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Friday, Jun 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Crank it up

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Krishnamoorthi’s Democratic primary opponent called out for promoting “anti-gay and anti-abortion activist”

Friday, Jun 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Raja Krishnamoorthi’s spokesperson…

Rich- Last night, during the League of Women Voters Candidate Forum between Raja Krishnamoorthi and Junaid Ahmed, Raja asked Junaid to please stop promoting hate speech against him and our office. Per our last convo, please see the attached document which includes a link to the recent protest and some supporting information to contextualize Pieter Friedrich and to show that, unfortunately, we know that Junaid has been intimately involved in promoting this sort of rhetoric.

Importantly, Secretary of State Jesse White and Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr. have issued statements.

* From the document…

Ahmed Promotes Violent Hate Speech Against Congressman Raja

• At a recent protest (on 5/21/22) outside Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi’s District Office, Pieter Friedrich led a group of Junaid’s campaign staff and supporters in chanting “Nazi’s out, Raja must go” and “death to Krishnamoorthi.” The video can be viewed here:
• Instead of condemning the speech, Junaid repeatedly promoted the protest on social media (before, during, and after), its leader, Pieter Friedrich, and the hate speech used at the protest

Pieter Friedrich

• Pieter Friedrich is a highly controversial lifelong provocateur who spent much of his life as an anti-gay, anti-abortion advocate. He opposed gay marriage and said that gay rights and homosexuality should be illegal by default. (“08/25/2003: “Why I Hate Democracy”,” Pieter Friedrich, Deus Ego, 8/25/2013)

    o Specifically, he said: “as for ‘gay’ rights and abortion, those should never have become issues in the first place. The people and the representatives should be restrained by unchangeable laws from even messing with issues like those. Those things ought to be illegal by default.” (Ibid)

• In 2017 and as recent as 2020, Friedrich has led calls to tear down Gandhi statues, comparing them to Confederate Monuments (
• Various reporters and intelligence experts question his source of income and affiliations (Michael Rubin, Washington Examiner, 2022)

Statement from Secretary of State Jesse White

“I know Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi to be an outstanding Member of Congress and leader in our state. I was deeply disturbed that anti-gay and anti-abortion activist Pieter Friedrich used violent, extremist, and racist language toward Congressman Raja, and that his opponent, Junaid Ahmed, promoted Friedrich’s activities,” said IL Secretary of State Jesse White. “As an African-American who grew up in the Jim Crow era, I know what it’s like to have your motives unfairly questioned based on the color of your skin or where you were born. This form of stereotyping people of color and minorities, along with Friedrich’s vile rhetoric, have no place in the Democratic Party or in our broader political system, period. This is the Trump playbook, and we are much better than this.”

Statement from Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr.

“The days of people like Friedrich making threats against non-white people, especially because of the color of their skin, their religious affiliation, or their country of origin must remain behind us. To put it bluntly: saying ‘Nazis out, Raja must go’ and ‘Death to Krishnamoorthi’ is racist, bigoted, incendiary rhetoric that does not belong in our political or civic discourse. I condemn Pieter Friedrich and others who engage in bigoted extremist rhetoric, and I condemn Junaid Ahmed’s actions in continuing to promote Pieter Friedrich, this event, and sharing this hate speech publicly and on social media. In the strongest possible terms I urge all candidates for elected office to use your platform to unite us, not divide us, and to refrain from using hate as a means to scoring cheap political points.”

I’ve asked the Junaid Ahmed campaign for a response.


New laws

Friday, Jun 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some of these are just a bit dated. This one’s from today, though…

Governor JB Pritzker today signed two pieces of legislation that allow for the expanded use of expressway cameras, empowering law enforcement agencies to investigate criminal activities along expressways and State highways.

“There is nothing more important than keeping Illinoisans safe—in our schools, in our parks, and on our expressways,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “The tragic incidences of gun violence on our highways requires aggressive and intentional action. By signing this bill, law enforcement agencies will have the tools to respond to criminal activity in a timely and efficient manner—ensuring the safety and security of our residents, while holding perpetrators accountable.”

“Automated license plate readers play a growing, critical role in ISP investigations and arrests in the Chicagoland area,” said ISP Director Brendan F. Kelly. “ISP now routinely uses this technology to track down expressway shootings and carjacking suspects, so the expansion of this technology across Illinois expands our ability to protect our interstates and bring violent criminals to justice.”

House Bill 4481 increases the number of cameras along expressways and State highways in the counties of Boone, Bureau, Champaign, Cook, DeKalb, DuPage, Grundy, Henry, Kane, Kendall, Lake, LaSalle, Macon, Madison, McHenry, Morgan, Peoria, Rock Island, Sangamon, St. Clair, Will, and Winnebago. The state’s FY23 budget included $20 million to expand the technology. This legislation is effective immediately. […]

House Bill 260 allows for the use of expressway cameras along Jean-Baptiste Pointe DuSable Lake Shore Drive. This gives law enforcement agencies the ability to use images from expressway cameras to investigate vehicular hijacking and other criminal activities, detect highway conditions and facilitate highway safety and incident management services. This legislation is effective immediately.

