner besides the cartoon. His abrupt move to drop his new communications team reflected longer-term high-stakes concerns over his political future.
Left without many big first-term accomplishments following a long-running budget stalemate in which Democrats blocked his economic agenda, the Republican governor finds himself once again attempting to readjust politically.
Rauner first began the recalibration last month following a stinging and embarrassing defeat when Democrats, joined by some Republicans, enacted a state budget and tax-hike package over his veto — effectively ending the stalemate that kept Illinois without a full-year spending plan that devastated social services and threatened to sink the state’s credit rating to junk status.
Except the veto override was being viewed at the time as a “win” for Rauner because he got the revenues from a tax hike along with the favorable political issue of his veto. The governor turned that win into a loss by acting like it was a loss and clearing out his top staff.
But now Rauner must find a new messaging team — positions that may be difficult to recruit for, given the turnover.
* Adding to the problem is that the governor himself is just not believable…
While multiple sources said exits of high-level staffers are also on the way, Rauner on Thursday morning told reporters that the communications team resignations are the only exits, for now.
“We’ve announced some changes in the communications department and that’s all the change there are,” the governor said.
Yet by 6:15 p.m. his administration released a statement announcing the departure of Murashko, saying the top legal counsel was leaving for the private sector.
And if his chief of staff steps down later today or within the next two weeks as rumored, he will have again undercut his claims yesterday.
News of the exits spread throughout the political realm on Wednesday night. One senior Republican operative called the ousting a sign the governor has realized he made a “mistake.”
“The governor and First Lady have finally admitted they made a colossal mistake in hiring these right wing ideologues,” the operative said. “One can only hope for the sake of our state government they will make better choices in the future.”
Republicans said they had reached an “agreement in principle” on a school funding measure. Democrats said they had reached an “agreement in concept.”
The bill, however, is still being drafted, and details were closely held.
It was against that backdrop that Mayor Emanuel offered this observation during a hastily called City Hall news conference late Thursday afternoon: “You’re never done until it’s done.”
And while it’s being cheered by lawmakers on both side of the political aisle, the Chicago Teachers Unions said its essentially calls it a reverse robin hood scheme.
CTU said the deal rips off the public schools by funnelling at least $75 million a year towards vouchers. […]
CTU leaders say it’s reliance on vouchers siphons money from poor districts and allows the rich to avoid paying their fair share in taxes.
“We see vouchers as a problem because its going to rob the money that the same black and brown kids, both Rahm Emanuel and Bruce Rauner talk about saving,” said Stacy Davis Gates, CTU Political and Legislative Director. “It’s going to rob them of those very valuable funds.”
The CTU said vouchers are aimed at the heart of public education and amount to stealing from black and brown children.
* And here’s GOP Rep. David McSweeney’s press release this morning…
The “compromise” education formula deal appears to be a total capitulation by the Governor. I now understand why Mayor Emanuel is so happy. It appears that CPS could get even more money than under SB 1 and the state will spend about $7.5 billion more on education over the next ten years without real reforms that cut school administrative costs and encourage consolidation. While I support the scholarship tax credits, overall this is a bad deal for taxpayers that will set up immediate pressure for another harmful tax hike.
Today, Daniel Biss announced the endorsement of former Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon.
“Daniel gets things done—that’s why I’m endorsing him for governor” said Sheila Simon. “Daniel hasn’t been stopped by political logjams or by criticism from some members of his own party. Daniel finds new ways to solve old problems and encourages all of us to fight for what we believe in. From introducing a constitutional amendment to create a progressive income tax to fighting for a more just school funding system, Daniel is a leader.”
“It’s an honor to receive Sheila’s endorsement today,” said Daniel Biss. “Every time we’ve worked together, I’ve admired Sheila’s authenticity. In a political environment increasingly marked by blind adherence to party leadership, and in which party leadership is increasingly disconnected from a grassroots base, Sheila always puts people above politics.
“As lieutenant governor, Sheila’s innovative approach to public policy pushed our laws to match our priorities—like funding domestic violence shelters, establishing election contribution limits, and improving graduation rates at community colleges. Instead of looking over her shoulder to see what everyone else is doing, she considers the gap between our state’s potential and its reality and creates new solutions to bring about that vision. It’s been a pleasure to work with Sheila throughout my time in the legislature, and I could not be more excited to have her support in this race.”
* Meanwhile…
The Ameya Pawar for Governor campaign today launched the New Deal Journal on its campaign website. The new content hub will serve as a means for Pawar’s campaign to share insights into issues and policy, volunteer profiles, news, and dispatches from the trail directly with the people of Illinois.
“A lot happens on a statewide campaign,” explains Pawar. “As I’ve traveled more than 8,0000 miles across the state, speaking with voters from Rockford to Cairo, and from Rock Island to Chicago, it’s clear people want to get involved with our people-powered campaign in many different ways. The New Deal Journal provides a new platform where voters can follow the campaign in a way they may not have been able to before. I’m looking forward to sharing some of my experiences on the trail and reading the stories from some of the thousands of volunteers who, like me, believe that we are one Illinois, and that when we lift one community up, we all get lifted.”