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How times change

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Today…

* From July of 2007 during a budget impasse and just nine months after Gov. Rod Blagojevich was reelected

Problems started early Saturday because Madigan decided to call the House into session at 10 a.m., despite a declaration from Blagojevich that the House and Senate should convene at 2 p.m. Madigan wanted to finish work early so House members could return home overnight Saturday before returning to Springfield Sunday.

Madigan agreed that Blagojevich has the authority to call the General Assembly into special session, but said the governor does not have the authority to dictate the time of the meetings. Blagojevich’s office disagreed, saying it has the constitutional authority to set not only the date of the special sessions, but the time as well. The administration said it is exploring its legal options. […]

Before the House could finish its work Saturday, Blagojevich issued another proclamation calling for another special session to start at 2:30 p.m. Nonetheless, Madigan adjourned the House at about 11:45 a.m.

Rank and file lawmakers who’ve been forced to stay in Springfield with little to do while the budget impasse continues erupted in anger Saturday. […]

“I believe we should look into what it would take to see if he (Blagojevich) is to the point where impeachment proceedings should start,” said Rep. Mike Bost, R-Murphysboro. “I am dead serious.”

Back in the day, Rep. Bost wanted to impeach a governor over an argument about the precise time the House was required to convene a special session.


You can continue asking this question, but the answer will remain the same

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz was at Gov. Pritzker’s appearance today at the Economic Club

Insisting that “no silver bullet” exists to slay Illinois’ staggering public pension problems, Gov. J.B. Pritzker today flatly rejected the idea of tying constitutional pension reform to his proposed graduated income tax. […]

For instance, the most commonly discussed pension change that a constitutional amendment would allow is eliminating the current guaranteed 3 annual percent compounded COLA increase in benefits. But slashing that figure roughly in half to match today’s actual inflation rate “does not solve” the state’s current $133.5 billion unfunded pension liabilities, Pritzker said. “It doesn’t.” […]

Moreover, even getting such a proposition to voters would require a three-fifths approval of the House and Senate, both of which are controlled by union-friendly Democrats, Pritzker continued. Voters then would have to enact the change in a referendum by at least the same three-fifths vote.

“If you did all of that, if you could get it through . . . you will then face the U.S. Constitution’s contracts clause,” which holds that contracts cannot be dismissed by legislative fiat. That’s significant because the Illinois Supreme Court has ruled that the government worker pensions here are an enforceable contract.

The key political numbers here are 71, 36 and 60. It’ll take 71 votes in the House, 36 votes in the Senate and 60 percent of voters to make this happen. If someone wants to show me a doable roll call in the overwhelmingly Democratic General Assembly and sound polling of likely Illinois voters, then I’ll listen. Until then, this ain’t going anywhere.


Question of the day

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sens. Lightford, Steans and Manar have formed a new leadership PAC

Expect a fundraiser soon to support Lightford’s candidacy for Senate President.

* The Question: Should Sens. Martin Sandoval and Tom Cullerton be allowed to vote for Senate President? Make sure to explain your answer, please.


Rate the Kim Foxx campaign kick-off video

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx on Tuesday released a digital ad for her 2020 reelection campaign that invokes President Donald Trump’s rhetoric against Chicago and addresses her own handling of the controversial Jussie Smollett case.

In the ad, Foxx also reminds viewers of her Cabrini-Green upbringing and the struggles she’s overcome on her way to becoming Cook County’s top prosecutor.

“State’s attorney is a tough job. Every day, my office is under attack: from a president who uses our city as a punching bag, the NRA hellbent on letting guns flood our streets and the FOP clinging to the old ways. They’ll do anything to undercut progress, including attacking me personally over the Jussie Smollett case,” Foxx said in the ad. “Truth is, I didn’t handle it well. I own that. I’m making changes in my office to make sure we do better. That’s what reform is about.” […]

Factions of the city’s law enforcement community, led by the Fraternal Order of Police, have heavily criticized Foxx. Her office’s role in the area’s bail reform efforts also is at the center of intense debate.

