* Senate Republicans…
Dear Governor Pritzker,
It’s been over a year since Illinois’ first positive COVID-19 case. Since then, those in long-term care facilities have been dying, families haven’t seen each other in months, and our economy has faced historic obstacles. Yet, with a vaccine in hand, Illinois has failed its residents.
The numbers are staggering. According to your Illinois Department of Public Health, of the 537,050 doses of vaccines available and allotted to our long-term care facilities, only 20 percent of them have been administered to its residents—a population that makes up nearly half of COVID-related deaths. That is unacceptable.
Additionally, according to the New York Times, Illinois ranks 47th in overall vaccine distribution, with just 4.8% of Illinoisans receiving at least one shot as of today. We are dead last compared to our sister states—Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas and California.
We are asking for you to provide a clear explanation to legislators and to the citizens of Illinois as to why Illinois is among the worst states in regard to getting vaccines out to those who need it most. With all due respect, blaming the previous President, the federal government and CVS/Walgreens simply will not suffice.
Since the pandemic began, you decided on a go-it-alone approach, one that left the Legislature, an equal branch of government, sidelined. You need to empower us as legislators by including us in this process so we can help our constituents who are calling us every day asking why they or their loved ones have not been able to access a vaccine.
It’s up to you to provide full transparency and implement the coordination necessary to maximize the rollout of this vaccine. Anything less is a huge disservice to the people of Illinois and will cost lives.
Members of the Illinois Senate Republican Caucus
* Pritzker response…
To the Illinois Senate Republican Caucus,
Building out an equitable, efficient, and transparent vaccine distribution plan in Illinois has been my priority since the scale of this pandemic first became clear nearly a year ago. Our Illinois Vaccination Administration Plan coordinates our 97 local health departments on the frontlines in their communities, strengthens their efforts by directing vaccine to hundreds of Walgreens, CVS, Jewel-Osco, Hy-Vee, Mariano’s and Kroger locations, and backs it all up with the force of the Illinois National Guard, who are in the work of supplementing and standing up mass vaccination sites around the state.
My administration has made $25 million in state-funded grants available to local health departments to beef up their staffing, training and rental space – all of which have been challenging obstacles for these departments to overcome.
Furthermore, Illinois is on the right trajectory: we hit records on both Wednesday and Tuesday this week. In fact, as we have helped local health departments overcome their challenges, the State of Illinois is administering more doses a week than it is receiving from the federal government.
Though our work won’t be finished until all of our residents have access to the vaccine, the design of this system is paying off. Per the exact New York Times database you cite, Illinois is the seventh in the nation for total number of doses distributed – right beside our “sister states” of California, Texas, Florida, New York, and Pennsylvania. All but one of those states has received more vaccine on a per capita basis than Illinois has at the CDC’s last count – and yet, we have kept up with them despite having less to work with.
In the future, we expect that having a partner in the White House will advance our efforts. For example, FEMA announced today that Illinois will receive $43 million in additional funding to expand our mobile vaccination operations and offer more easy-access locations for our residents as the national vaccine supply increases. This comes on top of the Biden Administration’s announcement that it is pursuing major staffing infusions and securing 200 million additional vaccine doses.
Of course, as I and governors across the political spectrum have made clear, the current national vaccine supply pipeline is completely inadequate for national demand – a product of the previous presidential administration, whether or not you’d like to name it as such. In a country of 330 million, the CDC estimates that only enough doses to fully vaccinate about 23 million people have even gone out the door – and that doesn’t count delays in administration or reporting.
There is additional national bipartisan consensus on the insufficient preparation of the Trump Administration’s Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care vaccination program; most notably, that while 49 of the 50 states enrolled in the welcomed federal assistance for prioritizing our most vulnerable residents, the federal government did not ensure that CVS and Walgreens had the proper staffing. Indeed, the national program spent half of December accumulating precious doses, not actually delivering a shot into an arm until weeks after states had started this process.
Part of the problem, in Illinois and nationally, is vaccine hesitancy, and I encourage you to address disinformation and lies about the origin and purpose of these vaccines, which are becoming increasingly prevalent in conservative media. We saw this same phenomenon with the disinformation about masking, social distancing and following public health guidelines contributing to increased spread.
