Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 - DGA, Ives respond *** ILGOP’s Schneider and Shaw make peace, will share some power
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*** UPDATED x2 - DGA, Ives respond *** ILGOP’s Schneider and Shaw make peace, will share some power

Wednesday, May 16, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* E-mail to state party officials from ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider…

Good evening,

Ahead of our meeting on Saturday, I’d like to share some important updates with you. After many conversations and hearing from many of you, Mark Shaw and I have come to an agreement that we believe is best for the party to achieve our shared goal of reelecting Gov. Rauner. Mark has decided to run for President of the Republican County Chairmen’s Association with the full support of Gov. Rauner and me, rather than run for Chairman of the state party.

To ensure that the Illinois Republican Party and the Republican County Chairmen’s Association work together in an efficient and seamless manner, I am happy to announce that I have appointed Mark as a Co-Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party as well. In this new role, Mark will be the primary liaison to our County Chairmen and will take the lead on grassroots engagement, training, and mobilization. To win in November we are going to need a grassroots army to battle the Democrats, and I am confident Mark will get the job done.

To beat Mike Madigan and J.B. Pritzker, we need to work on addition, not subtraction. In these new roles that Mark is taking on, I truly believe that we are utilizing each other’s strengths and talents in the best way to serve our party.

I know these past few weeks haven’t been easy on all of you as we’ve worked through these internal family issues. I hope that with this announcement, we can end this chapter and get to work on the important tasks in front of us. Mark and I are 100% committed to focusing our attention on coming together to defeat Mike Madigan, JB Pritzker, and the Democrats. We ask each of you to join us in that effort.

I’d like to thank Mark for his input on how we can make the Illinois Republican Party stronger. Because of his contributions in this process, I believe we have emerged stronger together with a renewed focus on what we need to do to win in November.

I look forward to seeing all of you on Saturday.


* Press release…

ILGOP Leadership Announcement

ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider and Lake Co. GOP Chairman Mark Shaw announce a reorganization plan that focuses on grassroots organizing dedicated to reelecting Gov. Rauner and Republicans statewide

“Chairman Mark Shaw is a great asset to the Illinois Republican Party, and I’m very pleased to announce a new joint effort with him to refocus our party’s efforts on grassroots and county-level organizing. This year’s election might be the most consequential one in our state’s history, so we must be more organized than ever before. That is why I wholeheartedly endorse Mark Shaw to lead the Illinois Republican County Chairmen’s Association as President. Mark will also serve as co-Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party and lead conservative and grassroots outreach for the party. With Mark joining me at the helm, the state party and Republican organizations across Illinois will coordinate new efforts to reelect Gov. Bruce Rauner and our Republican ticket statewide.” - Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider

“Many conservatives sent Governor Rauner a message in the primary. On the night of the primary, Governor Rauner said he heard them, and I heard them – loud and clear. But Republicans must focus on the issues that unite us and the election ahead of us. Conservatives in Illinois must come together to reelect Governor Rauner, or we won’t have a voice in state government for the next decade.

“That is why I’ve decided to join together with Chairman Tim Schneider in a unity effort to lead Republicans in Illinois. I’m asking the State Central Committee to reelect Tim Schneider to another term as our party chairman, and I am honored to serve as co-Chairman of the party. The joint unity effort will make our conservative voice louder and ultimately make our party stronger. I look forward to working with Tim in my new role to focus our party’s attention on the grassroots and do the important organizing work to reelect Gov. Rauner, elect more Republicans statewide, and build our party at the statewide and local level.” - Lake County Republican Party Chairman Mark Shaw

Today, Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider and Lake County Republican Party Chairman Mark Shaw announced an agreed reorganization plan that restructures party leadership and refocuses party efforts on grassroots and county-level organizing dedicated to reelecting Governor Rauner and the statewide Republican ticket.

With the full support of Chairman Shaw, Chairman Schneider will continue to serve as Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, and Chairman Shaw will serve as Co-Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party and lead conservative and grassroots outreach. Additionally, with the full support of Governor Bruce Rauner and Chairman Schneider, Chairman Shaw will run for President of the Illinois Republican County Chairmen’s Association. Both leadership positions will be elected this Saturday, May 19, at organizational meetings in Springfield.

Chairman Schneider and Chairman Shaw look forward to working together over the next six months to unify Republicans in Illinois, reelect Gov. Rauner, and defeat Mike Madigan.

*** UPDATE 1 *** From Rep. Jeanne Ives…

Late last night, the two candidates for ILGOP Chair, Chairman Tim Schneider and Lake County GOP Chairman Mark Shaw, announced a compromise that has the candidates sharing the seat. State Representative Jeanne Ives, a former Republican candidate for Governor, released the following statement in response:

This is an encouraging about face by Rauner and his surrogates including Tim Schneider who spent the primary campaign ridiculing conservatives and telling us to leave the party.
If this compromise elevates the party’s conservative base in terms of both policy views and party leadership, that would be good.

If this compromise turns out to be the typical surrender Republican Rauner play of buying people off with money and titles, that would not be good.

While I’m guardedly optimistic, I’ll reserve judgment to see how the deal operates in practice.