* Sen. Ellman…

Legislation sponsored by State Senator Laura Ellman (D-Naperville) to make naloxone, an opioid overdose reversal drug, more accessible was signed into law Thursday.

“Opioids are permeating our communities, and people are dying at record rates. By making naloxone more accessible, we can prevent more deaths as we work to address the root of addiction,” Ellman said. “Naloxone saves lives. You can’t put a price on that.”

House Bill 4408 prohibits insurers and Medicaid from charging a copay for naloxone, an opioid suppressant. Naloxone can be lifesaving for people overdosing on opioids, but can often cost up to $140 for two doses.

According to the CDC, more than 100,000 people in the United States died from an opioid overdose in 2020 – and in one out of three cases, a bystander was present who could have saved the person’s life if naloxone had been accessible.

“Naloxone is a safe and effective medication that saves lives. Many of our communities continue to struggle in the midst of the opioid epidemic. It is important that we take steps to meet our friends, neighbors, and family members where they are at,” said State Representative Deb Conroy (D-Villa Park), House sponsor of the bill. “By eliminating the insurance copay on this essential drug, the General Assembly is doing just that.”

The legislation goes into effect Jan. 1, 2024.

* Sen. Simmons…

To better inform and raise awareness for health issues that particularly effect men, State Senator Mike Simmons (D-Chicago) led a measure to create the division of men’s health within the Illinois Department of Public Health Office of Health Promotion.

“We know that men are less likely to go see a doctor or other healthcare professional when they are not feeling right,” Simmons said. “They may end up missing their body’s signs of sickness and eventually progress to disease – especially if they are not educated on signs to lookout for.”

Life expectancy of men remains more than five years less than women, and men lead in nine of the top ten causes of death in the United States. Simmons’ measure would raise awareness of health issues particular to men that are not currently or adequately addressed by IPDH, including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, smoking cessation, heart disease, and mental health.

“This law will raise awareness of health issues millions of men suffer from each day,” Simmons said. “I am proud to help usher in a new era of communication and prevention for men across the state.”

House Bill 4589 was signed into law last week and takes effect next January.

* Sen. Bush…

A career-long advocate for the fight against the ongoing opioid epidemic, State Senator Melinda Bush fought during the spring legislative session to make opioid overdose reversal drugs more accessible and provide people with more education surrounding the consequences of opioids.

“We all know someone who has a friend or family member that struggles with addiction — and the thought of that person losing their battle with opioids when lifesaving medication is available is devastating,” said Bush (D-Grayslake). “We must put an end to the red tape and hurdles people have to go through to receive naloxone so we can tackle the crisis head on.”

Bush’s law – House Bill 4408 – prohibits insurers and Medicaid from charging a copay for naloxone – an opioid suppressant. Naloxone can be lifesaving for people overdosing on opioids, but can often be inaccessible with a cost of up to $140 for two doses.

“It’s simple: naloxone saves lives,” Bush said. “The more accessible naloxone is, the better.”

Senate Bill 2535 – also championed by Bush and signed into law Thursday – requires pharmacists to inform the patient that opioids are addictive and offer to give the patient naloxone – a common opioid reversal medication.

More than 75,000 people died from an opioid overdose in 2020 – and in one out of three cases, a bystander was present who could have saved the person’s life, had naloxone been accessible.

Since first entering the General Assembly, Bush has been a steadfast advocate on fighting the ongoing opioid crisis. In 2015, she championed legislation to make naloxone more accessible and affordable to law enforcement agencies. Both measures signed Thursday are another step toward saving lives from the deadly effects of opioids.

“The opioid epidemic is a serious and complicated issue that only continues to get worse,” Bush said. “The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the opioid crisis, especially amongst vulnerable populations. We must tackle this crisis head on.”

House Bill 4408 and Senate Bill 2535 were both signed into law Thursday.

* Sen. Peters…

A measure to help medical professionals get more tests into the hands of individuals who battle opioid addiction was signed into law thanks to the efforts of State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago).

“This reform will help save lives,” Peters said. “We still have a long way to go, but removing penalties organizations face when they have access to test strips is a responsible way to address the opioid crisis and to create real public safety for all instead of continuing the misguided policies of the past.”

The new law is designed to expand on the Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction Act of 2019. This measure will increase the number of persons and professions in the medical community who would not be penalized for possessing a limited residual amount of a controlled substance as part of the drug testing process.

Additionally, the supplies will be required to be stored at a medical office with limited access and would be available to designated workers such as an advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant.

“We need to ensure that all communities in our state are protected and that they know what is going into their body,” Peters said. “I’m glad that we are taking this important step to make sure that people will not be left to the wolves of the fentanyl overdose crisis.”

The measure was signed into law on Thursday and takes effect immediately.

* Gov. Pritzker…

Governor JB Pritzker signed HB4165 into law today, marking the creation of the Lake Michigan Rescue Equipment Act. The act, introduced by Rep. Kelly M. Cassidy (D-Chicago), is a crucial step towards addressing recent drownings in Lake Michigan and preventing future accidents by requiring public rescue equipment on all piers or drop-off points on the lake. The act also lays out new guidelines for reporting drowning events and establishing water safety guidelines.

