Suicides declined again in Illinois during the first nine months of 2020
Wednesday, Jan 27, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller * We’ve seen a lot of chatter online lately about teen suicides. So I asked the Pritzker administration a while back for some numbers and they compiled the latest data from the counties and I’m a bit late presenting it to you. Sorry. Click the pic for a larger image… ![]() So, teen suicides were up last year compared to 2019, when most demographics saw significant declines, but they’re down compared to 2018. Note, however, the rise in Black suicides.
- Anon E Moose - Wednesday, Jan 27, 21 @ 1:06 pm:
Do you know why they use Jan-Sep rather than the entire year?
- Anon - Wednesday, Jan 27, 21 @ 1:06 pm:
Sadly, the new for 2020 not coded could possibly increase NH other or Hispanic to their 2018 levels. Either way, while down to 2019. Still troubling for 1,000 families.
- Peoples Republic of Oak Park - Wednesday, Jan 27, 21 @ 1:07 pm:
Only 1000 or so people commit suicide? I am am shocked by how low that number is relative to other deaths. It is a tragedy without a doubt but I thought that number would have been much much higher even in a normal year.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 27, 21 @ 1:08 pm:
===rather than the entire year===
They gathered the data by hand from coroners. Coroners only report this data to the state once a year in March IIRC.
- Peoples Republic of Oak Park - Wednesday, Jan 27, 21 @ 1:15 pm:
=== They gathered the data by hand from coroners. Coroners only report this data to the state once a year in March IIRC.===
How do we not have a better system to collect this data.
- Tom Collins - Wednesday, Jan 27, 21 @ 1:16 pm:
I’m not a big one for disputing data, but there is a flaw in the statute governing coroner’s cases that makes suicide data less reliable. Coroners are no longer required to send for coroner’s juries to ascertain the manner and cause of death. Many coroners double as funeral directors and ruling a death as a suicide might mean no death benefits for insured families, who in turn can’t meet funeral expenses. Conflict of interest, anyone?
- anonynon - Wednesday, Jan 27, 21 @ 1:20 pm:
the suicide increases in young black folks is very troubling. so many problems in this group are not addressed in time to halt and reverse the decision to take ones life. the trauma these children experience on a daily basis from their surroundings and encounters must be addressed with every resource at the state’s disposal. children who witness gun violence, for example, can not be expected to simply brush it off and return to school the next day as if nothing has happened. i’m hopeful that the legislature addresses this issue this year, and truly compares the cost of doing nothing with the cost of doing something. as we’ve seen, some members, and some agencies under the governor, reflexively oppose anything that carries an upfront cost saying that the state simply cannot afford some solutions. the realty is that we cannot afford not to take action on this front. we cannot simply turn our head and ignore these statistics.
- Excitable Boy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 21 @ 1:21 pm:
Sadly I doubt this stops Amy J for her disgusting propaganda campaign.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 27, 21 @ 1:22 pm:
===How do we not have a better system to collect this data===
This state was unprepared for this crisis in so many ways. I mean, just look at IDPH’s website.
Also, we rely way too much on counties for way too much, IMHO. And not just information, either. Their implementation of voter laws is spotty at best. Their enforcement of covid mitigations would give spotty a bad name. I could go on all day about this problem.
- Not a Billionaire - Wednesday, Jan 27, 21 @ 1:58 pm:
You can say that again on counties.
Also being online keeps you away from the physical bullies. I wish I had online in junior and high school.
- Peoples Republic of Oak Park - Wednesday, Jan 27, 21 @ 2:43 pm:
===Also, we rely way too much on counties for way too much===
Louder for the people in the back.
- Anon - Wednesday, Jan 27, 21 @ 3:35 pm:
@Tom Collins, that’s not exactly how that works.
First, there is no way for a coroner to know whether a decedent has life insurance, what those benefits are, etc.
Second, suicide exclusions in life insurance policies often have time limitations - it’s not as simple as “someone committed suicide so their family does not receive death benefits.”
Your accusation of a conflict of interest is based on shaky facts.
- Amalia - Wednesday, Jan 27, 21 @ 4:03 pm:
sad numbers, though I too am surprised they are not larger.
- ArchPundit - Wednesday, Jan 27, 21 @ 9:36 pm:
===How do we not have a better system to collect this data
We have an awful public health system–not just Illinois, but most states. It’s not just public health, but we forgot the lessons of public health over the last century.