Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x3 - IPI retorts - Nybo shoots back - Tillman responds *** GOP Sen. Nybo wants Legislature to call for federal/state Tillman probe
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*** UPDATED x3 - IPI retorts - Nybo shoots back - Tillman responds *** GOP Sen. Nybo wants Legislature to call for federal/state Tillman probe

Thursday, Feb 8, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* An e-mail forwarded to me which was sent this afternoon by Sen. Chris Nybo to his Senate Republican colleagues…

From: Chris Nybo
Date: Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 3:18 PM
Subject: John Tillman Non-Profits
To [Senate Republican Email Distribution List]

Hello Everyone,

I am very troubled by the reports about John Tillman’s non-profits that are starting to emerge. I am going to schedule a call with staff to discuss whether we can draft a Joint House Senate Resolution asking for investigations by the FBI, the IRS, or the Attorney General’s Office (as appropriate). Please let me know if you have an interest, and I will include you in the group. Also, this is somewhat sensitive, so I would ask for the courtesy of respecting the confidentiality of caucus communications.

Thanks, Chris

Background is here and here. I’ve asked Mr. Tillman for comment and will post it as soon as I see it.

Man, the knives are really out today.

*** UPDATE 1 *** From John Tillman…

My personal comments:

Sen. Nybo is obviously doing the governor’s bidding. This response and the governor’s response are entirely political theater. Gov. Rauner is well aware of our entire coalition. He was briefed twice on what we’ve built including once at the mansion. He was so impressed with what we’ve built, he hired some of our top staffers. And speaking of the governor’s staff and the repeated turnover, that is an indictment of his ability to lead.

Regarding the Sun Times story, the transactions described were reviewed by our legal and financial counsel, and withstand both legal and ethical scrutiny. It is important to note that the journalists describing them became aware of them specifically because of our scrupulous adherence to both the letter and spirit of the law: they are all publicly disclosed on our required financial forms.

The real intent and purpose of this story — from a union-owned newspaper — is to attack and smear one of the most powerful and compelling threats to the status quo in Illinois. It raises serious questions about the motivation for publishing such a purposely misleading story.


*** UPDATE 2 *** Sen. Nybo…

Mr. Tillman’s response reeks of “thou doth protest too much.” I haven’t spoken with the Governor in nine months. This is about good government. And if John, Dan Proft, and their crew are so confident in the lawfulness of their operations, then I expect them to be big supporters of any legislative request to have the FBI, IRS or any other law enforcement agency examine everything. They should, after all, have nothing to worry about, right?

*** UPDATE 3 *** The Circular Firing Squad is locked and loaded…


  1. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:20 pm:

    Civil War on all fronts in the state GOP. I don’t see these guys making nice-nice after the primary.

  2. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:20 pm:

    Hmm. How much money has Rauner given to Tillman? How many pictures are there with them together? I can see the commercials now.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:22 pm:

    Seeking the arrest and investigation “now” of a former ally to Raunerites is now how this is going to go down?

    It’s embarrasing.

    No wonder he wanted the email kept “in house” for now

  4. - Arsenal - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:27 pm:

    One of Rauner’s big advantages was that he had no primary; he could sit back, stockpile resources, and get organized while the Democrats gouged each others’ eyes out.

    He’s not only lost that advantage, but the Republicans are starting to seem like *more* of a basketcase.

  5. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:29 pm:

    So much for respecting the confidentiality of caucus communications. /s/

  6. - Arsenal - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:29 pm:

    ==Also, this is somewhat sensitive, so I would ask for the courtesy of respecting the confidentiality of caucus communications.==

    And the fact that this line was not, in fact, respected, is probably going to make the Republican in-fighting even worse.

  7. - PJ - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:31 pm:

    My favorite was Durkin’s “confidential communication” that got posted here. He immediately followed it up with an angry email about not leaking things … which was itself immediately posted here too.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:35 pm:

    Mr. Nybo calling on an investigation here is like Raunerites and an enemy list…

    It’s not the question of IPI or Tillman… it’s the why….

    Why now? Tillman is the enemy.


    Bad look, Mr. Nybo. A real bad look.

    Like I said, no wonder he wanted it kept under wraps… until he could sell this, the investigating an enemy.

  9. - Nick Name - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:39 pm:

    We’ve reached the “eating their own” part of the scandal.

    I wonder if this will go all the way up to the Kochs.

  10. - Roman - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:40 pm:

    Geez, you need a scorecard to keep track of who’s backstabbing whom. Nybo went hard after Rauner on an override motion last week and now he’s teaming with the Guv to fight back against Tillman who six months ago was Rauner’s top ally. I’m dizzy.

