Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Effingham County board members back off pro-virus transmission resolution
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Effingham County board members back off pro-virus transmission resolution

Tuesday, Sep 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* August 20

Effingham County board members this week tabled a resolution that would have embraced the idea of “My Body, My Choice.”

County Board President Jim Niemann said during a meeting that the name sounds like the board would be on the side of pro-choice in the abortion debate.

It’s not, said Board Vice-President David Campbell, who penned the resolution.

“Basically, it’s just a catch phrase to let people know, ‘My body, My choice’” said Campbell. “If I don’t want to take the vaccine, I don’t have to take the vaccine. If I don’t want to wear a mask, I don’t have to wear a mask. We’re not going to enforce it here in Effingham County.” […]

“We have to respect our authorities and rule of law,” [Board Member Norbert Soldwedel] said. “We can’t condone a society where every individual establishes what they get to do and not do.”

“This is why I support local control. I say let these school boards and other locally elected bodies establish the polices within their jurisdictions,” he said.

“You mean you would let a school board come to you telling you have to inject something into your body,” Board Member John Perry asked Soltwedel.

“The school board can come to me and tell me anything that is constitutionally permitted, which is for the betterment of that school,” Soltwedel said.

* Effingham Daily News Editorial on September 2nd

Board Vice President David Campbell penned the resolution. He described its intent this way:

“If I don’t want to take the vaccine, I don’t have to take the vaccine. If I don’t want to wear a mask, I don’t have to wear a mask. We’re not going to enforce it here in Effingham County.”

This from a board that regularly listens to increasingly dire reports from its own health department about the rapid spread here of the delta variant of COVID-19. That department on Aug. 27 reported two more COVID-related deaths, bringing Effingham County’s total to 77 since the pandemic began. […]

The county board’s proposed resolution is dangerous. Not because it would have any teeth. It wouldn’t.

It’s dangerous because it reinforces the idea that there really isn’t anything to worry about from this virus that has killed nearly 640,000 Americans – nearly 24,000 of them in Illinois. It’s dangerous because your “medical freedom” to not wear a mask or get vaccinated affects others just as surely as your “freedom” to drink and drive affects everyone else on the road.

* Yesterday

Effingham County Board Chairman Jim Niemann withdrew the proposed “Medical Freedom Resolution” on Monday during a meeting of the Legislative Committee of the Whole.

The resolution was introduced by Board Vice Chairman David Campbell as the “My Body, My Choice” resolution and amended by Niemann because he was not happy with the wording of Campbell’s resolution.

“The feedback to me has been overwhelmingly negative,” Niemann said. “I am withdrawing this. I won’t be sponsoring this. I’m not going to divide us any further.”

“If we work against each other there is absolutely nothing that will get done except fighting,” he said. “And if we work together, there is absolutely nothing we can’t do.” […]

Board Member Heather Mumma said she sent 250 text messages to her personal constituents in District C with a survey of three questions and only received 11 responses.

“Five of which said, ‘Please stop texting me,’” Mumma said.

She said she also received 11 emails that were against the resolution.

* But while some folks in Effingham are coming to their senses, a few goofs in Glen Ellyn are losing their minds. Politico

An anti-mask culture war is escalating in Glen Ellyn, where protesters opposed to the state’s mask mandates have been confronting parents and children each day as they walk into the District 41 elementary school.

The protesters carry signs and encourage drivers to honk in opposition to mask mandates, which has distracted drivers just as children are crossing the street to get to school, according to parents who spoke at last night’s Village of Glen Ellyn Board of Trustees meeting.

The anti-mask group is organized in part by former Republican Rep. Jeanne Ives, who has encouraged the protests in her Breakthrough Ideas newsletter. She calls it the “Glen Ellyn Rally for Parental Choice,” echoing Republican governors around the country who oppose mask requirements. […]

Concerned residents, meanwhile, spoke one after another about protesters hurling “inappropriate,” “hostile,” “crude,” and “vulgar” taunts presumably aimed at parents walking their young children to school. The CDC has consistently said mask-wearing significantly cut down on the transmission of Covid-19.

Parents and community members have organized volunteers to stand as a buffer between the demonstrators and the kids.

Glen Ellyn resident Karin Daly told trustees she’s worried about students’ mental health and their safety. She shared an anecdote of a driver who ran a red light while responding to protesters.

Bob Bruno, a former Glen Ellyn School Board president, said, “A child’s walk to school should not be subject to threat, intimidation, and menace. It should be the second-most joyous part of the child’s day.”


  1. - former southerner - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:08 am:

    They are so determined to make the supposed IL loss of population come true.

  2. - Well Hello - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:08 am:

    “My body my choice” huh? So does that go for everyone in this country on all issues, or just you select few jabronies and this one particular issue?

