Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Joe Biden cancels State Fair event
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Joe Biden cancels State Fair event

Wednesday, Aug 15, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Bumped up to Wednesday for visibility.]

* More to come in a bit. Official explanation is an illness.

…Adding… Press release..

The following statement has been released by Doug House, President of the Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association:

“Everyone who knows Vice President Biden knows that he gives our party and our country his all, but unfortunately he is sick and is under doctor’s orders not to travel.

The cancellation is of course disappointing, but it is clear that the circumstances are simply unavoidable. We all hope he gets well soon and I’m sure he’ll be back campaigning for Democrats in Illinois and across the country in no time.

While Biden’s trip to Springfield is cancelled, our event will continue. We remain excited for what will be the largest brunch in our history and look forward to hearing from our incredible slate of Democratic leaders who are ready to energize our party and lead us to victory up and down the ticket this November.”

*** UPDATE *** Press release…

Mayor dubbed by Obama as ‘Future of Democratic Party’ will headline IDCCA brunch in light of Biden cancelation

SPRINGFIELD, Illinois – Thousands of excited Democrats attending the IDCCA’s largest-ever annual brunch on Thursday will meet rising star South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg (boot-edge-edge) who replaces Vice President Joe Biden after an unavoidable, late cancelation due to illness.

“Mayor Pete Buttigieg is a shining example of what can happen when Democrats take their message to every community,” said Doug House, president of the IDCCA. “That’s IDCCA’s primary mission – to fight and win in places where we’ve been told we can’t succeed. Mayor Pete’s dynamic message is one Illinois needs to hear as we work to turn races up and down the ticket from red to blue.”

“South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg is a rising star in the Democratic Party who jumped at the chance of filling in for Joe Biden,” U.S. Senator Dick Durbin said. “We welcome our Hoosier Democratic friend to Springfield.”

About Mayor Pete Buttigieg
Buttigieg - a Harvard graduate, Rhodes Scholar and U.S. Navy Reserve Lieutenant – was first elected mayor of South Bend in 2011 at only 29 years old, and in 2015 he won re-election with 80 percent of the vote. Known fondly as ‘Mayor Pete,’ in Buttigieg’s seven years as mayor, South Bend went from being called one of America’s 10 dying communities by Newsweek to experiencing a period of rapid population and investment growth.

As Mayor, Buttigieg took an unpaid seven-month leave for a deployment to Afghanistan. For his counterterrorism work, he earned the Joint Service Commendation Medal.

President Barack Obama named him one of four Democrats who represented the future of the Democratic Party. He’s received national hype in The Washington Post, which called him “the most interesting Mayor you’ve never heard of,” and in The New York Times, which ran a column saying that he could be the nation’s “first gay President.”

In 2017, Buttigieg ran for Democratic National Committee chair, earning national praise for his clear message and emphasis on rebuilding the Democratic Party from the ground up in every community. House said that message will play well Thursday.

Mayor Pete studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Oxford and holds a bachelor’s degree in History and Literature from Harvard. The son of educators, he was born in South Bend and grew up in the Northwest Side and North Shore Triangle. He graduated from St. Joseph High School in South Bend.

An active musician, Mayor Pete plays piano and guitar, and has performed with the South Bend Symphony Orchestra. He lives with his husband Chasten in the same South Bend neighborhood where he grew up and is restoring a once-vacant home there.

He currently serves on the advisory board of the United States Conference of Mayors, and is chair of the Mayors’ Task Force on Automation, which addresses the impact of automation on American communities.


  1. - Rauner - Tuesday, Aug 14, 18 @ 10:11 pm:

    Bring trump in

  2. - The Most Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 14, 18 @ 10:36 pm:

    WYA, Barack?

  3. - Sucks - Tuesday, Aug 14, 18 @ 10:55 pm:

    What about his fundraiser for the 4 dem congressional candidates?

  4. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 5:24 am:

    That’s it… Sick … How sick? Doug House was a paid 1988 Biden for President worker, doesn’t that count for anything?

  5. - Pick a Name - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 7:15 am:

    Hey, look on the bright side, there will be a lot fewer gaffes.

  6. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 8:08 am:

    Here I am staying at the Springfield Crowne Plaza for the Republican events and attending the State Fair, and saw the ballroom set up for Biden.

    Hopefully the illness isn’t all that serious.

  7. - A guy - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 8:38 am:

    Have always liked Joe. Used to agree with him more than now, but still maintained a strong liking of him. I truly hope and pray he’s ok.

    This is pretty sudden. Don’t fly? Just found out? Did they want to make sure the room was paid for and full, and held back some info until that occurred? Or, is there something out there that kept him from being there that could splash back?

    It’s all speculation, and it’s not gracious to do so, but this feels kind of awkward. We’ll see if it just “is what it is”.

