Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 - Pritzker sends letter to Durkin - Pritzker responds *** Durkin criticizes Pritzker for laying out new plan “without input” from legislature
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*** UPDATED x2 - Pritzker sends letter to Durkin - Pritzker responds *** Durkin criticizes Pritzker for laying out new plan “without input” from legislature

Thursday, Aug 26, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Letter to the governor from House GOP Leader Jim Durkin…

August 26, 2021

Governor J.B. Pritzker 207 State House
Springfield, II 62706

Governor Pritzker,

When your experts told you to lift your mask mandate back in May of this year, I too was ready for the pandemic to be over. When you started running election commercials declaring ‘mission accomplished’, I too was hopeful that the worst was behind us. I thought of all the residents of our state and country who lost their lives during the last year and a half, especially our heroes in the LaSalle Veterans’ Home, and prayed for them and their loved ones.

But when your commercial buy changed, now touting your words from over a year ago that you ‘would put the full weight of the state behind the pandemic response’, I remembered the 18 months of your go-it-alone attitude. This past year, you ran the length of the field with mandates and executive orders without the General Assembly.

That is why your phone call last night asking for suggestions on how to get this new wave of the pandemic under control was so unexpected. I would apologize for thinking you were being insincere with that call asking my advice, but immediately after hanging up, I received a breaking news update from the Chicago Sun-Times that you had, once again, laid out your plan without input.

You are willing to negotiate with your biggest supporters, the public sector unions, on the pandemic response, but still will not listen to the General Assembly or the residents of Illinois most impacted by your actions. I will reiterate my plea on our call yesterday to please make your experts available to the General Assembly so that we can examine their data and plans, review the results of your many previous mandates and together plot a course of action that will work. You have the authority to call for a Special Session of both Chambers to address this very critical issue, and I am imploring you to do so immediately .

Additionally, instead of wasting taxpayer dollars on secret lotteries and giveaways, direct that money to buying KN95 masks for children in schools that still cannot receive the vaccine. That would lift a financial burden on families while also providing real, tangible results.


Jim Durkin
House Republican leader
82nd District

P.S. Your administration is still stalling our requests to receive documents about your Administration’s failures at the LaSalle Veterans’ Home. The sooner those documents are turned over, the General Assembly can begin a thorough review of the repeated shortcomings that led to the deaths of 36 veterans and make the necessary adjustments to the state’s laws to ensure that history does not repeat itself.

Notice that he didn’t take a side on the actual mandates.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Gov. Pritzker was asked about this during today’s press conference…

I have always been available to the >eader for any calls that he wants to make with ideas, and to any other Republican legislator, Democratic legislator. And when the legislature talks to me I listen and I have asked for ideas from both sides of the aisle. People, as you recall, early on in COVID-19 in this pandemic, I worked with a Republican legislator to ultimately put in place a mask mandate for the state back in May. I continue to listen to try to adjust things and make them work for all parts of our state. […]

I’m always open to hearing formal input from the legislature and I think that he should go do whatever it is that he needs to do. They’re a co-equal branch of government, they should, what Republicans can call hearings and if they don’t, you know, if they want to invite Democrats to it they should and can if they don’t want to, they can still hold hearings. I’m sure you all will cover them. And, you know get ideas. I have asked all along here for any new ideas that anybody has about how to bring down the number of hospitalizations, how to bring down the spread of COVID, and I’ve listened when people have offered up those ideas.

Please pardon all transcription errors. Also, the GOP can’t call a special session.

…Adding… Press release…

Paul Schimpf, Republican candidate for Governor of Illinois, issued the following statement in response to Pritzker’s mask mandate issued today:

“JB Pritzker has lost all moral authority to lead on pandemic response by failing to follow the rules he set for others. If Democrats believe our current situation is so dire to require a mask mandate, they should take up the issue during their legislative session that is scheduled for August 31st. Absent legislative action, these executive edicts are yet another divisive act by a failed governor who believes he wields unlimited power.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Letter from the governor…

Leader Durkin,

I appreciate that as the leader of Illinois House Republicans, you support the real and tangible results of students wearing masks in schools. As you know, we have offered surgical masks to schools throughout the state over the course of the pandemic. I appreciate your request to additionally furnish KN95 masks to schools; my administration will immediately reach out to superintendents to inform them that KN95 masks are available at their request through our normal PPE distribution channels.

