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Question of the day: Golden Horseshoe Awards

Wednesday, Dec 12, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2018 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Campaign Spokesperson goes to Galia Slayen at the Pritzker campaign

There is no doubt who owns this category - Galia. Having worked with the media in both campaigns and government, I can honestly say navigating the Chicago press corps is quite possibly one of the hardest jobs for both. What reporters and many outsiders forget is that the press secretary is not there to be their “secretary” but rather to be the spokesperson and voiciferous defender of their boss. Galia did that and then some. She is a smart, tactical operative who is 100% loyal to her candidate…and when running for office in a state like Illinois that’s exactly what one needs in from the head of their comms shop.


She frequently made more sense than her bosses. While persistent, she let you fight back when she knew you had a point. There’s a crazy line between protecting a campaign and the truth, and I don’t think she ever crossed the line into lying, which is super important to media in this day and age. Looking forward to seeing where she lands.

* The 2018 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Government Spokesperson is a tie between Patty Schuh and Eleni Demertzis. Here’s my nomination of Patty, who spent decades with the Senate Republicans and then moved over to the governor’s office

Grace under fire, decades of experience, volunteered for an impossible job with an impossible boss, excellent human being. It’s gonna take some truly great nominations for another gvt spox to convince me that Patty shouldn’t get this award in what will likely be her final full year of eligibility.

* But then I read this nomination of House Republican spokesperson Eleni Demertzis and I decided a tie was in order

She dealt with a ton of challenging issues this year, including Jerry Long, Sterigenics, etc and always kept a balanced approach that put her boss in the best possible light. And she was never shy to tell a reporter their story needed to be “updated”.

Yep. Congrats to all.

* OK, let’s move right along to today’s categories…

* Best Illinois State Representative - Republican

* Best Illinois State Representative - Democrat

Please make sure to explain your votes or they won’t count. Also, do your best to nominate in both categories if you can. Thanks.


  1. - NotRich - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 12:48 pm:

    State Rep “D”: Leader Barb Currie.. nobody ever grasps legislative concepts like the Leader.. The Chamber is filled with the bodies of Repub floor leaders who she out debated year after year.. As a matter of fact.. This section should be now known as the BFC AWARD..

  2. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 12:48 pm:

    Katie Stuart- DEM, I love love love my representative. She’s always open. She always hears me out. She is just so good with ALL of her constituents. Civility and good faith is totally her wheelhouse and we’re really going to need that. She’s also really great at having open event forums to discuss issues. I can’t tell you how many coffee/café events she’s had. I just love her.

  3. - SaulGoodman - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 12:49 pm:

    * Best Illinois State Representative - Republican

    The retirees, but especially Chad Hays and Steve Andersson. They both carved out different - but independent, smart, and strong - spaces within their caucus, and both found ways to push back against their leadership in their caucus and within the Governor’s office. They were always honest and fair, even when they disagreed with you. Those two leaving are going to leave a massive hole in the HGOP caucus.

    * Best Illinois State Representative - Democrat

    Kelly Cassidy. She has been able to find a way to take on leadership within her caucus and still get things done in a real way, even when members of her caucus weren’t willing to stand with her. She’s smart, passionate, and a bulldog when she wants to get something done. She represents her district well, with an amazing ability to blend leftwing policy priorities with pragmatism, and bringing people on board from all over the political spectrum. She’s everything that we should want in every one of our legislators.

  4. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 12:54 pm:

    Best State Rep belongs to Michael J. Madigan. Madigan was attacked mercilessly by Rauner for his entire gubernatorial term, and in campaigns against Pritzker and national Illinois Democrats. Madigan was scapegoated and demonized by not his election opponents, but by Rauner, who obviously didn’t run against Madigan in his district. The state’s problems are complex, and blame deserves to be spread around.

    Madigan largely stayed silent and ignored whatever calls were made to engage more vigorously against Rauner. Instead, in his apparent wisdom, he let Rauner “Madiganize” himself and bring himself into Madigan poll numbers range. Now Madigan has gained much more power for his party and himself, maybe more than ever before. He paid for these gains in full.

