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Baise tells party insurgents to choose between Rauner and Madigan

Monday, May 14, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bernie writes about the state GOP chairmanship fight

[Greg Baise, president and CEO of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association] last week called the GOP chairmanship fight a “sideshow,” and was critical of the third-party bid for governor being waged by state Sen. Sam McCann, R-Plainview. That’s because, he said, House Speaker Michael Madigan and Pritzker would have control of drawing new legislative maps after the 2020 Census if Rauner loses.

“If you want to be divisive … because you’re still [angry] about this or that, then you’re for Mike Madigan,” Baise said, “because frankly, this election means who’s going to write the map, and Mike Madigan and J.B. Pritzker will write a map that will push the Republican Party into oblivion.”

* Here’s Bob Winchester on the incumbent party chairman. The state party has declared Winchester the loser in a crucial congressional district and he may take that loss to court

Schneider is “probably a decent person,” said Winchester, a former legislator who was later deputy governor to George Ryan and who has been on the state central committee for a quarter century. But, he said, Schneider “does everything the governor tells him to do, whether it’s right or wrong. I credit him with helping to move the Republican Party to the left. … It’s no longer the Republican Party. It’s the Rauner party.”

* However, Schneider’s challenger Mark Shaw said this to Bernie about Gov. Rauner

“I intend to do everything I can to make sure he’s the next governor of the state of Illinois, whether I’m the state chairman or not,” Shaw said.


  1. - 47th Ward - Monday, May 14, 18 @ 9:32 am:

    Mike Madigan’s favorite ILGOP activists? Isn’t that one of the charges Rauner made against Ives that started this whole fight? Talk about pouring gasoline on the fire.

    More popcorn please.

  2. - Highland, Il - Monday, May 14, 18 @ 9:35 am:

    Sure Mr. Baise, don’t blame Governor Rauner for pushing the Republican Party into oblivion. It’s amazing what those on my side of the aisle will tolerate to “defeat” Madigan.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 14, 18 @ 9:43 am:

    ===“If you want to be divisive … because you’re still [angry] about this or that, then you’re for Mike Madigan,” Baise said, “because frankly, this election means who’s going to write the map, and Mike Madigan and J.B. Pritzker will write a map that will push the Republican Party into oblivion.”===

    LOL…. (gasp, catches breath)… LOL

    When Raunerism bought the ILGOP, that was the end of… ILGOP.

    Baise, who I do respect, now us making the case…

    “because the map”


    Rauner will hold the state hostage for the map, ruining the state further.

    Mr. Baise,

    With great respect,

    The ILGOP is gone now. The Raunerite Party winning the Mansion won’t save whatever ILGOP you think exists “now” or into the “future”.

    It is NOT binary.

    It’s not.

    If Madigan ran for Governor, then you may have a case.

    Mr. Baise, you don’t have a case.

    The comedy here… it’s hilarious. Pathetic, but hilarious.

  4. - wordslinger - Monday, May 14, 18 @ 9:44 am:

    How many divisions does the IMA have?

  5. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 14, 18 @ 9:47 am:

    If anything now…

    Mr. Baise making it about the map should reinforce that McCann’s candidacy is more about the Republicans knowing Rauner isn’t a Republican, and Raunerism hanging on to the ILGOP brand it bought with money, not with ideology.

    Yes, if anything now… this is Mr. Baise trying to make the binary choice THE choice… because Raunerism buying the ILGOP is turning Republicans to Sam McCann.

    Hilarity ensues.

  6. - Chris Widger - Monday, May 14, 18 @ 9:54 am:

    ==Raunerism hanging on to the ILGOP brand it bought with money, not with ideology.==

    It works, right? The Democrats figured that out four years too late in this state.

  7. - just an fyi - Monday, May 14, 18 @ 10:02 am:

    Why should Republicans listen to Greg Baise and the old tropes he parrots? Manufacturers certainly don’t. They keep fleeing IL.

  8. - Rabid - Monday, May 14, 18 @ 10:30 am:

    drink the ILGOP Kool-Aid or succumb the the mind control of madigan

  9. - just an fyi - Monday, May 14, 18 @ 10:31 am:

    Old guys like Baise have been hanging around lecturing about unity forever it seems, even around a Denny Hastert. Yes that went well.

  10. - Annonin' - Monday, May 14, 18 @ 12:06 pm:

    Anyone else wonderin’ why anyone even reportin’ on what Baiser thinks of GovJunk? Must have been very sloooooow news day.
    Anyway CarWashKing havin’ a tough time keepin’ a job that is only of interest for about 7 months

  11. - VanillaMan - Monday, May 14, 18 @ 12:07 pm:

    Bad questions result in bad answers, Mr. Blais -

    There is no “if” Rauner loses.

    ILGOP has to reestablish itself after this diaster of a governor is off sipping expensive expresso in Italy. January 2019.

    That map? You lost that issue when your new governor revealed himself to be an amateur without a plan, a staff, or a clue. You got bamboozzled by Bruce Rauner when he bought you. You had three years to turn this nerd into a governor, and time is out.

  12. - Last Bull Moose - Monday, May 14, 18 @ 5:17 pm:

    Why would I want more people who will enable Rauner and his incompetent non -governance?

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