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Darren Bailey uncut

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Darren Bailey was on Outside the Beltway on Monday

John Fredericks: Your governor there, totally woke. Tell me about the status of your race.

Darren Bailey: Well, absolutely, man, you got me fired up after that last segment. So thank you. And that sums it up. The people are sick and tired of it. I am by far the front-runner. I have the grassroots organization. I believe we’re going to do something that’s going to far eclipse what Virginia did a few months ago here in the state of Illinois in November. And but we’ve got to, we simply, you know, have to carry through. I am the prime target of both members of my party and the Democrats because of our lead. And I stood up and sued Governor Pritzker back in July of 2020, and we won over these lockdowns and began to free the state. So, I’ve been the only one that’s been standing up and pushing back even as a state representative and now as a state senator.

John Fredericks: Have you had enough? And the constituents that you talk to, I really think and I want to get your view here Darren because because I think you got a hell of a shot to win. I think November is going to be the biggest landslide seachange we have ever seen. And I really believe this push for transgender wokeism, this push for males swimming in the NCAA and winning medals, breaking records by 30 seconds. I mean, and then being celebrated. I mean, do you and the constituents that you’re talking to I know a lot of people are now afraid to deal with this. Do you see people just outraged by what is going on here?

Darren Bailey: Yes, they are. And you know, many people don’t know what to do. And God help us if we had the same citizenship today that, you know, instead of 250 years ago, when men and women stood up, put their lives and their fortunes and their homes and their families on the line. Yeah, they’re fed up. Proverbs 28-2 tells us when there’s moral rot in a nation, its government topples easily, but wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability. And everything you’ve been talking about is the moral rot that is destroying society. And that’s exactly why my wife Cindy and I are in this in this race for our four children and our 11 grandchildren, because we see a bleak future. And if we can’t stop this in Illinois in November of 2022, I believe it’s going to spread across the nation like cancer.

John Fredericks: We’ll see. I agree with you. And a lot of times, a lot of Republicans want to stay away from the so-called culture wars, they want to focus on gas prices, inflation. I don’t think you can separate these out, now, Darren, and that’s why I agree with what you’re saying. And look, average people down there looking at this, they might not be on Facebook, they might be afraid of going on social media. There’s there’s and I’ll tell you the other thing going on Darren is corporate blackmail, okay? If you speak out, you’re going to lose your job, you’re going to get ostracized, etc. So a lot of people are afraid to speak out. I think inside their homes, at the kitchen table. I mean, just ask yourself, does a seven year old have the mental capacity to come home and say, Hey, I think I’m a girl, or I think I’m a boy when they’re not? I mean, that is a taught behavior, that we’re letting these imbeciles teach in schools. And nobody’s saying a word until now we’re finally standing up. Do you see this as a part of your campaign?

Darren Bailey: Oh, it absolutely is. I’ve been there for the last I’ve only served as a state representative for two years and now I’m in my second year of a Senate race and it’s because of the platform that I’ve been one of the only few in my own party to stand up in a super minority here in Illinois and to push back. And just last Friday, I stood up and spoke against a woke bill and explained and argued the case of the destruction of the family. That’s what we should be propping up and lifting up. We should be working to keep the family unit together to keep dads as head of the household. And because of that breakdown of which what you’re explaining is exactly it’s a destruction of the family unit is what’s taking place. And until we get that under control, until we empower our churches across the land and wake them up to keep the family structure together, we’re going to continue to struggle with this absolute nonsense that we’re dealing with. And I’ve been speaking for the last three years as a state legislator, I come off the farm in Southern Illinois, so I’m from the school of hard knocks and hard work and common sense and and unfortunately that is missing in society today.

John Fredericks: Darren, let me ask you this. You got four children. Why is the left so determined to slice out fathers? What what is their goal here. It started with Black Lives Matter right on their website. And I just couldn’t believe they were getting billions of dollars with it said right there fathers have to go, they’re the problem. What is the left’s objective here in getting rid of fatherhood?

