*** UPDATED x2 - Marwig, McAuliffe respond *** Two unions, inflatable rat show up at Rep. Michael McAuliffe’s house
Wednesday, Nov 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller * Using union contractors on private home construction isn’t exactly common. But I guess stuff like this happens when Rep. Michael McAullife, Chicago’s only Republican state legislator, who has past union support but then repeatedly voted against unions on a bill to ban the creation of local “right to work” zones in Illinois and then hired non-union workers for extensive renovation work on his house… ![]()
Operating Engineers Local 150’s truck and IBEW Local 134’s van are pictured above. It’s IBEW’s rat and I’m told the union has established an official picket line. 150 is upset about a non-union excavator operating within the city limits, but they’re just doing “bannering” - meaning its truck drives around. As you already know, 150 took the lead on the right to work zone ban bill, which could not overcome a Gov. Rauner veto. I’ve asked the House GOP for a response. Fair or not? *** UPDATE 1 *** From Rep. McAuliffe…
It appears from one of the photos that Marwig was in the crowd at his house. *** UPDATE 2 *** From Merry Marwig…
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:19 am:
Unfair. I am a big Union supporter, but even the union guys I know don’t use Union contractors on their house.
- Anon2 - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:23 am:
Agree. with Anonymous at 11:19. I’m pro union but stuff like this makes unions look bad. The whole “shame on” stuff doesn’t work and just makes you look whiny, particularly when it’s residential work. Give people a reason to choose union over non-union and give it up with the inflatable rat junk. No one sympathizes with it.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:27 am:
Scabby is “present” at Rep. McAuliffe’s house. I’m sure organized labor has a few more holiday “presents” to give to him too. There’s a reason that button is yellow.
- Texas Red - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:27 am:
So individuals are now subject to these heavy handed union tactics ? This stunt will appeal only to the most strident of Union supporters. To the average homeowner who is more than capable in making an informed decision on which contractors to choice, this will be a huge negative.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:27 am:
That’s funny. He gets what he deserves because of those votes. However, majority of his voters won’t care. While there is a strong labor union constituency up there, he has more support from the local cops and firefighters.
However, look at the size of that house. In his neighborhood, that is like a million dollar home. Not bad for a part time job.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:27 am:
Unfair. If you’re made at him for the ‘present’ vote, then protest about that.
Don’t cook up this bogus complaint about non-union contractors. No one uses union contractors on their home.
- Saluki - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:30 am:
Unfair. Picket his office. Not his house.
- LTSW - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:31 am:
When the Carpenter’s union did this to a local Springfield business owner I know it turned out the guys and gal hired to hold up the sign out front were day laborers hired at minimum wage. They didn’t have a clue what the issue was. In his case there were six contractors but only the carpenters were non union. Interesting that the other union contractors didn’t have an issue with working with the one non union shop.
I guess it’s fair game since McAullife is in the political arena but the local reaction to these types of setups here in Springfield has been tepid.
- Gruntled University Employee - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:32 am:
==Using union contractors on private home construction isn’t exactly common. ==
It is at my house.
- Postbot 5999 - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:32 am:
Poor form.
- NIU Grad - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:33 am:
Ridiculous that they’re focusing on these “minor” issues…for non-union workers out there dealing with real employment issues, they’re likely rolling their eyes at this group complaining about home renovations and a truck driving around. Does messaging like this (including rats) really help public perception of unions?
- Ghost - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:36 am:
Hilarious but ineffective this won’t move an undecided
- Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:41 am:
It depends. Does he claim to be a union supporter?
It’s not hard to find union contractors and it’s not like he doesn’t know who to call. (I use union labor to work on my house.)
- Sen. Blutarsky - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:42 am:
Borderline harassment of his family. Crazy that the union that this was a good idea or that people would sympathize with them and not his wife and kids.
- 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:45 am:
Fair. With McAuliffe’s contacts - I bet he could have found a union contractor to handle this project.
- L2 - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:46 am:
How often do they recycle the truck? The second photo doesn’t even have McAuliffe’s name in it.
I think stunts like this is fair game, but I don’t think it’s going to be effective at all. It’s at his private residence, and if he found non-union workers who do great work, I don’t see any problem.
- Ron - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:46 am:
We are using non union on our home renovation, Euro and Hispanic guys. The craftmanship is top notch and the cost is fantastic.
- Really? - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:47 am:
Saluki is correct. There are district/campaign offices for this. He has kids. Embarrassing for the union and does not help their cause. They are clueless.
- NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:51 am:
Not fair and that’s why so many people can’t stand union leaders.