While I look forward to working together to address the economic crisis of this pandemic and invest in our residents’ recovery when the legislature does return, in the meantime, I encourage you to make clear to Illinois’ Congressional delegation the need to support additional funding to support our Department of Public Health, our children’s school systems, our first responders doing yeoman’s work and the job creation initiatives our working families need to build back stronger from this pandemic. Additionally, you can encourage your constituents to do their part to mitigate this pandemic until we reach widespread vaccination by staying masked up, keeping our distance, following public health protocols and treating our neighbors with respect.
As you noted, this last year has been immensely difficult for our residents and for all Americans, with far more death, distancing and economic devastation than any one person should experience in a lifetime. I would love to vaccinate all 12.7 million Illinoisans right now so we can begin to rebuild our lives, revitalize our economy, and properly address the traumatic experiences of the last year – but you know as well as I do that a lack of national supply means a lack of vaccination appointments. I encourage you to be a model for patience in your communities. As public servants, our job isn’t over until all the people we serve can claim good health for themselves and their loved ones. It will take all of us, working together and with haste, to keep our people safe and bring this pandemic to a close.
Governor JB Pritzker
Double birthday caption contest!
Thursday, Jan 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I don’t care what anyone says about him, I like Jim Durkin. Yeah, we disagree on a lot of stuff, but that’s not the point. He’s a decent man and a good legislator. Today is his birthday. I think he’s 75. Not sure. Here he is from the before-times with 2020 Golden Horseshoe Award-winner Eleni Demertzis and former Bulls great Horace Grant. It’s Eleni’s birthday today as well…
Unsolicited advice
Thursday, Jan 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Center Square…
Illinois’ municipalities are, again, on the watch for a potential reduction of their promised share of state revenue if lawmakers choose to use a tool they’ve utilized multiple times before to help shore up the state budget.
The state collects income tax and other types of revenue for municipalities and distributes it via the Local Government Distributive Fund. Until 2011, local governments received 10% of the personal and corporate income tax revenue but that was slashed to 5.45% for personal income taxes and 6.16% of corporate income tax collections to help the state fill a budget hole from the recession. Both of the last two income tax increases saw proportional reductions in the LGDF.
As it stands, Illinois is set to deliver municipalities 6.06% of personal income tax collections and 6.845% of corporate tax revenue but Illinois Municipal League President Brad Cole says that could change.
“We’re always concerned about LGDF as the local share of state income taxes,” he said. “There are only so many places where the General Assembly and the governor can go to make reductions and we’ve seen that LGDF is one that comes out, usually, at the front of the line as a place where they can make cuts.”
Mayor Daley and other mayors publicly opposed the 2011 income tax increase, so municipalities didn’t get a cut of the new revenues. Hey, they said the money wasn’t needed.
So, just saying, but maybe the mayors and county board chairs should start lobbying legislators to pass the governor’s $500+ million decoupling bill because I’m starting to hear that LGDF is where the shortfall could be made up if it fails to pass.
Question of the day
Thursday, Jan 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From comments…
With Alexi now in the running for SOS, is it just me or does anyone else think Pat Quinn is actually going to put his hat in the ring for either SOS or another statewide office next year? Since if I recall correctly, he hasn’t sat out a midterm election since about ‘82 or so.
I was talking with somebody about this just yesterday or the day before. Here is Quinn’s off-year statewide track record…
1986: Third place in Democratic primary for treasurer
1990: Won state treasurer’s race
1994: Lost secretary of state’s race to George Ryan
1998: Lost Democratic primary for lieutenant governor to Mary Lou Kearns
2002 and 2006: Won lt. governor’s race
2010: Won governor’s race
2014: Lost governor’s race to Bruce Rauner
2018: Lost attorney general primary to Kwame Raoul
He also lost the 1996 US Senate primary to Dick Durbin.
* The Question: Do you think Pat Quinn will run for statewide office in 2022, and if so what office? Take the poll and then explain your answer either way in comments, please…
It’s just a bill
Thursday, Jan 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Um, it’s two legislators and they are in the super-minority…
House Bill 273 requires the State Board of Education to issue vouchers to the parents or guardians of a student who previously was enrolled in a public school but was taken out of school to be either home schooled or enrolled in a private school as a result of no full-time, in-person instruction being offered at the school where they were enrolled. The amount paid to the parents or legal guardians would be equivalent to what the State pays the local school for per pupil enrollment for the entire school year.