Darren Bailey: Well, if we take a really quick look at society and history and how a God in His creation, He intended, you know, the family unit to be headed by the dad, the dad is supposed to be out, you know, teaching his children hard work, ethics, honesty and integrity. And you remove that, and then you begin to deplete everything, morality, everything, of integrity, and our children wander around lost, waiting for a Democrat Party to give them everything and teach them their ways. And you know, it’s crazy that we have allowed ourselves to get where we’re at in such a quick amount of time. But it’s people like me who realize this, who have been enjoying freedom have been enjoying working and providing and living in with all of our family living around us and realizing that if I don’t get involved in this thing called the government to stand up to serve in a position to uphold our Constitutional Republic and freedom. If I fail to do that, then we lose. And we as Americans have indeed become a little too comfortable, a little too apathetic, we don’t want to upset anybody. So we sit back, and we compartmentalize our lives. And this is what we get.

John Fredericks: Well, because now they’re going after our children. Because this is now becoming a learned behavior. So they can basically implode the family unit. And that gives them better opportunity for control. That’s why we have the masks. That’s all we have the mandates the whole bit. All right. Tell us tell us about your race. How do you become the Republican nominee for governor of Illinois?

Darren Bailey: Well, the simple fact that I chose to stand up two years ago, when all these mandates started happening. And I stood up as a private citizen, and I filed a lawsuit against our governor. I won. And because of that, we have been invited all across the state to empower and educate people to stand up, open your schools, open your businesses, open your churches. And then about 40 days later when we reconvened in August of 2020, I was kicked out of the General Assembly for standing up and refusing to put a mask on because the General Assembly had rented an arena out so that our desks could be 12 feet apart. And I even stood up and I said, you know, I’ll put my mask on if someone comes over and to talk at my desk or if I have to get up use the restroom or get something eat but I’m not going to sit here for 20 hours a day and and wear this mask when we are 20 feet apart when your own CDC says that six feet’s good enough and at the time they were debating if three foot was enough. So I’ve been standing up and I’ve been educating the people of Illinois and and they become very responsive. So they’ve known who I am for the last two plus years. And now when these lies come out against me from opponents in the Republican Party and and from the Democrat party, you know, they can stand and they say that’s not who Darren Bailey is. We know him because we’ve, my wife and I are putting in the you know, we’re putting in the work all across this state and our Facebook page and our web page documents that every day so people know what we’re doing. They know who we are. And that is why that the establishment on both sides of the you know, both sides of the aisle are concerned about our movement. You know, there’s times when I began to wonder, do Republicans really want to be in charge? we had the our amazing President Donald Trump stand up and come against all of this. And common sense and business mind ruled the day and our country was great for a moment. But then…

John Fredericks: I’m, I’m running out of time, we got to get the bottom of the hour. I’m going to keep you for a couple more minutes so we can figure out what your campaign is and how you win this race. And God knows we need a farmer as governor of Ilinois, not one of these politicians. Hang with us a couple of minutes. I’m going to come right back […]

We’re back right now with our candidate for governor Darren Bailey. Farmer, four children. It’s the kind of people we need in government. I’m in Richmond, one of one of my representatives here changes oil for a living. One time I’ve got on my radio show, her name is Kim Taylor. 8am She’s like text me Look, I gotta be late. I just got somebody didn’t show up. I got to change somebody’s oil before he gets to work. And then I got to wash wash up, I’ll be about 10 minutes late. See? These are the kind of people we need government, right? Not these lawyers and these gangster banksters running around on Wall Street, hedge fund managers and everything else, screwing you and shipping our jobs to China. We need farmers like Darren Bailey. Alright, Darren, I want to get back to your campaign. Your primary is June 28. Latest polls out you had about 35%, you’re ahead, your two closest competitors 15, 20 percent, you keep working hard, you’re going to be the nominee. Then how do you win this race? How do you flip Illinois red?

Darren Bailey: I’m going to contend that we’ve already got it. It’s interesting, as soon as we get off this interview, I’m headed to the capitol and and this is the last week of session for Illinois. And we’ve seen several Democrats that even with the redistricting that they thought they had figured out Democrats are either not voting or voting with Republicans on many bills. So and they’re doing that because the people of Illinois, even downtown Chicago are sick and tired of what’s going on and they’re scared to death because of the the lack of police presence, thanks to JB Pritzker and Mayor Lightfoot.

