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Darren Bailey roundup

Tuesday, Feb 23, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Brenden Moore’s story

“We’ve been used, we’ve been mocked, we’ve been marginalized,” Bailey said. “People in Illinois have been ignored based on their race. They’ve been ignored based on their class, their zip code, or by special interest, all while a political class has done absolutely nothing but enrich themselves while destroying our state and robbing our children and our grandchildren of our future.”

“… the days of putting the interests of the corrupt political class above the people is over,” Bailey said.

It’s the victim campaign.

Bailey’s campaign committee had $179,214.29 at last report.

* Sun-Times

Bailey promised to “demand a budget that freezes all spending,” and he vowed to pass an income tax cut.

“Illinois is in trouble, government always spent more than it took in. The cycle never ends.”

Bailey was endorsed by Republican U.S. Rep. Mary Miller and her husband, Republican state Rep. Chris Miller.

“If Darren Bailey is governor of Illinois, then there is a God in Heaven,” state Rep. Chris Miller told the crowd.

And if he isn’t governor?

* Tribune

Criticizing Pritzker’s signature on community justice legislation opposed by law enforcement groups, Bailey said he was “going to be eager to see what kind of law enforcement protection” the governor had in touring the state. The legislator credited law enforcement for working to “protect and serve” in the wake of “just demoralizing behavior that seeks to destroy everything you stand for.”

He also cited progressive efforts to change the state’s college curriculum for incoming teachers aimed at avoiding personal biases, as another example of Chicago and liberal idealism interfering with Downstate cultural values.

“Now, right in the heartland of America, Illinois has become a stronghold for this evil, wicked stuff. So we just got to take it back and then we’re going to reverse all this,” he said to his Facebook followers. “Something’s going to start here in Illinois, in the heartland of this land and it’s going to spread across this nation.”



  1. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 9:53 am:

    “People in Illinois have been ignored based on their race.”

    Translation: “White people’s voices aren’t being heard!”

  2. - Independent - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 9:59 am:

    Don’t underestimate Bailey’s chances to win the nomination. It seems Schimpf is in the Rauner lane, which isn’t quite as extreme right as the Trump lane. If Bailey’s announcement dissuades Ives and other Trumpers from running he has an good chance to win. Then it’s a matter of how voters feel about Pritzker, and a lot can happen in 20+ months.

  3. - blue line - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:01 am:

    for a guy running for governor, he sure seemed uneasy being around people. it didn’t seem like he stopped to talk to a single person on his way to he podium. he is a strange person.

  4. - Can - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:02 am:

    == Bailey’s campaign committee had $179,214.29 at last report.==

    Yes, he has a grassroots movement supporting him. But will he get the necessary funding required to mount a serious campaign? Whoever receives the backing of Griffin, Ricketts, etc. - and their dollars - will be the one to watch. And that won’t be Bailey.

  5. - Montrose - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:02 am:

    “People in Illinois have been ignored based on their race.”

    He traded his dog whistle for a Alphorn.

  6. - walker - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:04 am:

    Well, Darren knows all about beans and corn. That’s good.

  7. - Lurker - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:06 am:

    GOP is becoming the fiscally irresponsible party.
    Let’s add this up:
    We are going in debt each year + keep spending stagnate + reduce taxes/income = not more debt in GOP world?

  8. - Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:06 am:

    Can’t wait to see this legislative giant campaign in downtown Chicago. I’m sure he will be greeted warmly.

  9. - fs - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:06 am:

    Two obvious things he will need, and presumably doesn’t have fully in place yet: money and organization. There are pockets of money I would guess he’s hoping to tap into, especially in that area. It’s not Ken Griffin money, but it’s not pocket change. If the money comes, organization might follow. Maybe not top notch, but serviceable. The problem he’ll have, however, is neither will come unless and until he can show a path to winning. And that’s a huge long shot. It’s even tougher to show if you’re starting with no money or real organization. Chicken/Egg scenario.

  10. - Thomas Paine - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:09 am:

    === Bailey said he was “going to be eager to see what kind of law enforcement protection” the governor had in touring the state. ===

    It’s a common refrain for violent extremists to suggest that law enforcement should and will stand down to allow lawless, right wing vigilantes run amok.