“The public schools can’t have it both ways,” Wilhour said. “Our public school system does not give parents a choice in which public school they enroll their children. For better or worse, parents and students are stuck with the schools that serve their particular neighborhoods. So, if a student is enrolled in a school that does not have in-person learning, the parent should have the choice to enroll the student in a nearby school that does offer in-person learning. Unfortunately, our system has given parents no choice but to seek private sector options and so it is only fair for the state to reimburse these parents for the additional educational cost. If teachers’ unions and broken education bureaucracies are going to thwart established science and the best interests of the students, the least they should do is to reimburse parents for the cost of seeking private school alternatives to get the in-person learning their children need.”
OK, expand that concept to poor Black and Brown kids living in towns like Springfield who want to go to Chatham and maybe they can pick up some majority party co-sponsors.
* But, really, we hear “Local control!” all the time from a certain political party, and yet…
“There’s absolutely no reason that these public education institutions aren’t providing the option of full-time in-person learning, and what this legislation does is simply gives parents a choice,” Wilhour said.
It’s a choice that involves taking away money from some local schools and giving it to others. Talk about a slippery slope.
* Rep. Wilhour was on Anna Davlantes’ WGN Radio program today…
Davlantes: Well, you’re thinking outside the box and I think a lot of those parents that would like this option would appreciate that you’re doing that.
Unemployment applications remain sky high
Thursday, Jan 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Oy…
The Labor Department reported this morning that 847,000 more Americans filed new claims for state unemployment benefits last week as President Joseph R. Biden began his first week in the White House. Economists polled by Dow Jones had expected first-time claims to total 875,000. The feds have now reported about 75.6 million initial jobless claims over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic — a number equivalent to roughly 47 percent of the nation’s workforce. Since February, the United States has lost 9.8 million jobs, including 140,000 in December.
* CBS 2…
The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) reported 95,481 new unemployment claims were filed during the week of Jan 18 in Illinois.
For comparison, during the same timeframe last year 9,762 people filed claims in Illinois. That’s an 878% increase. […]
There were 95,472 new unemployment claims were filed during the week of Jan. 11 in Illinois.
There were 94,944 new unemployment claims filed during the week of Jan. 4 in Illinois.
* Meanwhile, here’s ABC 7…
The Illinois Department of Employment Security said it has caught or stopped nearly 1 million fraud cases since March 2020.
Now they’re warning that if you receive a 1099-G form but didn’t file for Illinois unemployment benefits, you may be a victim of fraud.
* Crusader…
Attorney General Kwame Raoul and Secretary of State Jesse White warned Illinois residents to be on alert for text message scams related to upcoming federal Real ID requirements.
Raoul and White are warning the public of scammers who are sending unsolicited text messages claiming to be from the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES). The text message urges the recipient to click on a link to update their driver’s license or state ID to comport with upcoming federal Real ID requirements.
* And in Kansas…
Thousands of fraudulent unemployment claims are prompting Kansas to shut down its processing system this weekend, meaning some jobless workers will have payments delayed as the state installs new anti-fraud protections, Gov. Laura Kelly announced Wednesday.
Kelly acknowledged that fraudulent claims may have helped fuel a recent surge of filings for benefits, agreeing with Republican legislators.
The Democratic governor’s announcement came shortly after GOP lawmakers said they will push to protect employers from being forced to cover the cost of fraudulent claims in ex-employees’ names. They said the state Department of Labor doesn’t have a handle on the problem and that they’ve not gotten enough data or answers.
Kelly said the unemployment system will go down at 2 p.m. Saturday and go back up at 7 a.m. Tuesday. She said the state won’t pay benefits during that period but will work to catch up on claims when the system is back up.
…Adding… IDES…
The number of nonfarm jobs decreased over-the-year in all fourteen Illinois metropolitan areas in December, according to preliminary data released today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES). The unemployment rate increased over-the-year in all metro areas. The official, BLS approved sub-state unemployment rate and nonfarm jobs series begins in 1990. Data reported prior to 1990 are not directly comparable due to updates in methodology.
