Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - ILGOP responds *** Rate Pritzker’s two new TV ads
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*** UPDATED x1 - ILGOP responds *** Rate Pritzker’s two new TV ads

Friday, Jan 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, the JB Pritzker campaign released two new TV ads, “All Ideas” and “Real Change.” The ads highlight how JB and Juliana will beat Bruce Rauner and bring real change to Illinois, and will air in markets across the state.

Throughout the campaign, JB and Juliana have released detailed plans to move Illinois forward, including how they will expand healthcare, grow the economy and create jobs, and support quality childcare and preschool. “All Ideas” features JB and Juliana direct to camera highlighting their plans for Illinois and “Real Change” features supporters sharing JB’s vision and commitment to moving Illinois forward.

“I’m focused on beating Bruce Rauner and getting Illinois back on track,” said JB Pritzker. “Throughout this campaign, I’ve put forward real policy plans to repair Rauner’s damage and bring real change to Illinois. I’m thrilled by the energy and support our campaign has received from people across the state, and I know we’re ready to come together to move Illinois forward.”

They’re both 60-second spots.

* “All Ideas”

* “Real Change”


“J.B. Pritzker’s so-called ‘detailed plan’ to increase taxes is light on details because he knows he can’t make the math work for all of his new spending. Pritzker says he’ll hike taxes even higher than Madigan, but won’t say by how much. Pritzker’s tax hike plan lacks specifics because he knows it will decimate Illinois jobs and small businesses. Illinois taxpayers can’t afford J.B. Pritzker working hand in hand with Mike Madigan in Springfield to hike taxes even higher.” - Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot

Today, J.B. Pritzker’s campaign for governor released two new television ads touting a “detailed plan” to hike taxes even higher than Mike Madigan’s recent 32% tax hike.

So how detailed is Pritzker’s tax hike plan?

Not detailed at all. In fact, Pritzker’s tax hike plan doesn’t even say what the tax rates will be. He just promises that taxes will be going up, decimating Illinois small businesses in the process, as one independent group said about a similar tax hike plan.

So where exactly are J.B. Pritzker’s so-called “detailed plans” to hike taxes? How high is Pritzker willing to increase taxes? Does Pritzker think further tax hikes won’t destroy jobs or increase the exodus of Illinois families to other states? These are questions Pritzker must answer.

Since J.B. Pritzker is light on details, perhaps Illinois voters should give his political patron, Mike Madigan, a call.


  1. - Anonymous - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 9:06 am:

    Big ideas for change, but no way to pay for them, except tax increases. Let’s hear him talk more about how he will get the state out of debt!

  2. - Arsenal - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 9:13 am:

    They’re fine. I really liked the online one about school breakfasts, but since it had no dialogue, it might not’ve been suitable for TV.

  3. - m - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 9:13 am:

    I like the second one better because it creates a history of work and success for him. The “detailed plans” in the first one are pitched quickly with very little detail which feels a bit disingenuous.

    These are clearly aimed at Dem primary voters with phrasing like “that’s how we’ll beat Rauner” and by referring to the progressive tax as “making the wealthy pay more.”

    But as the front runner, I think I’d rather see an ad that’s courting general election voters more. “Make the wealthy pay more” can be a turn off to a lot of moderates, and is a missed opportunity if your plan offers a break for lower incomes. Easy to hit from Rauner camp when JB’s ad only talks about a hike, regardless of whether it affects everyone.

    “How we’ll beat Rauner” is unnecessary to me, and if I’m a moderate who voted for Rauner, feels like he’s against me, regardless of whether I still support Rauner.

    Best stuff he’s had so far but some missed opportunities to me.

    Production quality - A, A
    Message - C+, B

  4. - wordslinger - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 9:15 am:

    Some pretty sweet headlines. That QC Times “Even Rauner Knows He’s Failed” goes yard for an objective third-party opinion.

    They’re both nice warm and fuzzy intros. When you’ve got the dough, you can spend to establish a positive public image before the inevitable negative spots come in earnest.

    Worked for Rauner.

  5. - Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 9:25 am:

    Second ad works a lot better. But it is January, I am ready to see some bone-crushing from the JB team. Remember what Rod did to Judy? She hadn’t even won the primary and he was burying her on TV. That is what I want to see. Get him so far down, he has no chance to come back.

  6. - Anon0091 - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 9:30 am:

    I don’t think bone-crushing is the right move for a campaign that’s leading by double digits. But focusing on the general before the primary has been won is what losing campaigns do.

