* Sun-Times…
State Sen. Jacqueline Collins, D-Chicago, is jumping into the crowded Democratic primary to replace Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., announcing her bid Friday with a powerhouse group of backers, including Rev. Michael Pfleger.
Collins, a state senator since 2003, is one of 17 Democrats registered with the Federal Election Commission for the 1st Congressional District seat Rush will be vacating next year after 15 terms. The window to file petitions to run in the June Illinois primary opens on Monday and closes on March 14.
In the past weeks, Collins, an assistant majority leader, had been weighing running for another Senate term or making a bid for Congress.
She told the Sun-Times she decided on the House race because, “I feel there is only so much you can do on the state level, and for the issues that I have been campaigning, working, advocating for over the last 20 years — whether it was the proliferation of guns in our community, as well as how do we close the wealth gap between Black, Brown and white communities, those are issues I have to take on to the federal level.
* Shia made a good point today…
An interesting name in the indictment of Michel Madigan is Victor Reyes, an attorney hired by ComEd with a nod from Madigan. He’s also the attorney representing the Coalition Map, which is supported by the Latino Caucus and others who want to increase the number of Latinos on the City Council. On the other side of the map debate is Michael Kasper, the former legislative attorney for Madigan (who is not mentioned in the indictment). For months, Coalition Map supporters have grumbled about Kasper being part of the process. Now, you could say, they’re even.
For example, I posted this press release on indictment day…
The following is a statement from The People’s Coalition Map on the indictment of Michael Madigan and its implications for Chicago’s redistricting referendum:
“Today’s federal indictment of Michael Madigan is a clear reminder that the days of his iron grip on our state and on this city are over. That’s why it’s appalling that the City and the Rules Committee continue to support a faulty map, drawn in a backroom deal by Madigan’s top lawyer, Mike Kasper.”
Glass houses, stones, etc.
* Back to Politico…
Former state Rep. Jeanne Ives, the most powerful Illinois Republican who doesn’t hold an elected office, announced yesterday she’s backing Darren Bailey in his run for governor.
* More on the Ives story…
Bailey is also hoping for the endorsement of another notable Republican who’s out of public office: Donald Trump.
The Illinois Republican said he spoke to the former president in December. “I was with him for several hours and I asked for his endorsement. I’m still waiting,” Bailey told Playbook. “He doesn’t like to lose. He knows Illinois is a tough state, and he’s still exploring that option.”
Bailey was at a Trump book publishing event. He got an autograph.
* Sun-Times…
Ives, who ran against former Gov. Bruce Rauner in the Republican primary in 2018, only mentioned one of Bailey’s four GOP rivals by name in her remarks at the news conference at an American Legion post in northwest suburban Palatine.
“Republican voters need to be warned. The same people who ran Rauner’s campaign backed by a billion-dollar checkbook are now running the Irvin-Bourne race backed by the same billion-dollar checkbook,” she said.
As we’ve already discussed, Gov. Rauner’s top campaign consultant in that Ives primary is now being paid by Bailey’s campaign.
Back to the Sun-Times…
“The truth is Richard Irvin and Avery Bourne just may be both Madigan and Pritzker’s favorite Republicans,” Ives said. “The Irvin-Bourne campaign cannot be trusted.” […]
“It’s surprising she would endorse someone who raised property taxes 81 percent, voted for Obama and picked a Never Trumper as his running mate,” said Eleni Demertzis, an Irvin-Bourne campaign spokeswoman, referring to votes Bailey took as a local school board member and a 2008 Democratic Primary vote his campaign said he took to stop Hillary Clinton.
Remember how Rauner’s campaign used the “Madigan’s favorite legislator” attack against Ives in the 2018 primary? Well, the same consultant is now trying to use the line against Irvin. Clever. And I don’t know about Madigan, but I’m thinking that Pritzker would much rather run against Bailey, despite this DGA press release…
“Extremist Darren Bailey is barreling his way towards frontrunner status and is more than willing to take down Richard Irvin and anyone else in the Illinois GOP primary field who stands in his way,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “As the Republican candidates battle for support from party insiders and conservative megadonors, they’ll be too busy echoing out-of-touch talking points to deliver real solutions for Illinois families.”
* Richard Irvin was on WGN Radio with Lisa Dent and Steve Bertrand yesterday…
Q: You mentioned JB Pritzker being in the pocket of Madigan and the $10 million. But obviously, Ken Griffin, the richest man in the state of Illinois, is supporting your campaign and has already contributed 20 million and there are people saying that he’s going to contribute more. How do you differentiate one person being in the pocket of somebody when people might say you’re in the pocket of this rich guy in Illinois?
A: Well, first of all, let’s be clear, there is no comparison. Mike Madigan participated in a criminal enterprise. And he got money from JB Pritzker, $10 million, to continue that criminal enterprise. So there is no comparison. As far as Ken Griffin is concerned, you know, he’s, I think everybody will agree that he’s done great things for the state of Illinois, just his businesses, business assets, and, and everything he’s done for the community, his philanthropic support for the state of Illinois. But he is one vote, he’s one person. I didn’t bind to his vision. He bought into and believes in my vision. And that’s why he’s supporting me. And that’s why I’ll be getting support from a lot of folks that will be contributing to the campaign throughout the state of Illinois.
