Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » React rolls in to Pritzker’s Tier 3 mitigations
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React rolls in to Pritzker’s Tier 3 mitigations

Tuesday, Nov 17, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller


The Illinois Retail Merchants Association (IRMA) has released the following statement regarding the statewide Tier 3 mitigations issued today by Gov. J.B. Pritzker:

“The Tier 3 mitigations announced today by Gov. J.B. Pritzker strikes the right balance between allowing access to retail services and the need to adjust safety measures in response to the latest science about how to address this virus. While additional capacity restrictions will impose significant hardship on retailers already devastated by the pandemic – especially during what is usually the busiest shopping time of the year – we are glad customers will continue to have numerous safe shopping options,” said IRMA President and CEO Rob Karr. “It is our hope the same science that provides for safe shopping can soon be applied to restaurants and bars so they can again allow inside dining, albeit at a reduced capacity. Finally, we look forward to the support of the Pritzker Administration and legislators in ensuring the beleaguered retail sector is best positioned to regain full strength. As the second largest revenue generator for the state and the largest for local governments, without a fully revived retail sector, Illinois faces a more dire future.”

* IHA…

“The Illinois Health and Hospital Association and our member hospitals and health systems across the state commend Governor J.B. Pritzker for his exceptional leadership in this extraordinary time, including his decisive action today to address and mitigate the alarming surge in COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations.

“Hospitals in every area of the state now have higher caseloads of COVID-19 patients than they faced during the spring surge. While hospitals and health systems are continuing to ramp up their capacity and manage their caseloads, the surge in infections and hospitalizations will soon present significant challenges to the healthcare delivery system.

“We support the Governor and Illinois Department of Public Health Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike as they take important and necessary steps so Illinois’ hospitals and their 285,000 nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals can continue their heroic work every day to serve their patients and save lives.

“Hospitals, doctors, nurses and all healthcare providers on the front lines are asking Illinoisans to help stop the spread of the virus. We urge everyone to follow these simple but very effective public health measures: wear a mask, watch your distance, wash your hands, avoid large family and social gatherings, and get a flu shot. All of us must act now and work together to protect our families, friends, neighbors, and the healthcare workers who are selflessly serving our communities.”

* IMA…

The Illinois Manufacturers’ Association released the following statement regarding the new statewide mitigations issued today by Gov. JB Pritzker:

“As our state and nation continue to grapple with this virus, Illinois manufacturers remain committed to leading the way forward. Manufacturers are developing life-saving vaccines and treatments, producing needed personal protective equipment, keeping store shelves stocked with important goods and nutritious foods, and powering our homes and businesses,” said Mark Denzler, president & CEO of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association. “We remain committed to working with state officials and health experts to ensure the protection of all workers, customers and our communities. Indeed, manufacturers have proven they are not only vital to our response to this pandemic but will also be critical to our recovery as they look to hire more workers and pour billions of dollars into our economy.”

* INA…

The Illinois Nurses Association supports Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker’s statewide COVID-19 mitigation measures. Nurses are on the front lines of the state’s health care system and a spike in COVID-19 cases puts them at heightened risk and jeopardizes the health care system’s ability to care for all Illinois patients. Two nurses died earlier this Spring from COVID-19 and even now, nurses continue to test positive. Stringent mitigation measures based on sound science and public health practices are called for to ensure we reduce the infections from COVID-19.


-The Illinois Primary Health Care Association (IPHCA) commends Governor Pritzker for making the tough decision to move our entire state into Tier 3 mitigation to combat surging COVID-19 cases. Over the course of the last several weeks, we have seen an exponential increase in the number of new COVID-19 cases, the rate of hospitalizations, and the rates for which patients have been admitted to ICUs and put on a ventilator. Additionally, and more disheartening, we are also seeing an unacceptable increase in the death rate.

Our ability to effectively combat this pandemic is being jeopardized by the number of sick and those requiring hospital-level care. If we do not take immediate action, the consequences will be devastating. It is up to all of us, every resident, business, health care organization, and community leader to combat this COVID-19 surge by staying home whenever possible, practicing social distancing, and wearing a mask.