    For Senator, it’s Andy Manar, for all his hard work on education reform.

  5. - LizPhairTax - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 12:55 pm:

    Drury. Sauer. Ballgame.

  6. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 1:00 pm:

    Can I nominate Andersson for both spots? (I planned on making the same joke for McCann for the Senate nominations but will just show myself out here)

  7. - UpperDownstate - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 1:01 pm:

    House GOP: Rep. Tim Butler. His passion for Illinois and the people of his district is always on display and is reminiscent on the elder statesmen of yesteryear.
    House Dems: Rep. Kelly Cassidy. This has been the year of progressive insurgents and she is he legislator in Illinois o believe holding the proverbial feet to the fire on progressive causes in the People’s House.
    Kudos to both these legislators, with more like both of these Illinois could continue to prosper once again.

  8. - Bruce Rauner - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 1:07 pm:

    Democrat- Michael J. Madigan. Madigan was attacked mercilessly by Rauner for his entire gubernatorial term, and in campaigns against Pritzker and national Illinois Democrats. Madigan was scapegoated and demonized by not his election opponents, but by Rauner, who obviously didn’t run against Madigan in his district. The state’s problems are complex, and blame deserves to be spread around.

    Steven Andersson- Republican- Representative Andersson is a state representative who truly wanted to improve Illinois. If Representative Andersson did not work with democrats about ending the budget impasse, I believe Illinois still would not have a budget. I am truly going to miss working with Representative Steven Andersson in the 101st General Assembly. Please do the right thing and grant Rep. Andersson this award.

  9. - Suburbanite - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 1:08 pm:

    House Dems: I echo what NotRich said! BFC has been a huge House powerhouse. She is incredibly smart and caring. I’m really sad to see her go :(
    House GOP: Representative Harris. He served his district and country with pride. Members of his party really looked up to him and he always had good things to say.

  10. - ste_wit a v_en - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 1:09 pm:

    Best Illinois State Representative - Republican- Steve Andersson. Rep. Andersson has been open and friendly whenever we have spoken. He’s not afraid to be independent and speak his mind. He will be missed.

    Best Illinois State Representative - Democrat- Anna Moeller -she is always friendly and open to anyone. Her and Andersson made a great team. She has a bright future in the assembly.

  11. - MichRiller - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 1:09 pm:

    House GOP: David Harris. He is a phenomenal speaker and deserves to be praised for his bipartisanship.

    House Dems: Barbara Flynn Currie. BFC is an outstanding woman. She is passionate and dedicated to her work.

  12. - LWFan - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 1:19 pm:

    Dem has to be Litesa Wallace! She’s a fighter for working families like her own and stood up to Rauner on critical issues like affordable childcare. I’m excited to see what she does next!

  13. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 1:19 pm:

    House Dems: Chris Welch. The guy is everywhere and paying close attention to some important issues. When you talk to him he pays attention to the people in the room and does not make you feel rushed. He follows up (that’s a big one).

    House Republicans: Dan Brady. He’s in leadership, but he take the time to deal with issues important to his district. Like Welch, when you are in the room with Dan, you have his attention. He knows what is going on in the House and he is willing to provide insight and helpful suggestions.

  14. - Big Joe - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 1:20 pm:

    Best GOP: David Harris. Bi-partisan, and will do the best thing for the State.

    Best Dem: Michelle Mussman. Always listens to concerns of the people she represents and walks the neighborhoods and holds town hall meetings to keep them up to date on happenings in Springfield.

  15. - Blue Dog Dem - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 1:23 pm:

    Dem. Jerry Costello II. At least he tried to get rid of the useless FOID card.

    Repub. Sorry. None.

  16. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 1:25 pm:

    Although their heaviest lifting took place in 2017, the House GOP rogues who broke with Rauner and ended his willful, shameful misanthropy get the nod from me.

    They put People over Party and knocked the bully down, at the cost of their political careers. Splendid behavior. They are heroes.

