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*** UPDATED x2 *** Trump organization schedules “Save America Rally” near Quincy for June 25

Thursday, Jun 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here to see the sign-up page. Mendon is about 16 miles from Quincy. That’s where the fairgrounds are.

Looks like it’s really happening, campers. Buckle up!

*** UPDATE 1 *** Rodney Davis campaign…

Rodney Davis, Republican candidate for Congress in the 15th District, released the following statement after President Donald Trump announced a campaign rally to be held in Adams County on Saturday, June 25:

“I’m proud of my conservative record of working with Trump when he was in office, and I won’t shy away from it. I’m focused on winning this campaign, firing Nancy Pelosi, and re-implementing the many policy successes we had when Trump was president, like building the wall, cutting taxes, and making America energy independent again.

“As the future Chairman of House Administration, I will also be focused on investigating the security failures leading up to January 6, finding out if Speaker Pelosi had a role in those failures, and holding her sham Select Committee circus accountable.

“I would hope President Trump and Republican voters are aware of the baggage Mary Miller has, including a convicted pedophile serving as her personal driver, her rhetoric encouraging illegal immigration, her vote with the Socialist Squad to defund the military, and her close ties to an anti-Trump Super PAC. Time and again, Mary Miller has put America last in Congress.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Not a huge surprise considering the personal ties between Irvin’s campaign staff and Rodney…


In highly unusual move, LIG says ethics complaint against Sen. Bush was “an attempt to politically weaponize” the probe, clears Bush, bashes accusers

Thursday, Jun 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. From Illinois Legislative Inspector General Michael McCuskey

June 15, 2022

Dear Senator Bush,

A complaint was filed with our office on April 26th containing various allegations against you arising out of your position as a State Senator. I have reviewed the complaint and evidence obtained from a detailed and thorough investigation conducted by all members of the Office of the Legislative Inspector General.

The investigation included witness interviews in Chicago with the signatory complainant Jan Czarnik, who did not prepare the allegations in the complaint. Also interviewed was Kathyrn “Kitty” Kurth who prepared all of the allegations and documents in the complaint. Finally, this office interviewed you, Senator Melinda Bush and you provided this office with voluminous bank records and legal documents to refute the allegations of the complaint.

After thorough investigation by my office, I have concluded that the allegations of misconduct and violations of law described in the complaint are factually unsupported and therefore unfounded.

Because the complaint in this case waived confidentiality when it was filed, and because Kathyrn Kurth released the complaint to the press on the day it was filed, I believe further comments by me are appropriate. The waiver of confidentiality at the time of filing the complaint combined with a press release on the same day was not an accident. Such conduct appears to have been an attempt to politically weaponize the filing of the complaint as a political action in advance of a proper investigation by this office.

Moreover, by publishing and politicizing the complaint in advance of a proper investigation by this office, I find such conduct to be unfair to the accused, Senator Melinda Bush. That is especially true when in this case, the allegations made in the complaint tum out to be factually unsupported and unfounded.

Because the allegations of the complaint lack evidentiary support, this file will be closed without further action.

Current law prohibits the Office of the Legislative Inspector General from publicly disclosing the results of a complaint deemed unfounded, Nor will any public comment be isssued from this office as a result of my findings closing the investigation. A copy of this letter will be emailed to the complainants as well.


Michael P. McCuskey
Illinois Legislative Inspector General

Yep. That Sam Yingling crowd really ought to be ashamed of themselves for this. But there’s no chance of that. Sheesh.

…Adding… In a previous life, Emily Miller did some PR work for Rep. Yingling. So she knows whereof she speaks…


Pritzker talks quantum

Thursday, Jun 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This excerpt is from one of the most difficult columns I ever wrote because I had to try to understand and then explain something that often defies both. From 2019

Some of the finest minds in the state recently explained to me the importance of a mostly unnoticed line in the state of Illinois’ new capital projects plan.

University of Chicago President Robert Zimmer, Argonne National Laboratory Director Paul Kearns and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Provost Andreas Cangellaris touted new state government funding for a program that could be “even bigger than supercomputing” (Zimmer) and a “paradigm shift” in technology (Cangellaris).

What is this marvel? Quantum physics. It’s the study of subatomic particles that don’t behave in the way we understand “normal” physics. The particles do things like exist in two places simultaneously, move through what we would consider solid objects and change their form when observed. Google it. It’ll blow your mind.

The idea is to try to harness these tiny particles to do stuff like create vastly improved computing systems or design totally new types of pharmaceuticals or unbreakable encryption.

* Gov. Pritzker sat down for a one-hour Q&A today during the Crain’s Fast 50 Business Luncheon in Chicago, and he told the interviewer that he wanted to talk about quantum

Q: Why are you so bullish on quantum and Illinois?