IPHCA understands the Governor’s decision to move all of Illinois into Tier 3 mitigation was not made easily, but that it was done in an effort to keep our communities safe and to save lives. Community health centers across the state are committed to doing our part, in collaboration with state and local leaders, to fight back against this pandemic.

* IllinoisPIRG…

“The past few weeks have seen COVID-19 surge across the country, with Illinois and the Midwest among the hardest hit areas. As the weather gets colder and people spend more time inside, we are at a critical point. The decisions made by our leaders today will determine how many lives we can save and help us get through the winter as safely as we can. By rolling back some of the most high-risk activities where people gather indoors, Governor Pritzker is protecting public health.

“While the governor’s action is welcome, given how quickly and widely the virus is spreading, more action is needed right away. The quickest way to lower cases dramatically is to issue a temporary stay-at-home order and close non-essential businesses until we effectively curb transmission.

“Two things are as clear as they’ve been for months: It’s in our power to save lives, and taking measures to do so quickly will help, not hurt the economy long-term.”

…Adding… SEIU Healthcare Illinois…

Members of SEIU Healthcare Illinois support Gov. Pritker’s call for increased mitigation strategies as our state confronts the rising number of Illinoisians contracting and dying from the Covid-19 virus.

Our members – many of whom are frontline, essential workers who deliver vital care to patients in hospitals and nursing homes – find it necessary to navigate Covid environments every day. They go to work fearing that they could contract the virus and bring it home to their families.

These workers are predominantly female and mostly women of color who are predisposed to having underlying conditions. When many in the public are cavalier about a life-threatening virus, it endangers the lives of the essential healthcare workers that society depends on to save them.

If we as a society follow safety protocols, we can get through this pandemic with fewer illnesses and loss of life.


Illinois has seen a rapid increase in new COVID-19 cases and positivity rates. Since the October 1, new cases are up 516% and the number of Illinoisans hospitalized with COVID-19 has grown by 235%. While deaths are a lagging indicator, statewide data show that COVID-19 deaths are up 260% and we are now averaging 81 deaths per day.

The members of the Illinois Association of Medicaid Health Plans (IAMHP) collectively serve over 2 million Illinois residents. The state of Illinois has entrusted these health plans with caring for Illinois’ most vulnerable residents and improving the health of families across the state.

For these reasons, IAMHP appreciates the Governor’s leadership and supports his tough decision to implement mitigations efforts to slow the spread of the virus and save lives. We recognize that these decisions were not taken lightly, and they are not without a cost, however, we believe they are necessary to save lives.

The Medicaid Health Plans recognize the economic impacts of COVID-19 have put extreme pressure on the already limited publicly available community-based services. In order to assist with this, health plans invested more than $56 million of their 2020 quality payment with providers and community organizations. Of that $56 million, $27.6 million, nearly 50% of the total, was spent in disproportionately impacted area zip codes across the state of Illinois.

During these challenging times, Medicaid health plans will continue to support their members, provider partners and community-based organizations through community reinvestment projects.


“Today Governor Pritzker announced a series of statewide mitigation efforts to try and bring Illinois’ COVID outbreak under control. As developmental disability and mental health service providers across the state are grappling with the impact of COVID-19 on staff and individuals they serve, we support the Governor and his Administration’s move.”

“A recent study by Johns Hopkins School of Medicine noted that persons with developmental disabilities who contract COVID-19 face a higher risk of dying than other populations. With that in mind, we applaud provider agencies across the state that have done their level best to meet their missions of service and prevent the spread of this virus to-date. Unfortunately, the virus has spread rapidly in the past several days and the challenges of meeting our shared goals of maintaining health, safety, and community integration have escalated substantially.”

“The Illinois Department of Human Services sent out further information/guidance late today, which is under review by our team. As we all work diligently to mitigate the spread of this virus, we hope the resources that have been provided to the social safety net so far to ensure providers have the tools and quality staff they need can be maintained – they continue to be needed.”

“IARF stands with efforts to alleviate COVID infection rates and reduce the burden on our decimated health care system. The Governor’s measures are necessary to stem the tide, and all of us must do our part. If we do not, more people will needlessly die. We should all know the drill by now: stay at home if you can, maintain social distance and wear a mask if you cannot.”