She takes on the FOP in the ad as well.

* Fox News

Her biggest public blunder — the Smollett case — is still on the minds of a lot of people.

Nine months after the Smollett saga, in which Smollett reported to police that he’d been the victim of a racist, homophobic attack by President Trump supporters, and seven months after Foxx’s office mysteriously dropped all the charges him, the case still comes up a lot.

Earlier this month, President Trump brought up the situation during a speech at the International Association of Chiefs of Police convention.

“It’s a scam. It’s a really big scam, just like the impeachment of your president is a scam. And then you look what’s going on. Smollett is still trying to get away with it,” Trump bellowed.

Um, this is a Democratic primary race. And even if it was a general election contest, the president received 21.4 percent in Cook County. Running as the candidate the president hates would be a positive there.

* Anyway, rate it

* Related…

* Foxx’s opponent raises nearly $900,000 since August: Big executives at the Carlyle Group, one of the world’s richest private equity firms, are pumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into the campaign of Democrat Bill Conway, who is now outraising incumbent Kim Foxx.


Lipinski primary strategy: Tell everyone on all sides whatever they want to hear

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Facebook ads and direct mail make it very easy for candidates to talk out of every side of their mouths at once. Lynn Sweet with the scoop

An internal document for Rep. Dan Lipinski’s Democratic primary campaign, obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times, proposed pitching Republicans by highlighting his vote against Obamacare while wooing independents by reminding them he opposed its repeal.

Other highlights from the strategy document suggesting messages to various voter demographics in the 3rd Congressional District:

•Hispanics were to be flagged about Lipinski’s “pro-Dreamer votes” while Republicans would be targeted with “pro border patrol” messaging.

•Lipinski is anti-abortion and that would be the emphasis for Republicans and Catholics, but not for outreach to other women, millennials, teachers, independents, union members and nurses.

•A drive to persuade Republicans to vote in the Democratic primary would include reaching out to GOP officeholders; getting letters from “GOP surrogates”; and through Facebook “ads targeting independents.”

* React…

“The kind of cynicism displayed in the Lipinski campaign memo is why a lot of people are turned off from politics,” said Marie Newman. “Since he has not voted with the Democrats on critical issues, this memo suggests he is turning his attention to Republicans instead. This is why I am running - because I believe this district needs a real Democrat who will fight for everyday issues and represent working people, lower health care costs, and fight for our Democratic values.”


Adventures in fundraising

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Planned Parenthood, um, stretches the limits of possibility with this fundraising email…

Illinois could become the next anti-abortion state. Don’t let abortion opponents win! Make an urgent gift now to fight back!

The Reproductive Health Act (RHA) is under attack. It has only been in effect a few months, but dangerous legislation has already been introduced to repeal this critical protection for reproductive freedom.

You fought to pass the RHA, declaring reproductive health care as a fundamental human right in Illinois. But the opposition wants to steal your victory.

This new, alarming legislation will:

    * Ban abortions at six weeks - before most women even know they are pregnant
    * Jail doctors for providing abortion care
    * Strip away people’s access to reproductive health care

You cannot let this happen. [Redacted], make an emergency gift today to support the pro-Planned Parenthood champions in Springfield, and help us fight back against this attack on our reproductive health and rights.

Your support is critical to fight this new legislation, and protect care in the Midwest.

In this together,

Jennifer Welch
Planned Parenthood Illinois Action PAC

The bill is not going anywhere and they know it and this pitch is designed to generate fear when none is warranted.

* Democratic congressional candidate Anthony Clark uses image of murdered student to raise campaign money…


This is Michael Reese.

He was one of my students, and on Oct. 2, he was shot on a street in my district.

Five days later, he succumbed to his wounds and died.