A: Well, I think all of you know that we have some of the best institutions of higher learning in our state. These are research institutions, the University of Illinois, University of Chicago, Northwestern, and others. And that is recognized by the rest of the nation. University of Chicago, in particular has the Chicago Quantum Exchange. And, you know, just to back up, quantum is going to change everything about our lives, and it’s going to change everything about our businesses. And if we don’t lead in the world, forget about just Illinois, if the United States doesn’t lead in quantum in the world, we will no longer be a superpower. And that could happen in relatively short order.

So the federal government understands that and is putting money into Quantum. And a couple of years ago, the federal government had major Department of Energy grants that they were offering to those who would bid on them, who could really make major leaps forward in quantum computing, quantum development. So Illinois, University of Chicago, the University of Illinois, and the state of Illinois with a $200 million grant, put together a consortium to go after those grants. And you know, what, Illinois won more of those grants than any other state. That’s really a big deal. That is something that I hope people will pay more and more attention to, because our major universities and research institutions, don’t forget, we have Argonne National Laboratory, Fermi lab, all of them involved in this, you know, all the things that you see in a documentary, or if you’re around for it, you know, that happened in Silicon Valley, with silicon chips, is happening in Illinois now with the development of quantum. And so if we keep investing in it, we keep stoking those fires, really, we’re going to lead the nation in Illinois, and we’re going to lead our nation to success in the world. So long term, but

Q: It’s a long-term bet, but how long does it take to see tangible results from that? Is that something that’s going to happen over 15, 20, 25 years or sooner?

Pritzker: Well, let’s say we’re going to have 50 years of success. As a result, if we succeed, that we’ll have 50 years of major economic success for our state, our city. In the short run, we’ve already attracted a whole bunch of very talented scientists, and people who want to commercialize the development of the technology that’s coming out of the laboratories. So that’s already happening. We have people moving here to our labs, to the Chicago Quantum Exchange, to our universities to be part of this burgeoning industry and research. And so that’s already a success.

But if you’re asking the question like, ‘Gee, when are you going to be able to announce the 10,000 jobs?’ you know, I want to just make it clear that I get it that I’m only in this job for so long, right. But that Illinois is going to be here forever. And that my job as governor is to make the kinds of investments that will give us the best possible future 10 and 20 and 30 years, long after I’m governor. So I’ve done that. I mean our $45 billion infrastructure bill, investing in our roads and bridges and airports, and, you know, all of our infrastructure, building new buildings, including new university labs and so on. That’s not about the next two years or three years, that’s about the next 20 years.

Please pardon all transcription errors.


New laws

Thursday, Jun 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Walker…

A new law spearheaded by state Rep. Mark Walker, D-Arlington Heights, will strengthen consent laws, hold rapists accountable and provide justice for survivors of sexual assault.

“This law will close a loophole in our system that was allowing offenders to avoid prosecution by unfairly shifting blame on the survivors,” Walker said. “If someone becomes intoxicated by their own hand, in absolutely no way does that excuse criminal behavior directed toward them.”

Walker’s House Bill 5441 adds language to the state’s definition of “unable to give knowing consent” by specifying that one cannot give consent if they are too intoxicated due to voluntary consumption of drugs or alcohol. Before Walker’s proposal, Illinois statute only indicated that one is unable to give consent if the rapist administers drugs or alcohol that would cause the victim to become unconscious and the offender was reasonably aware of their condition.

“The existing system underscored a stigma in society that suggests that victims deserve to be blamed or are somehow responsible for sexual assault,” Walker said. “Today we’re standing with survivors. I am deeply thankful for the advocates and survivors who came forward to make today a reality. There’s still much more work to do, but today was an important step in the right direction.”

* Governor’s office…

Today Governor JB Pritzker signed two bills aimed at making medical and legal care for victims of sexual assault broader and more accessible. HB5441 amends Illinois Criminal Code to specify that someone is unable to give consent when intoxicated, even when the accused assaulter didn’t provide the substance that intoxicated them. SB3023 expands where survivors can access treatment and for how long, as well as requiring Federally Qualified Health Centers to provide medical forensic services by trained professionals.

“We cannot have a justice system that re-traumatizes those forced to utilize it,” said Governor Pritzker. “To survivors in our state: there are no words to lessen the unimaginable trauma and pain you’ve been through. I want you to know that your Governor hears you. When you speak out, our systems will respond. It is our responsibility to give you the autonomy and justice that you deserve.”

“Compassionate policy making is good government and values people and their wellbeing by putting resources and services in place that matter,” said Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton. “This legislation does that, by ensuring that there are avenues of crucial support for survivors of sexual assault seeking the justice and healing they deserve.”