* IAC…

llinois Action for Children supports Governor Pritzker’s difficult but necessary decision to issue the order for some nonessential businesses in Illinois to close and/or reduce capacity as COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continue to rise exponentially throughout our state. The order also asks all people who can work from home to do so for the duration of these Tier 3 mitigations.

From the beginning, the Pritzker Administration has taken a science- and public health-based approach to the COVID-19 crisis. This order announced today is the next step in that approach, as it is necessary to stop the uncontrolled spread of the virus throughout our state.

Child care is deemed an essential business in this order, as workers for other essential businesses that must continue to operate—grocery stores, essential retail, health care, teachers, among others—will still need access to child care to support the community and fight this pandemic.

Early childhood programs and the child care workforce will need additional support to meet their community’s needs during this time—this includes financial support for personal protective equipment, cleaning supplies, and hazard pay for providers who stay open. Additional support is also needed to keep programs afloat while demand for child care diminishes during this order. Providers and caregivers should have flexibility to decide if they can remain open or shut down as community spread of COVID-19 remains high throughout the holiday season.

We thank the Governor for taking the steps needed to help mitigate the spread and devastation of COVID-19 in an effort to keep our children, families, and communities safe, all while supporting the critical early childhood workforce as they serve essential workers during the pandemic.


he doctors of the Illinois State Medical Society support Governor J.B. Pritzker’s actions today to hit pause for the sake of protecting our public health.

If no action is taken we are on a trajectory that more people will get sick, deaths will increase and our health care delivery system will quickly become overrun.

We want people to stay healthy and we need to make sure medical care is available for all patients. When health systems are overloaded with COVID-19 patients they can’t treat other emergencies and urgent care needs.

It’s important to note many preplanned medical services and surgical procedures remain available in most settings. Illinois doctors, medical clinics and many hospitals will continue to provide timely care during this challenging time. Doctor’s offices remain open and telehealth can be an option for certain patients and treatments.

As the Governor said, hope is on the horizon with the news of the COVID vaccine trials, but we have a way to go until the treatment is available. We will get through this together. To do so it’s important that we wear masks and avoid gatherings. And if able, stay home!


“The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) recognizes that today’s announcement (November 17, 2020) by Governor Pritzker will temporarily pause the IHSA’s winter sports season. We remain optimistic that these new mitigations, coupled with the emergence of a vaccine, will aid in creating participation opportunities in the New Year for IHSA student-athletes in winter, spring, and summer sports. The IHSA Board of Directors will meet as scheduled on November 19, 2020, to continue plotting out potential paths for IHSA sport and activity participation through the remainder of the school year. Although representatives from the Governor’s office and the Illinois Department of Public Health will be unable to attend the meeting, today’s updated guidance from Governor Pritzker will aid the Board’s decision-making. We have asked Deputy Governor Ruiz and Dr. Ezike to engage with us in the near future, so that we can collaborate on developing a plan to safely conduct IHSA sports and activities as soon as possible. IHSA schools have been exemplary in adhering to state regulations throughout this pandemic and we hope that non-school programs will hold themselves to the same standard as we all put the long-term health and safety of our fellow citizens ahead of short-term athletic competition.”

* The Affordable Assisted Living Coalition…

“As the association representing Supportive Living Communities for seniors and persons with disabilities throughout Illinois, AALC’s mission is to help residents and their loved ones live with the peace of mind that they have high-quality, affordable health care and safe living environments,” said AALC Executive Director Karin Zosel.

“We know that seniors and people with underlying health conditions are the population most at risk for infection. Therefore, with the alarming increase in COVID-19 cases and positivity rates in every region of the state, we welcome additional steps to protect the health and safety of our Supportive Living Communities.

“With increasing community spread occurring statewide, we must protect both our residents and our staff who are working overtime to keep our residents healthy and safe. We fully support the governor’s mitigation efforts to help curb this virus and prevent future hospitalizations and deaths. We recognize that these are difficult choices, but know they are needed to protect those around us.”


