Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Durkin slams Madigan for offering to pass an income tax hike
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Durkin slams Madigan for offering to pass an income tax hike

Monday, Dec 7, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it…

Illinois House Republican Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) released the following statement following Mike Madigan’s pitch for Speaker including an income tax increase on Illinoisans:

“Fresh off the indictment of his confidant and gatekeeper Mike McClain, Michael Madigan is selling his candidacy for Speaker with the promise of another tax increase. It was just over one month ago when Illinois taxpayers resoundingly rejected the graduated tax and sent a message that everyone heard but the Democratic Party. It is time for Governor Pritzker and Illinois Democrats to take a hint from the November election: don’t go back to the taxpayers and job creators to solve the self-inflicted troubles facing our state.”


  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:33 am:

    I’ll expect Leader Durkin to show his cuts… or be ok with significant, deep, hurtful cuts to downstate Illinois, the real “tax eaters” of Illinois.

    It’s like Rauner vetoing the tax increase… then spending every dime after in his lone signed budget.

    Good times.

  2. - The Captain - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:34 am:

    That was an easy layup. If your pitch is that you are the one best able to help the caucus win elections and protect the majority it’s probably not ideal to give away an uncontested layup on taxes.

  3. - low level - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:34 am:

    Naturally, he slams a tax increase but offers no spending cuts. This is the only country in the free world where leaders can get away w that.

    Hey Jimmy. You’ve been a state rep for how many years? You should be familiar e the budget. What would you cut?

  4. - Ray (Not Getting a Pension) - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:37 am:

    Since we are all in this together, now is a good time to have a conservation about workers paying more for their pensions since interest rates are so low. Public sector workers are public spirited. Think positive.

  5. - 618er - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:38 am:

    And he’s told the world the republicans wouldn’t put votes on any candidate for Speaker from the majority party. So what you gonna do boss? Stay in the corner you put yourself in or put some skin in the game?

  6. - 1st Ward - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:42 am:

    The definition of gaslighting comes to mind with Madigan’s campaign to remain as speaker.

  7. - Can - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:43 am:

    Hey Jimmy, we need taxes to go up on everyone because the voters did not give us the ability to only increase taxes on the rich. That’s the way it works. In the meantime, like others have mentioned, we look forward to seeing your proposals for cuts. Enjoy your superminority.

  8. - Wow - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:46 am:

    Repubs don’t have the guts to offer cuts.

  9. - Jibba - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:47 am:

    don’t go back to the taxpayers and job creators to solve the self-inflicted troubles facing our state.===

    And your plan is? Putting possible political gain above solving the most critical crisis in Illinois history shows a lot about you. There will be no statue of you on the lawn, ever. Empty suit.

  10. - very old soil - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:47 am:

    see Tier2

  11. - striketoo - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:48 am:

    A plague (rhetorical not the current one) on all of their houses. No discussion by any of the parties of a serious restructuring or consolidation of the state’s 8,000 units of government. Streamlining and consolidation although not a panacea is essential to the state’s future and yet the only alternatives considered are tax increases or unspecified draconian budget cuts. Where are the people who should be thinking about this and proposing alternative solutions?

  12. - Bob_Loblaw - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:49 am:

    == Since we are all in this together, now is a good time to have a conservation about workers paying more for their pensions since interest rates are so low. Public sector workers are public spirited. Think positive.==

    Not sure we share the same definition of “all,” but in any case I’m already paying 8.5% of my salary to the pension system and only half of that actually helps with MY pension. And I’m also paying income taxes.

  13. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:50 am:

    More gaslighting about jails and universities full of Republican tax eaters

  14. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:51 am:

    “That was an easy layup.”

    This is the Democratic mentality, ceding the narrative to the ILGOP. The DPI and others should be slamming Republicans for protecting the richest at all costs and not laying out their budget plans. Democrats need to learn and use the Rove strategy of turning opponents’ supposed strengths into weaknesses.