  11. - view from the cheap seats - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:43 pm:

    This distracts from the Pritzker/Blago meltdown for the GOP.

  12. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:44 pm:

    It seems like that email was meant to be leaked. If he was really looking to do that it would start with some phone calls to other members not a mass email.

  13. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:45 pm:

    Rich, a suggestion for tomorrow’s QOTD - who’s having the worst week, Pritzker or Tillman?

  14. - PJ - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:46 pm:

    ==It seems like that email was meant to be leaked. If he was really looking to do that it would start with some phone calls to other members not a mass email.==

    Don’t give members too much credit for subterfuge

  15. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:48 pm:

    This is like the circular firing squad in reverse, like they are lining up to stab each other in the back. When is Proft’s turn in the barrel.

    I’m going to need more popcorn.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:50 pm:

    Mr. Nybo sent an email in hopes to look like a Rauner henchman, wanting “enemies” investigates?

    That’s a good look?

  17. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 4:55 pm:

    The 180 degrees… “Good morning, Mr. Tillman”

    You trusted Bruce Rauner.

  18. - Lincoln Square Cookout - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 5:00 pm:

    Fire up the grill….This is one way to cut off some of Proft’s access to money. Watch all of those targeted republican primaries now.

  19. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 5:07 pm:

    -When is Proft’s turn in the barrel-

    Now there’s a good question. Can’t come soon enough.

  20. - DuPage Bard - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 5:08 pm:

    Another “Rauner” fighter. Rauner is proving time and again he has no leadership skills. He does none of his own work, lies to everyone and has an incredible lack of knowledge of his job.
    This is the same Nybo who’s going after Ives for running a negative ad. Now he’s using his elected position to attack Rauner’s political enemies.
    I guess money makes great bed stuffing.

  21. - No Longer A Lurker - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 5:09 pm:

    Pass me another bag of popcorn.

  22. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 5:11 pm:

    It hurts Ives just as much if not more then Rauner. IPI has been vocally up front for her from the start. It’s best she disavowes Tilman and IPI immediately.

  23. - DuPage Bard - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 5:27 pm:

    Anonymous- another Rauner troll. Failed leadership, can’t do his own work, has others attack and now tells Ives to cut off her own money while she’s gaining in the polls. Run Jeanne run

  24. - Hmmph - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 5:44 pm:

    Don’t hold your breath waiting for the same Attorney General who has ignored Frank Mautino’s misconduct for ages to do the right thing.

  25. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:01 pm:

    -When is Proft’s turn in the barrel-

    He has a one sugar-daddy constituency. Long as he can keep sweet-talking Uihlein out of his money, I imagine he enjoys watching the forest burn.

    I mean, when given the chance, GOP primary voters welcomed his candidacy like a dose of the clap.

  26. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:08 pm:

    –He was so impressed with what we’ve built, he hired some of our top staffers.–

    Huh. I thought that was a payoff to keep your propaganda machine quiet over his obvious complicity in the income tax hike.

    Rauner didn’t try at all to win the override vote. Could have sat on the bill for two months, and spent millions targeting shaky GOP votes.

    Didn’t go down that way, did it?

  27. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:11 pm:

    ===Gov. Rauner is well aware of our entire coalition. He was briefed twice on what we’ve built including once at the mansion. He was so impressed with what we’ve built, he hired some of our top staffers. And speaking of the governor’s staff and the repeated turnover, that is an indictment of his ability to lead.===

    Ok, asking for a friend…

    Is this the meeting where “for $30 million” Tillman would get the governing apparatus and Proft got the political apparatus?

    ‘Cause if that’s what Tillman is saying here, man, that’s one whopper of an interesting story.

    “Dan and Besler take over the political, Rasmussen and Rickert run your governing operations, you dump Goldberg the other ‘Superstars’… “

    Boy that would be a whopper of an admission.

  28. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:16 pm:

    I wondered whether the IL GOP would return to the circular firing squad of ‘000s once Rauner cracked up or was gone. I didn’t expect this. It’s much worse now. And it’s lovely.

  29. - Sigh - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:19 pm:

    —He was briefed twice on what we’ve built including once at the mansion.—

    The mansion appears to be a popular place. However, Tillman doesn’t appear to be a porch kind of guy. When was this briefing? Does this meeting also show up on the Governor’s schedule? When were the staffers hired?

    And interesting response from Tillman, especially given Rauner’s comments this morning (see other post) that he hadn’t studied the article.

  30. - DuPage Bard - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:20 pm:

    He had a business meeting at the mansion to discuss the entire operation?