I’ve shared with you before that in my 10 years of teaching here in the Seventh District, I’ve lost 11 students to gun violence. One of the reasons I’m running for Congress is to treat the systems that lead to violence and grief. But, here we are today—I’ve now lost 12 students to gun violence.

As I write this email, our school and our community are in mourning over Micheal’s death. We’ve mourned the loss of far too many young people.

We know these problems don’t have a single fix. They are intertwined with the systematic vehicles of oppression and marginalization. Our students, our communities, and all of us are owed opportunity. We demand a fair judicial system. We deserve fair pay. Everyone deserves the right to grow and flourish.

The system won’t change until people like US are elected to Congress. Our current leaders are too distant from the harsh realities we face on a daily basis to make effective change.

I got into this race because this is OUR community, and it deserves a voice in Congress that is connected to the roots in our neighborhoods. Someone who’s connected now to the communities of Bellwood, Oak Park, and across the district.

That’s why our campaign is 100% grassroots and doesn’t take any money from corporate PACs or special interests. I intend to serve the people, not big money, and I intend to finally put an end to the violence that has claimed 12 of my students and countless others in IL-07.

We can’t afford to lose one more life, so I’m asking you to support our campaign to root out the causes of gun violence and make this epidemic a thing of the past.

This is literally a matter of life and death.

In solidarity,


Support Anthony’s camaign

…Adding… An eagle-eyed reader pointed out that Clark also spelled the kid’s name wrong in its second usage. “Micheal.” For crying out loud, do better.

* Rodney Davis uses the House impeachment process to appeal to his fundraising base…


Since Nancy Pelosi gave Adam Schiff the green light to do anything he wants, he’s been turning Congress upside down and on its head. Schiff is calling up witnesses who aren’t credible, none of them have ever even met President Trump nor have they ever been in contact with him!

Schiff has no evidence to prove his politically motivated impeachment investigation, yet he continues to waste more and more of taxpayer money. More so, Democrats are polling what charges to bring against President Trump.

This entire investigation is nothing more than a political tool Democrats are trying to use to bolster their 2020 election chances.

If you agree that this entire investigation inquiry has been a complete waste of time and money, add your name to the growing list of Illinoisans who want this partisan impeachment to end!

Rodney Davis is committed to fighting for the priorities of Downstate Illinois and that means advocating on your behalf, Friend.

If you want your voice heard, click here to say NO to impeachment>>>

Help put an end to this politically motivated investigation by signing our petition today! Let Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff know what you think of their partisan impeachment process.

Thank you,

Team Rodney

He could also use a grammar checker.


IG’s office investigates one of it own, slaps wrist

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bruce Rushton

An investigator with the inspector general’s office for the state Department of Human Services remains on the job despite findings that he has sexually harassed employees of agencies that hold DHS contracts.

According to a report released last month by the state Executive Ethics Commission, Manuel “Manny” Zepeda told three women employed by Marcfirst, a Normal nonprofit that helps the developmentally disabled, that he had an ex-girlfriend who once obtained Viagra for him. Then he told the women that his wife liked to have sex in hotels. All the time, according to the report prepared by the Office of the Executive Inspector General, Zepeda was staring at a whiteboard in the agency office, and when someone said, “That’s not on our board,” Zepeda said that he should probably leave before he got another sexual harassment complaint against him. The conduct occurred in July 2018.

Reactions from employees, according to the report, ranged from alarm to someone who said, “This is just typical Manny” and, “You have to play along.” One of the employees who witnessed Zepeda’s behavior had met him that day. Zepeda was in Marcfirst offices to conduct an investigation, the nature of which wasn’t disclosed in the report released by the ethics commission. As an investigator, Zepeda is charged with investigating allegations of abuse, financial exploitation and neglect involving people who receive services from agencies licensed, funded, operated or certified by DHS.

