Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Rep. Grant digs hole deeper
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Rep. Grant digs hole deeper

Wednesday, Sep 23, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. The Daily Herald interviewed Rep. Amy Grant (R-Wheaton)

A visibly shaken Grant had trouble recollecting details of the call during a meeting with the Daily Herald Editorial Board on Tuesday, but said she believes the short clips were taken out of context and are a mischaracterization of her views.

“I made a very clumsy and insensitive statement that does not reflect how I feel about my colleagues and any candidates,” Grant said in a prepared statement at the start of the meeting. “My faith is part of my daily life, and hearing those words calling me ‘racist’ rocks me to my core because that’s not who I am.” […]

In one of the recordings, Grant is heard saying Mejia-Beal, a gay, Black man from Lisle, is afraid to travel to the heart of her district, “not because he’s Black but because of the way he talks, he’s all LGBTQ.” In another, Grant says Mejia-Beal is “just another one of the Cook County people … another Black Caucus.” […]

Grant told the Daily Herald her comment regarding the Black Caucus was meant to suggest the General Assembly already is heavily represented by Democrats. And she said she would never intend to imply that the “LGBT community is something that would hamper a person’s ability to run for state (representative). It’s actually a ludicrous suggestion.”

* This is her quote

I mean, he’s just another one of the Cook County people. That’s all you’re gonna vote for is a Cook County, another, ya know, Black Caucus, that’s all we need is another person on the Black Caucus.

The more I read that comment, the more repulsed I become.

* And here’s the exchange with the Daily Herald

DH: So those comments you just stated had to do with the size of the Black Caucus in Springfield. Do you have concerns about how large the Black Caucus is?

Rep. Grant: Oh, not, not necessarily the Black Caucus. No, it had nothing to do with that. Um, it’s just that I don’t, I mentioned the disparity between the numbers, and that’s how that came up. I, I made mention that a lot of people in my constituents, or my constituents, they really don’t even understand the, the General Assembly and the differences that are very much glaring and that’s, you know, a 44 to a 74 number. And it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s difficult to get things done and I just had made mention that there’s, there’s some.


It had nothing to do with the Black Caucus. Right. OK.

*** UPDATE *** Rep. Grant’s opponent, Ken Mejia-Beal, just reported a $55,300 contribution from Gov. JB Pritzker’s campaign fund. Add that to the governor’s previous contribution and Pritzker’s fund has now maxed out.

Also, this is from Rep. Deb Conroy…

Time is up in using faith and a good heart as an excuse to use hateful bigoted speech! DuPage County deserves better than the words Representative Grant chooses to express her thoughts.


  1. - AlfondoGonz - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 10:59 am:

    “that’s all we need is another person on the Black Caucus”

    Rep. Grant could pull a reverse Trump and say she wasn’t being sarcastic.

  2. - Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:00 am:

    She should resign immediately. Her apology is also a lie as she’s already walking it back.

    Durkin’s silence speaks volumes. He welcomes the racism and homophobia.

  3. - inappropriate - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:01 am:

    Watch the Daily Herald clip. She had to read it off a piece of paper. She couldn’t even speak from the heart or unscripted. She’s completely incompetent.

    It rocks her to the core to be called a racist? Then don’t be a racist. It’s that simple.

  4. - Perrid - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:02 am:

    It’s natural not to like political opponents whose proposals you fight, and who fight your proposals, and the BC is a powerful friend/enemy, but it would have made her life so much easier if she had made the statement about the Democrat majority as a whole instead of singling out the BC.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:03 am:

    === that’s all we need is another person on the Black Caucus.===

    How is that not a racist remark, and further, what thinking in any “clumsy way” can saying that can be seen as a thoughtful response misconstrued.

    It’s at best… at best… a truly callous, thoughtless, sickening remark.

    At its worse, a racist remark revealing who someone is.

    Yep, when someone tells you who they are, they are asking you to believe them.

    Her cold callous heart, I believe it.

  6. - southsider - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:03 am:

    The fact not a single GOP member has said it’s not ok to make those comments speaks volumes.