* Background is here if you need it. From Aaron DeGroot at the Rodney Davis campaign…
Hey Rich.
TGIF. Saw that you posted Mary Miller’s bizarre State of the Union tweet yesterday. In the context of that, wanted to flag something for you:
On August 2, 2019, Chris and Mary Miller invited Gov. Pritzker to visit and tour their farm. Here’s a screenshot of an email from Chris Miller to the Governor’s Office.
If you decide to use in a post, here’s a quote from me:
“Very fitting that the Millers would invite Pritzker to their farm, which is incorporated in Delaware, a state considered to be a domestic tax shelter. Perhaps the Millers were going to exchange tax-avoidance strategies with our billionaire governor, who is an expert on that topic himself.”
Have a great weekend!
- Roman - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 1:59 pm:
== I’m thinking that Pritzker would much rather run against Bailey ==
Yep. I’m looking forward to the JB or DGA paid for ads this June saying: “Darren Bailey is too conservative and too close to Trump for Illinois.”
- TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 2:06 pm:
The campaign should start to get really interesting now, with the news from yesterday about RT America shutting down - and moving their operations over to Rumble. For those who aren’t aware, RT is a media network funded by the Russian government.
Who wants to guess who one of the largest financial backers of Rumble is.
His name rhymes with Ken Griffin.
- Grandson of Man - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 2:08 pm:
Herein lies the difference between the Democrats and Republicans when it comes to the corruption campaign angle and narrative this year. Madigan is gone, thanks to his own party. Trump is still here because his own party refuses to impeach and push him out.
- Proud Sucker - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 2:09 pm:
Ives backing Bailey. I’m shocked. Shocked. Well, not that shocked.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 2:20 pm:
===50 years because of Democrat enablers===
Pick a name if you’d like to respond, but I’d point out Chairman Jim Durkin under Madigan might disagree on that whole premise.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 2:20 pm:
You sound like a third grader Anonymous. You got anything other than insults and revisionist history?
- 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 2:24 pm:
Sorry, 2:20 was me.
- Cool Papa Bell - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 2:29 pm:
The Millers are everything that is wrong with politics - so I can’t even really come to say this.
But come on Rodney… The Miller’s invited the sitting Governor to meet with an international group of farmers and you figure that’s evidence of a them meeting to hatch a plan of tax avoidance?
This is left over gum on the bottom of my shoe that I just can’t stand in politics.
- Norseman - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 2:30 pm:
Gee, in all the years I spent in the Capitol, I never noticed the “Criminal Enterprise” sign on Madigan’s door.
While people complained about Madigan’s use of power over the years, it wasn’t until the last few years when evidence of criminal activity began to surface. Up until then, he was the powerful Speaker of the House of Representatives and party chairman. People of both parties needed to work with him. So it’s natural that Pritzker would deal with him.
Irvin is taking advantage to dodge away from the fact that he’s being bought and paid by Griffin.
- Grandson of Man - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 2:32 pm:
“Some (not all) showed a little courage after a federal investigation was started”
Republicans and the ILGOP stand for Trump even with his multiple investigations and impeachments. The ILGOP didn’t just oppose his Jan. 6 impeachment, but strongly opposed it.
Come to think of it, Democrats pushed Madigan out around the same time last year that the ILGOP opposed the impeachment.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 2:32 pm:
People, don’t respond to anonymous commenters. They will eventually be deleted.
- Lord of the Fries - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 2:48 pm:
I wish Ives would just go away.
Good rebuttal from Davis campaign on this tit-for-tat
- Trent from Coal City - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 3:23 pm:
Was Victor Reyes really mentioned on the indictment. A quick Ctrl+f brought up no mention of Reyes. Am I missing something?
- Arsenal - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 3:33 pm:
==As far as Ken Griffin is concerned, you know, he’s, I think everybody will agree that he’s done great things for the state of Illinois, just his businesses, business assets, and, and everything he’s done for the community, his philanthropic support for the state of Illinois.==
Good lord, it was one thing when Griffin himself just wouldn’t shut up, but now the proxy candidate has to blow up the guy’s tires.
Stop taking the bait, Griffin Gang.
- Grandson of Man - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 3:40 pm:
“As far as Ken Griffin is concerned, you know, he’s, I think everybody will agree that he’s done great things for the state of Illinois”
Two billionaires brought Illinois to its knees to bust unions and do massive budget cuts via starving the state. Irvin owns that legacy now by having become a Raunerite.
- Ron Burgundy - Friday, Mar 4, 22 @ 3:55 pm:
-Former state Rep. Jeanne Ives, the most powerful Illinois Republican who doesn’t hold an elected office,-
Somewhere, Ken Griffin pours himself a 24 year old whiskey, throws a wad of bills on the fire, and laughs…