Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Mendoza responds *** Rauner on Mendoza: “She is such a puppet for Madigan”
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*** UPDATED x1 - Mendoza responds *** Rauner on Mendoza: “She is such a puppet for Madigan”

Wednesday, Nov 29, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Gov. Rauner’s appearance on WJPF Radio today

Tom Miller: Governor, I spoke with Comptroller Mendoza last Friday and it’s the governor’s fault that we’re spending too much money. [Rauner laughs] And, you know, they say ‘Look, the governor has extraordinary capability to cut. If he wants to cut, why isn’t he cutting?’ [Rauner laughs] Isn’t that a situation where you cannot win, because if you go out and cut, then they’ll go ‘Oh, look what he’s done’ [Rauner laughs] and if you don’t cut, they go “Oh, look what he’s done’?

Before we get to the governor’s response, the politics are the politics. All governors everywhere are in this trick bag. That’s why you gotta sometimes do things that aren’t popular if you occupy the big chair. It isn’t fun, but that’s the job. And if you can’t handle the job, then let somebody else do it.

* Anyway, on to the governor’s retort

Gov. Rauner: Yeah, it’s such a bunch of horse manure. I mean, this, she is, she is such a puppet for Madigan. And, she, all she does is put out there baloney that he tells her to put out.

You know, in today’s environment, saying stuff like that about a statewide elected official who has a mind of her own is treading a very dangerous line. Just sayin…

*** UPDATE *** Comptroller Mendoza…

Sorry for the delay in paying attention to this. I was busy trying to manage through the backlog of unpaid bills that Gov. Rauner more than tripled since taking office.

On behalf of the 12 million+ people that I was elected to serve and to whom I am accountable, I am still waiting for Gov. Rauner to answer my question:

Why did you spend $2.8 billion in unauthorized spending and how much will your Rauner Tax cost the people of Illinois in order to pay for your deficit spending?

Focus. Governor. Focus.

In case you missed it a while back, the “focus” comment is explained here.

…Adding… Words have consequences…

…Adding More… GOP Rep. Dave McSweeney…

Another day in the alternate reality of Bruce Rauner. Instead of personally attacking female elected officials, the Governor should focus on addressing the $2.8 billion Fiscal Year 17 deficit that he hid from the people of Illinois for months.

…Adding Still More… Sen. Toi Hutchinson…

Even now in this heightened awareness about sexism and women in politics and government, Rauner is still jumping at the chance to spew dismissive rhetoric about a credible and capable woman in government. Debate is cool. Do it on the merits.

* More Rauner

The reality is, Madigan has been in charge of our state for 35 years. And every year he’s been in charge, we’ve run deficits. We always spend more than we bring in and we don’t fund our pensions like we should, and I pushed to fund our pensions properly. We regulate the heck out of our businesses and they leave. And we’re in this long, slow decline and it’s been crushin’ southern Illinois. And I’m outraged about it.

And Mendoza, when she spins that kind of baloney, they have been in charge, they overrode my veto. I put out a balanced budget proposal, they overrode, uh, ignored it, passed an unbalanced budget, I vetoed it, they overrode me. And my answer is, we gotta get these guys out of office. That’s why this next election cycle matters so much.


  1. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 2:56 pm:

    That kind of blatant sexism merits a resignation.

  2. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 2:58 pm:

    ==I put out a balanced budget proposal==

    Umm, no, you didn’t. Putting out a budget with a plug number to balance it isn’t a balanced budget. If it were truly balanced you would have put out a revenue stream, identified cuts, or both. You didn’t. Balanced? I don’t think so.

    And by the way Governor, your little stunt now of saying you want to roll back the tax hike isn’t going to produced a balanced budget either unless you put on your big boy pants and tell everyone how you intend to balance the budget with the pre tax increase tax revenues.

  3. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 2:59 pm:

    – I put out a balanced budget proposal, … –

    I believe the official politifact ruling on that claim was “Pants on Fire”

  4. - Whatever - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 2:59 pm:

    From the very first paragraph of the “statement of the case,” the brief makes it clear that Janus’ complaint is based on his claim that he does not want the union to represent him, that is, to speak for him. His legal complaint is not about having to pay for something he receives, it is that he doesn’t want to receive it. If he is successful on this argument, the court will have to hold that the law cannot compel the union to bargain for him or represent him in any way, so he won’t have to pay for anything. But then when the next collective bargaining agreement says that union members have to be paid at least as much as nonunion members doing the same job, and nonunion members have to be laid off first, etc., we’ll see how many state employees opt out of the union.