    On her way out the door, Rep. Currie gets the nod on the Dem side. If I’m to highlight one facet of her career, it would be her tireless persistence in finally ending Illinois’ hopelessly corrupt and unjust death penalty system.

    We’re going to miss them all. Here’s hoping there’s more like them on the way.

  17. - Schuyler - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 1:45 pm:

    GOP: Dan Brady. Always has time and attention for his constituents. Continues to work his district hard despite being in leadership and having no chance of losing an election. Great public servant and an even better guy.

    Dem: Madigan. Held strong through four years of relentless attacks and came out of it stronger than ever.

  18. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 2:02 pm:

    Republican- David McSweeney he has been able to effectively pass legislation across the aisle when most of the Caucus has been ineffective. He dealt with sexual harassment payoffs and township government, even when his party objected to it. he continuously called out the Governor for his mistakes even if it meant he could have had retribution against him. While he won’t make friends in talks about taxes he continuously gets Democrats to sign on and help pass his bills.

    Democrat- Chris Welch another vocal presence who gets bills passed. Effectively navigates the House floor and builds relationships on both sides of the aisle. Heck without him how could we get people to know how to sign nominating petitions?

  19. - GB - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 2:02 pm:

    Best Republican: Tim Butler. Tim is a nice and genuine representative who both says he wants to be bipartisan and acatully follows through by building relationships and working with Democrats to find common ground to pass legislation. He’s also understands his district by advocating big for Route 66 and tourism being Mr. Lincoln’s hometown.

    What really qualifies Rep. Butler is his political style of standing up for his core principles and representing those of his district while being open minded and seeing civility, bipartisanship, and placing functionality and the state above party as like his mentors Bob Michael and Ray LaHood. He love of history inspires him to live and lead like the great statements of yesterday.

    We need more of kind of leadership and vision more in state politics in both parties, which is why Tim is a good example of the kind of politics that can make state government work. He is also everywhere on social media exploring the 87th, visiting constituents, and showing his work and friendship with Democrats and Republicans. He has mastered the platform of social media as an art of communication between his constituents and colleagues better than even younger members of the GA.

    Whatever happens come January 2019, it be good to have Reps like Tim Butler around.

    With little knowledge of the Dems, wouldn’t be fair to submit a nomination.

  20. - NotSure - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 2:10 pm:

    Dem: Kelly Cassidy - smart, passionate, and willing to fight. This year she showed us what a legislator should be.

    GOP: Steve Andersson - he will be missed.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 2:17 pm:

    * Best Illinois State Representative - Democrat

    In a year that brought the Chamber together, and also tore at the Chamber too, there was a fluidity in the Dem caucus, an anxiousness, from the Primary, to the General, and through the legislative session, finally the House overcame the Executive, and the governing began to show signs of life.

    Through it all, Christian Mitchell worked it all, and was a member who could handle the work of a workhorse General Assembly member, and can navigate the politics of party and big picture, always encompassing the messaging and policy to drive the politics towards its better end. There is no member of the Democratic House Caucus that impressed me more than Christian Mitchell.

    So, you’d think with all this year, his leadership, his accomplishments, he’d be a driving force in this next GA. Nope. Talent like his, can’t keep it hidden from those thirsting for new leaders to take over where holes need filling. Christian Mitchell will be missed in the Caucus, make no mistake.

    I nominate Christian Mitchell for Best Illinois State Representative - Democrat.

    As he moves on, and moves up in stature, he left a big impression that will keep a spotlight on him for a long time.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 2:37 pm:

    * Best Illinois State Representative - Republican

    I’ve kept the receipts of the 99th GA Republicans. As the 100th GA began, the Brave 15 and Perfect 10 showed me that there are independent thinkers that understand building a caucus isn’t about threats, but about being better for the state, which is better for the GOP too. I couldn’t thank them more, those leaving, they will be missed.

