Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Today marks the one-year anniversary of DeVore’s bounty (and he still hasn’t paid up)
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Today marks the one-year anniversary of DeVore’s bounty (and he still hasn’t paid up)

Monday, Nov 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Center Square

The attorney suing the governor for defamation may have a high burden to prove his case.

After being called a “grifter” by Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Attorney Thomas DeVore filed a defamation case in Sangamon County late last month.

Pritzker’s comments came after DeVore filed a lawsuit against COVID-19 mandates in schools on behalf of more than 700 parents.

“So to make the suggestion that somehow or another these people were stolen from for all intents and purposes is completely out of bounds,” DeVore told.

He said he’s not a thief, didn’t dupe anyone and the governor’s comments have a chilling effect, keeping people from speaking up or taking action against policies they disagree with.

DeVore is seeking damages of more than $50,000.

While some suggest the governor has executive immunity, DeVore downplayed that idea.

“Ultimately, the governor can’t just say whatever he wants to say about somebody in that fashion, he doesn’t have that ability,” DeVore said.

“Some suggest”?

* The “some” who “suggest” is the Illinois Supreme Court, for crying out loud, and DeVore is running for appellate justice..

Attorney Don Craven explained Pritzker has absolute immunity due to an Illinois Supreme Court decision from 1976. Former governor Dan Walker had issued press releases with alleged statements of libel against two real estate brokers who were also attorneys.

Allan Blair and David Gray believed Walker made malicious statements about them and knew they were false. However, the highest court said executives need to exercise their duties free from civil liabilities for statements they make.

“So the use of the word grifter, even without the issue of absolute immunity, it’s simply name-calling. Perhaps it’s inartful name-calling, perhaps very artful name-calling,” Craven said. “But name-calling is not defamatory either.”

* From the decision

We emphasize that today’s decision is not an endorsement of either the tenor or the content of the defendant’s statements concerning the plaintiffs. The Governor’s position could undoubtedly have been expressed to the people with language less calculated to injure the plaintiffs’ personal and professional reputations. While it is unfortunate that the application of executive immunity may occasionally deny relief to a deserving individual, the sacrifice is justified by the public’s need for free and unfettered action by its representatives.

* Back to WGEM

“I’ve accused him of making horrible policy decisions,” DeVore said. “And I will continue to do so. But again, I’m taking issue with him as a politician. He’s taking issue with me in my professional capacity as an attorney. It’s not the same thing.”

Yeah, right.

* From a year ago today

More here. DeVore never did pay up. And then he offered up some cockamamie story about not even knowing the governor had kids.

* I also told you a year ago today that DeVore was asked whether it might be time to stop filing lawsuits because he was losing so many of them

If they think that any of this is going on is about winning or losing lawsuits, the people that say that need to consider if they’re as intelligent as they think they are. This isn’t about winning lawsuits.

* Meanwhile

…Adding… DeVore’s American Freedom website is hosted by a German company.

* Related…

* Editorial: Our COVID-19 obligations: What few of us fully appreciate — and certainly most of the unvaccinated and those who disdain masks don’t — is that each of those who died were, in reality, killed by other people. Yes, the virus is a killer. But it could not kill anyone without people who are complicit in passing it along.


  1. - OneMan - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 11:48 am:

    Are the stars coming out of the eagle’s head?
    Angry raptor and the word Freedom.

    That logo has everything.

    BTW it appears the .com version has been registered since 2012.

  2. - Nearly Normal - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 11:49 am:

    Grifter’s gotta grift.

  3. - Roadrager - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 11:53 am:

    I had to explain to my father-in-law yesterday how there was a small fortune awaiting Kyle Rittenhouse on the other side of his acquittal. Just another slice of the “own the libs” economy at work here, and each day I wonder a little bit more about why I’m not trying t get my piece of it when the money is so easy.

    Rich, you should consider taking DeVore campaign money, and place his ads strategically adjacent to certain stories. Why struggle for $1,000 when money for nothing could be right there?

  4. - Huh? - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 11:55 am:

    “This isn’t about winning lawsuits.”

    Then what is the point of filing a lawsuit? Oh, I forgot, a paycheck. Lawyers get paid, win or lose.