  7. - MissingG - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 9:34 am:

    I’m JB Pritzker, and I support Daniel Biss’s message

  8. - Arsenal - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 9:40 am:

    ==“Make the wealthy pay more” can be a turn off to a lot of moderates==

    Nah, it’s an across-the-board popular message (well, not with the wealthy, I guess). It also mitigates people’s (reasonable) agita about JB’s wealth.

  9. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 9:41 am:

    We need Big Ideas and Big Tax Increases to pay for all kinds of new spending while following the Madigan blueprint of no reforms to restrain our current spending and unbalanced state budget.

    Breath taking how naive this platform is

    1 Expanding Health Care coverage so we have a single payer, public option even financially solvent states admit there is no way to pay for.

    2. More spending on infrastructure but no defined way to pay for it

    3. A progressive income tax that solves all of our our problems but no mention of the difficulty passing this

    4. More spending on expanding senior services

    5 More spending on early childhood

    I guess he missed the part about a balanced approach of cuts and revenues.

  10. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 9:53 am:

    JB wants us to elect him to become Governor Denial.

    Puppies, rainbows and unicorns for all.

    Give us a break.

  11. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 9:59 am:

    Pretty remarkable a serial tax avoiding billionaire can run on drastically increasing spending in a state that is at least 130 billion in debt by blaming the Governor for the past 3 years for all of our problems.

  12. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:00 am:

    ===so we have a single payer, public option===

    Public option is not single payer.

  13. - Robert the 1st - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:09 am:

    Just what junk-bond IL needs. Another Democrat promising the sky in new government services and benefits. This should end well.

  14. - Arsenal - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:13 am:

    ==Just what junk-bond IL needs. Another Democrat promising the sky in new government services and benefits. This should end well.==

    This is a neat trick; a Republican Governor drives the state into near-junk bond status, so a Democratic candidate can’t actually propose anything to make life better for anyone.

  15. - Robert the 1st - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:14 am:

    Yep, the state finances have gotten worse under Rauner, so let’s elect the guy promising a bunch of new free stuff.

  16. - Arsenal - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:15 am:

    ==Pretty remarkable==

    More or less remarkable than Governor promising to roll back taxes AND balance the budget after three years of doing neither?

  17. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:16 am:

    Surprising there are 120 seconds of ads without a single mention of resisting Donald Trump.

  18. - Arsenal - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:21 am:

    ==Yep, the state finances have gotten worse under Rauner, so let’s==

    No longer assume that any Republican complaining about debt is doing so in good faith. Some are, to be sure; the 10-15 Republicans who defied Rauner last summer, for example. But for the most part, after Rauner’s term and Trumps tax bill, when all they have to complain about a program is, “How do we pay for it?” they actually have *nothing* to complain about, because we shall know them by their works, and their works have repeatedly demonstrated that they don’t care about paying for what they want *at all*.

  19. - Robert the 1st - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:23 am:

    Could point. Let’s skip the guys pretending to care about debt and vote for the loony toon people promising the moon, unicorns and rainbows.

  20. - Robert the 1st - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:23 am:

    *Good point

  21. - Arsenal - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:24 am:

    Honestly; Bruce Rauner triples the bill backlog and brings us to the brink of junk bond status on some weirdo mission to prove he’s TUFFER than Madigan, Trump adds $1.5 trillion to the debt to give Comcast a tax break, but the debt only becomes a problem when a Democrats’ 60 second spot doesn’t include an Excel spread sheet. We see you, baby.

  22. - Arsenal - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:33 am:

    == Let’s skip the guys pretending to care about debt and vote for the loony toon people promising the moon, unicorns and rainbows.==

    That’s absolutely right, and let’s start with the guy who thinks that an infrastructure plan and a public option constitutes “the moon, unicorns and rainbows.”

  23. - OneMan - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:36 am:

    You have to amend the constitution to do a graduated tax, right?

  24. - Amalia - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:44 am:

    I can’t even remember the first one because I cannot get over the second one. The second commercial is a distractingly JB size message. It is designed to make sure that people are ok with what he looks like. Big is ok is the subtext. just a waste of money.

  25. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:51 am:

    JB is a Santa Claus who comes on Election Eve, promising free things to everyone, but you still get the bills, and on Christmas morning, leaves you wondering where your toilet went.

  26. - City Zen - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 10:58 am:

    ==Since J.B. Pritzker is light on details, perhaps Illinois voters should give his political patron, Mike Madigan, a call.==

    If there’s one thing JB is light on, it’s details.

  27. - Demoralized - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 11:12 am:

    ==by blaming the Governor for the past 3 years for all of our problems==

    You mean like Rauner did to Quinn?

    You want the big boy chair you take everything that comes with it - credit for good things and blame for bad things.

