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*** UPDATED x3 *** Rate the new Rauner TV ad

Wednesday, Oct 4, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Citizens for Rauner today released a new tv ad highlighting the historic school funding bill signed by Governor Rauner that results in record funding for Illinois public education, a first ever tax credit scholarship program for low income students, and historic changes to the public school funding formula to provide more funding for those children who need it most.

Improving education was a major reason why Bruce ran for governor. He believes education is the most important thing we do as a community and that every child in Illinois deserves an opportunity to attend high quality schools regardless of zip code or family background. Before running for governor, Bruce and his wife, Diana, committed their personal resources to improving education in Illinois schools by supporting early childhood development, charter and choice schools, better teacher training and merit pay.

After taking office, Bruce established the bipartisan Illinois School Funding Reform Commission and tasked it with reforming the way our state funds schools, ensuring our neediest communities receive the school funding necessary to provide a
great education. The result: after decades of other governors and legislatures falling short, Bruce signed historic education reform this fall.

* The ad

* Script…

It’s been called ‘nothing short of a miracle.’ Against all odds, the highest level of funding for Illinois public education ever. Common sense tax credits for donations to scholarship programs And historic changes to the public school funding formula to help provide more funding for those children who need it most.

There’s a long way to go. And it won’t be easy. But Illinois is worth fighting for.”

* Maybe this will stop all the questions about whether he’s running again

Gov. Bruce Rauner can probably expect reporters to keep asking whether he’s running for re-election every time he’s out in public until he offers a definitive answer.

While his campaign team repeatedly has said the governor will seek a second term next year and nominating petitions are being circulated, Rauner has yet to formally kick off his re-election bid either through a video or rally.

That the question is even being asked is indicative of the unorthodox political moves Rauner has made in recent weeks. He signed into law an abortion bill and immigration bill opposed by conservative Republicans, who are part of the base he’ll need to keep to avoid a significant challenge in the March primary and to turn out in the November general election. And after opposing a school funding bill as a Chicago bailout all summer, Rauner switched course and signed the measure into law, declaring victory in the process.

And now he’s running a TV ad about that school bill.

*** UPDATE 1 *** The bill actually hasn’t been called “nothing short of a miracle,” as the ad claims. Those words were used about Sen. Andy Manar’s efforts to pass the bill

“He basically picked a fight that no one else wanted to touch. The fact that he got it done in this political environment is nothing short of a miracle,” says Amy Ballinger-Cole, former director of government relations for Advance Illinois (a nonpartisan education advocacy group that worked closely with Manar).

*** UPDATE 2***  DGA…

“Apparently Bruce Rauner has decided to run his reelection campaign in an alternate universe,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “For months, Rauner opposed Illinois’ new historic education bill and used the bill to sow divisions within the state. Then, Rauner pushed the state into crisis by vetoing the legislation, threatening schools with closure all for political gain. Now, Rauner is misleading the public to distract from his record of failed leadership.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** Pritzker campaign…

“Bruce Rauner pitted Illinois communities against each other, manufactured a school funding crisis, and then forced others to clean up his mess. It’s shameful that this failed governor would now try to take credit for a school funding formula he opposed,” said Pritzker spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh. “Rauner needs to stop peddling sham narratives while using our students as pawns in his political games.”


  1. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 9:12 am:

    Slick ad, but shows where Rauner’s priorities are first- tax credits over kids. Most viewers won’t know that, though, if they don’t know the background of the school funding history. Rauner is attempting to take full credit for this just because it happened under his “administration”. Funny that there’s not mention of all those pesky little vetoes that have continued to compound (literally) the money problems for K-12 schools across the State of Illinois. Where’s the ad for that BTIA(TM)???

  2. - Anon - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 9:13 am:

    I guess it gets an A since it never mentions or shows Bruce Rauner. Amazing ability to lie and take credit for things he had NOTHING to do with.

  3. - DownstateKid - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 9:14 am:

    Smooth like crisco. Rauner’s video team has consistently been the best of bunch for the past 4 years runnin’.

    Like the slogan too because it’s going to be a fight.


  4. - Because I said so.... - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 9:16 am:

    Fails to mention that he had several public universities on the brink of closure due to HIS decision not to fund them.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 9:20 am:

    It’s a “C+”


    In a :30 ad, it was more how great the new school funding formula “is”, but no real ownership that links the :22 seconds of the “good”, and :07 seconds or so of “Rauner”, and also ignoring the “Chicago Bailout” aspect isn’t even addressed because in this ad, it’s trying to set a table for the good… not the compromise(s) Rauner needed to make to get that :22 seconds of good.

    Had Rauner used him at that table signing the bill, that woulda been loads better.

    Why didn’t they use that?

  6. - cdog - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 9:25 am:

    Why do I ask myself, “what’s he lying about, now?”

    Just more of the smoke and mirrors that’s been going on since January of 2015.

    He’s against CPD, then he’s for it. He’s against education spending, then he’s for it.