“The stories of recent drownings on Lake Michigan are both tragic and preventable,” said Governor Pritzker. “This law will protect countless families from experiencing those same terrible losses and ensure a safer Lake Michigan for the thousands of Illinoisans who enjoy it every year.”

The act requires both private and government-owned piers and drop-off points to be outfitted with public rescue equipment such as flotation devices. Beyond requiring easily accessible flotation devices, the act also requires local governments to post warnings in high-incident areas and standardizes reporting of drowning incidents to the Illinois Department of Public Health.

The Lake Michigan Rescue Equipment Act was proposed following the death of 19-year-old Miguel Cisneros, who drowned in Lake Michigan in August of 2021. Cisneros’ family and activists in Rogers Park advocated for increased water safety measures after the tragic accident and several other incidents in the neighborhood in recent years.

2020 was one of the deadliest summers on Lake Michigan in years with 56 drowning deaths recorded, prompting legislators and community groups to advocate for laws like the Lake Michigan Rescue Equipment Act. The Great Lakes Surf Rescue Project, a water safety advocacy group, cites Lake Michigan as the Great Lake with the highest rate of drownings. Drownings often happen quickly and with little noise. Public safety officials recommend using wearable flotation devices, closely monitoring children at play, and assessing weather conditions carefully before swimming.
“Governor Pritzker’s partnership advancing thoughtful and impactful legislation remains a hallmark of his administration,” said State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago). “Today’s signing of this community-driven problem-solving initiative continues to illustrate his belief in empowering our communities to seek solutions that work. I’m grateful all to the advocates, especially the Cisneros family, who turned their grief into action and brought us to this day.”

“We have had too many tragic and, in many cases, preventable deaths on Lake Michigan,” said State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago). “Simple rescue equipment like lifesavers are an effective way to help people get to safety in case they fall or find themselves struggling in the water.”

“The passage of this law is an example of how democracy should work,” said 49th Ward Alderman Maria Hadden. “Thank you to the community leaders who implored us to do more to prevent further tragedies at our lakefront. Having this new standard for saving is the right thing to do to save lives.”

“This is great progress toward a safer Lake Michigan shoreline, with so many more life rings becoming available,” said Jamie Racklyeft, Executive Director, Great Lakes Water Safety Consortium. “This successful bill can now serve as a template for other Great Lakes states, counties, communities, and parks interested in ways to keep their residents and visitors safer around the water.

“In 2018 on a Chicago beach we frantically searched for something that could float while helplessly watching a child fatally submerge and witnessing several would-be-rescuers turn into victims needing rescuing themselves,” said Halle Quezada Rasmussen, Founder of Collective Resource Compost. “This weekend, I stood in front of a life ring at that same spot and whispered to the 13-year girl we lost, ‘this is for you.’ Of course, it is too late for her and I will never stop wishing this could bring her back, but her legacy will live in this law, ensuring that when the unthinkable unfolds, we will have a fighting chance at survival. I am so grateful to everyone who made this progress possible—if we can reduce preventable deaths, we should and now, we are.”

* SEIU Healthcare Illinois President Greg Kelley…

We are pleased to commend our legislative leaders, Gov. JB Pritzker, Sen. Ann Gillespie and Rep. Anna Moeller for the passage and signing of the Illinois Nursing Home Rate Reform bill into law.

Today, as a result of the outspoken voices of our members, allies, and supporters, including former nursing home worker and SEIU Healthcare member, Rep. Lakesia Collins, we are now able to address the nursing home industry’s failure to invest public funds into the most critical component of our care industry, our health care staff. This law will ensure that nursing home funding has a path through to those that provide direct care and crucial services to our most vulnerable populations.

As a union of over 90,000 members with over 12,000 being nursing home workers in hundreds of facilities throughout the state, it is imperative we uplift the necessity of investing in a care economy that supports safe staffing and retention as well as livable wages so that the workforce remains viable and most importantly sustainable. This law will establish a culture of accountability that will benefit skilled workers such as Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) who provide the majority of direct care to residents and have been underpaid and undervalued for far too long.

We look forward to the life changing impact this groundbreaking law will have on the quality of life for direct care providers and nursing home residents throughout Illinois for generations to come.

* Sen. Fine…

Universities will no longer be able to withhold transcripts from students who have not yet paid off their tuition balance, thanks to a new law led by State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview).

“As a former professor, I have witnessed firsthand the immense sacrifices, including taking on debt, students undertake to earn their degree and pursue a fulfilling career,” Fine said. “The practice of withholding transcripts can make it harder for students to find the necessary employment to pay off their debts. This law will ensure students have access to the documents they have earned through hard work, regardless of outstanding debt.”

Under Fine’s legislation, universities will be prohibited from withholding unofficial transcripts as a means of debt collection. Employers will be able to request official transcripts of those students seeking employment. Fine’s legislation will also require colleges and universities to institute a hardship policy, which will help students who have to drop out of a school due to an illness or significant financial burden the ability to re-enroll at a later date. Lastly, SB 3032 ensures debt collection agencies cannot use a past due debt with a college or university against a student’s credit rating.