John Fredericks: The crime in Chicago out of control, another police officer shot, another pinned between vehicles during a traffic stop. I mean, this goes on day after day, weekend after weekend. The carnage. You know we talk about Ukraine and what’s going on there. Nobody will talk about Chicago. If you’re governor, what are you going to do to keep people so they can like stay in their homes without getting shot?

Darren Bailey: Absolutely. And Cindy and I have actually witnessed, been very close to witnessing some shootings in Chicago. 16 shootings and two deaths this past weekend. We talked to the people. Governor Pritzker should have been, all this started with the riots two years ago. Governor Pritzker should have been boots on the ground, he should have been there, he should have brought in the Illinois National Guard, he should have ramped up the Illinois State Police. And unfortunately, none of that happened. And instead, bills were passed taking the rights away from police officers and so they’re retiring early, they’re moving out of state, they’re changing professions. And so we’ve got to repeal some of these laws that have been put into place and we’ve got to, you know, reinstitute this ability for the men and women who protect us to actually be able to uphold the law without worrying about their careers.

John Fredericks: Darren Bailey, you keep doing what you’re doing. I want to see you as governor of Illinois.

* I was tipped to the interview by a Democratic Party of Illinois press release…

Republican candidate for governor Darren Bailey has once again shown his true colors as a dangerous, far-right extremist. In a new interview, Bailey refers to “transgenderism and wokism” as “moral rot that is destroying society,” says God “intended the family unit to be headed by the dad,” and brazenly attacks women, LGBTQ+ Illinoisans, and more.

Illinois Republicans have increasingly embraced far-right incendiary rhetoric—including refusing to condemn the QAnon conspiracy theory and agreeing that the violent January 6 attack on the Capitol was “legitimate political discourse.”

Now, as Republican legislatures across the country ramp up attacks on women’s rights and the LGBTQ+ community, Illinois Republicans must take a stand: will the Illinois GOP condemn Darren Bailey’s vitrolic remarks?

While Gov. Pritzker and Illinois Democrats fight to protect and strengthen the rights of Illinoisans of all backgrounds, Republicans across the nation and our state continue to embrace these shameful attacks, moving the ILGOP even further toward the fringe. It is time for the Illinois Republican Party to hold the extremists in their own party accountable—including Darren Bailey.

That’s one thing to attack, but his reply after the Black Lives Matter question about the concept of God intending that “the family unit to be headed by the dad,” and when the dad is removed, “our children wander around lost, waiting for a Democrat Party to give them everything and teach them their ways,” is quite something as well.

Also, his mask lawsuit applied only to himself, not to anyone else. And after he pulled that mask stunt during the 2020 session, he dutifully wore his face mask every session day.


  1. - Hob Don Gerard - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 3:57 pm:

    The only people still saying “woke” are painfully lame and out-of-touch Republicans.

    (apologies if that is redundant)

  2. - Leap Day William - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:01 pm:

    == “the family unit to be headed by the dad” ==

    That will surely play well with suburban women voters, right?

    == Latest polls out you had about 35%, you’re ahead ==

    What latest polls show Beetle Bailey in the lead?

  3. - fs - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:04 pm:

    So according to Darren Bailey, women/mothers are wholly incapable of “ teaching…children hard work, ethics, honesty and integrity”, and single mothers “deplete everything, morality, everything, of integrity, and our children wander around lost”

    It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:06 pm:

    I mean…

    Old, angry… check and check.

    White… Bailey knows what he’s saying, so check.

    Rural… oh it’s a check.

    “E”-Van-Gel-Eye-Cal… praise be, check.

    ===I am by far the front-runner.===

    Bailey believe this because when your campaign is designed to be an angry white evangelical tent revival where the preacher talks of the angry God… you believe you are the front runner in the Trumpkin GOP

    Illinois’ GOP might not recover if Bailey is the nominee…

    … and that’s with super-minorities in both chambers, no statewide electeds…

    It’s that much of a disaster, Bailey is.

    Just read above.

  5. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:11 pm:

    “Proverbs 28-2 tells us when there’s moral rot in a nation, its government topples easily”

    Bailey ain’t kidding. The right wing nearly toppled the US government.