One Marcfirst employee told the inspector general that Zepeda was “always inappropriate and creepy,” but she had decided to “let it go.” While she said that she was offended and made uncomfortable by Zepeda’s comments, she said she didn’t feel that she could speak up because her agency might suffer negative consequences from his investigations.

Another employee had similar concerns.

“I’ve always been told by coworkers to go along with what Manny says because it could affect the outcome of the case he is inquiring about,” the employee wrote in a statement.

* Hannah Meisel

Zepeda was put on 30 days of unpaid leave earlier this fall, according to DHS spokesperson Meghan Powers, after having been moved off of investigations involving the disability service agencies whose employees made complaints. Additionally, a letter has been put in his personnel file.

“IDHS takes employee misconduct extremely seriously,” Powers said in a statement. “In 2018, IDHS strengthened its sexual harassment policy, which was relied upon for the OEIG report. We will continue to aggressively enforce anti-harassment policies and ensure a safe environment for those we represent and serve.”

Zepeda received a pay bump of $1,000 per pay period in 2019, from $6,800 last year to $7,800. Even with his 30-days of unpaid suspension time, Zepeda has made $75,800 so far in 2019, according to state records.

Zepeda’s union contact with AFSCME may have played a role in both the raise — as state workers finally received step increases earlier this year that had been denied to them by former Gov. Bruce Rauner — and Zepeda’s continued employment with DHS.

The full report is here.


It is what it is, so you’d better learn to deal with it

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Guardian

In March this year, the small Illinois town of Hinsdale, in the western Chicago suburbs, was facing a crisis.

The village’s district had a funding shortfall, and a referendum was scheduled to determine whether $140m could be pumped into Hinsdale’s schools.

The referendum was hotly contested – an organized, enthused Vote Yes campaign was pushing hard for people to back the vote. It looked like the referendum might deliver a yes verdict.

Enter Locality Labs, a shadowy, controversial company that purports to be a local news organization, but is facing increasing criticism as being part of a nationwide rightwing lobbying effort masquerading as journalism.

The company, with two other linked organizations, was responsible for the Hinsdale School News, a print newspaper that was distributed around Hinsdale voters. The paper had the Hinsdale high school district logo, and the look of a journalistic organization. But, as the Hinsdalean reported, the “newspaper” was stuffed full of articles, mostly byline-free, which had a distinct anti-referendum skew.

“The depths of what they went to were pretty egregious,” said Joan Brandeis, who was part of the Vote Yes Campaign.

“This was purposely done to mislead people into thinking that was a publication from the district.”

We’ve talked about Locality Labs several times. These are the Proft papers run by Brian Timpone.

There’s this thing called the First Amendment, so the papers cannot be regulated or put out of existence. It’s possible, perhaps, to argue that some of them should be regulated like campaign committees, but that’s a dangerous path to tread. I mean, if you make that argument, are you gonna require the Tribune editorial board to register, too? Good luck getting that done.

The Hinsdale referendum passed, so Timpone’s paper didn’t have a deciding influence.

But this should be a lesson for everyone. When campaigns are being planned, the possibility that one or more of these Locality Labs outlets could start engaging is something that should be factored into the equation. And whining to an overseas news outlet is not a plan.


*** UPDATED x1 *** “Please, please, please open the door”

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The latest ProPublica/Tribune story about schools locking kids in “quiet rooms” is a very difficult read

* From the piece

For this investigation, ProPublica Illinois and the Tribune obtained and analyzed thousands of detailed records that state law requires schools to create whenever they use seclusion. The resulting database documents more than 20,000 incidents from the 2017-18 school year and through early December 2018.

Of those, about 12,000 included enough detail to determine what prompted the timeout. In more than a third of these incidents, school workers documented no safety reason for the seclusion. […]

But disability advocates, special-education experts and administrators in school systems that have banned seclusion argue that the practice has no therapeutic or educational value, that it can traumatize children — and that there are better alternatives. […]

Nineteen states prohibit secluding children in locked rooms; four of them ban any type of seclusion. But Illinois continues to rely on the practice. The last time the U.S. Department of Education calculated state-level seclusion totals, in 2013-14, Illinois ranked No. 1.