“As Illinois works to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic with the ongoing vaccine rollout, IDES remains committed to supporting displaced workers and families by offering support and services to those who need it,” said Deputy Governor Dan Hynes. “The Pritzker administration and IDES continue to work with the U.S. Department of Labor to implement the new federal unemployment program changes as seamlessly as possible to ensure claimants have access to benefits for which they are eligible to receive.”
The number of nonfarm jobs decreased in all fourteen Illinois metropolitan areas. The metro areas which had the largest over-the-year percentage decreases in total nonfarm jobs were the Peoria MSA (-9.6%, -16,300), the Elgin Metropolitan Division (-9.2%, -24,100) and the Chicago-Naperville-Arlington Heights Metropolitan Division (-7.4%, -284,800). Three metro areas recorded their lowest total nonfarm jobs for the month of December on record (dating back to 1990).
Over-the-year, the unemployment rate increased in all 14 metropolitan areas; the metro areas with the largest unemployment rate increases were the Chicago-Naperville-Arlington Heights Metropolitan Division (+5.9 points to 8.7%), the Decatur MSA (+3.0 points to 8.2%) and the Springfield MSA (+2.5 points to 6.3%). The not seasonally adjusted Illinois unemployment rate was 7.5 percent in December 2020. Nationally, the not seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 6.5 percent in December 2020.
* Press release…
At the request of the U.S. Department of Defense, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker has activated approximately 500 Illinois National Guard members in support of the continued security mission in Washington, D.C. The mission in Washington, D.C. will not impact the Illinois National Guard’s ability to perform the vaccination distribution mission, with 325 members of the guard already activated to carry out that mission and hundreds more to come online in the coming weeks.
“The U.S. Department of Defense has asked Illinois to assist federal and local agencies in this continued effort, and Major General Neely and I are ready to ensure that the state of Illinois continues its proud legacy of protecting our democracy,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Ultimately, we must root out the dark forces of racism, white supremacy and disinformation that have created this moment, but until we do that, our extraordinary troops will deploy with honor.”
The Illinois Army National Guard soldiers, along with a small contingent of Illinois Air National Guard airmen, are expected to remain on duty in the nation’s capital until mid-March. While Illinois National Guard members who deployed for the Presidential Inauguration have since returned to Illinois, approximately 50 members of that mission have volunteered to return for this mission. The Illinois Army National Guard’s Chicago-based 108th Sustainment Brigade and its subordinate battalion, the North Riverside-based 198th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, will provide the bulk of the Illinois National Guard force for the Washington, D.C. mission.
“We are deploying these forces in support of civilian law enforcement based on threat-levels against the U.S. Capitol. These threats were assessed by the FBI and other federal agencies,” said Maj. Gen. Rich Neely, the Adjutant General of Illinois and Commander of the Illinois National Guard. “Our soldiers and airmen are committed to the defense of both our nation and our state. We have asked a lot of them in the last year and each time these men and women have answered the call and upheld their oath to defend and support the U.S. Constitution. I could not be more proud of these Soldiers and Airmen.”
The Illinois National Guard forces will join a force of approximately 7,000 National Guard members from throughout the United States in assisting federal and local agencies with safety and security throughout Washington, D.C. In February that force will draw down to 5,000, which will include the Illinois National Guard service members who will stay on until mid-March.
The Illinois National Guard members were activated under the provisions of U.S. Title 32, which leaves them under the authority of the Governor with all costs paid by the federal government. The Illinois National Guard members supporting the COVID-19 vaccine distribution mission in Illinois were also activated under the same provision of U.S. law.
The Illinois National Guard troops will be in Washington, D.C. by the beginning of next week.
* Related…
* Extremists Emboldened by Capitol Attack Pose Rising Threat, Homeland Security Says - The warning was a notable departure for a Department of Homeland Security accused of being reluctant during the Trump administration to publish intelligence reports or public warnings about the dangers posed by extremists and white supremacist groups.
Criminal justice reform coverage roundup
Thursday, Jan 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Sun-Times…
House Republicans on Wednesday urged Gov. J.B. Pritzker to veto a sweeping criminal justice bill passed by the Legislature earlier this month that they say will create “major public safety issues.”
