Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » DGA trolls Rauner for not calling Ives, but Ives doesn’t want to talk to him
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DGA trolls Rauner for not calling Ives, but Ives doesn’t want to talk to him

Wednesday, Mar 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

“To those around the state of Illinois who wanted to send me a message, let me be clear,” Rauner said. “I have heard you. I have traveled the state and I have listened to you. While we disagree on some things, let’s commit to working together on what unites us - the reforms we need to save our state.”

* DGA…

While most politicians would seek to repair the damage of a close primary, Bruce Rauner admitted this morning on WGN that he still hasn’t talked with Jeanne Ives. Rauner – who declared victory before the race was called – never even bothered to call his Republican opponent.

    Reporter: “It was a very contentious race. A lot of negative ads on both sides. Have you talked to Jeanne Ives? Did you talk to her before you announced your victory last night?”

    Rauner: “We have not spoken yet. You are right. It was very difficult. Primaries are divisive. But now is the time to move past that to come together. I look forward to visiting with the Representative. Visiting with those who are hurt or have their feelings challenged by the difficulties of a primary. And find common ground. And we can do this.”

In his “victory” speech last night, Rauner told the hundreds of thousands of Republicans that voted to oust him, “I have heard you,” but it looks like he’s just dodging their calls.

“Instead of making any attempt to bring his fractured party together, Bruce Rauner continues to ignore Jeanne Ives and the 48 percent of GOP voters who wanted her as their nominee,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Rauner is the most vulnerable incumbent in the country, stumbling into a general election with no allies, underwater approvals, and a record of failure he can’t defend.”

Those guys know how to troll. Video is here.

* But it doesn’t sound like Ives wants a call. Rep. Ives was on Dan Proft’s radio show this morning

Amy Jacobson: So yesterday, Governor Rauner did not give you a phone call before he went up and kinda gave his victory speech, because there was some problems with the ballot boxes in DuPage County, and you fared very well in DuPage County. So, what do you want to say to Governor Rauner this morning?

Jeanne Ives: “Governor Rauner can talk to himself in the mirror and look at himself and decide whether or not he’s proud of what he’s done all around, from his governorship to the way that he ran his campaign. I really don’t care to say anything to the Governor at this point, quite frankly.”

When asked if she would vote for him in the fall, she responded by saying, “I’ve said I will vote for him.”

…Adding… As some have said in comments, it is definitely the loser’s duty to call the winner. But it’s still a fun little troll.


  1. - Anon24 - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 9:56 am:

    Oohhohoho. Bitter.

  2. - old time golfer - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 9:59 am:

    I believe the one who loses calls the winner, so lets be fair about this. And don’t say she hadn’t lost yet because she conceded minuets later.

  3. - Just Me - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:00 am:

    This is why Democrats win in Illinois. This right here. “Conservatives” can be proud of their effort, and they can be proud of that effort when they’re sitting at home with nothing to do while the Democrats are raising their taxes.

  4. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:02 am:

    She should call him. But neither is capable of leading, even on this issue. If you can’t even lead on this issue, how can you lead a state?

  5. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:05 am:

    Rauner made a point he wanted Republicans and Democrats to come together against the Machine.

    Rauner essentially told Ives supporters…

    “I hear you, I won, get over it. We disagree, get over it. See things my way, or get over it. I’m going this way with Democrats and my half of the GOP, get in line, or get over it”


    Raunerism isn’t about being a Republican. That’s the sham of buying a brand.

  6. - dray - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:05 am:

    Absolutely hilarious she will still vote for the guy.

  7. - Big Joe - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:08 am:

    Rauner has shown his lack of class once again by claiming victory before he talked to Ives. But then again, what else did we expect? I don’t blame Ives for not wanting to talk to him.

  8. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:09 am:

    It’s going to be interesting to see how Ives and her GA supporters roll in the upcoming session.

  9. - Pundent - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:11 am:

    “let’s commit to working together on what unites us - the reforms we need to save our state.”

    Therein lies the problem. Rauner’s view of what unites us is fundamentally different than the people of this state.

  10. - Blue dog dem - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:12 am:

    Rauner will not. Repeat. Will not. Get the BlueDog family support. Made that mistake once.

  11. - Perrid - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:14 am:

    Yes she should have called him, but he could also have taken the initiative by now as well. Petty all around, although yes a little more so on Ives side. And also “While we disagree on some things, let’s commit to working together on what unites us - the reforms we need to save our state.” He plans on just doing more of the same, doesn’t he. Full speed ahead. What are the odds, do you think, that he vetoes the budget this year? It’d be a pretty silly (read: stupid) thing to do, and would get overridden pretty darn quick in an election year, but I think the odds are non-zero.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:14 am:

    ===“let’s commit to working together on what unites us - the reforms we need to save our state.”

    Therein lies the problem. Rauner’s view of what unites us is fundamentally different than the people of this state.===

    Ball Game.

    Rauner isn’t reaching out to conservatives or actual Republicans.


    That’s saved for Raunerites and Democrats, the reaching out.

    Agree. It’s really…

    “Get in line or tough luck”

  13. - Been There - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:17 am:

    ===When asked if she would vote for him in the fall, she responded by saying, “I’ve said I will vote for him.”====
    As much as I disagree with Ives on almost every issue and really think she can be a jerk, I still have more respect for her than Rauner just for the fact she actually tells her views to you straight.

  14. - Blue dog dem - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:18 am:

    Just wait til he signs off on some headline seeking gun control measures as he seeks that elusive suburban women vote. That’ll be the the 50% of the Ives 48% that stays at home come November. This guy aint very smart.