- Just Visiting - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:53 am:
Unfair. Picketing at any elected official’s home is just bad form. This is the type of behavior out of unions that most people dislike and yet union members somehow think this is helping their cause. It is not.
- Perrid - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:54 am:
Eh. Conflating the issues make it easier for critics to badmouth unions in general. Hit him for his votes, sure, all day long, but I don’t really care how he spends his money on his house.
- A guy - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:57 am:
No one there cares a whit about Fair or Not.
Pretty sure the neighbors there are not terribly excited about this disruption and inconvenience in their neighborhood. It’s overdoing it to say the least.
So the question is Ugly or Not?
Immediately followed by Ugly enough to backfire badly?
I say yes.
- Fax Machine - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:58 am:
Doesn’t matter. The HDems are re-running their self-important dud candidate and they’ll probably send the same played out red & black DPI mailers that didn’t work last time.
My prediction: McAuliffe wins re-election 60-40.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:59 am:
RICH things must be slow in SPF for this to take up so much space on your site. People in my neighborhood call the Alderman all the time to make sure these clowns get the permit to put up this ugley rat……nobody cares about Unions except for the Cops.
- cdog - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:01 pm:
IBEW 134, with their patriotic van, are the antithesis of American values with this stunt.
Not fair, and I hope they get a lot of heat for this thuggish behavior.
- Fax Machine - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:03 pm:
Frankly, the HGOP is lucky to have McAuliffe running again - he’ll be 55 with 20 years right at the end of his current term so I have no idea why he would want to keep dealing with this nonsense when he’s maxed out. Unless there’s a plan for him to retire right after winning re-election & get replaced by another Republican to give him a head start.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:04 pm:
Is that the rat used on Soprano’s? Classless, and doing at home borders on thuggery. Several comments point out the hypocrisy of these guys. It does them more harm than good, but just as well. By the way, Ron 11:46, agree, and will do so from now on.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:04 pm:
===nobody cares about Unions except for the Cops===
Lots of cops in that district. And firefighters.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:05 pm:
===So individuals are now subject===
He’s a legislator who’s taken a bunch of union contributions in the past.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:06 pm:
I remember when they did this during the construction of Texas Roadhouse in Springfield. It didn’t work, and probably worked against the union, as that restaurant is packed every night.
- ChrisMcDonough - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:10 pm:
If you dont want public criticism don’t run for public office, pretty simple. The picketers clearly aren’t disrupting his day to day life he’s obviously not living there right now.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:11 pm:
===probably worked against the union, as that restaurant is packed every night===
I don’t even remember the pickets, but Spfld does love it some chains. And that chain is particularly horrid.
- Chicago 20 - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:11 pm:
Completely fair.
I’d bet the farm McAuliffe could have used union trained workers on his home rehab and saved money.
The union contractor that did the work on my house was actually cheaper than the non-union contractor and I couldn’t be happier with the work.
- Fax Machine - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:11 pm:
Also, will Rauner make a push to have McAuliffe replace Chris Cleveland as Chicago GOP chairman after the primary?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:14 pm:
I think it is fair but politics in general has gone in the gutter and is tilted to the rich self funded candidates. I agree with the 1127am post that most of the voters don’t care. The post correctly points out that Mcauliffe has almost monolithic support among the Police and Firemen. The only unions the police and firemen care about are their own unions. Both groups especially the Firemen have members who work second jobs that are non-union. They don’t give a rat’s behind about the rank and file union members. McAuliffe will be difficult to beat.
- A guy - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:20 pm:
+He’s a legislator who’s taken a bunch of union contributions in the past.+
So that gives these goons license to disrupt a neighborhood, a family, and decrease access for all those firefighters and cops who live there? What if there were demonstrations in front of the union leaders’ homes (or second homes in most cases?)
This is bad form. He’s got a work address the rats can show up to. This is pathetic, goonish and a huge reason they don’t win the hearts and minds of people outside of their membership.
- Wylie Coyote - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:21 pm:
Cute stunt, but I’d wager it’s going to help McAuliffe, not hurt him. As for his cop and firefighter neighbors, most of the guys who do their remodel work are off-duty cops and firefighters. Not a union to be found there.
- jimk849 - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:22 pm:
1st. guy on his block to have his Christmas decorations up.
- Just Me - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:25 pm:
Not cool! Put the rat outside his office, not his home. Now you’re drawing in family, kids, neighbors, and making people feel personally threatened. This is Trump-ish political behavior and the union should behave like adults.