    That’s reinforced by what we witnessed in Kenosha and saw at the state Capitol.

    I am just surprised to hear a candidate for governor paint a target on a sitting Governor on Day One of his campaign. The state police should open an investigation.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:12 am:

    HBO - “Standing Small” - Season 1, Episode 1, Pilot

    Bailey rents bus for campaign, DeVore gets jealous, rents Airport Shuttle, both run out of gas heading to a court hearing. Cabello films campaign stop with a body cam, Skillicorn plans the campaign Red Dawn strategy, Wehrli tweets about Mautino. Comedy, 58 min

  12. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:12 am:

    Republicans, always with God’s proxy.

  13. - Publius - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:13 am:

    Does anyone outside this blog and the folks in the eastern block even know who Darren Bailey is? Do the surburban Republicans know who he is and can he speak to them?

  14. - Not the Dude - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:13 am:

    “Bailey was endorsed by Republican U.S. Rep. Mary Miller and her husband, Republican state Rep. Chris Miller.” And that’s a good thing?

  15. - H-W - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:18 am:

    @ Publius

    Not sure, but I know that many know his lawyer and his lawsuit. But seriously, I bet this one sentence fragment will become famous: “People in Illinois have been ignored based on their race.” Trying to piggy-back on the social problems Latinos, African Americans and others experience will come back to bite him hard, in my opinion.

  16. - Paddyrollingstone - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:20 am:

    I am convinced that there is a God in heaven who is just, loving and compassionate. I’m also hoping that he gets Bailey to win the GOP nomination and that it leads to a Pritzker landslide.

  17. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:24 am:

    This religious aspect that has worked into politics is a long time coming. Project Blitz is now coming to fruition, which was the explicit plan of the religious right to start taking small local offices all the way up into higher offices, for the purposes of enabling a national theocracy.

    The problem with this, of which there are many, is that when the person involved feels they are on a mission from a higher power, they will not let anything worldly get in their way. Resigning or admitting fault is only seen as failure of the mission, and will be avoided at all costs - no matter how much damage it is causing. Such an ideology is fine for your personal life, but is incompatible with public service.

    The Will county GOP is absolutely full of these types of individuals, most notably the county board member who was running the stage inviting Mary Miller to spew her own brand of religious politics.

  18. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:26 am:

    ===incompatible with public service===

    True. Religious positions aren’t compromised.

  19. - Publius - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:28 am:

    Even if he did win it would just be like 4 more years of Rauner. Democrats would have super majorities in the state house and senate and nothing would get done. In any other country he would try to control just enough seats to get in the governing coalition with a plum job. Except it never works out well.

  20. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:28 am:

    “We’ve been used, we’ve been mocked, we’ve been marginalized”

    If we look at the social media posts and rallies of Bailey’s supporters, will we find kindness and fairness toward their opponents? How about cleaning your own house first?

    It’s gaslighting, freely attacking opponents while trying to shame them from attacking back. It’s abetted by some Democrats themselves, who say we shouldn’t mock or attack the far right, lest we be elitists.

  21. - JoanP - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:29 am:

    = People in Illinois have been ignored based on their race. They’ve been ignored based on their class, their zip code =

    This is all true, but not in the way Bailey means.

  22. - Holding Back - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:29 am:

  23. - Publius - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:32 am:

    Sounds like the plot from this movie.

  24. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:33 am:


    “Xenia’s Warrior Princess”

  25. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:34 am:

    ==“Bailey was endorsed by Republican U.S. Rep. Mary Miller and her husband, Republican state Rep. Chris Miller.”==

    A few videos of Bailey’s top supporters inciting an insurrection on the Capitol grounds and saying “Hitler was right” should really be helpful in a campaign.

    == Bailey said he was “going to be eager to see what kind of law enforcement protection” the governor had in touring the state. ==

    Agree with Thomas Paine. This is a veiled threat and a call to action. The State Police should investigate.

  26. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:37 am:


    “and they have three children, 1 potato, and 8 grandchildren”

  27. - KSDinCU - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:38 am:

    “Baily was hatched from an egg on a factory farm in Louisville, Illinois,[4]”

  28. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:38 am:

    @Publius - FWIW, Bailey has been campaigning all over the state for a lot longer than he has been an announced candidate. I got stuck behind a campaign bus of his last fall in Bloomington when he was doing some open up everything tour and was participating in a Trump fan caravan.

