Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » “We believed Ken Dunkin would continue his commitment to public service”
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“We believed Ken Dunkin would continue his commitment to public service”

Friday, Jun 8, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here. From the Sun-Times

While the governor tried to rescind his appointment of Dunkin to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District over harassment allegations lodged against Dunkin, the controversial former lawmaker says he’s not going anywhere.

And it appears Dunkin will win the battle. The governor’s office on Thursday acknowledged Rauner doesn’t have the authority to remove him from the board. […]

“Under the law the governor had the responsibility to appoint someone to fill this vacancy in an elected position,” Rauner spokeswoman Rachel Bold said in a statement. “However, under the present circumstances, we do not believe the governor has the authority to remove. We have asked Ken Dunkin to resign.”


In a May 18 statement, Rauner spokeswoman Rachel Bold said the governor chose Dunkin because he “has well represented his community and his constituents in the Illinois House of Representatives. On the MWRD board he can continue his commitment to public service and the taxpayers.”

Critics believe the appointment to be a form of payback – a reward for Dunkin’s breaking from Democrats in 2015 to form an allegiance with Rauner. Dunkin’s absence from the Illinois House during a vote of major importance to his party and to unions helped to kill the legislation, giving Rauner a win against labor and Madigan, his political nemesis.

Rauner allies supported Dunkin’s next run for re-election, but he was bested in the 2016 primary by now Rep. Juliana Stratton, who is the running mate of Democratic nominee for governor J.B. Pritzker.

“We believed Ken Dunkin would continue his commitment to public service on the MWRD board. Given new information that has come to light, we have asked him to resign,” Bold said Thursday via email.

Rauner allies also supported Dunkin earlier this year when the Illinois Chamber spent a bunch of money during his comeback attempt.

And Team Rauner had to know that appointing Dunkin to anything carried great risk.

* CBS 2

“I’m happy to be here. Thanks to Governor Rauner for appointing me,” said Dunkin.

Just moments after Ken Dunkin settled in for his first meeting at the Metropolitan Water Reclamation Board, Dunkin got a not-too-thinly veiled dressing down from the board president.

* Tribune

During the meeting, he was welcomed by board President Mariyana Spyropoulos, who also referenced Garrett’s “deeply troubling” allegations.

“As a woman and as president of this organization, I can tell you that we do not and will not stand for any form of sexual harassment, and our record is very clear on this matter,” Spyropoulos said. […]

Turning to Spyropoulos, Dunkin said he would “certainly want to adhere to your statements, madam president, but baseless accusations are just that at times, and we need to be conscious of what it is that we say, certain things that we internalize because anyone can say anything about anybody at any given moment, especially in this political environment.

“Most of us, all of us, come from a political background,” he said. “And we have political sponsors. So let’s be conscious and let’s be clear of what’s heresay and what’s fact.”

Already making friends I see. Just like the old days in the House.


  1. - wordslinger - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 8:59 am:

    –In a May 18 statement, Rauner spokeswoman Rachel Bold said the governor chose Dunkin because he “has well represented his community and his constituents in the Illinois House of Representatives. On the MWRD board he can continue his commitment to public service and the taxpayers.”–

    That’s a relief. I thought it was quid pro quo, old-timey political hackery.

    It would have been more credible to say that Rauner appointed Dunkin to MWRD because he’s really Aquaman.

  2. - A guy - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 8:59 am:

    Oh boy. Wonder if Todd Stroger is available in case he does resign. It could be just like “Christmas Morning Again in America”.


  3. - A guy - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:01 am:

    ==It would have been more credible to say that Rauner appointed Dunkin to MWRD because he’s really Aquaman.==

    Careful Sling, that does have the strong makings of a Post Session, late Friday afternoon release. Better Google Alert that one. LOL

    It’s very funny.

  4. - JS Mill - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:04 am:

    =And we have political sponsors. So let’s be conscious and let’s be clear of what’s heresay and what’s fact.=

    Yeah, he really gets it.

    Karma will continue to be unkind to Dunkin.

  5. - jeffinginChicago - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:09 am:

    Dunkin will have a great hostile work environment lawsuit in the near future.