The expanded definition of consent outlined under HB5441 provides that the accused abuser knew or reasonably should have known the victim was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault, among others, advocated for this change to provide a clearer path for prosecution against perpetrators of sexual assault on impaired victims. Many sexual assault cases are thrown out due to negative perceptions around voluntary drinking or drug use, preventing victims from seeking justice against their attacker.

The issue was brought to State Rep. Mark Walker’s (D-Chicago) attention by Kaylyn Ahn, an 18-year-old who suffered a sexual assault while inebriated and was told the case likely would not be prosecuted for that reason. Walker, whose office Ahn had previously worked in, sponsored the legislation after hearing her story. Ahn testified in front on legislators in Springfield in support of the bill.

The amendments to the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act (SASETA) outlined in SB3023 are the result of recommendations made by the Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Services Implementation Task Force, a group formed to examine the healthcare needs of sexual assault survivors and determine necessary policy changes. SASETA governs the health care that hospitals, and now qualified health centers, are required to provide victims to of sexual assault.

This new legislation allows survivors to access care under the act for 180 days, doubling the time window and extending access to those unable to receive care in the first few months after an incident. SB3203 guarantees that a victim seeking medical treatment will have access to a trained medical forensic examiner, as well as other medical staff specifically trained to best care for victims of sexual assault. Trauma-informed sexual assault treatment is important to prevent further distress for the victim, which can deter victims from reporting an assault or pursuing or continuing treatment. Training is also key to give providers the skills to collect potential evidence without contamination or destruction of that evidence.

The bill also allows victims to decline to bill their health insurance provider for the cost of emergency care if they themselves are not the primary policy holder. This allows those seeking treatment after abuse from partners or family members who share in their insurance policy to maintain confidentiality and avoid additional danger.

Governor Pritzker has spearheaded several other initiatives to protect survivors of sexual violence during his time in office. Earlier this year, Governor Pritzker announced that after decades of extensive sexual assault forensic backlogs, the number of pending sexual assault forensic assignments older than 180 days reached zero. Governor Pritzker also recently signed nation-leading legislation expanding protections for victims of sexual violence in Illinois National Guard.

“I am telling my story because my pain is not an individual loss but a systemic failure of a legal system that has time and again failed to protect us,” Kaylyn Ahn said. “No matter what you were wearing, what you were drinking, or whether you were in a relationship with them, rape is never your fault. In signing this bill, we are listening to the power of survivors.”

“There are still too many in our society who find ways to blame the victim as somehow responsible for sexual assault,” State Rep. Mark Walker (D-Chicago) said. “This has to stop. Anyone who would assault a person unable to give consent is a rapist and should be held entirely responsible. Our laws should ensure a survivor can seek justice and know our criminal justice system believes them and stands with them. This bill may be simple, but it will go a long way in ensuring more rapists will be brought to justice.”

“Survivors deserve a justice system that supports them during one of the most difficult times of their lives,” said State Senator Ann Gillespie (D-Arlington Heights). “HB5441 removes a loophole that should never have existed and allows survivors to seek justice.”

“The trauma associated with sexual assault is already profound – the last thing survivors need is the added stress of a lack of privacy and confidentiality,” said State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest). “SB3023 will allow people to feel more secure in seeking a rape exam.”

“Survivors of sexual assault deserve a system that that supports them and provides them with justice and support – not works against them,” said State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake). “By addressing loopholes in current law and providing survivors with more access to care, we are giving them greater means to cope and grieve.”

“Survivors of sexual assault need the system to work a lot better for them to seek and receive health care services as they process the trauma they’ve been through,“ said State Senator Mike Simmons (D-Chicago). “This measure provides a significant improvement by removing costs, bills, and increases the timeline during which survivors can access treatment. I am honored to support this legislation.”

“As a longtime advocate for survivors, getting to work on these bills is an honor,” said State Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago). “Working with survivors who use their experience to engage in advocacy to ensure others are better protected than they were is awe-inspiring. Ensuring that survivors have access to appropriate care both at the time of their assault and afterward is a fundamental responsibility of our criminal justice and health systems. Similarly, our criminal justice system must constantly examine systems, procedures, and preconceived notions to ensure that we remove barriers to reporting by survivors.”

“Outdated policies unfortunately failed to protect vulnerable individuals by ensuring accountability and to support survivors with compassion and understanding of the trauma that results from one of the most horrific crimes there is,” said Rep. LaKesia Collins (D-Chicago). “These bills, which I am pleased to see Governor Pritzker sign into law, close loopholes and increase access to resources—both of which will better protect the most vulnerable Illinoisans.”