House Republican Leader Jim Durkin said the state must “thoroughly and carefully address police reform and criminal justice reform. It is the right thing to do.”
“I believe no person should have to live in fear of their government, and we must address those issues,” the Western Springs Republican said in a Zoom news conference Wednesday. “House Bill 3653 doesn’t do it. In short, it is a confusing, inoperable and contradictory attempt to reform policing and the criminal justice system.
“The [legislation], in its whole, is a document that lacks clarity and will be unworkable for police, the judiciary, defense attorneys and prosecutors.”
The main concerns for the House Republican leader, who was joined by state Rep. Patrick Windhorst, R-Metropolis, and Joe Moon, president of Illinois Troopers Lodge 41, are the end of cash bail and mandating that police officers wear body cameras.
* Mike Miletich…
[Sponsoring Sen. Elgie Sims] says this plan included every suggestion from the coalition of law enforcement involved in the process. He describes HB 3653 as a good officer protection plan.
“It allows officers to be able to do their job effectively and invests in training. It also invests in officer wellness,” Sims added. “Investing in all of those things will help those officers who want to do the job well.”
Moon mentioned law enforcement worked with Attorney General Kwame Raoul on the proposal for decertification and licensing of officers. However, Moon said they never expected lawmakers to quickly ram that proposal with the massive criminal justice package. Lodge members already started calling the office with concerns about continuing as troopers. Some close to retirement told Moon they don’t want to continue working without the support from Illinois.
“I’ve had new troopers reach out to me and say if this bill passes they will have to seriously consider, for their safety and the safety of their family, continuing to do this job. So, there are severe repercussions if this bill passes,” Moon said.
We’ve all heard these threats to quit before. Every time the Legislature enacts police reform, the cops predict massive resignations and retirements.
* Fox 32…
Specifically, the police union and top Republican lawmakers object to provisions in HB3653 that would make it easier to discipline and fire law enforcement officers and would expand Cook County’s experiment with no-cash bail throughout the state.
They note the accused killers of retired Chicago Fire Department Lt. Dwain Williams were out on a no-cash bond on charges including home invasion, kidnapping and illegally possessing a firearm and stolen vehicle.
“It’s not isolated. I could spend another hour talking about individuals released for crimes they committed which were violent in nature, were put back out on the street and once again, committed violent crimes and even murders,” said Rep. Jim Durkin.
Supporters say HB3653 would allow judges to keep those with a history of violence locked up while they await trial on new charges.
“Folks who should be held in our jails are done so based on a dangerousness score,” said Rep. Kam Buckner.
Gov. Pritzker said on Thursday he supports many of the reforms in HB3653, but will need up to two months to decide whether to sign it or veto it.
The bill hasn’t even been sent to the governor yet.
The governor’s office hasn’t said yet if Pritzker plans to sign this particular bill.
Please. He’s gonna sign the bill.
* Meanwhile, I told subscribers about this a couple of times in the past few days, but not a single news outlet has written about it except the local public access TV station…
At the latest DuPage County Board meeting the group discussed a resolution that would recommend to Governor J.B. Pritzker to veto House Bill 3653. […]
The board voted 10-8 to postpone the discussion indefinitely.
They basically tabled it despite (or maybe because of) over the top testimony from the local sheriff. DuPage is changing.
* Related…
* Every Illinois police officer would be required to wear a body camera by 2025 under bill awaiting Pritzker’s signature. But without penalties, will departments comply?
* Controversial president of Chicago police union, already under threat of firing from officer job, faces new charges at Police Board
* Here’s a ward by ward breakdown of Chicago carjackings for the past three years
* Rep. Maurice West’s Community Connection: Criminal Justice Reform Package
* Press release…
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 4,191 new confirmed and probable cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 103 additional deaths.
