Lipinski foe Darwish already in the boxes, will go up on cable tomorrow
Monday, Jan 13, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller * One of Congressman Dan Lipinski’s lesser-known Democratic primary rivals, Rush Darwish, is already in the boxes with two mailers. Here’s the front page of one… ![]() Here’s the back page of the other… ![]() Click the pics for the full mailers. No other candidate in that race has sent out any mailers as far as I can tell. Marie Newman is considered the frontrunner of the challengers, but we’ll see I suppose. Charles Hughes is also in the race. According to the FEC, Darwish reported $318,113 cash on hand in his most recent filing. And according to the Darwish campaign, he’s going to use some of that money to go up on cable TV tomorrow “and will be up through the rest of the cycle.” I suppose we can only wait and see how big the buy is. But, whatever, it has begun. Discuss.
- NoOne - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 4:25 pm:
Rich- Curious to hear what makes you think Newman is the front runner.
With three progressive candidates in the race Newman’s margin is at threat of being cannibalized. Meanwhile the Lip has the support of the democratic organizations on top of hefty municipal power players.
The race may be close with Newman’s access to capital and the heat blowing over from the last go, but not sure if she can be labeled as a front runner.
- Rutro - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 4:27 pm:
It was mailed to me and not my wife, We’re both hard D’s. Interesting.
- Bruce - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 4:32 pm:
3rd district is no nonsense. Lipinski delivers services and spends time in district. I don’t see Marie Newman being able to deliver and stay in district like Lip.
- Just Me - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 4:34 pm:
I’m surprised we got all the way to January 13th before mailers started.
- IL Politiwiz - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 4:40 pm:
I received the mailer and I think we need unity as a district and an everyday person to represent us. Dan is pretty far to the right and Marie is pretty far left, both live very privileged lives, but neither of them share in the experiences of the everyday people in our district. Rush appears to be emerging as that everyday candidate that a lot of folks I know can and are getting behind.
- Roman - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 4:42 pm:
== what makes you think Newman is the front runner. ==
He said “front runner of the challengers.”
- ConcernedCitizen - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 4:43 pm:
I received the mailers and I think that Rush is emerging as the candidate who truly represents and shares in the struggles of everyday people in our district. A lot of conversations happening in my neighborhood around this gentleman, he certainly has my support!
- Quibbler - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 4:46 pm:
How does a guy (Dharwish) who supposedly runs a photo and video production company have $62,000 lying around to lend his vanity campaign?
== Curious to hear what makes you think Newman is the front runner.==
She ran last time, came within a whisker of beating an incumbent, has much better name-recognition now, higher-profile endorsements from the leading lights of the party, leads in fund-raising, and her views on abortion aren’t extremely unpopular.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 4:59 pm:
It’s all interesting, and I’m not making light, but folks knocking on doors and working as an organized unit, that’s what’s going to matter once Absentee Ballots begin… and then GOTV on St. Paddy’s Day.
“We’ll see”… on the media buy, this mail…
- Ron Burgundy - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 5:25 pm:
Looks like the “Rushees” have found the site.
- Not me - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 5:48 pm:
I do not know Rush Darwish but am very impressed with his Je ne sais quoi. He has a lot of panache and sachet. He will be a force to be reckoned with.
- @misterjayem - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 6:40 pm:
“Looks like the ‘Rushees’ have found the site.”
They’re emerging.
– MrJM
- West Side the Best Side - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 7:11 pm:
Not me - That reminded me of my first car, a Panache Rambler. (Sorry I’m advance for the terrible pun and for sending people to the Google machine to figure out the reference.)
- Latina - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 7:16 pm:
$350,000 in his campaign committee and all of it is from middle eastern people, just saying??? NEEDS TO BE VETTED.
- omg - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 8:26 pm:
Rush Darwish Is a humanitarian. I believe this will differentiate him from all of the candidates that are running for Congress and the third district. Darn it we need more humanitarians in Washington DC.
- @misterjayem - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 9:38 pm:
“$350,000 in his campaign committee and all of it is from middle eastern people, just saying??? NEEDS TO BE VETTED.”
Bellwood ain’t middle eastern.
– MrJM
- Been There - Monday, Jan 13, 20 @ 10:26 pm:
===$350,000 in his campaign committee and all of it is from middle eastern people, just saying??? NEEDS TO BE VETTED. ===
Have you been to Bridgeview, Burbank or Hickory Hills? Seems like they are outstanding and involved citizens from those areas. Just saying???
- Lake Effect - Tuesday, Jan 14, 20 @ 7:43 am:
Bellwood? What does Bellwood have to do with the 3rd District? Did the take the census and redraw the maps already?
- Dan - Tuesday, Jan 14, 20 @ 7:59 am:
Lipinski made a mistake voting to Impeach Trump conservative voters will not vote for him in the primary.
- Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jan 14, 20 @ 8:33 am:
—$350,000 in his campaign committee and all of it is from middle eastern people, just saying??? NEEDS TO BE VETTED.—
I think the preferred term for many of those folks is Arab Americans, Art.
- Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jan 14, 20 @ 8:36 am:
—Lipinski made a mistake voting to Impeach Trump conservative voters will not vote for him in the primary.—
Big pro-Trump conservative numbers in the Democratic primary, are there? They should vote for Newman, that’ll show him.
- Boog Alou - Tuesday, Jan 14, 20 @ 9:44 am:
==Big pro-Trump conservative numbers in the Democratic primary, are there?==
There might be. You can pull whatever ballot you want, and it doesn’t look like there will be much action on the Republican side.