    We all know the answer to that one.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:10 am:

    It’s almost like a two-fer;

    “My body, my choice” is a strong reminder of the Texas abortion law that will be in strong discussions and debates going forward…

    … it’s also a wearing down of the ridiculous souls that are coming to grips that it’s not just blowback the anti-vaxers / anti-maskers are facing, its polling poorly to be one who is “pro-virus” and it’s spread… “because ‘Merica”

    I’m more pleased on the side of the politics that these silly folks are choosing a majority position in their own political calculations. I type that, even jaded-ly, that the decision isn’t health based but political survival, and if the end result is better covid policy… I’ll take it.

  4. - MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:11 am:

    “The anti-mask group is organized in part by former Republican Rep. Jeanne Ives, who has encouraged the protests in her Breakthrough Infections newsletter.”

    Fixed it.

    – MrJM

  5. - low level - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:12 am:

    == “A child’s walk to school should not be subject to threat, intimidation, and menace.==

    So true. Shame on Ives.

  6. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:12 am:

    -“Glen Ellyn Rally for Parental Choice”-

    Seems like protecting your kids and not doing what these protesters want is a parental choice. Is that not what they want?

  7. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:15 am:

    If you click on this link and scroll to the bottom you’ll see a map that summarizes the good work already being done in and around Effingham County.

    Bang up job there gang.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:16 am:

    Jeanne Ives is a political touchstone.

    If you find yourself in agreement with Ives, especially in social policy issues, maybe you should ask yourself;

    Why do I agree on this policy

    What does this policy issue say about me

    Does this position promote a better society

    Is this policy position designed to divide people in especially bad ways

    True, I’ll always be in debt to Ives for imploding Rauner’s phony, leaving him without any measurable constituency, I owe her that, but her vile, now seemingly dangerous positions, isn’t anything to cheer or find common thought to in policy.

  9. - B Team - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:20 am:

    Jeanne Ives, please go away. You know nothing about winning elections, only losing them.

  10. - Banish Misfortune - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:21 am:

    My body my choice also seems to be “your body, my choice”

  11. - OneMan - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:23 am:

    My wife and daughter got invited to a local GOP event with Ives (I guess they have given up on me and don’t care about my son).

    Suffice to say if I shared what people were doing at Ives prompt to kids walking to school my wife and daughter will be reminded why they both have given up on the GOP as well.

  12. - Chris - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:23 am:

    JM: “Breakthrough Infections”

    Had a similar thought, but wondered what the other Ideas were for increasing breakthrough infections, and if it actually warranted a regular newsletter—I guess Ms. Ives must want to celebrate the successes of the Ideas in generating more breakthrough infections.

  13. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:23 am:

    == Parents and community members have organized volunteers to stand as a buffer between the demonstrators and the kids.==

    Glen Ellyn PD are so busy, they can’t be bothered to deal with these people? It shouldn’t be left to parents and volunteers to make sure that republican lunatics aren’t screaming at small children while they walk to school. Also, which genius at city hall decided to grant them a permit to protest right outside the school?

  14. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:25 am:

    When you openly show your hypocrisy, and yet, apparently too dim-witted to know.

  15. - Bruce( no not him) - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:26 am:

    === It should be the second-most joyous part of the child’s day.”===
    Is the most joyous part the leaving school at the end of the day? Or lunch? S/

  16. - ChicagoVinny - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:28 am:

    I’d say the pro-virus GOP have a child’s conception of freedom in a society, but children generally understand the need to mask up to protect others.

  17. - Lurker - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:30 am:

    What’s first-most joyous?

    “A child’s walk to school should not be subject to threat, intimidation, and menace. It should be the second-most joyous part of the child’s day.”

  18. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:30 am:

    Maybe it’s time for the police, if they haven’t already, to be present before and after school to assist the crossing guards with traffic and crowd control. I know some police departments don’t want to take a stance on masking/vaxxing, but this is public safety folks. Someone is going to get physically hurt if the police don’t help out.

  19. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:31 am:

    “it’s just a catch phrase to let people know”

    Tell that to the pro-choice people.

    “You mean you would let a school board come to you telling you have to inject something into your body”

    Children have to take vaccines to get into school. How much cognitive dissonance do these anti-vax people have?

    I would like to smoke a joint on the sidewalk during recess by my old school playground, just to relax and reminisce, while kids play. It’s my body, my choice, and I demand to be allowed to do so [exclamation points]. See how silly the anti-mandate argument is. It’s so obvious that I can’t and shouldn’t think I can do that.

    The anti-mandate people really show just how much white privilege and entitlement exists. It’s really something.

  20. - Pundent - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:32 am:

    =An anti-mask culture war is escalating in Glen Ellyn=

    Isn’t it more accurate to say that a small minority of science deniers are intent on disrupting society? Suggesting that we’re “at war” with anti-maskers creates the appearance that we find ourselves more evenly divided. But when we look at who these protesters are it almost always comes down to a very small group of people who are detached from reality while the majority of us continue to rely on science to guide us out of this.

