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*** UPDATED x1 *** Early afternoon shenanigans!

Monday, Mar 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Paul Caprio e-mail

Tomorrow is Primary Day and a crucial day for the pro-family movement in Illinois.

We must elect Jeanne Ives to be the GOP candidate for Governor and defeat the modern day King Herod, Bruce Rauner, who has broken every promise he has made to the voters. […]

Thanks to David Smith, Illinois Family Action, Ralph Rivera, Illinois Citizens for Life Pac, Reverend Bob whose radio ads you have been hearing, and all the other pro-life and pro-family leaders. Family-Pac has been proud to fight by your side in this important campaign.

* In case you’re not up on your history

Herod also appears in the Christian Gospel of Matthew as the ruler of Judea who orders the Massacre of the Innocents at the time of the birth of Jesus.

And that radio ad mentioned above is a truly despicable move. I’m not gonna post it. Period. It’s not a shenanigan, it’s reprehensible.

* Meanwhile, the governor is still focusing attention on those devious DGA TV ads…

Today, at a campaign event in Hanover Park, Governor Rauner addressed the Democratic Governors Association running TV ads in support of his primary opponent. At the event, Governor Rauner made the following statement in response to Washington Democrats throwing their support behind an unelectable candidate like Jeanne Ives:

“The Democratic Governors Association, supported by JB Pritzker, are running ads trying to boost Ives in our primary. They know they can beat Ives and they want Ives to win. We need everybody to know it, and we need everybody to get to the polls. Don’t let the Democratic Governors Association and Washington Democrats influence the outcome of the Republican primary in the state of Illinois. Republicans: get to the polls and vote for Rauner and Sanguinetti.” – Governor Bruce Rauner

Ordering voters around in the third person is an interesting tactic.

* Speaking of that presser, the Pritzker campaign says the governor had a melt-down today. I’m not kidding…

Manic Monday: Rauner Melts Down Before Election Day

Chicago, IL – In a bizarre press conference this morning, Rauner stumbled and laughed through questions as he closed out his flailing primary campaign with desperate attacks on Democrats.

After conservative media outlets have fueled Jeanne Ives’ rise, Rauner begged Republican primary voters not to support his insurgent challenger at the last-ditch presser. Rauner hypocritically railed on Democrats for running ads in another party’s primary, while dodging questions on his qualifications and accomplishments, nervously laughing nearly half a dozen times during Q&A.

“While Jeanne Ives continues to surge just hours ahead of Election Day, Bruce Rauner is manically melting down,” said Pritzker communications director Galia Slayen. “Rauner is sounding the alarm on his own sinking campaign as Illinoisans are preparing to vote in the primary he once took for granted.”

* Raw tracking video

* A couple of people have sent me pics like this today. Dan Proft is mailing out the latest edition of one of his papers…

I received one, too, by the way. It’s basically just “Ives, Ives, Ives” for several pages.

* Democratic House candidate David Bonner has been getting big bucks from Statehouse interest types, but he’s also being hit in the mailboxes…


Debbie Meyers-Martin has only reported having about $21K in cash, so I’m not sure where she’s getting money for a 4-5 piece mail program unless it’s a limited list and/or she’s getting a bunch of small-dollar contributions.

*** UPDATE *** From the Skokie Patch

House Deputy Majority Leader Lou Lang (D-Skokie) said Saturday a false mailer written by Sen. Ira Silverstein (D-Chicago) means he can no longer remain neutral in the 8th District Democratic senate primary. Lang said the campaign brochure claimed that he had endorsed Silverstein when he had not. In response, he endorsed Ram Villivalam. […]

Silverstein told Patch Lang had not previously indicated that he would remain neutral:

    1) It never crossed my mind that after 18 plus years of my constant support for Rep Lang that he would not assist and support me. In fact, we passed his nominating petitions.

    2) He mentioned a conversation with me. In terms of that conversation, I heard that Rep Lang must be neutral until my matter before his committee was adjudicated. I respected that need for objectivity and ability to consider the matter fully. In that matter he showed great integrity. But once I was cleared by the Inspector General of the charges, and his committee’s responsibilities correctly discharged and the matter no longer before him, I thought our relationship would revert to the usual. Mutual support.


  1. - Grand Avenue - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:25 pm:

    Living with his parents doesn’t seem like that bad an attack, unless she’s claiming he’s really just using his parents’ address to claim residency in the district.

  2. - 47th Ward - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:31 pm:

    I wonder if it says “Andy” on the bottom of his boot?

  3. - JoanP - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:38 pm:

    What’s wrong with living at home with your parents? I did that all through law school.

    What’s wrong with not paying property taxes? Renters don’t. Is there some new requirement that you have to be a real property owner to hold office?

  4. - Lucky Charms - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:39 pm:

    When does Rauner start the whole “pledge election” thing he keeps talking about? Seems like it could have started in some Dem primaries to actually be effective.

  5. - Bill F. - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:45 pm:

    I’m not privy to the team Rauner election handbook, but I think he intends to talk about Mike Madigan some more.

  6. - Lt Guv - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:46 pm:

    The piece against Bonner really seems like a stretch.