“The Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault applauds the passage and signing of HB 5441 and SB 3023. These important pieces of legislation affirm essential, common-sense protections and services warranted for survivors of sexual violence. HB 5441 recognizes affirmative consent as the baseline for sexual contact and helps ensure perpetrators do not escape prosecution solely because they did not personally drug a survivor before committing sexual violence. SB 3023 expands survivor access to necessary medical treatment in a timeframe that is consistent with national recommendations and provides a clearer path to navigating the complicated steps often involved with managing insurance claims and related documentation. ICASA fully supports the improved access to legal and medical services resulting from these bills,” said Carrie Ward, Chief Executive Officer, Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault

“Updating the definition of intoxication in our criminal code and doubling the amount of time survivors have to seek reimbursable medical attention expands their options for justice and care in the aftermath of sexual assault. We are proud of the survivors who advocated for these changes and celebrate their signing,” said Mallory Littlejohn, Legal Director at the Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation

“This bill provides survivors with more options during their difficult times,” said Monika Pitzele, MD., PHD. “By allowing them to opt out from using private insurance, it will increase access to care for those concerned for their privacy or confidentiality. It will also provide better health care by extending the duration of the voucher for follow up visits and treatments.”

* Sen. Fine…

Human services professionals may soon have access to student loan repayment assistance, thanks to a law led by State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview).

“Human services workers provide life-changing services to some of our most vulnerable communities,” Fine said. “It is past time that we provide them with much-needed assistance.”

Employees in the human services industry include welfare caseworkers, youth service providers, social workers, and many other positions specializing in working with marginalized communities. However, the industry is experiencing a shortage in employees, partially due to financial barriers. Many of these professions require a bachelor’s or master’s degree. However, salaries do not often match the educational achievements, and many human service workers struggle to pay off their student loans.

Fine’s law encourages more students to enter this rewarding and essential workforce by providing student loan repayment plans for employees of community-based human services agencies. The law works to combat the critical worker shortage for the industry and provides assistance to many current human services workers, many of whom are women and people of color.

“While it is necessary for human services professionals to have specialized degrees to work with at-risk communities, possible student debt should not be a deterrent for interested students,” Fine said. “This loan repayment program will help ensure that the cost of tuition is no longer a financial roadblock when pursuing a career in human services.”

Senate Bill 3925 was signed into law June 10, 2022. It takes effect immediately.

* Governor’s office…

Governor JB Pritzker today designated the eastern milksnake as the official snake of the State of Illinois.

House Bill 4821 began as an initiative led by Gentry Heiple, a 7th grader at Carterville Junior High School. Gentry was inspired to advocate for this legislation after reaching out to State Rep. Dave Severin (R-Benton) to inquire about how a bill becomes a law. Gentry conducted all the research and ultimately chose the eastern milksnake. He presented his idea to the House of Representatives State Government Administration Committee who gave unanimous consent.

The eastern milksnake is found all across Illinois – it lives in fields, woodlands, rocky hills, and river bottoms. The milksnake ranges from 24 to 36 inches in length, has smooth scales, large blotches with brown or black borders, and a y- or v-shaped mark on its head. It is not a poisonous snake and are even bred as pets.

Illinois recognizes several other official symbols of the state, including; state bird- the Northern Red Cardinal, state flower- the violet, state tree- the white oak, and state fish- the bluegill. Governor Pritzker signed a bill designating dolostone as the state rock earlier this month after a successful campaign also carried out by students learning about the civic process. More officially designated state flora and fauna can be found on the Illinois DNR website.

“I couldn’t be prouder of our young Illinoisans, like Gentry Heiple, who have gotten involved in our state’s legislative process,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “I am honored to sign this bill into law declaring the eastern milksnake the official snake of Illinois. Gentry, may you continue to use your voice to advocate for change—making our state better one bill at a time.”

“I truly enjoyed working with Gentry and his mother on this project,” said State Representative Dave Severin (R-Benton). “Gentry had the idea, did all the research, and bravely presented his idea to the House State Government Administration Committee. I am especially pleased that this bill is receiving the Governor’s signature, and that my office was able to help facilitate connecting a local student to the legislative process.”

“I was honored to carry this legislation over from the House and sponsor a bill that not only established an official state snake but brought to life the vision of 11-year-old Gentry Heiple, from Southern Illinois who took the initiative in making sure our state indeed had an official snake,” said State Senator Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg).

“I decided to do this bill to try and highlight the good and importance of snakes all over,” said Gentry Heiple. “And by doing this I was able to visit the capitol and meet some of the most important people in Illinois. And I am very grateful and appreciative of all the people who supported me and voted yes on the bill. I was surprised to see the amount of people with such fear be so intrigued and supportive of this snake bill.”

