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Pritzker signs repeal of Parental Notification Act into law

Friday, Dec 17, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Building on efforts to make Illinois a national leader in safeguarding reproductive rights, Governor JB Pritzker signed House Bill 370, repealing the harmful Parental Notification Act (PNA). Rescinding the PNA ensures that while a pregnant minor can choose to involve a family member or legal guardian in their decision to have or not have an abortion, vulnerable youth – such as victims of rape, incest, and domestic abuse – are not compelled to do so under the law.

“With reproductive rights under attack across the nation, Illinois is once again establishing itself as a leader in ensuring access to healthcare services,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “This repeal was essential, because it was the most vulnerable pregnant minors who were punished by this law: victims of rape and physical abuse in unsafe homes. I thank Representative Anna Moeller, Senator Elgie Sims and the lawmakers and advocates who have fiercely fought to repeal this law and keep vulnerable young people safe. I’m proud that Illinois continues to be a national leader in protecting reproductive rights.”

The Parental Notification Act of 1995 required doctors to notify a pregnant minor’s parent within 48 hours prior to an abortion procedure. This obstruction harmed the state’s most vulnerable youth, including victims of rape and domestic abuse, by preventing young people from accessing all of their healthcare options without fear.

“With reproductive rights under attack around the country, today we are once again affirming that in Illinois, access to reproductive healthcare will be available to those who need it,” said State Representative Anna Moeller (D-Elgin). “With the signing of the Youth Health and Safety Act, we are protecting the most vulnerable young people in our state- young people who live in such dangerous family situations that they fear abuse, homelessness or forced pregnancy and marriage when they face an unplanned pregnancy and need to access reproductive healthcare. I am grateful to Governor Pritzker for signing this legislation, my colleagues in the Illinois House who voted for this bill, House Speaker Chris Welch, House Chief of Staff Tiffany Moy and Brigid Leahy at Planned Parenthood, Khadine Bennett at the ACLU and Terry Cosgrove at Personal Pac for their tireless advocacy on this issue.”

“While several states are denying women access to reproductive health care, Illinois has again stepped forward to protect that right,” said State Senator Elgie R. Sims (D-Chicago). “Current law causes harm by placing barriers to care for young women in unsafe family situations. Personal decisions about reproductive health care will now rightfully be up to individuals and their health care providers.”

“After years of work, the Youth Health and Safety Act successfully repeals the last anti-abortion law on the books in Illinois,” said Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch (D-Hillside). “With the Governor’s signature, we are ensuring that everyone, regardless of age, has bodily autonomy and can choose who they involve in their most private and personal health decisions. I want to congratulate Reps. Anna Moeller and Kelly Cassidy for their tenacious advocacy, working alongside organizations like Planned Parenthood, ACLU and many more to ensure Illinois sends the very clear message that we will always protect the right to safe reproductive health care.”

“Access to sexual and reproductive health care starting at a young age is crucial,” said State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake). “By providing resources and education, we are giving young girls vital information to allow for free expression and bodily autonomy. The signing of House Bill 370 signals to young women that we are prioritizing them today and for generations to come.”

“When the Texas legislature, aided by the United States Supreme Court, declared open season on people seeking reproductive health care, it became very clear to me that our state is in a unique position to reach out our hands and offer a safe haven to people from Texas and other states that seek to restrict reproductive rights,” said State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago). “By repealing the Parental Notice Act, we can ensure that the most vulnerable among us are able to safely make the best decision for their own health and safety.”

To ensure lasting change, the bill also creates the Youth Health and Safety Advisory Working Group to identify laws and policies that impact parenting and pregnant youth under the age of 18. Under the purview of the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), the group will focus on reproductive safety for pregnant and parenting youth as well as preventing human trafficking. The working group will discuss topics around consent to medical care, treatment, pregnancy and post-pregnancy, and healthcare provisions. The Governor will appoint four members with at least two members under the age of 18. The advisory group is required to present a report and any recommendations by July 1, 2023.

“The Parental Notice of Abortion was designed to restrict access to abortion without regard for the harm suffered when essential health care is denied,” said Colleen K. Connell, executive director of the ACLU of Illinois. “We saw that unnecessary harm PNA inflicted on young people, including young people forced to parent, kicked out of their homes, fearing physical and verbal abuse and losing the opportunity to finish high school or go to college. Over the past eight years, we have represented hundreds of young people forced to go to court and share the most personal aspects of their lives with a stranger. Repealing PNA at this critical moment continues the effort in Illinois to ensure that all people have the ability to make their own reproductive health care decisions. With courageous champions the House and Senate – and leadership in the Governor’s office – Illinois can continue to be a beacon for reproductive freedom across the country.”