  6. - Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:12 am:

    Anybody that knows anything about Dunkin knows that no matter where he goes, he will continue his commitment to self service.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:14 am:

    Those former GOP members that are now Raunerites, controlled wholly by the Rauner money, Ken Dunkin is you

    Remember the glee that Raunerites had, Dunkin in NYC, the continued distruction of Illinois proceeding, no overrides…

    The legislative Raunerites created Ken Dunkin’s importance as much as Gov. Rauner, and while Gov. Rauner is solely responsible for the appointment, it was also the Raunerite Legislators that made Ken Dunkin’s votes so critical.

    Raunerism made Ken Dunkin important.

  8. - Perrid - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:14 am:

    Did he really just threaten the board President in his first meeting? Because I hear the “sponsors” line as him saying “Don’t mess with me or I’ll come after you.” I’m not sure how else you could interpret it.

  9. - Hello Me - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:17 am:

    Let’s assemble a team and actually run Aquaman against this guy…

  10. - wordslinger - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:20 am:

    –Let’s assemble a team and actually run Aquaman against this guy…–

    Didn’t IPI already snag the Justice League of Illinois name for one of its shells?

  11. - Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:31 am:

    All Rauner supporters are deemed former Republicans? I disagree. Willy, you and Dan Proft are now officially joined at the hip with that statement. It also flies in the face of Reagan’s 80% rule.

    Never knew you were a Proftian/Uihlein winger until now.

  12. - SinkingShip - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:34 am:

    —We believed Ken Dunkin would continue his commitment to public service on the MWRD board.—

    Continue? Commitment? Public service? It’s more fun if you read that comment in a sarcastic, ironic tone.

  13. - SAP - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:36 am:

    This strikes me as the perfect “Because Madigan” opportunity for Team Rauner (BTIA tm). As in: “Because Madigan swept the allegations against Ken Dunkin under the rug, we were unaware of Dunkin’s part in creating a hostile work environment when we appointed him”.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:37 am:

    Nope - Louis G Atsaves -

    Good try.

    Raunerites are the idea of the legislative Ken Dunkin.

    ===Never knew you were a Proftian/Uihlein winger until now.===

    Never knew you were such a fan of Ken Dunkin.

    Raunerism is…

    Signing the most liberal state abortion bill in America, running up billions of debt to destroy labor, refusing to budgetarily support social services, and force the passive closing of state universities.

    Rauner isn’t even the ball park of being a Republican.

    Raunerism created Ken Dunkin’s existence and importance, and the governor owed Ken Dunkin for staying in NYC

    Good try, but you and those supporting Raunerism left the ideals of the Republican Party.

    Everyone has a price.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:39 am:

    - Louis G Atsaves -


    “I’m frustrated too but taking steps to reform Illinois is more important that a short term budget stalemate”… as Ken Dunkin stayed in NYC at the behest of Rauner to keep the pain on Illinois.

    That’s not the Reagan Rule.

  16. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:39 am:

    ===It would have been more credible to say that Rauner appointed Dunkin to MWRD because he’s really Aquaman.===

    Well, Dunkin’s a guy who always seems to land on his feet…or fins, as the case may be.

  17. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:41 am:

    Bruce Rauner is not in charge.
    Ken Dunkin is.

    Run on that slogan, Govern-not Rauner.

  18. - 47th Ward - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:46 am:

    Lol, Aquaman.

    I actually think Rauner appointed Dunkin to MWRD because Dunkin is a one man (deleted) show.

    The only thing that stinks worse than the Stickney sewage treatment plant is Rauner’s statement pointing to Dunkin’s “public service.”

  19. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:46 am:

    Most liberal state abortion bill in America

    Passively close state universities by refusing to fund higher ed for entire fiscal years

    Running up billions of debt by refusing to pass a budget

    Forcing the closure of social services by signing contracts with no intention to pay during a forced crisis.

    Signing a budget that validated and certifies the 32% tax increase was a requirement fir a budget and getting no reforms because reforms aren’t required to create a budget.

    Forcing and failing to end prevailing wage and collective bargaining.

    So you agree with 80% of this - Louis G Atsaves -

    “If you do, you must be a Raunerite”… like Ken Dunkin.

  20. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:47 am:

    Gee Bruce,
    Thanks for giving a guy no one liked, and now even likes less, a job you can’t remove him from.

