Question of the day - Part 2
Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Text from a Downstate legislator last night at 7:50 pm…
I’ve seen three Pat Quinn commercials tonight.
He just won’t. go. away.
* Tribune…
Soon after it was clear he’d lost the Democratic attorney general race, former Gov. Pat Quinn didn’t say he would run for office again.
Quinn also didn’t say he won’t run for office again.
“I’m never going to quit,” he told reporters Tuesday night. “I believe in petition passing. I believe in passing referendums.
“I really like the idea of having more referendums on issues that involve jobs and ethics in government and advancing workers’ rights and so on,” said Quinn, 69. “So, I’ll probably focus a little more on petition and referendum. I’ve been doing that for quite a while, and I plan to keep on doing that until I don’t have any breath.”
Quinn’s unsuccessful attorney general bid means the only statewide office he hasn’t sought is state comptroller.
Watch out, Susana!
* The Question: What do you think Quinn will run for next? Don’t forget to explain and snark is allowed.
- very old soil - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:19 pm:
President of the Fenwick High School Alumni Association
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:20 pm:
No snark, why wouldn’t he run for mayor?
- Whatever - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:20 pm:
Well, President Obama’s chair in the oval office needs filling . . .
- wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:21 pm:
Mayor of Chicago. Because it’s the next one up and Emanuel isn’t the most beloved public figure.
–* Text from a Downsate legislator last night at 7:50 pm…
I’ve seen three Pat Quinn commercials tonight.–
Renowned Quinn administrative skills, in action.
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:21 pm:
Dog Catcher
- Conn Smythe - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:22 pm:
2 Questions of the Day!
- Old Time R - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:22 pm:
How about governor of Wisconsin if he wins we will get tons of jobs back here
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:23 pm:
President of Del Boca Vista, phase 3
- Uncreative - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:23 pm:
President of the Ralph Nader Society for Perennial Candidates
- prairiestatedem - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:24 pm:
President of the Kwame Raoul fan club
- Winnin’ - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:25 pm:
- East Central Illinois - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:25 pm:
Quarterback, Chicago Bears
He has experience getting sacked, tackled for losses, and incomplete passes. And yet . . . he gets back up again and gets back in the huddle.
- Al - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:26 pm:
US Senate.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:27 pm:
===2 Questions of the Day! ===
Yeah, well, I’m leaving for vacation soon.
Actually, I totally forgot that I already had one. Been one of those days I suppose.
- Jocko - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:30 pm:
Having upgraded his push mower, Pat is eyeing the presidency of the US Lawn Mower Racing Association (USLMRA)
- From the 'Dale to HP - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:30 pm:
I hope it’s Mayor of Chicago just to make what has the makings of a circus, an actual circus.
- Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:31 pm:
Mayor of Chicago. The only downside for him is if he wins, he actually has to be Mayor of Chicago.
This, or President for Life of the Term Limits Association of America.
- Ron - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:31 pm:
McCarthy just announced he’s running for Mayor.
- Don Juan - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:33 pm:
Forester of Park Ridge. Or Mayor of Edison Park.
- Truthteller - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:34 pm:
He took over for Blago after the impeachment. How about he runs out to Colorado and serves the rest of Blagoevich’s term there so Rod can be reunited with his family and we would be rid of Quinn?
That would be a twofer
- JoanP - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:35 pm:
Whichever office the Magic 8 Ball tells him to run for.
- Flapdoodle - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:35 pm:
How about Quinn runs for the nearest available state border so we can finally say good-bye
- Just Me - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:38 pm:
I don’t believe he has ever run for a federal race before, so U.S. Senate if Durbin retires. Let the DNC worry about him.
- Back to the Mountains - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:39 pm:
Forest Preserve District of Cook County. He can’t break too many things there, right?
- Saluki - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:39 pm:
King of Freedonia.
- Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:41 pm:
He and Squeezy could run for President and Vice-President of the Lord Voldemort Cosplayers Society.
- Back to the Mountains - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:41 pm:
Nope, I spoke too soon. Every member of the County Board is also a member of the Forest Preserve District. I withdraw my recommendation.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:42 pm:
–I don’t believe he has ever run for a federal race before, so U.S. Senate if Durbin retires.–
He lost a Senate primary to Durbin.