  7. - Take a closer look - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:04 am:

    By her statement, she wouldn’t want another Black Caucus member. Period. Those Republican Caucus meetings would be even more interesting if John Anthony was still around. That statement would apply to him too. Yet, still nothing from the the Republicans.

  8. - southsider - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:07 am:

    In the DH interview she says she thinks the tape was spliced and taken out of context. Then she admits she did say those words. It can’t really be both. They either doctored the tape and she can file a lawsuit, or she said it and she should own it without excuse.

  9. - SaulGoodman - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:07 am:

    Am I missing it, or did she delete her apology from facebook?

  10. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:08 am:

    Rep. Grant, you’ll need a much larger shovel to dig yourself out from this hole.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:09 am:

    ===The fact not a single GOP member has said it’s not ok to make those comments speaks volumes.===

    Keep in mind, if they respond now, or have quietly condemned…

    The Raunerites need the old, angry, white voters, and the racism they harbor.

    As Bryant told members of the governor’s staff…

    === There were actually three senior level administration officials in the meeting. Two of them are African American. Rep. Bryant lectured them about why the Confederate flag should be acceptable based on “heritage.” The officials made a good faith effort to share with Rep. Bryant the following facts of American history and meaning of the flag:===

    When folks *tell* you who they are… believe them.

  12. - wndycty - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:10 am:

    “I just don’t have the type of personality that would look at another person and say, ‘Oh, you’re not just perfectly right, so I’m going to disparage you,’” Grant said. “If I hurt his feelings, I am very sorry.”

    What makes him “not perfectly right”? His race? Sexual orientation?

  13. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:11 am:

    She clearly wasn’t prepared for public scrutiny on this. And if you’re not prepared, just shut up until you are. So bad.

  14. - First Deal with the Virus - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:13 am:

    We shouldn’t judge people by comments made privately. If we all had every comment we have ever made in public printed I think we would all be ashamed. Do you believe Grant is a racist? Say so. Think she hates gays? Says so.

  15. - JoanP - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:16 am:

    “Do you have concerns about how large the Black Caucus is?”

    Her response to that question was completely incoherent.

  16. - Frumpy White Guy - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:20 am:

    Thank God for the Black Caucus. Without them the Trump Republicans would be calling the shots in Springfield.

  17. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:23 am:

    If I were a person of faith I’d be calling her out on saying she’s one.

  18. - Dotnonymous - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:28 am:

    That’s all we need is another…

  19. - Pundent - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:29 am:

    Rep. Grant appears to be completely lacking self-awareness. Like many she firmly believes that she’s not racist. And yet she says racist things. I’m not judging her by what’s in her heart but what comes out of her mouth.

  20. - Fixer - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:32 am:

    SaulGoodman, it’s not on her page anywhere that I can find. Maybe on her personal one but I don’t have access to that.

  21. - Big Jer - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:42 am:

    Wow. Where to start.

    ==her comment regarding the Black Caucus was meant to suggest the General Assembly already is heavily represented by Democrats===

    So the implication is all minorities especially Blacks can only be Democrats and there are no racial or ethnic minorities in the Republican party. This woman really needs to get out more.

    ===My faith is part of my daily life===

    She is using “her faith” as a virtue signal and something to hide behind as if a religious person could never be racist, etc. Clearly Rep. Grant wants us to only see her public image and never look behind her veil of ignorance.

    While I am no fan of Jeanne Ives, as a commenter said yesterday at least Ives owns her vitriol and does not hide from it.

    BTW with all the calls for Rep. Grant to step aside, how come no one was screaming for Ives to resign after her “single mother” meltdown on the House floor. That did not seem to affect her career one bit.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:44 am:

    === Do you believe Grant is a racist? Say so. Think she hates gays? Says so.===

    Grant has said enough.

    She’s telling who she is. I believe her

  23. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:45 am:

    Speaker Madigan is old, white and angry and the property tax system he presides over and profits from handsomely along with many other prominent Democrats is systemically racist.

  24. - Northsider - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:46 am:

    “Cook County people”


  25. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:47 am:

    “Her response to that question was completely incoherent.” Thank you for mentioning that. I wasn’t sure if it was her or my allergy meds.

