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Question of the day

Thursday, Sep 12, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Center Square

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is planning a series of trips to Illinois to convince businesses to move to the Sunshine State.

DeSantis recently told the Enterprise Florida board about the recruitment effort. He the deep pension debt in Illinois and Chicago make them unattractive places for businesses.

“Warren Buffett said recently to be wary of investing in states like Illinois that, quite frankly, are digging themselves a deeper hole and really have no way out in terms of their fiscal outlook, their pension obligations,” DeSantis said. “That is going to impact the viability of investing.”

As governor, DeSantis leads Enterprise Florida, a public-private partnership focused on economic development in the state.

He announced plans to take envoys from Florida to the Chicago area, hoping to draw businesses away from Illinois.

* Gov. Pritzker’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications Emily Bittner…

Good luck competing against Illinois, where a record number of businesses have relocated because we have the most talented and dedicated workforce in the nation, along with unparalleled universities, world-class transportation and a bright future. Unlike Florida, we also protect women’s rights, welcome LGBTQ businesses and are expanding the legal cannabis market. However, we do encourage him to enjoy some of Illinois’ world class golf courses.

The “golf” mention is about a story in today’s Tampa Bay Times entitled “Ron DeSantis’ political team planned $25K golf games, $250K ‘intimate gatherings,’ memos say.”

* The Question: How would you rate that response? Make sure to explain your answer.


  1. - Sean - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 2:47 pm:

    8/10. DeSantis is launching an attack on the state (obviously not literally, but politically speaking), and she and the governor have every right to respond harshly.

  2. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 2:47 pm:

    B+. Emily neglected to point out that Floridians already must screen-in their entire yards to avoid the plague of insects that currently make outdoor relaxation nearly impossible.

    Illinois may be underwater on its pension obligations, but many parts of Florida may soon be simply underwater.

  3. - Kauaijim - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 2:47 pm:

    Well , remember when Gov. Quinn went to China to pitch Asian carp that are threatening our waterways . Florida has an easier sell against a state that has an unsolvable pension issue .

  4. - Montrose - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 2:49 pm:

    8/10 I would have ranked it higher they had somehow worked in a thank you for help with Chance the Snapper.

  5. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 2:54 pm:


    Chicago metro leads the country and world in corporate relocations. There’s no reason to ever emulate the right wing lower-income, RtW, no Medicaid expansion, lower health insurance, NRA state of East Alabama, sorry Florida. That plus the horrible hurricanes.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 2:57 pm:

    ===Gov. Quinn went to China===


    ===…for the seventh year in a row, Chicago leads the U.S. in foreign direct investment (FDI) according to the 2019 IBM Global Location Trends report. The annual report, which outlines the latest trends in corporate location selection, named Chicago the top North American metro in foreign direct investment projects.===

    Bet Quinn me reminded that to China, probably didn’t need to.

    Be better.

    To the Post,

    Can’t rate until you break it down;

    ===Good luck competing against Illinois, where a record number of businesses have relocated because we have the most talented and dedicated workforce in the nation, along with unparalleled universities, world-class transportation and a bright future. Unlike Florida, we also protect women’s rights, welcome LGBTQ businesses and are expanding the legal cannabis market. However, we do encourage him to enjoy some of Illinois’ world class golf courses.===

    “Good luck competing against Illinois, where a record number of businesses have relocated because we have the most talented and dedicated workforce in the nation”

    A period is needed here. Why? To give this its own thought.

    “along with”

    These aren’t ala carte add one… look at ‘em

    “unparalleled universities, world-class transportation”

    … and an educated workforce ready for business.

    “and a bright future.”

    Woulda went “sunny” future for the trolling fun, but I’m a romantic that way.

    This is pretty solid, given the problems other states are having with social agendas.

    “Unlike Florida, we also protect women’s rights, welcome LGBTQ businesses and are expanding the legal cannabis market.”

    Red v Blue state, but highlighting that Illinois is more in-step with national trends.

    “However, we do encourage him to enjoy some of Illinois’ world class golf courses.”

    I’ll take either governor out to prove this fact, if there’s a question of its validity.