    So the Governor, who has a massive record of lying and is heavy underwater, is holding another business meeting on the people’s porch. This time talking with political operatives on how to smash his enemies and shift money from policy based organizations to political based communication teams. Then he does an oppo drop on them.

    Spurned lover if ever I heard it. Come on Governor just have a clean break up. Governor Junk may be the best bus driver Springfield has ever seen.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:21 pm:

    Lemme ask this then…

    The same “time”… Rauner gives in on the emails to Rickert… the IPI analysis comes out… AND there’s a call for the state Attorney General… and the FBI… to investigate… Tillman?

    “Tillman ain’t no band leader”…

  32. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:28 pm:

    ===He was briefed twice on what we’ve built including once at the mansion. He was so impressed with what we’ve built, he hired some of our top staffers.===

    Somewhere, Greg Hinz is having a drink, savoring this moment, and how can you blame him.

    “A Yuengling for me, and one for Hinz too… “

  33. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:28 pm:

    So how do the warring parties break down now, approximately?

    Rauner and Uihlein are the two money men, so they ultimately call the shots for either side.

    Rauner: governor’s office, most(?) of the GOP GA caucuses, ILGOP. I assume Griff is an ace in the hole.

    Uihlein: Ives’ rebels, plus the respective Proft and Tillman word-salad grifter machines.

    Is that about right? Which way does the propaganda element of the tronc edit board bounce?

  34. - Olivia Pope - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:34 pm:

    As a result of all these business meetings occurring at the mansion, have we seen the list of donors who contributed to the mansion rehab? Didn’t Rauner say the mansion fundraising would be transparent?

  35. - DuPage Bard - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:34 pm:

    Word- also figure with Z on Durkin’s team and Radical Candor all over the Tillman team it could mean the whole crew is back together for the ‘18 election?
    Could be big trouble for Madigan and the Dem GA if Rauner has the real crew back together from ‘16. 2 lost seats in Senate and 6 lost seats in the House.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:39 pm:

    That’s my big question…

    Where is Z and Durkin in all this?

  37. - Bobby T - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:39 pm:

    Am I wrong to assume that this is why Dennis Murashko was escorted out of the building?

    I dunno. Just asking. But a lot of this stuff happened at once.

    And the IPI in the mansion? Come on, Bruce.

  38. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:42 pm:

    DB, after a dormancy period, the Radical Candor crew certainly is having a good time today. They’re calling out everyone on the Uihlein team to meet them outside on Cyberstreet.

  39. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:44 pm:

    I assumed Durkin and Brady were with Rauner, and most GOP GA types, except the vocal Ives supporters. No reason to think otherwise.

  40. - Arsenal - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:51 pm:

    Man, invoking a meeting in the mansion was so obviously twisting the knife and I love it.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:51 pm:

    Z and Durkin are a unit…

    Is this drawing Z in closer to Rauner now?

    This has gone beyond a spat, even a major political rift.

    The last piece is “how far is Z dragged in?”

  42. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 6:54 pm:

    Pat Brady has thrown down with Tillman and IOP on twitter, too. Hilarious stuff.

    I’m starting to think that ProPub and Sun-Times might have gotten a road map, lol.

  43. - Norseman - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:06 pm:

    Someone pass the popcorn. This show is going to be entertaining.

  44. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:06 pm:

    Ah yes, who among us doesn’t love being audited.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:06 pm:

    To the update,

    Mr. Nybo so “concerned” about good government that he helped Rauner with the destruction of social services and higher education, and now seemingly asking that an enemy be investigated by law enforcement seems like something in politics of 3rd world banana republics that court a group, then when there’s a falling out, you want them arrested.

    That Mr. Nybo, third world governing?

  46. - Wensicia - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:07 pm:

    ==They should, after all, have nothing to worry about, right?==

    Looks like it’s so on.

  47. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:19 pm:

    ===starting to think that ProPub and Sun-Times might have gotten a road map===

  48. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:20 pm:

    Some real keyboard tough guys there at the IPI.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:23 pm:

    To the Tillman update…

    “Mighty fine campaign committee ya got there Mr. Nybo, shame if you got audited”…

  50. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:26 pm:

    Rich, I remember that now. The suggested source in the link wasn’t who I had in mind. I was thinking more on the lines of those who are drunk on the schadenfreude on twitter today.

    Does Tillman have more than one enemy, lol? Could be an Orient Express situation here.

  51. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:27 pm:

    Maybe Tillman and Blago can share a cell.

  52. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:28 pm:

    –You know anyone can file a complaint with the Illinois Election Board against Senator Nybo’s campaign committee.–

    The complaint will need some content.