  15. - Arock - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:52 am:

    But Madigan and his minions already raised the income tax by nearly 67% just over a decade ago and still failed to fix Illinois’ financial problems. But somehow it is going to work if we do it again. How many taxes and fees were raised just a couple years ago when Pritzker was elected? Until you fix the problems causing the financial need for more revenue you don’t deserve more revenue. Can’t meet to fix problems because of the pandemic but they would meet in a heart beat to raise taxes.

  16. - Jeff S. - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:53 am:

    A work from home tax would be a great option to make up for lost revenue from the fuel tax for those who no longer commute to work.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:57 am:

    === But Madigan and his minions===

    … and the Brave 15 and Perfect 10… because Rauner was first vetoing the tax increase, then spending every dime.

    Sincerely, it’s tiring with you and your silliness to be partisan while ignoring facts.

    You’d be the first complaining if the deep, painful, hurtful cuts were were the tax eaters are… downstate and Raunerite districts.

  18. - Nick Name - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:58 am:

    ===But Madigan and his minions already raised the income tax by nearly 67% just over a decade ago and still failed to fix Illinois’ financial problems.===

    Things were slowly improving when the GA let it partially lapse at Bruce Rauner’s request. Keep up.

    And by the way, what would you cut?

  19. - Rich Miller - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 11:59 am:

    ===Until you fix the problems causing the financial need for more revenue===

    Yes, so simple. So very simple that it was never done because, guess what, it ain’t simple.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:00 pm:

    === More gaslighting about jails and universities full of Republican tax eaters===

    Nope. Truth.

    ===Study: All of Downstate receives more from the state than it pays in===


  21. - The Captain - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:01 pm:

    “The DPI and others should be slamming Republicans for protecting the richest at all costs and not laying out their budget plans.”

    The Governor just spent tens of millions of dollars trying to put the absolute best spin on that and six million Illinois voters rejected it 46.73% to 53.27%.

  22. - Huh - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:02 pm:

    So, a person who had a cut in pay (Rauner tax rate went from 5% to 3.75%), with 90% of their budget fixed (for people that would mean mortgage payments, car payments, etc) would have to run up their credit card bills to pay for things like food (discretionary spending but needed). Then that person after a few years gets most, but not all of their pay restored. The person then has to find a second job if they want to dig themselves out of the hole (can’t pay down any debt without new revenue so off to Walmart for the second shift our person will go). The State has limited options - what do you propose? The state is in position as many people are - buy food or buy medications but it can’t do both. Let’s have a real discussion.

  23. - Petey L. - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:12 pm:

    Raise income taxes, raise real estate taxes, raise sales taxes, raise gas taxes, raise license fees, = people packing for low tax states.

    Lose more and more of your tax base and presto, you are in the condition of Illinois.

    Residents of NYC are fleeing in droves, along with some companies.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:14 pm:

    === NYC===

    If Chicago had an income tax your mouth breathing silliness might ring with some truth.

    Since we’re talking about a state, you’d be better suited selling this on the Facebook

  25. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:17 pm:

    === raise real estate taxes===

    That’s a local issue… you know that.. right.

    Willful ignorance or blissfully unaware to your Facebook silly.

  26. - midway gardens - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:20 pm:

    Private sector workers fired, furloughed, pay cuts, salary freezes - has any public sector worker even given up a raise?

  27. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:24 pm:

    “residents of NYC are fleeing”

    Yes, yes, when NYC becomes the Des Moines of the east coast, let me know.

    Until then it is still a center of finance, culture, and media not only for the nation but the world.

  28. - Bob_Loblaw - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:25 pm:

    == Private sector workers fired, furloughed, pay cuts, salary freezes - has any public sector worker even given up a raise?==

    2nd smallest per capita state workforce in America. You should be mad the private sector workers are able to be so easily deprived of their contract rights, not that your neighbor enjoys his.

  29. - Goo Goo Woo Woo - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:26 pm:

    Isn’t Andy Shaw and other goo goo types advocating for skipping pension payments? Have they bothered running this idea up the flag pole with the credit rating agencies to see how they will react?