  5. - Whatever - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:01 pm:

    Sorry, that was supposed to be in the Janus story.

  6. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:05 pm:

    –Isn’t that a situation where you cannot win, because if you go out and cut, then they’ll go ‘Oh, look what he’s done’ [Rauner laughs] and if you don’t cut, they go “Oh, look what he’s done’?–

    Yes. You should have seen that coming. It’s called your job. What were your expectations, lots of easy decisions and general adulation?

    Dude, if you believe you can’t win, maybe you should just quit. I wouldn’t hold it against you.

  7. - The Captain - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:10 pm:

    Tall guy, but such a small man. I’m embarrassed to share his gender.

  8. - RNUG - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:11 pm:

    == … and I pushed to fund our pensions properly. ==

    While also trying to gut and negate pension protection …

  9. - Saluki - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:11 pm:

    It might be sexism if Rauner didn’t call nearly everyone a puppet of Mike Madigan. Sometimes there are no black helicopters.

  10. - Norseman - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:13 pm:

    What a hoot, that Rauner is such a … artist. The only puppet we had as comptroller is the former one who works for the puppeteer.

  11. - PJ - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:16 pm:

    ===It might be sexism if Rauner didn’t call nearly everyone a puppet of Mike Madigan.===

    Actually, that’s not quite true. Some folks get elevated to the status of Madigan “crony” or “partner in crime” or whatever. That at least insinuates that they’re in it together.

    Saying that she’s straight up his “puppet” is just offensive. And while he may not have intended it to be a slight against women, you can’t blame women in power for noticing that the Governor is positing the female comptroller as Madigan’s literal plaything.

  12. - Evanstonian - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:19 pm:

    I do enjoy that Rep. Women Respecter McSweeney thinks Rauner is being sexist but has no problem forcing poor women to have babies against their will.

  13. - Rabid - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:22 pm:

    i don’t see how calling someone a bank robber, road apples, or a puppet, champions your agenda

  14. - TooFar - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:27 pm:

    To allege sexism in this case of typical political criticism is to diminish and disrespect actual cases of sexism that are rampant in many places. Shameful. Opportunistic and shameful.

  15. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:30 pm:

    “tell everyone how you intend to balance the budget with the pre tax increase tax revenues”

    Through the magic beans of anti-worker policies like repealing the prevailing wage locally, and term limits. Then revenue will come pouring in from all the jobs created.

  16. - Team America - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:31 pm:

    Good thing no one ever cast Leslie Munger in that light. Oh, wait:

    In the 2016 special election to fill the remainder of Topinka’s original term, challenger – and ultimate victor – Susana Mendoza repeatedly painted Munger as Rauner’s puppet.

    “Frankly it’s Gov. Rauner who is running this office,” Mendoza said during an October 2016 forum on Chicago Tonight. “She just accepted – from the person who she’s supposed to be a checks and balances to – last week a check for $1 million.”

  17. - Say What? - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:32 pm:

    Mendoza has issued more statements than any of her predecessors who served as Comptroller or at least she has been quoted much more often.

  18. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:34 pm:

    ===Opportunistic and shameful===

    Let me guess, you’re a man.

    How would you react if Democrats referred to Diana Rauner as Bruce Rauner’s puppet? That she only got to lead Ounce because of her relationship to him? Do you know why no one ever says that? Because it’s not true, just as its not true that Mendoza is a Madigan puppet. It’s also sexist and insulting. But mostly it is just plain wrong.

  19. - NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:35 pm:

    Oh to hear the all the wise ones hear who want to posit Mendoza as her own agent. You may not like Rauner but he wasn’t demeaning her gender just her independence. Of course she is working with Madigan. They have the same goal-eliminate Rauner.

  20. - Jocko - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:36 pm:

    Bruce must think life is a never-ending “Family Circus” comic, with “Not Me Madigan” lurking around every corner.

  21. - Honeybadger - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:44 pm:

    Seriously, is he trying to out-trump Trump with his ridiculous comments? My God, everytime he opens his mouth, something stupid comes out. Is this the re-branding Diana was looking for? Sheesh

  22. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:45 pm:

    ==Of course she is working with Madigan.==

    And if Rauner had said the thing that’s easier to defend, that’d be one thing. But he didn’t say she’s “working with Madigan”, he said “she is such a puppet for Madigan.”