  7. - TKMH - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:47 pm:

    He sounds unhinged. I mean, I don’t like Madigan either, but today’s performance plus his previous statements about “blowing JB up in November” are concerning.

  8. - Living with mom - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:48 pm:

    When you speak to property tax issues and you do not pay them, it is then an issue. Living at home with mom and dad, excluding the caregiver situation, says I am not ready for prime time or a statehouse race…..

  9. - Ole' Nelson - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:52 pm:

    Rauner is used to getting everything he wants. He sounds like a man that is desperate to make sure that continues to happen despite the growing likelihood that he has failed.

  10. - Jocko - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:53 pm:

    I don’t know about a meltdown, but Bruce might want to switch to decaf. I’m picturing Randy Savage or Ric Flair using the “pump your brakes” gesture to him.

  11. - 47th Ward - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:54 pm:

    It’s a little hard to tell in the video, but the person next to Rauner keeps pulling the string in his back so that the Governor can repeat his catch phrases:

    “There’s a snake in my boot.”

    “Reach for the sky.”

    “Because Madigan.”

  12. - Roman - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:55 pm:

    I think we’ll see a neatly edited montage of Rauner’s awkward, lie-giggling in an attack ad this fall.

  13. - anonymous 2 - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:58 pm:

    Can’t say he doesn’t stay on message.

  14. - Soccermom - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:58 pm:

    Eh, this doesn’t seem that melty-man to me.

  15. - wordslinger - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 2:01 pm:

    –We must elect Jeanne Ives to be the GOP candidate for Governor and defeat the modern day King Herod, Bruce Rauner, who has broken every promise he has made to the voters. –

    Good to see the Illinois Family Institute has taken up the plight of the the world’s refugees.

    In the Gospel According to Matthew, Joseph and Mary fled with Jesus to Egypt to escape Herod’s persecution, and remained there until his death before returning to Nazareth.

    I take it a Gov. Ives won’t follow Rauner’s reprehensible move to try to make it tough on vetted Syrian refugees to escape persecution here in Illinois?

  16. - Anonymous - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 2:05 pm:

    “I don’t pay any attention to polls” - why on earth would he lie about something that would: a) make people think he’s a liar, or b) make people think he’s a really bad politician to not want to know where he stands with the voters (i.e., stupid).

  17. - Claud Peppers - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 2:16 pm:

    If his emotions are secondary and fear is his primary concern it’s not considered a meltdown.

  18. - Anon - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 2:16 pm:

    He’s so upset he forgot to drop his “g”s.

    I wonder if his bad fake laugh will change in Italian?

  19. - JoanP - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 2:18 pm:

    Oh, Ira, don’t you know what they say about people who “assume”?

  20. - Buford - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 2:18 pm:

    Surprised JB’s campaign can’t afford an HD camera.

  21. - JoanP - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 2:29 pm:

    ==When you speak to property tax issues and you do not pay them, it is then an issue.==

    Oh, come on.

    By that logic, if a candidate doesn’t have children, he’s not allowed to speak to education funding issues?

    If he doesn’t take public transit, he’s not allowed to talk about the RTA, and if he doesn’t drive, he can’t talk about the Illinois Tollway?

  22. - VanillaMan - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 2:38 pm:

    Geez Bruce, Rod Blagojevich made more sense on the day he was arrested, than you did today.

    You did nothing but speak in circles and get louder and spoke faster as the questions continued, like you are circling a drain.

  23. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 2:38 pm:

    Ira, you were not “cleared” by the inspector general but were instead found to engage in conduct unbecoming of your office.

    You are a liability to your party, former associates like Lou Lang, and the cause of progressive political action in this state.

    Go away and enjoy your pension already and stop creating more problems for fellow Democrats.

    You aren’t so special or essential that this state or your district will be worse off by your retiring. So retire already.

  24. - SaulGoodman - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 3:03 pm:

    Shorter Ira: Lou once supported me, so I assumed he would this time. Wow.

    What about the other three on the mailer with Lou? Are those pretend endorsements too?

  25. - 60611 - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 3:23 pm:

    Watching Team Rauner and its candidate over the last 10 days has convinced me that Ives has a chance. Wouldn’t have believed it otherwise.

  26. - Just Observing - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 3:25 pm:

    === Go away and enjoy your pension already and stop creating more problems for fellow Democrats. You aren’t so special or essential that this state or your district will be worse off by your retiring. So retire already. ===

    I don’t have a dog in the fight, but maybe the voters of the district, not you, can decide tomorrow.

  27. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 5:28 pm:

    Part of my rent pays the property tax my landlord pays on the building where I live. Does that count?

  28. - capitol view - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 6:22 pm:

    I see Ira winning, and then retiring when he and his fellow Dems can appoint a successor. That’s what committeemen do!

  29. - Steward As Well.... - Tuesday, Mar 20, 18 @ 12:58 pm:

    I heard the radio ad Rich reference above on a local radio station in Springfield. As much as I dislike the Guv it was truly in poor taste and rotten. “Sammy” was speechless right after it aired which is hard for him to be, if you know him. It was one and done. The station immediately pulled it .

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