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Repubs hype coverage of new ad

Tuesday, Jul 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The spot is 49 seconds, which is too long and too short to be a standard :30 or :60 TV ad. And it hasn’t yet shown up on Facebook. There are plenty of other platforms, however, so let’s take a look at it since our late friend Paul Green makes an appearance and the Tribune covered the ad

Rauner’s out with a new ad that tries to tie Pritzker and powerful House Speaker Michael Madigan together as pushing for a tax increase.

The ad shows both men with the words: “Pritzker-Madigan. Higher taxes. More corruption. Want to raise your taxes.” It then plays various TV news coverage of Madigan as well as Pritzker, who is pushing for a graduated income tax that would levy higher tax rates as income rises.

Pritkzer, however, has refused to say what those tax rates should be—something that has given Rauner an opening to attack a change in the income tax as higher taxes on everyone. Even to impose a graduated income tax rate would require years, including a voter-endorsed change in the state constitution.

The end of the Rauner ad plays a clip of Pritzker at a campaign event saying, “You can hear what a theme for this campaign is going to be, right?”

* Here it is

* The RGA was pleased as punch with the Trib’s coverage…

Chicago Tribune: J.B. Pritzker Still Won’t Say What His Tax Hike Rate Would Be

Despite criticism from editorial boards across Illinois over his refusal to detail the specifics of his “immediate increase” tax hike plan, J.B. Pritzker still won’t say how high he would raise taxes if elected.

The Chicago Tribune is again calling out the Illinois Democrat gubernatorial candidate, writing that “Pritkzer, however, has refused to say what those tax rates should be—something that has given Rauner an opening to attack a change in the income tax as higher taxes on everyone.”

As the heir to the Hyatt hotel fortune and an expert at using insider schemes to avoid paying his fair share in taxes, Pritzker simply does not appreciate what his tax hike would do to struggling families.

Hardworking Illinois families already having a difficult time paying their tax bills should be deeply concerned about Pritzker’s lack of honesty and candor about his tax increase proposals.

* And so was Team Rauner…

ICYMI: Morning Spin Covers Latest Rauner Campaign Ad

This morning, the Chicago Tribune’s Morning Spin covered the Rauner campaign’s latest ad, “Raise Taxes For Everybody.” The ad features a clip of Mike Madigan saying that taxes can go in “whatever direction you want to go” followed by news coverage of Pritzker’s plan to hike taxes on Illinois families.

Check out the coverage in Morning Spin:


  1. - A guy - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 10:54 am:

    IT does what it intends to do.

  2. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 10:55 am:

    The background music reminds me of the music in Quinn’s wine in the van ad four years ago.

  3. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 11:07 am:

    Guess you need something else to talk about as Rauner’s message morphs into “Corruption for me, but not for thee” right before our eyes.

  4. - BlueDogDem - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 11:08 am:

    About this tax rate thing…I told ya there was no difference on most things when it comes to Dems vs Repubs.

  5. - 13TH - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 11:15 am:

    But the governor has no problem spending every penny from the last tax hike in the current budget

  6. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 11:16 am:

    JB another tax and spend democrat.

  7. - Anon0091 - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 11:27 am:

    I’m confused. Why would the ad say JB wants to raise the flat tax rate and then in the next frame say what he really wants is a progressive income tax. Seems like messages competing with each other.

  8. - BlueDogDem - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 11:40 am:

    Anonymous at 11:16. Rauner is doing a hack of a job spending that new found revenue from the bipartisan approved tax hike.

  9. - BlueDogDem - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 11:41 am:

    Sorry 13th. Your post just showed up.

  10. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 11:50 am:

    =JB another tax and spend democrat.=

    What a ridiculous comment.

    If they are in state government they both tax and spend.

    This governor’s fiscal responsibility rates as the worst in Illinois history, spending far more than he took in and earning $1 billion in interest penalties for not paying the bills.

  11. - The Dude Abides - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 12:15 pm:

    JB should run an ad explaining that Rauner’s spending has exceeded the state revenues these past 4 years and when he’s Governor he will begin paying off the Rauner debt. They can even put Rauner’s name on the referendum because after all he made the tax increase necessary with his excessive spending.

  12. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 12:34 pm:

    JB will increase state taxes to pay for his new costly programs and to help bail Chicago out of it’s debt crisis. No cuts, just more spending and higher taxes.

  13. - City Zen - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 12:37 pm:

    ==JB should run an ad explaining that Rauner’s spending has exceeded the state revenues these past 4 years and when he’s Governor he will begin paying off the Rauner debt.==

    So you agree JB will Raise Taxes For Everybody?

  14. - The Captain - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 1:32 pm:

    More important: Pritzker is up statewide, Rauner went dark.

  15. - Rabid - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 2:40 pm:

    Team Rauner, JB wants what the people want a millionaire tax

  16. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 4:36 pm:

    JB wants the middle class to pay more, because he knows a millionaire tax will not be enough for his spending plans. He is not the middle class’s friend.

  17. - Rabid - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 9:42 pm:

    Two years of the Rauner tax rollback did not grow the economy, it put us one billion in the hole, is that what you want to stick with team Rauner

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