    Engage with the world as it is, not as you wish it would be.

  23. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:46 pm:

    The only explanation for criticizing the most partisan Comptroller in Illinois history is sexism?

    Identity politics at it’s worst. As f the constitutional

    Mendoza certainly doesn’t have a problem dishing out personal, political insults. Apparently taking them is a problem

  24. - People Over Parties - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:47 pm:

    Rauner wasn’t questioning Mendoza’s independence because she’s a woman. That’s a stretch, but all the Rauner-haters will happily embrace it because they already wanted him gone. I’m sure they never said the same thing about Munger..

  25. - Moe Berg - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:52 pm:

    Evanstonian: I’m a strong supporter and donor for reproductive rights. Your idea that McSweeney can’t criticize Rauner for being sexist because McSweeney is pro-life displays a zealotry that isn’t helpful and reflects a very cloistered view of good politics. Take allies where you can get them. That’s how coalitions to do worthwhile things are built.

    You and I may disagree with the pro-life perspective, but it’s a legitimate moral view that doesn’t invalidate views an individual may have about other issues affecting women. Also, McSweeney is pro-life when it comes to all women, poor has nothing to do with it. His HB 40 vote was consistent with his overall position on the issue.

    Just a guess that you’ve spent a decent amount of time decrying Trump for his divisiveness. McSweeney has been an example of someone who has built bridges with Democrats on a variety of issues. And, the fact that he has been willing to consistently criticize a Republican governor ought to count for something, too.

  26. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:54 pm:

    ===Rauner wasn’t questioning Mendoza’s independence because she’s a woman===

    Nah, he just said she “put out” for Madigan. No biggie.

    Nobody gets singled out by Rauner like she does.

  27. - Roman - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:55 pm:

    This is where Jeanne Ives should pounce — and I’m not referring to the sexism charge.

    This is where she answers the “how would you deal with Madigan differently” question. She should parrot Mendoza: “the governor has extraordinarily powers to cut…he has the constitutional authority to not spend money the General Assembly appropriates. But Rauner doesn’t have the guts to cut Madigan’s spending. I do.”

  28. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:55 pm:

    ===Rauner wasn’t questioning Mendoza’s independence because she’s a woman. That’s a stretch…===

    Not really. The language isn’t dismissive of the gender issue, it does allow the framing to be part and parcel. It’s Rauner’s own choice to use the words he does.

    ===…all the Rauner-haters will happily embrace it because they already wanted him gone.===

    Rauner apologists like yourself think Rauner doesn’t deserve the scrutiny Rauner gets, so its really about the “haters”

    Give me a break, lol

  29. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:57 pm:

    Keep letting him and his defenders make that argument. There’s a correction to it where more women than men show up usually

  30. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 3:57 pm:

    ==Mendoza certainly doesn’t have a problem dishing out personal, political insults. Apparently taking them is a problem==

    Looks to me like she’s doing just fine taking them, since she’s already turned this one around to clown Ya Boy.

  31. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:00 pm:

    ==Nobody gets singled out by Rauner like she does.==

    That Rauner is so bothered by a woman challenging him indicates that the Democrats missed an opportunity with no woman running for Governor.

  32. - Evanstonian - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:03 pm:

    Moe: Actually, it doesn’t sound like we agree on choice. Like, at all.

  33. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:04 pm:

    ===Apparently taking them is a problem===

    She hasn’t responded to my request for comment.

  34. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:05 pm:

    ==Nah, he just said she “put out” for Madigan. No biggie.==

    That seems like an absurd read of the comment to me. Saying someone “put out” information isn’t even in the same ballpark as what you’re insinuating.

  35. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:05 pm:

    Good lord with you guys. You start the week claiming the Uhlein story is no big deal, now you claim Rauner isn’t technically a sexist pig. Maybe you should take the rest of the week off from commenting?

  36. - People Over Parties - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:08 pm:

    ===Rauner apologists like yourself===

    There’s a pretty long list of criticisms I have for this governor, but any defense makes me an apologist? Just because I may be “against” something doesn’t make me automatically “for” something else.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:08 pm:

    ===…hey overrode my veto. I put out a balanced budget proposal, they overrode, uh, ignored it, passed an unbalanced budget, I vetoed it, they overrode me.===


    That Rauner, he’s clueless to even even what was done to him, and if it was good or bad.