* Rep. Ramirez…

State Representative Delia C. Ramirez, D-Chicago, is celebrating the signing of HB 5581, which designates Illinois Route 21/Milwaukee Ave from Sangamon St. in Chicago to Greenwood Rd. in the Village of Niles as the Milwaukee Avenue Polish Heritage Corridor. The bill, introduced and sponsored by Ramirez, was signed into law by Governor JB Pritzker on June 10, 2022.

“Our city and state are richer and fuller due to the many contributions from the Polish American community” said Rep. Ramirez. “Establishing this Polish Heritage Corridor is an opportunity for us to acknowledge, reflect, and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Polish Americans in Chicago and throughout our state. Investing in and celebrating the unique cultural heritage of the communities I represent has been an important part of my work in the state legislature. I am proud to have led this initiative and demonstration of Illinois’ deep and historic connection to Polish history and culture.”

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, from 2016-2020 people with Polish ancestry made up, on average, around 2.7% of those living in the United States and around 6.6% of Illinois residents, giving Illinois one of the highest proportions of residents with Polish ancestry in the nation.

The new law authorizes the Illinois Department of Transportation to erect plaques along the Corridor in recognition of its new status.

“I am pleased that Gov. Pritzker has signed this important bill into law,” said Ramirez. “I look forward to working with the administration as we continue to partner in honoring, investing in, and preserving the unique cultural heritage and legacy of Illinois’ diverse communities.”


Campaign notebook

Thursday, Jun 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Cook County Assessor candidate Kari Steele was on the Munir Muhammad Show recently and took caller questions….

Q: My question is how much does a senior income have to be in order to receive a tax freeze on their property? Thank you.

Steele: I believe the senior income has to be less than 55. I’m not sure because I’m not at the assessor’s office now. But I can tell you this, once I’m at the assessor’s office, one, I’ll definitely know the amount, but I will work with the senior community…

Um, it’s $65,000 and that answer is just facepalm embarrassing. Video clip is here. Full show is here.

* Brenden Moore

Trump campaign rally for Rep. Mary Miller appears increasingly likely […]

Overall, Trump’s candidate has won 12 congressional primaries and lost three times with 11 left to be decided, according to Axios.

* The House Republicans have taken the “closet Democrat” claim to a whole other level in the 93rd District, where Rep. Mark Luft (R-Pekin) is facing Travis Weaver in the primary. From a Weaver Facebook ad

In this week’s installment of “What’s Mark Makin’ Up”, we have a decade old picture of me and a family friend that has been photoshopped into a picture of me and public enemy number one—JB Pritzker. You can’t make this stuff up; oh wait… I guess you can! These untruthful mailers are sad, but fortunately they’re so blatantly bad it is comical. Nonetheless, without any further ado, here is FACT CHECK #3:

- Claim #1: I “share the same insider circles” as JB Pritzker and Mike Madigan
- Fact #1: It is an absurd statement to make. I have never hung out with them, I don’t have any friends who have hung out with them, I don’t know what shows they watch; frankly, sometimes I don’t know what planet they live on. I would recognize them if I saw them because they ransacked our state, but that’s about it. I don’t know how else to refute it, except to point out that I live by Kickapoo. This may shock you, but I don’t think Pritzker and Madigan are regulars at the Jubilee Café.

- Claim #2: I’m “not a Republican”
- Fact #2: I’ve been a Republican my entire life, I was raised by two Republican parents and four grandparents who flipped between Rush Limbaugh and the Chicago Cubs on the radio. I have never voted for, aligned with, donated to, or supported a Democrat in my life. In the words of Mike Pence, “I’m a Christian, Conservative, Republican, in that order”

Weaver posted the photoshopped Luft mailer pic


* Illinois Times

State Rep. Tim Butler, R-Springfield, faces a challenge in the Republican primary from Kent Gray, a candidate with more baggage than Samsonite. […]

Gray, 52, is a Springfield-area lawyer who had his law license suspended for one year, beginning in December 2018. He owes back property taxes for his Leland Grove home. And by his own admission, he’s behind on child-support payments for his two children.

“The Illinois General Assembly already has enough ethical challenges without electing someone like this,” Butler said of his opponent.

Gray said the Sangamon County Republican Party establishment hates Donald Trump and consequently is opposed to him because he supports the 45th president and once managed his Illinois campaign. He added that his opponent is a “Never Trumper.”

* Whew…

* CD1…

“Day One” a 30-second ad has begun to run on broadcast and cable television. The ad will also reach voters on digital channels, and features Alderman Pat Dowell, saying in her own words that she will be ready on Day One to represent the 1st Congressional District. The ad will run through Election Day.

“My goal as a public servant has always been to listen and speak directly with the people I represent. As Alderman and Chair of the Budget Committee in City Council, I have been able to pass legislation and work across the aisle to get results. I am ready to begin work on Day One in Congress,” said Ald. Pat Dowell, candidate for the Democratic nomination for Illinois’ 1st Congressional District.