  6. - SWIL_Voter - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:12 pm:

    A lot of people like this live in a completely invented reality. Identifying all the lies, like breaking the swimming record, doesn’t even matter because they don’t even acknowledge the fabric of reality. It’s increasingly difficult for me to try to figure out how to compromise or even share space with these people. Just as hard to figure out why i would want to. Their complete insanity is hurting people. Why would I be compelled to work with or compromise with nuts like this?

  7. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:15 pm:

    =I am by far the front-runner= To paraphrase Lucy, “If that’s the majority you’re going for, you got a good one.”

  8. - Lt Guv - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:16 pm:

    Believe them when they tell you who they are.

  9. - AlfondoGonz - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:17 pm:

    “Why is the left so determined to slice out fathers?”

    Hope you’re taking notes, Rich, about how hard-hitting journalists ask the necessary questions.

    /s and big, giant, sigh.

  10. - Gracia - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:19 pm:

    Is “God intended the family unit to be headed by the dad” really an extremist position?

  11. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:20 pm:

    Irvin’s reply should be a hoot.

    Seriously, when is Homer Stokes going to announce?

  12. - OneMan - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:20 pm:

    == And you know, it’s crazy ==

    You can say that again.

    I grew up with the Republican Party of Thompson and Edgar, I know why it became the party of Bozos, doesn’t mean I like it.

    Shoot, give me Jack Ryan and Dan Rutherford…

    I’d say I weep for what has become of the party, but that would imply I care anymore about it.

  13. - new kid on the block - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:22 pm:

    ====Because this is now becoming a learned behavior.====

    Huh, just thought of another “learned behavior” that’s threatening the soul of the nation:

    Performative victimhood.

  14. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:22 pm:

    Gracia-anyone posing as God’s proxy goes into my “pay no mind” file.

  15. - ItsMillerTime - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:22 pm:


    Yes, thanks for asking

  16. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:23 pm:

    === Is “God intended the family unit to be headed by the dad” really an extremist position?===

    Dunno. Good question.

    How do you feel about same-sex marriage? How does Bailey?

  17. - fs - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:29 pm:

    == Is “God intended the family unit to be headed by the dad” really an extremist position?==

    In Clay County? Probably not. In most of the rest of the State, where most of the voters live? That’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad that you felt the need to ask that. Why don’t you and Senator Bailey ask the thousands of hard working, dedicated, and loving mothers in this State that question directly? Although, you probably won’t have to, because that quote should be plastered in ads until June.

  18. - Roadrager - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:30 pm:

    “Nobody will talk about Chicago,” they’ve been saying twenty times a week for fifteen years on Fox News.

  19. - Bigtwich - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:31 pm:

    Proverbs 28-25

    He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat.

  20. - Jibba - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:35 pm:

    ===So they’ve known who I am for the last two plus years==

    Yes. But not in the way you think.

  21. - Huh? - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:36 pm:

    Beetle is being selective of which bible he is quoting from. His quote is in general from the new living translation version. (Never heard of it)

    The King James and other versions are more along the line of:
    “2 For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof: But by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof shall be prolonged.”

    In beetle’s version, the second half of the verse he is taking out of context ends: “…But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.”

    While beetle may attempt to style himself as a “wise and knowledgeable leader” bringing stability, he is anything but.

    Beetle is in full form and off his leash.

  22. - LoyalVirus - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:40 pm:

    “gangster banksters” is a new one

  23. - Almost retired - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:51 pm:

    I think he just said gender roles and gender behavior is learned behavior. Look close at what that really implies. If you can teach someone to be transgender aren’t you saying gender related behavior is learned. I don’t think he met it but it is what he said.

  24. - Downstate - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:52 pm:

    Bailey is a little too far right for me. But his point about two-parent homes is a solid one. Children raised in a one-parent home have the highest propensity to poverty.

    And a stable home environment leads to a stable educational environment. I’ve been with two teachers, in the last month, that are leaving the field because the behavioral outbreak by just one student essentially shuts down the class for an hour per the protocols of their public school.

    If we can enhance the home environment, we will enhance the educational environment.

  25. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:53 pm:

    Does Darren Bailey want life to revert to the 1950s when apron-wearing mothers stayed in the kitchen all day?