    What a pathetic governor.

  38. - Name Withheld - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:10 pm:

    It’s funny how the Governor seems to have issues with the women who hold office (Comptroller and Attorney General) - by painting them as puppets of a man - while avoiding criticism of the Treasurer and the Secretary of State.

    I think the Governor has a case of puppet envy.

  39. - Pundent - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:10 pm:

    =The only explanation for criticizing the most partisan Comptroller in Illinois history is sexism?=

    I know she’s practically Madigan’s “wingman”. Oh wait, I think I’ve got her confused with someone else.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:10 pm:

    ===There’s a pretty long list of criticisms I have for this governor…===


    Hmm. Seems to me, the comment I cited where you talk of.., what was it… “Rauner haters”… you seem willing to defend him.

    Did I miss your criticisms?

    Where would I find them?

  41. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:14 pm:

    I don’t know. My guess is that the Guv would have said the same thing if Mendoza was male, and still did all the things that drives him nuts. But as a white male, I shouldn’t comment.

    The Guv and his crew have always gone after her really hard. And low (guacamole delivery?).

  42. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:16 pm:

    Yeah Lucky, and when Munger sent her guacamole there was no ethnic angle.

  43. - Name Withheld - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:18 pm:

    ==The only explanation for criticizing the most partisan Comptroller in Illinois history is sexism?==

    Facts please on how that ranking was determined. Or are you just making up stuff again?

  44. - Telly - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:18 pm:

    I don’t think that Rauner’s criticism of Mendoza is sexist…but it is politically stupid.

    Attack Madigan all you want. That’s good politics. Attacking an up-and-coming Latina? That’s bad politics, particularly if your trying to appeal to moderate female voters — which is kinda the centerpiece of his post-HB40 campaign, right?

  45. - Emily Miller - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:19 pm:

    ===To allege sexism in this case of typical political criticism is to diminish and disrespect actual cases of sexism that are rampant in many places. Shameful. Opportunistic and shameful.===

    Political criticism can be smart. It can be cutting. It can be strategic. And it can be all those things without being sexist. The Governor failed here.

    Governor Rauner seems not to have a handle on how to navigate the reality that there is a smart, capable woman who speaks her mind who he must go toe to toe with. It’s tough to be quick on your feet with her- she moves fast. He’s got to learn how to respond without falling back on the easy thing, which is the sexist thing.

    I know he struggles with this. It was audible when, during a radio interview, he couldn’t muster the courage to stand up to a reporter who suggested he tape Mendoza’s mouth shut with duct tape. Remember that? Either he laughed or he moved on, but what he did not do was say, “Actually, we have significant policy and political differences, but it’s inappropriate to suggest that violence against women is an option, even in jest.”

    He’s got a track record here. This is not crying wolf. This is what patterns of sexism look like. If you’re not comfortable with that, you’re in for a bumpy ride cause I think we’re going to be spending a lot of time unpacking systemic sexism in the months to come.

  46. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:23 pm:

    ===Mendoza has issued more statements than any of her predecessors===

    Not sure if that’s true, but I’ll stipulate and ask how that’s relevant here?

  47. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:24 pm:

    ==Identity politics at it’s worst==

    Says the guy who is clearly part of the Rauner identity.

    You’re not real good at the whole honesty thing.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:25 pm:

    ===when Munger sent her guacamole there was no ethnic angle.===

    No. It was in an ad. A “Seinfeld” type ad, and where “Seinfeld”, arguably one of the funniest shows all-time used white French onion dip, Munger thought she was “funnier”, because guacamole is funny… or it it only funny when…

    Munger owns that. She signed off on the ad. It’s who she is now.

  49. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:32 pm:

    I don’t get this strategy. Wouldn’t it be arguably more effective to say she is a smart, capable, independent thinker yet still voted for all those unbalanced budgets? Calling her a puppet rightfully raises the spectre of sexism. Better to say that for someone who is such a fiscal hawk now where was that attitude before?

  50. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:33 pm:

    Just so we’re clear: Calling a female politician beholden or subservient to the political demands of a male party leader — on either side — is sexist?

    What if they, y’know, are? Would say the same of the ILGOP regardless of gender. This is silly.

