Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Doherty out at City Club, may have been conduit for 100 ComEd jobs
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Doherty out at City Club, may have been conduit for 100 ComEd jobs

Friday, Dec 6, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz

The evolving federal probe into Commonwealth Edison’s Springfield lobbying has claimed a major civic victim, with Jay Doherty out as head of the City Club of Chicago, the politically connected public policy forum.

But check this out

“The only thing I’ve heard is that various people were working for Commonwealth Edison and he seems to have been the point person in taking care of that, making sure W-2s were filed and so forth,” [City Club Chairman Ed Mazur] said.

Mazur’s reference is to recent stories and talk from political insiders that Doherty served as a conduit or vehicle to provide compensation for friends and associates of Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan, whose help was crucial to ComEd’s advancing its extensive agenda in Springfield.

One source close to the probe into ComEd, which has been subpoenaed for records related to its activities in Springfield, says Doherty had more than 100 people drawing funds that originated with ComEd on his payroll, some in positions that involved little actual work.


Greg also has the resignation letter and other stuff, so go read the rest.


  1. - ILPundit - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 1:32 pm:

    Nothing to see here. Move along…

  2. - Steve - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 1:34 pm:

    100 jobs is a lot. Best of luck to Jay in all future endeavors.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 1:36 pm:

    Good on Attorney General Raoul and Treasurer Frerichs for NOT speaking at the City Club during all this…

    Oh, wait…

  4. - Just Me 2 - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 1:43 pm:

    If Doherty was giving money to certain friends of the Speaker, it clearly was without his knowledge.

  5. - Flat Bed Ford - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 1:44 pm:

    =Doherty had more than 100 people drawing funds that originated with ComEd on his payroll, some in positions that involved little actual work.=

    Sounds like the rumors of 20 to 30 people being indicted in all this might be a little lite

  6. - Token Conservative - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 1:54 pm:

    What a useless organization this has turned out to be.

  7. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 1:55 pm:

    They don’t call it CommonWEALTH for nothing

    Nothing like to intersection of big business and big government conspiring to rip off taxpayers and ratepayers for their personal enrichment

  8. - Say What? - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 1:58 pm:

    An incestuous malaise at best . . . . .

  9. - Frustrated Millennial - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 1:59 pm:

    For the Democrat Reps reading this, please grow a backbone. Between taking care of someone accused of sexually harassment and this, you gotta get Madigan to step down or force him out. Can you imagine if Pritzker had arranged for an Agency Director to be taken care of by Hyatt that was accused of sexually harassing a Deputy Director? Or if he had arranged for his family to get business dealings for signing some legislation for an utility? He’d be impeached for either offense, let alone both of them. This is not the Illinois that I want to live in and don’t think it is the one you would either. Time for him to go. Would you want your kids working for this guy?

  10. - Donnie Elgin - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:01 pm:

    Business as usual for Madigan incorporated.

  11. - Torgan Bosten - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:02 pm:

    Mazur really shouldn’t be speculating on what Doherty was doing. What a horrible thing to be quoted on about someone you call a friend.
    He should be the next to go.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:03 pm:

    === Business as usual for…===

    Better hope no GOPers are wrapped in the “100”

  13. - SSL - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:08 pm:

    If 100 is accurate that is disturbing. Who would think that type of scam could ever be sustained?

    Fun times ahead.

  14. - Frustrated Millennial - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:09 pm:

    === Better hope no GOPers are wrapped in the “100”===

    Sit this one out Willie. I’m a Dem too and your head in the sand and point fingers back at the other side act just makes us look like that meme with the lady screaming at the cat.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:15 pm:

    === Sit this one out===


    I’m just waiting and watching.

    It’s the prudent thing to do.


  16. - Say What? - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:16 pm:

    The bright side of having no influence on the GOP front . . . . .harder to get that ghost payroll political patronage gig.

    For many to be identified soon, in the words of the great philosopher Stephen Wright - “A clear conscious may be the sign of a poor memory”.

  17. - Ok - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:19 pm:

    That 100 number is just … wow.

  18. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:20 pm:

    So this is a GOP scandal now?

    Priceless analysis OW

  19. - Ok - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:21 pm:

    So, that ComEd ad on the side says that the Formula Rate has enabled (spinny spinny spinny) … 3,000 jobs.

    Who knew 100 worked for Jay?

  20. - OneMan - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:25 pm:

    In some places in this state that would make him the largest employer in town.

  21. - SSL - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:27 pm:

    I know the jobs report was really strong today but had no idea it was ConEd leading the way.

  22. - depressed in politics - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:32 pm:

    “has claimed a major civic victim”
    If guilty then he is no victim. If guilty WE are the victims, not him. Do better Greg H.

  23. - J.L. Pettimore, III - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:43 pm:

    If this is even remotely true, how did Madigan, Inc think this would end? For a guy, Himself, “who checks and double checks” every move, this operation is shoddy and ripe for the federal plucking.

  24. - Wensicia - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:46 pm:

    Will Doherty cooperate with the feds to save himself?

  25. - Steve - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:53 pm:

    - J.L. Pettimore, III -

    Some people assumed that the current U.S. Attorney would be like previous ones. They might have guessed wrong.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 2:56 pm:

    === the current U.S. Attorney would be like previous ones===

    Fitzgerald took down TWO governors.

