Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » After spending millions in Dem primary, Rauner accuses “Washington liberals” of “hijacking” the GOP primary
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After spending millions in Dem primary, Rauner accuses “Washington liberals” of “hijacking” the GOP primary

Friday, Mar 16, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

After the Democratic Governors Association bought ad time to meddle in the Illinois Republican gubernatorial primary, the Rauner campaign launched a new ad, ‘Conservative Voter Alert.’

“Washington Democrats have teamed up with Mike Madigan’s favorite Republican Jeanne Ives because they know they can’t beat Governor Rauner in November. Governor Rauner’s message of growing jobs, cutting taxes, and rooting out corruption in Illinois has Democrats running scared.” - Communications Director Will Allison

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* Script

Announcer: This is a conservative voter alert. The same Washington liberals that support JB Pritzker are now helping Jeanne Ives with last-second ads. Why? Because Jeanne Ives has already surrendered to Mike Madigan.

Ives: “We’ll work with Mike Madigan.”

Announcer: Liberals are hijacking the Republican primary in Illinois. They will do anything to keep the Madigan machine in power. That’s why they support Ives.

Ives: “We’ll work with Mike Madigan.”

Announcer: Stop Mike Madigan. Elect Bruce Rauner.

* Meanwhile, National Review has endorsed Ives. Press release…

This morning, the renowned conservative opinion journal National Review, which previously named Bruce Rauner ‘The Worse Republican Governor in America,’ announced its endorsement of Jeanne Ives for Illinois Governor, writing,

Failing to pass the fiscal reforms he promised wouldn’t alone justify his ouster in the primary. But Rauner’s duplicity on the issue of abortion should be disqualifying to conservatives. During the election, Rauner — who is pro-choice, had once donated to Planned Parenthood, and whose wife is an abortion-rights activist — insisted that he was merely running to fix the state’s coffers. He had, he said, “no social agenda.” When a bill to guarantee abortion as a right if the Supreme Court ever overturned Roe v. Wade and provide public money for abortions through all nine months of a woman’s pregnancy began circulating in the state legislature, Rauner said he would veto it. In September, he signed it into law. Pro-lifers who voted for Rauner put their trust in a man who is now forcing them to underwrite third-trimester abortions. His record is not just dreadful, but features a glaring lie.

Which is why Jeanne Ives, a state legislator, is a better alternative. Ives is an underdog and lacks Rauner’s resources, but she is both a superior candidate to the governor and a solid politician in her own right. One recent poll has her just 7 points behind Rauner. For his part, the governor is running far behind the likely Democratic nominee — J. B. Pritzker, a cat’s paw of Madigan — and has been unwilling to engage Ives in debate after an embarrassing showing in a joint appearance with her at the Chicago Tribune editorial office. Illinois Republicans should vote for Ives, the only conservative on the ballot.

In response, Ives said, “I am grateful and humbled to have the support of the leading conservative publication in the country. I thank National Review for understanding the purpose of our campaign and the importance of a small government policy revolution in Illinois.”

The endorsement is here.


  1. - Arsenal - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:34 am:

    How much has Rauner really spent on those anti-JB ads? Some commenters are week or so ago thought it was a relatively low amount.

    Regardless, it’s hypocrisy, sure, but what else is Rauner going to say?

  2. - Perrid - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:36 am:

    I guess what’s good for the goose is not good for the gander?

  3. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:39 am:

    –“Washington Democrats have teamed up with Mike Madigan’s favorite Republican Jeanne Ives because they know they can’t beat Governor Rauner in November.”–

    If you know you can’t beat him, why bother doing anything? Rauner’s scattershot word-salad-shooters couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with a banjo.

    Somebody in Illinois who doesn’t like Rauner sure has some pull at National Review. First the cover story, now an endorsement.

    Buckley is long gone, but that brand still has some juice in some circles on the national level.

  4. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:40 am:

    i would never vote ives.

  5. - Ste_with_a_ven - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:40 am:

    “Pro-lifers who voted for Rauner put their trust in a man who is now forcing them to underwrite third-trimester abortions. His record is not just dreadful, but features a glaring lie.”