    Looking at the above… it’s a solid B… length, or more brevity, would be better, but it’s solid.


  7. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 2:57 pm:

    *world in corporate relocations.

    Meant Chicago metro leads America in foreign corporation investment.

  8. - Marty Meh-lan - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:01 pm:

    I will give it 7/10. Would like to have seen a shot about how roughly 4,000,000 South Floridians will be displaced by 2050 due to rising sea levels (that’s only if current estimates stay static and not increase) and their government’s lack of a response to the crisis, let alone even allowing “Climate Change” to be referenced in state documents. I have met many young transplants from across the country that count Florida out for this reason (and New York too) and cite Chicago’s relatively safe position when it comes to the affects of climate change as their reason why they chose to move here.

  9. - Smiley - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:03 pm:

    When did Warren Buffet say he would not invest in Illinois? Does anyone have a link to that.

  10. - Not a Billionaire - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:04 pm:

    More than just underwater. With the increase of Cat 5 hurricanes almost any part of the state could be leveled. You can’t compare it to Illinois where our tornados don’t stay on the ground for days.

  11. - Commonsense in Illinois - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:04 pm:

    I’ll give it a B.

    The first part is fine.

    The second part about the golf…uncalled for and unneeded.

  12. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:05 pm:

    I’m guessing DeSantis is going to Illinois for the same reason Willie Sutton robbed banks. “That’s where the money is.”

  13. - Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:05 pm:

    This is the thanks we get for sending emergency response utility crews whenever hurricanes come calling.
    Would it kill the dude to simply say thanks before engaging in this bs pr stunt that is almost assuredly tied to a GOP fundraiser somewhere in the city under the guise of a economic development junket?

    If Florida needs to send someone to Illinois to recruit retirees to move to Florida, things must be going very, very badly in Florida.

  14. - Anyone Remember - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:08 pm:

    Very good. A link to the FL alligator climbing the fence would have been a nice touch.

  15. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:08 pm:

    ==The second part about the golf…uncalled for and unneeded.==
    Unneeded why? Sounds like they really like golf.

  16. - R A T - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:11 pm:

    No mention of us being the best looking? tsk tsk tsk

    I would have added that we do not have two plagues that Florida has: unbearable heat and Trump visits regularly

  17. - Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:13 pm:

    Pretty good retort from Emily, but might I suggest …

    “Great. Governor Pritzker is thinking about visiting Florida … to see if he wants to buy it. Next question.”

  18. - Soo... - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:16 pm:

    Maybe Govenor DeSantis could also convince @statehousechick to follow Charlie Kirk and move to Florida. She’s big on hurricanes after all.

  19. - Simple Simon - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:17 pm:

    Good response. This is the only way for us to defend ourselves for the next 20 years of ramp payments. We must continually point out how we differ socially, since states are becoming the guarantors of civil rights and a good lifestyle. As others said, mentioning rising sea levels would have been a good kicker.

  20. - Earnest - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:17 pm:

    A, but I may be biased as I love hearing people say good things about my state.

  21. - Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:17 pm:

    And while I’m going all Oswego Willy on this one …

    Hope Gov. DeSantis is briefed on the only issue Chicagoans are going to care to talk to him about:

    “How’s Chance the Snapper doing?”

    Let’s face it, this DeSantis dude might be governor, but as far as we’re concerned Frank Robb is the Mayor of Florida.

  22. - lakeside - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:18 pm:

    I’d have shortened it a bit to give it a little more punch - like her statement on her boss yesterday. But certainly a nice contrast statement, and I give the snark a thumbs up.

  23. - metro east transplant - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:19 pm:

    Michelle….thank you for making me laugh out loud in my cube this afternoon. What a priceless response that would have been. Well said.

  24. - Steve - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:23 pm:

    I’d rate it a C. It’s hard to compete with Florida. No state income tax. Right to work state. While Illinois lost population last year, Florida gained a lot.

  25. - Rabid - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:26 pm:

    Be sure to stop a jimmy johns

  26. - Pick a Name - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:27 pm:

    Saying golf is better in Illinois than Florida??