  53. - blue dog dem - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:32 pm:

    This is amusing. Funny in fAct. Not quite as good as that free market principles yukyuk. But close.

  54. - Memo From Turner - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:32 pm:

    If you mess with the bull… . I think these boys are getting a taste of the major leagues. Bye Jeanne!

  55. - itzfay - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:35 pm:

    Why is IPI paying to promote their tweets about this? It’s been promoted most of the day and still only has 32 likes.

  56. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:42 pm:

    ===Why is IPI paying to promote their tweets about this? It’s been promoted most of the day and still only has 32 likes.

    Theory 1: When you throw too much money at an organization of grifters and kids who don’t know anything about politics, they spend their money weirdly.

    Theory 2: John Tillman owns a social media ad buying agency.

  57. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:42 pm:

    And now Rep. McSweeney is trying to attract the attention of Trump, Hannity and Pirro on twitter.

    –Rep. David McSweeney@1980reagan

    Failed Governor Bruce Rauner hates @realDonaldTrump and refused to endorse @realDonaldTrump over @HillaryClinton . Rauner’s record - higher taxes and more spending. @JohnCabello @JudgeJeanine @seanhannity–

  58. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 7:55 pm:

    Word–that’s awkward…”Judge” Jeanine is or was in the same room as Rauner tonight.

  59. - Richard - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 9:33 pm:

    I love that he blamed a union owned newspaper for the article
    Those local 150 are getting under everyone’s skin. John Tillman made more money than that horrible union boss Jim Sweeny

  60. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 9:57 pm:

    ===Which way does the propaganda element of the tronc edit board bounce?===

    Good question. Toward the highest bidder is my guess, which is probably Griffin. Totally agree that Griffin is the ace.

  61. - walker - Thursday, Feb 8, 18 @ 11:04 pm:

    Guys, just get up out of the mud pit and walk away for a while. Having the GOP in chaos does not help problem-solving. No one for the Dems to reliably deal with.

  62. - Suburban Mom - Friday, Feb 9, 18 @ 12:22 am:

    “I haven’t spoken with the Governor in nine months.”

    A side issue, admittedly, but isn’t this part alarming too? What is Rauner DOING with his time?

  63. - wordslinger - Friday, Feb 9, 18 @ 6:44 am:

    Now that the schism is fully out in the open, Rauner can use it to make nice with all the GOP GA legislators he’s burned over the years.

    They take beatings from the likes of Proft and IPI. Rauner has the resources to protect them all from those attacks, and no reason to be concerned about the fee-fees of those who are attacking them and him.

  64. - Bobby T - Friday, Feb 9, 18 @ 8:44 am:

    Now that the schism is fully out in the open, Rauner can use it to make nice with all the GOP GA legislators he’s burned over the years.

    Except GOPr is going to trust him to take the “arrows”? Sure, he’s got the cash — but Rauner will turn on a dime.

    Make nice with IPI — even if only to protect his yet-to-be-uncovered machinations — and all that protection goes out the window.

  65. - wordslinger - Friday, Feb 9, 18 @ 8:58 am:

    –Except GOPr is going to trust him to take the “arrows”? Sure, he’s got the cash — but Rauner will turn on a dime.–

    Can’t argue with that. But he has to try to add friends somewhere.

    I’m thinking more on the lines of winning back some House GOP members to better his hand this session. Given the levee break last summer, he’s in a very weak position in the GA.

    Or it’s possible that he’ll just introduce a wildly dishonest budget proposal, hit the campaign trail, and let the GA put together a real one with a bipartisan veto-proof majority.

    If you’re not in charge, what’s the point of hanging around and working?

  66. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 9, 18 @ 9:04 am:

    ===Or it’s possible that he’ll just introduce a wildly dishonest budget proposal, hit the campaign trail, and let the GA put together a real one with a bipartisan veto-proof majority.===

    This seems to be his only real option, I think.

    Rauner can’t sign a budget that has the “Madigan Tax Hike” balancing and paying off the bills he ran up or funding his state agencies, or higher education.

    Let the GA get a bipartisan, veto-proof, budget to him, then he can veto it all (no one calls him on his vetoes) and let the bipartisan GA override while traveling the state complaining he’s not in charge and the corrupt (both Republicans and Democrats) Springfield status quo that’s “broken”

    Can’t figure a way he signs a budget and run his campaign as he wants.

  67. - anon - Friday, Feb 9, 18 @ 9:12 am:

    bobby t: “even if only to protect his yet-to-be-uncovered machinations”

    like what?

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