    So in Bailey’s words, only a father can teach hard work, ethics, honesty and integrity.

    After this display of his philosophy, why would anyone vote for Bailey as governor of Illinois.

  26. - Quizzical - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:54 pm:

    What district and school has imbecile teachers? Please be specific.

    Since you’re so concerned about families being torn apart, will you agree not to accept an endorsement or appear at rally with a divorced person?

  27. - Dotnonymous - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:56 pm:

    “Is “God intended the family unit to be headed by the dad” really an extremist position?”

    I personally do not care what God wants…America is not a theocracy…America operates by democracy…Thank God.

  28. - Manchester - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:01 pm:

    He is indeed scary. I find myself wondering if he has a white sheet and hood in his closet.

  29. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:05 pm:

    He is talking directly to his base. A few houses down from ours, there is family who home schools their children because Rochester Illinois is a hotbed of liberal progressive thought and teaching.

    I really do feel sorry for these people they see liberals and big gvt around every corner. Nicest people in the world but they have their Bailey sign in their front yard and are certain he is going to be the next Gov of Illinois.

  30. - wildcat12 - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:12 pm:

    “== Is “God intended the family unit to be headed by the dad” really an extremist position?==”

    Venturing to speak on behalf of the millions of mothers in this state who don’t believe we should have to submit to our husbands, I’m going to say “yes, it is.”

  31. - Excitable Boy - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:13 pm:

    - so I’m from the school of hard knocks -

    I’m sure being born into extreme generational wealth was excruciating.

  32. - Ryan - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:19 pm:

    “I think you got a hell of a shot to win” Uh, really? I’ve seen no poll, none, that back this up.

    “Moral rot,” says the guy who started a Christian madrassa.

  33. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:21 pm:

    I said it at the beginning of the race and I will say it again: Darren Bailey is the candidate to beat and the odds on favorite to win the nomination.

    Griffin’s efforts to paint Bailey as some sort of tax-and-spend liberal Obama support will not work, i dont think. You need a credible conservative third party to level those charges, and those groups are with Bailey.

    It is like when Paul Vallas whacked Blago for hiring non-union contractors, but all the unions were endorsing Blago.

    There is just no way to run to the right of Bailey, and the field is so crowded — more crowded since Irvin joined - that i have a hard time seeing Bailey not cornering the conservative vote, which leaves everyone else to split 60% four ways.

    I also would not be so quick to assume that Bailey cannot beat JB. There is no reason for Griffin to not fund whomever wins the GOP nomination. He is funding DeSantis so Bailey is not a stretch. It will be a referendum on JB and Biden regardless of whom the nominee is if they run a competent campaign, and frankly the OR file on Irvin is so thick - and growing buy the day - I would rather take my chances with what I know about Bailey than what we dont know about Irvin yet.

  34. - Montrose - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:21 pm:

    What gets me is that the folks that religiously (pun intended) listen to interview shows like this one think they are hearing a series of facts - to step into Chicago is to risk your life, Democrats hate fathers, Bailey is leading, etc.

  35. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:28 pm:

    = Does Darren Bailey want life to revert to the 1950s =

    I think his admitted timeframe was 1932 specifically.

    You were trying to mock him, but you were only off in reality from what he admittedly wants by 18 years. This is what it looks like when someone becomes a parody of themselves.

    “I’ve used the word restore a lot. And the Greek meaning of restore is to make something better than it’s ever been before. My wife and I have a lot of antiques in our house. And we like restoring furniture. And you know, any time you restore something it’s never as good as it was before. So, you know, I reference the 1932 World’s Fair a lot. You know, I reference that time and the amazing developments that Chicago showcased. And, and, you know, let’s go back, and let’s let’s let’s get things fixed.”

  36. - Anyone Remember - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:32 pm:

    ===Is “God intended the family unit to be headed by the dad” really an extremist position?===

    Grew up next to a military installation where fathers were “gone” for six months at a time. In some families, fathers ran the show with mothers pinch hitting. In other families, they co-parented. In other families, the mothers ran the show. Each family worked it out on their own. Which is as it should be, Sen. Bailey.

  37. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:32 pm:

    I wonder if Darren Bailey’s daddy is who we should be holding responsible for how his son turned out.