    Oh boy.

    The Southwest part of Florida might as well be known as little Illinois!

  27. - Frank talks - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:29 pm:

    Not sure who he’s coming to recruit?
    Maybe he’s coming to see if he can bolster the Dolphins roster?

  28. - Leslie K - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:30 pm:

    A. Talked up the state and a gentle bit of snark. I’m actually glad she didn’t mention rising sea level or hurricanes, because that might have sounded like taking pleasure in their climate issues. She kept it positive. But a mention of Chance the Snapper would have been a fun addition.

  29. - dbk - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:32 pm:

    Excellent response. I agree you have to fight whatever DeSantis thinks he’s doing coming here with snark, and the snarkier the better.

    Emily might have added a postscript: Cf. CapitolFax 12 Sept. post “City Continues its Winning Streak” and get back to us.

  30. - OutOfState - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:36 pm:

    Steve - Florida is gaining population, but its old age dependency ratio is also increasing - the proportion of retirement age adults to working age adults. They went from 28.3 to 33.5, meaning a greater proportion of the population is retirement age. Illinois’ has been increasing as well, but our current peak, 24.5, is lower than Florida’s minimum.

  31. - GreatPlainser - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:38 pm:

    I’m giving it a D. Why? Well it has nothing to do with Florida or golf. It has to do with partisan demeanor. I mean its just is sickening. Both sides have to have the press release or tweet bicker fest. To legitimately defend your state is ok, but as pointed out the response was out of partisan ire. As was the potential sortie by Gov. Desantis. You also look at another post today, where the Mayor mocked the US Sec. of Education without any contextual awareness that they were actually attempting to help a real problem. I think a lot of people are truly sick of the finger pointing and snark partisan war from both sides. A lot of voters expected better of Gov. Pritzker and Mayor Lightfoot. Clearly, it wont change in Washington, but do we have to do it here too? It did not go well for the last admin.

  32. - Simple Simon - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:43 pm:

    Steve, the median household income in Illinois is $61K versus Florida at $51K. Illinois is 14th in per student spending, and Florida is 41st. I could go on, but with the social issues and climate change, Florida is not so difficult to compete with, after all.

  33. - Lt. Guv - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:46 pm:

    Steve, Florida is hotter than Hades, full of bugs and alligators and going underwater (literally). Good luck with all of that.

  34. - Steve Polite - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:46 pm:


    I found this one…

  35. - Ecopublicist - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:53 pm:


    Any response that fails to mention:

    “2017 was not the first time Illinois sent its National Guard to assist Florida in the wake of a hurricane and sadly will not be the last. Governor DeSantis’s bravado would be better spent confronting the science deniers he was long a part of in Congress and he enabled into the White House. The businesses of tomorrow don’t want to be sitting three feet above sea level in a state that produces more greehouse gases than most countries.”

  36. - My New Handle - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 3:56 pm:

    Pritzker stands his ground. DeSantis?

  37. - Enviro - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 4:05 pm:

    Steve Polite @3:46pm

    Did you know that Warren Buffett’s son Howard is living and investing in the Decatur, IL area.

  38. - Token Conservative - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 4:05 pm:

    Haven’t all of our businesses already moved to Indiana?

  39. - RNUG - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 4:11 pm:

    == If Florida needs to send someone to Illinois to recruit retirees to move to Florida, things must be going very, very badly in Florida. ==

    Florida and Texas are too hot for a lot of us retirees.

    Heck, my retired brother-in-law, who lived in Austin for years before moving to Springfield for work, won’t move back to Austin even though he has 2 married kids and 3 grandkids there … just visits a lot.

  40. - RNUG - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 4:15 pm:

    B, maybe B+ for the response.

    A bit more snark and humor could have moved it to A range. Maybe a side bet between Governors about how many new businesses land in each state over the next year?

  41. - Langhorne - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 4:25 pm:

    Solid response.

    Dumb of Florida governor to announce his trip. It may give him some press pop in Florida, but all it does here is guarantee that he and anybody he meets with will be
    scrutinized. Not really conducive for quiet productive conversation.