I will continue to do everything within my authority as governor to keep the people of our state safe, and as I have said many times, in addition to those necessary steps that doctors have recommended, I welcome any further ideas from you or members of your caucus.

I encourage you and members of your caucus to continue to bring ideas forward, and to propose legislation that would help save lives, end this pandemic and pass in the General Assembly.

…Adding… Gary Rabine…

Gary Rabine, candidate for Governor is issuing the following statement on the Governor’s latest act of authoritarianism in his statewide order demanding all employees at schools to get vaccinated and a new statewide indoor mask mandate.

“It is unconscionable that the Governor would mandate all school employees to be vaccinated. It is not the government’s role to make healthcare decisions for its citizens. This is a dictator-like government overreach, and it is one we, as a society, must stand up to adamantly oppose. School employees should not, as a condition of employment, be forced to be vaccinated. They as individuals should be free to make healthcare decisions for themselves.

Governor Pritzker, who comes from royalty-like wealth, seems to think the way to solve this problem is to play Chief Health Expert and King. We are not going to stop COVID-19 with authoritarian rules. People need to be free to make their own healthcare decisions. If you want to wear a mask – wear a mask. But forcing people to comply with these arbitrary rules is not accomplishing anything but stoking fear, anger and resentment.”

Individuals should be free to make healthcare decisions for themselves, but this is not about them. It’s about everyone around them, and those around them, and those around them, and…


  1. - Treehouse3 - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:20 am:

    So JB called to ask for advice -after- he had settled on a plan and already leaked it to the Sun Times. Wow. Very sincere.

  2. - walker - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:24 am:

    His suggestion shows Durkin to be clearly pro-mask.

  3. - JS Mill - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:25 am:

    Why would he call the ILGOP? Darrin Bailey, closet bureaucrat wanna be- told him everything he needed to know yesterday.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:25 am:

    What should the governor do that he’s not, or what do you see needs to be different, Leader?


  5. - DuPage Moderate - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:27 am:

    He’s not wrong. Leading by fiat for the last 18 months has gotten really old. Convene the legislature, vote, and move on.

  6. - downstate dem - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:29 am:

    So what advice did Durkin offer on the call?

  7. - Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:33 am:

    Actually, he did seem to take a side. By asking for funding for KN95s in schools, isn’t he endorsing a mask mandate for schools? Interesting position for a GOP leader.

  8. - Demoralized - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:35 am:

    We know what the Republican plan is - no measures should be taken. You’re “ideas” have been considered and rejected as unhelpful. When you are serious about helping end the pandemic then let us know.

  9. - zatoichi - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:37 am:

    So Durkin could add one line..”We may political differences, but for the safety of the people of Illinois I will stand with and next to you on the mask mandate.”

  10. - SAP - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:38 am:

    ==He’s not wrong. Leading by fiat for the last 18 months has gotten really old. Convene the legislature, vote, and move on.==

    I’m old enough to remember when the Legislature could convene itself when necessary.

  11. - Manchester - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:40 am:

    Dear Representative Durkin, sit down and be quiet since you have nothing positive to add.

  12. - Demoralized - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:42 am:

    ==Leading by fiat for the last 18 months has gotten really old.==

    The General Assembly has had an opportunity to weigh in. They have chosen not to. So enough with this nonsense.

  13. - Give Me A Break - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:44 am:

    SAP: Did you miss the January-May Session?

  14. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:46 am:

    Keeping in mind…

    Legislative inaction… is a legislature choosing an action.

    The governor, while not saying “no”, seemingly made clear he isn’t calling them back.