    Love this sentence, a glaring lie followed by an accusation of glaring lies

  6. - Publius - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:40 am:

    While democrats accept the rules of engagement and say nothing when attacked, the gop gain ground by being the first accuser. Kind of like when you were kids, billy kicks you in the shin and you kick him back and he goes and tells the teacher and you get a swat.

  7. - anon - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:41 am:

    honestly, you can’t blame Rauner for putting out an ad to counter the DGA. Fight fire with fire. Love the conservative voter alert. Smart.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:42 am:

    After 3 years, I’m not surprised.

    Rauner is “you can’t do what i do to others” type of guy.

    It’s who he is. It’s Rauner as a person, candidate, governor.

    It was a proportional response for Rauner’s own meddling.

    Rauner created ILGo to not only meddle in Dem politics but to create Raunerite caucuses.

    Welp, when you’re an utter failure as a governor, taking you out in ways you felt you could leverage “crisis”, it’s delicious.

  9. - Skeptic - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:43 am:

    “Rauner’s scattershot word-salad-shooters couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with a banjo.” Maybe they should try an accordion. Either way, if they connect, it’ll make he world a better place.

  10. - JS Mill - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:45 am:

    Well, it is from the “Pants on fire” crew so you know it is legit. /s

  11. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:47 am:

    Oh Will, lol

    ===Governor Rauner’s message of growing jobs, cutting taxes, and rooting out corruption in Illinois has Democrats running scared.” - Communications Director Will Allison===

    Rauner is losing, double-digits, to Pritzker, who is also underwater in his own polling.

    That’s how awful Rauner is, and how awful those polled see him….

    Rauner is losing to a candidate already underwater in their own approval disapproval… by double digits.

  12. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:50 am:

    One thing is for sure, her name ID is going soar high these next few days. Conservative voters might just be fed up enough that when they vote, they will remember Ives’ name. This ad could backfire on them.

  13. - Gooner - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:50 am:

    I’ve been around politics for 30 years. I’ve heard some pretty ridiculous attack ads.

    The “Ives is a Madigan pal” may be the most ridiculous attack ad that I’ve ever heard.

    Rauner seems to have a very low regard for the intelligence of Illinois voters. The ad in many ways really does show that Rauner believes voters will believe anything.

  14. - Perrid - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:51 am:

    “underwrite third-trimester abortions” - uh, no. Abortions after the baby is viable, around 23 weeks, are illegal for everyone unless the life or health of mother are at stake. And Medicaid and SEGIP already had to pay for abortions where a doctor had documented that it was necessary for the life or health of the mother. What the legislation did was allow the state to pay for earlier abortions without a doctor’s note. And people would still get mad about that, so I don’t even understand why they have to make up stuff about third-trimester abortions.

  15. - Anonin - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:52 am:

    == The “Ives is a Madigan pal” may be the most ridiculous attack ad that I’ve ever heard. ==
    Not really ridiculous. Dan Proft is working with the unions to defeat Durkin is he not?

  16. - DarkHorse - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:52 am:

    Ives can claim a moral victory if she exceeds Oswego Willy’s 37.5% “Over/Under”. My bet is she claims it Tuesday night.

  17. - Nacho - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    Everybody knows the National Review is controlled by Mike Madigan.

  18. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 9:58 am:

    I’ve always had the impression since early voting began that the Ives “Conservative” voters stampeded to the polls and that she would be struggling to crack the glass ceiling that the “base” represents in terms of support. Many of these voters wear the mantle of “deplorable” as a badge of honor.

    What these ads represent is the National Democratic Party assumption that the majority of Republican voters are “deplorables.” Those voters do not accept that title and were appalled by the initial Ives “thuggish man wearing dress wanting to get into girls bathrooms” introductory ad.

    Ives claims to be within 7. Drury claims to be rapidly gaining. Yet neither of them are releasing their own polls.

    These ads may accidentally be helping Rauner here under those circumstances. We will know in a few days.