  51. - Just Observing - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:36 pm:

    I’m in no way on Team Rauner, but I really don’t find his comments sexist. Incorrect or absurd maybe.

  52. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:38 pm:

    ==What if they, y’know, are?==

    How did Kwame calling Erika Harold “Miss America” go? She, y’know, was Miss America. And yet…

  53. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:38 pm:

    ===Of course she is working with Madigan. They have the same goal-eliminate Rauner.===

    So I guess that makes Ives a Madigan “puppet” too?

  54. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:40 pm:

    ==while avoiding criticism of the Treasurer and the Secretary of State==

    Well, he (or ILGOP, but who cares) did call Jesse “Madigan’s patronage chief.

    But: 1) I see the real difference between calling someone a “puppet” and a “patronage chief”; and 2) Like, a week later, Rauner tweeted something praising White. So there are some key differences.

  55. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:42 pm:

    ===Calling a female politician beholden or subservient===

    Try to keep up. He called her a puppet.

  56. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:47 pm:

    Rauner’s not very good at this. He needs to take a page from Donald Trump. Be original. He could have called her Madigan’s Lamb Chop or Madigan’s Charlie McCarthy.

  57. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:47 pm:

    Mendoza had someone drive for a couple of hours to deliver guacamole and chips because she was accused of double dipping. Is that sexist or racist or just petty?

    Now she is lecturing about balanced budgets even though during her decade in the GA not a single budget was balanced. She admitted this to the Tribune editorial board and defended shorting the pensions

    Now she is above any criticism and denies even speaking to Madigan any more. Do you find her credible?

  58. - Chicago 20 - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:50 pm:

    Does this mean Rauner puts out for the Koch brothers?

  59. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:54 pm:


    ===Mendoza had someone drive for a couple of hours to deliver guacamole and chips because she was accused of double dipping. Is that sexist or racist or just petty?===

    1) Context - it was after Mendoza defeated Munger, and after the ad.

    2) You may call it petty, sure, but served cold, and I ha e no problem in that context.

    ===Now she is lecturing about balanced budgets even though during her decade in the GA not a single budget was balanced. She admitted this to the Tribune editorial board and defended shorting the pensions===

    1) Raunerite talking point. Tired, “decades”, “what about”

    2) Not addressing the reality of Rauner not having a budget, running up debt, destroying social services and higher education, that’s all on Rauner.

    Pick a name. You sound like - Lucky Pierre -

  60. - DarkHorse - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:59 pm:

    Just a matter of time till Rauner pressures his AG pick to vouch for the Gov being supportive of women.

  61. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 4:59 pm:

    ==Now she is lecturing about balanced budgets==

    Is she wrong about the bill backlog or the unauthorized spending?

  62. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 5:09 pm:

    ===In the 2016 special election to fill the remainder of Topinka’s original term, challenger – and ultimate victor – Susana Mendoza repeatedly painted Munger as Rauner’s puppet.===

    WTTW claimed that, not Mendoza - at least, not in that piece. I haven’t yet been able to find an actual quotation where Mendoza used that exact word about Munger. Maybe you could. But make sure it’s a quote and not some reporter’s musings.

  63. - RNUG - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 5:11 pm:

    == Mendoza has issued more statements than any of her predecessors who served as Comptroller or at least she has been quoted much more often. ==

    Um … Judy wasn’t exactly silent.

  64. - Pundent - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 5:19 pm:

    Not that there should be any doubt, but Mendoza’s response clearly shows that she’s no puppet of Madigan. There’s absolutely no way that he or his press shop would have been able to come up with such a biting reply.

    If anything Rauner should learn that he needs to steer clear of these interactions with Mendoza. I’ve yet to see one where he did end up taking a beating in her reply (and by no means am I advocating violence in that observation).

  65. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 5:47 pm:

    ==How did Kwame calling Erika Harold “Miss America” go? She, y’know, was Miss America. And yet…==

    Good point. Many of these same commenters flipped out over how sexist Kwame’s statement was, but this …. meh!

  66. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 5:59 pm:

    How many Koch bros retreats has Comptroller Mendoza been to?

  67. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 6:09 pm:

    I met Mendoza recently at a function in Chicago, where she was informally talking to a small group of people. Thought she was a bit of a loudmouth.
    Hers should be a non-partisan government position. And both Guv and her should not take each other’s bait and leave each other alone.

  68. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 6:25 pm:

    ==Hers should be a non-partisan government position.==

    Well, it’s not. Party affiliation was right there on the ballot.