    Unfortunately your stuck in robot mode spouting off Rauner talking points day in and day out. Reboot for pete’s sake.

  28. - Ugh! Phooey! - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 11:16 am:

    Illinois is hemorrhaging residents at an alarming rate, so J. B. proposes more taxes and more expensive programs because obviously the problem is Illinoisans are not taxed enough. What a winning formula for helping Rauner win a second term!

    Walter Mondale promised the same in 1984.

  29. - Workin’ - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 11:35 am:

    I give it an A- Does a nice job playing to the primary base with specific priorities (which have been lacking from I’m, in my view). More importantly, gives Stratton a nice platform. They work well together, and we’ve seen nationally how important and motivated her demographic is right now.

    I’d love to see follow up ads focused on one issue a piece to help build the public support for these changes. They have the resorlurces for it.

  30. - Chris Widger - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 12:10 pm:

    ==Unfortunately your stuck in robot mode spouting off Rauner talking points day in and day out. Reboot for pete’s sake.==

    Is it also robotic to repeatedly cite the same anti-Rauner points day by day? My programming won’t let me consider that question.

  31. - Chris Widger - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 12:12 pm:

    ==They work well together, and we’ve seen nationally how important and motivated her demographic is right now.==

    This is a really craven and disturbing sentence. They’re important because they’re human beings who have dreams and hopes and deserve equality, not because of the election map. Jesus, man. Not a big surprise from the same blog community that was fine with whitewashing “Bye, Felicia” instead of educating itself.

  32. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 12:30 pm:

    I like the ads more that I expected. I support what Pritzker supports. They’re bereft of details, but we didn’t know Rauner’s paltry ROI on his plans for a long time. Rauner was also light on details in his campaign.

    I can see a very stark contrast between Pritzker and Rauner, and I expect it to be the same for Biss, Kennedy and that other guy.

    If I remember right, early in his term, Rauner pushed his 44-point TA plan. Later it was pick one, any one of the reforms. After that, around June 2017, Rauner alluded to the 44-point TA plan again. Now he wants to bypass Madigan and go after unions to reduce membership, and he wants to roll back the tax hike and get a balanced budget. Focus, Bruce, focus.

  33. - m - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 12:34 pm:

    =I’d love to see follow up ads focused on one issue a piece to help build the public support for these changes.
    Agree. “We have detailed plans but we’re only going to briefly mention them, with absolutely no details.”

    =Nah, it’s an across-the-board popular message=
    Might want to get out of the echo chamber if you think everyone likes the sound of that. The average person sees a hike and then wonders how much more of their money will be taken along with it. And there are a lot of people across the spectrum who don’t necessarily believe the answer to every problem is to take more from someone else.

    There’s a reason that sponsors of prog tax plans in the past have focused their message on how much of a break it will be for most people. “80% of people will see a break on their taxes” has a lot wider appeal than “hike taxes on the rich.”

  34. - m - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 12:37 pm:

    =This is a really craven and disturbing sentence. They’re important because they’re human beings who have dreams and hopes and deserve equality, not because of the election map. =

    Welcome to politics.

  35. - A guy - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 1:11 pm:

    They’re not great. They move slow, and the production value is a bit behind with scroll headlines. JB must have more than one shirt and one jacket?

    They’re passable. They don’t engage, but they do inform if you stay with them through to the end…many won’t.

    This crew needs to get better at this. The scripting is being read. That doesn’t help. Julianna looks a little stiff. The camera likes her, so she can look much better.

  36. - Rabid - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 3:23 pm:

    ILGOP will your patron debate

  37. - Arsenal - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 4:12 pm:

    ==Might want to get out of the echo chamber if you think everyone likes the sound of that.==

    Where’s the echo chamber come in again? Everyone from Bernie Sanders to Donald Trump uses the “make the rich pay more” line. Because it works.

  38. - Amalia - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 4:39 pm:

    also, can some Pritzker partisan explain his “national leadership” on childhood education and his meals to kids. are these things more than giving money? or just that?

  39. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 5, 18 @ 4:47 pm:

    To the Ads,

    “B, B+” - Both Ads.


    The themes of each surround a premise of Pritzker having direct answers for Illinois, and trying to put both PritKer and his running mate as a team to look at what I’m illikois needs to be better “after Rauner”

    The length to explain is the attempt to lay a groundwork as people are paying attention these last 77 or so days.

    They are Ads designed for Democratic primary voters, but trying to leave behind that surrounding premise of J.B. and Rauner and JB is better for Illinois.

    They both will work, they’re good, they do the job of framing. They are better than the “Gentleman’s C”

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