  5. - H-W - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 11:58 am:

    Ignoring DeVore, that last comment from the Daily Herald is very, very poignant.

    Not ignoring DeVore, I wonder how he will account for the funds he raised, vs. the actual costs associated with the one case he filed on behalf of 700 people.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 12:00 pm:

    Thomas DeVore… losing, but with style.

    The grift requires the “victims” to feel that rulings against them continues their victimhood.

    This is important part of the grift, otherwise after 5, 10, numerous losses, no one would hire a losing attorney as often as the grifter DeVore has been retained.

    DeVore is a master at losing, but with grace. No different than grifters who tell you they lost your initial investment, “but if you invest again…”… and continue to lose, lose cases DeVore sees limited chances at winning… is about the marks, money, and the motive to continue the grift.


    Mr. DeVore, “pay the $2” already.

  7. - Club J - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 12:03 pm:

    If you join the Freedom Society today you’ll get 10% off the small monthly fee for DeVore and his Team to tell you how to think.

    Is it just me or is DeVore deflecting from his lawsuits with his new cult 101 society?

  8. - Leap Day William - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 12:09 pm:

    I remember when he rolled through Champaign County last winter, drumming up business among the restaurant owners who were continuing to have indoor dining. Made a huge splash about how he’s there to defend their rights.

    Each and every time, the court cases and administrative hearings opened with “My client has reached a settlement with the [insert government body here] and they will be complying with the mandates.” Thanks to the wonder of Zoom, I got to watch this first-hand for a few of them, others had their story in the News-Gazette.

    I want someone to interview those restaurant owners and ask them how much they paid Mr. DeVore to go to court and publicly humiliate them and their businesses like that.

  9. - Southern - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 12:12 pm:

    DeVore is pretty good at losing, and his current case is destined to be another loser. He’s no longer able to get quickie, temporary orders from friendly courts. But the more he loses, the more convinced his followers become that he needs to be on the appellate court.

  10. - Back to the Future - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 12:17 pm:

    Just when I think I have seen just about everything in politics up pops an advertisement with Tom Devore and Thomas Jefferson in the same Ad. Have to admit I am having problems making the connection between the two.
    In spite of the respect I have always had for Thomas Jefferson and being impressed by that angry bird insignia, I am going to pass on the 10% discount for now.

  11. - Commisar Gritty - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 12:17 pm:

    “This isn’t about winning lawsuits.”
    If it was, you’d have to pick an attorney besidea Tom DeVore

  12. - OMG - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 12:18 pm:

    “…take this state back from those who spent the last two years destroying the very fabric of our foundation principles.”

    What drugs do you have to take to ignore the 4 years of Rauner’s ideological war against the middleclass and collective bargaining in particular, which brought us $15 billion in unpaid bill debt, $500 million cost of his war against AFSCME, countless social service agencies shuttered, drop in college enrollment of 70,000 students, and all for what? Thank God, Rauner’s term didn’t dovetail with this global pandemic. I don’t think people understand how truly fortunate we are to have a sane chief executive officer.

  13. - Sayitaintso - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 12:29 pm:

    I think Shakespeare went a little overboard when he commented about how the world could be made better: “First, we kill all the lawyers”. But, not way, way over overboard.

  14. - Anyone Remember - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 12:31 pm:

    “Some suggest … .”

    That ranks down there with the question about if state agencies had been hollowed out, why hadn’t the state budget decreased.

  15. - Johnny Tractor - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 12:46 pm:

    I vote for “very artful name-calling.”

  16. - Rudy’s teeth - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 12:47 pm:

    “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”… Thomas DeVore—this mantra should guide your commentary.

    As an individual who is desperate for attention (and fees), this demeanor doesn’t offer confidence in one’s ability to interpret the law.

  17. - Louis G Atsaves - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 12:53 pm:

    The Daily Herald editorial is pretty much on point. But using the word complicit in spreading death and later admitting to inadvertent spreading is a contradiction they do not explain. Just saying.

  18. - Skeptic - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 12:54 pm:

    “Don’t trust the media, instead subscribe to my media.”

  19. - walker - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 12:56 pm:

    Loved that Daily Herald editorial.