“As a volunteer judicial bypass attorney who has represented more than 35 young women who face violence, physical and emotional abuse, sexual assault, and devastating trauma in their homes, Governor Pritzker has my deepest appreciation for signing this repeal and putting an end to this dangerous and unjust law,” said Melissa Widen, Personal PAC Board Member. “We should all be proud of Illinois’ leadership in protecting, rather than harming, the health and lives of our young people.”

“Thank you Governor Pritzker for signing the Youth Health and Safety Act into law,” said Jennifer Welch, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Illinois Action. “Together, we’re ensuring that young people can involve whomever they trust in their health care decisions, protecting them from harmful domestic situations and unnecessary judicial interactions. At a time when reproductive rights are hanging by a thread across the country, today’s bill signing means that in Illinois, regardless of age, people now have the full legal autonomy to make reproductive health care decisions that are best for their bodies.”

“It takes a village to make a movement like this,” said the Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health. “Youth especially were the game changers every step of the way as a necessary voice and for constantly reminding adult accomplices that to #TrustYouth is to advocate WITH and FOR youth. Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health cannot thank youth organizers enough for putting in the work to get us to this point and believing in us to achieve this repeal. We especially need to give a shoutout and thank you to ICAH Youth Leaders Hannah and Taylor who testified!”

“Thank you, Governor Pritzker, and all of the incredible representatives of Illinois who worked so hard to make this happen,” said the Chicago Abortion Fund. “Having the Youth Health and Safety Act signed into law will be transformative for the young people who call the Chicago Abortion Fund helpline and allow them to have full autonomy over their reproductive decisions. We trust youth! Illinois trusts youth! The repeal of PNA represents an essential step forward in an increasingly hostile abortion care landscape in the United States. Illinois must continue to be a model for abortion access across the nation - so many futures depend on it.”

This legislation builds upon the administration’s commitment to ensure all residents have access to basic health care and family planning with the freedom to make their own choices. In 2019, Illinois established in state law a fundamental right to reproductive healthcare, including abortion and maternity care, through the Reproductive Health Act. In July of 2021, Illinois became the second state in the Midwest to require birth control be available through a pharmacist, without a doctor’s visit.

Amid a wave of legislation and court action across the nation restricting a woman’s right to choose, more out-of-state patients are now traveling to Illinois to receive reproductive care. According to the most recent data from the Illinois Department of Public Health,
7,534 nonresidents received abortions in Illinois in 2019, compared with 2,970 in 2014 and 5,528 in 2017.

HB 370 is effective January 1, 2024.

* Press release…

Below is a statement from State Representative Avery Bourne (R- Morrisonville) on Governor JB Pritzker’s repeal of the Parental Notification Act, a change that will strip parents of the right to be informed when minor children receive abortions:

“Today’s bill signing by the Governor strips parents of their basic right to know what is happening in their minor daughter’s life. Even more concerning, removing this common sense protection will increase the likelihood of sexual abuse, exploitation and allow the trafficking of minor girls to continue unchecked.

This significant change in our law is out of touch with a majority of Illinoisans and puts girls in Illinois—and across the Midwest—in danger. Parents deserve the right to know if their minor child is seeking any major medical procedure, especially one like an abortion where there can be serious short and long term consequences. Instead, today the Democrat majority has chosen to recklessly push those rights to the wayside.”

…Adding… Eric J. Scheidler with the Pro-Life Action League…

J. B. Pritzker has betrayed Illinois parents today by repealing our state’s Parental Notice of Abortion Act, which has saved thousands of young women from making the horrible choice to abort their children. Sexual predators will celebrate, as it will now be easier to have evidence of their crimes swept away by the abortionist. Adding insult to injury, Pritzker signed this bill late on a Friday, just a week before Christmas, avoiding any public protest. Illinois parents will not forget this act of cowardice and injustice in next year’s gubernatorial election.

* Sen. Rezin…

Senate Republican Deputy Leader Sue Rezin (R-Morris) issued the following statement after the Governor signed House Bill 370 into law, which officially repeals the Parental Notice of Abortion (PNA) Act of 1995:

“By signing the repeal of Parental Notice of Abortion Act, the Governor has made it clear to the parents of our state that he doesn’t care about their rights.

“It’s the obligation of parents to provide for the physical and mental health as well as the safety of their children. This repeal will undoubtedly impede parents’ ability to uphold those obligations and will leave young girls throughout the state without the care and support they need during a critical time in their lives.

“As a mother of two daughters, there aren’t enough words to truly express the anger and disappointment I feel about the Governor’s decision to erode the rights of parents who only wish to be a support system for their daughters.”