  38. - My 2 Cents - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:35 pm:

    ==because Rochester Illinois is a hotbed of liberal progressive thought and teaching==

    Apparently not liberal enough to make a difference with the Springfield cop who resigned yesterday due to hate speech. He and your neighbor would probably hit it off.

  39. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:48 pm:

    “Children raised in a one-parent home have the highest propensity to poverty.

    And a stable home environment leads to a stable educational environment.”

    Is that causation or correlation? And what about families with two moms or two dads?

  40. - Amalia - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:51 pm:

    Your headline is giving South Park vibes.

  41. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:54 pm:

    DPI should be sitting on this stuff not spreading it around or highlighting it. You drop this after Bailey is the nominee, not before.

    Can’t anyone play this game?

  42. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 6:00 pm:

    ===Is “God intended the family unit to be headed by the dad” really an extremist position?

    Except that’s not really his point. His point is to attack any non-traditional family whether it be a family headed by women, same sex couples, etc.

    === But his point about two-parent homes is a solid one. Children raised in a one-parent home have the highest propensity to poverty.

    The tell is he didn’t say two parent. Where did you read two parent in that? Please quote.

    The traditional family as Darren espouses existed even in US history for a far shorter period of time than people like Darren understand. Younger deaths, deaths in childbirth, far less stable marriages than he imagines.

  43. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 6:01 pm:

    =Children raised in a one-parent home have the highest propensity to poverty.=

    Maybe it is because they have half the earning potential and one-parent homes are typically led by a female parent and historically women make less than men for the same work.

    =And a stable home environment leads to a stable educational environment.=

    Two parents does not ensure a “stable” home environment any more than a patriarchy does. You know not what you speak off.

    =I’ve been with two teachers, in the last month, that are leaving the field because the behavioral outbreak by just one student essentially shuts down the class for an hour per the protocols of their public school.=

    The idea that one misbehaving students “essentially” or otherwise shut down and entire school is either gross hyperbole or an outright falsehood. And I am only speaking as a school administrator with almost 30 years of classroom and school management experience.

    I know, literally hundreds of teachers and administrators. Hundreds. and some are deciding to get out early, I have considered the same thing. The kids are not the reason. Insane, entitled adults who think they know better are the reason.

  44. - Big Dipper - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 6:08 pm:

    ==I’ll put my mask on if someone comes over and to talk at my desk or if I have to get up use the restroom or get something eat but I’m not going to sit here for 20 hours a day==

    20 hours a day? When not voting from the helicopter?

  45. - Augie - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 6:13 pm:

    How does one “almost witness” something? Either you saw it or you didn’t!

  46. - Don't Bloc Me In - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 6:15 pm:

    Darren found the interviewer of his dreams.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 6:18 pm:

    === ===Is “God intended the family unit to be headed by the dad” really an extremist position?===

    Except that’s not really his point. His point is to attack any non-traditional family whether it be a family headed by women, same sex couples, etc.===

    - ArchPundit -

    This is restaurant quality perfect, “ball game”

  48. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 6:21 pm:

    ===Children raised in a one-parent home have the highest propensity to poverty.===

    Where - Downstate - lacks is not acknowledging the dog whistle.

    Now, is that purposeful or blissful in this, I can’t say, but ignoring what Bailey is saying is happening, and by this thinking, allowing racist underpinning to seem rational.

  49. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 6:38 pm:

    Looks like he forgot the parts of the Bible about lying.

  50. - thoughts matter - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 6:42 pm:

    If both of them dialed down the rhetoric, the sound bites, the phrases that mean they are playing to the choir, there are sone kernels of truth in there. Two loving competent parents ( regardless of gender) are better than one. One loving competent parent is. Enter than two Unfit ones. Every single time.
    Yet these two are so busy spewing their talking points and their base picks it up as beautiful when it’s so judgmental and one sided. I don’t know of anyone that actual wants to destroy families, let alone people that just want their children to be alive after they get pulled over for speeding.
    I’m really tired of people judging me because I don’t attend their church. Wasn’t that the entire reason that the Puritans came to our shores?
    Lastly: I know absolutely nothing about his 11 grandchildren and am not implying I do - but I am noting that 1 in 10 people are not heterosexual. There have been surprises in my own extended family and I’d rather have my extended family than be judge mental.

