* From a letter sent to state workers by Mailee Smith, who is the Illinois Policy Institute’s policy staff attorney. Click the pic for a larger version and the form to fill out…
The ol’ self-interest angle.
* From AFSCME…
The mailer (pictured) tries to trick AFSCME members into quitting their union as a way to put “money into your pocket this Christmas”. Of course, what the IPI and Rauner really want is to dupe workers into leaving the union as a way to drain AFSCME’s resources and prevent us from standing together against Rauner and the IPI’s destructive anti-worker agenda.
This is just the latest in a series of ploys by IPI and their ilk who brought the anti-union Janus case, sent other phony mailers and even stole the identity of AFSCME local union presidents, activists and retirees in a desperate bid for legitimacy.
The tricks aren’t working on union members here or elsewhere. In Illinois and across the country, AFSCME members are seeing through the IPI lies — and union ranks are actually growing in the wake of the Janus case as former fee-payers sign up and become dues-paying members.
So what to do with the IPI’s junk mail? Trash it, recycle it, or use it to kindle your fireplace this Christmas season.
- tomhail - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 12:46 pm:
And just where did the Illinois Policy Institute get the addresses of state workers, email or otherwise?
- Go Hard - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 12:49 pm:
Oh the humor! The state, per the court decisions, is stealing $1100 a month from me and owes me $25k in back pay. I’m supposed to be concerned about the $20 union dues?. This just made my fellow co-workers more upset as we’re all owed a significant amount of money.
- @misterjayem - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 12:53 pm:
“Labor Policy Attorney”
That’s true, of course.
And it’s true that John Wayne Gacey was a “Children’s Entertainer” — but that ain’t how most of us think of him.
– MrJM
- Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 12:53 pm:
The IPI already tried this, and it was a big failure, just like Rauner’s term. It’s just about petty nastiness, as workers will most likely not leave the union and cause the “transformative” policy changes the IPI wants.
This just reinforces what AFSCME has messaged on for years. The proof of success is strong union membership numbers and maybe unprecedented Democratic power in Illinois.
Plus, Pritzker is coming, and with him hopefully or likely a much different approach to unions. It’s time not only for a progressive income tax and marijuana legalization, but pro-union legislation and treatment by the governor.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 12:58 pm:
If the Janus decision means “freedom to choose.” union membership, then why is Rauner trying to take away the union membership of people in management positions at the state. Don’t those people have freedom to choose too? Shouldn’t Illinois Policy be fighting for the managers and their right to choose?
- Gohawks123 - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 1:02 pm:
I am beyond annoyed with their radio commercials. Happy Holidays you don’t matter. Your one success is not working. The unions are becoming stronger because of you.
- siualum - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 1:09 pm:
And once you’ve renounced your union membership, we’re gonna work together to eliminate your pension.
- Skeptic - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 1:10 pm:
Oh, that was what was inside the envelope? I used it as kindling before I even opened it.
- Honeybear - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 1:14 pm:
Tomhail, exactly. They have all of our personal information. They have had that since 2015 when they were calling our personal cell phones and doing fake surveys.
But what’s funny is that they think this will work.
This has been out for a week. The day after it hit mailboxes 9 coworkers came up to me with the letter spitting mad about it.
The upshot is this
Why would anyone do what Rauner or his ilk want?
Nearly every
state worker
what Rauner
did to us.
Those who wanted to leave post Janus, left
Now our new employees
can’t wait
to be in a union.
Every new employee,
I say
“Welcome to the union sister/brother
We fight together. If management ever calls you in and you have a reasonable belief that it may lead to discipline YOU HAVE THE RIGHT (Weingarten)to have union representation (me or the other stewards)to be present. Never go it alone. We fight together. And from here on out, discipline will be progressive and according to the contract. I’m really glad to have you with us.”
Janus was a blessing
an unexpected blessing
Janus taught us the value
of solidarity
Janus made us stronger
by adversity
Under the attack of Janus
we overlapped shields
braced for impact
Our united othismos
broke Rauner and IPI
To the letter
it’s pathetic
just stop before it’s worse for you
- Southwest Burbs - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 1:23 pm:
Wow, talk about not knowing when to quit. You lost, got destroyed, bluewave2018
- Steward As Well.... - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 1:23 pm:
I haven’t seen any new “non members” increase since the Janus ruling in the area I service. There had always been a small core group of fair share pukes that were not about to pay a few dollars more to become a true union member for ANY reason. Those people are now paying nothing. So there is a bit of a money drain happening but not enough that Afscme will still not be a major player in the state regardless if that IPI letter get a few short sighted individuals to sign out of the union.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 1:32 pm:
Christmas presents?