    His fundraising reminds me of blago. But maybe that’s where we are these days.

  42. - City Zen - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 4:44 pm:

    “Good luck competing against Illinois”

    Florida is 4th in GDP, Illinois is 5th. Since DeSantis is playing an away game, we’ll shave some points off the line.


  43. - Amalia - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 4:44 pm:

    B+ I would have been harsher on their need to constantly evacuate due to hurricanes. welcome to Illinois. we will be looking for you, and we are not happy about your right wing policies. protest anyone?

  44. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 4:55 pm:

    It’s good. B+

    Definitely should have mentioned the hurricanes, the heat, the rising sea levels, and the diminishing supply of fresh water.

  45. - JP Altgeld - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 5:02 pm:

    “We, too, would be looking for any reason possible to visit Illinois if we lived in Florida.”

  46. - Stones - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 5:06 pm:

    I’ve played plenty of golf courses in Illinois and Florida. In 9 out of 10 cases the Florida courses are superior and you can play them year round for a fraction of the cost.

  47. - Cronish - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 5:29 pm:

    C, Florida is growing at a very fast rate both in population and jobs. Illinois is losing population and has less than a 3rd the job growth rate of Florida and a higher unemployment rate.

  48. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 6:01 pm:

    ==C, Florida is growing at a very fast rate both in population and jobs.== So DeSantis doesn’t need to come then, ok problem solved.

  49. - Henry - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 7:03 pm:

    Who has thinner skin; Lightfoot or JB?

  50. - Captain Obvious - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 7:11 pm:

    I rate it a little snotty and defensive, with a bit of my dad can beat up your dad thrown in. I would say I welcome the governor’s visit and encourage him to enjoy his time in our great state but I doubt he will be successful. You know, like a civil adult.

  51. - Simple Simon - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 7:14 pm:

    GDP per capita puts Illinois at 14th, Florida at 42nd.

    Better question is whether you would trade places. All Floridans move here, all Illinoisans move there. Hard pass from me.

  52. - Get Real - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 7:19 pm:

    Seriously, J.B., Illinois is losing jobs and residents to Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Kentucky, plus many others.

  53. - NeveroddoreveN - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 7:21 pm:

    From someone who owns businesses in both states, everything gets equalled out when it comes to business insurance costs as insuring yourself in the sunshine state is anything but …sunny

  54. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 8:29 pm:

    This is a great response. I’d give it a 9/10 simply because I think it deserves an A. It’s a solid response.

    I would have been tempted to go snarkier by observing that there has been some discussion in the governor’s office about a billboard campaign reminding businesses of the rising ocean and recommending they relocate while their capital assets still have value.

  55. - Unpopular - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 9:21 pm:

    Here is to wishing the Florida governor much success.

  56. - Amirite - Thursday, Sep 12, 19 @ 9:55 pm:

    Unpopular…bet you’re a hoot at parties.

  57. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Friday, Sep 13, 19 @ 5:34 am:

    ==I would say I welcome the governor’s visit and encourage him to enjoy his time in our great state.==
    The visit where he is hoping we all get pink slips. Ok you do that.

  58. - Eire17 - Friday, Sep 13, 19 @ 6:12 am:

    It’s her job to fight back. Good for her. But the reality this state needs to wake up to is we are shrinking. It’s a fact. In 1960 illinois had 27 electoral votes. Florida had 10. In 2016 illinois had 20. Florida? 29. That’s a problem.

  59. - efudd - Friday, Sep 13, 19 @ 7:19 am:

    The response B. A little too inside info for most.

    As far as the Eden known as Florida.
    Next time down there take a look at their roads. Any county or municipal roads not going to some tourist destination is either in horrible shape, or gravel.
    As far as weather, yeah, they got us beat in the winter.
    The other nine months enjoy +100 degrees and 9000% humidity.

  60. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 13, 19 @ 7:24 am:

    ===It’s a fact. In 1960 illinois had===

    In 1960 Illinois had 10 million people. Now, we have 12.7 million. There are only so many congressional seats. You seem to not understand this.

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