“Students often go into debt with the expectation that their degree will give them the opportunity to get a well-paying job, which will help them pay off their loans,” Fine said. “Withholding transcripts, a practice that disproportionately impacts low-income or minority populations, creates additional barriers to financial independence. This law will give a pathway for students to pursue a career with the degree they earned while working to repay their debts.”

Senate Bill 3032 was signed into law May 27, 2022. It will go into effect immediately.

* Sen. Simmons…

Youth in Illinois will now begin to receive specialized education on mental health resources after a measure championed by State Senator Mike Simmons (D-Chicago) becomes law.

“This measure addresses a critical gap in the support systems that we need to offer our youth to be able to remain emotionally well,” Simmons said. “Our youth have been so resilient during these past few years, but many of the broader issues amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic have put a severe strain on the mental health of our young people. It’s imperative that we prioritize the mental health and well-being of our young people and center the experiences they are voicing and actually living through.”

Senate Bill 4028 will ensure that the curricula for elementary and secondary schools would be required to include how and where to find mental health resources in the state. The measure helps make students aware of mental health services that are available to them and helps erase the broader stigma behind mental health.

The measure was in part inspired by two of Simmons’ Youth People’s Legislative Councils, where Simmons discussed with young people themselves the issues that are salient to them such as violence and access to mental health as part of his mission to empower young people to become more involved in policy making.

“The struggle to find adequate resources for mental health is an issue that I hear time and time again when I meet with young people in the district I represent,” Simmons said. “I am pleased that we will begin to deliver practical resources to support our youth directly in our schools.”

Senate Bill 4028 was signed into law and takes immediately.

* Sen. Fine…

–An initiative led by State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview) and State Representative Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston), will protect pollinators like bees and butterflies by setting guidelines on the spraying of certain pesticides.

“Pollinators are essential to the health of our environment and our agriculture,” Fine said. “This law guarantees that they are not unnecessarily killed by pesticides targeting mosquitos, allowing them to continue to play their vital role in our ecosystem.”

The legislation restricts when commercial pesticides, also known as “mosquitocides,” can be applied to surfaces where mosquitoes feed, such as plant leaves, turf or mulch. As many other insects often feed on these areas, pollinators can be unintended victims of pesticides during colder seasons when the mosquito population is lower. This law intends to limit the harm to pollinators at the hands of these pesticides.

“Pollinators are a key element of the circle of life. When our young constituent, Scarlett Harper, brought this problem to my attention I knew I had to do something,” said Rep. Gabel. “This bill protects bees and butterflies by ensuring that yard workers are educated about the best and worst times to spray for mosquitos and limiting the time for spraying. Thank you to Scarlett for her organizing and to Senator Fine for helping to shepherd this bill through the process.”

In the event of a public health emergency, like a virus transmitted through mosquito bites, the law allows for pesticides to be sprayed to stop such an emergency. Until then, this law prohibits spraying pesticides from October 16th through April 14th every year. This legislation will also require additional notification for when mosquitocide is sprayed in residential areas and would also prevent it from being sprayed on windy days, preventing pesticide drift. Fine is hopeful that this initiative will set an example for more environmental stewardship in lawmaking.

House Bill 3118 was signed into law May 27, 2022. It will take effect Jan. 1, 2023.

* Sen. Collins…

State Senator Jacqueline Collins sponsored a new law addressing the collateral consequences of cannabis use criminalization.

“People looking to correct their criminal record should not be stopped from meaningfully participating in society because of a positive drug test for cannabis,” said Collins (D-Chicago). “We have to stop treating its use as grounds for dismissal with respect to jobs and petition-filing.”

Individuals seeking to expunge or seal a felony conviction were previously required to take and pass a drug test to show the absence of illegal substance, including cannabis. House Bill 4392 will now allow petitioners to continue the filing process despite a positive test for cannabis. The new law was signed Friday.

Expungement and sealing are ways of allowing individuals to hide or clear their record, expanding their access to job opportunities and certain spaces. Before the signing of Collins’ law, despite cannabis’ legality in Illinois, a positive test would affect petitioners’ filing outcome prior to case consideration.

“People deserve second chances, and it is important that we afford this opportunity to those whose circumstances may have led them to crime,” Collins said. “This legislation is especially meaningful for our communities of color, who face disproportionate disparities in the criminal justice system.”

The new law takes effect Jan. 1, 2023.

* Finally, a press release from a state Representative…

Children with autism spectrum disorder on Medicaid in Illinois will soon have access to a life-changing form of therapy.

Two years ago, Representative Conroy was responsible for the Illinois General Assembly’s decision to appropriate funds to cover Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy under Medicaid. But because ABA therapists and technicians were not licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), the money set aside to help children who have autism on Medicaid sat in state coffers unused.

ABA therapy can be extremely helpful for children with autism. To make Medicaid-covered ABA therapy a reality, Representative Conroy passed House Bill 4769 to update Illinois’ licensure practices and accommodate the analysts who engage in this important work.