  15. - Annonin' - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:46 am:

    Durkie still same blah blah blah…Lookin; like all he wants is a reason to get out of the house

  16. - Excitable Boy - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:49 am:

    - Leading by fiat -

    His actions have been challenged and upheld by courts numerous times. The legislature has convened several times and declined to weigh in.

    You’re just complaining to complain, grow up.

  17. - thechampaignlife - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:49 am:

    ===Convene the legislature, vote, and move on.===

    Vote on what? Also, the governor can only call a special session. He cannot force them to take a vote.

  18. - Not a Superstar - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:50 am:

    “Convene the legislature, vote, and move on.”

    Lol. No ideas, just process.

  19. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 10:58 am:

    ===No ideas, just process. ===

    Exactly. And yet most reporters will still take it super-seriously because reasons.

  20. - illinifan - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 11:03 am:

    “examine the data”, for what purpose???? The data has been readily available. Walk into an ER/hospital downstate, the data is self-evident. This is all an empty suit can yell when they truly believe in the actions being taken but is in a party that wants to deny the data and has no new ideas.

  21. - Louis G Atsaves - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 11:06 am:

    The Governor has been basically going it alone here. For the longest time, the legislature, dominated by Democrats, didn’t feel the urge to jump in, meet or add input.

    For every Bailey out there, there are many Democrat leaders and unions that support Democrats that are still fighting vaccinations and masking. Yet the focus remains on Bailey and Amy Jacobson? Why?

    Nice to see the teachers unions suddenly come around on the vaccination and masking issues. What took them so long?

    When this is all over someday, hopefully within our lifetimes, we will reflect back on all this and start asking serious questions of everyone.

    Get over it both sides. Science does change based on the evidence before it. Science also is busy chasing a new virus no ever really saw two years ago. Those claiming to follow the science need to get a grip. Science is not a series of absolutes. A classic recent example: why after nearly 100 years did the average temperature of human beings of 98.6 degrees change to a new number?

    We now have a serious tool in the form of vaccinations to fight back and we have to negotiate with unions? We have to implore those who refuse to acknowledge the tools?


  22. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 11:07 am:

    ===Yet the focus remains on Bailey and Amy Jacobson?===

    Did you fall and hit your head?

  23. - Pundent - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 11:10 am:

    Durkin knows that his party is fortunate that this hasn’t been left to the general assembly. He doesn’t want to take a vote on this because there’s no upside. Vote in favor of masks and vaccines and he’s instantly labeled a RINO. Vote against and he’s a wackpot. There’s not “data” that needs to be seen or shared on this topic. It’s all available for public view. Has been for months. This is all about criticizing Pritzker’s plan while not having to be accountable for having one of his own. But if he really wants to align himself with the Eastern Bloc and others in his party maybe Pritzker should let him? Might be the final nail for the ILGOP.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 11:11 am:

    === Get over it both sides===

    What are these “both sides”… those against the virus and those supporting the virus?

    Yep, it’s that silly.

  25. - Out Here In The Middle - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 11:13 am:

    Manchester @ 10:40

    I’m with you.

  26. - Pundent - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 11:23 am:

    =there are many Democrat leaders and unions that support Democrats that are still fighting vaccinations and masking.=

    Are these like the Democrats that used to agree with Bruce Rauner in private?

    To the extent that people are talking about Darren Bailey and Amy Jacobson it’s because they appear to be broadly speaking on behalf of the Republican party. And you can blame Jim Durkin’s silence for that. Personally I’d love to hear from Jim Durkin more so I knew where he actually stood on these issues (as opposed to his criticisms of the governor). But there’s a void here and others are filling it. Blame the ILGOP for that not the rest of us.

  27. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 11:28 am:

    ==Are these like the Democrats that used to agree with Bruce Rauner in private?==

    Examples of whom were: Dunkin, Franks, Drury, and while in Club Fed most likely Blago.

  28. - H-W - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 11:36 am:

    @ Louis G

    = A classic recent example: why after nearly 100 years did the average temperature of human beings of 98.6 degrees change to a new number? =

    Not because as you suggest, science has changed. It has not.