    A family acquaintance/FB friend who is not an active political activist/CapFax type but just a socially conservative church lady has been sharing Darren Bailey posts on her feed at least that long. She lives Downstate but not in Eastern Bloc territory.

    Given the type of people who still identify as Republican these days, I would not be surprised if Darren Bailey is the GOP nominee. It’s the same type of Republican that thinks it is a good idea to censure Adam Kinzinger and there are a lot of those people voting in the primary.

    I mean Jeanne Ives nearly slayed Rauner in a primary not that long ago and the GOP base in IL has only got more extreme since then. The suburban moderate types are Dems now.

  29. - Publius - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:40 am:

    It’s like when you travel to Italy and see all the random graffiti that is just there and no one bothers to clean.

  30. - Funtimes - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:43 am:

    I am willing to vote for a republican for governor, as I am for any office. But a campaign based on the idea that cutting taxes will improve the fiscal health of this state is ludicrous. At some point, the state has debts, debts it’s gotta pay with something other than a hope and a prayer. What is killing this state is the kick it down the road approach to fiscal management. I await the politician who will run on the “big boy pants” platform we desperately need.

  31. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:46 am:

    = Such an ideology is fine for your personal life, but is incompatible with public service.=

    It is also antithetical to Americanism, the ideals of the Founding Fathers, and the Constitution of the United States of America.

    What is even more confounding is that our country is becoming more secular the religious right continues to get louder and seemingly more influence.

  32. - walker - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:50 am:

    = People in Illinois have been ignored based on their race. They’ve been ignored based on their class, their zip code =

    What Joan P said above.

    You know you’re winning when your opponents start stealing your lines.

  33. - The Way I See It - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:53 am:

    Nothing like a campaign employing overt racism.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 10:59 am:

    In the end, Bailey wants the racists, insurrectionists, and conspiracy theorists to be with him… him and religion.

    Will it work?

    The needlework may knit him a flag but that flag if waved in the General Election, it will be a losing banner.

  35. - AlfondoGonz - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 11:08 am:

    Some identity politics from the maskless wonder.

    The GOP will try to prop this dope up at their own expense.

  36. - Al - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 11:13 am:

    So when is the nominating petition circulation time period? July 1st to December 15?

  37. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 11:21 am:

    ==Can’t wait to see this legislative giant campaign in downtown Chicago.==
    == Do the suburban Republicans know who he is and can he speak to them?==

    Some fun with Excel: say Bailey gets an unlikely 20% of Cook County and 40% of the votes in every one of the collars. Then give him 90% (banned punctuation) of *every* other county in the state.

    Bailey still loses. Handily. Makes you wonder why he would run a campaign designed to alienate the voters in the population centers. The words “Lost Cause” come to mind, in more than one sense.

    Population data source -

  38. - DuPage Saint - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 11:27 am:

    Let them secede. I will give you DC statehood for Eastern Block statehood

  39. - Cool Papa Bell - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 11:33 am:

    Wonder when the whole farmer as a good business man story is gonna end?

    Bailey Family Farms gets thousands of dollars in government handouts, crop insurance subsidies and generous tax deductions schedules. Who couldn’t make that work??

    It’s about time to expose the truth that most farmers couldn’t exist year after year if they had to go it alone in the business world. They like to preach about fiscal responsibility and all - but a number of them can’t balance the books year after year, without government intervention, direct payments, CFAP, CRP, ect.

  40. - Levois J - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 11:33 am:

    Then by his statements he should come to a minority area with his rhetoric of people being ignored based on race or zip code. I want to see a Bailey event on the south side…

  41. - Steve Polite - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 11:34 am:

    “Does anyone outside this blog and the folks in the eastern block even know who Darren Bailey is?”

    Anecdotally, I have family members, who live in Springfield, don’t read Capitol Fax, and who are not politically active, who view Darren Bailey as a republican hero for standing up to Governor Pritzker because of the Covid restrictions.

  42. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 11:36 am:

    ===Let them secede. I will give you DC statehood for Eastern Block statehood===

    Nah, I ain’t giving them that in a trade. Not when there are untold millions in California and New York and elsewhere that are underrepresented in Congress by a large margin. DC and PR statehood should come, but the EB can just be absorbed into Indiana or Kentucky. I have no interest in creating yet another Republican-controlled state with two senators and one rep.