- Adams County: 1 female 80s
- Boone County: 1 male 70s
- Clinton County: 1 female 70s, 1 male 80s, 1 female 90s
- Coles County: 1 male 70s
- Cook County: 4 males 50s, 6 females 60s, 9 males 60s, 3 females 70s, 8 males 70s, 5 females 80s, 7 males 80s, 2 females 90s, 2 male 90s
- DeKalb County: 1 female 80s, 1 male 80s
- DuPage County: 1 male 60s, 2 males 70s, 2 females 90s, 1 male 90s
- Fulton County: 1 male 60s
- Henderson County: 1 male 70s
- Henry County: 1 female 80s
- Kane County: 1 female 70s, 2 males 70s, 1 female 90s, 1 male 90s
- Kankakee County: 1 male 90s
- Lake County: 1 male 40s, 1 male 60s, 1 female 70s, 1 male 70s, 1 male 80s
- Lee County: 1 male 90s, 1 male 100+
- Madison County: 1 male 60s, 1 male 70s
- McHenry County: 1 male 80s
- McLean County: 1 female 90s
- Monroe County: 1 female 90s
- Montgomery County: 1 female 90s
- Perry County: 1 male 80s
- Pike County: 1 male 80s
- Sangamon County: 1 female 100+
- St. Clair County: 1 male 70s, 2 females 80s
- Stephenson County: 1 male 60s, 1 male 80s
- Warren County: 1 male 70s
- Will County: 1 female 40s, 2 females 70s, 1 male 70s, 2 females 90s
- Williamson County: 1 male 80s
- Winnebago County: 1 female 40s, 1 female 70s, 1 male 70s, 1 female 80s, 1 male 90s
Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 1,116,372 cases, including 19,067 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 100,119 specimens for a total 15,733,562. As of last night, 2,802 in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 567 patients were in the ICU and 292 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.
The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from January 21–27, 2021 is 4.3%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from January 21–27, 2021 is 5.5%.
A total of 1,293,075 doses of vaccine have been delivered to providers in Illinois, including Chicago. In addition, approximately 496,100 doses total have been allocated to the federal government’s Pharmacy Partnership Program for long-term care facilities. This brings the total Illinois doses to 1,789,175. IDPH is currently reporting a total of 829,488 vaccines administered, including 131,284 for long-term care facilities. Yesterday, a total of 55,865 doses were administered. The 7-day rolling average of vaccines administered daily is 36,728 doses.
*All data are provisional and will change. In order to rapidly report COVID-19 information to the public, data are being reported in real-time. Information is constantly being entered into an electronic system and the number of cases and deaths can change as additional information is gathered. Information for deaths previously reported has changed, therefore, today’s numbers have been adjusted. For health questions about COVID-19, call the hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or email dph.sick@illinois.gov.
1 Comment
* I told subscribers about the new chairs early this morning, along with an interview of the new House Speaker…
Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch today announced the committees and chairperson or the 102nd General Assembly, including six new committees to work on pressing priorities facing Illinois residents during this time of crises.
“Illinois is facing a number of major challenges at once,” said Speaker Welch. “From the ensuring a robust economic recovery to undoing systemic racism, delivering on gender equity and women’s issues, and getting our fiscal house in order; we need committee leadership who know how to facilitate collaboration, bring forward bold ideas, get bills through committee, onto the House floor, and to the Governor’s desk for signature. I am confident this group of committee chairpersons will deliver for Illinois residents.”
By creating new special committees focused on ethics, housing, immigration, and restorative justice, Speaker Welch has organized the House to deliver the priorities front and center underserved communities across Illinois. These chairs are experienced leaders who know the intricacies of lawmaking and will work in consultation with Senate counterparts and the Governor’s office to make sure Illinois comes back as a stronger, more equitable state.
As a next step in this process, members will have the opportunity to indicate which committees they wish to be assigned to.
Additionally, after consultation with all member of both political parties, Speaker Welch determined to cancel the February 2-4, 9, 11, and 16-18 sessions of the House. Representatives will return to Springfield on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, for a one-day session to adopt House Rules for the 102nd General Assembly that will authorize of remote work and legislating for committees.
The February 10 session will be at the State Capitol, rather than the Bank of Springfield (BOS) Center. A system of rotating members between the chamber and their offices will be implemented to maintain social distancing. The BOS Center will be available as a backup option if chamber use is ultimately determined not yet feasible.
The full list of chairs is here. A memo to House Democrats from Welch is here. The likely remote committee schedule is, to me, the most interesting thing about that memo.
* Tribune…
Newly inaugurated Illinois House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch has signaled some of his legislative priorities with the creation of special committees on ethics and elections, restorative justice, and housing and immigration.