*** UPDATE 1 *** DGA…

The nation’s most vulnerable incumbent was forced to partially cede control over his party’s operations this morning, as news broke Rauner’s hand-picked party chairman agreed to be a “co-chairman” to avoid a divisive party vote. Politico Illinois wrote Rauner’s bowing to reality shows “weakness” and would “never could have happened under Rauner two years ago.”

But Rauner still has not solved his biggest problem — winning back state Representative Jeanne Ives and the 48% of Republicans that supported her. Ives was skeptical of today’s news, warning that if this was the “typical surrender Republican Rauner play of buying people off with money and titles, that would not be good.” Her statement also showed she was not involved in the deal. She told CLTV last week they still have not spoken.

“Bruce Rauner is fighting for his political life and he only has himself blame,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Rauner still has to find a way to win back the 48% of Republicans that voted to throw him out two months ago, and the millions of Democrats and Independents that are tired of watching Illinois fall behind under his failed leadership.”


  1. - PublicServant - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 5:07 am:

    Co-captains of the ILGOP Titanic at your service.

  2. - BlueDogDem - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 5:57 am:

    “…..we need to work on addition, not subtraction.”
    Let me tell you how that works. Actions speak louder than words. Informed, independent, fiscal conservatives won’t be bamboozeled again.

  3. - Rabid - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 7:11 am:

    Grassroot joint effort for short term memory loss on HB40

  4. - Rabid - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 7:19 am:

    Does the co-chairman get to co-sign the checks

  5. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 7:26 am:

    “Informed, independent, fiscal conservatives won’t be bamboozeled again.”

    Do you think that you and other conservatives who are angry about being betrayed on HB 40 will fall in love with Rauner again, or at the very least support him, as it gets closer to election time? When you hear Rauner attacking Madigan, Pritzker, corrupt insiders, tax hike, etc…?

  6. - Honeybear - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 7:31 am:

    yeah……okay……not sure this is going to work.

    Going to your corners is not coming together

  7. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 8:01 am:

    To the Post,

    Here is the compromise?

    The only, lone, single, question I have…

    When Bruce and Diana Rauner write a big check, which one of these fellas needs to funnel that money to whomever is suppose to get it.

    That’s really it, who controls the Raunerite monies to fund the Raunerism campaigns.

    Rauner can give himself, let’s say $5 million. But he’s not. Nope. He’s going to then get that to the “ILGOP”, (Raunerite Party) so that the state Raunerite party can then fund the RaunerS’ caucuses and those county organizations.

    It’s a pass thru.

    This move, co-chairs, or whatever it turns out to be, is giving a title to Shaw, embracing Shaw, but what are we really talking about? Rauner and Schneider will control the pass thru monies, Shaw will be “seen” as a partner?


    Like Mr. Breen, this is phony to the honesty of what this is…

    “Get in line, we appeased you, enough of this”

    Rauner signed HB40, signed a misinterpreted “sanctuary state” bill Rauner won’t talk about because it makes it worse explaining it… and Ives still got 48%.

    Mr. Breen said it best, while torching his ships…

    ===In the face of overwhelming evidence of Rauner’s inability to competently administer the Illinois government, inability to stand up to Mike Madigan effectively, and inability to keep his word and his commitments, I can no longer support him.===

    … and this deal with Shaw, like with Mr. Breen, is phony to the real that Mr. Breen slinked away from, to get that Rauner money.

    This also doesn’t change that Rauner flat out lied to Blase Cardinal Cupich, but…

    Right now, after all this… if I were they… I’d be losing sleep more about Sam McCann than a phony “co-chair” concession.

  8. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 8:24 am:

    Sam has to get a whole lot of valid signatures before he is on the ballot. Let’s see what happens.

  9. - Annonin' - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 8:26 am:

    Guess we score this as a win for CommandoIves. Good show.

  10. - Rabid - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 8:35 am:

    Jeanne’s army will desert to Sam before they capitulate to Rauner

  11. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 8:42 am:

    From Ives…

    ===If this compromise turns out to be the typical surrender Republican Rauner play of buying people off with money and titles, that would not be good.

    While I’m guardedly optimistic, I’ll reserve judgment to see how the deal operates in practice.===

    My thoughts…

    ===This move, co-chairs, or whatever it turns out to be, is giving a title to Shaw, embracing Shaw, but what are we really talking about? Rauner and Schneider will control the pass thru monies, Shaw will be “seen” as a partner?



    We will see how this goes, but if this is phony appeasement… it’s only May… lots can happen if this turns out to be a phony play.

  12. - northside - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 8:56 am:

    == We will see how this goes, but if this is phony appeasement… it’s only May… lots can happen if this turns out to be a phony play. ==

    Some compromise. A symbolic title. Conservatives will settle for any table scraps these days. Pathetic.

  13. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 8:59 am:

    Good on Ives, to be guarded about Raunerism and the buying and control of the GOP by a Cook County limousine neoliberal who uses precious beliefs like pro-life as hostage pawns.

  14. - The Dude Abides - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 9:21 am:

    Now everything will be hunky dory. Conservatives fall in line, support the Governor who only bothers to acknowledge you in an election year.