Moreover, it looks like a quiet residential street that doesn’t get a lot of traffic, so besides earned media is a wasted opportunity other than to personally threaten the Representative.
- City Zen - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:26 pm:
What do the female leaders of IUOE and IBEW have to say about this?
- Anon - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:26 pm:
Very fair. If you pretend to be a friend to labor and take their money or help, you need to support them. He has not done that with his votes or in practice.
- Anon - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:27 pm:
So someone who starts a business that follows the law, pulls permits and legally does home remodeling is a “Rat Contractor” because they don’t pay dues to a union? The hard working American that struggles every day to keep their kids is cloths and to pay the mortgage should be offended. I think this aggressive language “rat contractor” etc. is exactly why unions have lost so much public support. And I am in a Union.
Someone should pull all the union higher-ups construction permits for their houses and see if they all used union contractors.
- Anon - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:30 pm:
I’m on the fence on the actual union issue, but … wish to express my outrage at the garish McMansion-style renovation taking place. It completely clashes with the scale and character of the quaint, postwar, middle-class neighborhood surrounding it. Thank you for indulging.
- Highland Il - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:31 pm:
When I was an elected official. I found a union contractor to work on my house.
- Ahoy! - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:40 pm:
Call me civil, but I think someone’s home is off limits. This is bad form by the unions.
- Fax Machine - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:41 pm:
Indeed you are right - Marwig is in picture 3 & 5 holding the red umbrella. Wow, that’s dumb on her part.
For the life of me, I have no idea why the unions want to waste another 7 figures on her to get blown out again.
- West Sider - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:41 pm:
Speaking as a retired non union remodeling contractor, it’s totally fair. If every tradesman (speaking non gender specifically) on every job had a card, it would be a better, safer city and state with a uniform standard for craft. His low price comes at the expense of the craftsmen’s health, safty, and pentions.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:41 pm:
–..with their patriotic van, are the antithesis of American values with this stunt.–
Is that bad? It sounds serious.
Who would be the thesis and synthesis in your dialectic method, CDog Hegel?
- Peorgie Tirebiter - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:46 pm:
The bread you eat is the song you sing. If you take Union money you should use Union contractors
- Oh Boy - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:46 pm:
This is not flattering for Chicago unions who can be perceived as thuggish. Fosters the stereotype.
This seems like something that would have happened in 1972.
Bad judgment and it feels counterproductive.
- Wrigleyville Willy - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:51 pm:
Yes, harassing someones family and children is popular among voters…
- Fax Machine - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:51 pm:
With all the police & Firemen in the 41st ward how do you not find one to run against McAuliffe? Re-running Marwig is a very troubling sign to me & shows there is a lot of rot at the top of DPI. They know this is a target & they will be investing over a Million in this race & they go with the same person who got blown out in 2016? Do they have any idea how to recruit & vet candidates any more?
- hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 12:58 pm:
Unions need a better strategy than the inflatable rat to win people’s hearts and minds to the union cause.
They need the public to have a consciousness to the interests of labor being distinct from the interests of capital or labor’s power is just gonna keep on eroding.
I dont know if the answer is to fund their own think tanks or endowed college professor economics chairs, or do more stuff like buying the Sun-Times, but in the marketplace of ideas labor is woefully underrepresented and labor leaders who cant think of anything better than trotting out an inflatable rat need to be replaced by new leadership in the movement.
- Stand Tall - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 1:04 pm:
Maybe they should worry about all the trade union people that are working on the side after hours for cash.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 1:08 pm:
If the unions think this is going to somehow turn his neighborhood against him, it’s a dumb move. His neighbors may be big Union people, but they’re also bigger McAuliffe people.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 1:08 pm:
===but they’re also bigger McAuliffe people===
Then there’s no risk.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 1:10 pm:
==With all the police & Firemen in the 41st ward how do you not find one to run against McAuliffe?==
It’s hard to find someone to run against a person they like.
- Donnie - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 1:25 pm:
==His low price comes at the expense of the craftsmen’s health, safty, and pentions.==
As a self admitted retired non union contractor, did your career come at the expense of health and safety?
- Mikey - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 1:34 pm:
I know many union members that will demand union contractors on the job so the “workers” will get the fair wages but will not use union on their own home projects
- Reality Check - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 1:35 pm:
IMO it is fair game, but that does not make it wise. I don’t believe that these tactics help win more people to your cause, whether that is creating jobs for union-represented craftspeople or defeating McAuliffe.
- JS Mill - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 1:48 pm:
I think it is wrong. They could have put up the rat at his office if they wanted. I think this makes unions look bad not good.