The bill successfully passed both the Illinois House and the Illinois Senate and was signed by Governor Pritzker on May 27th, 2022. This legislation requires the IDFPR to license the behavior analysts, assistant behavior analysts, and behavior technicians that perform this life-changing therapy. As a result, ABA therapy will finally be covered under Medicaid. The legislation went into effect immediately after being signed by the governor.

This essential initiative is the result of over four years of work. Proponents of the new law include Autism Speaks, Mid-State Special Education, and the Illinois Autism Insurance Coalition, among others.

Representative Conroy is committed to promoting a high quality of life for everyone with autism. Those interested in learning more about this legislation are encouraged to contact Representative Conroy’s Villa Park office by calling 630-415-3520 or emailing

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Campaign notebook

Friday, Jun 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. JB Pritzker contributed $500,000 to the Democratic Party of Illinois earlier today. I’ve asked both DPI and the governor’s campaign for a response, but haven’t yet heard back. Pritzker is currently backing candidates who are expected to vote for a new DPI chair and he refused to be pinned down on whether he supported the current chair earlier this week, so that’s why this is noteworthy.

…Adding… “The party is supportive of all Democrats and we’re going to do what we need to do to win and that includes supporting the governor,” said DPI spokesperson Jake Lewis.

…Adding… “The governor is proud to support Democrats up and down the ticket and will continue to work with pro-choice, pro-worker candidates at every level of government to defend against Republican extremism,” said Natalie Edelstein of the Pritzker campaign.

* During last night’s debate, Richard Irvin said

We’ve got to focus on making sure we support our men and women who wear that badge who keep us safe every day. Matter of fact, I’m endorsed by the FOP, state FOP here in the state…

In response, the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police issued a press release early this afternoon…

The Illinois Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) State Lodge, a fraternal organization that proudly represents more than 34,000 active duty and retired police officers, has made no endorsement in the primary races for Illinois Governor. The Illinois Fraternal Order of Police State Lodge has made no such endorsement in the Governor’s race in past primary elections and has continued that non-endorsement practice for the June 28 Illinois primary election.

“Other FOP organizations in Illinois may have made such endorsements this year, but not the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police State Lodge,” said Illinois FOP State Lodge President Chris Southwood. “We encourage any gubernatorial candidate who has received an endorsement to clearly specify the organization in order to avoid confusion among the voters of Illinois, including our members.”

Irvin was endorsed by the FOP Labor Council, which is a different group.

* Irvin, by the way, has a new version of his “focus group” TV ads. Click here to watch a bunch of white folks talking about how the “brave” Irvin has the “core inner strength” to utter the phrase “All lives matter.”

* What sort of staff does Jonathan Jackson have?

Jonathan Jackson, a frontrunner in the crowded House Democratic primary to replace Rep. Bobby Rush, failed to file a required financial disclosure report though all his leading rivals followed the law.

“That’s an oversight and a mistake that I did not file,” Jackson told the Chicago Sun-Times on Thursday.

Asked how he did not know he had to file a personal financial disclosure document, Jackson said, “I was not informed by the people that I’m working with.”

From fellow CD1 candidate and state Senator Jacqui Collins…

I’m disappointed Mr. Jackson failed to file his financial disclosure report – something fundamental to running a campaign and required by law. Transparency and ethics are vital components of our democracy. As someone who has served in the General Assembly and fought for ethics reform, I understand how desperately it’s needed. If Jonathan Jackson can’t show us a commitment to ethics now, how can voters trust him in Congress?

* Back to the governor’s race

Pritzker was asked at a news conference about Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin’s decision to withdraw from that city’s Pride Parade after organizers decided uniformed police officers may not take part. Irvin is running in the Republican gubernatorial primary in hopes of going on to challenge Pritzker.

“I don’t think we need to be making choices one way or the other. I stand up for our police – for our LGBTQ police officers – and for the LGBTQ community more broadly,” Pritzker said. “I think that’s what we ought to be doing.”

* Jesse Sullivan again pledged last night to cut the state budget by $10 billion. How?

By doing pension reform, by actually consolidating more units of government than any state in the nation, more per capita government workers than any state in the nation. We need a hiring freeze and we need a corruption and patronage audit that I will do from my office. And we are going to lower the taxes on the people of Illinois look more like Texas and Florida, not New York and California and Mr. Bailey, how

He’d have to basically eliminate all state pension payments to meet that goal. Also, Illinois has one of the lowest per capita rates of state government workers. C’mon, man.

…Adding… More from the debate via the DGA…

* Politico

The Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity Action is endorsing Richard Irvin in his bid to head the Republican ticket for governor. In a statement, AFP Action senior adviser Jason Heffley cited Irvin’s “exemplary record” as mayor of Aurora. “We need a governor like Richard Irvin who has the experience and courage to pass balanced budgets while cutting taxes.”

— Billionaire Dick Uihlein just gave another $3 million to Republican Darren Bailey’s campaign for governor.

Heffley was a member of the Rauner administration and ran Erika Harold’s 2014 campaign, and Bailey got that money two days ago.