    How much did you give him during his reelection? What kind of debt do you owe this moke?

    You look really powerless, helpless and sad. Why would anyone vote for you?

  21. - 47th Ward - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 9:53 am:

    How was the party?

  22. - Rabid - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 10:05 am:

    “we believed” sounds like someone needs their head examined

  23. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 10:09 am:

    ===How was the party?===

  24. - BigLou - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 10:26 am:

    From the camera angle and photo quality seems like someone at MWRD couldn’t wait to knock Dunkin.

  25. - Arsenal - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 10:28 am:

    I betcha Rauner’s thinking really hard about Donald Trump’s favorite poem right now. “You knew I was a snake when you brought me in.”

  26. - PJ - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 10:29 am:

    When Dunkin writes an autobiography of his own esteemed career in public service, that picture should be the cover.

  27. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 10:41 am:

    ===How was the party?===
    Party was bumpin till the end of the day at the MWRD. Shout out to George Blakemore for making an appearance.

  28. - My New Handle - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 10:43 am:

    That’s it? A DJ and three other people, one of whom appears to be in mid-retch? (Oh, and attended by Vinicky?) Dunkin is a party animal, double entendre phrase in his case.

  29. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 10:44 am:

    Keep pounding that table there Willy. Bottom line is you repeated a Proft line about Rauner supporters. Now according to the Rule of Oswego Willy, you own it. Congrats are in order.

    Reagan would never qualify as a Republican according to you Willy/Proft ideologues.

  30. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 10:46 am:

    Great photo of that Dunkin celebration. He really packed that room/snark.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 10:51 am:

    Learn to read - Louis G Atsaves -…

    It’s not “supporters” it was Raunerite legislators.

    ===Those former GOP members that are now Raunerites, controlled wholly by the Rauner money, Ken Dunkin is you===

    I thought lawyers needed reading comprehension… I guess not.

    Raunerites also… either your with Rauner or your not.

    It’s delicious that you continue to try to marginalize a mere commenter on a blog, but in reality, the governor of Illinois told former GOP autonomous caucuses “I don’t want any $&@#% problems”… and you ironically call on the Reagan Rule?

    That’s sadly pathetic.

    ===Reagan would never qualify as a… ===

    Most liberal state abortion bill in America

    Passively close state universities by refusing to fund higher ed for entire fiscal years

    Running up billions of debt by refusing to pass a budget

    Forcing the closure of social services by signing contracts with no intention to pay during a forced crisis.

    Signing a budget that validated and certifies the 32% tax increase was a requirement fir a budget and getting no reforms because reforms aren’t required to create a budget.

    Forcing and failing to end prevailing wage and collective bargaining.

    … as a Raunerite.

    Nope, you keep trying, tell me more about Facebook posts are more telling than polling… lol

  32. - anon2 - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 10:55 am:

    Dunkin’s reputation preceded the latest allegations. In short, Rauner knew what he was getting when he made the appointment.

  33. - A Jack - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 10:57 am:

    I don’t like Ken Dunkin at all. But he does have a point about hearsay statements. Everything said in the past few weeks is alleged until sworn before a court of law. I have all the sympathy in the world for the alleged victims, but they are still alleged victims until there are sworn statements, not press releases.

    I won’t agree to the subversion of Constitutional law no matter how despicable the accused perpetrator.

  34. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 11:04 am:

    ===I won’t agree to the subversion of Constitutional law===

    There is no such subversion, you moron.

  35. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 11:16 am:

    ===”Those former GOP members that are now Raunerites . . .”==== . I don’t see “legislators” in there.

    That’s Proft’s line. And now you own it. The Willy/Proft rule. Keep pounding on that table. Turnabout is fair play.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 11:19 am:

    ===Those former GOP members that are now Raunerites, controlled wholly by the Rauner money, Ken Dunkin is you

    Remember the glee that Raunerites had, Dunkin in NYC, the continued distruction of Illinois proceeding, no overrides…

    The legislative Raunerites created Ken Dunkin’s importance as much as Gov. Rauner,====

    Reading is fundamental.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 11:23 am:

    ===That’s Proft’s line.===

    “I don’t want any $&@#% problems”

    That’s Rauner’s line, after buying those willing to be bought.