    To this year, the caucus learned a great deal, I’m excited to see how the newly smaller caucus decides to go about their business. There was a member that stood out. David McSweeney has continually been someone who called out what needed to be said, and was willing at times to work across the aisle long before the politics to show bipartisanship was starting to show signs of life again. I can disagree with David McSweeney but I know I can agree 80% of the time too, that David McSweeney understands that too, that gives me hope to build a better tomorrow.

    I nominate David McSweeney for Best Illinois State Representative - Republican, and i have the receipts, as I offer my thanks to him too.

  23. - Tacos - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 2:53 pm:

    This is easy. Christian Mitchell is not just an effective and hardworking State Representative for his district, but he has quickly become a leader for the party and will soon be a leader in the new administration. I don’t think I’ve ever met or worked with someone as whip smart, charming, hardworking, and just downright effective. Anything Christian puts his mind to, he achieves, and nothing proves that more than his incredible handling as DPI executive director. His position was no cakewalk, but he maneuvered between different factions with ease and a good sense of humor. And all the while he was in law school? Christian is a rising star and I can’t think of anyone who deserves this award — and a very bright future — more.

  24. - Baggs McCoy - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 2:55 pm:

    I’m going to nominate a Democrat and a Republican for basically the same reasons. There are two people in the House that have held true to their roots. When members of their respective parties followed Caucus leaders down a path that went against their personal beliefs, they spoke out.

    Democrat: Kelly Cassidy. Cassidy has led the progressive movement in Springfield on ALL issues. Period. To lead you can’t just say you believe in the issue, you must act on the issue even if it means it could end your career. Cassidy called out the Speaker on multiple when she disagreed with him. She did it in a professional and respectful manner. She now is the point person on legal marijuana. I could go on.

    Republican: Dave McSweeney. McSweeney had a rough start to his career clashing with Former Caucus Leader Cross and to some extent the current leader Durkin. McSweeney has been consistent of his criticism of Gov. Rauner when every other caucus member buckled under the demands of the Governor. He was no Raunerite before being anti Rauner was fashionable lately. Part of leading is being consistent and reaching across the aisle. McSweeney to some extent has been criticized for being too bi-partisan. The Republicans need more like him.

  25. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 3:17 pm:

    Sorry I misread the question.

    For GOP State Rep I vote for Rep. Andersson, for his courage in ending the budget impasse and the attacks he faced. Kudos also to the rest of the brave GOP Reps who ended the impasse.

  26. - Unknown - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 3:32 pm:

    I nominate Jonathan Carroll from the Democratic side. He’s passed some strong legislation in his first year and is working well with everyone.

    David McSweeney called Rauner on his BS and is respected in the Capitol by many folks.

  27. - Cah Caw - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 4:18 pm:

    We are fortunate to have so many good people representing our state and their districts on both sides of the aisle. It is difficult to chose just one on each side.

    Democrat: Art Turner. Art Turner is one cool even-keeled cat who is approachable by all. He does not carry any type of airs or partisan snobbery, which is consistent with one who is highly intelligent and thoughtful Which he is.

    Republican: C.D. Davidsmeyer. C.D. is another example of, when you got it, you do not need to carry any airs. He is quiet, observant, effective, and salt of the earth.

    Both Turner and Davidsmeyer lack the ambiguity that is often seen in politics. Both are straight shooters, you see what you get, and you get definitely trust them at their word. They are both solid role models for future freshman.

  28. - Norseman - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 4:41 pm:

    For GOP, I’ll join those voting for the perfect 10.

    Currie has been a class act and deserves recognition in her last year.

  29. - Engaged Citizen - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 5:20 pm:

    I nominate Litesa Wallace a strong leader who is boots to the ground and focused on creating systemic change that truly benefits communities!

  30. - BPC - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 5:30 pm:

    Republican - Steve Andersson: So reasonable he had to leave.
    Democrat - Litesa Wallace: She always did right by the people, especially the people of Rockford, but she did so quietly, creatively working with what she was given. Then she shocked everyone and stepped out of her lane. She stopped doing what she was told, she took a leap to do what was right. Even though she’s paying the price now, she should be very, very proud.