The ads can be viewed at:



“Day One”

Alderman Pat Dowell:

I got my start with Mayor Harold Washington.

As an alderman, I’ve delivered resources that have transformed neighborhoods into thriving areas of growth and opportunity.

Now we need a voice in congress to deliver on the issues that matter.

Protecting our votes;

Stopping gun violence;

Making it easier to afford gas and groceries.

I’m Democrat Pat Dowell. I approve this message because on day one, I’m ready to get the job done for you.

* Also from Dowell…

National Organization for Women Political Action Committee has endorsed Pat Dowell for Democratic Nomination for Congress in the First District of Illinois.

“The National Organization for Women has been the voice for women for generations, and I am incredibly proud to receive this endorsement. I will continue standing with NOW to fight for a women’s right to choose, pay equity, and equal rights. If elected, I will be the first woman to represent the 1st Congressional District; I am ready for that responsibility,” said Ald. Pat Dowell, candidate for the Democratic nomination for Illinois’ 1st Congressional District.

…Adding… Press release…

As part of a multi-stop tour of Chicago, Senator Bernie Sanders will host a rally at the Humboldt Park Boathouse for Northwest side progressives. The event is aimed at encouraging Chicagoans to take advantage of early voting, which commenced on June 13th.

Senator Sanders has endorsed progressive Delia Ramirez in her run for U.S Congress in the newly re-drawn 3rd District, which covers Humboldt Park as well as Logan Square, Belmont-Cragin, and several northwest suburbs. Ramirez is a lifelong Chicagoan and daughter of Guatemalan immigrants who has served as 4th District State Rep in the Illinois General Assembly since 2018.

WHO: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, State Rep. Delia Ramirez, Congressman Chuy Garcia, Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates, Jonathan Jackson Candidate for IL-01, Senator Omar Aquino, Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas, Senator Karina Villa, Senator Robert Peters, State Representative Will Guzzardi, 4th District Illinois House candidate Lilian Jimenez, 8th District Cook County Commissioner candidate Anthony Quezada, 35th Ward Alderman Carlos Ramirez Rosa, 33rd Ward Alderwoman Rossana Rodriguez.

* More…

* Illinois Republican primary for attorney general: Tom Devore against Steve Kim and David Shestokas: Crackdowns on crime, corruption and COVID-19 restrictions — with some unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud for good measure.The three men vying for the Republican nomination for Illinois attorney general have all the major conservative hot-button issues pressed down as they duke it out for a challenge to Democrat Kwame Raoul, who is wrapping up his first term as the state’s chief legal officer.

* Sullivan, Rabine, Schimpf, Solomon seek to catch up with frontrunners in GOP governor’s race

* Quinn calls out Lightfoot for not keeping promise on enacting mayoral term limit

* Spotlight Politics: Billionaires Spend Tens of Millions on Governor’s Race

* Free gas, tax relief, guaranteed income all part of pre-election freebie frenzy

* Karl Rove: Why Democrats Are Funding the GOP Fringe

* Rob Martwick and Erin Jones square off in negative campaign mailers in race for 10th Senate District seat: Jones has said that she became politically engaged about 5 years ago when she was one of dozens of city workers who former alderman John Arena (45th) filed a police accountability complaint against because of “racially charged” comments she allegedly made on social media about a controversial mixed-income housing project at 5150 N. Northwest Hwy. … Jones’ campaign is being supported by the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7, and she has been endorsed by Alderman Anthony Napolitano (41st) and County Clerk of the Circuit Clerk Iris Martinez.

* ‘Save America Rally’ reserves Adams County Fairgrounds for June event: A contract to reserve the Adams County Fairgrounds June 24 to 26 has been signed by a renting organization named “Save America Rally,” fairground officials confirmed Tuesday. Save America likely is a reference to the leadership PAC established in November 2020 by former President Donald Trump, who previously stated he would be open to traveling to Illinois to support the campaign of U.S. Rep. Mary Miller, R-Oakland.

* The Race for the 1st District - As Rep. Bobby Rush retires, more than a dozen vie to take his place

* Miller and Davis compare conservative credentials in the 15th Congressional District primary

* Marter: Underwood, Democrats to Blame for Caterpillar Move

* Toni Preckwinkle defends her criminal justice record as primary opponent Richard Boykin claims she’s ‘pandering to the … defund the police movement’


State unemployment rate unchanged, still lags a point behind national average

Thursday, Jun 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller


The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) announced today that the unemployment rate was unchanged at 4.6 percent, while nonfarm payrolls increased by +12,800 in May, based on preliminary data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and released by IDES. The April monthly change in payrolls was revised from the preliminary report, from +9,300 to +6,400 jobs. The April unemployment rate was unchanged from the preliminary report, remaining at 4.6 percent. The May payroll jobs estimate and unemployment rate reflect activity for the week including the 12th.

