Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Republicans, Democrats condemn Rockford political graffiti
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Republicans, Democrats condemn Rockford political graffiti

Monday, Oct 1, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Cabello’s Facebook page


Disturbing graffiti covers the walls of the Winnebago County Republican headquarters in Rockford this weekend.

The vandalism appeared Sunday morning with the words ‘rape’ and ‘shame’ painted on the building.

Local Republicans believe the graffiti is directly connected to the hearings of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. […]

Winnebago County Board Chairman Frank Haney released a statement, saying in part, “This is not who we are. I am extremely disappointed in the individual responsible for the ugliness at our local Republican HQ. Clearly, this person needs help. As a Republican, I am saddened and angry. I am also sad to see other folks in my party unfairly labeled and mischaracterized. Negative generalizations about a group of people has never served us well as a country. This situation is no different. Attacks of this nature aim to silence and destroy, neither of which will occur.”

Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara, a Democrat, also posted a statement about the vandalism on Facebook writing “This type of behavior is unacceptable and certainly does not live up to our community’s values. We all have differences but we must learn to disagree on policy without attacking people.”

* Charlie Laskonis, Chair of the Winnebago Democratic Party…

Regardless of one’s partisan preferences, if any, Winnebago County is first a community. Elected Democrats and Republicans work together to improve our way of life. Our children go to school together, we patronize one another’s businesses and we all want the best for the future. Criminal vandalism is not how we express the differences of opinion in our community.

I’m disgusted at the vandalism and view it as an act at intimidation. Through direct correspondence, I have offered to Winnebago GOP Chair James Thompson the willingness of Democrats to help in the quick clean-up of the damage. In addition, I encourage anyone, with even the smallest bit of information, to take it to law enforcement immediately.

I’m told Laskonis sent a note to the county GOP chairman before issuing the press release.

* Doug House, president of the Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association…

The act of destruction in Winnebago County is unacceptable and unforgivable.

Whoever is responsible for this callous, cowardly criminal act should know that they will find no welcome mat in our county Democratic parties. What was done in Winnebago County lacks logic or sanity and anyone who has information regarding the criminals should contact the authorities immediately.

I urge all candidates, activists, volunteers, partners or self-affiliated alliances within our party to take a moment to reflect on the very clear line between disagreement and destructive indecency. If your passions lead you to consider the destruction of property or harm to another person, you are unquestionably wrong.

County-level political organizations – Republicans and Democrats alike – rightfully cherish their offices and campaign headquarters with pride. These are places where we come together to exercise the freedoms of our democracy among our like-minded fellows. Destruction and vandalism are acts of senseless intimidation and small-minded intolerance that we condemn on the highest order.

Again, take a very deeep breath and then completely exhale before commenting, please.


  1. - Matts - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 11:01 am:

    Republicans could simply leave it there for a period of time. Let it speak loudly in a way totally unintended by and redirected at the perps.

  2. - Groucho - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 11:13 am:

    Based on the tone of our politics, I am surprised we don’t see more of this behavior.

  3. - Huh? - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 11:14 am:

    “line between disagreement and destructive indecency”

    Please remind the leader of your party of this line.

  4. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 11:15 am:

    Lots of talk of retaliation and speculation as to which group was responsible. I wonder if Cabello plans to delete posts like he says he will.

  5. - A Jack - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 11:17 am:

    The perps would have accomplished more by helping a campaign. But the perps will likely sit out Election Day.

  6. - Downstate - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 11:18 am:

    Sadly, this is the same reason I don’t put a “Trump” bumper sticker on my car.

  7. - Steve - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 11:28 am:

    It’s sad that the Republicans , who clearly are in the minority in Illinois, have to deal with the destruction of their property.

  8. - Cindy Lou - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 11:36 am:

    If the vandal had something to say, why not wait to open business hours and go in and discuss their feelings and thoughts? At least wait and come out during business hours with peaceful means of protest.

    Just seems so cowardly, as if afraid to express themselves without having to hide from their beliefs openly.

    That amount of scribble didn’t happen in a few short minutes…. unless a team went in like fleas on a stray dog…. someone had to have saw something.

    May I suggest the buildings of this nature now invest in security cameras? People carrying this much anger don’t stop after one hit… and this isn’t the first we’ve heard of attacks on buildings.

    And now I will shut up before banned for life.

  9. - Anonimity - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 12:09 pm:

    =Sadly, this is the same reason I don’t put a “Trump” bumper sticker on my car.==

    Sadly, it is the only reason you don’t.

  10. - Anonimity - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 12:11 pm:

    ==It’s sad that the Republicans , who clearly are in the minority in Illinois, have to deal with the destruction of their property.==

    You can replace “Republican” with African American, Latino, LGBTQ, etc., and you statement would be just as true if not more true.

  11. - Cheryl P - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 12:19 pm:

    Distruction? It’s been vandalized. It can be cleaned up.

  12. - Shemp - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 12:22 pm:

    When the leaders at the top engage in hyper-partisanship, where else are the loyal followers supposed to take their cues?