* More…

* Tribune endorses Alexi Giannoulias and Dan Brady for secretary of state: But even if his ambitions might eventually land elsewhere, Giannoulias has the edge here. He has a thick binder of achievements as state treasurer, useful experience for the office he now seeks. And he’s clearly thought through the technological challenges of the potential new job, suggesting the creation of a phone app where Illinoisans could digitally manage their driver’s license, vehicle title and yearly registration chores. He also argued that the long lines at the DMV could be done away with if a digital appointment service was put in place and he rightly pointed out that the private sector (not to mention several other states) already has put in place much of the technology Illinois needs.

* Field of 21 running to succeed Bobby Rush in First Congressional District: With so little difference on the issues, the Democrats stress their credentials.

* Daily Herald endorsement: Villegas for the 3rd Congressional District: And while candidates often talk about the need for bipartisanship, Villegas says he would be pragmatic in his approach. It would make it easier for him to work across the aisle and get things done.

* What candidates for governor say about state funding help for Bears’ move to Arlington Hts.

* Mark Carroll Financial Disclosure Report Reveals IRS Installment Plan to Pay Back Business Income Taxes Debt:


Bailey being Bailey, and not in a good way

Friday, Jun 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Darren Bailey made a Facebook video outside the Planned Parenthood clinic in Aurora today to announce that his galaxy brain had finally figured out why Richard Irvin won’t clearly answer questions about abortion

The mayor of Aurora, a governor candidate on the Republican ticket refused to answer the abortion question. And then it dawned on me because you’ve seen me here before, you know my passion for life. And I am standing right now in this city of Aurora. And you can see what’s behind me, a Planned Parenthood facility. That’s why Mayor Irvin won’t answer the question because he’s proud of this facility. And as a matter of fact, you can go on his site, you can go on the city of Aurora site and you can see how proud he is of this facility. He helped get it here. He supports it. That’s why he refuses to answer the question.

* Um, Irvin wasn’t even on the city council when the project was approved, and he protested in front of the building. From September 5 of 2007

Pro-life advocates are calling on the city of Aurora to launch an official investigation into the application process for the construction of a multi-floor building, revealed to be a new abortion facility.

The pro-life advocates discovered that Planned Parenthood had concealed its ownership of the new building, set to open soon in the Chicago suburb. Planned Parenthood officials admitted they concealed ownership to avoid opposition to the construction, reported

About 1,200 pro-life advocates assembled over the Aug. 27-28 weekend to protest the structure that had initially been described in the permit application as an office building. The project was proposed to the city by Gemini Office Development.

Alderman Richard Irvin was among the protesters. He was not on the board when the project was approved, but says he is concerned that the building was brought into the city under false pretenses. The municipality could sue Planned Parenthood for being deceptive, he said.

* Meanwhile, here’s the Tribune

An Oak Park and River Forest High School administrator had just finished a presentation last week about student assessment when school board member Ralph Martire nervously seized upon a phrase that had popped up several times.

“Equitable grading practices — people are going to hear that and not understand it,” he said. “We are going to get some very uninformed comments about this.”

He was right. Within days a website called West Cook News used the presentation as the basis for a story that claimed the school was creating a race-based grading system that would require teachers “to account for the skin color or ethnicity of its students.”

Nothing in the presentation suggested such a policy, and school officials say the story is false. But the account, magnified by influencers and conservative media, still rocketed around the internet, leading to volleys of insulting comments and what the school called “unnecessary confusion.”

The story also spilled over into Illinois politics. Darren Bailey, a Republican gubernatorial candidate, told West Cook News the supposed grading policy was “the latest example of ‘woke’ ideology polluting our schools” and promised to stamp it out if he wins election.

More from Bailey’s statement

“As Governor, I will put a ban on destructive, “woke” policies that create inequalities and unfairness in our classrooms. Any school district attempting to infect wokeness into the grading policies will be ineligible for state funding.”

He’ll get so amped up about an obviously false story that he threatens to dictate to schools? Also, this is the same guy who said “Government needs to be pulled out of our schools” and told Fox News yesterday “I want the government out of our schools.”


DeVore airs dirty laundry in lawsuit against girlfriend’s mother, appears to advocate using federal law to convict medical providers over vaccinations

Friday, Jun 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Awake Illinois

Candidate for IL Attorney General Thomas DeVore has filed a defamation suit against David Shestokas (also running for Attorney General), Bobby Pitton (running for US Senate), and 2 other parties. It alleges that the mother of DeVore’s girlfriend (Craig) colluded with Shestokas, Shestokas’ sister, and Pitton in the defamation effort.

In the civil lawsuit filed May 16th, they are alleged to be behind a circulated substack post that accused DeVore of domestic battery among other activities, all of which DeVore says are false and caused harm to his reputation.

The petition was posted to Bobby Pitton’s campaign site and may be downloaded below. The civil lawsuit requests that all parties preserve electronic records for discovery.

DeVore, an Awake IL Warrior, is seeking damages in excess of $50k. We support him getting every dime in damages along with a Republican primary victory for Attorney General.