Although state law requires schools to file a detailed report each time they use seclusion, no one is required to read these accounts.

Several school district officials said they had not reviewed seclusion reports from their schools until reporters requested them. The Illinois State Board of Education does not collect any data on schools’ use of isolated timeout and has not updated guidelines since issuing them 20 years ago.

Go read it all, but prepare to be disgusted, saddened and enraged.

*** UPDATE *** Rep. Jonathan Carroll (D-Northbrook) says he is “filing a bill to end this practice,” adding “It’s in LRB as we speak.”


Chinese-Americans a strong force behind local cannabis opt-out pushes

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune takes a team-coverage look at a significant aspect of suburban opposition to approving local cannabis sales

In several suburbs, crowds of protesters — many of them Chinese Americans brought out by social media — wore identical Opt Out shirts, carried signs, signed petitions and helped convince local officials to prohibit marijuana sales. […]

Activists said they shared their concerns with a broader audience through WeChat, a China-based multilingual messaging app, similar to Facebook, which claims more than 1 billion users.

Critics complained that Opt Out consisted of the same group of protesters going from town to town. While some people attended meetings in more than one suburb, and got their identical signs and T-shirts from the same group, Asian American Advocacy, organizers maintained that protesters mainly consisted of residents of each municipality.

Many in the movement are Chinese immigrants who share conservative, family-first values, according to Cynthia Hopkins of Hinsdale, a volunteer with Asian American Advocacy. Influenced by a history that includes the drug trade related to the Opium Wars of the 1800s, she said, many parents are motivated to minimize their children’s exposure to addictive drugs. Protesters also raised concerns about rising incidents of emergency room visits and traffic accidents involving marijuana users, and the fact that the drug remains illegal under federal law.

“It’s a perfect issue to show there’s so much potential with the Asian Americans,” Hopkins said. “Once they’re organized, they’re a force, they make sure their voice is heard.”

After hearing about large Asian-American crowds at several local council meetings a couple of months ago, I reached out to some folks in the polling business who told me that some of the most intense opposition to legalization comes from older Asian-Americans.

…Adding… Hmm…


You can thank a lot of people for this

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Um

As an aggressive federal corruption probe pursues Illinois Democrats, frustrated voters of both parties feel a sense of relief. Finally, someone is digging out the bottom of the well — and the top.

Grateful for the intervention of the feds? One person deserves kudos, and progressive Democrats especially might want a defibrillator on standby before saying it aloud: Thanks, Mr. President.

President Donald Trump, through his then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, nominated federal prosecutor John Lausch in summer 2017 to lead the Chicago-based U.S. attorney’s office. Lausch was one of a handful of candidates considered and vetted by Illinois’ GOP congressional delegation. U.S. Sens. Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth signed off, too, but only after eliminating from consideration Maggie Hickey, who had served under former Gov. Bruce Rauner. Her GOP connection made Democrats nervous. Maybe they thought Lausch would go easy. How wrong they would have been.

Lausch has been on the short list for that job since at least 2012. Durbin and Duckworth both backed Lausch’s nomination after their screening committee recommended him. And they thought Lausch would go easy on corruption? Says who?

Also, the US Attorney’s office under Obama ensnared both a Chicago alderman (Daniel Solis) and an Illinois state Senator (reported to be Terry Link) who were eventually used to nab others. Link and Obama used to regularly play poker together back in the day.

The fact is, federal prosecutors and investigators have been involved in a years-long process to get to this point.

Has the Lausch appointment played a major role in this? Yep. No doubt. Does the president deserve kudos for nominating him after he was recommended by the delegation? Yep.

But that nomination didn’t come out of nowhere and neither did this widespread probe.