  21. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:32 am:

    ===What’s first-most joyous?===

    The walk home? lol

  22. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:33 am:

    ===Isn’t it more accurate to say that a small minority of science deniers===

    Politico always gonna Politico.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:38 am:

    ===I cannot imagine how much more crime the west and south sides of Chicago===

    When someone tells you who they are, believe them.

    Sounds like a Jeanne Ives discipline.

  24. - Cheryl44 - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:39 am:

    I can accept the idea these people want me dead. I don’t feel the same way about them, but only because I think healthcare workers and morticians can use a break.

  25. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:40 am:

    “You mean you would let a school board come to you telling you have to inject something into your body,”

    Uh… I mean… this has been going on forever…. That guy was probably vaccinated so he could attend school…. Oy….

  26. - Sarchasm - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:44 am:

    My Body My Choice. If I don’t want to wear shoes, pants, or a shirt in your establishment, you can’t make me. It’s just my personal liberty to dress myself however I want. Could you imagine the tyranny if we lived in a society where the government could coerce private businesses into dictating what people wear because of some liberal agenda based on “hygiene” and “public health”?


  27. - JoanP - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:46 am:

    = Being pro-choice on abortion should lead to being pro-choice on vaccines and masks, it’s a consistent argument for both. =

    How does my having an abortion affect your health? But you not being vaccinated or not wearing a mask can affect mine.

    Get the difference?

  28. - Friendly Bob Adams - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:46 am:

    So…. the Politico article on Glen Ellyn is describing testimony given by parents at a village trustees meeting rather than an eyewitness report. It would be helpful to know how many protesters are involved and how close they get to the kids.

  29. - Jibba - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 10:51 am:

    ===it’s a consistent argument for both===

    So why are there both governmental regulations regarding abortions as well as mandates for vaccinations? BTW, there’s also the idea that you can hurt others by spreading disease, and our rights can be limited by things like that.

    “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines”

  30. - So_Ill - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 11:06 am:

    Ives is sick in the head. She needs serious help.

  31. - H-W - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 11:22 am:

    Imagine a full capacity game at Soldier Field. 61,500 people.

    Imagine if 122 of the fans died during a game - one out of every 500 fans. Surely, there would be a moral outrage if 122 died at a Bears game.

    1/500 Americans have died from COVID (so far). Where is the moral outrage against those who are perpetuating the killing of Americans?

  32. - Publius - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 11:26 am:

    I guess next time I am in Effingham County I can decide on which laws I would like to follow. Perhaps one of the county board members can write that in a note I can show when I need to.

  33. - Zim - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 11:30 am:

    Can someone please explain how what’s happening in Glen Ellyn doesn’t rise to the level of disorderly conduct as defined in the ILCS? This is clearly intended to cause alarm and disturb.

  34. - Blue Dog - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 11:35 am:

    Truly. Doesn’t this county board have anything else to do?

  35. - Earnest - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 11:42 am:

    Excuse my denial, but I need to have a happy day today. So in my world, the Effingham County Board endorsed the addition to the grade school curriculum of Carolina Westfall’s My Body My Choice: A book to teach children about body ownership, strangers, private parts, choices and consent

  36. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 11:51 am:

    =The anti-mask group is organized in part by former Republican Rep. Jeanne Ives, who has encouraged the protests in her Breakthrough Ideas newsletter.=

    So the partyu of “traditional values” people want you to harrass school children. Not sure Reagan would approve.

    I wonder how Ives would have felt if a soldier under her command refused and order for “personal choice” reasons.

  37. - Unconventional wisdom - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 11:54 am:

    Is this issue going to have to go to SCOTUS? If so, let’s get it there fast and settle the matter.

  38. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 12:16 pm:

    ===Is this issue going to have to go to SCOTUS?===

    Already has been. A century ago.

  39. - Jocko - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 12:17 pm:

    ==I don’t want to…I don’t have to==

    Insisting on your rights without acknowledging your responsibilities isn’t freedom. It’s adolescence. The good news is that Ted Kaczynski’s Montana cabin is move-in ready.

  40. - Sir Reel - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 12:55 pm:

    Whew, that was a close one.

    Them there Effingham County board members plum forgot they were agin abortion and couldn’t use that pro choice sayin’.

  41. - Snarkie from Schaumburg - Tuesday, Sep 14, 21 @ 5:38 pm:

    Don’t you people understand if a “right-winger” tells you to do something then it is morally correct. NOTE: I chose “right-winger” instead of conservative because we can still have a civil conversation and agree to disagree. I do pray for my conservative friends, please reclaim your ideology and the core values of your party.

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