    For my money, Indiana is the better fit geographically, culturally and economically (at least looking back in time). A lot of people in the EB used to live on eastern time because they traveled to Indiana to work.

  43. - willowglen - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 11:39 am:

    Funtimes has a point. The debt is so large that Illinois cannot simply hope for economic growth to repay it. At the same time, the levels of taxation required to put any kind of dent in the debt - far in excess of what was planned if the progressive tax passed - would significantly impact productivity and accelerate the exodus of people out of the state (as Mario Cuomo stated, he wants the wealthy to stay). Cuts don’t work either, especially as mentioned by some deep cuts to downstate. That may feel good politically, as it in effect “punishes” those who didn’t vote for the progressive tax, but it does so very little to fix the numbers, and it doesn’t address economies of scale and weighted averages which will always be factors in lower population density areas. So this adds up to: 1) never having a candidate run on fiscal responsibility as they would not stand a chance, and 2) being a bit crazy if you want to be the Governor of the state which is financially dysfunctional in the extreme. Heck, I think you have to be crazy to be Mayor of Chicago. It is an unfixable mess. I found it humorous that Lightfoot was so unaware of what she stepped into that early on she asked Pritzker for state assistance with Chicago pensions. Pritzker responded by essentially saying “What, we are every bit as poor as you are, and we don’t need to accelerate the junk rating which is assuredly coming our way”. I wish Capitol Fax would focus on the numbers more than it does. I get it, it is a political site, and not an economic one.
    However, it is a dismal subject but one that needs to be addressed.

  44. - John Deere Green - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 11:41 am:

    ==I’m also hoping that he gets Bailey to win the GOP nomination and that it leads to a Pritzker landslide.==

    About 11 years ago, replace “Bailey” with “Brady” and “Pritzker” with “Quinn.” The Quinn folks were downright giddy when Brady got the nomination, thinking he’d be the easiest to beat. Turned out, not so easy, let alone a landslide. Careful what you wish for. And to put this in some kind of perspective, I’m betting most Democrats would prefer a Governor Brady to Governor Theocrat. No, thank you. I hope this goof gets royally thumped in the primary and not one more second of attention.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 11:49 am:

    === especially as mentioned by some deep cuts to downstate. That may feel good politically, as it in effect “punishes” those who didn’t vote for the progressive tax, but it does so very little to fix the numbers,===

    Utterly false to the premise.

    I can cite where Charlie Wheeler discusses the DNR numbers, and closing state prisonS to cripple downstate “Pritzker &$@#” areas… yeah, you close multiple prisons it adds up to cover the immediate shortfall.

    Use the Google to that.

    You can’t say that “Governors own” AND be upset that the choices hurt those who aren’t with the governor. Between the politics and math… it’s almost tailor made.

    === I wish Capitol Fax would focus on the numbers more than it does. I get it, it is a political site, and not an economic one.===

    1) You can start your own blog

    2) Ignoring the politics, political will, and 60/30 signature is just glorified dorm room silliness.

  46. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 12:06 pm:

    John Deere Green, as much as I have become a “anything can happen” person, Bailey is not Brady and Pritzker is not Quinn. Nobody ever thought Quinn was going to win in a landslide. Quinn was not a great fundraiser. A lot of Democrats were not a big fan of Quinn. Brady was very well liked by Republicans. But he too suffered from a lack of money. Pritzker is going to spend millions and millions of dollars. Bailey… well… isn’t going to be able to match 1/5 of Pritzker’s spending. But I am not one of those people who think Bailey is great for Pritzker. I want two sound candidates, a real debate, and I want it to be a hard choice as to whom I will be voting for. Bailey as the nominee, there will not be a hard choice. And I suspect the it won’t be a difficult choice for the suburbs. The GOP needs the suburbs to win. Period.

  47. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 12:26 pm:

    ==About 11 years ago, replace “Bailey” with “Brady” and “Pritzker” with “Quinn.” The Quinn folks were downright giddy when Brady got the nomination, thinking he’d be the easiest to beat. Turned out, not so easy, let alone a landslide.==

    This is slightly revisionist history. The Quinn-dergartners were giddy when Brady got the nod because it was the only thing that gave them a fighting chance. They never expected a landslide over him.

