Circular firing squad holiday battles
Thursday, Dec 21, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller * Leader Durkin dropped another $48K on cable TV to fend off his Dan Proft-backed GOP primary opponent through Christmas… ![]() * The ILGOP also has a holiday themed mailer blasting Durkin’s rival Mickey Straub… ![]() ![]() Heh. * On to the other side. In the 53rd House District Republican primary to replace retiring GOP Rep. David Harris, Dan Proft is backing Katie Miller over Eddie Corrigan. The Democrats have a strong candidate (one of our active commenters, former Rep. Mark Walker) and the Republican powers that be are worried that Miller could lose the seat… * Two Republicans are vying to challenge Rep. Deb Conroy (D-Villa Park). Proft is backing Dr. Jay Kinzler against Roger Orozco… * And in the 110th House District open seat race to replace retiring GOP Rep. Reggie Phillips, Proft is backing Chris Miller against Terry Davis in the Republican primary…
- Perrid - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 2:40 pm:
Hmm. Both Durkin and Straub are saying the other is Madigan’s lapdog…
- wordslinger - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 2:41 pm:
“Proft backing” is a euphemism for “Uihlein money.”
So, a Rauner/Uihlein GOP proxy war for some GA seats.
- DuPage Bard - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 2:48 pm:
So one is a Doctor, another is a Nobody, and the 3rd I’m still not sure what he said.
I’m thinking Proft doesn’t really care about Durkin. He’ll make Durbin spend the money elsewhere while he runs the Dr., the Nobody and the unintelligible.
Smart move.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 2:50 pm:
Proft and Uihlein want their own caucus, as Rauner has his for 3 years.
Ironically, Proft and Uihlein are cutting out the “middle man” Rauner, whom they thought would let them own the political arm by now.
It’s dysfunction for the sake of vanity.
- illini - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 2:53 pm:
I am waiting to see if the really big guns get involved in the Jason Plummer primary campaign for State Senator. He does have 3 opponents.
And with him carrying forward a campaign debt of $1.3 million, he needs a lot of financial help to carry the Rauner message. Right?
- Honeybadger - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 2:54 pm:
How does Durkin think this will help him negotiate with Madigan after he wins the primary?
- Northside City Dweller - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 3:00 pm:
Those three Proft ads are about as painful to watch as anything I’ve seen Proft put out over the years. The messages, the candidates themselves, the voiceovers. Good grief. I’d be truly ashamed if I was any of those three candidates and that’s how I was being presented to people. I didn’t think it was possible to get any worse than last cycle’s ads, but he has figured out a way to prove me wrong.
- DuPage Bard - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 3:07 pm:
Durkin cares about winning. Proft does as well.
While Durkin and his GOP majority protect him, Proft is going to pick up 7 primary races minimum against Durkin backed candidates.
Great move by Proft.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 3:08 pm:
– Proft is going to pick up 7 primary races minimum against Durkin backed candidates.–
Show me.
- DuPage Bard - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 3:25 pm:
Mazzochi, Kinzler, Miller, Miller, Straub (possibly),Grant, Murphy,
That’s seven I think have a chance. not so confident on the Straub. There will be others Proft pushes for and wins. While Durkin plays to win his own race Proft sits alone to win the others.
Proft has fared pretty well in primary’s not so much in generals. that’s why the establishment doesn’t want his people.
The Proft caucus.
- DuPage Bard - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 3:26 pm:
Again very smart move running against Durkin by Proft. The GOP regulars have to be all in on their boss.
- Iggy - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 3:41 pm:
DuPage Bard,
Please go have some more Kool aid at a Jeanne Ives rally. the only seats proft will pick up will be ones where an establishment candidate is not already running.
- Arsenal - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 3:56 pm:
The lack of a Republican primary while the Democrats gouge each other’s eyes out would’ve been a significant advantage. It is now squandered.
- Stan - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 4:01 pm:
-Please go have some more Kool aid at a Jeanne Ives rally. the only seats proft will pick up will be ones where an establishment candidate is not already running.-
That’s 5 of the 7 people he listed. Straub is a big lift in the primary, Kinzler in the general. But if there are a solid 5 at least.
- Dance Band on the Titanic - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 4:04 pm:
Mazzochi is part of the COD “clean slate” team that should face some tough questions regarding the Kathy Hamilton/Chris Roebling hiring scandal.
- DuPage Bard - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 5:18 pm:
The Profit Caucus will be reality come January 2019
- wordslinger - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 6:07 pm:
–The Profit Caucus will be reality come January 2019–
LOL, yeah, Dr. Freud, I’m sure Proft will bank some good Uihlein cash for his mad skills.
What’s the point though, from a governing standpoint?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 7:46 pm:
Boring spots
- Old IVIer - Thursday, Dec 21, 17 @ 10:59 pm:
How does the daughter of longtime Niles Twp GOP Committeeman and oft times candidate Joe Hedrick morph into somebody nobody sent?
Watch for Mark Walker to flip the seat if Miller is the nominee
- Lynn S. - Friday, Dec 22, 17 @ 2:39 am:
Watched the Miller ad because Reggie covers the area where my family farm is from.
Did anyone else notice all the dropped g’s in that ad, along with the mention of a farm, church camp, and I think I saw a rifle, so trying to cover the 2nd Amendment early.
Saddest part: how many folks in the area he’s running in won’t pick up on the fact he’s pandering to them?
- Lynn S. - Friday, Dec 22, 17 @ 2:44 am:
And Proft is backing a doctor and a nurse? That can’t be coincidental, given how Congress is now threatening Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
- Box of rocks - Friday, Dec 22, 17 @ 7:55 am:
Some one said a proxy war… Best place to watch that war play out will be the race for the 42nd I’ll house seat. You have Profit/Uline (sp
- Box of rocks - Friday, Dec 22, 17 @ 8:12 am:
Some one said a proxy war… Best place to watch that war play out will be the race for the 42nd I’ll house seat. You have Profit/Uline (sp) backing Amy Grant, the mini-me of Jeanne. Then you have Mike’s M donkey in a badly fitted elephant skin, RYAN EDWARD BYRNE (check out his campaign consultant… Also Senator Michael Connelly personal ran petions for Ryan… Such is the mushpit of Illinois politics. There is more, it’s going to be a fun show to watch in the 42nd.