…Adding… Leader McConchie…

“I believe parents matter,” said Illinois Senate Republican Leader Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods). “Legislation that removes parental involvement declares they don’t. This is just another example of the governor’s overreach into the lives of Illinois families to remind them that he, rather than they, knows what is best for their kids.”

* Gary Rabine…

Today, in yet another blow to parental rights, JB Pritzker repealed the parental notification law requiring parents be informed when their child seeks an abortion. Your underage kid can’t get an aspirin at school without parental consent but thanks to JB they can now get an abortion without you knowing. Under Pritzker’s rule, Illinois is now the most pro-abortion state in the country.

This is yet another way JB Pritzker is continuing to limit Illinois parents’ ability to make decisions on how they raise their children. Like losing Democratic Governor candidate Terry McAuliffe of Virginia, who said parents should not be involved in their kids’ educations, JB Pritzker believes parents should be removed from decisions regarding their childrens’ physical and mental health.


  1. - Aye-Carumba - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 2:43 pm:

    Burying this on a Friday (news cycle wise) tells you everything you need to know about the polling.

  2. - Hamlet on the Potomac - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 2:44 pm:

    If you had to sign this monstrosity on a Friday before Christmas, it is probably a bad bill Governor.

  3. - Lake County Mom - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 2:46 pm:

    I’m happy to see the tradition of using children, especially girls, as chattel is being dismantled, at least in Illinois.

    The only person who should be entitled to make pregnancy decisions is the person who is pregnant.

  4. - Jocko - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 2:53 pm:

    ==Parents deserve the right to know if their minor child is seeking any major medical procedure==

    Representative Bourne will be surprised to learn that children stopped being considered chattel in the 1930s.

  5. - low level - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 2:54 pm:

    Another part of the GOP “Illinois Agenda” finally repealed…

  6. - Donnie Elgin - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 2:58 pm:

    With this law signed, Illinois joins aan elite group of just a few states that have no parental notification for underage abortions plus state employee healthcare and Medicaid funding for abortion.

  7. - Demoralized - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 2:59 pm:

    ==Democrat majority==

    I’m sorry but as soon as I see anyone talk like that I immediately dismiss anything they have said. If they can’t manage to say DEMOCRATIC when speaking about issues then they are just being small and petty.

  8. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 2:59 pm:

    ===Even more concerning, removing this common sense protection will increase the likelihood of sexual abuse, exploitation and allow the trafficking of minor girls to continue unchecked. ===

    I think Representative Bourne may be shocked by who is most likely to be involved with the sexual abuse, exploitation, or trafficking of a minor.

    Perhaps someone at DCFS would be willing to reach out to her office with the relevant data?

  9. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:01 pm:


    Here is where Bourne, if running statewide AND IF abortion becomes an issue in 2022 comes to a real problem for her;

    === “Today’s bill signing by the Governor strips parents of their basic right to know what is happening in their minor daughter’s life. Even more concerning, removing this common sense protection will increase the likelihood of sexual abuse, exploitation and allow the trafficking of minor girls to continue unchecked.===

    If it’s indeed a minor, and as a minor likely could be statutory rape, or an instance of incest… does Bourne believe that minor, that child, that victim, must see pregnancy to full term as abortion rights are curtailed by SCOTUS?

    ===… out of touch with a majority of Illinoisans and puts girls in Illinois—and across the Midwest—in danger.===

    This could come back to haunt… as words.

  10. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:01 pm:

    ===I’m sorry but as soon as I see anyone talk like that I immediately dismiss anything they have said.===

    It’s so pervasive that I have had conversations with Democrats who think “Democrat Party” is the appropriate label instead of Democratic Party.”

    Their position was something like this, “I am a Democrat so I belong to the Democrat Party.”

  11. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:09 pm:

    === Instead, today the Democrat majority===

    Win elections.

    You’re in a super minority, a veto-proof majority exists.

    Run statewide, run on abortion, cheer if the Mississippi law prevails, see what a majority of Illinois think about that.

  12. - Pundent - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:12 pm:

    I see a lot of disappointed Pritzker supporters in the comment section today. Hopefully you can see past this.

    But I’m still wondering why the ILGOP doesn’t seem that eager to run on this issue given the outrage? I mean when a Governor makes such a colossal mistake, even on a Friday, you would think that the ILGOP would be screaming from the rooftops.

  13. - Homebody - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:14 pm:

    I feel pretty comfortable saying any child seeking an abortion who doesn’t want their parents to know should be able to get one.

    Any parent who finds out after the fact and is mad should probably examine why their child was unwilling or afraid to tell them in the first place, and address that.

  14. - Merica - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:28 pm:

    Personally, this bill does not impact me. I think both sides have pretty good arguments. I think JB expressed a well reasoned decision for signing it.