“We want to continue to be the voice of the most vulnerable,” he said. “But I also think one of the things that we need to focus on is rebuilding trust in the legislature and the legislative process.”
Welch also canceled most scheduled House session days in February but did set one for Feb. 10, when representatives will vote on whether to allow them to work remotely. […]
Welch said one of his goals is to pass an ethics reform package before the General Assembly adjourns in May. The General Assembly in late 2019 created a 16-member commission to recommend changes to state ethics laws, and ethics were seen as a top legislative priority leading into the 2020 spring session.
* Um…
Welch is breaking up the powerful Capitol (or appropriations) chair position so that the heads of various subject areas are in control of their budgets.
The Capital Approp Committee was created in 2019 because the state was on the verge of passing a massive capital plan. The House had six appropriations committees during the 101st General Assembly covering numerous state issue silos. It now has five. I do not understand how that sentence came to be.
* Sun-Times…
Welch said the appointments are people who are experienced and “passionate about the job.”
“They’re knowledgeable,” the speaker told the Chicago Sun-Times. “They are people who I think will work well with people, and they’re gonna be able to hit the ground running after our rules are approved on Feb. 10. So, I’m excited. I don’t think anyone will be able to question the credentials and integrity of the people as they go through this list.” […]
Others, such as state Rep. Bob Rita will move up. The Blue Island Democrat will now lead the Executive Committee after serving as vice chair of that panel under Welch in the previous General Assembly. […]
The vice chairs and members on the House’s committees will be announced next week, Welch said.
…Adding… Back to Politico…
And Rep. Kelly Cassidy, who felt there were too many questions about harassment allegations leveled at Welch earlier this month to support his speakership yet, was named chair of the Restorative Justice Committee (she previously headed Public Safety). Cassidy is now angling for a state Senate seat. […]
Rep. William Davis will head the Elementary Education Committee (a new position for him); Rep. Fred Crespo heads General Services
Rep. Cassidy recently chaired the Public Safety Appropriations Committee. Rep. Davis will head the Elementary & Sec Ed Appropriations Committee. He’s chaired an approp committee in the past. And Rep. Crespo will chair the General Services Appropriations Committee.
* Politico…
GOP to name party chair: Members of the Republican State Central Committee will meet in Bloomington on Saturday to elect a new party chairman. There’s concern among some Republicans that the meeting is purposely being done in person in Bloomington, which is inaccessible to many, so as to keep the public out. GOP leaders will interview applicants Mark Shaw, the Lake County Republican chairman; Don Tracy, the former head of the Illinois Gaming Board in the Rauner administration; and Scott Gryder, an attorney from Kendall County.
* I checked in with the ILGOP…
It’s in Bolingbrook and always has been in Bolingbrook.
Well, they both start with a “B.”
I’m told the candidate interview names are correct, though, so let’s focus on that. Your thoughts?
* NPR…
The timing for the second set of new census results — the detailed demographic data that state redistricting officials need to redraw voting districts — remains unclear. That information is normally delivered to the states by the end of March.
“You should not expect it prior to July 30,” [Kathleen Styles, the bureau’s chief of 2020 census communications and stakeholder relations] said.
The delay ratchets up the pressure for states that are facing their own series of legal deadlines for the redistricting process in order to hold elections this year or next.
* TPM…
Even before Styles’ comments Wednesday, word had informally gotten out of the bureau and to redistricting experts that they should anticipate a late summer or early fall release date.
Some states took actions to extend their redistricting schedules once it became clear the pandemic could push back the data release. But several other states — such as Illinois, Connecticut, Vermont and Maine — still have deadlines on their books that now appear to be in jeopardy.
In addition to adjusting the deadlines for the maps themselves, states might also need to push back other deadlines on their electoral calendars, to give their map-drawers more breathing room to complete the redistricting process.
* Illinois’ redistricting deadline is in its Constitution, and changing it was not on the radar last spring. Here’s the relevant portion…
In the year following each Federal decennial census year, the General Assembly by law shall redistrict the Legislative Districts and the Representative Districts.
If no redistricting plan becomes effective by June 30 of that year, a Legislative Redistricting Commission shall be constituted not later than July 10. The Commission shall consist of eight members, no more than four of whom shall be members of the same political party.