In May, the industry sectors with the largest over-the-month gains in employment were: Leisure and Hospitality (+6,000), Educational and Health Services (+3,300) and Construction (+2,600). The industry sectors that reported monthly payroll declines were: Trade, Transportation and Utilities (-800), Other Services (-800) and Mining (-100).

“We’re pleased to see the continuation of Illinois’ economic growth,” said Deputy Governor Andy Manar. “The Pritzker Administration, alongside IDES and local partners, continues to work toward a stronger and more sustainable workforce system. We encourage job seekers and businesses across the state to visit Get Hired Illinois or for today’s latest resources.”

“Over the past year, Illinois has made long-term sustainable progress in adding jobs and lowering unemployment since the state fully re-opened in June 2021,” said DCEO Director Sylvia I. Garcia. “We’re encouraged to see gains in the leisure and hospitality, construction and education sectors and continue to support our workforce through training and programs for job seekers.”

The state’s unemployment rate was +1.0 percentage points higher than the national unemployment rate reported for May, which was 3.6 percent, unchanged from the previous month. The Illinois unemployment rate was down -1.9 percentage points from a year ago when it was at 6.5 percent.

Compared to a year ago, nonfarm payroll employment increased by +249,700 jobs, with gains across nearly all major industries. The industry groups with the largest jobs increases were: Leisure and Hospitality (+84,600), Professional and Business Services (+43,500), and Trade, Transportation and Utilities (+41,900). The Mining sector (-300) was the only industry sector that reported an over-the-year decline in payroll employment. In May, total nonfarm payrolls were up +4.3 percent over-the-year in Illinois and up +4.5 percent in the nation.

The number of unemployed workers was up from the prior month, a +0.5 percent increase to 297,800 and was down -27.1 percent over the same month one year ago. The labor force was up +0.2 percent over-the-month and up +2.5 percent over-the-year. The unemployment rate identifies those individuals who are out of work and seeking employment. An individual who exhausts or is ineligible for benefits is still reflected in the unemployment rate if they actively seek work.


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Thursday, Jun 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Struck employers issue statement defending themselves as Local 150 teams up with the FOP

Thursday, Jun 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Chicago Area Aggregate Producers Association, which has just three very large corporate members…

On June 7, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 began a strike against three companies that make up the Chicago Area Aggregate Producers Association: Vulcan Materials, Lehigh Hanson and Lafarge.

As the strike continues, it is important for union members, customers, stakeholders and the public to know the facts. Below is a statement from CAAPA to set the record straight:

“It is unfortunate that Local 150 decided to strike and that union leaders have been providing misleading information about the situation.

We reached out to Local 150 on March 1 to begin contract negotiations and were in contact with the union throughout the spring. Local 150 did not agree to sit down for talks until after the contract expired on April 30 and almost immediately decided to strike. Local 150 still has not presented a wage and benefit proposal despite multiple requests.

Local 150 has made unfounded claims regarding safety issues and using unskilled replacement workers. These allegations are simply not true. Our trained and experienced management employees are working to support our customers to minimize disruption to their businesses.

The strike not only jeopardizes essential infrastructure needs that impact roads, bridges and flood-prevention projects, it also increases costs for taxpayers during this shortened construction season.
We remain committed to finding a path forward that is mutually beneficial, and we are hopeful our continued negotiations at the bargaining table bring our employees back to work soon.”

* Meanwhile, here’s a press release issued Tuesday…

This morning, leaders from the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police and Chicago Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7 issued statements in support of the striking members of the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 150.

More than 300 IUOE Local 150 members went on strike on June 7th against construction material producer companies Lehigh Hanson, Vulcan Materials, and Lafarge Holcim in protest of unfair labor practice charges filed with the National Labor Relations Board.

“Hard working men and women deserve to be treated with dignity at work,” said Illinois FOP President Chris Southwood. “We stand in solidarity with the striking members of IUOE Local 150 and call on these companies to prioritize these workers’ health, safety, and rights on the job.”

“The officers of the Chicago FOP stand with Local 150 members as they exercise their right to peacefully strike in the wake of their employers’ alleged unfair labor practices,” said Chicago Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7 President John Catanzara. “The men and women of the FOP understand the power of collective action to bring progress on the job and call upon these employers to negotiate in good faith and work with the union to reach a resolution that is fair and equitable for their workers.”

The Illinois FOP is the second largest State Lodge, proudly representing over 33,000 active duty and retired police officers – more than 10 percent of all FOP members nationwide. The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7 represents officers of the Chicago Police Department.