Hi kids, the good news is you got those new roller skates you wanted. The bad news is we no longer have unions and a right to collective bargaining. I got to save $1000. Enjoy your next 4 decades of work.
- Duke of Normandy - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 1:37 pm:
“Nothing’s working. What should we try next?”
“I dunno. Christmas, or something?”
- Harvest76 - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 1:43 pm:
Let me get this straight, my paycheck is $800 a month less than it should be and the amount owed keeps climbing because Rauner and the IPI said I’m paid too much? but the only reason the courts and now the labor board have said the money is owed to me is because my Union had the funds to fight back on my behalf? but the Union dues I pay are the reason I dont have the money in my pocket this Christmas? Seems legit.
- Huh? - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 1:47 pm:
Who are they kidding? If an union member changes the payroll deduction card today, the change won’t take place until sometime next year.
Also, didn’t 1.4% stop the fair share deduction right after the janus decision. Anybody left in AFSCME are card carrying members.
- Lester Holt’s Mustache - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 1:52 pm:
==And just where did the Illinois Policy Institute get the addresses of state workers, email or otherwise?==
Maybe this would be of interest to the incoming attorney general? Lord knows it hasn’t been of any interest to the current one, even though as honeybear states it apparently happened way back when Rauner first took office.
You’d think someone named Madigan would be on top of this, considering they’re supposed to be the family solely responsible for keeping the evil unions afloat in Illinois.
- Former Hillrod - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 1:54 pm:
Funny. There are two AFSCME members in my household yet there was only one letter. What’s up with that?
- theq - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 1:56 pm:
it amuses me how stupid they think we are
- Jocko - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 1:58 pm:
==Those people are now paying nothing.==
Let’s hope they don’t ask for representation or comparable salary & benefits. They’ve earned the “freedom” to do it themselves.
- DuPage Dave - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 2:03 pm:
How, indeed, did the IPI get addresses of union members? That is not public information in any sense.
- Skeptic - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 2:13 pm:
“Let me get this straight, my paycheck is $800 a month less than it should be” Right, and with that $1,100 per year you save, you can be happy that no Union will interfere with your right to keep missing out on that $800/month.
- RNUG - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 2:16 pm:
Read and shred IPI mail. Or delete if electronic.
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 2:29 pm:
So the Janus decision came down in the summer. The Governor and the IPI types made sure to shout from the rooftops that you could now opt out of paying union dues. And yet here is IPI claiming that people have been “forced” to pay union dues all year long. Nobody has been forced to do anything since the Janus decision.
This is just another example of why the IPI should never, ever be called a non-partisan organization. Anti-public employee, anti-union organization fits better.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 2:41 pm:
I thought conservative were against anyone right to choose.
- Norseman - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 2:43 pm:
The printer is certainly getting a nice paycheck from this gig. Although, I don’t see the union label. Wonder why?
- Just Saying - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 2:50 pm:
Send back - Return to Sender - Refused!
- The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 3:42 pm:
This past election was kind of a referendum on whether Illinois should be pro or anti Union. The incompetent Rauner did the one thing he didn’t want to do. He brought Union unity to a level not seen in ages and strengthened the Union that he was trying to kill.
The IPI really does think that people are that stupid and there are some that are but most state workers have seen the light.
- Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 4:25 pm:
“The incompetent Rauner did the one thing he didn’t want to do. He brought Union unity to a level not seen in ages and strengthened the Union that he was trying to kill.”
I saw a headline somewhere recently in which Missouri may again take up another RTWFL bill, after voters just overturned RTWFL. Even that red state overwhelmingly doesn’t want this law. It’s one of the wonderful things when people from across the political spectrum come together to support workers rights.
- CenIL Solidarity - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 4:33 pm:
We can’t stop employers from doing illegal things (eg providing IPI with private information they shouldn’t be giving them) but you can fight to put “FOIA Alerts” in your contracts to let you know when your Bargaining unit information is required by outside parties. Most employees have been ok with this additional language.
- Union thug - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 6:33 pm:
With all the money they waste on these. They could at least put postage on the envelope…
- Generic Drone - Wednesday, Dec 19, 18 @ 11:11 pm:
Our local is collecting the letters and mailing them back to IPI
- oldhp - Thursday, Dec 20, 18 @ 12:10 am:
U kan’t fixe stupied.
- union proud - Thursday, Dec 20, 18 @ 6:35 am:
Any time one of these goes out my fb feed is full of entertaining edit suggestions.