  69. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 6:54 pm:

    Yes let’s all just stand down and be nice to each other. It’s called politics. Maybe you want to find a discussion group for guest etiquette at quiet gatherings.

  70. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 7:14 pm:

    –Why did you spend $2.8 billion in unauthorized spending …–

    That’s a reasonable question that any governor should have to answer.

    Somebody at BTIA(TM) should see if they can come up with answer and tell him. Given Rauner’s record in office, I doubt very much that he has a clue on the subject.

  71. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 7:46 pm:

    Boy oh boy. I do work and miss the blog for an afternoon and wow - it’s almost Trumpian. Comptroller Mendoza has done a phenomenal job holding the governor’s feet to the fire. He doesn’t like it and responds with this blatantly sexist nonsense.

    The problem for a Rauner is that while indeed she has been supported by the Speaker at times, she’s so clearly been an independent actor since she’s been in office. She’s actually way way way better at this kind of thing than the Speaker. She’s politically smarter, funnier and more incisive in this context and it drives Rauner bonkers. He pathetically responds with this sexist nonsense.

    Face it Bruce, you just can’t handle Mendoza so you revert to the playground…just like the president you refuse to criticize.

  72. - Cmon Man - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 7:58 pm:

    - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 21, 17 @ 9:10 am:

    Avery Bourne lacks any credibility of having her own thoughts.

    Imagine if BVR said that about Mendoza.

  73. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 8:02 pm:

    - Cmon Man -, lol…

    ===- Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 21, 17 @ 9:10 am

    Avery Bourne lacks any credibility of having her own thoughts.

    Time after time, Avery Bourne, like a programmed Raunerite, is far more concerned about keeping Bruce and Diana Rauner happy, than serving her constituents, or looking out for the betterment of the state.

    For someone who could be a thoughtful leader and a rising star, Avery Bourne is a seat warming Raunerite, will to vote any way she’s told, and say anything that is required.

    Bourne is a colossal disappointment for someone who has such promise===

    Where is the word “puppet”?

  74. - charlie wheeler - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 8:19 pm:

    Points of Information re MJM budget history (repeated from 6/23/17):

    Gov. Rauner– “He (Madigan) had control of the spending through the General Assembly majority for 35 of the years .”

    Senate President, 1993-2003: James “Pate” Philip, R-Wood Dale.

    House Speaker, 1995-1997: Lee A. Daniels, R-Elmhurst.

    Gov. Rauner– “Illinois has never had a true balanced budget during those 35 years.”

    Illinois ended its fiscal year with a budgetary surplus (GF available balance > lapse period spending) in 7 of the previous 35 years: 1985, 1989, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001.

    Illinois had balanced budgets (current year GF spending less than current year GF revenues) in 20 of those years, as measured by declining budgetary deficits.

    If unfunded pension liabilities are included, Illinois likely has never had a balanced budget since the state assumed responsibility for certain public employees’ retirement benefits a century ago. Nor is the state likely to have a balanced budget under this concept for the foreseeable future, as the unfunded liabilities totaled $126.5 billion as of 6/30/16, roughly four times the estimated revenues for FY 2018.

    Sources: Illinois Blue Books, Illinois Comptroller Reports, Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability.

    Charlie Wheeler

  75. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 8:28 pm:

    1) Charlie Wheeler rocks. Always learning from you.

    2) Let me clarify, like crystal-clear clarify.

    “I don’t want any $&@#% problems”

    If you had to ask me, I could point to that is my thinking, my thinking being, as I’ve stated…

    Rauner holds hostage Raunerites in the GA.

    They (GOP GA members) are held hostage to vote against their districts, the state, even their own beliefs. If anything, Bourne, who, “time after time”, as I point out, is held hostage from her own thoughts.

    A puppet doesn’t worry about causing “$&@#% problems”.


  76. - charlie wheeler - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 8:41 pm:

    Point of Information re Comptrollers vs. Governors:

    Comptroller Susana Mendoza’s ongoing criticism of Gov. Bruce Rauner’s fiscal policies follows a time-established pattern of an adversarial relationship between the state’s chief fiscal officer and the state’s chief executive, usually involving state budget and finance issues.