- Cheryl44 - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:42 pm:
He should buy some vacant land on the west side and start an urban farm. Or maybe keep bees.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:43 pm:
===I don’t believe he has ever run for a federal race before, so U.S. Senate if Durbin retires===
Um, he ran against Durbin for an open Senate seat.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:44 pm:
He could move to a collar county and run for precinct committeeman.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:45 pm:
Susanna is so popular amount myself and many others. As far as I am concerned, she is one of the best Comptrollers that Illinois has ever had except for Judy Barr Topenka.
I have a rule that I never vote for anybody running unopposed. It is based on principle and I thought that I would never do that ever. However, I voted for Susanna Mendosa as a way of showing support. She has won over a lot of people and is safe in that office as long as she wants it. Also, I would support her for higher office if she wants it.
She does her job and does it well
- We'll See - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:46 pm:
Chair of the Benevolent Order of Gadflies.
- Responsa - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:54 pm:
I’d like to see PQ’s name on one of those “this is my mile of roadway to keep clean” signs. That would be good public service for him, I think.
- AC - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:56 pm:
He should lead a Parks and Recreation Department, applying his famous lawn mowing expertise.
An alternative might be Kindergarten teacher, based on his affinity for defining the most basic things. That habit might make sense for that audience.
Perhaps he could lead a petition calling for a fumigation bill for after Rauner leaves office.
Still, if he learned his lesson and 4 out of 10 union households learned theirs, I can think of no higher calling for Pat Quinn.
- TKMH - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:59 pm:
- Flip357 - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 1:59 pm:
Mayor of Who-ville.
- TKMH - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 2:00 pm:
^^In response to his eventual run for Cook County Democratic Party head/Mayor of Chicago/local dogcatcher.
- Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 2:00 pm:
Let’s see where his cash is at the end of the quarter. Remember, Pat spent $600,000 of leftover campaign funds between 12/14 and 9/17 to support his lifestyle including on staff, not one but two offices and more than $10,000 on White Sox tickets. So if he used this run to replenish his coffers, he’s probably good for a while.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 2:03 pm:
Soy Boy of 2018.
- Moist von Lipwig - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 2:05 pm:
==not one but two offices==
He never had more than one office at a time. You’re trying to ding him for having to move his office?
- Leigh John-Ella - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 2:06 pm:
Mary Mitchell was on the election night Sun-Times Lynn Sweet Show and described Quinn as:
That uncle who stays too long at holiday parties.
- Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 2:10 pm:
MWRD? He’s well suited to the work and more pension time as a bonus.
They would just have to stop him from building a big line out to Peotone.
- Boone's is Back - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 2:13 pm:
My guess is he tries to convince Preckwinkle to make the Cook County Medical Examiner an elected position.
He’d fit in well at the Morgue…
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 2:26 pm:
If anyone remembers a couple years ago when Quinn was trying to create a city-wide elected Consumer Advocate position in Chicago, I’m willing to bet he revives that effort so he can seek that position in 2019
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 2:29 pm:
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. He can greet passengers on the Wendella boats election day before doing his Millennium Park Metra campaigning at rush hour.
- A Jack - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 2:37 pm:
He can run for the bus he keeps missing.
- Whatever - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 2:42 pm:
Mayor of Rock Ridge.
- City Zen - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 2:57 pm:
Python Sanctuary Coordinator at Brookfield Zoo
- Big Joe - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 2:58 pm:
President of the Condo Association of The Pines of Mars Gables, Phase 3.
- James Knell - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 2:59 pm:
Prince of Pottsville
- WhoKnew - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:02 pm:
If he could get his lawn mower to run on Soy Beans, that would help!
- anon - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:03 pm:
He will run to unseat Mayor McCheese.
- a drop in - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 4:10 pm:
“I believe in petition passing. I believe in passing referendums.”
That’s not what he’s passing. Just sayin’
- siriusly - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 4:12 pm:
Cook County Dem Party Chair!
- JS Mill - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 4:48 pm:
- DuPage - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 5:08 pm:
- DuPage - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 5:10 pm:
And can’t get elected to that either.
- Veil of Ignorance - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 5:19 pm:
Has he ever run for Mayor?
- Leatherneck - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 5:38 pm:
Bring back the Solidarity Party and run a 3rd party Governor campaign? With Drury for LG?
- Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 6:05 pm:
Chief of DuPage County Election Commission.
- Final - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 9:39 pm:
Run for the hills.