* The day before that Tuesday press released was issued, the Chicago Land Operators Joint Labor Management PAC, which is heavily influenced by Local 150, put $10K into the United Working Taxpayers PAC. That committee had previously been funded solely by the Chicago FOP and, as subscribers know, had sent out a negative mailer against a couple of Democratic state legislators that 150 supports, but the FOP opposes…

It also allows the Chicago FOP to get around the contribution caps since the group was nearly at that cap for Chicago police detective and Republican activist Erin Jones, who’s running against Sen. Rob Martwick (D-Chicago) in the Democratic primary.

The United Working Taxpayers PAC has not yet disclosed spending that money, but it recently disclosed spending cash in a bevy of races, including for Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Iris Martinez’s state central committee contest and on behalf of Carmen Navarro, who has since been removed from the ballot for county sheriff. Those are/were both Chicago FOP peeps. The FOP/Operators-funded PAC has also reported spending $19K against state Rep. Delia Ramirez in her congressional primary against Ald. Gil Villegas.

This story gets even more complicated, but I’m going to wait for a bit on that.

…Adding… Ed Maher from Local 150…

Hi Rich,

The contribution to UWT was made in support of Election Day activities for candidates that we’ve endorsed. Nothing more to it than that.

Police have often voiced support for Local 150 and other unions during strikes. Employers will frequently call police on striking workers or union representatives on picket lines, but we are extremely thorough in educating our members and staff on laws that apply to picketing in order to ensure that all picket lines and strike activity are conducted peacefully and in accordance with applicable laws.


Bailey says it’s “obvious” that Pritzker believes he’s the “easiest candidate to beat”

Thursday, Jun 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Josh Lamberty at WQAD

Two Illinois Republican gubernatorial hopefuls visited the Quad Cities area on Wednesday, making another pitch to voters ahead of the June 28 primary election. […]

Both candidates believe, however, Gov. J.B. Pritzker is trying to influence the Republican primary election with recent advertising.

“For a Republican to win as governor of the state of Illinois, that Republican’s going to need Republican support, independent support, and democratic crossover support. J.B. Pritzker knows I’ll be able to get all those,” Irvin said.

“I think it’s obvious Governor Pritzker thinks I’m the easiest candidate to beat and my message to Governor Pritzker is be careful what you wish for because it’s coming right toward ya,” Bailey said. “So, the people of Illinois are absolutely fed up with the state of our state. They’re ready for something different.”


…Adding… The Bailey campaign’s spokesperson texted me this afternoon to say Bailey’s comments were “cut off” by the paper, but didn’t respond when I asked what else Bailey said.


Question of the day

Thursday, Jun 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz

As one top business insider who knows the company puts it, in a cultural sense, conservative business CEOs feel more comfortable now in Texas or Florida than they do in liberal Illinois. That means they’ll split if they have an excuse to go.

That’s the case with Citadel. Its boss, Ken Griffin, is most definitely on the conservative side. I hear he refers to Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker as “a Bolshevik.” But his real issue lately is Chicago street crime and violence, which has made his staff and clients feel uncomfortable and made it more difficult to lure the talent that is critical to Citadel’s future.

So, he has an excuse. And speculation is rising that if the Griffin-staked Richard Irvin goes down in flames in the June 28 GOP gubernatorial primary, as appears increasingly likely, Griffin will simply pull the plug.

* The Question: Do you think Ken Griffin will leave Illinois if Richard Irvin loses the primary/general? Make sure to explain your answer, but insults and huzzahs will be deleted. Stick to the question.


Rate the new Mike Zalewski broadcast TV ad

Thursday, Jun 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Spotted on WGN this morning


There’s the truth, and then there’s the whole truth.

Abdelnasser Rashid is attacking Mike Zalewski for being too close to former Speaker Madigan. The Whole Truth? Rashid took $50,000 from Madigan. That’s a lot of money.

And here’s the rest: Rashid’s now funded by an insider who bankrolls right-wing politicians determined to deprive women of their right to choose and attack common sense gun laws. He doesn’t even live in the district. The Sun-Times has called Rashid, disappointing and out of touch. And now you know why.

Background on that “insider” is here

But Othman also has a long history of contributing to Democrats and has mostly contributed to Democrats for nearly the past 20 years, including to the campaigns of former President Barack Obama, Sen. Dick Durbin, and congressional representatives Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, Sean Casten, Marie Newman and a host of other Democrats.

Othman told the Landmark that he grew up in a Republican household and used to be a Republican, but that changed about 20 years ago.

“I did switch from being a Republican to a Democrat, because the Republican Party over the last 20 some years has pulled to the right so far that they’re over the cliff now,” Othman said.

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, a Zalewski slams an opponent over ties to Madigan. Wow.


Open thread

Thursday, Jun 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Thursday, Jun 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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