    Science is a process, and practice, that is used to create knowledge about the real world. Science is a process that is followed across many disciplines, and has not changed. State the problem; review existing studies; state a hypothesis; discern the best techniques (methods) for testing that hypothesis; gather data; analyze data; draw conclusions regarding the hypothesis based on the empirical results.

    This process has not changed.

    The tools we use to measure data have become much better, and the amount of data we can gathered has increased dramatically. These changes would account for subtle changes in our knowledge of how the world works, and our known facts about the world.

    But science has not changed.

  29. - H-W - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 11:49 am:


    I like your comment above. It seems as if minority party members (generally speaking) have developed a belief that unless you are in the executive seat, or unless you are the leader of the majority party, you cannot lead - you cannot govern. It seems as if power is defined as autocratic rule, rather than a process involving negotiation.

    What a sad state of governing we have witnessed in America over the past generation or so. Members of any minority party find it easier to blame the majority leader than to assume responsibility for governing. And indeed, it easier to blame than to govern. But that is not why representatives of the people are elected to represent the collective. They are elective to represent diverse needs and interests, and to effect changes that serve all interests. Autocratic rule only works when the minority party submits to autocracy.

  30. - Fixer - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 12:02 pm:

    Ignoring the rest of Durkin’s statement, the direct purchase of masks for school idea isn’t a bad one at all.

  31. - Excitable Boy - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 12:23 pm:

    - Yet the focus remains on Bailey and Amy Jacobson? Why? -

    God, what a brilliant observation. It’s almost as though their entire anti-mask/vax schtick was designed to draw attention to themselves. I see it so clearly now, thank you for sharing your wisdom.

  32. - PublicServant - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 12:24 pm:

    Thanks for taking the hard road for public health, JB. Outside the peanut gallery, we’ve got your back.

  33. - JS Mill - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 12:27 pm:

    ==there are many Democrat leaders and unions that support Democrats that are still fighting vaccinations and masking.==

    Exactly who? Nad how many are running around the state in an RV ranting about vaccines and masks and suing the state?

    But you think it is both sides? Please.

    Jacobson and Bailey are actively participating in the sp[read of misinformation. Continue t ask questions that have been answered time and time again abd usually by the courts.

    You gaslighting is noted.

  34. - Chito - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 12:31 pm:

    Rich, can we start a “Go Fund Me” account so the HGOP can buy access to the Google machine and finally get the data made available daily at the CDCdotGOV? /s

  35. - DuPage Moderate - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 12:39 pm:

    We’re really at the point and okay with suspending “process” for in excess of a year because a group may not want to vote? Seriously?

    It’s the whole foundation of our Union. I have no issues with mask mandates, no issues with vaccine mandates (although I think they you should be ineligible for unemployment benefits if you are terminated from your job due a refusal to get vaccinated) and no issues with vaxx passports - but I do think a debate as to what’s the end goal and off-ramp for this is important seeing as it’s becoming abundantly clearly that no amount of vaccines are going to get us out of this problem. This is our near-term future.

  36. - Norseman - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 12:58 pm:

    To quote an infamous GOP official, Durkin is chief among the “nattering nabobs of negativism.”

  37. - Fixer - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 1:03 pm:

    “We’re really at the point and okay with suspending “process” for in excess of a year because a group may not want to vote? Seriously?”

    Session has been held multiple times since this has all started and neither party advanced a bill or resolution successfully to argue what you’re aiming for here. What is abundantly clear is that one party is willing to take this seriously and make the hard choices on what to do to try to save lives while the other has consistently decided to value money over lives and willingly ignore science to get there. When they can start living in the same reality as the rest of the populace, maybe they can submit some actual ideas of value then.

  38. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 1:12 pm:

    ===decided to value money over lives===

    I completely disagree with that. This spike is not good for most businesses.

  39. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 1:30 pm:

    Did anyone actually read this for comprehension?