  8. - Amalia - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 8:44 am:

    Hope Biden is ok. But his treatment of Anita Hill was horrible.

  9. - Anon - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 8:46 am:

    Can’t wait until Rauner blames Madigan for this.

  10. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 8:49 am:

    Can’t make this stuff up. The Mayor of South Bend Indiana replaces former Vice-President Joe Biden as the featured speaker. Is coming to Illinois really that toxic???

  11. - DarkHorse - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 8:49 am:

    Buttigieg? They can do better than that. Wonder if they reached out to Sanders, or even Ocasio-Cortez?

  12. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 9:01 am:

    –Can’t make this stuff up. The Mayor of South Bend Indiana replaces former Vice-President Joe Biden as the featured speaker. Is coming to Illinois really that toxic?–

    Geez, your victim is on strong this morning.

    Check out the guy’s story, conveniently included above. I’m guessing he’s not done, at 36.

    Compare and contrast with the last “big-name” speakers I recall the GOP bringing into Springfield: Ted Nugent and Jeannie Pirro. And they did that on purpose.

  13. - Almost the weekend - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 9:01 am:

    I know this is late notice, but I wonder what option he was down the list. Good for him but he’s gonna be paddling upstream.

  14. - OneMan - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 9:02 am:

    So hey kids how about a mayor from another state from a city half the size of Aurora?

  15. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 9:02 am:

    –It’s all speculation, and it’s not gracious to do so, but this feels kind of awkward. We’ll see if it just “is what it is”.–

    Quite an argument you’re having with yourself over your concern-trolling.

  16. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 9:06 am:

    ==Is coming to Illinois really that toxic???==

    You know something the rest of us don’t know?

  17. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 9:13 am:

    @LouisHowe - You get this is a last minute thing, right? It’s not about Illinois being “toxic.” Sheesh.

    Here’s hoping whatever is ailing Biden is a short-term thing and not something more serious.

    My husband loves Joe Biden so if we had tickets to this I am sure he would be super bummed at the cancelation but the Dem baby boomer establishment does need to start promoting younger fresh Dems to energize younger voters rather than just stay in nostalgia mode all the time. People like Pelosi and Madigan need to step aside. And as for Biden, as much as he is a likable guy (made more likable through his interactions with Obama) it always sort of bugged me how Biden got a pass for his Iraq War vote and handling of the Anita Hill hearing while every past sin of Hillary was always front and center. Should have been the same for Joe but then again maybe Joe is easier to forgive because he’s more willing to admit mistakes.

  18. - A guy - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 9:14 am:

    ==Quite an argument you’re having with yourself over your concern-trolling.==

    Musing Sling; I’m musing.

  19. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 9:17 am:

    –I’m musing.–

    Is that what you’re doing? Webster’s defines it as “a period of reflection or deep thought.”

    Not a synonym for concern-trolling.

  20. - Texas Red - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 9:36 am:

    Biden booted by (boot-edge-edge)

  21. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 9:40 am:

    Dark Horse… I doubt this Illinois crew even have Sanders phone number. These Dems have already cashed the checks for the tickets and it’s “take-it-or-leave it” time again.

  22. - JoanP - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 9:50 am:

    @Dark Horse,

    Why on earth would they want Sanders, after that stunt he just pulled?

  23. - Stark - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 9:59 am:


  24. - view from the cheap seats - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 10:12 am:

    So, the IL Dems brought in an Indiana Mayor to make their case. Got it…

  25. - So_Ill - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 10:18 am:

    ==So, the IL Dems brought in an Indiana Mayor to make their case. Got it…==

    Totally. It’s easy to get a big name speaker with 36 hours notice during a week when the senate is in session…


  26. - Pick a Name - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 10:43 am:

    Dipped to the low minor leagues for this guy, mayor of a city smaller than Springfield.

    Maybe he can tell some good Notre Dame football stories.

  27. - TKMH - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 11:44 am:

    Before you all judge…

  28. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 3:23 pm:

    See the latest CNN coverage from this morning: “A spokesman for Biden said the former vice president is simply under the weather and will ‘be fine in a few days.’ The spokesman would not comment on the record about Biden’s condition.” Something doesn’t sound right, and if you don’t hear, my telling you won’t change your mind.

  29. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 15, 18 @ 7:59 pm:

    –Something doesn’t sound right, and if you don’t hear, my telling you won’t change your mind.–

    So exciting. What could possibly be up, Bond? James Bond.

    You’ll fill us all in on your Secret Agent Man discoveries — if you survive, swingin’ on the Riviera one day, lying in the Bombay alley next day….

    I didn’t know there was a state fair D-Bag Concern Troll competition. But I think you’ve got A Guy beat.

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