    In contrast, right now, you’d have to say that Pritzker is favored over any Republican candidate, just by varying amounts.

  48. - BeMused - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 12:36 pm:

    Could someone catch up the nice folks at the state capital newspaper? They appear unaware of the latest. This is what’s on their website:

  49. - Jibba - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 12:37 pm:

    ===I’m betting most Democrats would prefer a Governor Brady to Governor Theocrat.===

    I don’t find them to be that far apart. With many “religious” politicians, it is more about how to package themselves, rather than being about any real policy difference.

  50. - Eastern Bloc Mitigation - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 12:47 pm:

    I spotted Bailey’s favorite “judge” Michael McHaney in attendance.

  51. - XonXoff - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 12:53 pm:

    – Bailey Family Farms gets thousands of dollars in government handouts, crop insurance subsidies and generous tax deductions schedules. –

    “Darren Bailey received payments totaling $2,102,983 from 1995 through 2020′‡’;”

    “Cindy J Bailey received payments totaling $1,437,427 from 1995 through 2020′‡’;”

    “Bill L Bailey received payments totaling $2,996,666 from 1995 through 2020′‡’;”

  52. - Bloc'd In - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 12:57 pm:

    And I spotted a regional superintendent yukking it up.

  53. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 2:11 pm:

    I am sorry, but Rep. Brady may win downstate and the nomination bashing Chicagoland and COVID, but those 6 Counties are not going to be receptive to that message. Advantage JB.

  54. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 2:11 pm:

    I guess neither Bailey nor his acolytes read this blog or Wikipedia. Either that or they like the description of him as “Xenia’s Warrior Princess.” Either that or they have no clue how to fix their Wiki entry.

  55. - Red Ketcher - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 2:14 pm:

    XonXoff has listed some, But think if add in the rest of the Family Members it may be 20 Million plus or minus - Significant Dollars

  56. - btowntruthfromforgottonia - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 2:20 pm:

    “People have been ignored because of their race..”
    That’s not a dog whistle….it’s an air raid siren and a foghorn…..

  57. - thisjustinagain - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 2:54 pm:

    “Darren, Darren Bailey, King of the Eastern Bloc. Darren, Darren Bailey, loves farm subsidies a lot.” (Sing to “Davey Crockett” theme song. Clueless truly is as clueless truly does in his case. The dog he’s trying to sell voters won’t hunt in a Dem-controlled region (*cough* Chicago and Cook County). And they’re the votes he’d need to win the Gov’s job.

  58. - Imaginary brass rings - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 3:13 pm:

    Come on now. Even “anything can happen” still has limits. If Roskam and Oberweis can’t get elected in the suburbs anymore, what appeal does bailey think he’ll have?

  59. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 3:15 pm:

    @XonXoff- That is some topshelf work my friend.
    $3.5 million. That is $140,000 a year in taxpayer money they were just given.

    Classic socialism.

  60. - John Deere Green - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 4:35 pm:

    ==This is slightly revisionist history.==

    lol. Yeah, maybe, though not intentionally. That’s just how I remember it. Maybe the noggin’ is slippin’, and maybe not the best analogy, though the sentiment remains. Consider me extremely leery of ever “hoping” X or Y candidate gets a nomination because s/he will be easiest to defeat.

  61. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 6:06 pm:

    Darren Bailey dreams of facing JB Pritzker, and JB Pritzker’s campaign staff dreams right back.

    The IL Republican Party will stop him if they are smart, but the problem is that there really is not a IL Republican Party anymore. Darren Bailey is sure to be a hit with the GOP county chairmen, they will all go their own way I imagine.

  62. - Fivegreenleaves - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 6:34 pm:

    Darren Bailey could win the downstate vote, but he won’t win Cook or the collar counties, or the metro east. IMHO the only one who has half a chance at beat Pritzker is Gary Rabine, and even that’s a stretch.

  63. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 23, 21 @ 6:55 pm:

    === Gary Rabine, and even that’s a stretch.===

    Rabine is a full blown Trumpkin, hosting Trump family for events.

    That won’t give too many even half a chance, statewide.

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