  15. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 9:25 am:

    ===To win in November we are going to need a grassroots army…===

    No, you’re going to need a candidate not named Rauner.

  16. - wordslinger - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 9:28 am:

    –If this compromise turns out to be the typical surrender Republican Rauner play of buying people off with money and titles, that would not be good.==

    Except for those who get the money and the titles.

    Obvious payoff opportunity for the Rauner peeps. Money and titles mean oogats to them. They had to make some kind of effort to at least deescalate the firefight on their right flank, going forward.

  17. - Retired Educator - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 9:43 am:

    Conservatives of Illinois, you just got played. There is no way they will share anything, including power of the party. I hope you are well paid, you are going to need it.

  18. - Pundent - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 9:46 am:

    Ives has the right take. Rauner didn’t buy unity he bought silence.

  19. - Been there, done that - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 9:51 am:

    The ONLY good thing about this “compromise” is the possibility that Pollard could be out as President of the Chairman’s Association.
    IF Shaw is elected, will he be a defender of and representative for the County Chairs or will he be an “enforcer”, making sure to get the Chairs “in line” by any means necessary - as Pollard has tried to do for years?
    I have a strong gut feeling conservatives just got sold out. It is sad to see that for some the price for their principles is set so low.

  20. - Chris Widger - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 9:55 am:

    ==Conservatives of Illinois, you just got played. There is no way they will share anything, including power of the party. I hope you are well paid, you are going to need it.==

    There’s no power to share. 20% of nothing is nothing. No part of the direction of Illinois over the past thirty years has been steered by anyone other than Madigan, Democratic legislators, and RINOs who were foolish enough to capitulate to the Madigan agenda of living beyond our means.

  21. - walker - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 10:36 am:

    Big win for Shaw. He gets the formal role and support for building a rebellion to Raunerism around the state — on Rauner’s dime.

  22. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 12:36 pm:

    Ives wins again.
    A year ago she was an unknown.
    After November she is in charge along with her supporters.

  23. - Chris P. Bacon - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 12:48 pm:

    Yesterday, we were told Tim Schneider was a failed chair who had to go. Today, after Mark Shaw is promised 2 more titles, Schneider is A-OK.

    Once again Ives and her faction look weak. Yet another win for Rauner, this time in the deckchair rearranging event.

  24. - northside - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 12:55 pm:

    ==Ives has the right take. Rauner didn’t buy unity he bought silence. ==

    Rauner bought conservative silence in 2013 too.

    ==Conservatives of Illinois, you just got played. There is no way they will share anything, including power of the party. I hope you are well paid, you are going to need it.==
    Conservatives were well-paid by Rauner from 2013-2018.

  25. - northsider - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 12:56 pm:

    == Big win for Shaw.==
    And only Shaw.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 1:04 pm:

    To this…

    ===The nation’s most vulnerable incumbent was forced to partially cede control over his party’s operations this morning, as news broke Rauner’s hand-picked party chairman agreed to be a “co-chairman” to avoid a divisive party vote. Politico Illinois wrote Rauner’s bowing to reality shows “weakness” and would “never could have happened under Rauner two years ago.”===

    That’s the sizzle, but is it steak?

    We don’t know yet.

    If Rauner and Schneider cut out Shaw with the monies only being a pass thru, as they always have been, and Shaw is but a mere title now included in this phony chain of command… than Shaw and conservatives won nothing, and got played.

    Revisit Ives…

    ===If this compromise turns out to be the typical surrender Republican Rauner play of buying people off with money and titles, that would not be good.

    While I’m guardedly optimistic, I’ll reserve judgment to see how the deal operates in practice.===

    … that would be the steak.

    The rest?

    Shaw got a title, did he get any power?

    The DGA response seems a bit wishy-washy, they point out a weakening that was already seen in the primary, but that weakening only garnered a title for Ives’ side. Ok, now what?

    I’m just confused why the DGA feels the need to comment, when it makes them a target for both sides of this on the GOP side.

    Why unify them?

  27. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 1:44 pm:

    ===They had to make some kind of effort to at least deescalate the firefight on their right flank, going forward.===

    Agreed. And no reason for Rauner to pump money into the IL Republican Party when he has more reliable folks in the HGOP and SGOP political committees. Can Shaw raise money? If not, why not just make him chairman and be done with it?

  28. - Chris P. Bacon - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 1:54 pm:

    Let’s face it, the state Republican party has just been operating as a mail house. The state parties get the cheapest bulk mail rate. That was used for Rauner’s benefit in the primary and that will of course continue. There were already Ives people on the central committee during the primary and no one spoke up. All of the deckchair rearranging gets kind of boring after awhile. Except for the vendor who delivers the mail pieces to the post office stamped with the IL GOP bulk mail permit, no one at the Illinois Republican Party really does anything. Just the occasional weak barking by a few neutered committee members who never follow through on anything.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 16, 18 @ 1:56 pm:

    ===Can Shaw raise money? If not, why not just make him chairman and be done with it?===

    As a monetary clearing house, it’s easier to have an ally who won’t question.

    As Madigan is Dem state party chair… in this case, fewer buffers, lol

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