    Among her more outspoken predecessors and their targets–

    – Democrat Michael Bakalis (1977-79) vs. Republican James Thompson
    – Democrat Roland Burris (1979-91) vs. Thompson and Republican Jim Edgar
    – Democrat Dawn Clark Netsch (1991-95) vs. Edgar
    – Democrat Dan Hynes (1999-2011) vs. Edgar, Republican George Ryan, Democrat Rod Blagojevich, and Democrat Pat Quinn
    – Republican Judy Baar Topinka vs. Quinn

    Bakalis, Burris, Netsch, Hynes, and Topinka all sought unsuccessfully the office of governor.

    Charlie Wheeler (with apologies for a second post on the same thread)

  77. - Norseman - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 8:52 pm:

    Thank you Charlie for sharing the factual information. I always appreciate your work. Unfortunately, factual information is not of concern to Rauner.

  78. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 9:05 pm:

    Mike Madigan and the Charlie Wheeler he controls…

  79. - Someone you should know - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 9:12 pm:

    Charlie, I wish there was a “like” button on your posts, this is why you were one of my favorite professors at UIS, you always told it like it is :)

  80. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Nov 29, 17 @ 11:21 pm:

    Illinois ended its fiscal year with a budgetary surplus (GF available balance > lapse period spending) in 7 of the previous 35 years: 1985, 1989, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001.

    Charlie who took over total control of Springfield in 2002?

    We have not had a balanced budget since but our partisan Comptroller is only blaming Governor Rauner. No criticism of any Democrats and their irresponsible spending and budgeting.

  81. - Former Hillrod - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 12:19 am:

    Hey Mr. Lucky. Did Rauner spend that $2.8 billion without it being appropriated by the legislature or not? Tell us please. Thanks,we all eagerly await your response.

  82. - Rabid - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 3:00 am:

    raunocchio is having his strings pulled

  83. - Rabid - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 3:10 am:

    how many republicans does it take to remove Rauner

  84. - Sgt. Slaughter - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 5:46 am:

    Poor liberals. Always searching for or hoping to be part of a permanent class of victims. So it’s sexism to claim she is a tool of the Speaker? So when the GOP takes on female Dem candidates next year and the line of attack goes to Madigan, then every mailer/commercial etc will be somehow sexist?? This was a political attack by the Governor on a political foe. Spare me the sexism outrage.

  85. - Rabid - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 6:17 am:

    calling miss america, miss america, is as sexist as calling the comptroller the speakers toy

  86. - Rabid - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 6:23 am:

    being a wingman is sexist

  87. - Rabid - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 6:29 am:

    “hope she don’t have a family” is a sexist threat, you don’t say that to a man

  88. - Tired Teacher - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 6:40 am:

    The comptroller is a rock star . She stands up to the Rauner abuse with courage and wit. I wish she was governor.

  89. - Rabid - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 6:47 am:

    “you got that good red dress on .. ” is a clothing complement

  90. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 6:53 am:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    By nearly every measure, Illinois is worse off since Rauner became governor.

    If you’re saying Charlie Wheeler is ignoring “this” or “that”…

    I guess you don’t understand “point of information”

    More and more… you seem over your head on this blog, abs your comments lack a grasping, of what even a well-respected person like Charlie Wheeler brings in his comments.

    Please, add to the discussion.

  91. - Demoralized - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 7:48 am:


    You’re not even in the same league as Charlie Wheeler.

    And your victmhood is getting really old. You argue like a child every time you say “but, but, but everyone is picking on Governor Rauner when it’s all the Democrats fault.” Both childish and dishonest.

  92. - Demoralized - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 7:49 am:

    ==By nearly every measure, Illinois is worse off since Rauner became governor.==

    You have to be honest to acknowledge that.

    None of us have ever said that Madigan and the Democrats don’t share blame. But, I’m really getting sick and tired of this childish argument that Rauner is just a poor little victim

  93. - wordslinger - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 8:49 am:

    LP, Charlie deals in knowledge and facts, and many of them he posted today put tne lie to your insufferably brain dead Island of Misfit Bots talking points.

    Might want to sit this one out, slugger.

  94. - Northsider - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 9:02 am:

    Rabid @ 3 a.m. wins the thread with “Raunoccio.” Gotta get that hashtag trending.

  95. - Jack Kemp - Thursday, Nov 30, 17 @ 9:02 am:

    Is there a particular reason why my comments won’t post? Shedding light on the hypocrisy in this thread is not allowed, I’m assuming?

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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