We don’t require union labor on our projects and that has led to some conflict with unions at times. They often claim that we are taking jobs away from people or money out of the state/county. I want to laugh but I try to make it my practice not to enflame the situation. I failed on one occasion when one of my unions visitors happened to be someone that did a side job at my house for cash about six months earlier. I questioned his convictions and shared/reminded hime of his prior work. They have not been back.
- 20th district labor supporter - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 1:50 pm:
McAuliffe was a 20yr supporter of unions then took Rauners money effectively turning his back on all those who supported him many years. Shouldn’t picket his house or kids school? Mike put on your big boy pants and take your medice like a man.
- Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 2:00 pm:
How can you legally put a giant inflatable rat on the parkway in front someone’s house?
Can someone just pitch a tent and then stand around all day on the parkway in front of someone’s house?
That has to violate some disturbing the peace ordinance.
I guess we know why they are called thugs.
- Generic Drone - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 2:08 pm:
Leave the kids out of it. Period.
- West Side the Best Side - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 2:23 pm:
What if you’ve got a small job and got “a guy” or go DIY, will the rat show up then?
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 2:26 pm:
Thug, noun, a violent person, especially a criminal.
I bet those bouncy castles scare the stuff out of you at block parties, LP.
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 3:18 pm:
Look OW, the Troll Farm just popped out from under the bridge.
Everyone has the right to express their opinion, but these folks are crossing the line when they drag the family into a political discussion. Way to give the union haters some cannon fodder, knuckleheads.
- Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 3:21 pm:
in urban dictionary
union thug
a skilled yet uneducated tradesman who uses physical intimidation and loud voices to scare others (namely employers) into not firing them.
union thugs refuse to adopt modern technology that would likely make their jobs easier, safer, and less costly, due to the fear of being replaced by said technology.
They also have a Facebook page and a cool line of sportswear where they wear the name proudly. Check it out
- Anon - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 3:22 pm:
So taking money from some group or person means you have to vote how they want every time? Boy, this is quite a wake up call for those demanding R legislators vote for legislation opposed by Rauner. Their efforts are for naught. Real shame.
- Shemp - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 3:27 pm:
I usually ask around for references from those in the know when I hire a home contractor. I don’t ask whether or not they are card carrying.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 3:44 pm:
LP, thanks for the urban dictionary cite.
Care to expand on the urban dictionary definition for “Lucky Pierre?”
- Albany Park Patriot - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 3:45 pm:
If he didn’t like it and if it advantaged him, he wouldn’t say anything.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 3:45 pm:
===Care to expand on the urban dictionary definition for “Lucky Pierre?” ===
Let’s not.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 3:46 pm:
Didn’t take long for this one to get ugly and personal.
- Anon - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 3:59 pm:
Merry for 3 years has attacked the state Rep on his fundraising however she forgets where she gets her money from?
- Augie - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 4:02 pm:
Job actions always create different opinions weather its a home or commercial work.
Only union contractors work on my house, and there are numerous small union home builders and remodel companies in my neck of the woods.
- Bruce (no not him) - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 4:04 pm:
“demonstrated a new low in politics”
Oh, we haven’t even touched the bottom.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 4:30 pm:
I remember the rat appearing at a small doctor’s office that was being remodeled. Even in an area that is fairly pro-union, it seemed like too much to many of my friends, and we are not necessarily anti-union. Save the rat for a Wal-Mart or something.
- DJ - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 4:32 pm:
Well REP> Dave Severin (R) from Benton IL flipped- flopped on override vote and voted against. Then he said he wouldn’t be available for interview for one week. Bring that rat down here.
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 4:39 pm:
OMG word.
- Amalia - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 5:02 pm:
it really is not easy finding union workers for home projects. but good to know that Marwig has decided to be present. showing up just at election time is her speciality.
- Union Fan - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 5:33 pm:
I hope the representative supports working families over Gov Rauner in the future.
- Chicago 20 - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 5:34 pm:
John Oliver is completely correct.
Here we have a story about an elected State Representative who decided to hire non-union contractors with questionable reviews, and questionably trained employees to completely re-build a house.
Some of the unions who train workers to perform this work decided to protest this Representative’s choice in contractors, the fact that they pay their employees substandard wages and McAuliffe’s voting record as of late.
Some of the comments that followed the story delegitimized the story and then tried to add whataboutisms to further delegitimize and refocus the story on urban legends, hearsay testimonials and outright baseless name calling.
Last we have the trolls who only have one objective. To irritate anyone whoever may read the story and have an informed opinion to offer.