  19. - Cheryl44 - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:00 am:

    Rayner has already proved he has no regard for the intelligence of the average person. He seems to think enough of us will vote to let him remain governor in spite of his record.

  20. - m - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:06 am:

    The Ives ad is good campaign strategy, but this type of play is bad for democracy. If it works, like it did for Akin, you get 8 months of an extremist on the airwaves and in the papers, which just encourages and normalizes the wackos from that party.

    With all of the “purity test” types of folks on both sides, we do not need a continued push toward both extremes. D’s and R’s already spend too much time talking about how they are a real progressive or conservative.

    I’m not looking forward to a general election where I have to pick between a McCarthy and a Lenin.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:07 am:

    ===…a glaring lie followed by an accusation of glaring lies===

    Again, Rauner isn’t a fan of tactics he uses that are then used against him.

    Heck, according to “Rauner-Think”..,

    Rauner signed “sanctuary state” legislation, is weak on criminals, and HB40 is a bill so liberal, coastal liberal Democrats can’t get Dem governors to sign a bill like that.


    “Rauner-Think” to honesty is easy to show.

  22. - Honeybadger - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:10 am:

    Let’s not forget, Bruce Rauner is not accustomed to not getting his way. He never loses. Except, he is not in charge according to him.
    Don’t ya just hate hypocrites?

  23. - A guy - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:13 am:

    The ad isn’t good. Usually they are from that crew, but the dopey music alone indicates it’s not serious, and the crazy “warning” at the beginning signals this one is over the top from the get go.

    Apparently this crew is a lot better when they have more time to work. And…the issue they’re facing now caught them by surprise. These guys usually were way ahead of the curve and well prepared for just about anything.

    This ad is nearly comical. That bad.

  24. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:15 am:

    –I’m not looking forward to a general election where I have to pick between a McCarthy and a Lenin.–

    It’s a tough choice, but if I have to make one on their bodies of work, I find Lenin’s lyrics a little more compelling than McCarthy’s melodies and arrangements.

    Still, they’re both great. Harrison, too. Ringo, underrated drummer.

  25. - Anonin - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:17 am:

    == Ives can claim a moral victory if she exceeds Oswego Willy’s 37.5% ==
    With no money, Jim Marter received about 29% of the vote. After spending millions, getting around 37% is not a moral victory - especially if Proft your puppetmaster.

  26. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:18 am:

    ===Ringo, underrated drummer===


  27. - Arsenal - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:19 am:

    ==Rauner seems to have a very low regard for the intelligence of Illinois voters.==

    Anecdotally, it kinda seems like he’s being vindicated, though…

  28. - Mr. K. - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:20 am:

    Love this rabid primary stuff.

    But what all this does — and has done for the past few weeks — is draw a big neon arrow pointing to Rauner’s essential and fundamental impotence.

    Even big scary shadows on the front pages of political mailers or moldy faux-biker-club cuts limping with too many American flag pins don’t eradicate the fact that Rauner has — literally — done nothing in the past three years.

    Even the calcium deficient old ladies who limp up to him in downstate restaurants and coo and meow and tell him to persit, please persist, because you’re our only hope aren’t gonna help him.

    Ives has a real chance. At least in the primary.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:21 am:

    ===getting around 37% is not a moral victory - especially if Proft your puppetmaster.===

    I still like the number.

    The ridiculous ad that Proft rolled out did damage while ginning up a base already aligned with Ives.

    If you tell me this Governor is going to have 2 in 5 GOP voters vote for Ives over him, that is huge.

    That is still only 40%, and losing by 20 points as well.

    Their own poll has Ives stuck at 35. That’s 35 with the cash and the ads.

    I still like the number.

  30. - A guy - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:23 am:

    == I find Lenin’s lyrics a little more compelling==

    We agree. Imagine.

  31. - Obamas Puppy - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:43 am:

    How do you spin an ad that attacks Ives into one that means the ad sponsors are trying to help her. Rauner is a cancer of lies and deceit.

