Crucial “decoupling” bill falls way short in House
Wednesday, Jan 13, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller * A bill that would separate the state from a federal tax break and which Democrats said would prevent as much as a $1 billion state revenue hit received just 50 votes tonight - 10 shy of the minimum passage number. Here’s the screen shot… ![]() There was some debate over whether the bill had been properly put on the order of Postponed Consideration, which would allow another floor vote. But the Democrats brushed back the challenge (of course) and now the governor can try to run it again. By my late-night eyes, 11 House Democrats voted “Present” or “No,” and another 8, including Speaker Madigan, didn’t vote. Several members of the Black Caucus did not vote for the bill. This is a huge setback for the governor. He absolutely has to pass this bill to save his budget. * But there were some very significant complaints about the Illinois Department of Revenue only figuring out about this budget hole in December and not informing legislators until this month. Other states, like New York, were all over this in the spring…
- Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 2:08 am:
- Realtalk - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 2:17 am:
Pritzker had better get used to losing without Madigan’s help. Members are free to vote NO on everything.
- Been There - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 2:17 am:
I was giving IDOR the benefit of doubt because the IRS takes a while to figure out what Congress passes. But if NY can do it you there is no excuse for us not too.
- Advocate - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 2:17 am:
When would they re-run this?
- Been There - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 2:23 am:
===When would they re-run this?====
Tick Tock. They have until noon tomorrow but realistically it needs to be soon as I think it would still need to go back to the Senate to concur.
- The Most Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 2:26 am:
Andy Manar is getting to the administration at exactly the right time when they could really use someone to pull their messiness together.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 2:43 am:
Welch with the non vote.
- Quibbler - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 2:45 am:
It’s almost starting to feel as if the GA should have found a way to meet for more than 15 days in the past ten months.
- SAP - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 2:45 am:
That was me at 2:43
- CmdrNorton - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 2:46 am:
Welch was in the well, or … on the stage, I guess.
- Perrid - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 6:51 am:
So, uh, because the state was late to recognize the problem, the GA isn’t going to help fix it? Pass the dang bill, then haul people into committee so you can yell at them and pound the table to your hearts content.
- Rabid - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 6:56 am:
Elections do have consequence
- Curious George - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 7:01 am:
Shocking news from such a well run and informed state
- ChicagoBars - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 8:01 am:
This bill eliminated a State pandemic tax credit that will be available to almost all independent (S-corp and pass through LLC and sole proprietor) bars and restaurants that the State has kept closed to indoor service for almost half the past year, including the over 40,000 of the small businesses that got nothing from the DCEO BIG grant program.
The solution to IDOR’s debacle handling this is not to punish the independent spots. Next GA can deal with it - and with comprehensive state help for hospitality.
- Back to the Future - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 8:08 am:
Passing this would probably mean more layoffs in the private sector.
Of course someone on Team Pritzker should have figured this was a problem. It probably is about time to rethink some executive hires.
While this may have the Gov. looking a bit like an empty suit on fiscal management, more Illinois employees headed toward the unemployment lines during this pandemic would be tough to see.
In these times the GA is probably taking the correct fiscal approach.
- Honeybear - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 9:18 am:
Isn’t this what you get when you put a military General and Legislator in charge of a Revenue Dept? I wondered when this would catch up to us. Harris should be fired. This is a huge failure. Plus he’s a Republican. Why are we still coddling Republicans and shielding them from accountability?
- Whatever - Wednesday, Jan 13, 21 @ 10:23 am:
The CARES act that created this issue became law March 27, 2020. Giving them the benefit of the doubt about when they were “informed,” what has the GA done since then that makes anyone think they would have acted on this any sooner?