  13. - California Guy - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 12:24 pm:

    Sign of the times. I expect the politics of personal destruction to continue. Both parties will use the same tactics against each other. I would not want to be a SCOTUS nominee - regardless of political leanings or what party is in power.

    The graffiti should stay. Let it be a reminder of how bad things have gotten. It’s the elephant in the room as far as societal progress is concerned.

  14. - Funny Bunny - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 12:36 pm:

    I learned the building owner is a liberal Democrat. Well done vandals.

  15. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 12:44 pm:

    Pretty sick. The saddest thing about humanity is knowing somebody somewhere is going to commit the lowest offenses with the poorest of reasons.

    ===I learned the building owner is a liberal Democrat. Well done vandals.===

    And the only way I can get through it is with a little levity…. Maybe the owner did it… /s

  16. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 12:46 pm:

    ==I learned the building owner is a liberal Democrat. Well done vandals.==

    Why does that matter?

  17. - flavius217 - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 12:52 pm:

    There’s nothing wrong with this. Radical centrists are allowing this country to unravel in the name of “civility.”

  18. - Responsa - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 12:54 pm:

    I predict the perpetrator(s) will be identified and punished. The community coming together on condemning this is encouraging and is a good example to set for children who may be watching.

  19. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 12:58 pm:

    ===There’s nothing wrong with this. Radical centrists are allowing this country to unravel in the name of “civility.”===

    I hope that comment is snark. Or are we making up scapegoats to justify humanity’s inhumanity?

  20. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 1:09 pm:

    “Please no talk of retaliation or violence on my page (or anywhere). Or speculation as to who is was. It will be deleted.”

    Funny thing, almost every other comment on his Facebook page is accusing a specific group of people for the crime. When I asked Mr. Cabello when he was planning to start deleting posts that violated his wishes, my comment was deleted and I was blocked. But the “speculation” posts are still up. Interesting.

  21. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 1:14 pm:

    –Please remind the leader of your party of this line.–

    The comment was from the head of the Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Assocation, so which Democratic leader are you referring to?

  22. - Huh? - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 2:05 pm:

    “which … leader are you referring to?”

    Why should it matter?

  23. - AlfondoGonz - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 2:11 pm:

    I’m a prosecutor in a Republican county. It’s hard to blame people for lashing out.

  24. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 2:20 pm:

    ==It’s hard to blame people for lashing out.==

    Just to clarify are you calling the vandalism “lashing out”? Or are you referring to something else?

  25. - 17% Solution - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 3:22 pm:

    Whether it’s people “lashing out”, or a false flag scheme to motivate voters, or some insurance scam to get a check from the insurance company and pocket it and remove the paint oneself, I have no trouble blaming people who would do this. Why did you want to be a prosecutor?

  26. - Amalia - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 5:22 pm:

    I’m certainly not in favor of vandalizing things. But I do understand. (also, somehow when it comes to women’s rights, passive should be the rule?) Republicans had better hope that Kavanaugh is somehow put aside, because the stain on your party is really big now. and people are angry about what your Republican president is saying and doing. it will get worse.

  27. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 5:45 pm:

    Is this part of the Resist movement mentality? Do whatever you have to do to demean the opposition and win at all costs.

  28. - Chicago 20 - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 5:50 pm:

    It would appear that people are getting more than frustrated with the lack of action and acknowledgement of the seriousness and devastating impact of these heinous crimes.

  29. - HA8 GOP - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 7:16 pm:

    I’ll say it - False Flag Operation?

  30. - Kyle Hillman - Monday, Oct 1, 18 @ 8:22 pm:

    I saw this over the weekend on a GOP legislator’s page. I went there to post a comment condemning it but the comments were genuinely disturbing. The country is not well.

  31. - Mac - Tuesday, Oct 2, 18 @ 12:23 am:

    I suspect this is just the beginning, and that the violence and destruction from both sides will get much worse before it gets better. At the moment, Democrats seem to think they have a monopoly on political violence. I doubt it will be long before they are rudely disabused of that notion.

  32. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Oct 2, 18 @ 6:57 am:

    ==I suspect this is just the beginning, and that the violence and destruction from both sides will get much worse before it gets better.==

    It’s just some fools with spray cans. Nobody supports what they did. You can stop clutching your pearls now.

  33. - 17% Solution - Tuesday, Oct 2, 18 @ 8:43 am:

    “I’ll say it - False Flag Operation?”

    That was my first thought too but there is no proof so far. There are more stupid people than devious people. So that would move the needle to someone just expressing their feelings on someone else’s wall. But then devious people are more motivated, so that would move the needle back to the middle. So false flag or stupidity? I would say it was a toss up.

  34. - anonymity - Tuesday, Oct 2, 18 @ 9:01 am:

    Re: false flag. So it used to be common in Chicago that an aldermanic candidate would do something to his own HQ and then go all crazy blaming the opponent.

    Im not suggesting thats what happened here. But i must say we’ve heard crazier conspiracy theories from many right wing groups including the leader.

    *Not condoning*. Just saying its: not new and conspiracy ideas certainly not limited to the left.

  35. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 3, 18 @ 2:33 pm:

    Sham investigation by FBI, ordered by Trump.

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