…Adding… Also, do you remember this case? Lots of players involved and it may have been the catalyst for some of what’s going on today

The son of a wealthy pharmacist, Sethi was a licensed pharmacy technician in 2003 when his family were partners in a $10 million deal to buy a 122-room hotel on 2.8 acres at 8201 W. Higgins Rd., next to a Hooters along the Kennedy Expressway.

A few years later, Sethi decided to knock down the hotel and replace it with three hotels and a convention center.

He hired one of Chicago’s most politically connected zoning attorneys, James Banks, who got approval for the project from the City Council Zoning Committee which was then headed by his uncle, Ald. William Banks, a powerful member of the Cook County Democratic Party. The alderman — who later ended up working for Sethi — abstained from the January 2009 vote.

Four months later, Sethi hired Madigan’s law firm, Madigan & Getzendanner, to seek a reduction in the property taxes by appealing the value put on the hotel and the land by the Cook County assessor’s office and the Cook County Board of Review, agencies controlled by Madigan’s fellow Democrats. Over the next four years, Madigan’s firm saved Sethi and his family more than $645,000 in taxes as the family ended up tearing down the hotel to make way for the project. […]

Sethi also hired attorney Michael McClain, a Madigan loyalist who’s one of the top lobbyists in the state capital. A former state legislator, McClain once served as Madigan’s assistant majority leader. […]

Sethi settled the SEC case in March 2014, agreeing to pay a $1 million fine, sell the land and refund the money he collected from foreign investors, including the administrative fees that went to the Chinese brokers who lined up investors.

Five months later, Sethi was indicted for fraud. In January, he pleaded guilty.


The horse race begins in earnest

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* If elected, and that’s not yet certain, Sen. Lightford would be the first woman and the third person of color to be Senate President

Democratic state Sen. Kimberly Lightford of Maywood has emerged as the leading candidate to become the next Illinois Senate president after John Cullerton’s stunning resignation announcement last week.

Lightford, currently the Senate majority leader, would become the first African American woman to preside over a chamber of the Illinois legislature. […]

Two potential candidates to replace Cullerton aligned themselves with Lightford — state Sens. Andy Manar, a former Cullerton chief of staff from Downstate Bunker Hill, as well as Heather Steans from Chicago, who has family wealth to help Democratic candidates.

* More from Amanda Vinicky

“I look at her leadership in the state senate and I see success after success in what is one of the most diverse Democratic caucus in the U.S. Not an easy task. Senate President Cullerton did it – mastered it. That’s what I’m interested in and I believe she has the skill set and the knowledge and the ability to continue that for the Senate Democrats,” Manar said.

Sen. Tony Munoz is also reportedly backing Lightford.

…Adding… I just talked to Sen. Munoz and he confirmed he’s supporting Lightford.

* But not everyone is on board

“I am talking with my colleagues and I am assessing their concerns and interests in the caucus. I expect that I will run for Senate president but I want to keep talking to my colleagues before making any formal announcements,” [Sen. Don Harmon] said. “People are eager for change but people also want to be sure that the next Senate president has all of the attributes to be effective both inside the building in terms of having good public policy, but also in the political spectrum. Our public policy victories are only as durable as our majority.” […]

[Sen. Mike Hastings] says the next president has to be a leader who shapes policy that lawmakers from all of the state’s diverse regions can get behind while also serving as a political operator who can get Democrats elected. That requires having a political operation and the ability, “unfortunately,” to raise money.

“I have all those things,” Hastings said. “I can count … probably five senators that have legitimate political organizations – a base of volunteers to send anywhere in the state, and are able to handle their own district, with no problem taking tough political votes. If you’re going to be the leader you got to lead the whole chamber.”

Sen. Hastings was sued in September by his former district office chief of staff who claimed harassment and retaliation.

As we’ve already discussed Sens. Elgie Sims and Melinda Bush are also interested.



Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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