  31. - Shevek - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 5:43 pm:

    @A Jack is 100% correct.

    I don’t agree with Rauner about almost anything but this effort (though he is doing this to try and weaken unions, which is not why I support it).

    Blago came in to office and almost immediately stopped merit compensation increases for non-union employees. Then, as a way to ensure rock solid union support hewelcomed any state employees who wished to be in the union to do so unopposed. Only the most senior of management, along with some attorneys who are not very senior, were left out of the union (and actually there was even some senior management who went into the union). He also gave the union completely ridiculous pay increases during the time he was governor. So those very few state employees not in the union got no pay increases for up to 10 years (Blago’s freeze of salaries and promotions has continued unabated by his successors) while their employees went on to earn ridiculously more money than they did. There are managers who cannot discipline their employees because they are in the same union. And most important to a well run government, senior level positions where you would like to have the best person in the job go to those with the most seniority, regardless of competence.

    Particularly egregious to me is the inability of agencies to hire the most competent attorneys because they are union positions where the most senior applicant gets it. It’s only when no other attorney working for the state wants an open position that a competent attorney may be hired.

    OK, off soapbox.

  32. - One of three puppets - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 6:03 pm:

    Dem Rep would be Welch. He listens and is effective behind the scenes. He knows the players and is certainly everywhere he needs to be.

    GOP Rep would be Terri Bryant. Represented her district even when labor turned against her. She was able to vote her district and turned adversaries into supporters. That sense of pragmatism needs to be the GOP mindset while in the new world.

  33. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 7:02 pm:

    I gave Anderson my vote last year for breaking the impasse. This is not last year, like him a lot but you don’t win legislator of the year for a vote the prior year. Just saying

  34. - Random - Wednesday, Dec 12, 18 @ 11:32 pm:

    House Dem: Absolutely, Christian Mitchell. Representative, law student, executive director DPI, deputy governor. Need I say more? He’s an up and comer that deserves the recognition.

  35. - anon2 - Thursday, Dec 13, 18 @ 6:28 am:

    Rep. Dave McSweeney is smart, outspoken, and effective. Unlike most legislators, McSweeney doesn’t just criticize the opposition, he criticizes his own party leaders when they deserve it. He works across the aisle better than anyone. He puts principles above politics in taking on issues most Republicans shun.

    Take townships, for example, a GOP sacred cow. He was chief sponsor of the bill that passed to consolidate townships in Lake and McHenry counties. He also called out the GOP clerk in McHenry County last month for gross incompetence after a computer glitch misplaced 20% of the votes. Over the last two years, he repeatedly lambasted the governor for his many failings, which include never proposing a balanced budget. McSweeney called for the replacement of Tim Schneider, state party chairman. If there were a Profile in Courage award, McSweeney would be a top contender.

    Without compromising his conservative principles, McSweeney proves that bipartisanship is possible. If the GOP wants any role in shaping legislation during the Pritzker administration, they would do well to emulate McSweeney.

  36. - Another Mom - Thursday, Dec 13, 18 @ 6:32 am:

    Dem- Rep. Wallace. It was rumored that she could’ve had her seat as long as she wanted (due to gerrymandering) but she stood up for fair maps and working class people, especially as candidate for Lieutenant governor. I’ve met her a few times, once with her baby; she’s laid back and sweet even while talking to voters she’s run into while out with a busy baby. I really started to pay attention to her after she stood up for childcare because I’m a working mom too and proud to have has her as my rep.

    I think a few republicans but they’re all leaving. Actually, it seems many practical leaders will be gone next session.

  37. - Robert M Roman - Thursday, Dec 13, 18 @ 7:04 am:

    For best Illinois State Representative - Democrat

    Michael Madigan


    For best Illinois State Representative - Republican



  38. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 13, 18 @ 8:49 am:

    Best Republican - without a doubt - Steve Andersson - D65 is truly going to miss him

    Best Democrat - Anna Moeller

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