  1. - Dotnonymous - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 4:00 pm:

    Portions of the whole measure needed remain insufficient.

  2. - OutHereInTheMiddle - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 4:02 pm:

    Did I miss the statement from IHSA? /snark

  3. - Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 4:16 pm:

    Well until we hear from HS football coaches I’m worried. We need to hear from those great medical and public health experts Ken and Dereck Leonard on their thoughts about this and their directions to protect the public #LetThemGetCOVID

  4. - Smalls - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 4:17 pm:

    I am glad to see that they really evaluated all the different impacts on different industries. With Walmart open, there was no reason other retail couldn’t be open, with reduced restrictions. Same with hair salons, as long as masks are worn. I think they did a great job with these mitigations looking at all the different areas. They probably aren’t perfect, but you can’t please everyone.

  5. - Okfine - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 4:19 pm:

    Is it me or does the IMA statement just congratulate themselves for being our saviors in the most over the top way possible? It’s really not even a react to the Governors announcement.

  6. - State Employee - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 4:22 pm:

    Any responses from AFSCME and IFT yet?

  7. - SouthSide Markie - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 4:38 pm:

    My cousins in Italy always say that the traffic signals Rome are advisory guidelines, while the ones in Naples, are merely decorations. Given the same lack of enforcement, these new restrictions strike me as less Roman and more Neapolitan.

  8. - Southern IL Dem - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 4:47 pm:

    I hope this doesn’t get in the way of deer camp for Devore.

  9. - Southern IL Dem - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 4:47 pm:

    I hope this doesn’t get in the way of deer camp for Devore.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 4:52 pm:

    Good to see the governor getting stakeholders bought in to decisions, and reading these releases shows an administration working within much more that the lane of pure governing.

    Takes away all those snarky drive-bys too.

  11. - 1st Ward - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 5:33 pm:

    The same day CPS announces resumption of in-person learning starting in January and February for pre-k and elementary school. Great timing…. Can’t wait for CTU’s statement.

  12. - Eddy - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 5:35 pm:

    Thank you Governor JB for doing everything you can to keep us all safe. I deeply thank you and applaud you, your staff and IDPH. Stay safe everyone.

  13. - SouthSide Markie - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 5:45 pm:

    == Thank you Governor JB for doing everything you can to keep us all safe. ==

    Yes, for doing everything to keep us all safe, except for finding a way to enforce the regulations. So that they’re complied with. Or in other words, thanks for nothing.

  14. - lenoard - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 6:11 pm:

    take away all funding for law enforcement until they comply with the law their job is to enforce the law not make it

  15. - @misterjayem - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 6:18 pm:

    “Yes, for doing everything to keep us all safe, except for finding a way to enforce the regulations.”

    Please tell us about the “way to enforce the regulations” that you have in mind.

    And do try to dazzle us with all the details.

    – MrJM

  16. - No Mask - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 6:25 pm:

    I will not comply

  17. - Chatham Resident - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 6:30 pm:

    ==My cousins in Italy always say that the traffic signals Rome are advisory guidelines, while the ones in Naples, are merely decorations.==

    Sounds like traffic lights in Springfield among many drivers are a little of both. Seen as both advisories and decorations.

  18. - Blue Dog Dem - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 6:31 pm:

    670,000 fellow Illinoisians will hit the woods this weekend. Can’t get much more isolated.

  19. - Jibba - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 8:16 pm:

    ===the same science that provides for safe shopping can soon be applied to restaurants and bars ===

    Can it? I think not, given the difference in what happens in restaurants and bars.

    And No Mask, feel free to refuse medical care when you get covid.

  20. - Still Waiting - Tuesday, Nov 17, 20 @ 9:53 pm:

    IHSA has released their statement. I’m guessing from the language they finally sought legal advice. At long last. But why did they put schools through this? The governor’s family are certainly not the only public officials having their lives threatened over sports or public health measures. Just ask your local school district. It’s just disgusting that this is where we are today. We’re not asking you to grow victory gardens and invest all that time. Just wear a mask and care about others.

  21. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Nov 18, 20 @ 8:49 am:

    =I will not comply=

    Karma and science will likely not be kind to you.

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