  30. - JS Mill - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:26 pm:

    sorry, anonymous at 12:26 was me.

  31. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:27 pm:

    Look forward to seeing Durkin standing directly behind Pritzker as the Governor announces closures of facilities and the reduction of the state employee industry, especially in southern Illinois.

  32. - SumGai1986 - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:27 pm:

    The myopia of some of the commenters on this website is…wow.

    When you are $250b in debt, everyone… everyone… has to take a haircut. That means downstate prisons “will” close, pensioners “will” have their constitutional protection stripped, and taxpayers “will” see an increase. Anyone suggesting otherwise is just trolling. Can we just get the pain over with and move on? Doing anything else is just delaying the inevitable.

  33. - Bob_Loblaw - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:30 pm:

    == pensioners “will” have their constitutional protection stripped==

    You don’t get to toss the constitution out the window just because you got yourself in a jam

  34. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:30 pm:

    === pensioners “will” have their constitutional protection stripped.===

    Wirepoints and IPI is down the dial.

    That pesky constitution says your lack of understanding about Rich’s blog is your utter ignorance showing.

    === taxpayers===

    We’re all taxpayers, keep up.

    === Anyone suggesting otherwise is just trolling===

    Anyone who can’t grasp the whole pensions/constitution thingy might not be up to handling what adults here discuss.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:33 pm:

    === Durkin standing directly behind Pritzker as the Governor announces closures of facilities and the reduction of the state employee industry, especially in southern Illinois.===

    Start with DNR facilities, then dorms as an option at EIU, WIU, SIUE… close entirely SIUC… close at least one downstate prison…

    Start with the tax eaters.


    Adults will vote to stave off where the tax eaters get their money they take.

  36. - Anyone Remember - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:33 pm:

    “But Madigan and his minions already raised the income tax by nearly 67% just over a decade ago and still failed to fix Illinois’ financial problems.”

    History lesson. April 23, 2012 Republican State Treasurer Dan Rutherford was quoted on CBS 2 Chicago that the “entire” income tax increase went to pensions - remember the Edgar Pension Ramp? And in the following 8 years the requirements of the Edgar Pension Ramp have gone up. As was previously stated … “Keep up” …

  37. - SSL - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:37 pm:

    Madigan wants to stay in power, so he reminds JB publicly that Madigan can deliver what JB apparently needs. Durkin does exactly what could be expected and chirps Madigan from the sidelines. What else can Durkin do? There is no low hanging fruit in terms of cuts, and besides, he can pile on now while Madigan reels from abandonment and JB licks his fair tax wounds.

    At some point they all need to get back to trying to fix the state. Now that’s some hard work.

  38. - May Soon Be Required - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 1:01 pm:

    As Little Willy always preaches, Governors own. The Rauner stick is old and truth be told now JB and Dem leaderships issue. Not Durkins.

  39. - Hey Pal - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 1:01 pm:

    - SumGai1986 -

    Why don’t you slide me next week’s lottery numbers since you’re so sure of stuff….?

  40. - Annoin' - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 1:03 pm:

    Question 1 what took Durkie so long to get this pithy thought out?
    Was he out caroling?
    Planning the stop Mark Shaw bandwagon?
    Hanging by a phone hoping for a Todd Rickets call?

  41. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 1:07 pm:


    Aw… a Trumpkin. That’s cute.

    Oh, I’ve made it clear, Governor Pritzker owns… but… after all the “Pritzker &$@#%” signs, and all the animosity… make downstate and the likes of Bailey, Miller, you know, the Eastern Bloc blokes, make their tax eater districts pay…

    … they don’t wanna help… no problem.

    It’s an easy lift;

    “These districts take more state money then bring in. We need to look at ‘dollar for dollar’… so the waste is where more money is being taken in and not matched”

    Wear a mask if you’re gonna mouth breath like Trump… and use better insults, lol

  42. - Huh? - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 1:09 pm:

    Wonder who the doppelganger is who posted at 12:02pm. Sure wasn’t me.