    You get it.

    Leaders of a party don’t park $20 million in an account and threaten former GOP members not to give them “$&@# problems” and vote as they are told…

    … think of the monies Dunkin got.


  38. - A Jack - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 11:25 am:

    Article 6 of the Constitution is the basis for hearsay. And I defend you calling me whatever you want under Article 1.

  39. - Whatever - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 11:28 am:

    A Jack also has no clue as to what “hearsay” means.

  40. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 11:30 am:

    ===A Jack also has no clue as to what “hearsay” means. ===

    He also doesn’t know the difference between Article 6 and Amendment 6.

    He also apparently never read the 6th Amendment because it begins: “In all criminal prosecutions”

    So, yeah, I’ll stick by the “moron” comment.

  41. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 12:20 pm:

    Keep pounding that table Willy. Deflecting from your adoption of Proft’s statement about “Raunerites” not being Republican is just that . . . deflection.

    To quote Mr. Oswego Willy: “Own it.”

  42. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 12:37 pm:

    ===Deflecting from your adoption of Proft’s statement about “Raunerites“===

    LOL, I’ve been using *that* for 3 years… Proft or no or Proft, I own “Raunerites”, I’d like to think it was coined here on Capitol Fax.

    That’s it? That’s the owning?

    I’ve gone out of my way to define RaunerISM…

    Have you figured out if you agree with…

    Most liberal state abortion bill in America

    Passively close state universities by refusing to fund higher ed for entire fiscal years

    Running up billions of debt by refusing to pass a budget

    Forcing the closure of social services by signing contracts with no intention to pay during a forced crisis.

    Signing a budget that validated and certifies the 32% tax increase was a requirement fir a budget and getting no reforms because reforms aren’t required to create a budget.

    Forcing and failing to end prevailing wage and collective bargaining.

    LOL (exclamation mark)

  43. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 12:42 pm:

    Boys, it’s time to move along.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 12:43 pm:

    There is nothing 80% of Raunerism that equates to Republican, that includes Ken Dunkin.

    You may not like that - Louis G Atsaves -, but for a very long time, Raunerites and Raunerism, even here in this blog, is far more coined than Proft himself using it too.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 12:44 pm:


  46. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 1:05 pm:

    Oswego Willy, you say reading is fundamental — so who at the Tribune proofread the word “heresay”? Whatever else Ken Dunkin can be blamed for I’m pretty sure that error isn’t his.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 1:11 pm:

    I’m the last person anywhere to critique spelling in any fashion… unless those questioning my spelling make errors they seem to forget, lol

  48. - Huh? - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 2:43 pm:

    “We believed Ken Dunkin would continue his commitment to self service” sounds much better.

  49. - Gooner - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 3:13 pm:

    This is boggling.

    Do people honestly believe that Rauner may have viewed Dunkin as a high quality public servant?

    I honestly don’t know what is more troubling — that a Rauner spokesperson would claim that Rauner thought Dunkin had served well, or worse, that the spokesperson wasn’t lying and that Rauner genuinely believed.

    I’ve been around politics a long time. I don’t recall anyone that was as widely disliked as Dunkin. We had people that were considered odd or strange, but never somebody who was just not liked.

    The idea that Rauner thought Dunkin was a good guy or thought others might believe it is just odd.

  50. - Thomas Paine - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 3:55 pm:

    === I don’t like Ken Dunkin at all. But he does have a point about hearsay statements ===

    Um, I believe Dunkin’s statements were reported, investigated and corroborated.

    Joan Klonsky? Joan? Hmmm. Perhaps she will reappear.

    As for the suggestion That Rauner appointed Dunkin so he could continue his record of public service, the only thing Rauner seems to think that Dunkin has ever done of consequence is not show up for work.

    I would like to submit that if Rauner wanted Dunkin to contribute to the MWRD, not appointing him would have been the better choice so tht he would not have been at meetings. But perhaps now that he has been appointed, Rauner can score him some tickets for out-of-town sporting events around meeting times.

  51. - Shevek - Friday, Jun 8, 18 @ 4:29 pm:

    @wordslinger - @ 8:59 am -

    I just laughed out loud at that! Thanks for starting me off to a happy weekend!

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