The bottom line is McAuliffe has made his decisions and those decisions have consequences.
- Joe Plumber - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 5:44 pm:
You take union money for your campaign. Tell people that you back and support unions. Then vote against unions and use non union contractors on your home. What does he expect? Did he think they would be showing up with more checks for his cauffers?
- Trapped in IL - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 6:12 pm:
$75/hour plus insurance versus $35/hour. No brainer. IL union benefits costs are more than most states’ hourly wages. I would never use union labor on a small private job; it doesn’t make fiduciary sense and the unions need to realize this…they are losing market share.
- Anon - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 6:54 pm:
i believe that there is a typo in McAuliffe’s statement. A difference of “opinion” or a difference of “option?” As written, a difference of option makes no sense. It should read difference of opinion, right? If so, I find it hilarious that McAuliffe and his staff write how he speaks.
- Stanley - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 6:59 pm:
If I’m having my friend, who is a union electrician do some work for me in the weekend, are they gonna send the rat to my house?
- Mike - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 7:22 pm:
Stanley. I highly doubt it. First it’s a friend not a nonunion company
- Mike - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 7:35 pm:
Illinois State Rep Michael P. McAuliffe is using non-union VIP-Tech electric to completely rebuild his house on the northwest side of the city. Representative McAuliffe who was once a friend of labor and the middle class, has not only turned his back on organized labor and the middle class while voting on critical issues in Springfield but has now turned his back on us on the job sites. VIP Tech Electric does not pay the area standards to their electricians. This building is totally gutted and no one is living there, it’s a construction site, no wife no kids, Representative McAuliffe is bought and payed for by Rauner. I’m thinking Representative McAuliffes Father is spinning in his grave about now. SHAME
- Neighbors - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 7:36 pm:
Representative McAuliffe. Your Father is spinning in his grave about now
- Mike - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 7:44 pm:
Illinois State Rep Michael P. McAuliffe using non union contractors to build his house on the Northwest Side of the City.
VIP Tech is the electrical contractor. This is a construction site. No family is living in the house. It’s completely gutted.
Representative McAuliffe who was once a friend of Organized Labor and the Middle Class has not only turned his back on us in Springfield during crucial votes but has now turned his back on us on job sites.
VIP Tech does not pay area standards to its electricians and based on online reviews is a little shady.
McAuliffe is Rauners little puppet now. Bought and payed for from the looks of the house. SHAME
- Neighbors - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 7:52 pm:
This house is completely gutted and no one is living there. Therefore another false statement from representative McAuliffe
- Responsa - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 8:14 pm:
For many clear-eyed people the message the rat is sending is “we (union) thought we bought you, McAuliffe, but you didn’t stay bought”. Is this really the perception of union politics and leverage with legislators that they want out there for the already cynical public to come away with?
- Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Nov 15, 17 @ 11:30 pm:
VIP Tech is a Des Plaines electrical contractor rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau. They have zero complaints on file and they employ working, middle class families.
This is what we are dealing with in Illinois. An intersection between
union labor and democratic politicians that wants to criminalize hiring non union workers.
Union Labor does need Governor Rauner to destroy it, they are doing it to themselves.
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Nov 16, 17 @ 12:32 am:
A private house will not be worth what it cost to build if the labor is more than twice as expensive as the market rate
A completely gutted house that is being rebuilt is a little different than having a union plumber come over to install a hot water tank.
Do the guys working on this house not count as middle class?
Unions shouldn’t worry about Governors Rauner putting them out of business, with tactics like this they are doing it to themselves.
The intersection of Democrats and organized labor is toxic. They voted to criminalize local officials hiring non union labor
- Anonymous - Thursday, Nov 16, 17 @ 7:05 am:
The going rate is the going rate. The difference is if the owner gets a new boat every year or the workers get a good wage
- Anonymous - Thursday, Nov 16, 17 @ 7:11 am:
It’s may be his house but he does not live there
- Small Business Woman - Thursday, Nov 16, 17 @ 9:45 am:
Fax Machine - Indeed you are right - Marwig is in picture 3 & 5 holding the red umbrella. Wow, that’s dumb on her part.
I saw her standing in the street waving and smiling, trying to stop motorists, further disrupting people going to work. Where does SHE work? She says small business woman? She never says exactly what it is that she does. What has she done that makes her qualified to represent the 20th district? Nobody around here knows. But then, she’s not from around here.
- Neighbors - Thursday, Nov 16, 17 @ 12:35 pm:
Pierre we can all find something