* The likely prospect of the June 30th deadline not being met has freaked certain people out and they’re jumping to immediate conclusions that could very well be wrong and should probably take a breath…
The delay could have serious implications for Democrats’ future hold on power and the 2022 elections. Redistricting maps, crafted once every ten years usually by the party in power, must be submitted no later than July 30 under the state’s constitution. Otherwise, mapmaking responsibilities fall to an eight-person, bipartisan commission that’s hand selected by the state’s four legislative leaders.
The prospects of a remap going to a bipartisan commission is looking likely, says Ryan Tolley, Policy Director at CHANGE Illinois, where he leads advocacy efforts for good government reform. A remap commission has only been convened four times since 1970, and they’ve typically been messy.
In three of those instances, the panel couldn’t agree to a plan and were forced to “randomly select the tiebreaker, either giving Democrats or Republicans control over the final map,” said Tolley.
* Shia is actually a voice of semi-reason in at least part of her story…
Election attorney Michael Dorf expects House Democrats will have a workaround, using census estimates so it can meet the constitutional requirement to have a map drawn by June 30. “They know that the map will be challenged in the Supreme Court anyway. So they could have it drawn and by the time they’re in court, it could be adjusted based on the data,” he told Playbook.
Dorf is speaking from experience, having represented lawmakers whose districts have been rejiggered in a remap. Legal challenges can come from the opposing political party and from minority groups concerned that boundaries don’t allow for proper representation of their communities.
First off, there is this thing called the Senate. It’s not just all on the House. C’mon.
* OK, re-read that constitutional excerpt above. It doesn’t say that the General Assembly has to use the 2020 US Census data. It just says they have to draw a new redistricted map after a decennial census. They can conceivably pass a new map with old data or recent estimates and then, as Dorf says, draw another map down the road.
To avoid the three-fifths passage requirement if they can’t draw a map until after receiving the data after July 30th, they could pass some sort of cross-your-fingers stopgap, delay the 2022 primary into the summer and put off the map voting until January - if the courts go along. Or, they could just try to hold their super-majority votes together and get something done this summer.
But, of course, then there’s the whole Pritzker veto threat of a map that isn’t a “fair map,” so it’s not guaranteed to be done even if the courts play ball.
Also, while the new congressional maps aren’t subject to this state constitutional deadline, delaying next year’s primary would solve that particular problem.
Ain’t nothing ever easy in this state. Nothing.
…Adding… Somebody just pointed out this other big error in the Politico story…
If that deadline isn’t met, then a bipartisan committee must be formed. That would give Republicans a bigger say in a process that would otherwise be dominated by Democrats who hold huge margins in the chamber to determine how boundaries are drawn for state House and Senate seats, as well as for city and county elected seats.
Um, no. The General Assembly does not draw the boundaries for the Iroquois County Board, etc. That’s just ludicrous.
* I’ve been kinda snarky about Giannoulias’ bid so far, partly because it’s so darned early and he seemed to be trumpeting the picking of low-hanging fruit. He does have a long relationship with this particular union, so snagging the endorsement wasn’t a gigantic feat. But it’s the first labor nod of the year in what is shaping up to be a crowded race, so you gotta hand it to him…
Former state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias won the backing of two local chapters of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union in what’s likely to be a heated race to replace outgoing Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White.
Locals No. 881 and 1546 of the food workers union, which is affiliated with the AFL-CIO, threw their weight behind Giannoulias and vowed to play a “major role” in electing the former U.S. Senate candidate about 13 months before the March 2022 primary for secretary of state.
“Alexi is a longtime ally of working people and has a proven track record of getting the job done for middle-class families,” said Steve Powell, president of Local 881 and vice president of Illinois AFL-CIO. “During this critical time, Alexi brings an experienced and trusted voice that will strengthen the foundation of our movement. … Local 881 is poised to play a major role in the 2022 campaign and elect Alexi as Illinois’ next Secretary of State.”
Giannoulias has reported $397,700 in campaign contributions, including donations from Cinespace president Alex Pissios and Michael Sacks, an investor in the group that owns the Chicago Sun-Times.
* Those two locals are large and pretty influential and so is the International. They kicked in some cash, too…
Open thread
Thursday, Jan 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Please keep it strictly local and totally polite. Thanks!
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