* He’s also suing Julie Craig, the mother of his girlfriend

NOW COMES the Plaintiff, THOMAS DEVORE, by and through his attorneys, Polinske & Associates, P.C., and Brian L. Polinske, and in support of his Complaint for Defamation Per Se against Defendant, Julie Craig, and against the Respondents in Discovery, David Shestokas, Jill Shestokas, and Bobby Piton […]

Defendant Craig created a defamatory article alleging the Plaintiff had committed criminal offense(s) such as (Domestic Battery, Obstruction of Justice, Sexual Predator). At no time has the Plaintiff committed a Domestic Battery or any other offense alleged by Craig.

There has never been any investigation against Plaintiff for Domestic Battery, or any other criminal offense proclaimed by Craig. There has never been any complaint made against Plaintiff for Domestic Battery, or any other criminal offense proclaimed by Craig.

Defendant Craig’s post also proclaims the Plaintiff is under investigation by the Attorney Regulation and Disciplinary Commission for, inter alia, complaints against him by current or former clients. There are no complaints pending against Plaintiff with the Attorney Regulation and Disciplinacy Commission made against him by any current or fonner clients. Her claims therefore alleged that the Plaintiff is unfit to practice as an attorney.

Defendant Craig’s post also proclaims that the Plaintiff was intoxicated in public (above the legal limit) on or about April 20, 2020. At no relevant time was the Plaintiff intoxicated.

The publication is attached hereto and labelled Plaintiffs Exhibit 1. Defendant Craig has continually expressed public animus towards the Plaintiff on multiple occasions due to her disagreement with the fact that her daughter is dating the Plaintiff. Plaintiff’s Exhibit 1 was sent by Defendant Craig to Respondent Shestokas.

Upon information and belief, Respondent Shestokas and Defendant Craig acted in concert in the production and dissemination of Exhibit 1 in an effort to harm Plaintiff to the personal satisfaction of Craig and to the political benefit of Shestokas. Respondent Shestokas then circulated a copy of the defamatory publication to other members of the general public.

Further Respondent Shestokas caused his staff, Respondent Jill Shestokas, to circulate the defamatory publication to the general public. Respondent Shestokas then, in concert with Respondent Piton caused the defamatory publication to be published to the general public via a fictitiously named Substack account under the name “Roger Casteel, Writer.”

Upon information and belief, Respondent Shestokas, who is also is a candidate running for the elected public office of Illinois Attorney General, has with actual malice caused to be disseminated false information to cause hann to the reputation of Plaintiff in order to further his own political ambitions.

And, yes, the exhibit is at the link.

I saw that story back in April and reached out to DeVore’s girlfriend on Facebook. Here’s her response…

None of it’s true. Thank you.

Tom wasn’t drunk and he never touched me. It’s completely false. Have a nice day.

Inaccurate *

The allegation she made at the time was that DeVore smashed her phone. Video is here and here.

* While we’re on the topic of attorney general candidate DeVore…

I’m your huckleberry!!

Posted by Thomas DeVore on Tuesday, May 31, 2022

* From the linked story, this is what DeVore appears to be advocating

The PREP [federal Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness] Act doesn’t insulate actors from criminal liability if the people giving the vaccine “know” or “should have known” that the vaccines are killing/harming people.

The key is this. The PREP Act basically provides liability protection up to the point that it becomes obvious to the person or organization giving the shot that they are killing or harming people. Once you cross that line, you become criminally liable.

So if the CDC says the vaccines are safe, and everyone you give it to dies, and you keep giving it anyway, you are criminally liable. Then your fate is up to the jury.

The PREP Act was never intended as a license to kill.

In addition, there is something known as “jury nullification” where a jury can invalidate an unjust law. This is typically used to exonerate someone, but it can also be used in the reverse direction to convict someone as noted in the Wikipedia article: “It may also happen that a jury convicts a defendant even if no law was broken.”

So once a pharmacy chain in their area/state is put on notice by a district attorney or attorney general or their local Sheriff that the vaccines are killing people and that if they persist in giving the shots and someone is seriously injured or dies, they could be criminally prosecuted, what do you think most pharmacy chains will do?

* Remember that Daily Herald editorial board endorsement of Steve Kim?

His opponents — David Shestokas of Orland Park and Thomas DeVore of downstate Greenville — are talented attorneys and skilled critics of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s authority to mandate COVID-19 restrictions


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and some campaign updates (updated x5)

Friday, Jun 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Rate Dan Brady’s first TV ad

Friday, Jun 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The spot

* The script

Corrupt politicians have ruined Illinois and put special interests over people. But I’ve spent my life fighting special interests abd putting the people of Illinois first, I’m Dan Brady, and I’m running for Secretary of State to make government work for you. As Secretary of State, I want to put you first by modernizing your office, reducing wait times and supporting law enforcement. By partnering with the brightest innovators and technology experts, we can make the Secretary of State’s office work for you. Vote Dan Brady, Republican on June 28th.


GOP gubernatorial debate coverage roundup

Friday, Jun 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tina Sfondeles

Republican gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin defended himself Thursday evening against primary rivals he said were “threatened” by his frontrunner status — while chief adversary Darren Bailey grinned broadly as he alternately lobbed attacks and tried to paint himself as a friendly farmer who “is actually going to tell the truth.”