  32. - Nick Name - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:55 am:

    ===The same Washington liberals that support JB Pritzker are now helping Jeanne Ives with last-second ads. Why? Because Jeanne Ives has already surrendered to Mike Madigan.

    Ives: “We’ll work with Mike Madigan.”===

    When Ives got into the race, some - OW? - said it would help Rauner because he would look normal next to her far-right looniness.

    But if anything, Rauner has made Ives look sane (a politician working with the opposition on behalf of the state. Imagine!) while he himself has become even more batcaca crazy.

  33. - Bigtwich - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:56 am:

    Beware the Ives of March.

  34. - Bigtwich - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 10:56 am:

    Beware the Ives of March.

  35. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 11:06 am:

    –How do you spin an ad that attacks Ives into one that means the ad sponsors are trying to help her.–

    Very easily, as it is the obvious truth. Dems would much rather run against Ives than Rauner for many reasons.

    Might be the most truthful spin to ever come out of Rauner’s Big Lie propaganda machine.

  36. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 11:06 am:

    “If you tell me this Governor is going to have 2 in 5 GOP voters vote for Ives over him, that is huge.

    That is still only 40%, and losing by 20 points as well.

    Their own poll has Ives stuck at 35. That’s 35 with the cash and the ads.

    I still like the number.”

    How about the Democratic side. JB spends 63 million to lock up 35% of the Democratic vote for Governor, with 31% undecided. How many of those don’t know enough about JB yet?

    The Attorney General race has 43% undecided but the Madigan anointed candidate has 15% while Pat Quinn is at 23%

    All 8 candidates want Speaker Madigan’s resignation as party chair

    The leader of the Cook County Democrats has countless Democrats voting for his opponent in the Assessors race.

    Tell me again how it is the Republicans that are in disarray and the Democrats will waltz to victory

  37. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 11:42 am:

    ===How about the Democratic side.===

    Rauner is losing to Pritzker, by double digits.

    Pritzker is at 50% and underwater

    The lone Dem candidate underwater is leading Rauner by double digits and hitting 50%

    Who is Rauner’s constituency?

  38. - zatoichi - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 11:47 am:

    Rauner’s arguement against Ives is her saying: “We’ll work with Mike Madigan.”. That is deep thinking. Of course he never said anything like that, ever.

  39. - don the legend - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 11:47 am:

    …Tell me again how it is the Republicans that are in disarray and the Democrats will waltz to victory…

    You’re probably correct. I guess Rauner will win with his pro abortion, junk bond favoring, Quincy Veteran’s Home supporting, crushing deficit spending loving conservatives who will push him over the top in November.

  40. - VanillaMan - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 11:56 am:

    “Why aren’t I 50 points ahead, you might ask?”

  41. - cdog - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 11:58 am:

    Hopefully, Rauner is out March 20. For sure he toast in November.

    There are too many people of principle that will never vote for him. The lack of ethics and morals that it takes to spew garbage like he does, is disturbing.

  42. - Logan - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 12:02 pm:

    “Who is Rauner’s constituency?”

    That’s an easy one. People who believe his flat out lies, and people who are paid off by him. And even then I don’t think they’re going to vote for him.

  43. - anon2 - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 12:09 pm:

    I’d bet that conservatives who like National Review are mostly in Ives’ corner already. Does the Trump base even know who William F. Buckley was?

  44. - Anonin - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 12:19 pm:

    == I still like the number. ==

    I think you are right. I think it’s around that number. Not that it matters that much. The GOP in Illinois is toast. Rauner and the conservatives who elected him can pat themselves mightily on the back. Well done. Back to the drawing board.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 16, 18 @ 12:24 pm:

    ===I think you are right.===

    Sincerely appreciate that. We both will see.

    ===The GOP in Illinois is toast. Rauner and the conservatives who elected him can pat themselves mightily on the back. Well done. Back to the drawing board.===

    Hopefully, post-Raunerism, a GOP can decide who we are, where we failed, besides the obvious of surrendering to Diana and Bruce Rauner, and a party can build that can win in Illinois again.

    I’d like to see that. Democracy is healthiest when both parties can win over policy.

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