  26. - train111 - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:49 am:

    Guess I’ll have to get me a Mejia-Beal sign.

  27. - Pundent - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:52 am:

    =We shouldn’t judge people by comments made privately.=

    Yes we should. It’s how we find out who they really are. Personally I didn’t know Grant was a racist and hated the LGBTQ community until she told me. And why would I doubt her?

  28. - Altgelds Ghost - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:59 am:

    why can’t we here the entire tape? Who really knows what she said if they won’t release the entire tape.

    Secrets breed conspiracy

  29. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 12:02 pm:

    === Speaker Madigan is…===

    … gonna be eclipsed by the drag of Trump, and the drag on all Trumpkins.

    Your bot programming needs a reboot.

  30. - Hamlet's Ghost - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 12:02 pm:

    On 9/21 Citizens for Greg Harris contributed $57,800 to KMB’s campaign and now we have today’s contribution from JB’s campaign fund.

    Jim Durkin - you going to hold ‘em or fold ‘em?

  31. - Huh? - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 12:11 pm:

    “We shouldn’t judge people by comments made privately.”

    Oh yes we should judge someone by what they say in private. Those are the most revealing words that show what is truly in ones heart.

  32. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 12:15 pm:

    The last time I checked, Lisle was in DuPage. It looks like “Cook County people” has become the “euphemism” du jour for DuPage Republicans. Peter Breen says it all the time, too.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 12:20 pm:

    === why can’t we here the entire tape? Who really knows what she said if they won’t release the entire tape.===

    The “Rod Blagojevich Defense”


    What, you think…

    ===… another, ya know, Black Caucus, that’s all we need is another person on the Black Caucus.===

    … that is going to get better with *more* words?

    Whew. Ok. Wow.

  34. - Bigtwich - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 12:24 pm:

    “We shouldn’t judge people by comments made privately.”

    I see, fundraising call are private. What people say when asking for money should not be heard in public.

  35. - Christopher - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 12:34 pm:

    === why can’t we here [ sic ] the entire tape? ===

    I’ve heard all that I need to.

  36. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 12:48 pm:

    Bot programming needs a reboot?

    Like your knee jerk opposition to every Republican candidate or policy while still claiming to be one?

  37. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 12:59 pm:

    Kudos to Rep. Grant for making a non-competitive seat very competitive. It’s still an uphill fight but good grief.

  38. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 1:04 pm:

    Seriously - why is Jim Durkin not speaking out on this? She’s a member of his caucus — and Jim must be horrified by the things Amy has said.

  39. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 1:07 pm:

    “We shouldn’t judge people by comments made privately.”

    Sure we should — that’s the content of their character.

    – MrJM

  40. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 1:12 pm:

    ===…opposition to every Republican candidate or policy while still claiming to be one?===


    Like holding the state hostage for a whole General Assembly versus how Big Jim Thompson governed?

    Your bot programming cheered hurting those most needy, heck Diana Rauner needed the Pritzker family and trusts to bail out The Ounce.

    Supporting a racist president, or supporting the dangerous ways Rauner purposely hurt Illinois is not GOP thinking, or even GOP, they both had cult-like insanity.

    When those who purposely hurt this state admit their complicity and the Raunerites wholly condemn the racist words of members, I’ll be around.

    I’ve even said so.

    Your support of… a racist president, or supporting the dangerous ways Rauner purposely hurt Illinois is not GOP thinking, or even GOP, they both had cult-like insanity…

    It’s you being you. Congratulations.


  41. - Groundhog Day - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 1:17 pm:

    A classic IFpology–does not count.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 1:28 pm:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    Do you condone Grant’s words?

    Why or why not?

    To the post,

    You’d think in these times the Caucus would go out of its way to do the right thing and unequivocally condemn these words and stand with the Dems, not in a bipartisan showing, but as Illinoisans standing up to racist language. Speaking with one voice, Illinoisans condemning the remarks.

    Of course I could’ve easily missed releases, but then again, why isn’t the Caucus being more visible in its displeasure?