    Prolly next week we will get an announcement on the Quincy Nursing Home project. Too little. Too late.

  15. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:19 am:

    I’ve got my hands full with the Democrats. I don’t want any #$%%^ problems from you guys.

    Where have we heard that before?

  16. - A guy - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:20 am:

    Too much made of this with the rawness of a tough campaign and a very close race. They’ll talk at some “point”. While the Governor’s GOP credentials are shaky, Rep. Ives aren’t. Of course she’ll vote for the nominee of her party. She’ll stay active advocating what’s important to her. She has neither inspired nor irritated the GOP establishment for the last time. She’ll be a factor.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if she even does a bit of campaigning for him once the temperature comes down a little. No matter what anyone thinks, she’s a party loyalist. She has every right to feel pretty darn good about how she fared. It’s not a win. But it’s something not far from one.

  17. - Pundent - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:31 am:

    A guy - I would have agreed with you right up until those Mike Madigan ads ran.

  18. - Annonin' - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:32 am:

    At least GovJunk didn’t repeat the ‘14 lie about calling the leaders. Gosh the dope cannot get a break from you people.

  19. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:37 am:

    Concession calls are nonsense theatrics created for TV excitement. The first concession statements were made using telegraphs, for crying out loud.

    Ives will move on and choose how to take advantage of her win yesterday. Her support was anti-Rauner, so after November she needs to stand for more than that.

  20. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:39 am:

    Concession calls are nonsense theatrics created for TV excitement. The first concession statements were made using telegraphs, for crying out loud.

    Ives will move on and choose how to take advantage of her win yesterday. Her support was anti-Rauner, so after November she needs to stand for more than that.

    if sh wants to build on her success, she should focus on Pritzker and the Democrat’s inability to lead Illinois out of the economic catastrophe that got us Rauner.

  21. - Blago's Hare - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:40 am:

    Would it not be fun if Sam McCann ran as an Independent just to siphon off more votes from Rauner?

  22. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:42 am:

    Concession calls are nonsense theatrics created for TV excitement. The first concession statements were made using telegraphs, for crying out loud.

    Ives will move on and choose how to take advantage of her win yesterday. Her support was anti-Rauner, so after November she needs to stand for more than that.

    if sh wants to build on her success, she should focus on Pritzker and the Democrat’s inability to lead Illinois out of the economic catastrophe that got us Rauner.

    Rauner failed, but what elected him is still out there and can work for a real leader in four years.

    In the meantime, Democrats have four years to prove to voters that they are more than unicorn-loving snowflakes living in an urban bubble.

  23. - Angry - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:48 am:

    Rauner’s “I hear you” nonsense to the 49% who didn’t vote for him is so condescending. No way enough of us will vote for him.

  24. - DuPage Saint - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:50 am:

    Ives for U S Senate next on agenda

  25. - LizPhairTax - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 10:56 am:

    DGA condemns man for not contacting woman who states she does not wish to be contacted by man. Sounds like a winner.

  26. - Anony - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 11:03 am:

    Lots of missteps and missed opportunities by Team Ives. 1. Her ad brought her attention but alienated her from mainstream Republicans. 2. What was the point of publicly stroking Madigan? She gave Rauner a gift. 3. The DGA’s ad was better than anything her team produced. How did the DGA understand her message better than she did? Ives didn’t have a strong showing. Rauner had a poor one. She had the money but not the strategy to finish the job.

  27. - Anony - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 11:13 am:

    It is also silly to say you will vote for Rauner in November but won’t concede or call him. What is her message?

  28. - Gooner - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 11:14 am:

    Ives is complaining about how Rauner ran the race?

    She did the same thing. Look in the mirror. It is probably even worse for Ives, since Ives tries to play the “good Christian” role.

    She’s coming off as a brat. I doubt she had any real chance statewide in IL, but this confirms she’s not even ready to step up in her current position.

  29. - ILPundit - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 11:17 am:

    Should be peace, not piece

  30. - Anon - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 11:27 am:

    The issues on which Rauner and Ives disagree cannot be resolved by a phone call or meeting. As I’ve seen people say on here, he can’t unsign HB40. So anyone who expects her to get in line and support him the next day doesn’t know what principles are.

  31. - The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 11:28 am:

    Ives wasn’t publicly stroking Madigan. The point she was making was basically the same observations that former Governor’s Thompson and Edgar made. The Democrats were the majority in the Legislature and Madigan was the House Speaker. How do you expect to accomplish anything positive if you get no cooperation from them. Rauner came into office spoiling for a fight with them. The result was his failure as a Governor. Even Jeanne Ives understood this failed strategy.

  32. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 11:36 am:

    “I’ve said I will vote for him.”

    And Bruce said he would veto HB 40.

    We’ll see.

    – MrJM

  33. - Anony - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 12:03 pm:

    ==Ives wasn’t publicly stroking Madigan. ==
    Her reasons don’t matter. What matters is what she said and how it could be used against her. Whomever told her that committed malpractice.

  34. - ILPundit - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 12:38 pm:

    Can I ask why my comment got deleted? I didn’t say anything offensive.

  35. - NoGifts - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 12:58 pm:

    The ability to present a gracious response to setbacks is an important job qualification in politics.

  36. - James Knell - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 2:04 pm:

    Hey Dude, is “accomplishing anything positive” the objective of the Ted Cruz / Newt / Rauner shutdowns or is the objective to layoff the hated government employees, shut down public education from kindergarten to public colleges & universities, and create the conditions for authoritarian government? Just asking…

  37. - Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Mar 21, 18 @ 3:01 pm:

    He refused to say her name during his speech last night. He only called her “my opponent.”

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