    To the post, I consider what Madigan said to be realpolitic as opposed to the Durkin ostrich imitation.

  43. - Socially DIstant Watcher - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 1:26 pm:

    “Durkin slams _____” could be the headline on every release from that caucus. He’s always against; what’s he for? Maybe he thinks he doesn’t have to be for anything, other than getting rid of _____.

  44. - Lakeshore - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 1:30 pm:

    “If Chicago had an income tax…”

    That is exactly what’s needed for the poor city finances. Cook County voted for the progressive tax. So the citizens support it. The Democratic leadership supports it. The only thing needed to pass a progressive income tax on Chicago residents is passage at the state assembly.

    This would seem to be a great cure for Chicago. And the sooner, the better.

  45. - NorthsideNoMore - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 2:07 pm:

    In typical Illinois fashion the crisis has to explode before action takes place. Maybe the pandemic tax would be something novel, as opposed to the ole K-12 and universities, crumbling infrustracture standbys. Pension funds have been so grossly neglected for so long they barely get a mention. Keep doing what we do spend spend spend and then tax to the max.

  46. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 2:12 pm:

    - midway gardens - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 12:20 pm:

    Go back to your IPI cave.

  47. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 2:19 pm:

    Republicans tell us that dependence on government is bad. When are they going to work for their government salaries and benefits, to put together budget proposals?

  48. - City Zen - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 2:28 pm:

    ==2nd smallest per capita state workforce in America.==

    And Delaware has the 2nd largest, although something tells me “Be Like Delaware” isn’t going to appear on our license plates anytime soon.

  49. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 2:32 pm:

    “the myopia of some commenters”

    Constantly citing what the ILSC has ruled time and again on pensions is “myopia”?

    Bub, that word doesn’t mean what you think it does.

  50. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 2:38 pm:

    “and Delaware has the 2nd largest”

    Ah, there it is. The sporadic, inane drive-by of City Zen.
    I get it, your moniker is ironic.
    A constant in an ever changing topsy-turvy world.

  51. - JS Mill - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 2:46 pm:

    =He’s always against; what’s he for?=

    Great post.

    I will try to lend a hand to JD-

    1- Taxes
    2- Paying bills
    3- Solutiuons
    4- Zingers
    5- The party of “no”

  52. - State Employee - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 3:16 pm:

    === Durkin standing directly behind Pritzker as the Governor announces closures of facilities and the reduction of the state employee industry, especially in southern Illinois.===

    Start with DNR facilities, then dorms as an option at EIU, WIU, SIUE… close entirely SIUC… close at least one downstate prison…==

    Could state facilities and offices not just in Eastern Bloc areas, but also in House Dem districts whose reps are still on record as supporting the Speaker, also be targeted for closure and layoffs when the budget cuts are announced? Especially considering that the area including the Capitol Complex and downtown Springfield state offices are part of Rep. Scherer’s 96th District. Could those parts of the state whose reps are still on record as supporting Madigan also be targeted with heavy budget cuts in their districts? Something of concern for employees in Downtown Springfield.

  53. - From DaZoo - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 4:06 pm:

    == …has any public sector worker even given up a raise?==

    That’s not how it works. At least one union agreed to no raises for four years under Rauner. Others not covered by unions saw only a couple raises during a 15 year span. The most likely outcome for he next few years is the continued understaffing that hasn’t been fully resolved since 2003.

    Continuing the “cuts only” dialog needs acknowledgement that some governments services will get worse. Without that acknowledgement, then said person is avoiding the discussion of who will likely be hurt/disadvantaged.

  54. - Huh? - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 5:17 pm:

    At IDOT many of the previous merit comp employees voted to become union members because of the blago and subsequent governors refusal to give raises. A huge number of people went many years without a raise. Yet, they continued to serve the public.

  55. - Willie - Monday, Dec 7, 20 @ 6:05 pm:

    Durkin is a real powerhouse isn’t he? He has done nothing for a decade but Vote no and sweep his own caucus problems under the rug. He should be embarrassed.

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