    Politically, moving on this doesn’t make sense. Rec cannabis is unifying and forward progress, ditto with transportation funding. This bill is a giant liability in the midterms and makes you vulnerable in the suburbs.

    You can’t govern effectively or won elections when advocates are steering the ship. Their focus and experience is too narrow

  15. - Amalia - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:34 pm:

    For that girl who is afraid because someone in her family assaulted her or because her parents will not let her decide to stop a pregnancy, thank you governor for doing the right thing.

  16. - Anon - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:35 pm:

    Thank you to the legislature and JB for finally doing away with this awful, awful law. As another lawyer who has represented people in judicial bypass proceedings, this legislation was terrible and needed to be repealed.

  17. - Momma - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:35 pm:

    Parents we will teach your kids what we want, give them what we think best and let them make their own decisions. So just shut up and let the government raise your kids..because we do everything better.

  18. - TaylorvilleTornado - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:40 pm:

    I’m surprised Avery didn’t book some time on WICS to push out some more crocodile tears.

  19. - low level - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:42 pm:

    == As a mother of two daughters, there aren’t enough words to truly express the anger and disappointment I feel about the Governor’s decision to erode the rights of parents who only wish to be a support system for their daughters.” - Sen Rezin

    The government has eroded the relationship with your daughters that much w the signing of this bill, Sen Rezin? It should have no effect. Or just perhaps there are girls who dont feel they are able to go their parents, hence the reason for the repeal.

    Talk about the RepubliCON Party…

  20. - Demoralized - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:51 pm:

    ==So just shut up and let the government raise your kids..because we do everything better.==

    Are you done throwing your temper tantrum now so the adults can talk?

  21. - City Zen - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 4:00 pm:

    They’ll come to Illinois for reasons they can’t even fathom. They’ll turn into the clinic’s parking lot, not knowing for sure why they’re doing it. They’ll arrive alone in the waiting room as innocent as children, longing for the past.

    “Of course, we won’t mind if you stay,” you’ll say. “It’s only two hundred dollars per person.” They’ll pass over the money without even thinking about it. For it is money they have and peace they lack.

    Oh, children will come, JB. Children will most definitely come.

  22. - Pundent - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 4:04 pm:

    And if you think the former President has thin skin wait until you get a load of Mancow. Howard Stern tormented him for years by merely referring to him by his given name - Erich.

  23. - H-W - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 4:07 pm:

    I would note here that those opposed to this means of protecting girls’ futures and health, seem to ignore the fact that boys create babies too. At present, it is only our girls who must either give up their educations and careers and economic security if they do not have an abortion. They typically give up child support too, as we do not hold boys responsible at all. An abortion does in fact guarantee a better chance at an economically secure future (for both our girls and their future children).

    If the objectors were to hold boys equally accountable for pregnancies, then we would we see the objectors, the fathers, and the parents of the potential father, fighting for custody on behalf of the potential father of the child. But we do not see this, because the objectors view women as a lower class of citizens than the boys who create the potential child.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 4:11 pm:

    Oh - City Zen -

    Mocking the idea of children statutory raped or victims of incest … and those not being able to seek parental help…. that’s a new low.


  25. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 4:15 pm:

    last I heard from Mancow, which was due to accidentally hearing his show on the radio after previously listening to his station for a sporting event, he was a full blown QAnon crazy who had nothing to offer but accuse all Democrats of being child predators. Not real interested in seeing what he has in store for a governor run.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 4:22 pm:

    ===Give it a rest===

    No thank you.

    Forcing a child who may have been a victim of incest or has been statutorily raped is what folks who are stinging their hands seemingly want to advocate.

    You don’t like that it’s being called out.

    Welp, is it the intention of these folks that a child have a pregnancy go full term “unless parents”?


  27. - low level - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 4:24 pm:

    ==owning Texas was more important==

    The Parental Notification Act of 1995 was repealed. Several years before Texas. Try to keep up.

  28. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 4:29 pm:

    === Your underage kid can’t get an aspirin at school ===

    I suspect no one told Gary and no one on the team that wrote that for him is aware that aspirin is an over the counter drug that a minor can typically purchase as much of as they like.

  29. - Demoralized - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 4:29 pm:

    Stop using my name please.

  30. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 4:34 pm:

    I really enjoy that “parents rights” is the new 21st century version of “states rights” for a fun spin to suggest that taking rights and freedoms away from others is really protecting the rights of another group.

    You don’t own your kids.

  31. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 4:42 pm:

    Nothing about this bill prevents a minor child from telling their parents either.

    If the parents have built a trusting environment for their child, there shouldn’t be a problem here. This repeal wouldn’t impact those parents at all.

    On the other hand, the parents haven’t built a trusting environment for their child. This bill removes the state from being responsible to the parents for the environment created by the parents.

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