  20. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 1:08 pm:

    In my litigation career, I think I can say confidently that all of my clients were in it to win lawsuits. They certainly weren’t in it for a media splash and to lose or cave.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 1:10 pm:

    === In my litigation career===

    You, I can guess by the rest of your comment, are not a grifter.

    I do think DeVore appreciates you seeing him as a mere “mild-mannered litigator”

  22. - JoanP - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 1:11 pm:

    @Sayitaintso -

    You’re taking that quotation out of context. It’s a bad guy in the play who said that.

  23. - Rabid - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 1:18 pm:

    Use the original term grafter with double meaning

  24. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 1:22 pm:

    -It’s a bad guy in the play who said that.-

    And he said it because they were the biggest threat.

  25. - TheInvisibleMan - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 1:24 pm:

    “This isn’t about winning lawsuits.”

    I’m amazed at how many times I have to point out to people he is the only lawyer in the entire state running this campaign of lawsuits at this scale.

    If there was a factual basis behind his actions, there would be lines of lawyers out the doors of the courthouse to file similar cases. If for nothing else to get a few wins under their belt.

    Since that clearly isn’t happening, the next question people should be asking is why.

    Not once have I been able to pierce the bubble of emotion and have someone come to this same question. Some even get angry at the suggestion to think about it. It’s all emotion driven, and Devore knows this and more specifically how to take advantage of this behavior for financial gain.

  26. - Will Tim - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 1:28 pm:

    That editorial was one of the most disturbing things I have read in a long time. We need an editorial to tell people that a virus kills people from other people spreading? And that kids get sick a lot from school?

    By the editorial’s logic, we can never take a mask off or leave our house unvaccinated. Ever. And we should have had this editorial in years past right? Because the flu- or any other virus that has spread before 2020 actually killed people. I have that right? Before 2020, when other airborne viruses killed people, it happened because someone got sick and spread it. So where was the outrage then? Where was this editorial? The vaccine mandates for flu? The masks?

    Give me a break

  27. - Candy Dogood - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 1:56 pm:

    You know whose commentary on freedom is really valuable?

    The guy that enslaved hundreds of people and raped with impunity. Let’s quote that guy. I bet his perspective is really invaluable.

  28. - SaulGoodman - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 1:56 pm:

    Devore: “This isn’t about winning lawsuits.”

    Also Devore: “I’m not a grifter.”

  29. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 2:25 pm:

    Is the “American Freedom Society” his latest grift? Never heard of it.

  30. - Skeptic - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 2:29 pm:

    “Because the flu- [..] actually killed people. I have that right?” Yes, but they weren’t as contagious. And remember “death” is not the only bad outcome from COVID.

  31. - Lt Guv - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 2:41 pm:

    Cheers to the Daily Herald. A very good editorial piece. Thank you.

  32. - thisjustinagain - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 3:26 pm:

    “…starring Tom Devore as Don Quixote, and his trusty sidekick Ignorance of Law….”

  33. - Sayitaintso - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 3:40 pm:

    Joan….yeah…..who wrote the play?

  34. - Rudy’s teeth - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 3:52 pm:

    Time to hire Tough Tony from Melrose Park to collect the $1000 debt from DeVore. Also, the vig.

  35. - OneMan - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 4:48 pm:

    Appears to use a non-US company for it’s domain registration.

    1&1 Ionos, is a web hosting company. It was founded in Germany in 1988 and is currently owned by United Internet. In addition to web hosting, it also provides domain registration, SSL certificates, email services, website builder packages and cloud hosting, as well as virtual private servers and dedicated servers.

    United Internet AG is a global Internet services company headquartered in Montabaur, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The company is structured in two business areas, Access and Applications, and has a total of 13 brands and numerous subsidiaries.

    Registry Domain ID: D402200000018296581-LROR
    Registrar WHOIS Server:
    Registrar URL:
    Updated Date: 2021-11-11T13:51:52Z
    Creation Date: 2021-11-10T17:19:43Z
    Registry Expiry Date: 2022-11-10T17:19:43Z
    Registrar Registration Expiration Date:
    Registrar: 1&1 IONOS SE
    Registrar IANA ID: 83

  36. - Downstate Dem - Monday, Nov 15, 21 @ 8:51 pm:

    Jefferson wasn’t a fan of newspapers but was insightful. He stated he preferred newspapers without government to “government without newspapers;

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