“You should not become governor,” Bailey told Irvin, who responded by saying he wouldn’t be “lectured” by the downstate state senator. […]

Sullivan — who called himself the outsider candidate — was the first to go after Irvin, claiming the Aurora mayor stood alongside Pritzker in supporting lockdowns and mandates during the pandemic.

Bailey frequently interrupted Irvin and the others as they spoke. At one point, during a question about mandates, Bailey turned to Irvin and told him he shouldn’t be elected governor because he’s a “Democrat” and a “corrupt Democrat.”

“I won’t be lectured by someone like Darren Bailey who had a mask mandate on his own farm,” Irvin shot back. […]

“If you want a farmer to lead the state, Darren’s your guy. If this is a beauty contest … Jesse wins by a landslide. If you want a Democrat to lead the Republican Party, Richard is your guy,” [Gary Rabine] said.

* Rick Pearson and Dan Petrella

“There’s nobody else running up here that’s freed up rapists as well as wife beaters,” Rabine said of Irvin’s tough-on-crime imagery. “I can’t see how you’re going to govern the state that way.”

But Irvin largely refused to engage his rival’s attacks.

“My opponents here on the stage are attacking me and I understand and I get it,” he said. “They’re threatened by the fact that I’m violating their political aspirations and I’m hurting their political aspirations.” […]

Sullivan criticized Irvin for once again refusing to go further and say if he thought the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling that permitted abortion without extensive government regulation should be overturned.

“I think conservatives around the state need to take this opportunity to hear from Richard Irvin. Do you support the overturning of Roe vs. Wade? Do you support taxpayer funded abortions? This is a clear conservative value that people deserve to hear from you on.”

* Dave McKinney

“I’m not interested in defeating you just because you’re a Democrat,” state Sen. Darren Bailey, R-Xenia, said as he turned toward Irvin. “I’m interested in defeating you because you’re a corrupt Democrat.” […]

As he has before on abortion, Irvin never explicitly said whether he’d take steps to ban the procedure in Illinois or if he would allow certain exemptions like rape and incest. The only on-topic response he made to the question was a vow to reimpose parental notification for minors seeking abortions, a requirement that Pritzker abolished and that took effect this week.

“Did you answer the question yet?” Rabine interjected during a meandering response Irvin delivered on abortion.

“Richard Irvin, the great imposter,” Bailey scowled moments later after noting his own litany of anti-abortion endorsements. […]

“We must offer…mental health solutions and help these people to be able to get help and to be able to function in life,” Bailey said, laying out his abstract plan to target potentially unhinged gunmen before they strike. “I think that’s the only solution we have.”

Without offering specifics of his own, Irvin cited the need to make sure “we keep these guns out of the hands of criminals and keep these guns out of the hands of people with mental illnesses.”

* Marni Pyke

Moderator Alan Krashesky asked about requiring masks to reduce the spread of COVID-19 as cases rise.

Bailey, who sued the state in 2020 over masking, said, “I’m the only person here who actually did something.” […]

Irvin, seen by some political experts as the front-runner in the race, deflected jabs about taxes and crime in Aurora.

“My opponents here on the stage are attacking me, and I understand and I get it,” he said. “They’re threatened by the fact that … I’m hurting their political aspirations.”

Bailey got some heat for claiming he defeated Pritzker. Both Rabine and Schimpf noted that the case had been tossed.

More later.

…Adding… Oops. I forgot about the Mike Miletich story

Candidates were also asked if they were able to work across the aisle with Democrats to get their policies passed in Springfield. Bailey claimed he has worked in a bipartisan manner as a state lawmaker and even believes some Democrats are afraid to defy Pritzker.

“There are many Democrats that think like we do around this circle,” Bailey said. “But unfortunately, they feel hindered that they won’t get re-elected if they subscribe to these policies of freedom, and lower taxes, and safe streets. When I have that pulpit and when I’m able to express that message, I think that we’ll have many come along.”

Irvin emphasized that he was elected as a Republican mayor in a Democratic stronghold. He said that there has been bipartisan work with Democrats on the Aurora city council and lawmakers in Springfield to bring resources back to his community. But he quickly contradicted that statement by focusing on having GOP control in Springfield.

“I’m going to use our resources, I’m going to use our infrastructure. I’m going to use our ground game, not just to help myself and my running mate, Rep. Avery Bourne, but to help every Republican up and down the ballot to make sure that we get rid of that supermajority that the Democrats have,” Irvin said.


Well-funded Irvin being outspent on TV

Friday, Jun 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click the pic for a larger version of this document from the Irvin campaign

$14 million down, $36 million of Ken Griffin money to go.

Also, the spending doesn’t delineate between positive spots and negative ads.


Open thread

Friday, Jun 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Are we there yet?


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Friday, Jun 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Friday, Jun 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Federal judge issues sweeping preliminary injunction against Trump administration's unilateral budget cuts: 'An agency is not harmed by an order prohibiting it from violating the law'
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* Illinois might stick with its ‘seal on a bedsheet’ flag after all
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