  51. - thoughts matter - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 6:47 pm:

    Correction/ - one loving parent is better then two unfit ones

    My apologies for the original typing

  52. - thoughts matter - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 6:56 pm:

    That line is supposed to say one loving parent is better then two unfit ones.

  53. - Friendly Bob Adams - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 7:01 pm:

    Who is this interviewer? Where does he get this stuff: “ said right there fathers have to go, they’re the problem.”

  54. - Timmeh - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 7:03 pm:

    >If both of them dialed down the rhetoric, the sound bites, the phrases that mean they are playing to the choir, there are sone kernels of truth in there. Two loving competent parents ( regardless of gender) are better than one. One loving competent parent is. Enter than two Unfit ones. Every single time.

    There’s no point at all to saying it. It’s just virtue signaling. Is the government able to turn parents into competent loving parents? I doubt it. And I certainly doubt that any Republican policy manages it.

    >Wasn’t that the entire reason that the Puritans came to our shores?

    The religious freedom angle is nationalistic propaganda. The Puritans wanted to go somewhere where they could be the powerful ones.

  55. - H-W - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 7:12 pm:

    =God intended the family to be headed by a man=

    Alternatively, he is arguing women cannot manage families. Sexism.

    That he equates this to Black Lives Matter? Racism.

    That he equates this to God’s Will? Blasphemy.

    When will the GOP return to its rightful place as a part of conservative, centrist politics? If Irving and Bailey are the choices, there is nothing Grand about a party of hate and contempt.

  56. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 7:57 pm:

    Judging by his responses Bailey would like Illinois to be a Theocracy on the Iranian model.

  57. - theCardinal - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 9:17 pm:

    Bailey pay more attention to data about 50% of marriages fail for lots of reasons and a lot of single moms are better off oh an they also vote.

  58. - Pundent - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 9:24 pm:

    Bailey clearly knows how to capture the hearts and minds of his base. In that sense, he and Irvin share a similar problem. What endears them to their base makes them unappealable to other members of the party. That means that Bailey’s message isn’t going to win over suburban moms. And Irvin’s idea that state is just a number of cities won’t be appealing to Bailey’s voters. Might not matter in a primary, but I’m not sure how the ultimate ILGOP candidate is going to be able to get the entirety of the party voters behind them. They occupy very different ends of an ideological spectrum within the party.

  59. - allknowingmasterofraccoondom - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 9:32 pm:

    Nothing. I got nothing that has not been said. Other than I still can’t believe he was elected to the state Senate.

  60. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 10:22 pm:

    === a lot of single moms are better off oh an they also vote. ===

    They do not vote in Republican primaries.

  61. - Skeptic - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 7:46 am:

    “=== a lot of single moms are better off oh an they also vote. ===

    They do not vote in Republican primaries.”

    And when he loses in the General, the hand wringing will be that he wasn’t conservative enough.

  62. - Elliott Ness - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 7:56 am:

    He cannot win in the General, period. This interview is Darren Bailey and is exactly why he will never win the General and exactly why Pritzker loves the thought of him being the GOP primary winner. He currently leads the GOP field though and the GOP is SUNK if he is their candidate, period. Seriously, reread this interview and imagine any world where this person is in charge of Illinois?!

  63. - SouthSideGT - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 8:11 am:

    It started with Gingrich and continued when Trump came down the escalator and made official during the Ketanji Brown Jackson hearings but the GOP (Good Old Putin) is no longer afraid to say the quiet part out loud on a consistent basis.

  64. - JS Mill - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 8:14 am:

    =but I’m not sure how the ultimate ILGOP candidate=

    They will vote for the R candidate no matter what or they won’t vote.

  65. - Pundent - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 8:53 am:

    =They will vote for the R candidate no matter what or they won’t vote.=

    I’m guessing it’s the later. The thing about identity politics thrives on not only voting for your hero, but opposing their opponent. The Jeanne Ives voters never came back around to Bruce Rauner.

  66. - duck duck goose - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 9:08 am:

    “== Is “God intended the family unit to be headed by the dad” really an extremist position?==”

    Not if you’re in the Taliban…

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