    ===“…Absent legislative action, these executive edicts are yet another divisive act by a failed governor who believes he wields unlimited power.”===

    So… the legislature is off the hook for their inaction?

    I don’t think Schimpf actually knows what the ole Word Jumble rolled out.

  40. - Fixer - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 1:33 pm:

    Rich, I was referring more so to the overall theme republicans have had throughout this pandemic of worrying more about businesses than the people working in them or the customers of them.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 1:35 pm:

    Oh boy…

    ===If Democrats believe our current situation is so dire to require a mask mandate, they should take up the issue during their legislative session that is scheduled for August 31st.===

    Mr. Schimpf, sir… as been discussed, even today… the very last thing Durkin wants with his targets or those facing primary challenges… is a hard vote on mandatory masks.

    Now, if you *know* this, you’re wholly disingenuous and playing games, if you don’t know this, I don’t think things might go as you hope.


  42. - Frank talks - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 2:09 pm:

    If Dems you wanted to push some GOP suburbanites taking a mask mandate vote may be just what the doctor ordered.
    Be careful what you wish for Leader. In the suburbs, even though the news focuses on the crazy, upwards of 50% of parents approve of masks.
    Putting your members out on a limb to take that vote could very well hurt their general or could give them a wicked primary.
    I think the Dems should do it.

  43. - Pundent - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 2:45 pm:

    =I was referring more so to the overall theme republicans have had throughout this pandemic of worrying more about businesses than the people working in them or the customers of them.=

    That was the 2020 pandemic. In 2021 it became clear that the ILGOP simply does not want to be told what to do regardless of what it means to the economy.

    If the GOP was truly worried about the economy at any point in this pandemic they would have prioritized the preventative measures needed to stop the spread of disease.

  44. - Joe Bidenopolous - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 3:03 pm:

    I think Frank Talks is right. Put it on the board and call the cowards out

  45. - From DaZoo - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 3:35 pm:

    Based on all the lawsuits, it’s been shown the emergency use of Executive Orders is usable for this “temporary” situation. I would argue any additional legislation on masks and vaccines would only mire the issue.

    Perhaps once some study on responses to various issues within this pandemic will lead to discussions on future legislation. One example would be consistency of action and enforcement of health orders by county health departments.

  46. - Shytown - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 3:55 pm:

    Once again, Illinois Republicans read the room all wrong.

  47. - Demoralized - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 4:15 pm:

    == It is not the government’s role to make healthcare decisions for its citizens==

    And yet we do it all the time. There is something like 10 different vaccinations you are required to get for school. I know healthcare providers require certain vaccinations, like the flu vaccines and for things like hepatitis.

    Covid vaccines seem to be taking things one step too far, though. There’s no consistency or logic to their arguments but they don’t seem to care.

  48. - Demoralized - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 4:17 pm:

    ==But forcing people to comply with these arbitrary rules is not accomplishing anything but stoking fear, anger and resentment==

    No, it’s people like you are are stoking the anger and resentment by giving these sorts of arguments the time of day. You are running for the job of leader of this state. Act like you know what leadership means and stop being an idiot.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 4:20 pm:

    ===If you want to wear a mask – wear a mask. But forcing people to comply with these arbitrary rules is not accomplishing anything but stoking fear, anger and resentment.===

    You may die from Covid.

    It’s not fear. It’s fact.

    Those spreading the virus in the name of ‘Merica may not be the ones dying, but it could be anyone else they infect along the way.

  50. - MyTwoCents - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 5:09 pm:

    Why KN95s? Americans need to stop their shortsighted cheapness. How quickly we forget the critical lack of N95 masks last year. Now everybody wants KN95s and we’ll lose the domestic capacity again. Frankly the State should only buy domestic PPE of any kind.

  51. - Pundent - Thursday, Aug 26, 21 @ 6:48 pm:

    =We are not going to stop COVID-19 with authoritarian rules.=

    Serious question for Gary Rabine. Exactly how are we going to stop COVID-19? And what exactly would he do as governor?

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