  7. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 9:26 am:

    He signed it, he gets to run on it, regardless of all the scatter-brained comments and moves from him and BTIA(TM) preceding that.

    It’s a good spot. Hard not to get a solid hit, considering the subject matter.

  8. - cdog - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 9:31 am:

    correction. CPS. not CPD.

  9. - The Muse - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 9:36 am:

    It’s a solid ad that people will relate to, especially suburban white women he’s going to need. The counter to that of course is that he did NOT want that bill, and only signed it when he got money for private schools. Not to mention purposely trying to put a few higher ed institutions under.

  10. - Responsa - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 9:55 am:

    Short, positive, hope-filled ad in a sea of screeching and negativity. It’s a subject–the importance of Illinois’ children and education –that unites most people across political, class, religious, and racial lines. Look at it through the eyes of a regular Illinois family, not as a political junkie or partisan activist and you will see why this ad works. A.

  11. - Here we go again... - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 10:14 am:

    Not going to lie, the ad was pretty good (A/B?). Positive, happy kids, and scholarships.

  12. - Roman - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 10:15 am:

    A nice look and feel, but not enough of the candidate in it. B -.

    Not a good ad for a Republican primary contest. They might want to start thinking about that.

  13. - Fixer - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 10:18 am:

    The ad itself is solid. Short, to the point, and for the most part people are going to pay more attention to what’s directly in front of them as opposed to how we got here.

    This is where the Democrats have to get better at messaging. They will have to hammer home, over and over, Rauner vetoed ALL funding. He claims this as a win, after saying less money was a Chicago bailout. The inconsistencies in truth by Rauner are where they’ll have to make hay in this election.

    The press for the most part have given him a pass in that regard.

  14. - annonin' - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 10:19 am:

    Gotta be one of the funniest spots run in IL
    From Chicago bailout to a modern miracle
    Guessin’ GovJunk counts on no memory. His only challenge will be to attack Madigan who will wraps his arms around passage of SB1 too.
    We do not see it as any definitive sign he is runnin’

  15. - A guy - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 10:19 am:

    This video crew has been his best and most enduring asset. This is another great piece of work by them. They know how to cut a spot. It’s very, very good.

  16. - Reality Check - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 10:27 am:

    As an ad for the schools bill, it’s an A. As an ad for Rauner, NA - not applicable - and that’s being generous. Might as well be an F. The candidate’s face is never shown, his name is never spoken and only shown on the screen at the very end. Low-info voters won’t have any clue what connection this has to the gov.

    And jacking the Manar quote for Rauner’s own crass purposes, that’s a WTF.

  17. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 10:50 am:

    Illinois Working Together has some great stuff right now on this ad, especially the “miracle” quote in context:

  18. - Conservative - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 11:41 am:

    Rauner needs to take a hike with all his RINO phonys

  19. - Scamp640 - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 11:52 am:

    @ Because I said So. I complete agree. It is rank hypocrisy to show kids happily throwing their mortarboards into the air when Rauner really hurt higher education in this state. He’s taking credit for helping K-12 education and then ignoring the fact that he hurt their future by holding higher education hostage during the budget impasse. Sad. Pathetic.

  20. - Dome Gnome - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 12:02 pm:

    It is good — a good, slick lie.

  21. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 12:05 pm:

    CPS thought it was nothing short of a miracle that they got Rauner to sign a law that gives them more money than the plan he vetoed because it was a CPS bailout.

  22. - BothSidesofHisMouth - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 12:10 pm:

    “Nothing short of a miracle” since he vetoed it.

    School funding reform and the eventual resolution to the budget standoff both embodied the “miraculous” efforts of the General Assembly finally garnering enough votes to govern on their own despite the best efforts and financial/political threats of an ineffective Governor.

  23. - Albany Park Patriot - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 1:19 pm:

    How can Rauner run for re-election if he is assumed bodily into heaven first?

  24. - Ed - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 1:27 pm:

    There once was a leader named Rauner,
    Who for our State was such a big downer;
    He locked up the budget,
    So the Dems couldn’t nudge it,
    So let’s make him the next out-of-towner.

  25. - Sven - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 2:12 pm:

    Is there a picture of Grandpa’s boyhood home in Sweeden in it? I won’t watch it because I already know it’s a lie.

  26. - Responsa - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 2:28 pm:

    Sam, if DGA can figure out a way to say that in a relatively positive and informative TV ad you’ll have something. But with a press release that nobody sees you got nothing.

  27. - Responsa - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 3:01 pm:

    Same message to you, Jordan.

  28. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 7:10 pm:

    The ad deserves a C for chutzpah. Or an L for lying.

  29. - Sgt. Slaughter - Wednesday, Oct 4, 17 @ 8:37 pm:

    Where the hell is the governor in the ad? Watch it again and again there are no pictures of him and his name doesn’t even appear to the end? Maybe that’s actually the point and that is very sad. You can’t even appear in public in your own commercials?

  30. - Rabid - Thursday, Oct 5, 17 @ 4:20 am:

    bruce almighty, miracle worker, ready for the second coming

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