    Such a slouch.


  27. - Chicagonk - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 3:00 pm:

    Sounds like about 10 percent of my monthly electric bill went to support ComEd shenanigans in Springfield.

  28. - Steve - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 3:08 pm:

    -Such a slouch-

    Corruption crime fighter Pat Fitzgerald just couldn’t figure out who was handing out the money during the Hired Truck scandal.. Amazing. Funny how those Governors didn’t have as much money in their campaign fund as Alderman Ed Burke. Why even Mitch McConnell , the Senator Majority Leader has less money in the fund..

  29. - Nagidam - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 3:11 pm:

    Pretty disturbing information if your company name is ComEd and your last name is Doherty. Can the FBI tie this to Speaker Madigan? Right now we have speculation…and rightfully so.

  30. - Token Conservative - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 3:11 pm:

    ==So this is a GOP scandal now?

    Priceless analysis OW==

    Somehow, it always seems to be that way.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 3:11 pm:

    It has been “fun” for be reading the thought process why the resignation was first refused, and now the fallout of that silly decision, abd the damage to the City Club’s frail reputation from initial reports.

    Did they think everyone was going to be Attorney General Raoul and Treasurer Frerichs and show up?

    If and when (when is now more operative?) that list of 100 or so is out in the open, and fits and linkage are confirmed, or whatnot, and we know, does the City Club board care they were loyal to the possible crossroads of this?

    Again, enjoy that *first* letter again…

  32. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 3:17 pm:

    === Priceless analysis===


    I’ve never read more people who knew so much that was unknown

    Here’s what I know;

    === Mazur’s reference is to recent stories and talk from political insiders that Doherty served as a conduit or vehicle to provide compensation for friends and associates of Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan, whose help was crucial to ComEd’s advancing its extensive agenda in Springfield.===

    The Fawell List even had Dems, even if the whole, undeniable, aspect of Safe Roads was GHR, his RICO riddled political fund…

    So as you think it’s all… all… read what I write, exactly as I write it.

    This idea I can’t “read”, comprehend, or am spinning… its your hyperventilating of a want so desperately, it’s going to go exactly as the evidence and trail takes it.

    It’s not analysis, lol, I’m not partisanly hyperventilating to your liking.

  33. - Shemp - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 3:19 pm:

    Oh what a tangled web we weave….

  34. - Say What? - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 3:35 pm:

    You might be shocked at how few care if there are both D’s and R’s on the “list”. Most don’t live in, or even care about this overtly partisan insider world and the rejoicing when corrupt public officials go down won’t be diminished if it turns out a few R’s are culpable.

    When one steps fifty feet away from the Capitol scene, the inference that WAY too many of these characters are enriching themselves in nefarious ways is palpable.

    Despising self dealing and insider trading is universal.

  35. - DuPage Saint - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 3:41 pm:

    I would be very disappointed in Com Ed if they don’t have a few or more Republicans hired. It is only prudent to cover all bases.

  36. - SSL - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 3:54 pm:

    Well said Say What.

    It’s only my opinion, but I think one of the many drivers behind the population challenges this state faces is the feeling that the game is rigged. That there is self enriching done across all government entities, regardless of party affiliation. It feels like it is so widespread that it can’t be fixed. And the joke that Illinois has become at the national level is taking a toll.

    People just get tired of being played as a patsy. And the feeling is that whatever this story turns out to be, it will be just another in a long line of corruption in this state.

  37. - Responsa - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 3:56 pm:

    If it is proven to be a given that this occurred- and at this magnitude - you just have to wonder how many years it has been going on.

  38. - low level - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 3:57 pm:

    One of those things that may have worked for so long they got sloppy.

  39. - JS Mill - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 4:02 pm:

    =So this is a GOP scandal now?

    Priceless analysis OW=

    Nice strawman you have created. (banned word)

    While the alt right is crowing about Democrat misdeeds they forget that repubs have been convicted many time including multiple Illinois governors.

    It is beyond stupid to believe that only one parties politicians commit criminal acts and corruption. In Illinois the overwhelming majority of voters vote Democrat. It isn’t my party, but the continued screaming of the minority party victims is always amusing.

    When republicans figure out a way to get people to vote for them they will have their fair share of opportunities to engage in criminal and other acts of corruption. Relax.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 6, 19 @ 4:05 pm:

    === Corruption crime fighter Pat Fitzgerald just couldn’t figure out who was handing out the money during the Hired Truck scandal===

    There were no convictions, or none you’re so hyperventilating about?

    I’ve never read “here” someone so fixated on convicting people before indictments or trial begin, or so distraught others aren’t indicted. Yikes, man.

    === Funny how those Governors didn’t have as much money in their campaign fund as Alderman Ed Burke===

    If Alderman Burke wronged you, I’m sorry for you.

    By any measure, taking down TWO different governors of the (at the time) 5th largest state in America isn’t “good enough” for you, your rabid and seething is blind to what actually was accomplished.

    Tell the Willis family, “But it’s about Alderman Burke.”

    Tell Children’s hospital “Forget Rod, It’s about the Burkes”

    Rod had $3.6 million at one point.

    Look at *how* GHR and his criminally convicted war chest actually worked, and how the monies were spent.

    I’m done. Thank you.

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