  43. - Pundent - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 1:36 pm:

    =Seriously - why is Jim Durkin not speaking out on this?=

    Because like it or not these are the voters that Republicans need right now. In a more public setting words like “Chicago values”, or “prison schools” would be used. But when you’re talking amongst “friends” there’s no need to be coy. If Durkin isn’t willing to call out the Eastern Bloc and others why would he be calling out Amy Grant? She just said the quiet part out loud. But the message is all the same.

  44. - Dotnonymous - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 1:40 pm:

    Oswego Willy has proved time and again that he is a true Republican…in the best way.

  45. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 1:41 pm:

    “Seriously - why is Jim Durkin not speaking out on this? She’s a member of his caucus — and Jim must be horrified by the things Amy has said.”

    Seems to me that if he were horrified he would speak out, therefore…

    – MrJM

  46. - Jocko - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 1:57 pm:

    ==the Cook County people.==

    In Amy’s defense, she didn’t say 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 Cook County people. /S

  47. - Spfld - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 2:21 pm:

    - Hamlet’s Ghost-

    ==Jim Durkin - you going to hold ‘em or fold ‘em?==

    Remember we’re talking about Wheaton here. Amy knows her voters, unfortunately.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 2:24 pm:

    (Tips cap to - Dotnonymous -)

    To the update,

    The maxing out by the Governor is more of a statement of support than what the actual dollars can do in the campaign.

    If the damage is that Raunerites need to put more money here for Grant, the issue then becomes greater than a problem for Grant alone

  49. - R A T - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 2:55 pm:

    I read this an hour ago and I am still cracking up. Thanks inappropriate.

    It rocks her to the core to be called a racist? Then don’t be a racist. It’s that simple.

  50. - Lurker - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 3:04 pm:

    We shouldn’t judge people by comments made privately.
    And since she talked of her religion, know that the most important judging is to be done by what is done/said in private.

  51. - OneMan - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 3:31 pm:

    == “I just don’t have the type of personality that would look at another person and say, ‘Oh, you’re not just perfectly right, so I’m going to disparage you ==

    So what part of her opponent makes them ‘not perfectly right’ since it seems obvious she wants to disparage them?

    So you don’t have the type of personality that would look at another person and disaparge them because they ‘are not perfectly right’ so do you have the personality that would do it because there are parts of what make them who they are that are different than you?

  52. - Dupage blue - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 3:33 pm:

    I live in the heart of that district(sadly represented by Grant and formerly Ives). I’d like to mention that mejia beal confidently came to my door and was not scared of my reaction. Whatever Grant meant by that? She just wanted to tip people off that he is not “like them” and unfortunately that sometimes works with most voters in this area. She knew exactly what she was doing starting rumors with donors. We need to change as a people.

  53. - Dupage blue - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 3:38 pm:

    I’d also like to add, I hope she comes to my door. Put in some work for once. But I don’t really see her as the type to be out actually canvassing and listening to people, Pre pandemic.

  54. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:19 pm:

    === We shouldn’t judge people by comments made privately. If we all had every comment we have ever made in public printed I think we would all be ashamed. Do you believe Grant is a racist? Say so. Think she hates gays? Says so. ===

    1. Fundraising pitches made for public office are not private nor do they have any expectation of privacy.

    2. Everyone who thinks we should exclude people from the General Assembly for being Black or Gay should quietly resign, but if they don’t for sure, print their names in the paper.

    3. Definitely racist, definitely homophobic, and it’s not even a close call.

  55. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:23 pm:

    Let me add: Grant is so racist and homophobic that she believes her district is also racist and homophobic, and that there is nothing reprehensible or risky about espousing these views to prospective donors.

    I’ve known a lot of Republican lawmakers and donors, I can say with pride and certainty that most that I know do not share Rep. Grant’s views.

  56. - Cosgrove - Wednesday, Sep 23, 20 @ 11:36 pm:

    Shocking! The Jeanne Ives hand picked replacement to her House district is a racist homophobe who wants to make abortion illegal, even in cases of rape and incest.

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